1 minute read

Filmmaker Helga Merits: “It became clear once more how precious time is”


Helga, you visited Estonia this winter, just before the corona panic started.


I was in Estonia at the end of January, start of February, when it became clear that this new virus, corona, might become a real threat to many people. Within a few days all face masks were sold out. A Chinese couple, tourists, staying in a hotel in Tallinn, were taken to a hospital for turning up late for breakfast. People coughing got a suspicious look.

Returning to Holland I was still optimistic or naïve, or both, about my possibilities to travel to the US and Canada in the month of May. So, in February, I was organising my trip to Seabrook for recording a second round of interviews. I would have also gone to New York, Chicago, then to Toronto for the whole month of August.

(Full story available via link below)

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