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喬凌浩 老師

室內 建築學 10



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Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. tures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 undation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, ly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , ricism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. ostmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. ontemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

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建築 形式 構造

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

若以建築物的構成材料來區分建築構造,約可分成下列七種: 1.木構造: 建築物的主要構成部分如梁柱、樓板等,都是以木材構成的。 2.磚構造: 建築物的主體是由磚塊堆砌而成。 3.石構造: 建築物的主體係由石塊堆砌而成。 4.鋼骨構造: 利用各種不同斷面的型鋼及鋼板,以鉚釘、螺桿或焊接方式,接合而成建築物的主體 。 5.鋼筋混凝土構造: 利用鋼筋、混凝土組成鋼筋混凝土,是現代最普遍的構造方式。 6.塑膠構造: 塑膠原料在工廠製成各結構單元,再運往工地組合成建築物。 7.橡皮構造: 以橡皮製作而成的簡單建築物,如帳幕、倉庫、儲水槽等築物。 上述之建築構造,以鋼筋混凝土、鋼骨構造最能防火、防風、耐震及耐久;木構造除耐震、防風外,在耐久及防火方面效果並不好; 另外,磚、石構造則具備良好的防火功能,但耐震、防風方就脆弱多了。 ht t p : //ww w.k h j h .k h .ed u.t w / mflora/ te chnol/ ch8-2 . ht m

室內 建築學 10 05

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建築 規則 技術

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

建築技術規則(Building Technical Regulations),簡稱技術規則, 為中華民國目前建築管理及設計的主要依據。依建築法訂定,內容包含建築設計施工編、建築構造編、建築設備編等三個部分, 隨工程技術的更新及面臨的問題而不定期調整,目前共計有三十二章。 由建築技術規則的增訂,可以看出台灣地區居住狀況的調整。 如1984增訂第九章容積管制,台灣正式進入容積率時代,1988年增訂第十章公共建築物行動不便者使用設施(當時稱為殘障者), 1994年因應高樓化制定第十二章高層建築物,近年來則因為台灣逐漸進入高齡化社會及世界環保意識的抬頭, 分別在2003年及2004年制定第十六章老人住宅 及第十七章綠建築。 建築技術規則131條: 以磚、石、混擬土造之建築物,其建築高度不得超過9公尺,簾高不得超過7公尺, 加強磚造建築物其簷高得提高至10公尺,但簷高不得超過三層之高度。 ht t p : //zh . w i k i p ed i / zh-hant / % E5% BB % B A % E7% A F% 89%E6%8A%80%E8%A1%93%E8%A6%8F%E5%89%87

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台北 之店 主婦

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

室內磚構裝飾:主婦之店 主婦之店在台北東區敦化南路上從西點蛋糕、簡餐、上海式西餐及加入現場演唱Zee Live House等共歷經了40年餐飲經營。 主婦之店在精緻美食、餐飲空間及專業服務上不斷努力尋求改善, 希望能讓前來顧客除了得到超值的感受與享受之外,同時讓都會生活所帶來的緊張壓力得到部份紓解。 另外,針對特場合的需要,主婦之店也設計提供酒會自助餐及精緻外燴服務,無論開幕酒會、妝宴、記者會、私家宴客等均提供高品質專業服務。 大約十年前,在報上看到主婦之店拱磚造型的圖片時就深深被吸引,很想一探究竟, 卻一直沒去,是為何,我不知一晃十年,腦海中又浮現拱磚畫面,就又想去,為何浮現,我依然不知 剛好,十月生日,我和老爺爺就決定去造訪這家緣摼十年的餐廳。 主婦之店的門面也是歐式,走進餐廳,磚造的拱形屋頂採光很棒,搭配大片落地窗,半篷式自然採光,暖色系光調,正是我喜歡的風格。 htt p : //ww w.zee l i ve .c om .t w/ o/ o_ ab out _ ze e _ 1 . ht m

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台北 之店 主婦

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

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維多 式建築 利亞

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

英國維多利亞式建築,是指19世紀英國維多利亞女王時期盛行的一種建築類型, 其發展時間大概是在1820到1900年間。因為那段時期的英國,不論藝術、文化乃至於建築都發展到一定程度的水平, 因此在建築史上頗具代表意義。維多利亞式風格的建築,多數採用紅磚作為外牆, 但也偶爾透過局部的裝飾(如柱頭、雕刻)來表現其典雅、富麗堂皇的形式。以最簡單的說法,它即是一種紅磚造的鄉村建築。 目前臺灣並無完整原味的英國維多利亞式建築,不過臺北濟南基督長老教會與臺北淡水英國領事館的建築風格,有一些維多利亞式建築的影子。 維多利亞式的建築風格於1870-1890年間最為盛行, 特色就是繁複的裝飾、雕花、拱門、突出的前廊、細羅馬柱、還有不少多角式的結構,像尖塔、八角屋,或是多角的邊間, 顏色也多半採用粉彩色系,古典式樣的紅磚建築為最主要之風格。 htt p : //t ai w anp ed i a.c ul t ure . t w/ we b / conte nt?ID =2 0 2 5 4 htt p : //t w. k nowl ed g e .y ah oo. com/ q ue st ion/ q ue st ion? q id =1608070201826

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萊斯 學 特大

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

磚構混和木框式建築-萊斯特大學 萊斯特大學(英語:Univer sity of Leicester),昔譯李斯特大學,創立於1921年。 1957年奉准升格的國立大學。除英國公開大學之外,接受萊大遠距教學的學生人數為全英大學之冠。 萊斯特大學的校總區坐落於萊斯特城的維多利亞公園旁,鄰近維傑斯頓伊利莎白女皇一世書院,距離市中心約一英里。 萊斯特大學是英國最古老的大學之一,在1957年獲得皇家同意設校的特許狀, 而該校歷史可溯自於1837年,也因此校園內的建築保有特殊的喬治王式建築風格。根據官方網站的資料, 萊斯特大學現在已經是英國大學部教育規模最大的學校,每年總共有5千多名來自於海外115個不同國家的學生前來就讀。 萊斯特大學工程系大樓是名建築師詹姆斯·斯特林的作品。 ht t p : //zh . w i k i p ed i / zh-t w/ % E8% 9 0 % 8 A % E6 % 9 6 % A F%E7%89%B9%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8 ht t p : //ww w.ab up s .c om / ex-uk / list . asp ? sno= 2 7 6

室內 建築學 10 05

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萊斯 學 特大

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

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室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

山牆是建築兩個側面上部成山尖形的橫牆,也稱作規壁、鵝頭、棟頭、圓仔頭、歸壁、大規壁, 而「規」字是指弧形的曲線。此外日本史學家藤島亥治郎在其《臺灣の建築》一書中將這種結構稱為馬背, 有可能是「馬脊」之誤。東亞傳統建築一般都有山牆,它的作用主要是與鄰居的住宅隔開和防火。 在中國長江一帶,常有階梯狀的封火山牆,又稱「馬頭牆」,其高度高過了屋瓦。 結構部分,山牆由下至上分別為下鹼、上身、山尖(規尾、歸尖)三部分。 山牆有主要三種形制,一是人字形,比較簡潔實用,修造成本也不高,民間多採用。 二是鍋耳形,線條優美,變化大,實際上它是仿照古代的官帽形狀修建的,取意前程遠大,因它的形狀像鐵鍋的耳朵, 民間俗稱鑊(鍋)耳牆。鍋耳牆不但大量用在祠堂廟宇的山牆上,一般百姓的住宅也常運用,綿綸會館等建築為典型的鍋耳形山牆。分布於潮州與廣州一帶。 三是波浪形,又稱「桃彎規」[1]。造型起伏有致,講究對稱,起伏多為三級,實際是鍋耳牆的變形,更像古代的官帽,百姓基本不 ht t p : //zh . w i k i p e d i / w ik i/ % E5% B1% B1% E5 % A 2 % 9 9

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比利 魯日 時布

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

布魯日位于比利時西北部弗蘭德平原,距北海14公里,有小威尼斯之稱,它是今日歐洲遊覽勝地也是近來觀光客趨之若骛的地方。 BRUGGE荷語是“橋”的意思,布魯日還是座水城。河道遍布城裏,很多建築是依河道而建。 今日布魯日有50座以上的橋是標准的水上都市,其建築以哥德式的文藝複興時期的式樣爲主體。布魯日中世紀曾經是歐洲著名的港口城市和商埠。 如今的布魯日完整地保存了中世紀的城市整體風貌,護城河、城牆等,城市內很少有機動車和柏油路。 據史書記載,公元9世紀建城,14世紀時已成爲歐洲最大的商港。15世紀初,由于外國的競爭,弗蘭德的羊毛工業逐漸衰落, 其經濟地位被安特衛普所取代,但布魯日仍是僅次于安特衛普的歐洲主要輸入港。到達布魯日的第一個印象是城內河渠如網,河上遊船如織, 大小橋梁隨處可見。在河道兩旁,一幢幢中世紀的建築掩映在綠樹叢中,這旖旎的水鄉風光,使遊人恍如隔世,回到遙遠的年代。在市中心廣場歷史古迹比比皆是。 悠悠歲月,滄桑變幻,幾乎都未觸及到這座古城。在護城河的環繞中,它成了一座中世紀的博物館。 城裏,居民的房屋左落在鋪滿鵝卵石的街道旁,天鵝在薄霧籠罩的河道上輕輕游動。 由於河道縱橫交錯,布魯日素有“北方威尼斯”的美稱。今天,這座城市受到一位十六世紀地圖繪製人的名字馬庫斯.傑勒斯命名的基金會的保護。 馬庫斯.傑勒斯曾按比例在地圖上繪出了布魯日的每座房屋和每條街道。時至今日,該圖上的每個圖示都能在城裏一一查證。 ht t p : //bl o g .s i na.c om .t w / shhu4 9 4 9 / ar t icle . p hp ? p b g id = 2 8 465&entr yid=578689

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比利 魯日 時布

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

I nterior __


比利 魯日 時布

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

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台南 遮城 熱蘭

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

舊時的安平古堡,又稱熱蘭遮城。 300 年前熱蘭遮城的建築,屬於西方稜堡形式的海岸堡壘,規模非常壯觀宏大。城內的房舍、營堡高低錯落,層次分明, 各層間並有樓梯相通;城的周圍和角落則分布著菱形和半圓形的堡壘上置砲位,是城內主要的攻防力量。 城分「內城」和「外城」 2 部分。「內城」呈方形,共有 3 層;最下面 1 層是倉庫, 地上兩層則有長官公署、瞭望台、教堂、士兵營房等設施,並高懸荷蘭國旗,是行政的核心所在。 「外城」銜接於內城的西北隅,原是為加強內城的防衛,避免敵人長驅直入政治中樞而建。 呈長方形,比內城稍低,內有長官、職眷宿舍,會議廳、辦公室、醫院、倉庫等公共建築。 根據史載,當時的外城因有商賈宅院、舞榭歌亭,繁華盛極一時,是貿易的重鎮。 ht t p: //w w w.y l i b .c om / t ai wa n/ t ainan/ cit y / a np ing / ap 1 _ a . ht m

室內 建築學 10 05

I nterior __


荷蘭 建築 磚造

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

揮之不去的傳統:荷蘭建築中的「磚」。 走進任何一個荷蘭城鎮,首先吸引目光的通常是那些大大小小的磚造建築,它們搭配著各式各樣的山牆, 連同隨處可見的運河、橋樑與船隻,讓荷蘭的城鎮景觀在豐富的變化中,仍保有高度的整體感。 比起歐洲各國,荷蘭或許是磚造建築最普遍的地方了,自北至南,自西至東,無論新舊建築,我們都可以看到荷蘭磚造建築的多樣呈現。 荷蘭人似乎對磚材存有某種特殊的情感,也因此他們自覺或不自覺地,讓這種材料從傳統延續到了現代。 然而我們不得不問,為何荷蘭人對於磚材有這種高度的情感?這種情感代表著什麼意義? 各個時代的建築潮流是否影響了荷蘭人對於磚材使用的態度?而現代建築運動中的新思潮,是否對這種傳統材料的使用態度產生衝擊? 故此,我們必須詳加檢視並討論荷蘭建築的發展歷程中,磚材所扮演的角色及其呈現的意義。 磚是世界上相當普遍的傳統建材,在歐洲,最早大規模興建磚造建築的應是古羅馬帝國。 西元前1世紀的維特魯威在其《建築十書》中,即曾詳盡說明磚的特性、分類與施作方式。 從大量的古代遺跡中,我們亦可以看到羅馬人如何以磚創造出令人讚嘆的建築成就。 ht t p: //t w. k nowl e d g e .y ah oo. com/ q ue st ion/ q ue st ion?q id =1508120810558

室內 建築學 10 05

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荷蘭 建築 磚造

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

荷蘭著名磚造建築: 1.羅馬帝國於奈梅亨(Nijmegen)的磚瓦燒製廠,攝於瓦克霍夫博物館(Valkhof Museum)。 2.在奈梅亨挖所掘出之羅馬帝國時期的磚瓦,攝於瓦克霍夫博物館(Valkhof Museum)。 3.丹波斯(Den Bosch)的摩里安(De Moriaan)街屋,其為荷蘭現存最古老的磚造建築,建於13世紀。 4.海牙的騎士廳(De Ridder zaal),建於13世紀,於1898至1904年間重修。 5.烏特勒支大教堂(Dom van Utrecht)的高塔,建於14世紀。 6.奈梅亨的山牆式街屋,建於17世紀。 7.萊頓的拉丁學校,建於17世紀,畫家林布蘭(Rembrandt van Rijn)曾於此就讀。 8.奈梅亨的老市政廳,建於17世紀。 9.奈梅亨的磅秤所(de waag),現已作為餐廳使用,建於17世紀。 10.萊頓的瑪勒教堂(Marekerk),為荷蘭改革宗(Gereformeerd protestantisme)的教堂,建於17世紀。 11.荷蘭熱蘭省(provincie Zeeland)的拉瑪肯司堡(For t Rammekens),建於17世紀。 ht t p : //t w. k nowl e d g e .y ah oo. com/ q ue st ion/ q ue st ion?q id =1508120810558

室內 建築學 10 05

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荷蘭 建築 磚造

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

荷蘭著名磚造建築: 12.荷蘭東印度公司於台灣興建的熱蘭遮城(For t Zeelandia),建於17世紀。 13,庫伯斯(P. J. H. Cuyper s)設計的阿姆斯特丹中央車站,1889年完工。 14.貝拉赫(H. P. Be rlage)設計的阿姆斯特丹商品交易所(Amsterdam Beur s),1885年完工。 15.貝拉赫於歐特羅(Otterlo)設計的狩獵小屋(Jachtslot St. Huber tus),1919年完工。 16.克拉摩(P. L. Kramer)設計的海牙貝恩果夫百貨公司(De Bijenkor f),1926年完工。 17.凡德梅(J. M. van der May)設計的阿姆斯特丹航運大樓(Het Scheepvaar thuis),1916年完工。 18.李維德(G. T. Rietveld)於烏特勒支設計的史洛德之家(Schrderhuis),1924年完工。 19.布里克曼&凡德夫呂特(Brickman & Van de Vlugt)聯合事務所在鹿特丹設計的松諾維之家(Huis Sonneveld),1923年完工。 20.克羅佛勒(A.J. Kropholler)於萊頓設計的聖彼得教堂(Sint Petruskerk),1936年完工。 21.凡德史都爾(A. van der Steur)於鹿特丹設計的博物館(Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum),1935年完工。 ht t p: //t w. k nowl e d g e .y ah oo. com/ q ue st ion/ q ue st ion?q id =1508120810558

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牛津 學堂

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

牛津學堂(Oxford College,漢名為「理學堂大書院」) 是加拿大基督教長老教會傳教士馬偕博士(Rev. George Leslie Mackay)於1882年在台灣淡水創立的西式現代化學校。 該校主要為培養本地傳教人才而設立,學校組織在歷經多次變遷之後落腳於陽明山上,並更名為台灣神學院。 馬偕博士於台灣傳教期間,深感創設新式學校之重要,乃於1880年回加拿大募款,獲其故鄉安大略省牛津郡報紙《前哨評論》新聞社之刊載並大力發起募款活動, 得到各方熱烈迴響,共募得加幣6,215元,作為其建校基金。 1881年,馬偕博士重返淡水,擇定牛津學堂現址,親手規劃、監工,興建校舍。1882年7月26日如期峻工,取名「理學堂大書院」。 因感懷其故鄉加拿大牛津郡鄉親之盛情襄贊,英文乃命名為 Oxford College,故後人稱之為牛津學堂, 此後成為長老教會培育傳教、醫療和教育的基地,同時是台灣第1個私人博物館。 牛津學堂舊校舍在遷校後仍存,1914年在此增辦淡水中學校,淡江中學和真理大學在創辦之初也都藉此為校舍。 目前已被長老教會北部大會作為史蹟館,並被政府列為古蹟。 ht t p: //zh . w i k i p ed i / zh-t w/ % E7% 9 0 % 8 6 % E5 % A D % B8 %E5%A0%82%E5%A4%A7%E6%9B%B8%E9%99%A2

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牛津 學堂

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

I nterior __


烏特 教塔 勒支

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

雖然荷蘭許多的古城都有自己獨立的運河系統,但是烏特勒支的運河卻更充滿詩意。 烏特勒支運河最大的特色在於她的碼頭,這些碼頭的水平低於一般的道路、臨水之畔,形成獨特的景觀。 由運河堤防的階梯而下,站在碼頭上,遠望河流蜿蜒穿梭一座座的拱橋、古老的建築、悠揚的教堂鐘聲與綠意盎然的所構成的美景, 讓人有「緣溪行、尋桃花林」的衝動。碼頭緊鄰的運河堤防以前是一間間相隔的倉庫,大部分是提防上的人家所有, 而現在這些倉庫大部分都已經改成酒吧、餐館或咖啡廳,而天氣晴朗時,碼頭也變成露天咖啡廳最好的地點。 烏特勒支擁有荷蘭最高的鐘塔-「主教塔(Domtoren)」。 這座鐘塔不只是烏特勒支最顯眼的地標外,更突顯了烏特勒支歷史發展與宗教的密切關係。 烏特勒支原本是西元一世紀羅馬人於萊因河上建築的一個軍事堡壘,後來才發展為一個城市。 西元七世紀時,盎格魯薩克遜的傳教士受命於的德國皇帝擔任烏特勒支的主教。由於主教這個職位不但具有宗教上相當大的權威外, 也擁有地區性的行政管轄權。除了主教居住城市之外,附近的區域也在管轄範圍之內,而烏特勒支即成為整個主教管轄區的權力中心。 htt p : //ww w.h ol l and .i d v.t w / cit y _ ut _ a . asp

室內 建築學 10 05

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烏特 教塔 勒支

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

I nterior __


萊頓 學校 拉丁

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

荷蘭歷史古城 政經文化中心。 事實上,與遊客摩肩接踵、多元文化交融而熱鬧新潮的阿姆斯特丹相比,萊頓保有更多典型的荷蘭城市風格, 也是個能瞭解荷蘭文化與生活態度的好地方。加上萊頓位居荷蘭政治、經濟、文化中心,從機場出發只需20分鐘可達, 距離阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹和烏特勒支等大城都只要半小時火車車程,相當適合作為自助旅行時的定點。 林布蘭是荷蘭最重要的畫家之一,雖然他最著名的作品都在阿姆斯特丹的博物館內,但林布蘭可是道地的萊頓人,與其相關的史蹟遍布整個城內。 離風車博物館(De Valk)不遠處,位於1座古城門與De Put風車交會的Weedesteeg街上,就是林布蘭的出生地。 如今原址為私人公寓,只有牆上鑲嵌的石板說明,不過對面廣場上仍有林布蘭作畫的雕像以茲紀念。值得一提的是, 這座古城門是萊頓10座城門僅剩的2座之一,秀麗古樸,風車、城門、白吊橋與運河相映,構成了1幅值得落筆的美麗圖畫,是不少遊人徘徊流連的美景。 另外,林布蘭童年時曾在萊頓的拉丁學校就讀,該學校位於聖彼得教堂附近,如今在玻璃櫥窗裡,還刻意重現林布蘭上課的情景。 每年7月15日林布蘭生日當天,許多萊頓人還會穿起17世紀的古裝,因此7月中旬可在萊頓街上看到中世紀的村婦坐在路邊喝茶、乞丐拄著手仗街上漫步的景象。 ht t p: //w w w.l i b er t y t i m e s .com. t w/ 20 0 8 / ne w/ may / 12 / tod a y-travel1.htm

I nterior __


安徽 宏村 黟縣

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

安徽「黟縣」位於黃山主峰西南部,距今已有二千多年歷史,境內重巒疊嶂、清溪迴流、風光秀麗,全縣至今完整保存有一大批明清徽派建築群, 建築風格特色濃郁,磚、木、石徽派三雕藝術精湛,宅院佈局雅致,文化內涵十分深厚。「宏村」距黟縣縣城十一公里,是一座奇特的牛形古村落, 既有山林野趣,又有水鄉風貌,享有「中國畫裡的鄉村」之美稱,山因水青,水因山活,南宋紹興年間,宏村人為防火灌田, 匠心獨運建造出堪稱中國一絕的人工水系,圍繞牛形做活了一篇水文章,九曲十彎的水圳是《牛腸》,傍泉眼挖掘的「月沼」是《牛胃》, 「南湖」是《牛肚》,牛腸兩旁民居為《牛身》,湖光山色與層樓疊院和諧共處,自然景觀與人文內涵交相輝映,是宏村區別於其他民居建築佈局的特色, 被聯合國教科文組織列入「世界文化遺產名錄」。 依山傍水、背山面水是徽派建築與自然環境相適應的客觀反映,也是徽派建築之所以獲得自然稟賦的基本條件, 「宏村」背倚秀美青山,清流抱村穿戶,數百幢明清時期的民居建築靜靜佇立,是徽派建築的典型代表,所有街巷均以黟縣青石鋪地,古建築都為木、磚牆結構, 其布局之工、結構之巧、裝飾之美、營造之精為世所罕見。走進民居,美輪美奐的磚雕、石雕、木雕裝飾入眼皆是, 門罩、天井、花園、漏窗、房樑、屏風、家具,都在無聲地展示著精心的設計與精美的手藝,巷道、溪流、建築佈局相宜,村落空間變化韻味有致, 建築色調樸素淡雅,不矯飾,不做作,順乎形勢,與大自然保持和諧,以大自然爲依皈,有詩云:「山鄉僻處少塵囂,多往山陬與水涯, 到死不知城市路,近村隨地有煙霞。」數百年來,徽派建築就錯落在這真醇的桃源世界裏,點綴在這享有「山水畫廊」之譽的徽州大地上, 始終散發著古樸的氣韻,保持著獨特的藝術風格。 http://fores lide/s 195.htm

I nterior __


安徽 宏村 黟縣

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

I nterior __


安徽 宏村 黟縣

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

I nterior __


封火 山牆

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

風格是一個民族、時代的特徵,各時代、各民族的建築風格都與當時的地理環境、民族意識息息相關。 中國江南地區人口稠密,丘陵地多,平整的耕地少,為節省住宅用地,建構形成一種天井院村落住宅群體形態。 天井院之間為防止火災蔓延,都將山牆建得高出屋頂,稱為封火山牆。 這種高牆窄巷封火山牆在中國南方的住宅普遍存在,而且有各種優美的山牆造型,構成別具特色的城鎮街景。在四川、陝北等處封火山牆建築也是建築特景, 具濃厚的川西民間特色,造型多樣,富傳統韻味的圖案。就連台灣金門的普遍廟宇、馬祖北竿的橋仔村也隨處可見到這種建築特色。 封火山牆形式多樣,主要分成硬山式與人字形封火山牆,其中又演變出馬頭山牆、八字規山牆。硬山式封火山牆有中國頭頂官帽樣的屋牆, 因此又稱硬山頂鍋耳式封火山牆,或稱鰲魚牆,是南方住宅建築的一大造型特色,牆頭輪廓作階梯狀,覆以青瓦兩坡牆簷,牆面以白灰粉刷,顯得樸實雅素。 人字形封火山牆是所有屋頂的形式都來自「人」字形的建構,由二個人字前後兩個坡面銜合構成「一」字形的正脊,由左右二個坡面下垂構成「人」字形的垂脊。 馬祖北竿橋仔村的封火山牆大都屬這種造型,而且配合廟宇的建築特色,封火山牆顏色呈鮮紅亮麗,有別閩北地區素雅的山牆。 演變到現今,封火山牆的作用不再只是防火,它豐富多采的樣式,高低錯落起伏的變化,配以牆簷誇張的彎曲,山牆突出天空的特色,已成為一種建築裝飾。 人類順天而存,懂得與大自然融合相處,這種天人合一的意識,所營造出來豐富多采的居住環境,才能為人類帶來幸福安樂。◇ ht t p: //n e w s .e p oc h t i m e s .c o m. t w/ 5/ 8/ 8/ 83 0 9 . ht m

I nterior __


旗後 砲臺

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

旗後砲臺位於高雄市旗津區之旗後山上,英國人設計,由中國製造,建於光緒元年,民國七十四年(1985年)中華民國內政部公告為二級古蹟。 康熙二十二年(1683年),滿清擊敗明鄭,開始統治臺灣,及撥調水師把總一員,兵一百名駐紮打狗仔旗後。康熙五十八年(1719年), 《鳳山縣志》載,旗後汛有砲臺一大座,安中國式大砲六門,道光廿二年(1840年),中英鴉片戰爭,清廷且於旗後築砲臺一座以為防備。 原砲臺入口同治十三年(1874年),日軍入侵琅嶠(恆春)直攻石門牡丹社,造成牡丹社事件,清廷派船政大臣沈葆楨來臺加強海防, 乃先後派准軍統領唐定奎、副將王福祿,督造旗後(威震天南)、港口(雄鎮北門)等二處砲臺,構成中、低射程火砲威力,以共扼打狗港。 旗後砲臺因聘英國工程師設計,雖屬西式砲臺,兵房位於北區,指揮所位於中區,南區則設有大砲四座,但旗後砲臺之入口卻非常中國式──八字門, 以及兩邊門牆上以磚砌成樣式不同的「囍」字,實深具建築特色。 光緒二十年(1894年),旗後砲臺配有四門英製八吋阿姆斯壯後膛砲。1895年乙未戰爭守軍劉永福義子劉成良所轄之黑旗軍與日艦發生激烈砲戰, 日艦吉野號於登陸前砲擊,擊毀砲臺門楣「威震天南」之前二字。雙方戰至傍晚,日軍突破防線登陸成功,旗後砲台守軍棄守, 由人在大坪砲台的劉成良率隊退往台南,日軍進而佔領打狗。日治時期,旗後砲臺大砲被拆走熔毀。臺灣光復後,中華民國國軍於旗後燈塔及旗後砲臺之間另築碉堡。 htt p : //zh . w i k i p e d i / w ik i/ % E6 % 9 7 % 9 7 % E5 % B E% 8C% E7%A0%B2%E8%87%BA

I nterior __


旗後 砲臺

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

I nterior __


龍安 讓居 坡濂

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

龍安坡黃宅濂讓居,簡稱濂讓居,位臺北市大安區龍門里和平東路二段及建國南路二段交叉口附近,現坐落於臺北市立龍門國民中學校區內, 是臺北市民居宅第古蹟保存於校園的唯一個案。為臺北市內少見的傳統農村建築,可反映台灣先民在清朝墾殖台北盆地的風情,並見證了周遭市區歷史之變遷。 濂讓居宅身大體上坐西北朝東南,為火庫起屋身,典型安溪厝形與海棠花紋石窗,屋架為硬山擱式,正廳以黑、金色為主色調,門面採凹壽設計; 其舊有格局為左右雙護龍三合院之形制,是興建當時農業社會主流合院的代表,過去的濂讓居合院建築群正代表了當時台灣北部農家集居的生活形式。 在日治時代台北進行都市計劃後,擁有濂讓居的黃家位於龍安坡地區的土地及宅第陸續遭到徵收; 濂讓居所在地亦於1973年被劃入公共設施保留地,並於1988年成為龍門國中預定地,直到1999年拆除前才由台北市政府列為市定宅第古蹟, 得以繼續保存。目前土地及建築均屬臺北市政府教育局,由龍門國中負責管理維護,平時並不對外開放參觀。 濂讓居過去曾被黃家更名為謙讓居,1999年成為市定古蹟前經學者探討研究,仍決定將古蹟依初建時名稱「濂讓居」定名。 黃家之神龕、供桌及牌樓仍保留初建時之舊有風貌,正廳有黃少谷院長題字之「祖澤長貽」匾額。神龕上方之漏窗及牌樓, 採多層出挑鬥栱及多樣化雕飾雀替及透雕崁窗。目前濂讓居正廳,依舊為「紫雲祖祠堂」,奉祀黃家開台始祖以下各房祖先靈位。 ht t p: //zh . w i k i p ed i / w ik i/ % E9 % BE% 8D % E5% A E% 8 9 % E5%9D%A1%E9%BB%83%E5%AE%85%E6%BF %82%E8%AE%93%E5% B1% 85

I nterior __


鹿港 老街

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

鹿港老街:曲巷冬晴;「三不見」-不見天、不見地、不見女人。 其中不見地大多說法為紅磚鋪地,只看見磚石而不見土地,但實為唐山石鋪地。 到鹿港不逛老街就好像到清境農場不看綿羊一樣 , 鹿港老街是最能代表鹿港傳統文化的景點 , 也是保存的最好的傳統街道。 由鼎鼎大名的鹿港天后宮旁的巷子開始或是民權路與成功路口都可以進入老街,由天后宮起自龍山寺沿線稱為老街區, 之前去過都以為天后宮那條很多樹的路就是老街,這回因為停留鹿港數天,得以在非假日好好的瀏覽這百年老街...... 鹿港老街於清朝乾隆年間,大量的大陸先民移居台灣,中部地區便選擇在鹿港登陸生活,為了與大陸往來貿易,便沿著 臨河港岸邊一帶設立商行。 鹿港最為繁華時期,碼頭區商行最熱鬧的主要街區,一直以來,這條熱鬧的老街都是進行著大宗貨品買賣、交易的地方,大家慣稱「船頭行」。 大部分的店家都將台灣所盛產的稻米、糖、農產品等等運出到大陸,再運回一些日常生活的用品 , 貿易的規模為當年台灣最大。 後來隨著港灣淤淺,往來行船貿易的功能日漸式微,又加上人口大量外移他鄉,昔日的繁華不見,剩下興盛時期的完美華麗街屋。 為了保留這僅存的老街 , 老街居民們開始整修老街 , 開始推動鹿港傳統文化產物外 , 更讓外來的遊客能體會當年繁華興盛的鹿港老街 , 可說是台灣地區最值得細細品味的老街。 ht t p: //p l og .tc c .e d u.t w/ p ost / 31 6 9 / 49 8 6 3

I nterior __


北科 紅樓

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

北科大(國立台北科技大學)創立於 1912 年,為台灣開辦最早、歷史最悠久之工業學府之一; 而「紅樓」位處校園中心,在四周新式校舍襯托中,越發引人思古之幽情。 從其使用材料及位置研判,應在創校初期即有。其建材為紅磚,不加任何裝飾,令人有種厚實、古樸的感覺, 是本校目前僅存之二層仿歐式古老建築,亦為台北市市定古蹟,實屬難能可貴。 「紅樓」面積三四‧二平方公尺,原作為書庫之用,迨民國三十九年學校另建圖書館後,騰出供教授居住,直至民國四十三年工專新村落成後,才空出此屋。 民國四十五年將「紅樓」作為防護團辦公室,民國四十七年二月,改為倉庫之用。直至民國五十二年,又將「紅樓」作為辦公室之用; 民國七十二年,改由保管組使用。民國七十五年九月將此屋轉交學生輔導中心管理,並徵詢各方意見後,命名為「思賢樓」, 輔導中心也特別訂定了一套使用及管理辦法,提供全校師生們做為談心、言志及心靈溝通的場所;民國八十年暑假,將「紅樓」重新裝璜並安裝音響設備後, 愛樂社師生們時常在此舉辦活動,使得「紅樓」裡仙樂飄飄處處聞。民國八十六年將「紅樓」做為陳列校史資料用, 「古蹟」與「校史」暉映,相得益彰,回顧這曾經伴我們走過無數歲月的歷史,展望未來,期能永垂不朽。 htt p : //ww w.c c .nt ut .e d u.t w / ~wwwhis/ re d . ht ml

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北科 紅樓

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

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三峽 老街

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

三峽老街位於台灣新北市三峽區,主要在民權街一帶。老街始創於18世紀中葉,曾於1895年遭日軍焚街,隨後由住民自行復建。 大正5年(1916年)開始,在日本殖民政府的強力主導下,由住民自費將傳統店屋形貌改造為仿歐風立面,以古希臘柱式、古羅馬拱門以及巴洛克裝飾, 建構當時廣為流行的歐風街道風貌,融合了洋樓風格元素、日式家紋以及漢人文化圖像。目前老街風貌大致上保留日治時期原貌。 2007年在西班牙巴塞隆納舉辦的全球建築金獎,「三峽老街改造」獲得公共部門暨特殊建築類全球傑出建築金獎亞軍,成績斐然。 老街建築物特色除看街屋格局(一樓店舖和工廠二樓倉庫和生活起居)、清水紅磚主要立面材料、台灣閩南式建築風格外,其他特色計有: 1.屋頂端的收頭:有圓球形 平頂形 葉紋形 獎杯形 瓶形 磚疊澀等不同形狀 2.女兒牆及山牆:女兒牆:屋頂加蓋的小牆高約33-100公分左右,有實心、漏空和裝匾額框等 。 3.山牆:樓頂凸出部份,呈三角構圖,傳統稱山尖形。一般較奢華裝飾部位。財富的象徵。 4.樑形:古式圓拱多為單拱或3拱最多是洽合油舖的5拱(3拱表川流不息人潮)或新式平樑水泥。 5.柱子:多立克式、科林斯式、磚疊澀等。 6.匾額:店號、姓氏、姓名、行號等各不同 7.裝飾紋樣:動物紋、中式紋、日式家紋、西式紋 ht t p: //zh . w i k i p ed i / zh-hant / % E4% B8% 8 9 % E5 % B 3% BD%E8%80%81%E8%A1%97

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三峽 老街

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

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三峽 廟 祖師

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

三峽祖師廟創建於清乾隆三十四年(西元1769年),歷經三度重建.第一次因大地震原廟被毀,經於清道光十三年(西元1833年)重建. 第二次因甲午戰爭失敗,清廷締約馬關,將台灣割讓給日本,三峽鎮民不願異族統治,以本廟為反抗大本營; 事敗,廟堂遭日軍焚毀,至光緒二十五年(西元1899年)再度重建. 今祖師廟為第三次重建,始於民國三十六年(西元1947年)農曆七月,由本籍畫壇耆宿名藝術家李梅樹(西元1902 - 1983年)親主其事; 自四十六歲起至八十二歲止,以半生之歲月為弘揚傳統藝術文化與繁榮桑梓,并追念清水祖師公之豐功偉績,而規劃重建. 其結構純以我國傳統式古法建造,建築彫刻之美聞名遐邇,故有[東方藝術殿堂]之美譽. 全廟建築均以精彫細琢,歷經四十九年尚未完成;殿內之木雕,石刻,浮彫或銅鑄,無一不是匠心獨運鬼斧神工之傑作. 三峽祖師廟實為一座代表傳統文化的藝術館,亦可稱為雕刻博物館,常年吸引無數中外遊客,藝術專家學者及友邦貴賓蒞臨觀賞,歎為觀止. ht t p: //w w w.l i m e i s h / tsushih/ t sushih. ht m

室內 建築學 10 05

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路易 利文 斯蘇

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

美國現代主義 -蘇利文﹝Louis Sullivan﹞﹝1856 ~ 1924﹞ 蘇利文是美國現代建築,特別是摩天樓設計美學的奠基人、建築革新的代言人、歷史折衷主義的反對者、「芝加哥學派」的中堅人物。 蘇利文早年任職于芝加哥學派的建築師詹尼的事務所,後赴巴黎入藝術學院,1875 年返芝加哥任繪圖員, 1881 年與艾德勒﹝Dankmar Adler﹞合組建築事務所,共事 14 年。弗蘭克‧勞埃德‧賴特曾作為他的學徒 6 年。他設計的商業建築是美國建築史上的里程碑。 他在高層建築造型上的三段法,即將建築物分成基座、標準層和出簷閣樓的手法,流傳很廣,而且很久。他重視功能,提出「形隨機能」 ﹝form follows function﹞的口號。他認為裝飾是建築所必需而不可分割的內容,但他不取材於歷史形式,而是以幾何形式和自然形式為主。 他的代表作有紐約州水牛城的確保大廈、芝加哥的會堂大廈、聖路易斯的溫賴特大廈等。 1871 年 10 月 8 日發生在芝加哥市中心的一場毀掉全市 1/3 建築的大火災,引發新建房屋的極度需求,在這種形勢下, 芝加哥出現了一個主要從事高層商業建築的建築師和建築工程師的群體,後來被稱作「芝加哥學派」,不過,這個學派是曇花一現的現代建築學派。 ht t p: //v r. t h eat re.nt u.ed u.t w/ fine ar t / archite ct-wt / sullivan/s ullivan.htm

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路易 利文 斯蘇

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

他們使用鐵的全框架結構,使樓房層數超過 10 層甚至更高。由於爭速度、重時效、儘量擴大利潤是當時壓倒一切的宗旨, 傳統的學院派建築觀念被暫時擱置和淡化了。這使得樓房的立面大為淨化和簡化。為了增加室內的光線和通風,出現了寬度大於高度的橫向窗子, 被稱為「芝加哥窗」。高層、鐵框架、橫向大窗、簡單的立面成為「芝加哥學派」的建築特點。這個學派中最著名的建築師是蘇利文。 「芝加哥學派」的建築師和工程師們積極採用新材料、新結構、新技術,認真解決新高層商業建築的功能需要,創造了具有新風格新樣式的新建築。 但是,由於當時大多數美國人認為它們缺少歷史傳統,也就是缺少文化,沒有深度,沒有份量,不登大雅之堂,只是在特殊地點和時間為解燃眉之急的權宜之計。 使這個學派只存於芝加哥一地,經過十餘年間,這個學派便煙消雲散了。蘇利文本人也由於任務稀少,竟致破產,於 1924 年在潦倒中故去。 「芝加哥學派」的曇花一現和蘇利文的潦倒而卒表明:直到 19 世紀末和 20 世紀初,傳統的建築觀念和潮流在美國仍然相當強大, 不易改變。然而,山雨欲來風滿樓,新建築的大潮勢是不可阻擋的。 htt p : //v r. th eat re.nt u.ed u.t w/ fine ar t / archite ct-wt / sullivan/s ullivan.htm

I nterior __



室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

Ar t Deco - 「裝飾藝術」 Ar t Deco(裝飾藝術)一辭起源於一九二五年在法國巴黎舉辦的 「Exposition Internationale des Ar ts Decoratifs Industriels et Modernes」 (現代工業裝飾藝術國際博覽會),指的是兩次大戰期間,大約是一九二○年代至三○年代一種流行風格。 此一風格不僅反映在建築設計上,同時也影響了當時美術與應用藝術的設計格調,如家俱、雕刻、衣服、珠寶與圖案設計等等。 Ar t Deco演變自十九世紀末的Ar t Nouveau(新藝術)運動, 當時的Ar t Nouveau是資產階級追求感性(如花草動物的形體)與異文化圖案(如東方的書法與工藝品)的有機線條。 Ar t Deco則結合了因工業文化所興起的機械美學,以較機械式的、幾何的、純綷裝飾的線條來表現, 如扇形輻射狀的太陽光、齒輪或流線型線條、對稱簡潔的幾何構圖等等,並以明亮且對比的顏色來彩繪,例如亮麗的紅色、嚇人的粉紅色、電器類的藍色、 警報器的黃色,到探戈的橘色、及帶有金屬味的金色、銀白色以及古銅色等等。同時,隨著歐美帝國資本主義向外擴張, 遠東、中東、希臘、羅馬、埃及與馬雅等古老文化的物品或圖騰,也都成了Ar t Deco裝飾的素材來源, 如埃及古墓的陪葬品、非洲木雕、希臘建築的古典柱式等等。 ht t p: //t w. m y b l og .y ah oo.c o m/ jw! Ysi_ r wGRERv5Wb V. 39 0 g JXDHo 7Y-/ar tic le?m id=478

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Monadnock 芝加哥都會高樓層磚造摩天大樓-Monadnock Building ht t p: //e n .w i k i p e d i / w ik i/ M ona d nock _ B uild ing

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

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Battersea Power Station 倫敦火力發電廠-Batter sea Power Station ht t p: //e n .w i k i p e d i / w ik i/ Ba t te r se a _ Powe r_ St a t ion? id =279717746

室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

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Architec 室內 建築學 10 05

The Course is divided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2 ). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring", and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unl

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