2 minute read
As time went on, they watched and noted the influence of the phases of the moon. When I first moved to France, I was surprised to see how many French people followed the policy of gardening by the moon, there were pamphlets on the counters in gardening centres and magazine racks were full of gardening and general interest magazines - but it was all in French. I have followed the practice for several years and as I have also studied astrology, I use both the phases of the moon, and the signs through which she travels throughout her monthly cycle.
The cycle begins at the new moon. She moves through the signs, increasing in light to culminate at the full moon and then wanes, moving through the remaining signs until the cycle starts again at the next new moon. It is not a tidy cycle that fits standard monthly calendars as the dates of the new and full moon will move through the signs over the course of the year.
The gravitational pull of the moon has a measurable effect on what happens on Earth, from the tides of the oceans to our own bodies – and the way plants draw water from the ground. This is why the periods leading up to the full moon, and the week following, were understood by tradition to be the most fertile times of the month, and the best for planting.
The first weekend in July will not be a good one for planting anything. The moon will be in the fire sign of Sagittarius, which is not a fertile sign, and the weather is probably going to be pretty hot and dry.
Monday the 3rd of July is the day of the full moon at 12:36 CEDT in the earth sign of Capricorn. This is a good time for planting anything below ground. On the 3rd and the 4th you will also be under the positive influence of the full moon. For the rest of the week enjoy the summer weather and activities until the moon goes into the fertile water sign of Pisces on the 7th and 8th. On the 9th and 10th when the moon goes into the fire sign of Aries, it will be a good time to cut the grass and do what you can to get rid of the twigs and leaves that might be a fire hazard.
On Tuesday and Wednesday the 11th and 12th, the moon will be in Taurus, another earth sign. The moon enters Gemini on the 14th and moves into the fertile sign of
Stephanie Hunt-Crowley
Stephanie is a freelance writer who puts her knowledge of astrology together with her love of gardening. British born, then living in the USA, she now lives in rural France

Cancer on Saturday evening, heading to the new moon.
The new moon in Cancer on the 17th occurs at 19:31 CEDT, and traditionally not the best time to plant things, but if you were given a plant as a gift and you need to repot or plant it you have nothing to lose!
The following three days, the 18th 19th and 20th, while the moon is in Leo will best be spent on summer activities, or working if you must. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday the moon will be in Virgo and will begin to feel the influence of the next full moon. On Monday with the moon in Libra you may be tempted by some beautiful flowers to display in your home. This would be a good time to enjoy them.
On the 26th and 27th the moon is in Scorpio. This would be the time to take those plants that need to be transplanted into bigger pots, and get the job done. Scorpio is very good for transplanting anything. On the 28th and 29th we come full circle back to the fire sign of Sagittarius. The weekend of the 29th and 30th will be for relaxation and entertainment, and on Monday with the moon in Capricorn you can get down to business, and planning what you want to do for the next month, Capricorn.
Two ladies VAN