EDITOR’S LETTER “Though you see one year’s worth of work, this story began years ago.”
Être volume IX was curated to provoke feelings. Specifically, feelings experienced during recent times of trial and tribulation. In the past few years, we have lived within the constant state of unknown during a worldwide pandemic. I encouraged my team to dig deep and truly relive personal experiences. We found there were two main factors within each of our stories. When alone, we are forced to understand ourselves. Seclusion stole from us, yet we continually rose to the challenge. During times of isolation, we chose to cherish individuality and independence. Yet the need for companionship arose. Finally, we are released from the strains of COVID-19. Celebration of union ensues. We are reunited with loved ones once again. We now cherish the time we once took for granted.
Être has given me so much, and I was finally given a chance to return the favor. This year as Editor-in-Chief, my intent was to provide a talented group of individuals an outlet for their creativity. Barriers were broken for the sake of our message. Volume IX results from a year filled with persistence, diligence, and, most importantly, feelings. Though you see one year’s worth of work, this story began years ago. Let this volume speak to you. I proudly present, Être: Couvert.
Suni Crane 05