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Donor Profiles

At ECFS, philanthropy comes in many forms. Meet a few of our parents, faculty, alumni, and parents of graduates who give to ECFS because they believe in the mission of our School.

Donor Profile

Lauren and Andrew Janian

Parents of Rya J. ’32, Orange Fund donors

Why do you give to ECFS? We give to ECFS because — even though our family has only been a part of the school community for a short time — it has already given so much to us. Particularly last year, during the most uncertain time of the pandemic, we were really motivated to give back as we saw how the teachers, administrators, and staff worked tirelessly to provide students with a safe, dynamic, and joyful learning environment. To us, being part of a community means stepping up as much as you can when your community needs you. How does ECFS inspire you? We are inspired by the School’s goal of providing a progressive education that teaches children how to think, with ethics as a core value. We have seen firsthand how ECFS focuses on the whole child, and we are so appreciative of how the educators hew closely to this mission each day.

What is a favorite ECFS memory? Before Rya started at Fieldston Lower, we heard about the bird program in the 1st Grade, so we had some expectations. However, nothing could have prepared us for the constant stream of bird facts our whole family learned last year. Rya’s bird exploration will be a lasting memory not only for her but for our whole family.

Donor Profile

Gayle White-Wallace and James Wallace

Parents of Abigayle W. ’32, Orange Fund donors, Orange Fund volunteers

Why do you give to ECFS? We give because we believe in the work of ECFS, and we’re compelled to give back when we believe in the work of an organization. ECFS is more than just a school. We, as members of the ECFS community, really understand that. It is a blessing that our daughter is afforded the opportunity to attend ECFS. When you are blessed enough to be at our incredible School and able to give your child what they need and what they deserve, you have to pay that blessing forward for someone else. How does ECFS inspire you? As parents, ECFS inspires us to continue the work that happens during the day by making it a seamless transition to what happens at home. ECFS inspires us to think a lot more about ethics and advocacy. What’s happening in the classroom is teaching us to be less rigid, more open and flexible, and authentically ourselves. If Abigayle went to a different school, we’re not sure the transition would be so seamless.

What is a favorite ECFS memory? The search for a school for Abigayle was like “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.” How many school fairs, school visits, interviews, and tours did we attend? Countless. Our last interview was for Fieldston Lower. As a full-time working parent, I was so tired mentally from the runaround and I cried in the interview. I loved this place. I thought I loved other schools until we interviewed at Fieldston Lower. Coming here felt like coming home. A colleague said to me, “Don’t fall in love with a school until they fall in love with you.” When I got the acceptance email, I was shocked and my coworkers cried and celebrated with me. My colleague turned to me and said, “They still took Abigayle after you did all that crying. They must like you!” I was so happy, and we are all still so happy to be here.

Donor Profile

Nancy and John Dwinell

Parents of Ian Dwinell ’06 and Matthew Dwinell ’11, faculty and staff, Loyal Oaks Society members

Why do you give to ECFS? We give because we see the value of an ECFS education every day. From the strong academics to the incredible community bonds to the ethics-based learning, ECFS nurtures, cultivates, and empowers each student. Giving is a vital way to help families make this experience possible for their children and to help the School continue being a leader in progressive education. How does ECFS inspire you? We are continually inspired by the joy in learning that we see across grades. ECFS truly lives the mission of the School.

What is a favorite ECFS memory? Seeing our boys graduate brought both happy and bittersweet memories. They formed lifelong friendships and connections with students and faculty. We have had the opportunity to be part of this community in so many ways and value this school more than we could ever say.

Donor Profile

Daniel Lederman ’06

Loyal Oaks Society member, Fieldston Alumni Network Leadership Committee

Why do you give to ECFS? Going to Fieldston directly shaped who I am through the kind of learning experiences that only Fieldston offers. Tuition alone only covers a portion of costs the School incurs to teach each student, and the rest is made up through giving. I give to make sure that the School can continue to provide the level of education that I was lucky enough to experience, and to ensure that ECFS can continue its financial aid mission that allows a diverse population of students to attend the School. How does ECFS inspire you? I’m inspired by the School’s commitment to progressive education and to teaching students to question everything. In college, I realized that it was so special to not just be taught answers, but to know how to find answers on our own by asking the right questions. This mentality shaped me into the curious person I am today. I bring this attitude with me to work every day and believe it allows me to find creative solutions and better methods to solve dayto-day problems.

What is a favorite ECFS memory? There are so many great memories to choose from, which is what happens when you spend your entire youth at a place like Fieldston! There was a class about New York history called Inventing Gotham, and we would take day trips to local sites around the city for a hands-on approach to learning about history. It was on one of those day trips that I walked over the Brooklyn Bridge for the first time, something I do a few times a year now, and it always reminds me of that day. That class sparked a lifelong obsession with New York City’s history, and I still continue to read and learn as much as I can about our amazing city.

Donor Profile

Princess Prince-McCoade and Timothy McCoade

Parents of Timia M. ’22, Amira M. ’27, and Zoe M. ’34, Loyal Oaks Society members, Orange Fund volunteer, P+T volunteer

Why do you give to ECFS? Our family has been a part of the ECFS community for 13 years now. One of the primary things that drew us to ECFS was that it inherently allows our children, and therefore our family, to truly become members of a community as our children navigate their respective journeys. Giving to the Orange Fund is just one of the many ways we like to model to our children how to give back and participate as an engaged and committed community member. How does ECFS inspire you? ECFS inspires us daily, especially during these unprecedented and ever-changing times. Observing how our community navigated and continues to adapt to challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic is awe-inspiring. The pivot to virtual and hyflex learning, as well as the continued community engagement from administration, faculty, staff, parents/guardians, and, of course, our amazing and resilient children, is quite a testament to the fundamental work that is done daily at ECFS.

What is a favorite ECFS memory? It is so hard to select just one favorite memory after 13 years filled with so many special memories! As a parent who volunteered as a Grade Chair with my oldest child and a Fieldston Lower P+T Co-chair with my middle daughter to support the Fieldston Lower Carnival when they were 5th Graders, I would have to say that the magic at that event is what often surfaces as a top memory at ECFS. The pride on the faces of the 5th Grade students who work so hard to give back to the community by way of this event speaks directly to the ECFS mission: being an ethical and responsible member of society. The joy of all of the children and families that attend the Fieldston Lower Carnival is contagious and magical — we have never missed a Carnival in 13 years!

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