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August 2023 is a very unusual month as it both begins and ends on a full Moon, with the Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday the 1st of August, and ending with a full Moon in Pisces on Thursday the 31st. August can be a difficult month for planting things because of the weather usually being hot and dry, and this month is no exception. However, working with both the phases of the Moon and the signs she is passing through, can help you achieve your gardening goals.
The period between the full moon and the next new moon on the 15th is a good time to mow and prune and harvest those fruits and vegetables which are already ripe. Tuesday 1st and Wednesday the 2nd are good days to pick herbs for the kitchen and also those which can be medicinal.
Root vegetables can go in the ground so that they will be ready for winter use.
On the 3rd and Friday the 4th the Moon is in Pisces which is a fertile water sign and under the influence of the full Moon. This will be a good time to plant trees shrubs and perennials which you have obtained bare root. On Monday and Tuesday, the 7th and 8th the Moon is in the earth sign of Taurus. Continue planting any root vegetables that you want to enjoy cooking for the winter and maybe try some that you have never attempted to grow before. Adding succulents to your garden would be a good addition as they are drought resistant. On the 9th, 10th and 11th, the Moon is in Gemini, not a time for planting but good for regular garden
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maintenance. It would also be a great time for you to enjoy social activities and meetings with friends. On Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th the Moon is in Cancer which is a very fertile sign but then goes into the barren fire sign of Leo on the 14th. Remove all dead and flammable material which could be a fire risk.
The New Moon in Leo will arrive on 16th and the next window for planting begins on the 17th when the Moon goes into Virgo and will stay there until Saturday when she goes into Libra. It is a little late to be sowing seeds but if you want to bring in some new plants to beautify your home this would be a good time to do that. On the 22nd and 23rd with the Moon in Scorpio this would be an excellent time to plant your bare root perennials or new trees and shrubs
The Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius on the 24th and 25th. It is time to harvest as many of your fruits and vegetables as you can. On Saturday afternoon, the 26th, the Moon goes into Capricorn and will be there until Monday the 28th. Check your ‘To Do’ list and see if there are still any root vegetables that you want to plant. With the Moon going into Aquarius on the 28th and 29th you can check online and plan ahead for any bulbs you want to order for autumn planting. The moon enters Pisces on the 30th and culminates at the full moon in the wee small hours of Thursday morning of August 31st.