Accommodations................................ 10 Apartment Guide................................ 12 Arts.................................................. 22 Attractions ......................................... 23 Churches .......................................... 37 Community Calendar ......................... 20 Community Facilities ........................... 28 Community development Highlights ........... 3 Community Profile ................................. 4 education ......................................... 14 Fitness .............................................. 27 Golf ................................................. 27 Health Care ...................................... 30 Historic districts .................................. 17 History ............................................ 16 Housing............................................ 11 Important n umbers ............................... 5 Index to Advertisers ............................. 51 l akes & s tate Parks ............................. 26 l ocal/s tate/Federal o fficials ....................8 Major employers .................................... 5 Map of enid...................inside back cover Military discounts ............................... 48 o rganizational directory ..................... 38 Parks ................................................ 26 Recreation ......................................... 25 Restaurants ........................................ 31 s enior l iving ..................................... 13 s hopping .......................................... 36 Transportation ...................................... 7 u tilities ............................................... 6 Vance Air Force Base .......................... 17
Con Ten Ts
210 Kennwood Blvd. (580) 237-2494
Photography: n ancy Killam, Mike Klemme & d awn Muncy
en Id. o K
This guide to enid is published by eagle Marketing in conjunction with the Greater enid Chamber of Commerce. For additional copies contact: Greater enid Chammber of Coommmmerce 580.237.2494 Publisher: Jeff Funk; l ayout & design: eagle Marketing; Cover: Friesen design, Inc. Photos Provided by enid Chamber of Commerce
• Garfield County continued to experience substantial job growth and very low unemployment. • Final stage improvements from the $100 million investment in enid schools were completed and the u niversity Center was opened on the enid High s chool campus. • Convention Hall was renovated and re-opened as a conference center and the new enid event Center opened. • enid continued to invest in infrastructure and quality of life improvements such as a master trail system, new wastewater plant and water distribution. • The Vietnam Memorial Wall at enid Woodring Regional Airport was dedicated. The wall, o klahoma’s official tribute to those who served in the Vietnam War, will attract thousands of visitors annually. • enid’s retail growth continued. n ational retail stores opened locally and net taxable sales continued to trend upward at record rates (2012 up 12%; 2013 up 7% thru o ctober). • $400 million wind farm completed in northern Garfield and southern Grant counties. • n orthstar Agri Industries announced plans to build $200 million canola processing facility in enid. • Koch n itrogen announced a $1 billion plan to build a new urea fertilizer plant and revamp its existing plant in enid. • s pringHill s uites Marriott opened a new hotel on West Garriott and a new downtown hotel, Hilton Garden Inn, has been announced.
2013 Co MMun ITy deVelo PMen T HIGHl IGHTs
en Id. o K 3
Location Northwest Oklahoma County ..............................................................Garfield Time Zone ..........................................................Central Elevation ........................................................ 1,246 ft. Land Area/Enid ...................................... 75.43 sq. miles Land Area/Garfield County ....................... 1,060 sq. miles Population Enid (2012 US Census Bureau Estimate)...............50,923 Garfield County (2012 US Census Bureau Estimate)......................61,189 Enid Trade Area................................................ 110,705 Income Average Family Household Income (Trade Area) ........................................ $53,838 Median Home Value (Owner Occupied)............... $87,985 Cost of Living Index..............................................94.9% (ACCRA Cost of Living Index/ 3rd Qtr. 2013) downtown enid
Co MMun ITy PRo FIle The 2012 us Census Bureau population estimate for enid, o klahoma is 50,923. enid is the county seat of Garfield County and was founded during the opening of the Cherokee o utlet in the l and Run of 1893, and is said to be named after enid, a character in Alfred, l ord Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. enid holds the nickname of “Wheat Capital” of o klahoma and the u nited s tates for its immense grain storage capacity, and has the third largest grain storage capacity in the world. The economy of enid is diverse with its foundation in oil and gas industry and agriculture. enid has continued to enjoy a steady growth and a diversified economy over the years. The values of personal integrity, love of culture, community and a solid economy work together to provide an excellent quality of life and outstanding opportunities for business and industry. enid’s diversified economy continues to provide jobs for the people of the area and opportunity for future growth.
Climate Average Temperature January ............................................................35.1°F July ..................................................................92.2°F Annual Rainfall .............................................34.4 inches Annual Snowfall ...........................................4.75 inches Government/Taxes Type of Government ......................... City Council Manager Planning Commission ................................................Yes Zoning Regulations....................................................Yes Property Tax Per $1,000 Assessed Value:(2013 Tax Year) City ............................................................ $91.3 avg. Garfield County........................................... $90.91 avg. Sales Tax ............................................................8.35% (City: 3.50% County: .35% State: 4.50%) City Services Full-time Firefighters .................................................. 81 Fire Insurance Rating ................................................... 3 Law Enforcement Officers ........................................... 95 Enforcement Vehicles............................................... 100 Garfield County Labor Force Statistics (October 2013 OESC) Employed ......................................................... 32,223 Unemployed ....................................................... 1,310 Unemployment Rate ..............................................3.9%
en Id. o K
Hel PFul We Bs ITes
enid Chamber of Commerce .......................................................... enid n ews & eagle n ewspaper City of enid enid Buzz ........................................................................................ eRdA ............................................................................................. Visit enid Main s treet enid ........................................................................ enid Public s chools
Airport............................................................................... 234.5476 Ambulance (non-emergency) ................................................ 233.2245 Chamber of Commerce ........................................................ 237.2494 City of Enid ........................................................................ 234.0400 Enid Parks ......................................................................... 616.7310 Enid Regional Development Alliance....................................... 233.4232 Enid Transit ........................................................................ 233.7433 Fire Department (non-emergency) ......................................... 234.0541 Garfield County Courthouse .................................................. 237.0232 Garfield County Fairgrounds .................................................. 237.0238 Garfield County Sheriff......................................................... 237.0244 Library .............................................................................. 234.6313 Main Street Enid ................................................................. 234.1052 Police Department (non-emergency) ...................................... 242.7000 Recycle Center.................................................................... 616.7300 Time & Temperature............................................................ 234.6100 Water/Sewer..................................................................... 616.1801 Visit Enid.............................................. (877) 999.3643 or 233.3643 Voter Registration ............................................................... 237.6016
Better Business Bureau (OKC) ....................................... 405.239.6081 U.S. Post Office .................................................................. 237.4331 Vance AFB ......................................................................... 213.5000
Media Enid News & Eagle Newspaper ............................................. 233.6600 PEGASYS ........................................................................... 237.0099 KLW FM 98.3 .................................................................... 231.6808 KCRC AM 1390, KXLS FM 95.7, KNID FM 107.1.................... 237.1390 KGWA AM 960, KOFM FM 103.1 ......................................... 234.4230
Government Agencies Social Security Office .................................................... 877.405.0436 IRS Local Office .................................................................. 234.5417
Animals Animal Shelter.................................................................... 249.4910 SPCA ................................................................................ 233.1325
Driver’s License & Tags Enid Tag Agency ................................................................. 234.4281 Tag Agency of Enid.............................................................. 242.8247 Oklahoma Highway Patrol .................................................... 234.6147
IMPo RTAn T nu MBeRs (area code is 580 unless otherwise noted)
Utilities Electricity- OG&E ....................................................... (800) 522.0280 Oklahoma Natural Gas............................................... (800) 664.5463 Water/Sewer/Trash ........................................................... 616.1801
To P 15 MAJo R eMPloye Rs Comp any
Lo Ca L EmpLoym Ent
AdvancePierre Foods ................................................................................................... 1600 Vance Air Force Base ................................................................................................... 1516 Cs C, Vance Infrastructure s upport .................................................................................. 1018 enid Board of education ................................................................................................. 898 In TeGRIs Bass Baptist Health Center ................................................................................ 850 s t. Mary’s Regional Medical Center .................................................................................. 616 City of enid .................................................................................................................. 493 Marsau enterprises, Inc. .................................................................................................. 450 Wal-Mart s tores, Inc. ..................................................................................................... 292 Central Machine & Tool Company.................................................................................... 262 no RCe (n othern o klahoma Resource Center of enid) ........................................ 261 GeFCo , Inc. ................................................................................................................ 200 Garfield County ............................................................................................................ 197 The Commons .............................................................................................................. 183 Central n ational Bank & Trust Co. .................................................................................... 171 If you are new to Enid and want information on employment call: Enid News & Eagle • 580-233-6600 * Express Employment Professionals • 580-233-0000 TPI Staffing Service, Inc. • 580-234-1267 * Workforce Oklahoma • 580-234-6043
uTI l ITIes Electric - o G&E P.o . Box 24990, o klahoma City, o K 73124 800.522.0280 800.272.9741 Gas - o klahoma n atural Gas 421 s . Garland Rd., enid, o K 800.664.5463 o Water, Sewer, t rash City of enid 401 W. o wen K. Garriott, enid, o K 580.234.0400 Cable, Internet, phone Service AT&T 102 n . Adams s t., enid, o K 580.242.2576 directv 866.319.9838 dish n etwork 800.214.1522
City of Enid Utility a ssistance program The City of enid is offering a utility assistance program designed to help employers recruit workers. The program provides additional resources to help new employees with the cost of relocation. The u tility Assistance Program is available for new employees who: • Relocate to enid from an area that is at least 50 miles away • earn less than $40,000 annually • Have received a letter of verification from their employer stating the employee meets the program requirements. Total savings to the employee is approximately $200.
Pioneer High-s peed Internet P.o . Box 539, Kingfisher. o K, 73750 405.375.0850 s uddenlink 131 e. Maine 580.237.7373 877.778.2486
Kids enjoying First Friday
en Id. o K
s To RAGe
A Safe Mini Storage ....................................................................................................................580.701.4220 AA Access Anytime Mini Storage....................................................................................................580.249.4455 A&A North 81 Storage ................................................................................................................580.548.7780 All Purpose Self Storage...............................................................................................................580.233.4959 Emrick’s Van & Storage Co...........................................................................................................580.234.5736 Chestnut Mini Storage .................................................................................................................580.237.6464 Crescent Storage Center ...............................................................................................................580.234.6561 Doc’s Mini-Storage ......................................................................................................................580.234.8941 Easy Access Mini Storage .............................................................................................................580.249.4455 81 Storage ................................................................................................................................580.701.4622 The Extra Garage ........................................................................................................................580.242.3377 K C Mini Storage.........................................................................................................................580.242.2297 Store & Lock..............................................................................................................................580.233.6494 Superior Storage.........................................................................................................................580.233.0929 West Willow Car Wash & Mini Storage ..........................................................................................580.234.4100
Boundless Boundless
dIs TAn Ce To MAJo R CITIes
TRAns Po RTATIon Highway enid is served by us Highways 60, 412, 64 and 81 (all four lane highways). Interstate 35 is 28 miles east and Interstate 40 is 60 miles south of enid. Interstate I-35 extends north to Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Minnesota. Air enid is served by enid Woodring Regional Airport, located just 7 miles east of downtown. 1026 s . 66th s t. enid, o K 73701 580.234.5476, Rail s ervice is provided by two major rail carriers, Burlington n orthern/s anta Fe and u nion Pacific.
Car Rental enterprise Rent-A-Car 626 s Hoover s t 580.233.8404
Operating Hours Transit office hours 8am-5pm Monday - Friday dispatch (ride scheduling hours) 6am - 7pm Monday - Friday, 8am -7pm s aturday enid Transit Bus o perating Hours 6am - 10pm Monday - s aturday Closed s undays Fares Regular Fare: $2.50 Reduced Fare: $1.25 (s r. Citizen or Handicapped with a card)
en Id. o K
Water Connection to the Arkansas River is via the Cimarron Turnpike.
Enid Transit enid Transit is a shared ride, demand response, curb-to-curb, public transportation service. To receive service passengers should call to schedule rides roundtrip, from home to location.
ele CTed oFFICIA ls Fo R en Id, GARFIeld Coun City o fficials Bill Shewey - Mayor 1507 Tahlequah Enid, OK 73703 Hm: 580.233.3029 Cell: 580.554.6006 E-mail: Ronald Janzen - Ward 1 2426 Robin Ridge Enid, OK 73703 Cell: 580.484.0439 E-mail: Mike Stuber - Ward 2 1905 S. Hayes Enid, OK 73703 Cell: 580.542.1070 E-mail: Ben Ezzell - Ward 3 1010 W. Maple, P.O. Box 5189 Enid, OK 73703 Work: 580.233.9390 E-mail: Rodney Timm - Ward 4 6203 Breckinridge Road Enid, OK 73701 Cell: 580.242.3987 E-mail: Tammy Wilson- Ward 5 522 N. Coolidge Enid, OK 73703 Cell: 580.402.6732 E-mail:
en Id. o K
David Vanhooser - Ward 6 3 Paseo Drive Enid, OK 73703 Hm: 580.237.4991 E-mail:
Eric Benson City Manager City of Enid 401 W. Owen K. Garriott P.O. Box 1768 Enid, OK 73702 580.616.7245
Ty, s TATe & FedeRAl
County o fficials: Marc Bolz - District 1 Reese Wedel - District 2 James Simunek - District 3 Garfield County Courthouse 100 W. Broadway Enid, OK 73701 garfieldcountycommissioners@hotmail. com State o fficials: Governor Mary Fallin State Capitol Building 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 212 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 E-mail: Office: 405.521.2342 Fax: 405.521.3353 Lt. Governor Todd Lamb State Capitol Building 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 211 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 Office: 405.521.2161 Fax: 405.522.8694
District Address: 2906 Cellar Door Ln. Enid, Oklahoma 73703 E-mail: OK House District 41 Representative John Enns 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 434 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 Office: 405.557.7321 District Address: 1741 Pawhuska Enid, Oklahoma 73703 Office: 580.635.2300 E-mail: Federal o fficials: The Honorable Barack Obama President of the United States The White House Washington, DC 20500 Office: 202.456.1414
OK Sentate District 19 Senator Patrick Anderson 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 428 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 Office: 405.521.5630 District Address: P.O. Box 5589 Enid, OK 73702 E-mail:
Senator James M. Inhofe 205 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-3603 Office: 202.224.4721 Fax: 202.228.0380 District Office: 302 N. Independence, Suite 104 Enid, Oklahoma 73701 Office: 580.234.5105 Fax: 580.234.5094
OK House District 38 Representative Dale DeWitt 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 328 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 Office: 405.557.7332 District Address: 14235 W. Stateline Road Braman, Oklahoma 74632 Office: 580.385.2432 E-mail:
Senator Tom Coburn 172 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Office: 202.224.5754 Fax: 202.224.6008 District Office: 100 N. Broadway, Suite 1820 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 Office: 405.231.4941 Fax: 405.231.5051
OK House District 40 Representative Mike Jackson 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 441 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 Office: 405.557.7317
Congressman Frank D. Lucas - District 3 2311 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Office: 202.225.5565 Fax: 202.225.8698
District Office: 10952 NW Expressway, Suite B Yukon, Oklahoma 73099 Office: 405.373.1958 Fax: 405.373.2046 Congressman Jim Bridenstine- District 1 216 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Office: 202.225.2211 District Office: 2448 E. 81st St, Suite 5150 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74137 Office: 918.935.3222 Fax: 918.935.2716 Congressman Markwayne Mullin - District 2 1113 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Office: 202.225.2701 Fax: 202.225.3038 District Office: 431 W. Broadway Muskogee, Oklahoma 74401 Office: 918.687.2533 Fax: 918.686.0128 Congressman Tom Cole-District 4 2458 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Office: 202.225.6165 Fax: 202.225.3512 District Office: 2424 Springer Dr., Suite 201 Norman, Oklahoma 73069 Office: 405.329.6500 Fax: 405.321.7369
en Id. o K
Congressman James Lankford-District 5 228 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Office: 202.225.2132 Fax: 202.226.1463 District Address: 1015 N. Broadway, Suite 310 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 Office: 405.234.9900 Fax: 405.234.9909
ACCo MMod ATIons
Hot EL / mot EL a merica’s Best Value Inn 2523 Mercer drive 580.237.3090 Baymont Inn & Suites 3614 W. Garriott 580.234.6800 Best Western 2818 s . Van Buren 580.242.7110 Chisholm t rail motel 2915 n . 4th 580.237.7731 Comfort Inn 210 n . Van Buren 580.234.1200
Regency Inn 2423 Mercer drive 580.237.3090 SpringHill Suites 5815 Kl drive 580.540.4256 Super 8 2715 W. Garriott 580.242.6100 t rail motel 701 s . Van Buren 580.234.3142
Courtesy Inn 3130 s . Van Buren 580.242.2290
Hampton Inn & Suites 511 delma Court 580.234.4600 Heartland Lodge Extended Stay (Weekly stays minimum) 3209 s . Van Buren 580.234.3356
en Id. o K
Ramada Inn 3005 W. Garriott 580.234.0440
Country Inn motel s . Hwy 81, Waukomis 580.758.3206
Days Inn 2901 s . Van Buren 580.237.6000
Lazy H motel 1610 s . Van Buren 580.237.5270
Holiday Inn Express 4702 W. Garriott 580.237.7722 Holiday motel 2712 Rock Island Blvd. 580.237.3373
Duel Creek Country Inn 830 s . Imo Road 580.233.5950
RV paRKS a shley Lane RV park 2730 n . Van Buren 580.234.1246 Brown’s RV park 1418 s . Van Buren day: 580/554-5618 n ight: 580.237.9405 Fairhaven mobile Home Court 802 W. Purdue Ave. 580/234-4415 Garfield County Fairgrounds 111 W. Purdue 580.237.0238 Highpoint mobile Home and RV park 2700 n . Van Buren 580.234.1726 t rails West mobile Home Community 902 o verland Trail 580.237.7094
Indian Creek Village Winery RR 2 Box 174, Ringwood 580.883.4919 Maple Place Bed & Breakfast maple place Bed & Breakfast 418 W. Maple 580.234.5858 Southard House Bed & Breakfast 518 W. Pine 580.231.3960
a ll a ccess Realty, LLC 4125 W. o wen K. Garriott, #B19 580.548.4700 a ndrew Real Estate 209 n . Van Buren 580.234.1233 or 580.234.2773 Century 21/ Homes plus Real Estate 715 W. Maine 580.233.3500 Cimarron Real Estate 2302 W. Willow 580.242.3211 Coldwell Banker/RealtyIII 101 n . Van Buren 580.233.8833 Enid Homefinders Realty 802 W. Maine 580.233.9222 Enid property mgmt./ Enid a sset mgmt. 2200 W. o klahoma 580.233.2400
E-t owne property management Inc. 706 W. Maine 580.233.0001 HomeSellers Realty 2501 n . Van Buren 580.233.7653 JKJ Real Estate 1301 e. Willow 580.233.9800 J&t Church properties 500 n . 26th 580.484.0170 K-t Development, Inc./ Eagle Real Estate 409 n . Main Hennessy, o K 73742 405.853.4858 Landmark Real Estate 222 e. Maple, s te. 300 580.402.2461 paramont Homes Real Estate 105 n . Grand Ave. 580.237.6200
REma X premier Realtors 2901 W. Garriott Road 580.233.0330
Hous In G
REa L EStat E Sa LES & REn ta LS
Smith Real Estate 1023 W. elm 580.233.4040 Waken and Company Realty 1022 Hite Boulevard 580.237.5634 mo BILE Hom E REn ta L t rails West 902 o verland Trail 580.237.7094 High point 2700 n . Van Buren 580.237.1726
aUC t Ion EERS United Country Lippard a cutioneers 1102 W. Broadway 580.237.7174 Wiggins a uctioneers 4720-A W. Garriott 580.233.3066
a paRtm Ent S Cherokee t errace 619 e. Maine Ave. 580.237.4324 Edgewood a rms 1700 Mosher dr. 580.234.0500 Fountain Lake 2225 Fountain l ake Ave. 580.233.5725 Golden o aks Village Rental for +55 5801 n . o akwood 580.249.2600 Heartland Lodge 3209 s . Van Buren 580.540.2985 Hunters Hill 2501 Hunters Hill dr 580.233.8411 Indian o aks 1111 s . o akwood Rd 580.233.7070 Lechateau 408 n . o akwood Rd. 580.234.2256
mosher Drive 1901 Mosher dr. #37 580.233.8181 n ew View 1726 l eona Mitchell Blvd. 580.242.1332 o akwood West 4810 s pring Ridge Rd. 580.233.2464 pheasant Run 6102 W. Chestnut Ave. 580.234.1625 pine manor 1011 s . 30th s t 580.233.5336 Randolph Village 707 W. Randolph Ave. 580.234.8484 Rolling meadows 3225 e. Randolph Ave. 580.233.2850 Roosevelt park a partments 831 e. o klahoma Ave. 580.234.1658 Sandpiper 408 n . o akwood Rd. 580.237.3815
Seven pines Village o akwood & Randolph 580.237.4114 Southridge 200 W. Cherokee Ave 580.758.3863 t uscana a partments 5506 W. Chestnut 580.242.3643 Universal a partments 701 s . Hayes 580.237.0400 Winchester West 1001 s . o akwood Rd. 580.233.3030 Winlen West 1605 W. o wen K. Garriott 580.233.2432 Landlord a ssociation Arlan Potter 580.237.4568
enid provides an excellent variety of residential, assisted living, senior center, nursing homes and special care facilities with a broad range of features and activities for any future life care need. Brookdale Sr. Living/ Sterling House of Enid 4613 W. Willow 580.237.0700 Burgundy, Inc. 1502 W. Willow 580.233.8993 Civitan Homes 1413 n . Garland, 580.23.7.8200 Enid’s Senior Care 410 n . 30th, 580.237.1973
Golden o aks Senior Living Community, LLC 5801 n . o akwood 580.233.4400 Greenbrier n ursing Home & Skilled Unit 1119 e. o wen K. Garriott 580.233.0121 Greenbrier Residential Living 1217 e. o wen K. Garriott 580.233.1331 Greenbrier Special Care Residential Living 1121 e. o wen K. Garriott 580.233.2928 Greenbrier Village Skilled n ursing 1121 e. o wen K. Garriott 580.242.5104 Highland park manor 1410 W. Willow 580.234.2526
Kenwood manor 502 W. Pine 580.233.2722 meadows point a partments 1225 s . Cleveland 580.234.4812
methodist Home of Enid 301 s . o akwood 580.237.6164 t he a rbors a ssisted Living Center 4502 W. Randolph 580.242.4500 t he Living Center 1409 n . 17th 580.234.1411 t he Commons P.o . Box 10489 580.237.7625 Veteran’s a cres 2911 n . Grand 580.242.3811
sCH ools
s eeking out education in enid is an easy task. Three school districts, two institutions of higher education and one of the finest Career Technology s chools in the state serve the city of enid. Another is the addition of the new eHs u niversity center.
en Id Pu Bl IC sCH ools Elementary K-5 a dams
2200 e. Randolph Ave 580.234.5959
Coolidge 1515 e. Ash Ave 580.237.2775
1301 Fox drive 580.234.5954
DeWitt Waller
2604 e. Randolph 580.234.5931
High School 9-12 Enid High School
Drummond public Schools 580.493.2271
Garber public Schools 580.863.2220
Kremlin Hillsdale public Schools 580.874.2284
Chisholm Public Schools
Private Schools
Chisholm Elementary School
o klahoma Bible a cademy
824 n . o akwood 580.366.7800 2102 Beverly dr. 580.366.7650
2800 W. Maine s t 580.237.5029
1701 W. Broadway Ave 580.234.5958
400 W. Cottonwood 580.237.5225 prairie View 4700 W. Willow 580.366.8000
t aft
1002 s equoyah 580.234.5957
en Id. o K
900 e. Broadway 580.234.7022
611 W. Wabash 580.234.2404
900 e. Broadway 580.234.5950
Middle School 6-8 Emerson 700 W. elm Ave 580.366.7250
300 Colorado Ave. n orth enid, o K 580.237.5645
Chisholm middle School
4202 W. Carrier Rd enid, o K 580.237.5512
High School 4018 W. Carrier Rd. enid, o K 580.237.5512 ext. 413
Other public schools in Garfield County pioneer pleasant Vale public Schools 580.758.3282
Waukomis public Schools
Covington-Douglas public Schools 580.864.7481
5913 W. Chestnut Ave 580.242.4104
St. Joseph Catholic School
110 n . Madison 580.242.4449
Emmanuel Christian School
2505 W. o wen K. Garriott 580.237.0032
Bethel Baptist a cademy
901 s . Cleveland 580.237.6480
Cimarron montessori School
419 W. Maple 580.233.8820
St. paul’s Lutheran School 1626 e. Broadway 580.234.6646
Seventh Day a dventist School
1501 W. Purdue 580.234.2838
Higher Education n orthwestern o klahoma State University - enid
2929 e. Randolph 580.213.3101
n orthern o klahoma College – Enid 110 s . u niversity 580.242.6300
a utry technology Center 1201 W. Willow 580.242.2750 Embry - Riddle a eronautical University 400 young Rd. 580.213.7320
public Library of Enid & Garfield County 120 W. Maine s t 580.234.6313
en Id. o K
oRIGI n Al en Id’s H Is To Ry enid is said to have been named by a railroad official after a character in Tennyson’s “The Idylls of the King.” At noon on s ept. 16, 1893, hundreds of thousands of land seekers charged into the Cherokee o utlet seeking free land and a new start in life. They came on horseback, in horse-drawn wagons and buggies, on trains and even on bicycles or on foot. droves of settlers lined up at the land office to file their claims for land. The land office was located near what is now the site of the enid Public l ibrary on the south side of the downtown square. This original land office building is now part of a permanent display at the Humphrey Heritage Village on the west side of Government s prings Park. Just across the street from where the land office once stood is the life-size bronze sculpture of “Boomer” (123 W. Maine). The sculpture depicts a home-seeker astride his galloping horse, his claim stakes in his hand, making the race for a free quarter section of land or a town lot in the 1893 land run. In the beginning, enid struggled to become a city and won. At the turn of the century, easy access to a railroad was an absolute must if a community was to grow
Cherokee s trip l and Run
and prosper. The Rock Island Railroad had put its depot in n orth enid, even though, before the land run, surveyors designated enid as the “government town.” The railroad stopped in n orth enid rather than enid and a battle ensued. Then, one night, persons still unknown, sawed through the supports on a Rock Island Railroad trestle southeast of enid. The weakened supports dumped into a gully the next train that came over the tracks. The event marked the turning point in the dispute and a short time later the railroad agreed to move its depot to enid. At the height of railroad activity in the 1920s, there were more than 20 steam trains every day huffing and puffing in and out of enid. despite the Great depression of the 1930s, and the roller-coaster ride of several oil booms and busts in the area, enid has for the most part enjoyed slow but deliberate growth over the years. during the oil boom of the late 1970s and early 1980s, enid’s population was more than 51,000. The huge grain elevators on the east side of town have long been enid landmarks, reflecting the city’s agricultural roots.
oRIGI n Al
Vance Air Force Base
VAn Ce AIR Fo RCe BAse
Vance Air Force Base, located on the south side of enid, trains one third of the us Air Force pilots annually. To accomplish its mission, Vance uses three different trainers, the T-6 Texan II, the needle-nosed T-38C Talon or the T-1A Jayhawk. While the FAA has approved a 500 ft. ceiling for flights in sparsely congested areas, aircraft from Vance AFB maintain a minimum altitude of 1,000 ft. while flying over the City of enid. With over 56,000 sorties flown in Fy2010, Vance AFB is one of the busiest airports in the us . There are more than 2,600 military and civilian personnel working at Vance. Computer s cience Corp (Cs C) is the contractor handling aircraft maintenance at the base, along with a variety of other jobs, including civil engineering and base support functions. The base also has other contractors, such as PRI/delJen (Project Resources, Inc. & delJen Inc.), l ear-s iegler s ervices, Inc., and Boeing Aerospace o perations, Inc.
Two residential neighborhoods within the City of enid are designated as historic preservation districts: Kenwood Historic district and Waverley Historic district. Both districts are replete with the popular housing styles of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The styles represent design trends that span the initial period of settlement, to enid’s early prominence as an agricultural and commercial center at the turn of the century, to the heady days of the oil boom in the 1910s & 1930s, and the Great depression of the 1930s. A walking-tour brochure of both districts is available through the City of enid Planning o ffice. Both districts have active neighborhood associations and neighborhood watch programs. For more information about these districts, contact:
Base Profile employees Real Total earnings Contribution to Gd
Waverley Historic n eighborhood Association, 580.234.2197
en Id. o K
Vance Air Force 2,699 $312.2 million $346 million
Kenwood Historic n eighborhood Association, 580.237.5432
oRIGI n Al
Kenwood Historic District The 160-acre Kenwood tract, claimed by both Maurice A. Wogan & n . e. s isson in the Cherokee s trip l and Run of 1893 is enid’s first addition. Kenwood Historic Preservation district is a 10-block area located just northwest of downtown enid. The district is bounded by Walnut on the north, Maple on the south, Washington on the east, and Madison on the west. The Kenwood Historic Preservation district includes approximately 50 homes and a few businesses that were built between 1895 and 1932. Waverly Historical District The Waverley Additions were platted from 1902 through 1907 after Charles West of Waverley Investment Company purchased the l uther Braden farm in 1902. West later became o klahoma’s first Attorney General. Today Waverley Historic Preservation district has 287 historic homes, two churches, and one apartment building. Most homes in the district were built from 1906 through the 1920’s. Waverley embraces a 24-block area, 11 blocks west of downtown enid. The district is bounded by Broadway on the north, o klahoma on the south, Harrison on the east, and Buchanan on the west.
Enid’s National Register of Historical Places enid has 11 properties listed on the n ational Register of Historic Places. These properties are a catalog of enid’s culture, its archaeology, history, and architecture. Pamphlets discussing these properties are available at the City of enid Planning o ffice. Chsholm Trail Coalition Historic Downtown Walking Tours The colorful and sometimes controversial history of downtown enid comes to life through the eyes of “Cactus Jack” and other re-enactment characters. The tours are every third s aturday of the month April - o ctober. Reservations required, call 580.242.2233. Garfield County Courthouse Murals A fascinating depiction of the region from before white men lived on the Plains through the Great l and Run of 1893. The murals are just as bright today as the day they were completed in 1938. The courthouse is located at 114 West Broadway and open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm (free).
Broadway t ower 114 e. Broadway s t.
H.L. Kaufman House 1708 W. Maine
H. H. Champlin House 612 s . Tyler
Kenwood Historic District Bounded by o ak s t., Maple, Washington, and Madison
Clay Hall 311-325 l akeview dr. t .t . Eason mansion 1305 W. Broadway Enid a rmory 600 e. elm Enid Cemetery & Calvary Catholic Cemetery 200 block of W. Willow Ave. Enid Downtown Historic District Roughly bounded by Maple Ave., 2nd s t., Cherokee Ave., and Adams s t.
oRIGI n Al
HIs To RIC Pl ACes
Lamerton House 1420 W. Indian dr. mcCristy-Knox mansion 1323 W. Broadway Rock Island Depot 200 o wen K. Garriott Waverley Historic District Roughly bounded by W. Broadway Ave., n . and s . Tyler s ts., s . Harrison s t., W. o klahoma s t., and n . and s . Buchanan s ts.
Enid t erminal Grain Elevators Historic District n ear e. Willow Rd., n . 16th s t., n . 10th s t., and n . Van Buren s t. Garfield County Courthouse 114 W. Broadway Jackson School 415 e. Illinois
Waverly Historical District House
oRIGI n Al
en Id Annu Al e Ven Ts For more event details, visit En ID Fa RmERS ma RKEt every s aturday May – s eptember Corner of Grand & Garriott FIRSt FRIDay each month downtown enid HISto RIC Wa LKIn G to URS Third s aturday of each month, April - o ctober downtown enid t URpIn t Un ES – a coustic Jam Third Thursday of each month, Turpin Theatre Jan Ua Ry Kn ID a grifest Chisholm Trail expo Center Winter Chautauqua n Wosu -enid FEBRUa Ry Girl Scout Cookie Creations enid event Center & Convention Hall
n orthwest District Jr. Livestock Show Chisholm Trail expo Center ot Ca Indoor t rack meet Chisholm Trail expo Center t rojan Indoor Field & Games Chisholm Trail expo Center
ma y a ll-Caboose Excursions Railroad Museum of o klahoma Be Fit Kids Buzz Run eHs Track
ma RCH
n Caa Division ll Great a merican Conference Baseball david Allen Memorial Ballpark
n orthwest District Jr. Livestock Show Chisholm Trail expo Center
n JCaa Division ll World Series david Allen Memorial Ballpark
Red Dirt Run of Honor Woodring Airport
Corvette Expo Chisholm Trail expo Center Jazz Stroll downtown enid Smokin’ Red Dirt BBQ & a rt Show enid event Center & Convention Hall Spring Home Show Chisholm Trail expo Center
Super Retriever Series Dock Dogs o akwood Mall t ri-State music Festival Throughout enid JUn E Shakespeare in the park Government s prings Park Summer Chautauqua Humphrey Heritage Village
Frontier Festival Cherokee s trip Regional Heritage Center
Garfield County Fair Garfield County Fairgrounds
Crazy Days City Wide Retail Promotion Hometown Celebration l eonardo’s Children’s Museum Running of the Rats downtown enid a UGUSt Grape Stomp Indian Creek Village Winery t our de t rykes & Criterium downtown enid USt RC t eam Roping Chisholm Trail expo Center SEpt EmBER a ll-Caboose Excursions Railroad Museum of o klahoma Cherokee Strip Days Celebration downtown enid Fling at the Springs Government s prings Park
Great Land Run 5K & 10K downtown enid o Cto BER Enid a ntique power, Gas Engine & t ractor Show Garfield County Fairgrounds o ctober Fest/ First Friday downtown enid paws 4 the Cause Dachshund Dash Chisholm Trail expo Center Scare on the Square downtown enid Sooner State Kennel Club Dog Show Chisholm Trail expo Center no VEmBER Enid Lights up the plains downtown enid
Grand n ational Quail Hunt enid event Center & Convention Hall Ko Fm/KGWa Black Friday Extravaganza o akwood Mall
oRIGI n Al
Waverley Historic District parlor t ours Waverley Historic district
mennonite Relief Sale Chisholm Trail expo Center SpCa Enid Wine & Food Festival Chisholm Trail expo Center Veterans Day parade Chisholm Trail expo Center DECEmBER Candy Cane Cash downtown enid Christmas in the Village Humphrey Heritage Village Ko Fm prep Classic Chisholm Trail expo Center n oon year’s Eve l eonardo’s Children’s Museum
Fall Home Show Chisholm Trail expo Center
THe ARTs As an active o klahoma Main s treet community, enid presents a good variety of cultural activities and attractions. Enid Symphony o rchestra is a professional orchestra comprised of musicians from within a 120-mile radius. Performances are given in the newly restored enid s ymphony Center. The center also includes the Jane Champlin Art Gallery, the eleanor Hornbaker Banquet Hall and the Theater Ballroom. 301 W. Broadway 580.237.9646
en Id. o K
Gaslight t heatre presents entertaining stage productions regularly in the refurbished historic Criterion movie theater. enid’s Community Theatre
Gaslight Theatre
has an active season of 9 shows annually, which include a children’s show, a teen production, spring comedy dinner theatre and a free s hakespeare in the Park. 221 n . Independence 580.234.2307 n orthern o klahoma College - Enid is the home of the no C - enid Music Makers Community Concert Band and the no C Ambassadors of s wing Jazz Band. In addition to concerts at no C, the bands perform at various community events. All interested musicians in the community are welcome to apply for band membership. 580.548.2327
t he Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center, opened in the spring of 2011, tells the extraordinary story of the largest land run in American history and the settling and development of the Cherokee s trip. The 24,000 sq. ft. facility features five state-ofthe-art exhibit galleries, a temporary exhibit gallery, theater, research center, museum shop and visitor’s center. The Center’s living history area, Humphrey Heritage Village, is a grouping of four historically significant buildings including the only remaining 1893 u .s . l and o ffice. 507 s . 4th s treet 580.237.1907 David a llen memorial Ballpark, the finest high school baseball facility in the u nited s tates, is the location for many regional and national high school, American l egion, and college tournaments. 301 s . Grand Ave 580.548.0396 Enid Woodring Wall of Honor & Veterans park was dedicated in 2000 and is located at the enid Woodring Regional Airport. The Wall is in honor of o klahoma Veterans, both living and deceased. A recent addition to the park is an 80% scale replica of the Vietnam Wall which was dedicated in 2013.
3 miles west of Junction 58 near Ringwood on Hwy 412 580.883.4919 Leona mitchell Southern Heights Heritage Center and Indian museum, provides life-long learning opportunities in appreciation of the ancestry, heritage and history of ethnic n ative Americans of the Americas, ethnic Pioneer s ettlers and African Ancestral Americans. Admission is free and donations are welcome. l arge groups and s unday tours by special arrangement only. 616 l eona Mitchell Blvd 580.237.6989 Leonardo’s Discovery Warehouse, is an old red brick grocery warehouse that has been converted into a hands-on science museum for the whole family. Call to find out about weekly classes and special events. The outdoor area, Adventure Quest, is the world’s largest community-built playground. It is an outdoor science and learning center in the form of a giant playground that features slides, mazes, bridges, gardens, sand play areas and a water table where children can learn as they play. 200 e. Maple 580.233.ARTs (2787)
en Id. o K
For further information, contact enid Woodring Regional Airport 580.234-.5476.
Indian Creek Village Winery offers tours of the winery, sample wines and a gift shop. Indian Creek has a wedding chapel, a bed & breakfast and a restaurant.
Midgley Museum
n orthern o klahoma College planetarium & o bservatory, one of the largest planetariums in o klahoma, gives you the opportunity to view the night sky as it appears during any hour/ year/location on the earth. 580.548.2399 Randolph and Hedges on the no C campus
midgley museum, displays an eclectic assortment of antiques and artifacts collected over a lifetime of rock collecting by Mr. and Mrs. dan Midgley. Gem and mineral enthusiasts will enjoy the array and the gift shop. It is operated by the n orthwest o klahoma Masonic l odges. Free admission, donations are welcome. 1001 s equoyah 580.234.7265
plain View Winery Hwy. 412 in l ahoma, 12 miles west of enid 580.796.2902 Railroad museum of o klahoma is a museum compound with eight cabooses from railroads that have served enid. o ver 1,046 pieces of railroad dining car china plus an array of railroad memorabilia is also on display. Admission is a suggested donation of $3.00. 702 n . Washington 580.233.3051 Simpson’s o ld t ime museum allows you to step back into the o ld West. Visit the 1880’s saloon, jail, General s tore, church and hotel lobby complete with stairway, hotel hallway and authentic hotel room. s impson’s o ld Time Museum also has a wide variety of collections and artifacts. Admission is free. 228 e. Randolph 580.234.4998 580.541.2831
Champlin pool is an o lympic size swimming pool complete with diving boards and water slides. 400 W. Cherokee 580.237.7530 Comet Go Carts 3200 n . 4th 580.234.8689 Enid Dog park at Crosslin park enid’s o fficial dog Park Between W. Purdue and W. o xford, just west of n . Van Buren Enid Farmers’ market showcases home-grown o klahoma products. o pen s aturday mornings, May - o ctober. o wen K. Garriott & Grand (outside the historic Rock Island Train s tation) 580.977.4420 Enid motor Speedway conducts car races during special events. Garfield County Fairgrounds 580.237.0238.
putt-putt 4RKids Golf Course 710 o verland Trail 580.237.7888
Skatetown Family Fun Center has the largest roller skating surface in the state of o klahoma. 905 o verland Trail 580.233.5360 Splash pad play a reas open to the general public during the summer season. l ocated at Hoover Park, 3000 block of West o klahoma and at 10th and Chestnut. Splash Zone Water park is open Memorial day through l abor day. A snack bar, volleyball and basketball courts are also available. 1122 Trails West 580.242.5152
Enid Senior Community Center, offers a great number of activities for seniors, including exercise, crafts, bridge, painting, dominoes, pitch, pool and bingo. 202 W.Walnut 580.234.2806 Kiwanis t rain and rides Meadowlake Park 580.237.0099 meadowlake miniature Golf Meadowlake Park 580.237.0405. o akwood Bowl 4709 W. Garriott 580.233.8712 25
Baseball ---------------Basketball ---------------Biking ---------------Concessions ---------------Exercise Track ---------------Fishing ---------------Football ---------------Lake ---------------Playground ---------------Pool/Splash Pad ---------------Restrooms ---------------Shelter ---------------Skateboard ---------------Soccer ---------------Softball ---------------Tennis
* New Admenities Coming Soon ADA fully accessible playground
Park and location • AMBUC Park, 700 N. Van Buren • Berry Park, North 81 HWY and N. Washington • Champlin Park, Van Buren and Garriott • Champlin Pool, 400 W. Cherokee • Champion Park, 10th & Chestnut • Crosslin Park, 1400 W. Purdue • David Allen Memorial Ballpark, 315 S. Grand • Don Haskins, 515 E. Maine • Enid Skate Park, 400 W. State • Exchange Park, 400 E. Maple • Frisco Park, 100 E. Chestnut • Glenwood Park, 100 E. Randolph • Goverment Springs North, 500 E. Oklahoma & 9th St • Goverment Springs South, 500 E. Oklahoma & 9th St • Hoover Park, 3000 W. Oklahoma • Kellett Softball Park, Cleveland, South of Rupe • Lahoma Courts Park, C Court • Lamesa Park, 4300 W. Lamesa Drive • Lions Park, Oklahoma and Cleveland • Meadowlake Park, 1900 S. Van Buren • *Meadows Park, 2800 W. Indian Drive • Monsees BMX - Bike Park, 1700 W. James • Phillips Southern Heights Park, 400 E. Iowa • Seneca Butterfly Garden, Seneca & Sequoyah • Sherwood Park, N. Cleveland & W. Willow • Soccer Complex, W. Poplar off N. Van Buren • WaterWorks Lake Park, 1500 W. Chestnut • Weldon Park & Bird Sanctuary, 1800 Mockingbird Ln.
WITHIn A dAy’s dRIVe
Historic Ft. Supply Ft. s upply, o K, 580.766.2701 Salt plains n ational Wildlife Refuge Jet, o K, 580.626.4794
en Id. o K
marland mansion & Estate Ponca City, o K, 800.422.8340
Watonga Cheese Factory Watonga, o K, 888.270.5915 Sod House Aline, o K, 580.596.3053
FISHING LAKES Canton Lake 580.886.2989 Great Salt plains Lake 580.626.4731 Kaw Lake 580.762.5611 Lake Carl Blackwell 405.372.5157 Sooner Lake 405.723.4415 STATE PARKS a labaster Caverns 580.621.3381 Beaver State park 580.625.3373 Black mesa 580.426.2222 Boiling Springs 580.256.7664 Great Salt plains 580.626.4731 Little Sahara State park 580.824.1471 Roman n ose State park 580.623.7281 Keystone State park 800.654.8240
PeRson Al F ITness
18-Hole Public Courses meadowlake municipal Golf Course Intersection of Rupe and Cleveland. 580.234.3080
a nytime Fitness 3324 W. o wen K. Garriott 580.237.2100
pheasant Run Golf Club 1702 Clubhouse drive 580.233.2355 t urkey Creek Golf Club 5 miles west of Hennessey on Highway 51 405.853.2100 18-Hole Private Course o akwood Country Club 1601 n . o akwood 580.242.5408 9-Hole Public Courses n orthern Hills Golf Course 303 s . Montgomery 580.548.2289 Rolling meadows Golf Club 17 miles east of enid on Highway 412 and 1 1/2 miles south 580.863.2207 Golden o aks Golf Course 5801 n . o akwood 580-542-6723
Gol F
a lpha Chic Fitness 2214 W. Willow Rd. 912.398.3686 B-Renued Salon & Day Spa 24111 Heritage Trail 580.237.4438 Denny price Family ym Ca 415 W. Cherokee 580.237.4645 FGF Barbell 412 s . Buchanan 580.237.5553 Finer physiques 2127 W. Willow Rd 580.242.1861 Finer physiques Express 102 W. Randolph downtown enid 580.233.4300 Gym 117 n . Grand 580.548.5555 Iron Works 1602 n . Van Buren 580.233.4766 o akwood a ctivity Center 401 n . o akwood 580.234.4464
en Id. o K
Synergy Fitness Club 921 s . o akwood, s uite C 580.234.8808
Phesant Run Golf Clubhouse 27
enid offers a wide variety of quality meeting facilities that can accomodate conferences and conventions, seminars, workshops, banquets, and other meeting needs. ma Jo R Con FEREn CE / n orthern o klahoma Comfort Inn mEEt In G Fa CILIt IES College - Enid 210 n . Van Buren Gantz Center 580.234.1200 a utry t echnology Center / 100 s . u niversity James W. Strate Center for 580.548.2321 Days Inn Business Development 3130 s . Van Buren 1201 W. Willow n orthwestern o klahoma 580.237.6000 580.242.2750 State University – Enid 2929 e. Randolph Hampton Inn & Suites Briggs a uditorium 580.213.3101 511 demla Court Maine & Hedges 580.234.4600 (1300 Capacity) o akwood Country Club 580.242.6300 Holiday Inn Express 1601 n . o akwood Road Chisholm t rail Expo Center 4702 W. o wen K. Garriott 580.234.5811 Hoover Building 580.237.7722 111 W. Purdue o akwood mall 580.237.0238 4125 W. o wen K. Garriott Ramada Inn 3005 W. o wen K. Garriott 580.237.9177 Enid Event Center & 580.234.0440 Convention Hall Hot ELS WIt H 301 s . Independence SpringHill Suites mEEt In G Fa CILIt IES 580.234.1919 5815 Kl drive 800.230.4134 Baymont Inn & Suites Enid Symphony Center 3614 W. o wen K. Garriott 580.540.4256 301 W. Broadway 580.234.6800 580.237.9646 Leonardo’s Children’s museum 200 e. Maple 580.233.2787
Best Western 2818 s . Van Buren 580.242.7110
ot HER mEEt In G Lo Cat Ion S Booker t . Washington Community Center 800 s . 5th s treet 580.233.8114 David a llen memorial Ballpark 301 s . Grand 580.548.0396
tp I Staffing Services, Inc. 320 W. Maple 580.234.6267 Williams Broadcasting 1710 W. Willow 580.234.4230 yWCa 525 s . Quincy 580.234.1284
• Government Springs Sports Complex 10th & o wen K. Garriott • Kellet Softball park 2300 s . Cleveland • meadowlake Softball park 1200 W. Rupe
Denny price Family ym Ca 415 W. Cherokee 580.234.1284
Spo Rt S Fa CILIt IES Enid public Library 120 W. Maine 580.234.6313 Indian Creek Village Winery Route 2 Box 174 Ringwood, o K 73768 580.883.4919 maple place Bed & Breakfast 418 W. Maple 580.234.5858 Simpson’s Inc. (museum) 228 e. Randolph 580.234.4998
Chisholm t rail Expo Center/Coliseum 111 W. Purdue 580.237.0238 City of Enid Sports Facilities 580.234.0400 • Crosslin Baseball park W. Purdue & o xford (West of s . Van Buren) • David a llen memorial Ballpark 301 s . Grand 580.548.0396 • Enid Soccer Complex W.Poplar & Van Buren
mabee Center – no C 100 s . u niversity 580.242.6300 no C Failing Baseball park 100 s . u niversity 580.242.6300 no C Int EGRIS Indoor Baseball Facility 100 s . u niversity 580.242.6300 Selby Stadium (enid Public s chools) 725 W. Iowa 580.234.5748
HeAlTH CARe enid is the primary health care center of n orthwest o klahoma. enid has two major hospital facilities. There are more than 150 physicians, optometrists, dentists and medical professionals serving the area. enid has retirement facilities, nursing homes, assisted living, special care and skilled care facilities and is served by a full-time professional ambulance service. Enid Community Clinic For low-income individuals who are uninsured on Medicaid or Medicare. 1106 e. Broadway Ave. 580.233.5300
Enid Va o utpatient Clinic 915 e. o wen K. Garriott, s uite G 580.242.5100 developmental disabilities s ervices division of the department of Human s ervices operates n orthern o klahoma Resource Center and the Robert M. Greer Center. 2600 e. Willow 580.213.2700 Garfield County Health Department 2501 Mercer drive 580.233.0650 Int EGRIS Bass Baptist Health Center 600 s . Monroe s t. 580.233.2300
Int EGRIS Bass meadowlake 2216 s . Van Buren s t 580.234.2220 800.759.2211 Int EGRIS Bass pavilion 401 s . 3rd 580.548.1112 Int EGRIS Bass Speciality Care of Enid Urgent Care n orth 2821 n . Van Buren 580.213.9794 minor Emergency Clinic 402-B s . o akwood 580.234.1831 St. mary’s Regional medical Center 305 s . 5th 580.233.6100 Surgery Center of Enid 1133 W. Willow 580.233.7171 Urgent Care plus 1805 W. o wen K. Garriott 580.233.9012. Xpress Wellness Urgent Care 220 s . Van Buren 508.438.9355
Un IQUELy En ID a ngel Delight Bakery and Eatery 417 s . Washington 580.234.0113 Barn Stormers Cafe Woodring Airport, 1026 s . 66th s t 580.234.9913 Blaze’s BBQ 1002 W. Willow 580.540.8941 Bogie’s Grill 1702 Clubhouse drive (Pheasant Run Golf Course) 580.242.1761 Cafe 81 1716 s . Van Buren 580.234.0303 Cafe Garcia 324 s . Grand 580.237.4775 Callahan’s pub & Grille 220 n . Independence 580.242.7299 Cher-Den Bakery 827 W. Maine 580.237.6800
Cinco de mayo 221 W. Randolph 580.234.2033
Imperial China 518 s . Van Buren 580.234.2737
Costello’s Continental Cuisine 610 s . Cleveland, s uite 222 580.234.7510
J’s Donuts 1921 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.7444
Davinci’s Coffee House 2315 W. Willow 580.234.2080 DineEnid 205 e. Broadway (Broadway Tower Hotel) 580.234.3620 Elmer’s Downhome Barbeque 217 e. o wen K Garriott 580.234.0927 Five80 Coffee House 122 e. Randolph 580.233.3483
Res TAu RAn T Gu Ide
Jiang yuan 2201 W. Willow 580.233.8889 Jumbo Foods Deli 221 s . 30th s treet 580.237.9700 View more locations for Jumbo Foods deli Katy’s pantry 2302 W. Willow 580.233.1304 La Fiesta mexican Cafe 2709 W. o wen K Garriott 580.242.200
Flamingo Lounge 520 s . Van Buren 580.234.9006
Laney’s Cupcakes & Gourmet Sandwiches 101 n . Grand 258.658.2273
G&p Bakery 1109 n . Grand 580.278.6226
Lenox Drive in 1110 n . Grand 580.237.8365
Grand a ve Cafe 423 n . Grand 580.234.7544
Lot-a-Burger 310 W. Willow 580.237.1471
maracas mexican Cafe 1125 e. Broadway 580.237.5229 marco’s pizza & Deli 1518 e. Broadway 580.402.3339 marisco Los primos 701 e. Broadway 580.242.1194 n ew China Buffet of Enid 4410 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.8818 o ctavios t aqueria 226 W. Broadway 580.237.5256 o n the Sidewalk Bar & Grill 114 W. Randolph 580.234.3050 o riental Garden Express 923 s . Van Buren 580.701.4483 paneVino Wine & Steak 124 W. Randolph 580.237.8488 phil’s BBQ 2209 n . Grand 580.237.7595 poppy Chulo’s t amale Shop 1520 n . Grand 580.540.8901
Raymie’s 3005 W. o wen K Garriott Ramada Inn 580.233.3552
t he Hungry Bowler 4709 W. o wen K Garriott (inside o akwood Bowl) 580.234.7896
Rendezvous Club & Cafe 421 s . Van Buren 580.237.7345
Uptown Subs 1909 W. o wen K Garriot 580.242.7827
Sakura Sushi 1935 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.8988
Wee t oo 4002 n . 4th s treet 580.233.4663
Schieber’s Donuts & Deli 207 e. o wen K Garriott 580.242.5000 Sue’s Cafe 824 s . 30th s t. 580.540.8974 Sula Korean Cafe 1407 s . Van Buren 580.234.0700 t aco Bandito 205 W. Willow 580.234.2800 t aqueria Escobedo 213 W. Willow 580.234.0099 t he Dutch pantry 2818 s . Van Buren (inside Best Western) 580.242.7110
Willow Inn Cafe 364 e. Willow 580.242.3105 Wooden n ickel 410 W. Walnut 580.242.3105
Fa mILIa R FaVo RIt ES a pplebee’s 3616 W. o wen K Garriott 580.233.1525 a rby’s 3826 W. o wen K Garriott 580.242.6289 a &W/Long John Silver’s 309 s . Van Buren 580.237.6077 Boomerang Diner 226 W. Randolph 580.540.4255
Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Stores 4202 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.8580 Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Stores 1121 W. Willow 580.242.6152 Buffalo Wild Wings 2126 n . Van Buren 580.237.9453 Burger King 1801 n . Van Buren 580.233.5152 Chen Garden o akwood Mall 580.540.8909 Cherry Berry of Enid 214 s unset Plaza 580.237.3700 Chick-Fil-a o akwood Mall 580.234.9801
Chili’s Grill & Bar 3620 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.2035
Golden Chick 5601 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.9996
China King 4402 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.6888
Golden Corral 4629 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.1803
Daylight Donuts 209 n . o akwood 580.233.8017
Great a merican Cookie Company o akwood Mall 580.242.2222
Daylight Donuts 902 W. Randolph 580.233.8032
Hardback Café (inside Hastings) 600 s . Cleveland 580.242.6838
Domino’s 1119 s . Van Buren 580.242.2004
Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Stores 310 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.8253
IHop 4125 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.8999
El Chico 3710 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.1918
Jimmy Johns 2312 W. o wen K Garriott 580.540.9183
Freddy’s Frozen Custard 624 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.1514
Jimmy’s Egg 2126 n . Van Buren 580.234.5160
Godfather’s 2101 W. o wen K Garriott 580.233.5766
KFC 3904 W. o wen K Garriott 580.242.5271
Golden Chick 202 n . Van Buren 580.233.9996
KFC 702 e. Maine 580.233.0802
Little Caesar’s 2404 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.3322
mystic pizza o akwood Mall 580.540.8935
Quiznos 3518 W. o wen K Garriott 580.233.7849
mazzio’s 4905 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.1558
n apoli’s Italian Restaurant 225 s . Grand 580.237.8464
playa a zul 2731 W. o wen K Garriott 580.242.4875
mcDonald’s Maine & Van Buren 580.233.4500
papa John’s 4330 W. o wen K Garriott 580.233.2100
Rib Crib 4901 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.7333
mcDonald’s 4109 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.6840
papa murphy’s 204 s . Van Buren 580.237.1037
Sonic 1617 s . Van Buren 580.234.2311
mcDonald’s 1125 W. Willow 580.234.3500
paradise Donuts of Enid 379 e.Willow 580.237.4099
mcDonald’s (WalMart) 5505 W. o wen K Garriott 580.213.2207
pizza Hut 4125 W. o wen K Garriott 580.233.9911
Sonic 905 W. Willow 580.233.8611 Sonic 4913 W. o wen K Garriott 580.233.9100
t aco Bell 501 s . Van Buren 580.234.3732
Starbucks 2326 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.3726
t aco Bueno 1725 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.0730
Subway 2333 W. Willow 580.242.6760
t aco mayo 118 n . Van Buren 580.233.5014
Subway 2402 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.3997
Wendy’s 606 s . Garland 580.237.6892
Subway 515 s . Van Buren 580.242.0400
Western Sizzlin’ 4722 W. o wen K Garriott 580.234.4121
Subway 5601 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.7330
Winchell’s Donut House 308 s . Van Buren 580.234.2882
Wings to Go 2316 W. o wen K Garriott 580.237.9464
Sonic 1502 e. o wen K Garriott 580.237.9500
s Ho PPIn G
enid is the retail trade center of n orthwest o klahoma. With a primary trade area of over 129,000 and a family household income that exceeds $60,000, enid is positioned for further retail growth. Downtown Enid u nique shops and dining can be found in enid’s downtown area. The First Friday evening of every month brings live entertainment to the downtown square. enid l ights u p the Plains provides one of the best downtown Christmas displays the night after Thanksgiving. downtown must-sees include: For you, Garfield Furniture, Bell Jewelers, The Bike s hop, downtown Threads, Wheat Capitol Running Company along with restaurants Boomerang, Callahan’s, n apoli’s Italian Restaurant and others.
en Id. o K
Enid Crossing n EW Shopping mall 3828 W. o wen K Garriott TJ Maxx, Rue 21 & Pet s mart
n eilson Square o wen K Garriott & Hoover. n ationally known chains include: s taples, o ld n avy, Cato, Applebees and Quizno’s. n orthgate Shopping Center Willow & Van Buren. Includes u nited s upermarket and evans Pharmacy/True Value. o akwood mall o wen K. Garriott & o akwood. The Buckle, Beds u nlimited, Goody’s, Mattress Hub, dillards, JC Penney and s ears anchor over 50 specialty shops and a food court. o akwood Mall is also home to an 8 screen s tarplex Cinema.
Heritage Hills Shopping Center Willow & Cleveland. Quaint, hometown shopping village featuring locallyowned specialty stores including Razzmatazz, Posh, s hoe Hutch and Katy’s Pantry Restaurant.
Sunset plaza o wen K. Garriott & Cleveland. Hobby l obby, Costello’s Continental Cuisine, CherryBerry, Hastings, Hibbett s ports, and Ross dress For l ess anchor this popular strip of shops in central enid.
Indian Hills Shopping Center o wen K Garriott & Johnson. l ocal merchants include Godfather’s Pizza, Midwest Music, u ptown s ubs and RCs Hobbies.
Varsity Square 30th & Randolph. This square features local supermarket Jumbo Foodseast and dollar General.
Westgate Shopping Center o wen K. Garriott & Cleveland. Browns s hoe Fit, s tarbucks, Wings to Go and AutoZone are among the shops located here. Willow plaza Willow & Cleveland. l ocal supermarket Jumbo Foods is joined by Basket kase, o kie Joe’s n uthouse, davinci’s Coffee House, Golf us A and Ace Hardware. ot HER SHopp In G a REa S: o akwood Centre east of o akwood Mall on s outh o akwood Road South Van Buren Square n orth of Rupe on Van Buren Lamesa West Corner of Randolph and o akwood Williamsburg Square Hayes and West Garriott mulberry plaza Mulberry and s outh Van Buren
enid has a strong church base with many churches and denominations represented in the community. Churches were among some of the first buildings in enid, and their numbers have continued to grow. Following is a partial listing of churches and denominations with a presence in enid. For a complete list of churches in the enid area please contact: Hope o utreach – 215 s . Van Buren, enid, o K 73701, 580.237.4693 ministries. Assembly of God Baptist
First Presbyterian
Catholic Charismatic Christian disciples of Christ Church of Christ Church of God Church of God Church of God in Christ s eventh day Church of God Church of Jesus Christ l atter-day s aints Church of Brethren Church of the n azarene Community Churches Congregational Churches episcopal evangelical Free Full Gospel Jehorah’s Witnesses Korean Methodist l utheran Mennonite Mennonite Brethren Methodist Pentecostal Presbyterian Wesleyan World Harvest Church
en Id. o K
n on-denominational
oRGA n IZATIon Al dIReCTo Ry 4-H CLUB o SU EXt En SIon – Ga RFIELD Co Unty Cindy Conner, director 316 e. o xford enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.237.1228 o pen: Monday – Friday 8am -5pm Website: o Ces
a LCo Ho LICS anonymo US – ma In E St . 701 W. Maine o ffice: 580.233.6070 Aaron s hoate Work: 580.402.1512 Meetings: 7:00 pm every night M – F: 12n Thursday: Women o nly 7 pm s aturday: Men o nly 8 am s aturday: Women only 12 noon
4RKids Putt Putt & 2nd s tory Gift s tore Tricia Mitchell, Program director 710 o verland Trail enid, o K 73703 Work: 580.237.7890
am BUCS-am En ID Will Gungoll, President P.o . Box 3122 enid, o K 73702-3122 Work: 580.237.3027 Meets: Fridays @ 7am, Ramada Inn
50 an D o VER pIt CH CLUB s hirley Moore 1806 W. Rupe enid, o K 73703 Phone: 580.242.4008 Meets:1st & 3rd Wed @ 1pm, 202 Walnut (the depot)
en Id. o K
a IR Fo RCE a SSo CIat Ion CHapt ER 214 George Pankonin, President 1214 Winchester Phone: 580.213.6207 Meets: 3rd Thursday Mission: To actively support the active and retired us Air Force personnel and their families.
a LCo Ho LICS anonymo US Serenity House 305 W. Cherokee enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.242.9000 Meetings: daily – 6 pm M-s at: 12n s un: 11 am
am BUCS-am too Mary Arthur P.o . Box 5511 enid, o K 73702-5511 Phone: 580.213.7528 email: enidAMTooAMBu Cs @ Meets: every Wednesday, 6:45am @ TPI s taffing s ervices (Maple Room) am BUCSDo Wnto Wn En ID Cindy McFarland, President P.o . Box 1772 enid, o K 73702 Work: 580.616.2001 Cell: 580.548.7916 Meets: Wednesday @ 12n, n apoli’s am BUCS-En ID noon Anna Blubaugh, s ecretary P.o . Box 406 enid, o K 73702-0406 Work: 580.231.0231 Meets: Friday @ 12n, no C Gantz Ctr.
am ERICan HEa Rt a SSo CIat Ion debbie Hite 5700 n . Portland s uite 203 o KC, o K 73112 Phone: 405.948.2126 Website: am ERICan LEGIon a UXILIa Ry deborah Heydman P.o . Box 1123 enid, o K 73702 l egion: 580.540.8920 Phone: 580.484.1365 email: Meets: 3rd Monday, 7pm @ 121 W. o ak am ERICan LEGIon po St #4 Richard s abin, Commander P.o . Box 1123 enid, o K 73702 l egion: 580.540.8920 email: Meets: 3rd Monday, 7pm @ 121 W. o ak am ERICan RED CRo SS CImma RRon Va LLEy CHapt ER Robin u nruh, exec. director 1023 W. elm enid, o K 73703 o ffice: (580) 237-5994 Website: am VEt S po St #20 417 n . Grand enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.234.5230 ant IQUE a Uto CLUB - En ID Bud s mith, President, Harold Cooper, s ec / Treas. 1323 W. Maple enid, o K 73703 Phone: Bud 580.234.8187 Phone: Harold 580.237.1756 Meet: 2nd Tuesday @ 6pm Pizza Hut
BEta SIGma pHI- CIty Co Un CIL yvonne l ittle 1702 W. Cherokee enid, o K 73703 Home: 580.242.4454 BEta SIGma pHI: DELta ma St ER Cindy Fischaber 2810 W. Pine enid, o K 73703 Home: 580.234.5844 BEta SIGma pHI: La UREat E om EGa Gloria Kucera 1918 n . 20th Place enid, o K 73701 Home: 580.310.2710 BEta SIGma pHI: pRECEpto R pSI Carla Broyles 5222 W. Randolph enid, o K 73703 Home: 580.237.7346
BIG Ban D Dan CE CLUB Kathy & david s mith 2041 Buggywhip l ane Phone: 580.233.6160 email: Facebook: Big Band dance Club Meet: 4 times a year for dances BLUE Sta R mot HERS CHapt ER 11 Brenda Bingham, President P.o . Box 974 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.747.4553 email: army.mom040578@ Boo KER t . Wa SHIn Gton Comm Un Ity CEnt ER 800 s . 5th enid, o K 73701 o ffice: 580.233.8114 Boy SCo Ut S o F am ERICa , CIma RRon Co Un CIL Mr. Bobby s chultz, s cout executive P.o . Box 3146 enid, o K 73702-3146 o ffice: 580.234.3652 Website: CHa Uta UQUa Co Un CIL of En ID l aurel Provine P.o . Box 3345 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.551.9792 Meets: 3rd Wednesday @ 12pm enid Public l ibrary FB: Chautauqua of enid
CHERo KEE St RIp Ban KIn G Wom En ’S a SSo CIat Ion debbie White, V.P. Alva s tate Bank 801 W. Broadway enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.234.4201 Meets: 4th Thursday, 6:15 pm (Aug-Apr) CHERo KEE St RIp Comm Un Ity Fo Un Dat Ion Mary s tallings, exec. director 205 W. Maple P.o . Box 263 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.234-3988 Website: CHISHo Lm t Ra IL JUn Io R CIVIta n CLUB diana Gritz Phone: 580.233.8169 Meets: 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 6:30pm @ 2005 e. Broadway CHRIStma S In a Ct Ion Valerie s nethen P.o . Box 3534 enid, o K 73702-1272 Phone: 580.234.7475 CIVIL a IR pat Ro L enid Composite s quadron Richard Fox, Capt. CAP; s C.CC 173 Merritt Avenue s uite 230 Vance AFB, o K 73705 Cell: 580.542.4114 Work: 580.213.5620 Meets: Monday @ 6:30pm, Vance AFB An official auxiliary of the us AF CIVIta n CLUB Jeff Hoover P.o . Box 1442 enid, o K 73702 Cell: 580.603.0796 Meets: Friday @ 12n, Civitan Home 1314 n . Garland Road
en Id. o K
BEta SIGma pHI: XI DELta Kappa s usie Clark 2 Beaver enid, o K 73703 Home: 580.242.6407
BEta SIGma pHI: pI ma St ER Karen o lds 1126 l isa l ane enid, o K 73703 Home: 580.237.7848
t he a Rt HRIt IS Fo Un Dat Ion s herri o ’n eil, executive director 710 W. Wilshire Blvd, s uite 101 o klahoma City, o K 73116 o ffice: 405.936.3366 Fax: 405.936.0617 Website: - keyword: o klahoma
Co In CLUB – En ID Clifford Cooper 813 W. Main enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.233.0007 Meets: 1st Tuesday @ 7pm, o K Highway Patrol Comm Un Ity DEVELopm Ent SUppo Rt a SSo CIat Ion (CDSa ) Cheri ezzell, exec. director 114 s . Independence enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.242.6131 Da UGHt ERS o F t HE am ERICan REVo LUt Ion Meets: 1st Thursday, 11:30am @ Raymies Restaurant in Ramada Inn DEmo CRat IC paRty Ga RFIELD Co Unty Joe Felton 201 n . Main Waukomis, o K 73773 Phone: 580.758.1346 FB: Garfield County, o klahoma, democratic Party
en Id. o K
DEmo CRat IC Wom En Ga RFIELD Co Unty dena Felton, Chairman 201 n . Main Waukomis, o K 73773 Phone: 580.548.4840 Meets: 3rd Monday @ 7 pm, locations vary
DESK an D DERRICK En ID Jody Kuberskey, President Ward Petroleum Corportation Work: 580.234.3229 X1661 email: Meet: 2nd Tuesday, 6:15 pm @ Best Western
DISa BLED am ERICan VEt ERan S n orthwest o klahoma Chapter 66 Jim s tark, Commander don eck, s r.Vice Commander Michael McCauley, Jr. Vice Commander 601 n . 26th s t. enid, o K 73701-3778 o ffice: 580.242.3808 Meets: 2nd Monday @ 7pm, 601 n . 26th s t. dAV Bldg ELK’S Lo DGE Roger Hiatt P.o . Box 5218 enid, o K 73702 l odge: 580.233.2104 Meets: 1st & 3rd Tuesday En ID ama t UER Ra DIo CLUB (Ea RC) Gene s pillman, President (KFCu T) P.o . Box 261 enid, o K 73702-0261 o ther: (580) 233-2496 (Bill Keck, K5eCI) Meets: 3rd Thurs @ 7pm, American Red Cross Hosts: Annual enid Hamfest 1st s aturday n ovember Website: En ID a Rt a SSo CIat Ion Arlie Teske, President Box 26 o akwood Mall 4125 W. o wen K. Garriott enid, o K 73703 Gallery: 580.237.8666 Home: 580.242.8044 Meets: 1st Tuesday @ 2:30pm, o akwood Mall Gallery
En ID a Rt Co Un CIL Catherine Breyley, President P.o . Box 3834 enid, o K 73702 (580) 540-4989 Meets: 1st Tuesday @ 11:30am, l eonardo’s (second floor) En ID BEa Ut IFUL, In C. t HE FRIEn DS o F Go VERnm Ent SpRIn GS paRK l ouis Milacek P.o . Box 5674 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.578.3790 En ID Boa RD o F EDUCat Ion s hawn Hime, s uperintendent 500 s . Independence enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.366.7000 Meets: 3rd Monday @ 6:30pm, enid Public s chools Central o ffice Boardroom En ID EDUCat Ion a SSo CIat Ion Chelia Armour, President 4008 s and View drive Work: 580.278.9473 email: FB: enid education Association Meets: 3rd Monday @ 4 pm, Monroe elementary s chool En ID Fa RmERS ma RKEt Corner of Grand & Garriott o pen on s aturday 8am -11am May-s ept Phone: 580.977-4420 email: enidfarmersmarket@
En ID HIGH SCHoo L a LUmn I a SSo CIat Ion Alan l ivingston-President 1710 W. Willow u nit #17 enid, o K 73703 Work: 580-242-4900 Cell: 580.402.3534 Meets: 3rd Thursday @ 12n (Feb, May, Aug. n ov) En ID HIGH SCHoo L pRo JECt GRa DUat Ion Ginger Blasi P.o . Box 1335 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.977.4777 En ID Hom EBUILDER’S a SSo CIat Ion n ancy Morrow P.o . Box 10446 enid, o K 73706 Work: 580.233.7775
En ID SEn Io R CEnt ER Margy Weldon 202 ½ W. Walnut enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.234.2806
En ID mEt Ro a SSo CIat Ion o F REa Lto RS, In C. Carolyn House, Ceo 1625 W. o wen K. Garriott, s te. G enid, o K 73703 Phone: 580.242.1670 Meetings vary month to month
En ID t Ran SIt (enid Public Transportation Authority) 502 W. Poplar s treet enid, o K 73703 o ffice: 580.616.7357 dispatch: 580.233.7433 email:
En ID mIn ISt ERIa L a LLIan CE Brad Mendenhall, Chairman Phone: 580.234.4474 email: Howard deunk, s ecretary email: En ID o DD FELLo WS Lo DGE In DEpEn DEnt o RDER o F (Ioo F) Randall o swald, s ecretary P.o . Box 55 enid, o K 73702 Home: 580.233.1567 Meets: Thursday @ 8pm, 426 n . 30th s t. En ID pUBLIC SCHoo L Fo Un Dat Ion Jennifer Fields P.o . Box 3325 enid, o K 73702 Cell: 580.402.3736 Meets: 2nd Thursday @ 12n, Board of education
En ID Symp Hony o RCHESt Ra doug n ewell, Music director Carolyn Pearson, Adm. Assistant 301 W. Broadway, s uite A enid, o K 73701 o ffice: 580.237.9646
En ID Woo DRIn G Wa LL o F Hono R & VEt ERan S paRK For information contact elaine Johns Route 5 Box 41 enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.233.4530 En ID WRIt ERS CLUB Bobbie Mardis 1125 n . o akwood enid o K 73703 Phone: 580.234.3789 Meets: 1st Thursday @ 7pm, n Wosu - enid (s ept-May) Fa It H Fa RmS – Hop E o Ut REa CH Charity Mercer, director 820 W. Cherokee (garden location) enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.237.4800 Website: Harvest Market open on Tuesday
en Id. o K
En ID Int ERt RIBa L CLUB Marie Childs 2806 Williamsburg enid, o K 73703 Cell: 580.402.4914 email: FB: enid Intertribal Meets: 2nd Tuesday @ 7pm, nod A
En ID Jo Int RECREat Ion t RUSt Troy enmeier, President Phone: 580.237.3057 EJRt Baseball Bob deal, director of Baseball P.o . Box 10462 enid, o K 73706 Field o ffice: 580. 242.7662 (January – July) Website: EJRt Football Mark Burrow, director of Football Phone: 580.747.7694
En ID GEm an D mIn ERa L So CIEty Mary Walters 1126 Hillcrest drive enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.234.4474 Meet:1st Thursday @ 7pm, Hoover Bldg.
Fo St ER GRan DpaREnt pRo GRam o KLa Homa DHS a REa I s usie daniels, dept. of Human s ervices 729 o verland Trail enid, o K 73703 Work: 580.548.8901
GEn Ea Lo Gy So CIEty , In C. Ga RFIELD Co Unty Marilyn CooperCorresponding s ecretary P.o . Box 1106 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.237.1756 Meets: 2nd s at @ 1:30pm, enid Public l ibrary
Ga RFIELD Co Unty Ba R a SSo C. Judge n ewby, President P.o . Box 1549 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.237.0239
En ID yo Un G pRo FESSIona LS Whitney Hall, President 210 Kenwood Blvd. email: Website: FB: enid young Professionals Meets:4th Tuesday s ocial:Thirsty Third Thursday @ 5pm, TBA
Ga RFIELD Co Unty & CIty o F En ID Lo Ca L EmERGEn Cy mana GEmEnt Mike Honigsberg Central Fire s tation 410 W. Garriott enid, o K 73701 Phone: e.o .C. 580.249.5969 email: Mike.honigsberg@ Website:
en Id. o K
Ga RFIELD Co Unty DRUG & a LCo Ho L Coa LIot Ion s ean Byrne 2300 n . 10th enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.234.1046 Focus on drugs & Alcohol prevention & treatment issues in the community – especially youth
Ga SLIGHt t HEat RE Ginny s hipley, President 221 n . Independence enid, o K 73701 Box o ffice: 580.234.2307 email: gaslighttheatre_
GIRL SCo Ut SREDLan DS Co Un CIL Carla Burdick 319 W. Cherokee Phone: 580.237.2187 Website: GRan D n at Iona L QUa IL HUnt david Craig, President Karri l arge, exec. s ecretary P.o . Box 5039 enid, o K 73702-5039 o ffice: 580.233.5682 Website: Quail Club o ffice, 514 W. Broadway Hosts Annual Invitational Hunt in n ovember Ha BItat Fo R HUman Ity - En ID Glen Haworth P.o . Box 3924 enid, o K 73702 o ffice: 580.237.0114 Meets: 2nd Thursday @ 5:15pm @ n on-Profit Center, 114 s . Independence
H.E.S. Spo Rt S s amuel Hill P.o . Box 3164 enid, o K 73702 Cell: 580.484.3519 email: Website: Hop E o Ut REa CH mIn ISt RIES Matthew l ohman, executive director 215 s . Van Buren P.o . Box 1067 end, o K 73702 Phone: 580.237.4673 Website: Ho Rn o F pLEnty Pat Brown, President 121 n . 16th P.o . Box 5583 enid, o K 73702 o ffice: 580.234.6612 Warehouse o pen: M-F: 9–11am HUmpHREy HERIta GE VILLa GE 507 s . 4th enid, o K 73703 Phone: 580.237.1907 o pen Weather Permitting Museum Hours Tue-s at: 10am – 5pm s un: 1 – 5pm Closed: s unday & Monday Closed: All s tate Holidays Website: In DIan CREEK VILLa GE WIn ERy RR 2 Box 174 Ringwood, o K 73768 Phone: 580.883.4919 Website:
IRISI So CIEty , n orth Central (n CIS) Clyde George Phone: 580.234.0199 Meets: 2nd s unday @ 2pm, no C-enid Gantz Center (except: Jan., May, July, Aug., & dec.) Jan E CHamp LIn a Rt Ga LLERy 301 W. Broadway enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.237.9646 JUn Io R WELFa RE LEa GUE Kevin Abbott, President 123 n . Grand enid, o K 73701 Cookbook o ffice: 580.234.2665 Toll Free: 877.334.2665 Return Engagement Consignment Store: Phone: 580.234.0624 Meets: 1st Monday (except holidays) @ 7pm, s t. Matthew’s Church
Kn IGHt S o F Co LUmBUS a UXILIa Ry Jean Mochon, President 830 Freeland drive enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.237.7077 Meets: 3rd Monday @ 7:30pm, Knights of Columbus Hall (s ept.-May) Lan DLo RDS of En ID a SSo CIat Ion Arlan Potter, President 1314 n . Grand enid, o K 73701 Home: 580.237.4568 Meet: 1st Monday @ 6:30pm, enid Public l ibrary Website: LEona RDo ’S DISCo VERy Wa REHo USE & a DVEnt URE QUESt 200 e. Maple P.o . Box 348 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.233.2787 Website: LIon S CLUB -no Rt H En ID /CHISHo Lm CLUB don Jones, President Phone: 580.237.5024 Meets: 2nd & 4th Monday @ 6:30pm, Raymies Restauant in the Ramada Inn Website:
LIon S CLUB-pIon EER pLEa Sant VILLE Kathleen l ong, President 1802 l ive o aks enid, o K 73703 Meets: 2nd & 4th Tues @ 6:30pm, dutch Pantry ma RCH o F DImES s tephanie s oucek 610 s . Cleveland #110H enid, o K 73703 Work: 580.278.2921 Meets: 2nd Wed @ Cherry Berry Website: ma Son IC Lo DGE o F En ID #80 Joe Craparatta 815 n . Independence enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.234.3677 Website: Meets: 1st & 3rd Thursday @ 7:30pm, Masonic l odge mEn ’S EXt En SIon Ga RDEn CLUB Bob Bickerstaff Phone: (580) 237-0158 Meets: Wednesday @ 9am, o akwood Mall mIDGLEy mUSEUm 1001 s equoyah enid, o K 73703 Phone: 580.234.7265 o pen: Th – Fri: 1 – 4pm s aturday: 2 – 4pm Closed: n ov. 1 – March 31 By Appointment: mo BILE mEa LS RSVp CEnt ER Christy Baker, executive director 602 s . Van Buren enid, o K 73703 Phone: 580.233.5915 delivery of homebound meals
en Id. o K
KIWan IS CLUB Jerald Gilbert, President P.o . Box 769 enid, o K 73702-0769 Meets: 2 & 4th Wed @ 12n, Convention Hall FB: enid Kiwanis Club
Kn IGHt S o F Co LUmBUS Maxwell Meier, Grand Knight P.o . Box 1385 (Club Box #) enid, o K 73702 Hall: 580.234.3141 Meets: 1st Monday @ 7pm, Knights of Columbus Hall
In SpIRE GREat ER En ID Curtis Tucker, President P.o . Box 1025 4125 W. o wen K. Garriott Rd. s te 90 enid, o K 73702 Website: Meet: 3rd Thursday - Jan, Mar, May, July, s ep, n ov @ 11:30am, TBA
mo DEL t CLUB – SpECIa L “t ”S ed emerson 1216 W. o wen K. Garriott enid, o K 73703 Phone: 580.237.6717 moo SE Lo DGE #1740 dale s chulz 302 e. Purdue enid, o K 73701 l odge: 580.237.7779 Meets: 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 7pm, Moose l odge moo SE, Wom En o F t HE Chapter #1587 s hellie s chulz 302 e. Purdue enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.237.0233 Home: 580.758.3589 Meets: 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 7:30pm, Moose l odge na RCot ICS anonymo US RIGHt St Ep GRo Up s andi Hodges 1001 n . Independence enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.231.0417 o pen: Mon – s at, 7 pm o pen: s unday, 4 pm
n at Iona L a SSo CIat Ion o F REt IRED FEDERa L EmpLoy EES (na RFE) ellen Rathjen, President 4018 s hiloh Avenue enid, o K 73703 Phone: 580.233.2764 Meets: 2nd Monday, 11:30am @ Ramada Inn All retired federal and government spouses or widows are welcome no C Camp US CIVIta n CLUB Jaque Johnson Phone: 580.548.2385 no Rt HERn o KLa Homan DEVELopm Ent a SSo C. (no Da ) 2901 n . Van Buren enid, o K 73703 o ffice: 580.237.4810 Website: Ga RFIELD Co Unty to Ba CCo FREE Coa LIt Ion Tonya s chlecht, Coordinator 2929 e. Randolph Rm. 30 enid, o K 73703 Work: 580.213.3168
o KLa Homa BLoo D In St It Ut E Tania Warnock 301 e. Cherokee Avenue enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.233.9323 o KLa Homa EmpLoym Ent SECUIRty Comm ISSIon 900 W. Cherokee enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.234.6043 o KLa Homa CHapt ER Int ERn at Iona L CHISHo Lm t Ra IL a SSo CIat Ion P.o . Box 285 Wakita, o K 73771 o KLa Homa GRa In & FEED a SSo CIat Ion . 2309 n . 10th, s uite e enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.233.9516 o SU EXt En SIon Hom Ema KERS Ga RFIELD Co Unty Jessica n ickels osu extension o ffice 316 e. o xford enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.237.1228 o KLa Homa Sma LL BUSIn ESS DEVELopm Ent CEnt ER Ashlyn Pugh 2929 e. Randolph, Rm 124 n .W. Campus enid, o K 73703 Work: 580.213.3197
Friday, 1- 4pm s aturday: 10am – 1pm. s unday: 2 – 5pm Museum is closed Mondays & Holidays
RURa L HEa Lt H pRo JECt S, In C Andy Fosmire, exec. director 2929 e. Randolph Rm. 128 enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.213.3172
pEGa SyS Wendy Quarles, director 114 s . Independence enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.242.6131 X144 Website:
REpUBLICan paRty Ga RFIELD Co Unty l orie l egere, President P.o . Box 1744 enid, o K 73702 Republican Headquarters: 114 e. Broadway
Sa LVat Ion a Rmy a DVISo Ry Boa RD 516 n . Independence P.o . Box 708 enid, o K 73702-0728 Work: 580.237.1910
pHILLIpS Un IVERSIty a LUmn I & FRIEn DS a SSo CIat Ion Winnie o liver P.o . Box 331 enid, o K 73702 Phone: (580) 237-4433 Fax: (580) 237-0124 e-mail: Website: pHILLIpS Un IVERSIty LEGa Cy Fo Un Dat Ion Kelly Coker -Vice President/ exec. director 2615 e. Randolph enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.237.4433 e-mail: Website: pI ma St ER, BEta SIGma pHI Martha Mendenhall 522 7th s treet Kremlin, o K 73753 Phone: 580.237.7848 Meets: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7:30pm, @ Various locations
REt IRED SEn Io R Vo LUnt EER pRo GRam RSVp Christy Baker – executive director 602 s . Van Buren enid, o K 73703 o ffice: 580.233.5914 REt IRED t Ea CHERS a SSo CIat Ion Ga RFIELD Co Unty n ancy Jewell 2414 Woodmoor enid, o K 73701 Home: 580.233.4173 Meets: 3rd Thursday @11am (s ept.-May) Gantz Center - no C Campus Ro ta Ry CLUB o F En ID l ynnde Funk P.o . Box 1181 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.233.0287 Meets: Monday @12n, Hiland Tower Ballroom Webiste:
San DRa BEa SLEy In DEpEn DEnt LIVIn G CEnt ER 705 s . o akwood Rd. s uite B1 Frieda Kliewer enid, o K 73703 o ffice: 580.237.8508 SHRIn ER’S CLUB - En ID “Big Jack” Kehnemund, President 301 e. Broadway enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.242.2531 Terry McGinnis, s ecretary Hospital Transportation Phone: 580.237.0010 Meets: l ast Monday @ 7:30pm SHRIn ER’S CLUB – En ID CLo Wn S Vernon Harger Phone: 580.234.8742 SHRIn ER’S La DIES- En ID Peggy Harger 2821 s age drive enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.234.8742 Meets: 3rd Monday @ 6:30pm Western s izzlin’ (except for July & Aug)
en Id. o K
Ra ILRoa D mUSEUm o F o KLa Homa Watermelon Campbell 702 n . Washington enid, o K 73701 Museum: 580.233.3051 Museum Hours: Tuesday –
REpUBLICan Wom En ’S CLUB Ga RFIELD Co Unty l ois Clausing, President P.o . Box 1744 enid, o K 73702-1744 Meets: 2nd Friday @ 11:30am, yWCA (May Vary)
paRK aVEn UE t HRIFt 507 s . Grand enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580. 233-7275 Website:
So CIEty Fo R HUman RESo URCE mana GEmEnt Enid-SHRm 0289 Tammy Albright, President Groendyke Transport, Inc Phone: 580.977.2917 Meets: 2nd Thursday @ 11:30am Website: LEona mIt CHELL So Ut HERn HEIGHt S HERIta GE CEnt ER an D mUSEUm 616 l eona Mitchell Blvd enid, o K. 73703 Phone: 580.237.6989 Hours: Tue – Fri: 10am – 4pm s at: 10am – 2pm FB: l eona Mitchell s outhern Heights Center s pecial tours can be arranged En ID So CIEty Fo R t HE pREVEnt Ion o F CRUELty to an Ima LS (SpCa ) Vickie Grantz, director 1116 o verland Trail enid, o K 73703 Phone: 580.233.1325 Hours: Tue – Fri: 9am - 5pm s at: 11am - 3pm Website:
en Id. o K
So Ft Ba LL-no Rt HWESt DISt RICt am ERICan So Ft Ba LL a SSo C. Justin l amunyon, President Website: n WdAs
Son S an D Da UGHt ERS o F t HE CHERo KEE St RIp pIon EER david G. Trojan, President P.o . Box 465 (Club Box #) enid, o K 73702-0465
Soon ER Stat E KEnn EL CLUB Vicki Tedball P.o . Box 5373 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.977.6195 Meets: 2nd Wed @ 7pm, Hoover Bldg.
t RI-Stat E mUSIC FESt IVa L HEa DQUa Rt ERS debbie l ambert P.o . Box 5908 enid, o K 73702 o ffice: 580.237.4964 Home: 580.237.2887
SQUa RE Dan CERS of En ID: l arry McClain email: squaredanceprof@ Phone: 580.370.2026
t UESDay LUn CH CLUB o R t LC (Formerly enid n ewcomers Club) l ibby l ix 3506 Willow l ake l ane enid, o K 73703 Home: 580.234.7829 Meets: 2nd Tuesdays, 12 noon (except July & August)
toa Stma St ERS CLUB En ID SpEa KERS o F t HE pLa In S Paul Meyers 720 Canary l ane enid, o K 73703 Phone: 580.237.4505 Meets: Thursday @ 7pm, Gantz Center, President’s Conf Rm– no C enid email: contact-9857@ Website: enid. top S - ta KE o FF po Un DS SEn SIBLy o K #047 Meets: Monday @ 5:30pm, your Family Church, 1301 n . Independence enid, o K 73701 Website: top S-ta KE o FF po Un DS SEn SIBLy o K # 207 Mary u nderwood, l eader Phone: 580.758.3535 Meets: Wednesdays @ 9 - 11am, Central Christian Church, Room 203 1111 W. Broadway enid, o K 73701 Website:
Un It ED Way o F En ID an D no Rt HWESt o KLa Homa Pamela Ballard, executive director 2300 n . 10th s treet P.o . Box 5828 enid, o K 73702 Work: 580.237.0821 Website: Van CE a IR Fo RCE Ba SE o FFICERS Spo USES CLUB C/o Vance Club P.o . Box 9033 Vance AFB, o K 73705 email: VEt ERan S o F Fo REIGn Wa R po St 2270 Mike Irons, Commander 621 n . Independence enid, o K 73701 Meets: 3rd Thursday @ 7pm, VFW Post
yES, WE Can CIVIta n CLUB Kathy eck, Treasurer & Club s ponsor 4108 Country Club drive Phone: 580.237.3630 Meets: 2nd & 4th Thursdays @ 5:30pm, Wooden n ickel, 400 W. Walnut
VIEtnam VEt ERan S o F am ERICa CHapt ER 940 l arry s tephens, s ec/ Treasurer 202 W. Walnut (dAV depot) P.o . Box 3483 enid, o K 73702 Phone: 580.747.3657
yo Ut H & Fam ILy SERVICES o F n .C.o . dan Buckley, executive director Thelma J. Gungoll youth & Family Center 605 W. o xford enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.233.7220
Wo RKFo RCE o KLa Homa 900 W. Cherokee enid, o K 73701 Phone: 580.234.6043 Hours: M-F: 8am – 5pm Website:
ym Ca Ken Rapp 415 W. Cherokee enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.237.4645
yWCa Kim Blankenship, director 525 s . Quincy enid, o K 73701 Work: 580.234.7581
VEt ERan S o F Fo REIGn Wa R La DIES a UXILIa Ry po St 2270 Ruby s lowik 621 n . Independence enid, o K 73701 Meets: 3rd Thursday @ 7pm, VFW Post
MIl ITARy dIs Coun Ts 4RKids - 2nd Story Gift & Book Store 237.7890 10% discount with military I.d. 4RKids - putt putt 237.7890 Buy one get one free game of golf with military I.d. on Mondays a ngel Delight Catering & t ea Room 234.0113 10% discount on Mondays with military I.d. at &t mobility 242.2576 u p to 15% on monthly services Basket Kase 234.0322 10% discount with military I.d. Baymont Inn & Suites 234.6800 Regular military rates (vary by room size) Beds Unlimited 242.6915 10% discount with military I.d. (excludes repairs) Bell Jewelers 234.8434 15% discount with military I.d. (excludes repairs)
en Id. o K
Best Western Inn 242.7110 discount on room & 10% discount at dutch Pantry
(Area code is 580 unless otherwise noted)
Buckle 233.7335 discount with military I.d. Buck’s Wine & Spirits 233.3633 10% discount with military I.d. on Wednesdays Buffalo Wild Wings 237.9453 10% discount to all military with I.d. Burgundy a partments 233.8993 10% discount on rent for Military Veterans Carpet plus Furniture o utlet 233.9600 10% discount with military I.d. Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center 237.1907 Free Admission for Active duty military and veterans with military I.d. CherryBerry 237.3700 20% discount with military I.d. everyday Chick-fil-a 234.9801 10% discount with military I.d. on Mondays Comfort Inn 234.1200 Military rate of $70 per night with military I.d.
Blaze’s BBQ 540.8941 10% discount with military I.d.
Cup Cake Shop by a wesome Cake Creations 603.2835 1 free cup cake per month with military I.d.
Brewer Carpet o ne 233.1182 20% off retail price (sale prices excluded)
Cycle Ward, LLC 234.6933 10% discount with military I.d.
Factory Connection 234.2011 10% discount with military I.d. (does not include sale items) For you! 237.1346 10% discount with military I.d. on full price merchandise Freddy’s Frozen Custard 234.1514 10% discount on military I.d.; 15% on Mondays Doc’s, a Fortress Storage Solutions property 234.8941 Waive the administration fee ($15) Downtown t hreads 237.7060 10% discount with military I.d. El Chico 234.1918 10% discount with military I.d. Emrick’s Van & Storage 234.5736 10% off of the normal prices for self-storage units Enid Super Lube (2 locations) 242.5200 $2.00 off oil change with military I.d. Enid public Schools 366.8350 Free Admission to All en Id Pu Bl IC s CHools athletic events with military I.d. Evans Drug Center 234.2612 10% discount on firearms and ammunition with military I.d. Ewbank, Hennigh & mcVay, pLLC 234.4334 10% discount on all legal services for active military
Finer physiques 242.1861 Military discount: Individual $33/mo or $346/1yr pd in full or Individual & s pouse $45/month or $492/1 yr paid in full Flaming a utomotive 242.2727 discounts vary Gaslight t heater 234.2307 25% discount on adult tickets for Friday & s aturday night performances. Golden Chick 233.9996 10% discount with military I.d. at both locations
Holiday Inn Express 237.7722 20% discount on room rates with military I.d. Huffman Floral & Greenhouse 237.3511 10% discount on any order Jackson’s of 234-5400 10% discount on Parts and s ervice Janzen’s GmC 234.2515 10% discount on parts and service and all new vehicles purchase sold at GM supplier price with military I.d. Jenkins & price, Inc. 237.8936 10% discount with military I.d. Jumbo Foods 237.4170 10% discount every Monday
Golf USa 237.4653 10% discount with military I.d.
Kampschroeder Chiropractic 234.5544 15% discount with military I.d.
Goody’s 234.1426 discount with military I.d.
Larry’s Home o xygen, Inc. 233.5556 10% discount for Active duty Personnel up to $50 maximum discount per purchase on noninsurance items.
Grand a venue Lighting 237.4656 10% discount on purchases Greater Enid Chamber of Commerce 237.2494 10% discount on Cherokee s trip Belt Buckles
Learning RX 540.3450 50% discount on assessments and variable progrqam discounts Leonardo’s Children’s museum 233.2787 10% military discount on admissions and memberships
Grieshober Dental 237.7592 10% discount to military veterans
Lowe’s 242.3000 10% off on product purchased for personal use with military I.d.
mazzio pizza 234.1558 10% discount with military I.d. mcDonald’s 233.4500 10% discount (enid locations) merrifield o ffice Supply 233.5921 15% discount with military I.d. muncy photography 233.0570 25% off family session fees for all active or retired military n orthwest o klahoma Blood Institute 233.9323 Appreciation item given for blood donation (Items vary) o akwood Country Club 234.5811 Membership initiation fee waived. $170 monthly dues + $40 food and beverage minimum. All amenities included. Full Time Active duty Military paramount Homes Real Estate 237.6200 Brokerage discounts for home sales call for details pizza Hut 233.9911 10% discount with military I.d. Quzinos Subs 233.7849 10% discount with military I.d. Rib Crib 237.7333 10% discount with military I.d. on regular priced menu items
en Id. o K
Greenbrier a ssisted Living 233.0121 10% discount with military I.d.
maple place Bed & Breakfast 234.5858 10% discount with military I.d. & Corporate rate 7 days a week (starting at $75)
Express personnel 233.0000 Free welcome gift to any military person, spouse, or dependent that registers for work.
Riddle’s Jewelry 234.1677 discounts vary on all purchases & repairs with military I.d. Salvation a rmy Family Store 237.1910 10% discount with military I.d. Schieber’s Donuts & Deli 242.5000 10% discount with military I.d. Southard House Bed and Breakfast 231.3960 20% discount to all active and retired military, law enforcement, fire and eMs Spring-Green Lawn Care 758.1800 3% military discount on services St. mary’s Gift Shop 249.3096 10% discount with military I.d.
t hird Helix t echnology 233.1125 10% discount with military I.d. tp I Staffing Services 234.1267 Free gift bag with pen, message pad and misc. if you register for work. United Grocery Stores - All enid l ocations 237.8091 10% discount with military I.d. Unique Designs Studio & more 237.0034 10% discount with military I.d. Wheat Capitol Running Company 234.6900 10% discount for military, police, fire
VIBRAn T en Id. o K
In DEX o F aDVER t ISERS AdvancePierre Foods ..........................16 Andrew Real estate .............................24 Buck’s Wine & s pirits ............................2 Cakes By diane .................................12 Central n ational Bank & Trust .................2 City of enid .......................................32 Comfort Inn .......................................51 Communication Federal Credit u nion .......................................31 Costello’s ..........................................20 downtown Kitchen s tore ......................33 ediger’s diamonds ..............................28 enid event Center & Convention Hall ...................................35 enid Board of education ......................44 enid First Assembly .............................34 enid Mennonite Brethren Church .................................18 enid Pet Hospital ...............................25 Healthy s miles ...................................11 Humphrey Abstract ...............................9 In TeGRIs Bass Baptist Health Center ............... Inside front l iz Price/Century 21 ..........................29 Main s treet enid ................................50 Mitchel, Gaston, Riffel & Riffel...............30 n BC Bank ........................................47 n orthcutt Toyota .................................50 o akwood Mall ..................................19 o lson Animal Clinic ............................33 Pat Cronkhite/Paramount ......................9 Pearson’s n atural Food Center ......................................29 s ecurity n ational Bank ....................Inside back cover s t. Mary’s Regional Medical Center..........................13 & 52 s uddenlink ........................................21 Tag Agency of enid ............................28 TPI s taffing s ervice, Inc .........................5 Western s izzlin .......................Back cover