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Gliese 581e

by Etah Chen






As a caretaker I have a responsibility... to teach and show them life.



Simply talking about it woudn’t be enough. They need to see and experience it, the good, bad and the ugly.


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What is life?



A collection of memories. If you do it right, you’ll be ready.

You’ll walk on, into the light with a smile.

Some just find darkness in the end.

The sky is greyer than usual today. They’re standing in a pasture of grass now. Mooing sounds. Mooooo. The children stand there and stare at the barn. They talk amongst themselves. They smell the red in the air. What is this feeling?

They can feel it. The farmer drives out the barn in a truck and stops, gets out. Red on the side of the truck, red on his trousers. The children start crying. They realize they are in the presence of a cow slaughter.

Harsh? I don't think so. It just is. Life.



The children stare at their steak dinner with a blank expression.


They slowly start chewing on the meat. As the taste spreads around their mouth, they chew faster happily.

Interesting how the deliciousness of the meal has made them forget all about the slaughter witnessed earlier today. I think this is a common characteristic amongst people. We don’t experience facts, but feelings.







Objects have personality. They serve a function, but beyond that lies a persona. Take this marble for instance, the way it glistens, the way it absorbs light, the color of the cats eye, the swirl of the pupil, the air bubbles, and the coldness of its material, these characteristics make up a personality.




Important Objects



Important Objects


The book looked like it had been left in the sun for too long, the exterior looked faded and cracked. It reminded me of the house I grew up in. Father refused to paint it despite mother’s naggings.


Important Objects

The exterior of the house had a faded light green color. The fact that the book is about cooking reminds me of home. Once I obtain an object I can’t seem to throw it away.


She’s at this swap meet every Saturday morning, shopping for junk. She studys objects very in-dept.

Caressing, smelling, observing in the light, observing in the shadow, scratching, tapping...

Several hours later, she leaves happily with her new possessions.

The sky is dark today. Looks like it might rain.

I’ve always had a fa people, who they a was their morning lik relation to them Then I start won feel to be them and h would feel to be me. being them? Or woul differ so much that I’ be them? T he thoughts th at

scination with re. What ke? Where was I in m this morning? ndering how I would how they Wo uld I enjoy ld our personalities ’d struggle to ese are the type of keep me intrigued.

Sometimes I follow people who I find especially interesting. Most people do the same things everyday, especially on weekdays. That makes it much easier to follow someone. You can learn a lot about yourself, when you learn about the lives of several other people especially when it’s beyond surface level. I think mostly, you learn that we’re all very different but really just the same. I like documenting what I learn about these people with my camera and notepad. When you look at these images and connect them in your mind, a story forms. My work eternalizes these characters and their stories. Who knows, maybe someone will get something out of these stories one day.

I hear your whispers echo, fading in and out. It’s soothing, to know that you’re there. I know you. Sometimes I stare at my shadow, and see you inside. I waved to you, did you see? Did you hear me calling to you? 54

Are You There?

I’ve been waiting. Do you feel my presence? know you’ve been

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Listen fo my voi and 56

Are You There?


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You feel most alive when you’re close to death. The most I’ve ever felt alive is now, this moment. I’m dying. It is a numbing bliss, a sureness in knowing that this is it, I can’t be harmed.

I’m in a fetal position surrounded by darkness. I’m going back to where I came from. Bits of light orbs circle me. I reach my long arms toward the light bits. My fingertips touch the orb and disintegrates. My limbs slide down slowly like sand. The floating bits circle me and get closer... I remember that day I received the letter of eviction from my landlord at the Cicero apartments.


Going Home

I was not feeling well at all. I had stayed up all night thinking about what I was going to do. I still have that letter. I kept it with my other piles of evidence. Evidence of this life. I remember when my children came to the rescue. John, Lane, and Matthew had gathered money and got me an apartment in the Rogers Park Community area. I remember when their mother fired me from my nanny job. I remember traveling the world.

I am here now, but I don’t exist. I am the shadow of my memories, the only thing that is forever.

As I look into myself all I see are my experiences. The lights are getting closer now.


Going Home

Closer and closer. I absorb the lights, I’m fading into myself.

Everything is bright now. Surely someone sees this.

They will see this.


2018 Text/Design by:

Etah Chen

Photography by:

Vivian Maier

Special Thanks to:

Pouya Ahmadi

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