latest news
GIVING BLOOD IN FRANCE As many of you already know, if you spent more than one year (in total) in the UK between the 1st of January 1980 and the 31st of December 1996, you can’t be a blood donor in France. The law was set and put in place in the year 2000, following the UK’s outbreak of mad cow disease (also known as CreutzfeldtJakob Disease and BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)). If
this law disqualifies you can, for example, make a donation for non-therapeutic use (for teaching and medical research). Find out more at your local donation site or by calling 0800 109 900. Alternatively, speak to your local mairie who can assist you. You can also become a volunteer (bénévole) at a donor association (une association de donneurs).
Following a dry winter and start to the year, there are water restrictions already in place in some areas of France. Communes who are affected so far are in the Vienne, Charente, Charente-Maritime, Drôme, Alpes-Maritimes, Bouches-du-Rhône and Vaucluse, Maineet-Loire, which are under ‘alerte’ level restrictions. Residents there are told to reduce the amount of water they use for activities such as watering their gardens and washing their cars. The amount of water used for agricultural use is also cut by up to 50%. Parts of Vienne, Charente-Maritime, Charente and Ain have been placed under an reinforced alert ( ), meaning that they will be subject to tighter restrictions. To check your local area for water restrictions visit the Propluvia website. Here is the link to the map showing you the areas affected:
Free Home Testing Kits Erratum (issue April 2022) If you live in France and are aged between 50 and 74 years you can order a free at-home test for colorectal cancer. You simply order the test online and it will be sent to your home for free, every 2 years. The cancer causes more than 17,000 deaths each year in France, mainly in those aged over 50. Between the years of 2019-2020 it is reported that less than a third of the eligible population took the tests, despite the cancer having a 90% rate of survival if caught in the early stages. (If caught at a later stage, the treatment is more difficult and the survival rate is lower.) The national programme is available to all men and women aged 50-74, who do not have symptoms and who have no previous history of colon or rectal illnesses. You will receive a letter from l’Assurance Maladie inviting you to order a free test online, and have it sent to your home. You can order your kit here:, making sure you have your numéro d’invitation from the invitation letter.
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It has been brought to our attention by a reader that information printed in last month’s issue (April 2022) is incorrect. The article in question was printed on page 22, under the title of ‘French Income Tax’. The paragraph starting with ‘When’. The section stated “So, if you have officially moved to France before July last year (2021), then you fill in your first French tax form in April-May 2022 on which you declare your revenue of 2021. If you moved to France after July, then you were not a French resident in 2021 (in France less than 6 month) and therefore, you will have to fill in your first French tax form in April-May 2023 for your revenue of 2022. for your 2022 revenue.” The information published has been confirmed by a local tax office, however it has been highlighted to us that this is not the official French law, so while it is true that some local tax offices apply their own volition, this could cause problems later on, which could lead to fines. The 183 day rule means you file wherever you spent the majority of the calendar year between multiple countries. If this is your first year here in France as a tax resident, please seek professional advice from an expert or visit your local tax office for clarification.