1 minute read

Accentuate the positive


The slender one is certainly not embarrassed to publicly acknowledge a fondness, occasionally too much so, for what in the Ashkenazi culture is known as schmaltz.


It is actually rendered goose fat, used in cooking, but in Yiddish, the language of the Orthodox, it has become to mean sappiness, excessive sentimentality. And if there ever was a place for that, our trying times often simply cry out for emotion that is not negative.

Then we have the German equivalent of this, schlagsahne. Again, food is the root, it means whipped cream, but is used often to describe excess. For whipped cream also is very fatty, cholesterol-laced, and unnecessary on either pastry or topping a good cuppa of java. But it does taste good occasionally. Moderate consumption, as advised by Doctor Slim is, however, advised.

(Full story available via link below)

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