ESWET Activity Report 2013
Waste-to-Energy in Brief Waste-to-Energy… • i s an essential part of a sustainable waste management strategy: it is complementary to recycling by treating waste that is not suitable for material recovery and would otherwise be landfilled •m eets the European legislation aiming at minimising emissions; the EU environmental standards for Waste-to-Energy plants are the strictest of all combustion industries • i s a “recovery” operation when meeting EU energy efficiency criteria. It can make energy from waste available for external use at high efficiency (e.g. district heating and cooling, process steam and electricity) •h elps fighting climate change by: - avoiding Methane emissions from landfilling - recovering energy from any form of carbon-neutral biomass - offsetting the use of fossil fuels for energy generation • i solates harmful substances contained in waste, ensuring their removal from the eco-cycle through either destruction or safe disposal • performs “urban mining” by recovering the energy and materials contained in residual waste; an indigenous source of energy and resources for Europe • i s a reliable and proven technology, developed in Europe and exported worldwide
Contents 3 Profile 4
Word from the President
Thoughts from the Secretary General
10 ESWET’s Workshop 12 2013 Legislative Update 14 29th of February Crêpes Party! 15 ESWET Activities 2013 16 Did you know… 20 ESWET Organisational Structure 22 ESWET Members 24 Secretariat Staff
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The plant in Buchs (Switzerland) is connected to a District Heating network
Krakow, Poland. This plant will take waste away from landfills and put its energy in the city’s District Heating system
Activity Report 2013 | ESWET
ESWET is the association grouping the European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technology. Our main purpose is to foster the development and dissemination of Waste-to-Energy, a technology that is complementary to recycling and helps minimising landfilling. We seek to raise awareness of the positive implications of the technology both for the environment and the production of energy. To learn more, visit
Turbine-Generator sets, like the one in the Pithiviers (France) plant, convert the energy contained in waste into electricity supplied to the grid
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Word from the President
Involving Waste-to-Energy in improving plastic waste management Of all the materials that we as citizens demand, consume and discard, plastic is one of the most relevant. It offers an opportunity as a crucial material for virtually any good our modern life craves for. But it can also be a headache in moving away from the worst forms of disposal, in the most extreme cases exemplified by marine litter. A widely discussed theme in 2013, Plastic Waste became more important to ESWET as being one of these material streams that can be equally called a recyclable or a nonrecyclable waste, depending on multiple sets of circumstances. Should the solution be to stop using any non-recyclable plastics? How can we be sure that plastic will not be replaced by another non-recyclable material, therefore not solving the problem? In 2013, EU Policy-Makers rightly prioritised efforts to reduce waste generation. It was realised that hampering Waste-to-Energy can only benefit landfilling, which is least preferable in the Waste Hierarchy, thereby achieving the opposite of the stated goal of pushing waste management up the waste hierarchy.
Activity Report 2013  |  ESWET
Torino, Italy
Word from the President
ESWET welcomes this focus on looking into all measures that can reduce the generation of unrecyclable waste in the first place. ESWET warmly welcomes this productive approach which has the potential to yield the most significant improvements in the materials value chain. It is hence with great pleasure that ESWET hosted its yearly workshop on the theme of plastic waste and many innovative ideas were brought forward by the featured speakers from the European Parliament and Commission. Along with forward-looking plastic waste reduction measures, which will strengthen European competitiveness and resourceindependence, ESWET called for another major initiative to help improving waste management: a ban on landfilling of recyclable and combustible waste. This industry-led movement, notified by a joint letter from many sectors, is bound to continue in 2014 when the appropriately named “year of waste” looks into technically-feasible measures to improve waste management.
ESWET supports strategies to reduce waste generation, along with those pushing waste away from landfills and pulling materials into recycling streams. This will quickly improve waste/resource management, but only if citizens demand it and support the development of the infrastructure necessary to make it a reality. Failure in any of these strategic components would significantly slow any progress. The industry has solutions to make waste management become resource management. It depends on the citizens to support the holistic set of measures necessary to make it a reality. Waste-to-Energy is part of the solution and visionary decision-makers across Europe have supported it. In this crucial electoral year, what if Waste-to-Energy was not depicted erroneously as a threat to recycling but as a tool towards a more resourceefficient Europe?
Edmund Fleck ESWET President
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The Clermont-Ferrand (France) plant, completed in 2013, is located within a site comprising recycling and composting facilities, showing the complementarity and necessity of each treatment technology
Before reaching the stack, flue gases go through state-of-the-art treatment systems. Emissions are very low, continuously analysed and data is controlled by competent authorities’
Treated gas analysers, here in the Montereau (France) plant, demonstrate continued compliance with the strictest emission standards, making this data available to the competent authority 6 Activitycases, Report 2013 ESWET and, in many to the | public via website
Stack at the Helsingborg (Sweden) plant
Waste-to-Energy is an integral part of sustainable waste management, as reflected by its role in the Waste Hierarchy of the EU’s Waste Framework Directive. ESWET believes that Waste-to-Energy (also called Energy-from-Waste) has an important role to play both on the energy recovery and on the environmental aspects of managing waste that is not suitable for recycling. Making a valuable contribution to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions through better waste management and cleaner energy, Waste-to-Energy is a solution to multiple challenges.
Why does ESWET work at the European Level? Most of the national environmental legislation in Europe is derived from EU Policies. Furthermore, there is continuous debate on Waste-to-Energy within the European Institutions. Many policy-makers already recognise and support Waste-to-Energy’s important role in the waste management sector and as an energy source. Since still more needs to be done to raise positive awareness, ESWET continuously shares facts about the technology with the European decision-makers.
In 2013, ESWET’s President is Edmund Fleck and the Vice-President is Gert Riemenschneider. The daily activities of the association are managed by the Brusselsbased Secretariat. The Secretary General since 2008 is Patrick Clerens.
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Thoughts from the Secretary General
Incineration Caps undermine Resource-Efficiency! Looking forward to 2014, ESWET is concerned about proposals that are being circulated to cap waste incineration. This is bad news for resource-efficiency. The Waste Framework Directive’s Waste Hierarchy recognises that Waste-to-Energy is preferable to landfilling. Then why should we aim at curtailing energy recovery while a significant fraction of waste throughout the EU is still landfilled?
‘ 8
Capping incineration while landfilling continues will slow landfill diversion efforts Why? Because the Landfill Directive restricts the landfilling of biodegradable Municipal Waste (MW), but allows landfilling of other residual waste suitable for incineration, such as plastics. This means that currently there is no EU cap or ban on landfilling of such waste. Once a plant/country would reach its incineration cap (e.g. in November, assuming the cap will be counted on a calendar year basis), the only alternative is to landfill the rest.
Our key message is: Unrecyclable waste will be unavoidable for the foreseeable future. Landfilling, though, is avoidable thanks to more recycling and WtE’
Activity Report 2013 | ESWET
Since its opening in 2012, the Oulu (Finland) plant has helped significantly reducing landfilling while heating one of the coldest cities in Europe
The reality is that the first method of residual waste treatment in Europe is still landfilling, and not just in Eastern Europe. As much as ESWET would like to see this practice reduced, improvements will come only slowly. Putting caps on Waste-to-Energy will further delay the end of landfilling. Recycling rates are improving In some countries, more recycling decreases the need for landfilling. In other countries, stricter application of the steps further up in the Hierarchy frees capacity in existing incinerators to help reduce landfilling in other countries (e.g. UK waste going to NL/ SE). But the existing recycling and energy recovery capacity in the EU is not sufficient to eliminate landfilling.
Thoughts from the Secretary General
Good recycling does not depend on an incineration cap To maximise resource efficiency, the priority given to material recycling over energy recovery is already reflected by the fact that some materials such as glass and metals are getting closer to a circular loop in many countries. There are other material streams which are much more challenging for material recyclers themselves. If recyclers cannot sustainably recycle the material, why should incineration be ruled out upfront? From a practical point of view, this will only lead to increased landfilling (and potentially illegal landfilling). Enhanced risk of waste export for energy recovery hampers EU’s industry ESWET is regularly contacted by public authorities and private companies in many parts of the world seeking European Wasteto-Energy technology, widely considered the most advanced, clean and cost-effective solution for unrecyclable waste. This cutting-edge export, which ESWET Members are continuously improving, is demanded by countries who want to follow the European example of moving away from landfilling. But no technology can be exported if it is not demonstrated at home, and hampering the use of incineration for unrecyclable waste, implicitly favouring landfilling, will not create conditions for further R&D of Waste-to-Energy technology. Would it really be smart for the management of European resources to limit incineration in the EU only to see such material exported (with associated transportation emissions) for treatment in third countries?
The way forward for waste management is first to minimise landfilling, an option which is already proven to be technically and economically feasible. The next step is improving recycling of challenging materials, plastic in particular, which does not depend upon a waste incineration ban (which the Plastic Industry itself recognises, c.f. our joint letter with PlasticsEurope on the ESWET website) but on a variety of market- and technically-oriented measures. Incineration caps do not change the unrecyclable nature of some waste ESWET underlines the relevance of the Waste Hierarchy which gives a chance for waste to gain a positive value (resource) for society to recycle it instead of being a burden with a negative value (waste) that we all need to pay to get rid of. Waste-to-Energy plants do not “buy clean recyclates” to keep on running: they get paid to incinerate waste because it is contaminated and/or has no value to recyclers. Limiting waste incineration does not make dirty waste cleaner: it will simply go to a landfill elsewhere. Does it make sense to bar Efficient Waste-to-Energy plants from relieving recyclers from their rejects if the side effect is exporting resource for combustion outside the EU or landfilling it elsewhere? This choice has to be kept in mind by the EU legislators.
Patrick Clerens Secretary General
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ESWET’s Workshop
A lively debate on the Green Paper on Plastic Waste with views from Parliament, Commission and Stakeholders From left to right: MEP Vittorio Prodi, Patrick Clerens, Dr Helmut Maurer, Dr Edmund Fleck
On the 16th of October 2013 ESWET’s 6th Annual Workshop took place in the Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the EU in Brussels. Secretary General Patrick Clerens launched the debate on what to do with Plastic Waste by giving the floor for keynote statements from: - Rapporteur Vittorio Prodi, from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats of the European Parliament - Policy Officer Helmut Maurer, from the Waste Management & Recycling Unit of the European Commission’s Directorate‑General for the Environment - ESWET President Edmund Fleck
A panel debate followed, engaging with the audience composed of policy-makers, industry specialists, representatives from NGOs and media.
Activity Report 2013 | ESWET
ESWET’s Workshop
ESWET believes that plastic that is not suitable for recycling should go to Waste-to-Energy plants, where it is treated according to the strictest emission standards of any combustion industry while also serving as baseload energy for heat and electricity grids’
The evening was closed with a walking dinner where there was the opportunity for networking.
ESWET would like to thank the speakers and attendees for participating. More pictures of the event are available on the website at
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2013 Legislative Update
ESWET’s Activities at the European Level Here are notable policies on which ESWET worked during 2013. Read the full position papers on: In May ESWET and other associations called for a ban on landfilling of recyclable and combustible waste. Elaborated along with partners from various sectors from waste management to materialsspecific industries, the letter addressed to Commission President José Manuel Barroso calls for a ban on landfilling of recyclable and combustible waste. This will move such materials higher in the waste hierarchy. The reasoning is that a ban: “will put positive pressure on national and local administrations and will unleash the full potential of waste as a resource as well as act as a powerful trigger for recycling and efficient energy-from-waste. It will also provide the legal certainty required for future planning and investments in the necessary recycling and energy recovery infrastructure.” ESWET will continue to promote such a ban in 2014. In June, ESWET answered to the consultation proposed by the Green Paper on Plastic Waste from the European Commission.
Activity Report 2013 | ESWET
ESWET is very supportive of an important European Commission statement made in the Green Paper that: “Although under a life cycle perspective not all plastic waste may be suitable for recycling, there are no technical reasons why plastic should go to landfill rather than being recycled or exploited for energy recovery.” This confirms the complementarity of Recycling and Waste-to-Energy. In September ESWET answered two consultations: the consultation on the revision of waste management targets and the waste model consultation. The excellent waste management strategies and infrastructure displayed in many Member States have shown that it is possible to reach high levels of recycling and composting and that this is, in all these countries, complemented by Waste-to-Energy. Hence ESWET suggested enabling less advanced EU Member States to implement successful strategies and deploy state-of-the-art Wasteto-Energy plants to reach those goals. This will yield the most recyclates for material recovery and take the most waste away from landfills.
2013 Legislative Update
In November ESWET answered to the Consultation on the Sustainable use of Phosphorus. This element is crucial to agriculture and various daily usages. With little phosphorus resources in the EU and worldwide reserves depleting rapidly, action is needed to use this resource sustainably. Waste-to-Energy is part of the answer, whereas mono-incineration of sewage sludge enables phosphorus recovery without risks for agricultural soils that could come from spreading contaminated sludges. ESWET is ready to contribute to a more sustainable use of phosphorus.
Is landfilling Municipal Waste unavoidable? ESWET, along with many other associations, has called for a ban on landfilling of recyclable and combustible waste. This may not sound ambitious, given that some countries are already at or very near this stated goal. Indeed, some countries in Europe have maximised recycling and minimised landfilling, with Waste-to-Energy plants handling waste that the recyclers have refused. Why is this ban needed then? Because others are a far cry from this accomplishment, despite technical readiness to reach it, implying that a signal for a better environment is the only thing missing.
What are we waiting for? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
G er
m an Au y st r Be ia Ne lgiu m th er lan Sw ds Lu ed xe en m bo u Un Slo rg ite ve n d Ki ia ng d De om nm ar Ire k lan Es d to ni Fr a an ce Ita l Fi y nl an Po d rtu ga l Sp ain Bu lg a Hu ria ng ar Cz P y ec ola n h Re d pu Li blic th ua n Cy ia pr u G s re ec e La tv ia Cr oa Sl tia ov ak ia M alt Ro a m an ia
Municipal Waste Treatment: Landfilled Waste-to-Energy Total Recycling (material recovery and composting)
Source: Eurostat 2012
Activity Report 2013 | ESWET 13
29th of February Crêpes Party!
29th of February Crêpes Party!
The success of the first crêpes party in 2012 called for the return of this event. In 2013 ESWET organised this evening event again, providing the participants with savoury and sweet crêpes in a networking friendly atmosphere. This year, the 29th of February fell on the 28th of February!
Summary of other ESWET Activities ESWET attended several meetings regarding Waste-to-Energy, waste and renewable energy, organised by a wide variety of stakeholders throughout the year. The ESWET Members and the Secretariat also gave presentations in select Industry events: On the 6th of May, in the World Waste-to-Energy City Summit in London, Johan De Greef presented, on behalf of ESWET, examples where Waste-to-Energy forms a synergy with industrial and/or district heating usage.
Activity Report 2013 | ESWET
ESWET Activities 2013
The German Association of Engineers (VDI) organised its first Energy and Materials from Waste Conference in Frankfurt on 14th and 15th of May. Many ESWET Members explained the challenges and opportunities to improve energy and material recovery from waste.
At the Identiplast conference in Paris on 28th November, Mr Perron‑Piché gave a presentation on optimal solutions for the combustion of unrecyclable plastic waste, explaining that Waste-to-Energy plants represent the cleanest, most dedicated solution.
On the 29th of May in Rouen (France), ESWET Policy Officer Guillaume PerronPiché intervened in the panel debate at the conference held by the French association of municipal waste management, energy and district heating utilities (AMORCE) to explain the challenges remaining in France to link Waste-to-Energy and District Heating.
At Waste-2-Wealth in Kuala Lumpur on the 11th of November, Jeremy Crowley presented on behalf of ESWET the benefits of the technology and the future of Wasteto-Energy plants. This shows that interest for European Waste-to-Energy technology is found in many parts of the world.
Secretary General Patrick Clerens joined the panel debate in the District Heating and Cooling PLUS Platform Conference on 5th of November in Brussels. On the challenges of competing energy networks, he explained that both the electrical and heat grids are necessary, complementary, and that Wasteto-Energy can make a significant contribution to their stability and decarbonisation.
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Did you know…
How can Waste-to-Energy make European Cities Smarter? Started in 2013, the Klaipeda plant is the first in Lithuania and will heat 40% of the city, replacing imported gas with low-carbon, secure energy
District Heating from waste is a smart way to heat a city. In cold climates around the Baltic sea, where District Heating networks are widespread, waste replaces fossil fuels in supplying heat to cities. These plants will help these countries meeting their landfill diversion targets while reducing the carbon footprint of their heating needs.
The Vantaa (Finland) plant will supply half of the city’s heating needs from 2014, reducing energy generation CO2 emissions by 20% or 130,000 tonnes per year, on top of the landfill – and methane – avoidance.
Activity Report 2013 | ESWET
Did you know…
How can Waste-to-Energy help preserving dwindling Phosphorus reserves? With little Phosphorus resources in the EU and worldwide reserves depleting rapidly, action is needed to use this resource sustainably. But what is the Phosphorus cycle, and where are the biggest savings to be made? While losses occur throughout the Phosphorus usage chain, those linked with food waste and sewage sludge are comparatively small. Still, the Waste Hierarchy should be applied to the food chain, whereas less food wastage and quality composting can help preserving Phosphorus without major drawbacks.
When it comes to sewage sludge, this is more complex because sludge inherently contains many challenging substances, ranging from bio-pollutants and microplastics to heavy metals. Waste-to-Energy constitutes the most promising solution, because mono-incineration of sewage sludge enables phosphorus recovery without risks for agricultural soils that could come from spreading contaminated sludges. Waste-to-Energy plants operating as mono-incinerators of sewage sludge are bound to help closing the phosphorus loop without spreading pollutants.
European Commission, Green Paper on Phosphorus
Combustion as non-waste
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Did you know‌
What happens with combusted waste that does not burn?
Metals As the example above shows, most non-packaging waste is not easily recyclable. A used construction boot, for instance, is very difficult and energy-consuming to tear apart or grind. When it goes through a Waste-toEnergy plant, energy from the combustible part is recovered and all metallic parts, e.g. here the steel sole, can be recovered from the bottom ash and sent for material recycling. Minerals Most mineral fractions of bottom ash are readily useable after an ageing process for chemical stabilisation. In many countries, it is used in road construction, dykes filling material or as ballast, avoiding the need for further extraction of virgin minerals.
Examples of bottom ash usages. Courtesy of the French Environment Ministry
Activity Report 2013  |  ESWET
Did you know…
Why is Waste-to-Energy complementary to recycling? Paper however poses a challenge, because even with the best coverage and efforts, paper recyclers cannot recycle more than 80% of the paper they market for hygiene or technical reasons.
Recyclable paper
Of the materials we discard every day, a large portion is packaging, which is a valuable resource. Other wastes, like food waste, also have value for recycling industries. As a rule of thumb, most of the wastes made of glass or metals are already recycled to a large extent in the fore-running EU Recycling countries. Other materials, such as bio-waste, plastic and paper, are more challenging.
In terms of plastics, the myriad applications of this material imply that while widespread plastic packaging, such as bottles, constitutes a high quality recycling feedstock, many other plastic wastes cannot undergo mechanical recycling. For all these materials that the recyclers deem unsuitable for recycling, Wasteto-Energy is recognised by the recyclers themselves as a complementary solution. Minimising landfilling, increasing recycling and enabling energy recovery to handle the residual waste makes the most sense.
Bio-waste, such as food waste, which should be prevented in the first place, can usually be digested and/or composted and, if of sufficient quality, makes a great fertiliser along with a source of bioenergy.
Recyclable plastic
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Organisational Structure
ESWET Organisational Structure in 2013 General Assembly The decision-making body within ESWET is the General Assembly, where top representatives of the member companies meet to determine the policies and working of the association. Chairman: Dr Edmund Fleck Public Relations Committee The Public Relations Committee defines the way ESWET communicates. It covers a broad range of tasks, from organising ESWET-branded events and workshops to ensuring the visibility of the Association by creating attractive campaigns and slogans. As ESWET engages with a wide range of people, the Committee identifies the appropriate level of communication, ranging from industry and technical exchange to simple explanation of how Waste-to-Energy works. Chairman: Mr Bram De Brauwer
ESWET President: Dr Edmund Fleck - ESWET Vice-President: Dr Gert Riemenschneider Secretary General: Mr Patrick Clerens
Activity Report 2013  |  ESWET
Organisational Structure
Working Group on BREFs The Working Group on BREFs was established for the purpose of preparing the review of the Waste Treatment and Waste Incineration BREF under the new rules of the Industrial Emissions Directive. BREFs are documents describing the Best Available Techniques to minimise the overall environmental impact of an installation like a Waste-to-Energy plant.
Technical Committee The Technical Committee reviews the policies and legislation set by the EU and determines ESWET’s position on them. It includes a Working Group on BREFs. Chairman: Mr Hubert de Chefdebien
Under the Industrial Emissions Directive, the BREFs are no longer mere technical documents, but the BAT conclusions drawn have a legally-binding character. Chairman: Dr Edmund Fleck
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ESWET Members (as of 01.01.2014)
ALSTOM POWER SWEDEN P.O. Box 1233 35112 Växjo – Sweden Tel.: +46 470 862 100 Fax: +46 470 762 001 BABCOCK & WILCOX VØLUND Falkevej 2 6705 Esbjerg – Denmark Tel.: +45 76 14 34 00 Fax: +45 76 14 36 00 CARMEUSE Bd de Lauzelle 65 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve – Belgium Tel.: +32 10 48 16 64 Fax: +32 10 48 16 66 CNIM 35 rue de Bassano 75008 Paris – France Tel.: +33 1 44 31 11 00 Fax: +33 1 44 31 11 30 DOOSAN LENTJES Daniel-Goldbach-Strasse 19 40880 Ratingen – Germany Tel.: + 49 2102 166 0 Fax: + 49 2102 166 2500 FISIA BABCOCK ENVIRONMENT Fabrikstraße 1 51643 Gummersbach – Germany Tel.: +49 2261 850 Fax: +49 2261 853 309 HITACHI ZOSEN INOVA Hardturmstrasse 127 8037 Zürich – Switzerland Tel.: +41 44 277 11 11 Fax: +41 44 277 13 13 INOVA 1 rue Eugène et Armand Peugeot, CS 80002 92508 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex – France Tel.: +33 1 47 10 03 69 Fax: +33 1 47 32 04 54 KEPPEL SEGHERS Hoofd 1 2830 Willebroek – Belgium Tel.: +32 3 880 77 00 Fax: +32 3 880 77 49
Activity Report 2013 | ESWET
ESWET Members
LAB CS 60410 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 – France Tel.: +33 4 26 23 37 37 Fax: +33 4 26 23 37 70 LHOIST Rue de l’Industrie 31 1400 Nivelles – Belgium Tel.: +32 67 89 95 76 Fax: +32 67 84 25 32 LÜHR FILTER Enzer Straße 26 31655 Stadthagen – Germany Tel.: +49 5721 708 0 Fax: +49 5721 708 214 MAGALDI POWER 219, Via Irno 84135 Salerno - Italy Tel.: +39 089 688 111 Fax: +39 089 481.766 MARTIN GMBH Leopoldstraße 248 80807 München – Germany Tel.: +49 89 356 170 Fax: +49 89 356 17299 STANDARDKESSEL BAUMGARTE Senner Straße 115 33647 Bielefeld – Germany Tel.: +49 521 9406 0 Fax: +49 521 9406 132 TM.E S.p.A. TERMOMECCANICA ECOLOGIA Via del Molo 3 19126 La Spezia – Italy Tel.: +39 0187 552 419 Fax: +39 0187 552 215 ViNCI ENVIRONNEMENT 89, bd Franklin Roosevelt 92506 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex – France Tel.: +33 1 71 04 20 00 Fax: +33 1 71 04 21 99
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Secretariat Staff
Secretariat Staff
The ESWET Secretariat staff pictured during the 2013 Crêpes Party in the Breton atmosphere! Left to right: Guillaume Perron-Piché, Policy Officer, President Edmund Fleck, Patrick Clerens, Secretary General; Sarah Mugnier, Policy Assistant. The ESWET Secretariat is in continuous communication with representatives in all member companies. It provides support to the Members when they have special needs and also acts as the contact and follow-up point with the EU Institutions. The Secretariat is glad to handle questions from the public and promotes Waste-to-Energy in a large number of events.
Activity Report 2013 | ESWET
Upcoming ESWET Events for 2014 IFAT: 5-9 May, Munich VDI Conference on Energy and Materials from Waste: 22-23 May, Amsterdam Green Week, 3-5 June, Brussels Sustainable Energy Week: 23-27 June, Brussels & around the EU ESWET Workshop: Autumn, Brussels
ESWET Members’ News Visit for more ESWET events and presence at various conferences and trade fairs throughout the year! For a regular feed of the Members’ projected plants, construction and inaugurations, visit the feed on the ESWET website.
© 2014 ESWET Pictures copyrighted by ESWET Members p.19: Shutterstock Cover and back: Shutterstock
Avenue Adolphe LacomblĂŠ 59/8 1030 Brussels Tel.: +32 2 743 29 88 Fax: +32 2 743 29 90