CONTENTS What’s an adolescent? ........... 2
5 Cognitive Method ............... 10 Lesson Plan ........................ 11 Do you want learn English? ... 13 Learn about CALL ................
s e l o d a n What’s a
The stage of the adolescence is very difficult, is where they look for their identity, in this stage it’s very important that the parents have more communication with their children, and speak to them about the dangers and also to give them the confidence that the children need so that they can express their feelings with their parents. The parents need to give them a lot of love and not to criticize them, they have to understand that they were adolescents and passed this moment to.
Very important also, is to listen and to share their ideal and to support even though they do not share the same opinions. The adolescents are in a dilemma, they want to be independent and the fear to separate from their parents. It’s very normal that the adolescents change their emotional condition fast, it’s very probable that they change to being happy to being sad. Turning into adolescents there are a lot of physical changes, so much like in stature and ďŹ gure, but also in other forms. In the girls the appearance of hair, menstruation, changes in the skin, growth of the breast as well as the smell of their bodies. In the boys, the changes include the development of the testicles, their voice changes, the skin, body hair and their body changes. 3
CALL can help your class Don’t misunderstand us, CALL is an acronym for Computer Aided Language Learning. Yes the computer can be a very helpful tool for your teaching, weather occasionally making e-tivities or preparing a whole class online. You might wonder what exactly could you do for your class with the computer, well, the list is seemingly endless. So in order not to make this overwhelming let’s focus on one simple yet useful program called “Hot Potatoes” With this program you can create classic puzzles such as word search, crossword, column matching, fill in the blanks and more. Your students, especially if they are teens or kids, will find these tasks certainly more appealing than paper work.
Some Examples
Do you kno
w what is
? d o h t e M e Cognitiv
One cognitive method is based in the use of theories or models of teaching and learning supported in the contributions of the educational psychology. It´s basically in use methods that facilitate the acquisition of skills in the learners, supported in the meaningful learning, in others words, put in operational skills as the observation, the association, prior knowledge, the abstraction, the analysis, the problem solving, etc. the propellants of this theories are Jean Piaget (is when the learner constructs his own knowledge), Ausubel (is the meaningful learning) and Vigotsky (is when the zones of proximal development are stimulated). Other propellants are Bandura (is the social learning) and Gagne. It´s spoken about the metacognition, is when the learner is able to supervise, self control, and autoregulate his own knowledge.
Tips to give a class Aim: to practice talking about animals. New Vocabulary: animal names (cow, horses, dog, cat,etc.) Structures: present continuous: is eating‌ Review: show pictures of animal, Ss make a list with animal names. Presentation: show a video of animals. Practice: make sentences with the animals that appeared in the video. Writing: Ss write sentences about their favorite animals, Ss read their sentences. Reading: ask the Ss why that animal is their favorite, Ss 11 read a fable.
If you are not good in English, you like the English, but you don’t know... English CUAAL is your best option.
For more information: Carretera a Mazatlán Km 5.5 Durango, Dgo. México, Teléfono y Fax: (618) 1-30-23-51, (618)8-27-12-39,
t n a w u o y o D n r a e l to
? h s i Engl
In this emission we are going to present in this beautiful month of December, we want to announce the important thing that is when the second language is acquired so much in kids, young and adults, all that we are interested the complications that we have on learned it, and the better, the important that is for us the power to manage to dominate it. In this occasion we want to give information brings over of the English language, because this language we need it enough in our life, and in these moments is that one who speaks itself in most of the world, special in MĂŠxico. Firstly it is necessary to clarify something; it is named the second language or L2 to any language learned after having acquired the ďŹ rst one, an example is the English, in this case it would be after the Spanish. 13
We are going to begin with some “Tips� that can help to the students as to the teachers at the moment of learning or to teach what the language of the English is:
In order that the child is successful in his learning the English teachers must speak to them out and inside the lounge of classes in English. Is important to support the communication with gestures, facial expressions and drive so this it gives the key to understand the meaning of to what they listen, familiarizing itself with the sounds, paces and accents. 14
The advantages that have are: •To learn this other language, it does that the children have conscience of which the world is not quite equal, of that an appraisal exists for the differences and an understanding of other points of view different from the own one. •It helps to programmer the cerebral circuits of the child in order that later him it is easier to learn more languages. •It helps them to know more his mother language and to use her with more efficiency. And remember, English learns it is really very important, nevertheless, priorities of study must be established according to the environment of life of the children, without forgetting to cultivate his real skills. 15
Nowadays, learns English well is neither a luxury nor a caprice, but an authentic need for the teenagers. In Durango, Mexico, we know about an excellent school, called C.U.A.A.L, which possesses programs adapted for young people, they are ideal for small groups or people eager to develop their skills of the language English while they are useful of an exciting variety of cultural and social activities.
In this institute the classes work as complement and reinforcement of the English dictated in the school across programs of study developed with base in the certainty of which every child or young people have individual aptitudes and especially they motivate their pupils by means of entertaining activities, to report and to interact with their companions of agreement with their age. The young people will develop four linguistic skills of the language: of reading, of writing, auditory and oral, associating more complex contexts, which turn into daily tools of their knowledge.
In general many advantages exist in relation to the utilization of the English as language franc of the science. 17
If you did not have the opportunity to learn really English during your primary and secondary education, now it is the moment to put a day. If already you have finished and fulfill a master or working, it is fundamental that you could include deeply the spoken and written English, use it fluently and alteration, and do of the language of Shakespeare a tool that undoubtedly will help you to prosper in your career.
In addition the institute C.U.A.A.L gives you several advantages in the learning of the language English like it they are: •To rely on advising personalized to know more brings over of the educational opportunities in Durango, since it is the Licentiate in Teaching of the English Language with the one that counts this school. •To have access to present the courses and to obtain the certificates Cambridge for young people. (KET, PET, FCE, CAE).
On having ďŹ nished this article, which is important to announce is, that the language Englishman(English) performs supreme importance on having learned it, since of this form, everything will be more accessible already be educational or lab, as that as there is had a major percentage of domination of the English language, it has a better personal overcoming. New intention 2010, English studies ‌!!!!