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Please make sure to pay particular care and attention when you are walking in the countryside at this time of year in France. Wear bright, coloured clothing and if you see there is a hunt it’s best to keep as far away from it as possible. If you hear a hunt close to your house, you may want to consider bringing in your domestic pets and sheltering your livestock. For many locals, la chasse is very much part of their lives and countryside culture. It’s the 3rd most popular sport in France, with over a million official hunters registered. In more recent years, the sport has ignited much debate. Over the decades its popularity has been dropping (it was over 2 million in the 70s). Le Code de l’environnement is a French law covering rural life and ecology and stops hunters from hunting on people’s land without their consent. However, you might find that the chasse are hunting on your land by default so you will need to go through the official protocol. Depending on where you live, it will be governed by a local hunting club (société de chasse) or managed by a body approved by the prefecture (ACCA association communale de chasse agrée, or AICA association intercommunale de chasse agréée). If you’re not sure who to contact or what to do, visit your mairie for advice.
After years of planning and hard work, Elephant Haven in Bussière Galant (87230) is now ready to take on 3 elephants. For more details visit: www.elephanthaven.org
The long-awaited launch for online residency card applications went live on Monday 19th October. Despite an expected overload of applications on the first day, it all went without too many hitches and feedback has been positive. A few glitches (which are to be expected) but so far so good. If you already have an existing carte de séjour (aka titre de séjour) permanent the process is very simple. It seems for anyone who has been in France for over 5 years they are no longer asking for proof of income or healthcover, so this sounds as though it has been simplified. Applications for those living in France for less than 5 years are more detailed but again, the response so far from applicants is positive. If you are a British passport holder (and don’t have dual French citizenship) you must apply for your residency before the 30th of June 2021. You can apply online here: http://invite.contacts-demarches.interieur.gouv.fr Select the ‘Brexit ‘ box and follow instructions. Good advice and updated information is available here: www.francerights.org If you need any help with your application reach out to friends or neighbours for help, or contact one of the hand holding/admin services (please see the Language and Advice section).
It appears that Ryanair has cancelled all of their flights from and to Limoges airport. At the time of print, there are currently no flights available to book between now and March 2021. It has proved difficult to find an official statement on this, but Limoges airport have confirmed that Ryanair have cancelled all of the UK bound flights and return journeys. Their advice was to keep checking with Ryainair regularly as circumstances can change (at a moment’s notice).