
Page 1

ISSUE 02 2014


Tools to boost awareness, recognition, preference and loyalty Page 06

Referral marketing works . . . pass it on! Page 02

Updated logos reflect new company direction Page 05

Events: 5 ways to show your brand at its best Page 10

Dear Fellow Marketer: Brand strength is built through countless consumer touch points. Those who do it best deliver consistent brand messages and reliable excellence across many experiences. And it pays off. According to Econsultancy, multi-channel customers spend three to four times more than those who interact on a single channel. Unless your brand is brand new, you have already begun to carve out a spot in the marketplace. The level of your brand awareness can be quickly evaluated by the recognition of your logo. Is it representing your brand well? Check out page 5 to see how several companies got down to a very basic level and updated their logos to enhance their brand image. Even with the benefit of a graphically strong logo, it’s a big leap from brand recognition to brand loyalty with a couple of major steps in between. On pages 6-9, we’ll give you some tactical ways toward building a stronger brand by cultivating your customer relationships with ongoing communications along the way. Once you’ve reached that coveted place where buyer trust has been earned, you have a golden opportunity to increase the value of those bonds by enlisting brand advocates among your loyal following. Check out pages 2-3 to learn ways you can inspire prized referrals and positive word-of-mouth, both inexpensive and effective ways to help you grow without even having to walk out your door. For those who take their brand “on the road” by exhibiting at trade shows, hosting events or via sponsorships, how you present your company or organization outside of your regular selling environment should follow the same rules of engagement. The most important? As noted up top, be consistent in your brand presentation. See pages 1011 to find out more ways to make your mark with event marketing. What are your branding challenges? Chances are, you’re not alone. We’d love to hear your thoughts, and we welcome the chance to share ideas and solutions! Until next time,

Roberta Roberta Tepper Eric Vetter President Grand Grand Rapids Rapids 616-248-4110 616-248-4110 www.allegragr.com roberta@allegragr.com ericvetter@allegragr.com

P.S. Ask us about our exclusive FREE business self-assessment guide, Your Brand: Unrivaled . . . or Unraveled? It walks you through an important evaluation of your branding strategies and helps you identify areas that might need some improvement.

ISSUE 02 2014

C o n t e n t s

06 SPOTLIGHT Building a Strong Brand Tools to boost awareness, recognition, preference and loyalty


02 Referral Marketing Works . . . Pass it on! Turn your fans and friends into brand ambassadors to boost new business.

04 Marketing Fast Facts 05 Case Study: An Updated Logo Can Be a Game-changer for Your Brand New logos help companies define and refine their brand images.

10 Taking Your Brand on the Road How to put your best foot forward when you’re away from your traditional selling environment.

12 Ride On! Rolling Promotions Make Big Impressions Souped-up vehicle graphics go a long way toward driving valuable brand impressions all year long.

Referral Marketing

WORKS . . . Pass it on!

“Ask any sales veteran, and they will tell you that selling through referrals from satisfied customers is the easiest, fastest, and least-expensive way to grow a business,” says Jeff Peden, author of Take It to the MAX: The Ultimate Strategy for Maximizing Profits and Growth.



he facts back him up. In recent Nielsen research1, the question, “To what extent do you

trust the following forms of advertising?” garnered these scores: • 92% of people trust recommendations from people they know. • 70% trust consumer opinions posted online. These results eclipsed websites (58%), emails (50%), TV commercials (47%), magazine ads (47%), billboards (47%), newspaper ads (46%) and radio commercials (42%), among other media.

It’s evident that in-person and online referrals can go a long way

Quick Tips to Promote Social Sharing

toward driving new prospects to you. One of the most effective ways to turn your past and present customers into brand

Word-of-mouth used to occur over the backyard

advocates is with a referral program. Here are a few ways to

fence or around the water cooler. Today’s influentials

get yours up and running:

are gathered on social media sites and primed to share their opinions – positive and negative – with a much

Ask for a recommendation | “When you have happy

wider audience. Here’s how you can drive some of

customers, they want to help you be successful because now

the conversation:

they know, like and trust you,” Peden says. “Asking them for • Make it a game. Introducing a new product or

referrals provides them the opportunity to support your success.”

service? Encourage your social media fans to vote on Partner up to cross promote | Think of businesses related

a color or suggest a name by offering a prize. Then,

to – but not in competition with – your own. Run an automotive

promise them an increased chance of winning with

collision repair shop? Arrange to promote a trusted mechanic,

the more friends who support their suggestion.

muffler shop or tire center in exchange for their endorsements • Appeal to their altruism. Craft a campaign

of you.

that promises to make a charitable donation as Promise referrers a reward | On your website and in other

an incentive for social media users to share. You’ll

communications, let customers know they’ll earn cash, gift cards

increase your fans and elevate your brand image.

or similar incentives for any new business they send your way, • Offer an exclusive. Give fans who share something

provided their friend or neighbor mentions the referrer’s name.

special, such as a first chance at a product, service, Encourage your social media fans to share | Establish a

event or discount in return for them influencing

page on Facebook or other sites and encourage your customers

their friends.

to become “fans” and your fans to “share” their endorsement of • Incentivize influencers. Track your fan

you with their friends. (See sidebar for details.)

recommendations. Reward influencers with an Start an automated online referral program | Usually

invitation to a launch party, a pre-sale opportunity

offered on a monthly subscription basis, automated programs

or other exclusive that acknowledges their

integrate a custom website with branded emails and referral

special status.

incentives, and offer the added benefits of campaign • Mobilize the masses. Launch a program which

management and results tracking.

induces fans to share and achieve a group discount “Referral marketing or word-of-mouth advertising is marketing

or shared benefit. (Sign up five friends, and you’ll all

at its most basic and most effective,” concludes Peden. Indeed,

save $20!) With the right group incentive, everyone

two-thirds of all economic activity today is influenced by personal

wins – including you!

recommendations.2 n 1

Nielsen Newswire, Consumer Trust in Online, Social and Mobile Advertising Grows, 2014


eMarketer Research Report, 2012

ISSUE 02 | 2014 03



67% say an endorsement from an unbiased expert makes them more likely to consider purchasing.

Source: inPowered/Nielsen, March 2014

36% are willing to share their current location via GPS with retailers.

Source: IBM Corporation, 2014

Mobile search drives outcomes for business


of marketers say combining video with email improves conversion rates.


of mobile searches trigger additional action & conversions

Source: ReelSEO/Video Marketing Council, 2013

36% Continued research 25% Visited a retailer’s website 18% Shared information

Top 10 Emotions that Drive Social Sharing

1. Amusement 2. Interest 3. Surprise 4. Happiness 5. Delight 6. Pleasure 7. Joy

17% Visited a store

8. Hope 9. Affection 10. Excitement

17% Made a purchase 7% Called a business

28% of mobile searches result in conversions (store visit, call, purchase)

Source: Google/Nielsen Life 360 Mobile Search Moments, 2012

Source: Fractl

6 Statistics Worth Repeating Today’s Consumers Value Search Engines



Found what they were looking for

Learned something new or important

Source: Pew Internet, 2012




Believed Said information search engines was accurate are fair and and trustworthy unbiased

50% Found info they didn’t think they could

casestudy: How we help customers meet their goals

An updated logo can be a game-changer for your brand n a competitive marketplace, it’s essential for organizations to


ensure their logo accurately reflects who they are, what they

offer and how they want to be viewed. A logo serves as a visual

• New competitors have entered your marketplace • Your business has grown and reaches more people or has become “big league”

ambassador, one that appears on everything from business cards and coffee mugs to delivery vehicles and websites.

• Your company is splitting from or has been acquired by a new “parent” company

With a job that mighty to fulfill, logos should be reviewed from time to time to determine if an update is in order. Common reasons to consider a re-design include:

Whatever prompts the need for a new logo, any revisions should be approached strategically (What business goal will it serve?) and professionally created for best results.

• Your company’s scope of business or product line has changed

Here’s how a few organizations upped their game with a new logo.

• The current logo looks outdated

This manufacturer and distributor of alerting devices

materials. The company logo needed a more professional

that assist seniors, the blind, and the deaf or hard of

and contemporary look to portray high quality while

hearing, was revising all of its marketing and sales

appearing simpler and not “too busy.”



As part of a larger group of municipal services, Wyandotte

With the dissolution of a pest elimination company, the new

Cable was without its own logo. One was developed to

owner changed the company name, creating a need for a

establish the cable division’s unique identity and to encourage

logo for the new brand. Creative considerations for the look

customers to be more aware of this specific service. The

included “professionalism and quality of service” and a clear

newly developed logo has helped extend the brand identity

depiction of the company’s purpose while avoiding the use of

through its use on vehicle wraps, promotional items and

the previous company’s colors.

print materials.

ISSUE 02 | 2014 05


Tools to boost awareness, gain recognition, attain loyalty preference and maintain loy ya


ow w im important mportant iiss ccustomer ustomer lloyalty? oyalty? Supremely. Supremely. A According cco tto o tthe he G Gartner artner G Group, roup, 8 80% 0% o off yyour our future future b business usiness will ccome om me ffr me rom om 2 0% o our ccurrent urrent ccustomers. ustomers. H owever, tthat hat d oe from 20% off yyour However, doesn’t d isplace th he n ee ed ffor or aacquisition cqquiisition sstrategies trattegies tto o rreplace eplace n atural cu usto om displace the need natural customer aattrition ttrition tthat hat oc ccurs o ver ttime. ime. IIn n fact, fact, rretention etention aand nd aacquisition cquisition can can w o rk h occurs over work hand in h and; a referral re eferral program, program, for for example, example, ffurther urther ssolidifies olidifies ccurrent urrent rrelationships elationships while while your hand; ccustomer ustomer b rand aambassadors mbassadors rraise aise aawareness wareness aand nd d o ssome ome o our p rospecting brand do off yyour prospecting. L arge o mall, b randing iiss iimportant mportant ffor or o rganizations o izes, aass all all sshare hare tthe h Large orr ssmall, branding organizations off aallll ssizes, ssame ame g oal: m oving p eoplle ffrom rom iinitial niitial aawareness wareness tto o ttrue rue lloyalty oyalty sso o tthat hat yyou ou ccan an grow goal: moving people your company, organization or nonprofit for the long haul. The following are some tactical ideas to get you started. á ISSUE 02 | 2014 07

Measure Levels of Awareness Conduct a benchmark survey to gauge awareness of your brand against your top competitors. Then, a post-campaign survey will let you know if your marketing efforts were successful – or how much more work you need to do.

Boosting Brand Awareness

Go door to door. Low-cost options include Every Door

Brand awareness simply means that people – not yet

Direct Mail™ from the U.S. Postal Service® and Unaddressed

prospects, let alone customers – know that your brand exists.

Admail™ from Canada Post, which let you reach every home

No matter how good your product, service or cause, if few

and business within a selected geography at bargain postal

have ever heard of it, fewer still will ever select it. How do

rates without a mailing list. It’s ideal for companies that derive

you achieve it? Here are a few ideas:

most of their business locally.

Create – or strengthen – your brand identity. It will have

Gaining Brand Recognition

a brand name, logo and preferably a tagline that summarizes

Brand recognition is the degree to which people can identify

your brand promise. If you’ve covered this years ago, it might

your product, service or cause simply by viewing your logo,

be time for a second look. Perhaps your logo is just outdated.

advertising or signage. You want consumers to recall prior

Or, maybe your company or organization has evolved to include

knowledge. (“Acme is the window company that responds

new products or services, and your branding needs a re-fresh.

quickly to storm damage.”) Some tips:

Develop branded materials. At minimum, business cards,

Go ahead and repeat yourself. You’ll not only have to spread

stationery and office forms are essential. Printed materials

the word (reach), you’ll need to repeat it often (frequency).

might also include brochures and newsletters, interior and

While it helps to have an unlimited budget, many marketers do

exterior building signage, displays and banners. To note:

well with unlimited imaginations. Think outside of your go-to

Research firm Millward Brown presented a study that

channels, and spread the word in more ways via trade shows

revealed engagement with a physical piece prompts more

or event and content sponsorships.


brain activity than with digital views. This suggests that it’s more “real” and involves more emotionally vivid memories

Put a stamp on it. Make direct mail an integral part of

which may help with brand recall and motivation.

your marketing mix. Even in our digital age, nearly 90% of cconsumers o o su e s say they want to receive sales and

Take it to the streets. tre tree tr ee ets. ts. Mo ts M Mobile obi bile e ssignage iig gna age e iin n th the he form of wraps orr rrepositionable epos ep ossitio ittio ona ab blle le ma magn magnetic g etticc ssigns gn ig gns

p om pr motio ion n offers via direct mail, according promotional to N Nielsen. ie iels els ls 2

for your cars, vans, even ns, ttrailers r ili er ra ers an ers and d ev e en lleased en eaase sed d w-c -cos o t,t h os ighig h--im impa pact pa ct w ct ayy tto o vehicles are a low-cost, high-impact way


G where prospects go. And that means Go

build brand impressions. 12 essi es s ons. on ns. s. ((See See Se e pa page g 1 ge 2 fo ffor or

the t Web: 78% of Americans look for th

more on vehicle gr graphics.) g rap aphi hics hi css.))

products and services online according to p

Pew Research3. Of Canadian Internet users, 77% research 4

goods or services online, per Statistics Canada . Most

making the right choice. Instead, they need to feel rewarded for choosing you time and again. Here are some tips:

business listings on major search engines are free, they simply need to be “claimed” on local maps such as bing.com/

Get personal to build relationships. Create personalized,

local or listings.local.yahoo.com, among others.

two-way interactions with your customers that are relevant and customized. Addressing recipients by name and otherwise

Attaining Brand Preference

personalizing your letters can increase response rates by

Brand preference is the degree with which your brand is

30-50%, according to the Direct Marketing Association.5

preferred – assuming everything is equal to your competitors in key decision factors. The ultimate marketing goal is to

Reward or incentivize customer loyalty. Look for ways to

have your target think of your product, service or cause

increase customer engagement by rewarding actions, like

when they’re ready to buy or donate. (“The storm broke

social media activity, as well as transactions. Loyalty marketing

our windows. Call Acme Glass.”) How do you achieve it?

consultant Colloquy recommends using soft benefits, such as

Some recommendations:

recognition and special access, in addition to hard benefits like cash back. Build in mobile access to program information

Fulfill your brand promise. It’s often summed up in a tagline

via apps for ease and convenience.

such as Target’s “Expect More, Pay Less” or BMW’s “The Ultimate Driving Machine.” Whatever pledge you make, the

Encourage Facebook fans to share. On Facebook, On Fa F Face cebo ce book bo ok,,

more consistently you fulfill it means the more customers

encourage your customers to become “fans” and “fans faans ns”” an nd

will come to see you as their preferred brand.

your fans to “share” their endorsement of with of you you wi w th h others, perhaps with an incentive. Why?? Nine Nine Ni e out out

Determine what motivates customers. Through informal

of 10 people trust the recommendations nss of of

interviews or commissioned research, discover what your

friends, according to Nielsen Online. Or,r, ho host st

targets value most. In the case of Acme Glass, perhaps it’s

a Facebook Group. Invite customers who ho o aare re e

24-hour service with multiple replacement window options.

on Facebook to join like-minded consumers mer erss in a Facebook Group where they can share hare ha re

Communicate key benefits. Having learned through

experiences, post tips and ask questions. nss. n

research what prospects value most, be sure to make that the focal point of your communications: “Acme Glass: The RoundThe-Clock Repair Specialists.”


Millward Brown, Using Neuroscience to Understand nd the Role of Direct Mail, 2009

Maintaining Brand Loyalty


Nielsen, Consumer 360® Conference, 2011


Pew Research Internet Project, Online Product

When consumers become committed to your product, service or cause and make repeat purchases or donations over time, that’s brand loyalty. And when it’s a commonly accepted rule of thumb that it costs six to seven times more to acquire a new customer than retain

Research, Jim Jansen, 2010 4

Statistics Canada, Individual Internet Use and

e-Commerce, 2012 5

Direct Marketing Association, 2012 DMA Response nse se

Rate Report

an existing one, it’s easy to see where the best ROI lies. Remember,rr,, these consumers don’t need to be persuaded nor reminded they’re

ISSUE 02 | 2014 09



TAKING YOUR BRAND ON THE ROAD 5 ways to put your best foot forward when stepping out of your comfort zone



t’s called event marketing, experiential

Here are five ways to help your brand make a lasting impression:

marketing or face-to-face marketing. And it can take many forms, such as a trade Consistency

show, special event, conference, sponsorship or street event.

Your brand’s identity should be readily apparent to attendees as soon as your

But is it worth your participation? And, if so,

event site comes into view. In that regard, signage is vitally important, as are other

what are some best practices to maximize

materials that carry your logo, corporate colors and typeface. A cohesive look will

your results?

help you deliver a seamless brand experience.

Event marketing offers you the opportunity to build brand awareness, win sales and


gain leads for future business. Positive and personal interaction boosts loyalty. For many,

In a sea of competitors vying for attention, you will need to create a presence

it also presents a chance for extra profits as

that induces attendees to stop. The best way to do so is with a stand-out display.

you try a new marketing strategy beyond your

Consider contests, drawings, games or interactive tools as ways to draw visitors

traditional selling environments – storefront

and induce them to interact with you.

or website. Potential customers think face-to-face


marketing is persuasive. In a recent study, 95% of consumer respondents said

As tempting as it is nowadays to forsake printed materials in lieu of the

participating in an event made them

information you provide on your website, there is often no substitute for them

more inclined to purchase the product

at events. Be prepared to distribute sales brochures, flyers or technical sheets

being promoted.1

to visitors as handouts.

The same research identifies three factors that influence consumer purchase decisions


at events; the ability to sample the product or service or see a demonstration (71%),

Not only do they create interest during an event, but branded giveaways also make

gaining a better understanding of it (33%),

a good impression that lasts long afterward. Profile your audience to determine

and receiving a coupon for a discount (25%).

what they would appreciate most. Also, consider a tiered strategy with lower-value gifts for those with casual interest and higher-value items for genuine prospects.

Does all of that translate to an improved bottom line? It should, as 88% of event participants who purchased once said they


became regular customers, per the study. You’ll support your brand identification effort by having your event staff wear shirts B2B marketers consider special events

or caps displaying your logo or featuring a key product or service. Logo wear is

because that’s where the decision makers

also a popular giveaway item. Great conversation starters, a free shirt or cap can

are. A 2013 industry survey revealed that

engender positive feelings about your brand.

82% of trade show visitors are empowered to recommend, specify or make a final

BONUS TIP: Promotion is key, so pull out all the stops. Employ a mix of advertising,

purchasing decision.2 Even better, 49% of

email, social media, public relations and website communications that are consistent

them attend such events with the specific

in messaging and branding. By communicating with your audience early and often,

intent to purchase, per the same research.

you will drive awareness and pique interest, opening the door to new sales. 1

Event Marketing Institute/Mosaic, EventTrack 2013 Studyy, 2013


Exhibit Surveys Inc., Trade Show Trendss, 2013

ISSUE 02 | 2014 11

Ride On!

Rolling promotions make big impressions

Harry's Plumbing 1-800-fix-pipe www.hplumbing.com

How many miles do you put on your vehicle in a year? If you’re average, it ranges from 12,000 to 15,000 miles.


arry owns a plumbing company and has found the majority of his business is generated through referrals. That’s good news . . . satisfied

customers! However, his business plan calls for sales growth in the tri-county area that he serves. As a result, he is looking for an affordable way to promote

Top 3 Design Tips to Drive a Lasting Impression

his business that is impactful and easy. (He’s a one-man show and operates from his service van most of the day.) “Go” with vehicle graphics! With them, companies like Harry’s, that have one or more company vehicles can increase brand exposure and awareness around town all year long. On delivery runs or service calls – even when parked in lots – your vehicle advertising is always “on,” visible and can be memorable.

1 Size matters. Resist the temptation to throw everything into the design but the kitchen sink. The text – in particular your contact information – needs to be big enough to be visible and on a background color that is legible. Size up! 2

Here are some of today’s most popular options for rolling promotions:

Be loyal to your brand. Have some fun •

Logos and Lettering – This is a simple application to a back window or door panel with your company name, contact information and logo.

and flexibility with your graphics while staying true to your brand with a prominent

Magnets – Do you offer seasonal services? Does your company car do

logo, recognizable color palette and familiar

double-duty for personal use, too? Consider repositionable magnets. You

fonts that coordinate with your other

get a custom treatment that can be removed and reused multiple times or

advertising and marketing materials.

switched out for a second business or product line. •


Partial Wrap – For greater visual impact, a partial wrap of colorful graphics can stand out in a sea of solid colors.

Go to the pros. There are many opportunities for this project to head into

Full Wrap – For maximum impact, a full wrap uses almost every inch of the vehicle’s surface for bold messages and eye-catching design. Bonus: Your vehicle’s exterior is protected from scratches and some dings, minimizing charges upon return to the dealership if your vehicles are leased.

When you consider the opportunities to promote your company name, website, phone number and service specialties with thousands of potential customers 24/7, vehicle graphics almost make traffic jams and back-ups a little more bearable. 12

the weeds. A skilled graphic designer who watches for seams that can distort text, for example, plus an experienced installer equals a result that’s picture-perfect and road-ready.

Millennials: They just want to be heard They are young (ages18-33), tech-saavy and powerful consumers. And they value communication, especially when they have something to say. According to a recent study by Adroit Digital, Millennials say brands need to listen to consumers – and be willing to change based on their feedback. Here’s how they say you can secure the loyalty of this very important audience.

How will brands remain relevant to you and other people your age moving into the future?

33% 29% More advertising

52% Brands willing to change based on consumer opinion

Publicize eco-friendly practices

The New Age of Brand Loyalty, 2014

25% Become more charitable

32% Publicize fair business practices

28% Become more active in local communities

44% Open dialogue through social channels

Source: Adroit Digital,

38% Become less about the brand and more about the consumer

What’s that sweet

smell? That’s right, it’s almost time for What’s that sweet smell? That’s right, it’s almost time for •• • ••

•• • ••

in in

3983 3983 Linden Linden Avenue, Avenue, S.E. S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49548 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49548 Allegra Allegra 3983 Linden Ave., S.E. 616-248-4110 616-248-4110 Allegra Allegra 3983 3983Linden LindenAve., Ave.,S.E. S.E. 3983 3983 Linden Linden Avenue, Avenue, S.E. S.E. 49548 Grand Rapids, Michigan www.allegragr.com www.allegragr.com 3983 3983 Grand Grand Linden Linden Rapids, Rapids, Ave., Ave., Michigan Michigan S.E. S.E. 49548 49548

Grand Grand Rapids, Rapids,Michigan Michigan49548-3431 49548-3431 616-248-4110 Grand Grand 616-248-4110 616-248-4110 Rapids, Rapids,Michigan Michigan49548 49548 616-677-3338 616-677-3338 roberta@allegragr.com 616-248-4110 616-248-4110 ericvetter@allegragr.com ericvetter@allegragr.com ericvetter@allegragr.com ericvetter@allegragr.com www.allegragr.com ericvetter@allegragr.com ericvetter@allegragr.com www.allegragr.com www.allegragr.com THINK. THINK.ACT. ACT.GREEN. GREEN. www.allegragr.com www.allegragr.com

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Ask us for your FREE self-assessment guide!

Your Brand: Unrivaled ... or Unraveled? Whether your business is B2B, B2C or you represent a nonprofit, this guide can help you to tie together your branding across multi-channels to improve awareness, reach new customers or donors … and grow! We’ll help you evaluate your brand through a series of questions, like . . .

• Brand Identity: Your Logo – Strong brands help build strong businesses, including attracting new customers and commanding higher prices over competitors.1 Is your brand working hard enough for your company?

• Printed Materials – Nearly three-fourths of U.S. consumers and


lf-as arenes sessment gu s, crea te intere ide to help yo u st and drive gr owth

build aw

67% of Canadian consumers say they prefer direct mail for brand communications.2 Are you using the right channels to reach your customers?

• Interior & Exterior Signage – Fifty percent of consumers say they drove past a business they were looking for because of poor signage.3 Are you one of those getting passed by for a competitor? We’ll also review your Trade Show/Event Marketing, Web Presence and Content Marketing strategies to make sure your brand is well-represented . . . plus give tips to strengthen ties across your top marketing channels. 1 Millward Brown | 2 Epsilon | 3 University of Cincinnati

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