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JINDRA ACCLAIM (Reference Sire for 15)
BUSH Acclaim 17YFK

BUSH Predestined 51UYEK

Bentley, Ethan & Seth Bush
5205 Gratz Road * Owenton, KY 40359
502.750.4190, Ethan * 502.593.5086, Bentley
Follow us on Facebook for videos and sale updates
• All bull developed on a high roughage diet

• Genomically enhanced EPDs on all bulls
• BVD-PI & Johnes negative
• Fertility Tested
BUSH Main Event 17YK

ASA# 4154372 * BD 1-22-22 * Tattoo 17YK
3/4 SM 1/4 AN Heterozygous Black * Polled
2023 Annual Private Treaty Bull Offering
We would like to thank you for taking the time to look at our 2023 offering for our private treaty bull sale. As you look through this offering, you will see our utilization of AI sire bulls as well as our own herd sires that we have utilized within our own herd. I know people say this every year, but we truly believe this set of bulls is the best to come from Bush Simmentals. We pride ourselves on the work we do beforehand so that you, the buyer, can have the most success possible with these bulls once you get them home. Each bull has EPDs that have been genomically enhanced, they have been developed and treated with the highest quality feeds and herd health, and they are fertility tested. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or to come by for a visit and look at the bulls.