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Colour your life Wearing the right colour can bring comfort and enhance efficiency; wearing the wrong colour will affect one’s mood, resulting in misjudgement, which ultimately affects one’s fortune. Do you know which colours are compatible to you in 2014? How do these colours affect your life and fortune? Master Phang’s analysis for colour compatibility and sharing of Home Feng Shui, coupled with 2014 fortune forecast will definitely help enhance your luck. 色彩斑斓 点缀人生 好的色彩能带来舒适的感觉。从而提升办事效率,而不好的色彩则会影响情绪, 导致判断能力的下降,以至于影响到运势。您知2014年您适合哪个颜色吗?而这 些颜色又如何影响您的生活及运势。且看彭 桦大师对流年生肖以及颜色的讲解,并 提供家居风水小贴士,让您的2014年过得绚烂多姿,好运连连。
马 YEAR 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002
Lucky Numbers
Those born in the year of the Horse will face a rocky year ahead. A sense of isolation will distract and affect your judgement, which add to your frustrations. Collaborations may break down, leading to mood swings. Life always has its share of good and bad times. In a rocky year, spending some money can help to keep the peace, so if you have some spare cash, do consider shopping for some jewellery or gold. In addition, you should also try to see if Feng Shui arrangements can help to mitigate your misfortunes. 今年属马的人冲太岁,故有前路茫茫的感觉。 这种孤立无援感将干扰到对日常事务的判断, 学习与工作上也疲于应付,让你烦恼丛生。要小心小人陷害, 导致合作失败,情绪波动大。人生本来喜忧参半,祸福相依, 常感恩生活的馈赠,好运自然会随之而来。不利流年, 财散人安乐,如有闲钱,不妨购置饰物、黄金。另外, 今年应当注重补命局之不足,点华盖之星,以防不测。
Lemon Yellow
1090 P
Blue Planet
1506 D
YEAR 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013
Lucky Numbers 1294 T
鼠 YEAR 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008
能力和发展受限,常常心有余而力不足。职场上, 你随时都处于一种“备战”状态,导致身心俱疲,被迫离开。 如有更好的选择,可考虑换工作。
GOAT Greenway
1624 A
Puritan Black
1982 D
YEAR 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009
Lucky Numbers
Founder Blue
1527 D
Your career fortune looks good. Spend more time and effort on your work and you will certainly reap benefits. Those born in the year of the Goat, Ox and Dragon are your benefactors for financial luck, so try leveraging on these individuals. You should also think about how you can help others at the same time. A friendly reminder from Yuan Zhong Siu do not neglect your health while pursuing success in your career! 今年事业运强,正财得力,时间精力多花在工作上, 耕耘必见收获。今年属羊、牛、龙的人为财运上的贵人, 不妨向其借力,同时应方便他人。缘中秀在此叮咛各位, 拼事业的同时不要忽略身体健康,积劳成疾将得不偿失。
2389 TIGER
虎 YEAR 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010
Lucky Numbers
兔 YEAR 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011
Lucky Numbers
This year is good for accruing wealth from property and investments, and you may even have an unexpected windfall. At the same time, you may have to take care of several expenses this year, particularly with regard to property and your children. You should also watch out for disaster befalling the males in the family. Happy events such as the arrival of a new child spell good luck although there may be a shotgun marriage involved. 有田宅之财和投资之利,有时还会有意想不到的收入。同时, 今年各方面支出恐怕也很大,尤其与田宅子女密切相关; 还须防家中男性走劫。若有添丁喜事则添富贵, 但也可能是未婚先孕。
龙 YEAR 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012
Lucky Numbers
Sparkling Yellow
1094 P
Whispering White
1001 P
Winning Streak
1566 P
1442 A
Pink Bonnet
1347 P
Acid Lime
属蛇的朋友今年除了正财大旺之外,求财心切、欲望膨胀, 还会从很多“方便”之处得暗财、挣外快,但要审时度势, 不可盲目冒进有失考虑。今年有天机作库,田宅旺, 故有财得守,大可放手拼搏。如能与流年六白、八白、 四绿相应,得地势之力成就自己,实乃人中龙凤!
1687 A
Sweet Yellow
1143 T
Be prepared to enjoy a bountiful luck in wealth for the year of horse. You will be best positioned to receive all these blessings if the entrance of your home faces west. When making investments, bear in mind that you will reap returns from the north, south and the southeast. Use the wealth tao to further boost your finance fortune and place a peacock in the central position and soon you will be busy counting money!
Rose Velvet
1338 D
双禄进命,是为旺上加旺,正偏财皆得。田宅逢贵, 财富临门,自然有福,大门朝向正西的六白方位为大吉。 如果正值进行投资事项,于正北方、正南方、 东南方将得回报。配合流年风水,以招财斗扩大天库之财, 依四绿为孔雀得令方位,财运更上一层楼,怎一个爽字了得!
Tribal Art
1226 D
Softly Lit
1138 P
Finance luck is average this year. While engaging in business, check contracts and other agreements very carefully prior to signing. This is not the year for ambitious expansion. At the same time remember that your spouse is a source of blessings. In addition, try to communicate more with your family to avoid family conflict leading to financial losses.
1861 T
职场斗争在所难免。只要自身实力具备,总有崭露头角、 谋取回报的机会。今年有利于销售人才打破业绩, 需在提升包装的技巧和宣传效应上下功夫。 若能在春季提升业绩, 那么年底之前必有贵人来邀请进入新职场,值得珍惜!
Gray Rail
2035 T
鸡 YEAR 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005
Deep Scarlet
Workplace rivalry is unavoidable. As long as you have the capabilities, there will always be opportunities for you to shine and get rewarded. There is a high chance of breaking your personal sales record. If you are able to improve on your sales record in Spring, you will receive a job offer from a benefactor before the year is up. Seize that opportunity!
Jester Yellow
2050 A
职场斗争在所难免。只要自身实力具备,总有崭露头角、 谋取回报的机会。今年有利于销售人才打破业绩, 需在提升包装的技巧和宣传效应上下功夫。 若能在春季提升业绩, 那么年底之前必有贵人来邀请进入新职场,值得珍惜!
Azuki Coffee
1862 A
Lucky Numbers
DOG Diva
1267 A
Aegean Sea
1597 D
狗 YEAR 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006
Lucky Numbers 1646 D
属龙的朋友,今年事业发展会出现些许阻碍,让你内心感觉不 踏实。最好首先认清楚自己,从自己身上找原因。 但是难得的异性缘分将是一种强大的推动力,打开事业与人和 的新局面。不过由于今年命主福神,即使看似不尽明朗事, 也终会柳暗花明。要避免与属狗和属虎的伙伴合作, 容易一场空欢喜,财失无意间。
In addition to your normal income, those born in the year of the Snake will also be eager to earn income from other sources, including those in the “grey” channels. Do watch out and do not plunge into situations without prior consideration. This is a good year to “bank in” profits and venture boldly. If you can tap the positive energies of the right cardinal positions, you will be much empowered to become outstanding in the crowd!
Matcha Green
Those born in the year of the Dragon will encounter some obstacles in their career path. However, new relationships formed with the opposite sex will lead you to a new phase in your career life and help to build better relationships with others. Avoid collaborating with individuals born in the year of the Dog or Tiger which would bring disappointment and unexpected financial losses.
YEAR 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004
1659 A
口舌之争是为大害, 切忌因一时意气用事说出或者做出得罪人的事情, 遭受排挤,影响事业发展。掌事者在制定决策时要全面观望, 避免把一切想是理所当然,自我陶醉,冲动之后才后悔莫及。
猴 Lucky Numbers
Lime Frappe
Verbal disputes can be destructive. So be mindful of your words, take care not to speak out of anger and offend others. This may cause you to be ostracised and affect your career development. Those in managerial positions should adopt a broader view when drafting policies and avoid complacency and self-indulgence or you are likely to regret your actions in future.
2070 A
YEAR 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003
Talk of the Town
羊 Lucky Numbers
Lucky Numbers
蛇 Bubblegum Pink
You may find it difficult to develop your capabilities and move forward, and often feel overwhelmed. At the workplace, you are always in “battle mode” and this will leave you mentally and spiritually exhausted. You are advised to make a career change if you have a good job offer that comes your way.
PIG Zinnia Scarlet
1282 D
Sassy Yellow
1120 D
猪 YEAR 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007
Lucky Numbers Sail White
Party Time
1225 A
Those born in the year of the Dog will be busier this year. Expect lots of changes in your career. You will still be able to turn your luck around through hard work and an understanding of how the year’s fortune works for you. For talented individuals, a humble attitude is the key to success.
Zen Yellow
1101 P
从今年需要花钱的地方很多,自己与家人容易走劫, 恐怕会有家中被偷、不如意的事情发生。别把破财看得过重, 所谓“财散人安乐”,破点财一定程度上化解了凶厄的破坏 力,有利于家人保平安。即使稍有余钱,也刚好有亲戚朋友来 借,还是无法入库。不妨趁今年去旅行,多走走, 把钱花在美容、造型设计等方面,让自己更靓丽或帅气, 把脚步放慢来享受生活。
Your financial luck will be good this year and you get to enjoy optimal savings. If you decide to invest in real estate, remember that slow and steady wins the race. The God of Luck will help to enhance your luck during the months of June, August and October. Use the wealth tao as an enhancement and you may be able to achieve a financial breakthrough.
Snow Flakes
今年财运不差,钱财入库为佳。如正打算投资田宅, 宜首要求稳;在与人合作方面,口舌是非在所难免, 双双翻脸收场。不过对今年而言,发生这种情况未必是坏事。 凡先破后立者,有广阔的成长空间有待挖掘,鸿运在六、八、 十等双月份,有幸运之神的眷顾。配合大运与命局, 再得招财斗强力,可实现人生财富的突破。
Smoke Pearl
Sneaker White
Purple Times
1496 P
All colours shown in photograph may vary from paint colours due to lighting. All colours shown are as close to actual Nippon Paint colours as modern painting techniques permit. Refer to actual colour chips for a more accurate colour representation.
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