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Why Chimneys Smell Bad in the Summer

By Kristian Jennings
Kristian of Jennings Chimney Sweeping specializes in Chimney problem diagnosis and is a member of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps
For some of you, this may be the time that your chimney starts to smell a bit. I should start by saying a smelly chimney isn’t common place and can almost certainly be rectified by hiring a qualified chimney sweep to find out what’s really going on. Here are 5 reasons why your chimney might smell over the summer:
1. Creosote and soot
There is no way to completely prevent creosote and soot deposits from forming in your chimney. Soot, as most people know, is the black or brown powdery substance made of unburnt carbon particles and ash. It is easily removed but can build up over time. Creosote can be dry and brittle, thick and flaky, bubbly and black or can even glaze over to become tar and comes from cooled and condensed wood smoke. These substances build up over time and should be removed at least once a year to keep your chimney in good working condition, to reduce the risk of fire and to prevent sooty oders and smells like a barbeque gone bad.
2. Moisture
Moisture can enter your chimney either as rain water if your chimney is upcapped or from condensation. Moisture in the chimney doesn’t only cause undesirable smells but when water and creosote react, an acidic slurry is formed which could corrode your liner or eat away at the mortar in your chimney. All chimneys, even decommissioned ones should be ventilated and should be capped to protect them from the elements.
3. Negative air pressure
During the winter, your chimney benefits from a natural draw caused by an imbalance in temperature between your home and the cold air outside. Any light debris will be lifted up and out of your chimney, never to be seen again. In the summer however, this imbalance is switched, causing the natural draw of the chimney to work against you. This is often solved by assuring sufficient ventilation into the room, which any room hosting a chimney should have anyway.
4. Home improvements
Following on from the point above, any home improvements you’ve made could lead to complications with your chimney. I occasionally receive phone calls from homeowners explaining that all of a sudden, their woodburner is behaving differently and is struggling to light. The first question I ask is “have you installed double glazing recently?”. Home improvements, such as weatherising, installing extractor fans (even in other rooms) or even installing a new roof can all affect the way in which air can enter and moves around your home. For your fire to burn, it requires sufficient oxygen, in fact all open fires and almost all woodburners require an air vent to be installed into the room with the fire for this exact reason.
5. Nests and pests
It’s no secret that some animals love to build their homes inside chimneys. Many of you may have experienced a sparrow tapping on your stove glass asking to be let out. Some of you may have had twigs appear in your fireplace only to find that a Jackdaw has decided to nest and become your new housemate. A few of you may even have been unlucky enough to host a wasp or a bees nest in your chimney. Droppings left by these visitors or the remains of a nest can all be quite smelly. If you suspect your chimney is being used by someone (or something) other than yourselves, ask your professional chimney sweep for advice or to come and have a look. All of these issues will often be identified during your annual chimney sweep. Your qualified sweep will most likely equip themselves with the latest chimney camera equipment to see exactly what is happening inside your chimney. Seeing and knowing what is happening inside your chimney is paramount to safety as although chimney sweeps are lucky, we don’t take risks.

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