3 minute read
from ÊTRE Volume 6
BY: KAMERON KEEL STYLED BY: ANNA EVAN BRISTOW PHOTOS BY: SOPHIA CALDERON Whether or not we wish to believe it, our lives are run by the power of the internet, specifically social media. Whether we accept it or deny it, we are all a creation of social media’s influence. The things we discuss can be face to face, but then you begin to question “where did I hear that” or “how did you get that information?” The answer, now a days, is: Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Gone are the days of getting information from print newspapers and radio shows. What we learn, say, do, and like, are a result of the content that we see online via these social media platforms. The downfalls of social media are plenty. Many times, social media users fall victim to “fake-news” and gossip; however, the most dangerous aspect seems to be the competition it creates. Users of these platforms are constantly seeing extravagant lives of other users and using that as a basis of comparison for the life they want, versus the life they have. No one’s life is exactly what they show to the world. We see unrealistic expectations of dress, beauty, and lifestyle that even the people who post that content fail to live out. Naturally, people do not want to admit the hardships they endure. As a result, the internet only sees the most edited and perfect posts users choose to share. Instagram models will never admit to having cellulite or blemishes, a simple flaw any facial editing app can delete, just as runway models will never admit that they do have 13

stretch marks and a back roll or two. Furthermore, many people have created careers from being a social media influencer through gaining lots followers by happenstance and, in return, getting brand deals to promote businesses. Typically ranging in age from 20-30, these social media influencers live extreme and luxurious lives that are not typical for people of that age group. Being an effective social media influencer takes work and dedication, but even then, we must question the true benefit and meaning of the content that they are creating. Viewers are prompted to put their faith in things that have no longevity, such as beauty and material goods. We must remind ourselves to emphasize the beauties of life that do not center around designer bags and haute couture fashion. We should post in a way that allows us to be proud of who we are. Inevitably, not everyone will be pleased with our content, but if it is real, and honest, we are using social media for the better. The creation of social media has its benefits along with its downfalls. Social media, especially photo specific social media, such as Instagram, are powerful tools in more ways than one. For businesses at the global and local level, Instagram serves as free marketing. Twitter and Facebook have become hubs of local and world news, aiding in the spread of information within a matter of minutes. We entertain ourselves with comedic videos on newly popular platforms such as TikTok. We give recognition to talent that would otherwise never be discovered. We begin discussions on controversial topics that not only 14
deserve to be discussed but must be discussed for the progression of an informed world and better life of the world’s inhabitants. Social media creates the basis for progressive movements. It gives courage to those to stand up for what they believe in when they lack that voice in person. It creates communities for those who feel like they lack a place in the world. It is our chance as a people, to move toward a better world. Social media is a wonderful thing, but in order to benefit from it, we must first have a sense of who we are, before we allow social media platform to determine that for us.