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These days, campsites and hotels offer customers access to their WIFI networks, so you can connect to the internet via your smartphones, tablet or laptop. While this service is incredibly useful for many reasons, it can leave you vulnerable to hackers. A lot of these networks don’t require a password, and those that do it’s often a very simple one. For hackers public WIFI networks are a dream come true, enabling the possibility of them accessing a lot of your personal data without you even knowing. When you are away from home and using a public network, take extra care when visiting websites (pay careful attention to the web addresses) and make sure you see the secure symbol. You don’t need to stop using public networks, just be more vigilant and perhaps consider using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) which means your data is transmitted securely. A VPN creates a “secure tunnel” where data sent over a Wi-Fi connection is encrypted, making all that data sent to and from your device secure. Remember the golden rule - don’t check sensitive sites while connected to a public network - switch off access and reconnect to your operator’s 4G or 5G network.

Many vaccinated women will have noticed only their maiden name is mentioned on their certificate. At the time of print, there’s still seems some uncertainty as to whether it is EU law or French law (the latter often using maiden names on legal documentation) that is causing the confusion, but it does appear that you can go back to your vaccination centre and ask them to update their digital files to include your married name and issue a new certificate which shows both names. Please bear in mind that this information may take a while to trickle down to the vaccination centres! So in the meantime, consider taking another proof of ID with you (carte de séjour, for example) that shows both names).
The website for residency card applications now states: “British nationals residing in France or coming to settle there before 31 December 2020 were required to apply for a residence permit online on this site before 1 July 2021. However, people who have not been able to submit their application for a residence permit within the time limits can still apply until 30 September 2021, this site is remaining open until that date.” If you or someone you know hasn’t applied yet, please apply now: https://contacts-demarches.interieur.gouv.fr/brexit/brexitresidence-permit-application. Without this residency card, your rights in France will be affected.
The French government is launching a 20M euro action plan in a bid to help animal rescue centres. France is Europe’s biggest offender of animal abandonment, and centres already at full capacity have seen an increase in the last year, creating a huge problem for them and their ability to take on new arrivals. The new plan will aid the country’s 800 shelters to enlarge their capacity and offer more support to help with this problem. A new advertising campaign will also be launched, with bill baords at motorway services, where up to 60% of these offences are commited.