home & specialist Observing challenge: The Lunar Eclipse
Meteor Showers in May. The η { Eta } Aquariids
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth lies This annual meteor shower will be at its directly between the Sun and the Moon, best in the wee small hours (around dawn) and as a result the Moon falls into shadow with the 'peak' of activity falling on the and can seem to change colour. What you 6th. Because the 'radiant' - or origin point will see of the eclipse depends on your - of these meteors is below the horizon, position. I have done a search for my exact you may not see quite so many meteors. position and how it will You could expect to see affect my view of the up to 50 meteors per You could expect to see eclipse using the really hour nevertheless, if you useful site up to 50 meteors per stay up / get up early! www.timeanddate.com. hour nevertheless, if you Some of the Aquariids You can enter your will leave beautiful long stay up / get up early! precise location and find trains. The constellation out what you will see and of 'Aquarius' will be timings for the event. I will need to be below the southern horizon while ready and looking towards a low clear observing so try to ensure that you can westerly horizon from 3.30am to see the find a good wide open southerly vantage start of the eclipse. The Moon sets not point to catch a few falling stars. long after 6am so it will become more tricky to observe. Good luck and do let me know what you spot. Clear Skies and Happy Star Gazing!
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