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I just avoid the haters in general and life in general. They just constantly motivate m general. They just constantly motivate me


I just avoid the haters in general and life in general. They just constantly motivate m general. They just constantly

é c n o y Be Knowles


n e r u a L Conrad

Wshe was being really annoying and I was like, “Lisa ne time I was walkign around in the street and what on Earth are you doI didn’t know what I was ing?” She had no idea what doing and I was walking time I was walkign around in the street and I didn’t she was doing because she with my friend Lisa and she was kind of insane and I was being really annoying know what I was doing and I was walking with my friend Lisa and she was being really annoying and I was so over here I was just and I was like, “Lisa what was like, “Lisa what on Earth are you doing?” She had done with how annoying on Earth are you doing?” no idea what she was doing because she was kind of she was being mean to me She had no idea what she insane and I was so over here I was just done with how and this is honestly just fillwas doing because she was kind of insane and I was so annoying she was being mean to me and this is hon- er text so just an FYI. time I was walkign around in the over here I was just done estly just filler text so just an FYI. time I was y around in the street and I didn’t know what I street and I didn’t know with how annoying she was what I was doing and I being mean to me and this was walking with my friend Lisa and she was being is honestly just filler text so just an FYI. time I was really annoying and I was like, “Lisa what on Earth walkign around in the street and I didn’t know what I are you doing?” She had no idea what she was doing was doing and I was walking with my friend Lisa and


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