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ridden ‘manually’, i.e. without using the motor.
▪ In town, those vehicles must be ridden on the area set for them if they exist (cycle lanes). Otherwise they can be ridden on the road where the maximum speed is 50 km/h or less.
▪Outside towns, they can only be used on green roads (voies vertes) or cycling roads. However, some communes can authorise them and in that case, they must be ridden with a helmet and a yellow fluorescent jacket.
▪ Parking is allowed on pavements as long as it does not interfere with pedestrian use. A future law (La loi mobilités) will enable mayors to introduce stricter rules.
3. Who can drive them:
▪ Anybody over 12 years old but keep a close eye on French news as this may increase to 14.
▪ Only one person allowed on the vehicle. And only personal usage, not professional.
4. What equipment is required:
▪ In towns, a helmet is not an obligation but highly recommended
▪ Outside town a helmet is an obligation
▪ At night or by day with poor visibility, you must wear a fluorescent jacket or arm band.
5. What equipment must they have and what is the maximum power:
▪ They must have navigation lights and backlights, reflecting lights (catadioptres), a braking system, and a horn.
▪ Maximum speed 25 km/h.
6. What insurance is needed:
▪ They have to be insured for legal liability insurance just like a motorbike or a car. This insurance covers the damage that be caused to others if you crash into them.
▪ Note that if you injure a pedestrian in an accident with your vehicle without having the proper insurance, the Fonds de Garantie des Assurances
Obligatoires (FGAO) will intervene to compensate the victim but will ask you to reimburse them with an increase of 10% (interest). Plus there would be a fine for not having the proper insurance which is 3750€.
▪ Except for electric bikes, see section 8.
7. What are the sanctions:
▪ If you do not respect the highway code, or, you are carrying a passenger: 35€ fine
▪ If you drive on the pavement or have increased the vehicle’s power (done it yourself) to above 25 km/h: 135€ fine
▪ If you drive a vehicle that you purchased with a power above 25 km/h: 1500€
▪ Not wearing appropriate gear (yellow jacket, etc) at night : 35€ fine
▪ No insurance: 3750 euros fine.
Attention: There is talk of these fines increasing, so keep up-to-date with news here: www.securite-routiere.gouv.fr
8. Electric bikes (VAE):

▪ Definition is that they must stop working when you stop pedalling, the motor stops if the speed goes over 25 km/h, the motor stops when you use the brakes, motor power is 250 watts maximum, and it must not be equipped with an accelerator or anything allowing the bike to move on its own (without you pedalling).
▪ They are automatically insured under your public liability with your house insurance so do not require a separate insurance. But you must have a house insurance contract.
▪ They can be ridden at any age.
9. Allianz insurance: We have 3 types of cover and it is the same price for all vehicles:
▪ Minimum liability insurance: 55€ per year
▪ Liability insurance plus injury to yourself insurance up to 250 000€: 90€ per year
▪ Liability insurance plus injury to yourself insurance up to 1 000 000€ : 125€ per year
Conclusion: Follow the rules and get insurance from me if you have one !
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ANGLO FRENCH HELP contact@anglofrenchhelp.com
Growing up in France, Lauren has experienced firsthand the complexities of the administration system, especially for non-French speakers. She’s here to accompany you on your French journey, offering admin help, translation, interpretation, and a deep understanding of the French system (See ad on page 13)