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Shadow, Destini Mink

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My shadow follows me. One foot after another. One step after the first. One nervous tick after the next. It follows each motion, Lifeless, Mindless.


The sun is particularly high today, it’s noon. My shadow is almost gone. It’s hiding today. It doesn’t like the sun. It prefers the dark, I guess we’re more alike than I thought. She’s fearful. Concealed.

Today it’s cloudy. I haven’t seen my shadow at all. Not even a slight glance. Not one mirrored motion. Is she okay?

My shadow came back today. Boldly she followed on the pavement just as she had done before. I glance around me, and she does the same. Every other shadow, mirroring their source, as far as the eye can see. We were no exception.

I glanced down at her, and naturally she glanced up at me. We were mirroring everyone else. Lifeless, Mindless, My shadow follows me. Destini Mink

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