Corporates Magazine -Bilingual-

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T H E B U S I N E S S I N F O R M AT I O N D I A R Y I S S U E N O : 1 4

JAN - MAR, 2014









Interview with Prince Frimpong INTERVIEW WITH GODAC


industry.. ANS: GODAC among others MAGAZINE/VOTRE YOUR FREE QUARTERLY ENGLISH - FRENCH NUMERO GRATUIT PBCM: What are the objectives for enormously by maintaining setting up GODAC?

has recently trained the first ever IWCF certified well control

the same quality at a relatively








10 20

Publisher Libra Advertising (GHANA) + 233576579771 email:


WHECD (BENIN) +229 97798282 MEDITECH (COTE DIVOIRE) + 22501050305 CCI France Benin( FRANCE) + 33751011167

CONTRIBUTERS Evans Anang Franck Olivier HOUNGNIKPO Gameli romeo Hatsu Abdel Aziz ASSANI



ujourd’hui, une réalité s’affirme : le monde est un vaste champ où nous nous perdrions s’il n’existe pas une parfaite connexion entre les continents, les pays et les personnes. C’est à ce propos que ce magazine vient consolider les liens entres les entrepreneurs en général , ceux d’Afrique en particulier , leurs marchés, leurs fournisseurs et leurs clients. La réalité est aussi évidente de constater que L’Afrique est riche ! Que de Ressources naturelles, minières, financières. L’Afrique est aussi dotée de compétences professionnelles au sens dynamique du terme mais aussi d’innombrables opportunités, parfois insoupçonnées !



t’s a new year! The Bilingual Corporate Magazine wishes all its cherished readers a prosperous new year. Africa being a natural resources hub cannot be overemphasised; however investments from its indigenes and the world over regarding these resources are nothing to write home about. We focused this edition of the magazine on investment opportunities in West Africa with specific emphasis on Ghana. Ghana boasts of natural resources gold, cocoa, diamond and the recently discovered oil fields. Considered as one of the most peaceful and stable country on the continent, it is an investment haven. Business opportunities and information in the sub-region are scanty and this magazine strives to address this challenge by profiling corporate aficionados, corporate entities, investment opportunities and the general business climate in Ghana in both English and French. Connecting businesses across West Africa is the way to go for many middle and small scale businesses which are on a steady rise in the country. We go all lengths to provide information and interviews that will help achieve connect such businesses to similar ones in the sub-region.

Cependant un problème se pose de façon crucial et nous devons le reconnaitre et l’admettre : le manque de synergie entre les différents acteurs du système qui directement ou non peut être un facteur d’inhibition à l’éclosion et à l’initiative. C’est pour réduire ce déficit organisationnel à l’échelle d’un continent riche mais qui se croit pauvre que, CORPORATES, votre magazine s’atèle pour relier Afrique francophone et Afrique anglophone. Ce canal est désormais force de proposition car il permet de mettre en valeur les hommes, les femmes, leur business et savoir-faire. Créez votre creuset pour notre défi commun, le « African Entrepreunarial Business » pour optimiser le potentiel du continent. NOTRE CONVICTION QUE NOUS PARTAGEONS AVEC VOUS EST QUE LES MEDIA JOUENT ET JOUERONT TOUJOURS UN ROLE DE PREMIER PLAN DANS L’EQUATION DU DEVELOPPEMENT.. Que ce magazine vous serve de clef pour ouvrir la porte du développement accéléré du continent. Avant d’être spectateurs, soyez d’abord des acteurs de votre époque!! Merci CORPORATE MAGAZINE



Can you tell us about Borderless? The Borderless Alliance is an advocacy group that aims to remove barriers of trade and transport in West Africa and promote the free movement of goods, people and finance in the sub-region. Its membership includes port authorities, freight forwarders, transport companies, manufacturers, producers, traders and other value chain players, all united in their desire to create a better business environment in the region. How long have Borderless been in existence? Borderless was started as a campaign by the West Africa Trade Hub, a USAID regional program, in March 2010, in order to address the high cost of logistics and trade in West Africa, especially to landlocked countries. Later on, it was institutionalized and formally launched as an independent entity in May 2012, with the support of USAID/West Africa Trade Hub at the first Borderless Alliance conference in Abidjan, in May 2012. Since



then, it has been working with USAID, ECOWAS, UEMOA, World Bank, uniformed authorities, local governments and private sector representatives to bring change where it is needed and to help solve the numerous problems that lead to high cost of trade and transport in West Africa. Conferences, workshops, high-level meetings, training sessions and many other projects were undertaken since the launch. What are the procedures one has to go through in order to engage in the services of Borderless? There are no requirements to join the Borderless Alliance, except to be registered and operating in West Africa and to be ready to work in compliance with various regulations across the region. In exchange for that membership, BA offers networking opportunities, advocacy solutions, technical assistance and a range of benefits that continue to be added on a regular basis.

view What are the main objectives of Borderless?

How collaborative and friendly is Borderless to shippers?

To promote economic integration in West Africa and to remove the barriers to trade and transport in the region.

BA provides trade brochures and pamphlets at the border information centers, in addition to technical assistance to distressed operators at the border crossings, especially those who are in possession of legal documents for cargo and driver and should not be subject to harassment. Toll numbers are also provided so that the BIC advisors and the shipper council complaint units across the region are ready to offer assistance when needed.

How has Borderless aided in the removal of trade barriers in West Africa? By holding technical workshops and training sessions with the uniformed authorities and by working with the various stakeholders involved in trade and transport, many bottlenecks across the regional corridors have been eliminated, as can be illustrated from the quarterly road governance reports. In addition to that, our new border information centers are reducing the border crossing time and cost for regional trade, as well as providing traders and operators with useful trade information to help them clear their goods faster. How many countries do you operate in? Currently, Borderless has eight national committees in Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal, Nigeria, Benin, Niger, Ghana, Togo and Burkina Faso. We will be extending our presence to Mali soon and will try to have a permanent presence in all ECOWAS countries.

BA is action-driven, results oriented and private sector - based; it is intent on leaving a long lasting impact in the business environment in the region, not just to become another talk shop. We are working on improving the effectiveness of ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme (ETLS), removing checkpoints, reducing border crossing time, harmonizing document requirements in the region and similar activities. It is an organization driven by private sector, for the private sector. It is about action, dialogue and public-private partnership. It is about building a better future for our new generations.

Borderless Alliance Secretariat, Jubilee House, 4th Street, Kuku Hill, PMB Osu, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233-(0)302-762935/762696,




ETHNIK TOTALLY ETHNIK est une jeune entreprise née en 2012 et installée au Ghana .

TOTALLY ETHNIK is a new born Enterprise since 2012 and based in Ghana.

Ses secteurs d’activité sont multiples et vont de la création de vêtements à la décoration d’intérieur (tableaux de maitre, mobilier, art de la table…) en passant par la création de bijoux ; tous d’inspiration ethnique (poids baoulé de Côte d’Ivoire, kita du Ghana, bogolan du Mali…).

Its activity sectors are many and goes from clothing creation to interior decoration (master tables, furniture, tableware…) through jewels creation coming all from ethnical inspiration (poids baoulé from Côte d’Ivoire, kita from Ghana, bogolan from Mali…).

Ainsi TOTALLY ETHNIK capte l’Essence de l’Afrique et la combine avec ce que notre monde actuel a de meilleur. Le résultat en est un style moderne, frais riche et plein de vitalité comme peuvent en témoigner les 2 collections de vêtements et de bijoux produites jusque-là.

So TOTALLY ETHNIK captures the essence of Africa and combines it with our recent world greatness. That results on a modern style, fresh, rich and full of vitality just as the two (2) clothing and jewels collections produced so far have attested.

Lancées respectivement en 2012 et 2013, les collections « Birds of Paradise » et « Métropolis » magnifient la Femme sous toutes ses facettes : dynamique, distinguée, élégante, en phase avec son époque. Cell Phone : 00233(0) 543 543 174 Email Adress : Website :

Launched respectively in 2012 and 2013, collections « Birds of Paradise » and « Metropolis » display the Woman in all her facets: dynamic, distinguished, elegant, and going along with the time and fashionable. Cell Phone: 00233(0) 543 543 174 Email Adress : Website :


is located on Spintex Road, East Airport near East Airport International School (EAIS)

MINISTRY CLOTH A ccra has been buzzing with a lot of fashionistas and boutiques in recent times, however Ministry clothing owned by Portia (Poshkayene) stands out as the most talked about and visited boutique in the city for men of class and social standings.

Having been in operation since 2009, Ministry clothing known for its sleek, unique and quality designer apparels from reknowned designers and labels from US, United Kingdom, Italy and Germany. The beauty behind this exquisite ministry Clothing; Portia ( AKA Poshkayene) told PBCM how it all started; “I was inspired by my brother Raymond who knew my

HING love for fashion and I haven’t looked back since. My taste for quality, humility and my desire offer my customers the best in apparel and customer’s service played a pivotal role in my elevation. It has been an interesting experience our customers are the reason why we are in business and we delight them with most customer services and our taste of quality and latest trends in fashion. Thanks to F.O.Y and KC Location: DZORWULU opposite Medifem hospital Hotlines: 0244694845/ 0203322422

INTERVIEW: Human Resources Manager , Rlg Who is Samlara Baah? I am a U.S. born Ghanaian who has returned to Ghana with the desire to make a positive impact as I focus on HR as a strategic partner in the workplace. I have fifteen years of management experience with the past eight years focused solely on Human Resources. I returned to Ghana in May of 2013 as the HR Manager for Rlg Communications Ltd. and as of February 1, 2014 I moved to be the Group Head of HR with AGAMS Holdings Ltd. Can you tell us a little about yourself and your family? I am on only child with a HUGE family. My mother was born in Lome (Togo), her father (the late V.O. Hutchison) was a founding member of the Ghana lotteries. My father was born in Akim Oda (Eastern Region, Ghana) but passed away when I was nine years old. His uncle, a huge father figure in his life (the late Dr. Kwasi Assouko Kwarko) started North Ridge Clinic



in Accra. Both of my parents had many siblings so I have loads of aunties, uncles and cousins they are my anchors. We are a pretty close family. What is your educational background? Most of my schooling was done in the States. I completed my undergraduate studies at University of Maryland in 2000 and acquired my M.B.A. in Global Business from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010. What motivated you to join Rlg? Rlg is an indigenously Ghanaian company with a global outlook. I wanted to be part of that global strategy and assist in developing the manpower that will compete with any assembly plant in the world. I have respect for the entrepreneur behind the Rlg brand (Roland Agambire) and look

forward to my opportunity to assist in a new capacity with AGAMS Holdings Ltd. How did this corporate journey start for you? I was fortunate enough to gain an interview with my predecessor (Mr. Nana Addae-Mensah) who gave me a breakdown of the strategic capacity of the business. I believe the alignment between my past experiences coupled with his vision for the company’s strategy was what ultimately afforded me the opportunity to start this journey. How has the ride been so far? Never a dull moment! I asked for a challenge and I have gotten exactly what I asked for. We have such a highly skilled, diverse staff with a knowledge base in a variety of disciplines. Each day I learn something new from my team members. I love supporting them and I enjoy the challenging

opportunities that present themselves based on the nature of our business.

What other services is Rlg in aside from assembling phones and laptops?

Can you tell us a little about Rlg?

The Rlg Foundation Limited offers a range of CSR opportunities in an effort to give back to Ghanaians in every region through donation of time, talents, and fiscal rewards. Rlg Institute of Technology Limited is an ICT training school that provides a solid curriculum for everyone from beginner to expert in ICT technology. Rlg Security Services Limited is a full range security company offering human security to technological security services.

Rlg Communications Limited, the leading Ghanaian computer and handset manufacturing company is one of the first indigenous African companies to assemble laptops, desktops and mobile phones. The Accrabased company is modelled to generate mass, high-skilled employment for thousands of African youth and meet the rising demand for computers and other ICT devices. That is my corporate answer. I will also add that we are streamlining in Accra in order to grow globally. At present we are searching for French speaking sales employees so feel free to send your C.V. to Rlg is one of the biggest companies in West Africa now; can you shed little light on how they managed this feat? We have grown exponentially; I think the bottom line is that we have capitalized on any opportunities to provide mobile technology to end users in Ghana. The ability to search out these end users has been the key to our success.

What are some of the good things Rlg is doing as corporate social responsibility? Just to name a few of our CSR initiatives, Rlg Communications Solely sponsored the Grand Prix in 2011 and 2012 at the Kumasi Sports Stadium. We sponsored the 1st ever Ghana Music Week. We sponsored the 2012 Ghana Movie Awards. We financed the rehabilitation of the Sports Hall at the Accra Sports Stadium. The company also sponsored the 2012 ECOWAS Games hosted by Ghana. We donated vehicles to the Accra Rehabilitation Centre for operational use. We are a regular donor to several orphanages across the country. We funded drilling of borehole water facilities in many places in the north. What is your greatest ambition in life? When I look at my family, from my forefathers to our present day elders every one of them worked to leave a legacy that not only impacted themselves but their nation. I look towards impacting the women and youth of this nation with the knowledge necessary to build their own businesses and to succeed in a global working environment.



Alliance Française Accra

Business French Courses Expand your horizon, treat yourself to success! Learn to express yourself in French in professionnal settings (for individuals) Starting from 13th of January

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Happy Belated





Visit any Rlg Store or Call: Ghana: +233 (0) 544320461 or +233 (0) 302 768258 | Osu - Acrcra Nigeria: 081 72000406 | 2b, Mobolaji Bank - Anthony Way, Maryland Lagos Kenya: +254731000123 | First Floor TRV Center Plaza Muthithi Road, Westlands Nairobi Kenya Gambia: +220 4371170 | 62 Kairaba Avenue Opposite The Pipeline Mosque Serekunda KSMD. The Gambia

Temoignage d’un Français

d’origine ouest Africain qui se relocalise au Ghana

Desire Nekpo Le Ghana attire des investisseurs et est devenu irrémédiablement une plate forme où le multiculturalisme se réserve une place de choix. C’est l’occasion de parler du panafricanisme très cher au père fondateur du Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah. C’est dans cette optique que s’inscrit le parcours de Désiré, un français d’origine Ouest-Africaine qui, lors de ces multiples contacts et visites dans quelques pays africains sur les 15 dernières années a changé d’option. En effet, ses convictions marquées par l’afro-pessimisme ont été radicalement bouleversées lorsque, dans un élan philanthropique, il a crée une association en France dont l’objet est d’encourager la diaspora africaine à intégrer dans leur projet de retour au pays d’origine, la dimension création d’activités et de richesse à travers l’entreprise. Après un parcours académique sanctionné par des parchemins en marketing, Commerce et Affaires Internationales, IEP et un Master en Développement RH avec une spécialité en Management par les Compétences, Désiré NEKPO a eu la chance de créer et de gérer quelques entreprises en France et en Afrique.

Désiré NEKPO se défini comme un assoiffé de connaissances, en quête de challenges et d’opportunités nouvelles pouvant lui permettre, par acquis de conscience de servir le continent en tant que panafricain, comme il le revendique. En mobilité internationale il travaille depuis quelque temps pour une multinationale Européenne, sur la création d’une filiale, la première de cette multinationale au Ghana : Africolor Ghana Limited. Africolor est une société de droit ghanéen qui veut, à partir de Ghana, pénétrer le marché Ouest-Africain à moyen terme. Africolor à travers ses activités du second œuvre du bâtiment, veut contribuer à réduire le déficit de logements par la fabrication et la fourniture de peintures de haute qualité et adaptées réellement au climat tropical. Africolor, c’est aussi le mobilier urbain, les aires de jeux pour les enfants et les parcs biomédicaux pour les adultes. Comment expliquez-vous votre relocalisation ? A cette question Désiré répond que nous nous trouvons dans un espace économique stable qu’est l’ECOWAS malgré quelques bémols, nous bénéficions d’une puissance démographique

de choix, d’une mise en place progressive de politiques intégrées, de compétences mêmes les plus insoupçonnées et enfin d’une révolution structurelle mais silencieuse des mentalités sur tout le continent. Pourquoi avoir choisi le Ghana ? Parce que c’est un pays anglophone qui a connu des moments très difficiles, qui a réussi sa transition démocratique, grâce aux choix politiques de l’ancien et mythique Président John Jerry RAWLINGS. Des efforts restent cependant à faire et c’est ce à quoi s’atèle le gouvernement actuel. Le Ghana aussi parce que c’est un pays qui connait une croissance économique séduisante avec d’assez bonnes perspectives, et qui a besoin de financer cette croissance. Le Ghana parce que les institutions sont fortes avec un Marché très dynamique. Les opportunités d’affaires existent. Il faut donc être présent où se trouve le Marché C’est avec plaisir que CORPORATES l’a reçu en Novembre dernier, en marge du premier business event organisé par la délégation de l’Union Européenne au Ghana, où il était invité comme Representative Director de Africolor.

Testimony of a French West African who is relocated in Ghana Investors are from time to time attracted by Ghana due to its diverse cultural platforms. This has enabled a lot of nationals from other countries in the sub-region to pitch their business ideas and entities to operate. One of such men is Mr. Desire NEKPO

Africa, Désiré was sure that the partnership through the small and medium-sized industries would be the solutions to settle the problems related to poverty that plaque Africa irreversibly.

Mr. Désiré’s vision joins this perspective, a French from West African who, thanks to his various contacts and visits in many African countries these last 15 years.

His vast academic resume ranges from Africa, France to England with degrees in marketing, in trade and international business and masters in development of human resources with a specialty in consultancy management.

Therefore, his thoughts and convictions marked by pure Afrocentrism have been completely heralded when through a philanthropic act; he created an association in France with motive to try to convince the diaspora’s thoughts so that they would go back to their native countries to create activities which generate benefits.

A man who likes taking risks and fun of adventure, Désiré is close to a Spanish joint-venture on the project AFRICOLOR which ambition is to penetrate the West African market in medium-term with Ghana as the Hub. AFRICOLOR wants to establish some factories to cover the needs in furniture, urban equipment and fitting and the space management.

To be able to have the opportunity to create and manage some enterprises in Europe and in

How do explain your relocation? To this question, he answers that “we live in a stable economic space

called ECOWAS. Though there are some dampers, we enjoy a democratic power, instruments and policies of integration in the system, some competences even the most unsuspected and a structural revolution but the silence of mentalities on the continent. “ Why have you chosen Ghana? “First of all because it is an Anglophone country that has known difficult times, and that succedded thanks to Jerry John Rawlings, his democratic transition even though there are still some works to be done. A country that knows an appealing economic growth and that needs to finance its growth. There are opportunities and the market and there is a need of the place where the market is dynamic.” It is with pleasure that he was heralded during the first business event organized last November by the European Union delegation in Ghana where he was invited as Representative Director.

Robert Akinde Director of ABePEC

Created by decree n° 2007–188 of 20 April 2007, The Agency for the Promotion of Commercial Exchanges of Benin (ABePEC) is a Public Organism established by the Government with principal mission of promoting the development of commercial exchanges between Benin and the rest of the world in accordance with the national policy in force. Under the supervision of the Minister of Trade, the Agency is based on moral personality and financial autonomy.


he Agency has for vision to become the platform of economic and social informations and to be a powerful instrument of help to both national and international investors. For that reason, it is in charge of: • Facilitating business relations between the nationals economic operators and their counterparts from outside ; • Broadcasting of economic and commercial informations and business opportunities for the benefit of the economic operators; • Assisting the economic operators in their research and the canvassing of inside or outside markets or opportunities for their products; • Contributing to the elaboration of sectorial strategies of development and promotion of exportations; • Coordinating and organizing the participation of Benin to commercial, regional and international manifestations and encourage fairs organizations and commercial expositions on national stand;



• Organizing economic and commercial missions and the extension to abroad. • Conducting some studies on the productive exportation fields ; • Developing training programs on the commercial techniques for the benefit of enterprises. ABePEC has been working actively for three years now with national and international partners’ support, for the promotion of exportation of agricultural fields which is productive mainly in Pineapples, Cashew nuts, Shea, Cassava and Maize, and initiated many works and projects of development in those fields. Our ambition is to be an institution of reference in matters of promotion of commercial exchanges at national, regional and international level, which will for the development and competitiveness of enterprises.


BENINOISE DE PROMOTION DES ECHANGES COMMERCIAUX (ABePEC) Créée par décret n° 2007–188 du 20 avril 2007, l’Agence Béninoise de Promotion des Echanges Commerciaux (ABePEC) est un Organisme public mis en place par le Gouvernement avec pour mission principale de promouvoir le développement des échanges commerciaux entre le Bénin et le reste du monde conformément à la politique nationale en vigueur. Placée sous la tutelle du Ministre en charge du Commerce elle est dotée de la personnalité morale et de l’autonomie financière.


a vision de l’Agence est de devenir une plate forme d’informations économiques et commerciales et un puissant instrument d’accompagnement au service des investisseurs nationaux et étrangers. A ce titre elle est chargée entre autres de : • faciliter les relations d’affaires entre les opérateurs économiques nationaux et leurs homologues étrangers ; • diffuser l’information économique et commerciale et les opportunités d’affaires au profit des opérateurs économiques; • assister les opérateurs économiques dans la recherche et la prospection des débouchés intérieurs et extérieurs pour leurs produits; • contribuer à l’élaboration des stratégies sectorielles de développement et de promotion des exportations; • coordonner et organiser la participation du Bénin aux manifestations commerciales régionales et internationales et encourager l’organisation de foires et expositions commerciales sur le plan national;

• organiser des missions économiques et commerciales et de prospection à l’étranger ; • réaliser des études sur les filières d’exportations porteuses ; • développer des programmes de formation sur les techniques Commerciales au profit des entreprises. Depuis trois ans l’ABePEC travaille activement, avec l’appui des partenaires nationaux et internationaux, à la promotion des filières agricoles d’exportation porteuses notamment l’Ananas, l’Anacarde, le Karité, le Manioc et le Maïs et a initié et mis en œuvre plusieurs actions et projet de développement de ces filières. Notre ambition est d’être une institution de référence en matière de promotion des échanges commerciaux au plan national, régional et international au service du développement et de la compétitivité des entreprises.

Place du Souvenir, (Ex-Place des Martyrs) 01 BP 1254 Cotonou (BENIN) Tél : (229) 21 30 13 20 / 21 30 13 97 - Fax : (229) 21 30 04 36 - E-mail :




Wireless Systems

Routers & Switches

Wireless Solution




Wireless is a discipline all of its own, yet combines two very different disciplines into one. The complexity and lack of control over the environment, in which wireless networks are operated, makes it probably one of the most challenging networking fields. In fact, wireless architectures combine standard packet based networking with radio frequency engineering, requiring one to have in-depth knowledge and experience in both areas to master. Today, wireless communication technology landscapes are constantly changing and evolving, therefore requiring business to look for affordable, scalable and reliable wireless networking technologies to meet their set standards of growth and productivity. SpikNeT company limited, founded in 2011, with skilled and experienced personnel provides cost effective wireless networking, training and routing

solutions for most of the leading wireless technologies. SpikNeT commits to a milestonebased implementation methodology that delivers predictable and repeatable project success. At SpikNeT we take pride in providing leading, local technical skills combined with market leading products from selected wireless networking technology leaders. SPIKNET’s CORE VALUES DEFINE THE OVERALL CONDUCT AND PRINCIPLES OF OUR STAFF • Focus on customer’s success • Treat colleagues as you would treat your customer • Easy to do business with • Exceed customer & colleagues expectations • Business integrity

SPIKNET SKILLS DEVELOPMENT TRAINNING PROGRAMME HAS THREE PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: • To address the shortfall of competent technical IT skills in designing, installing and troubleshooting Wireless Networks • To create affordable, scalable services and support solutions for our customers • Fulfill SpikNeT’s focus of contributing to the Social

Development of our country as a proudly Ghanaian company The Networking solutions and architectures that we provide to our customers are mapped out through a core set of functional workshops to ensure that we meet the deliverables and requirements set out prior to the implementation and commissioning of the solution. We have partnered with complementary Networking

technology leaders and innovators such as MikroTik, Ubiquiti Networks and Motorola, in order to construct our comprehensive portfolio. The continuity and integration along the roadmap is achieved with careful planning and consideration, ensuring that no technical “Cul de Sacs” will prevent our customer’s ability to change their networking infrastructure in line with their business evolution.

We offer a range of services which falls within

SALES AND DISTRIBUTION As distributors, we offer a complete line of MikroTik, Ubiquity and Motorola products and custom solutions for wired and wireless networking systems. Our product line includes routers, antennas, back-haul equipment, power supplies, and radios in licensed and unlicensed frequencies.

in-depth expertise on wireless solutions. Having the experience of design and deployment of hotspots and kiosks at all major hotel and shopping centers across the country combined with the distribution of some of the most costeffective broadband solutions available, we have all that is needed to build a solution that is cost-effective, responsive and reliable.


SUPPORT AND CONSULTANCY As consultants, we offer a full spectrum of network engineering services, with

As MikroTik certified trainer with high expertise in router OS, we frequently host MTCNA & MTCRE certification courses. These training sessions allow users to acquire the perfect fundamental foundation and core knowledge and practices often overlooked by installers and support engineers in the field.

These courses are aimed directly at: We constantly evaluate emerging technologies and market changes to ensure that we provide the best networking solutions, a well-suited product mix at the most competitive prices, with the required expert and technical support. We can provide you with the most cost effective and efficient solutions (equipment and expertnsupport) to meet the growing needs of your end users and corporate customers. It will be a privilege to have the opportunity to become your main supplier of our line of products and services. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Dzorwulu Blohum ST. Opp. Martin Memorial Hospital Queen Star Building PO Box OS 2754, Osu Accra Ghana Email: Tel: 00233547778019




COMPOSER ENERGY • Home is no longer off the power!

No shedding, no darkness, no candle! My house is autonomous energy supplied by solar panels! Better than generator the noise disturbs the neighbors and especially not need to buy the gazoil! • Individuals, Business, Community…

Empower your office with the solar kits DIFFUSELEC high quality, made in Europe! • Roads, the streets and the autonomous public place informed every night without electricity clipping damage.

Possibility of current outlet installation for recharging the mobile phone and the autonomous sell box in energy.

DIFFUSELEC AFRICA Distributeur Bénin - Togo - Nigeria - Ghana EQUIPEMENT ET MAINTENENCE Sarl District Akpakpa 06PoBox. :1348 COTONOU – BENIN Number : (00229) 21 03 13 02 /21 339107 Fax: (00229)21331236 Mail:

Interview with Prince Frimpong CEO GODAC PBCM: What are the objectives for setting up GODAC? ANS: GODAC was setup as result of the growing need for Africans’ participation at all levels of the emerging Oil & Gas Industry in Africa. PBCM: What are the guiding principles? ANS: Internationally recognized training that makes our graduates eligible for work in the petroleum industry worldwide PBCM: What makes the academy unique? ANS: Our Relationship with world renowned leading institutions in offering training of this kind, namely, The Norwegian Drilling Academy (NORTRAIN), Caledonia of Aberdeen, and North American Crane Bureau (NACB) of Florida USA. PBCM: How is the management structure? ANS: Ghana Oil Drilling Academy and Consultancy (GODAC) is a matrix organization where employees are focused on their individual roles yet have an understanding on what others are doing as a corporate team PBCM: What are your achievements?

ANS: GODAC among others has recently trained the first ever IWCF certified well control supervisors, with invigilation from the British Council of Ghana. We have delivered programs to government institutions, professional institutions and private enterprises and have received students from over 15 countries including South Korea and Malaysia. Most of our students come from Gabon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroun, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Uganda, Kenya and we are in dialogue with Ugandan and Tanzanian institutions to deliver this high level training in those countries.

industry.. enormously by maintaining the same quality at a relatively affordable cost. PBCM: What category of people do you train?

PBCM: How is the oil and gas industry benefiting from your services?

PBCM: What should people expect of you?

ANS: ANS: Prior to the establishment of GODAC, certificates of the kind we offer could only be obtained from Europe and America. African students often gain admission but are not given visa to pursue their studies abroad. Also the cost of such programs abroad is averagely 3 to 4 times what GODAC charges. Such advanced training has benefited the

ANS: GODAC Trains all categories of people including government officials, people already working in the petroleum industry, finance personnel, Human Resource professionals, contracts and procurement specialists, information systems specialists, administrative and technical support staff, engineers, business men and women, contractors and suppliers. Health safety and environment professionals, goods and services providers and also petroleum industry aspirants who want to build a career in the petroleum industry.

ANS: Currently, most African nations with petroleum resources are now conscious of the benefits of local content local participation, we expect to furnish more Africans with the requisite Training to enable them function at all levels of the Oil & Gas Industry in such a way that their nations will obtain maximum benefit from their petroleum resources

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