ETUI Course programme 2017-2018

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Course programme

2017-2018 Education Department

Regularly updated information about the activities of the ETUI’s education department is available from the Institute’s website, Information about the different courses as well as a monthly calendar and a yearly overview can be consulted to get the latest news about new courses and other activities. The ETUI can also be followed on Twitter. Video recordings of ETUI’s main conferences can be found via its YouTube channel.

© ETUI aisbl, Brussels 2017. All rights reserved.

The ETUI is financially supported by the European Union. The European Union is not responsible for any use made of the information contained in this publication.


Following a training at the ETUI: why? ........................................................ 1 Practical questions ............................................................................................ 3 Your contacts ...................................................................................................... 6 Course list by reference and by Education Officer .................................... 9 Pedagogical themes.......................................................................................... 11 Participation costs by country ..................................................................... 13

Course programme 2017-2018

Following a training at the ETUI: why?



is an obvious asset for learning about and dealing with the most strategic trade union issues.

can help develop trade union action.

Training at European level


Training at “inter-union” level All training courses are at “inter-union” level according to different models of trade union action.


Training through active methods The ETUI’s educational choice puts the trainee at the centre of the learning exercise, to share his experience with his peers through numerous cooperative activities.

Training in key and cross-sectional skills


Training at “multi-level” with the wealth of the broad cultural diversity of different countries and their different prevailing situations.


Easy registration Registration is always carried out by the trade union confederations or European federations; all you have to do, is contact the officials and ask to participate. The ETUI selects the participants in close cooperation with its members.


Course programme 2017-2018




Training through a learning path

Training with one’s peers

because the ETUI’s educational offer provides several flexible educational paths capable of meeting all needs, including language training (English and French for trade unionists).

The ETUI’s education is focused on specific targets: for instance, training for young executives or for members of European Works Councils, or specialists in project management.


Training at a very good price because all participants pay only a small solidarity contribution.

Committed pursuant to the trade union priorities and the strategy of the European trade union movement

ETUI Education

Innovative New subjects and new methods every year



to changes, whilst anticipating new needs

Evaluation by the participants proves it is useful on a day-to-day basis

Powerful contributes to a more efficient trade union activity with more competent officials


Course programme 2017-2018

Practical questions Who will receive information on each of our training activities? Courses and the opening of applications are announced around three months in advance by email to all members, national confederations and European trade union federations. These mails are sent out to the addresses provided to us as the contact for each organisation. Sometimes trade union organisations change the person responsible and do not let us know the new contact details; for others the address is not for a specific person. In any event we will update our records when necessary; all you need to do is to send the new mail address to us (to Nathalie De Vits, We also notify previous participants of new courses.

What information is given in these notifications? Three months beforehand, in addition to the details already given in the course programme, the general aims of the programme, the target profile for participants, the cost of the course and the procedure for completing the application form are confirmed, along with the working languages, the venue and the partners involved.

Can any trade unionist sign up? How does the ETUI know which trade union officers are taking part? Applications are submitted by trade union organisations. Normally more people apply than the number of places available. In that case the ETUI selects the participants. The selection process takes account of how well applicants fit the defined profile, but that is not the sole criterion. Consideration is also given to the number of participants per organisation, per country and per working language, gender diversity, embodying the practical application of trade union values, ensuring a multicultural European dimension and favourable educational conditions. Where not all the applicants from an organisation are able to take part, we hold discussions with the head of training for that organisation in order to be able to understand and fit in with the priorities of their human resources policy. Direct applications on the initiative of individuals are not accepted but are referred to their national confederation.

QA &


Course programme 2017-2018

Must the ETUI training be paid for? Is there an enrolment fee? There is indeed an enrolment charge. It serves as a contribution to the ETUI’s budget and also aims to promote responsibility. It is more in the way of a contribution to costs than a market price. The ETUI receives European funding. 85% of our income is European public money; the remaining 15% comes from various sources, and the contribution made by these enrolment fees is a very significant part. However, it is important to highlight the solidarity-based nature of the system of standard rates applied. Trade union organisations make equal contributions for all participants regardless of whether they will be flying from the farthest reaches of Europe or live within cycling or metro distance of the course venue. Or if they need to stay an extra night because of the plane timetables. There is a daily rate, currently €60, for each day of training; it can be reduced by 40% or 25% by agreement with the country of origin. We then apply the same rules and groups of countries that the ETUC applies in its recently adopted internal quota system.

How can we find out more information or get clarifications on a particular course? There are contact details for Education officers and administrative assistants for each forthcoming training course listed in the course programme. Any of them can be contacted directly or by mail. See ‘Your Contacts’ chapter.

Do the ETUI’s training courses include any form of assessment? And do organisations which sent participants receive any feedback on their performance? At present we cannot say that there will be a generalised or systematic assessment. The nature of trade union training does not lend itself to any particular emphasis on training assessment (based on what participants learn), and it has not traditionally been encouraged. However, interaction with the certification and validation of training in some courses has already resulted in procedures to demonstrate the skills acquired. Another aspect for consideration in the future is the assessment of the training itself (based on the impact that the qualification of trade union officials trained by us has on the trade union organisations to which they belong). Under these circumstances we do not propose to keep systematic information on each participant, but the ETUI training officers can be approached for information by training officers in member organisations.


Course programme 2017-2018

Does ETUI training lead to a qualification? Some of our courses already lead to a qualification. This is the case for the courses on project management and courses for eurotrainers. Work on the courses for young leaders is in progress. Others will follow. The problem for a European institution is that the European system for qualifications operates at national level. For this reason we are already working in close collaboration with the TUC in the UK and the University of Lille, France, whose support has been invaluable. Independently from this process, all participants will receive a certificate of participation, with adequate descriptions of time frames and content for validation of the skills acquired by national bodies.

QA &


Course programme 2017-2018

Your contacts

Ulisses Garrido

Director of the Education Department Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 05 29 Mobile: +32 (0)497 439 902 Email:

Eva Berger

Carine Boon

Administrative assistant Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 05 34 Email:

Administrative and technical assistant Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 05 75 Email:

Lut Coremans

Ilaria Costantini

Administrative assistant Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 04 98 Email:

Education Officer Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 04 69 Email:


Course programme 2017-2018

Nathalie De Vits

Bruno DemaĂŽtre

Assistant to the Director Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 05 22 Email:

Education Officer Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 04 91 Email:

Valerica Dumitrescu

Andrea Husen-Bradley

Education Officer Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 05 28 Email:

Education Officer Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 05 18 Email:


Course programme 2017-2018

Sylviane Mathy

Gabriela Portela

Administrative assistant Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 05 93 Email:

Education Officer Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 07 04 Email:

Elisa Santaniello

Luciole Sauviat

Administrative assistant Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 04 74 Email:

Education Officer Telephone: +32 (0)2 224 05 35 Email:


Course programme 2017-2018

Course list by Education Officer with course reference Click on a course title to go to the related web page on ETUI training website Officer


Costantini Ilaria

—— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

Demaître Bruno

—— —— —— ——

Dumitrescu Valerica

ELEN - e-Learning network meeting EU funding for health and safety projects European training for young trade union leaders - week 1 European training for young trade union leaders – week 2 European training for young trade union leaders - week 3 How to influence EU decision-making Managing EU grants under social dialogue budget lines NETYL network meeting (European training for young trade union leaders) Organising youth Strengthening trade union communication and campaigning across Europe Trade union organising and recruiting across Europe UNI Europa winter school 2017 Verbal communication for effective trade union action Youth training week

1752-054 1752-045 1752-049 1752-050 1752-048 1752-047 1752-046 1752-055 1752-053 1752-043 1752-044 1752-056 1752-052 1752-051

Assistance and expertise for EWC-related initiatives of ETUC affiliates Basics of financial data for EWC members Current issues for board-level employee representatives EWC coordinators at the heart of transnational trade union strategies in multinational companies —— EWCs as an instrument for organising and building trade union power —— Non financial information – Directive 2014/95 and its impact on industrial relations —— Online training “basics of EWC”

1752-951 1752-903 1752-905 1752-954

—— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

1752-024 1752-018 1752-955 1752-022 1752-025 1752-017 1752-027 1752-013



—— —— —— —— —— —— ——

Atypical workers and trade union representation Developing negotiation capacities to protect young workers Exploring board-level employee representation in Europe Innovative forms of collective bargaining in a digital environment International labour standards and their application in the EU Leadership and capacity-building for trade unionists Planning for action - Promoting gender equality in Europe’s public services Project management for trade union representatives - Advanced-level course Project management for trade union representatives – Intermediate-level course Project management network meeting Promoting editorial independence in the newsroom Recruiting and organising public service workers Role of trade union representatives in cross-border employment disputes Strengthening trade union capacities for better social dialogue The trade union role in integrating migrants and asylum seekers Training trainers in project work

1752-952 1752-953 1752-902

1752-014 1752-015 1752-026 1752-019 1752-021 1752-020 1752-023 1752-016


Course programme 2017-2018



—— —— —— —— Husen-Bradley —— Andrea —— Garrido Ulisses

Portela Gabriela

—— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

Sauviat Luciole


Special high level training on political economy Strong social dialogue and social partners: an added value for progress What’s new in the political economy? Working and living in capital regions

1752-008 1752-011 1752-003 1752-010

Training for European Works Councils (EWCs), SE Works Councils (SEWCs) and Special negotiating bodies (SNBs) (company courses) Workshop for the Network of European works council trainers (the N.E.T.)


Active learning methodologies Change of production model, change of educational model in the EU? Coaching - work on existing ePortfolios English language and communication course for trade union representatives and EWC members English language and communication course for trade unionists - Intermediate level ePortfolio: an educational and assessment tool European training of trainers (EToT) network meeting Exploring communication skills in a trade union context Improving skills provision in vocational education and training (VET) Language tutors’ network meeting Online English language learning programme for European trade unionists - Low-intermediate to intermediate level* Online English language learning programme for European trade unionists - Intermediate to upper-intermediate level Politicising our base and members – exchange of pedagogical methods Trade union training centers and schools network meeting Training design and implementation: different stages Training of Eurotrainers level 1 Training of Eurotrainers level 2

1752-060 1752-064 1752-061 1752-069

—— —— —— —— —— —— Better rights and quality jobs for a more prosperous and fairer Europe —— Breaking with gender segregation at work and in occupational safety and health (OSH) —— Building worker friendly pan-European migration —— CETA and TTIP: What comes next? —— Democracy in trade unions and beyond —— European trade unions against the extreme right and right-wing populism —— Free vs. forced labour in the XXI century —— Leading the digital transformation of work —— Never follow an (unorganised) crowd! —— Stem the tide! Restrictions on labour rights in Europe —— The earth is flat and the economy circular? —— The European pillar of social rights and the strengthening of European political integration —— The future of Europe —— The hydra of «precarious work». Re-examining union strategies for combating precarious employment —— WATCH! - Workers’ aging: a trade union challenge!


1752-070 1752-062 1752-067 1752-066 1752-063 1752-068 1752-071-11 1752-071-12 1752-065 1752-072 1752-059 1752-057 1752-058 1752-041 1752-037 1752-040 1752-031 1752-032 1752-036 1752-028 1752-033 1752-030 1752-035 1752-029 1752-038 1752-042 1752-034 1752-039


Strengthening Worker and Trade Union Rights

Trade Union Strategies Strengthening Social Europe

2020 Governance Strategy and the Role of Trade Unions

Growth and Equity: The Social Contract

In-depth Theme

Trade unionism and industrial relations Systems


Being a Trade Unionist and Citizen in Europe

Crisis and Social Protection

Energy issues

Escape the crisis: Growth with Equity

Influence the EU decision process

EU Integration: New Challenges for Trade Unions

Escape the Crisis with Sustainable Growth

Equality and social sohesion

Strengthen the European social model

In-depth Theme

Nano-technologies and Reach

Fair Transition and Green Jobs: Trade Union Alternatives

Sustainable development and industrial policy

Europ High Level Training for experienced leaders

Europ. training Young Trade Union Leaders (3 weeks)

Improve the Work of Trade Unions in Europe










Pedagogical themes linked to ETUI/ETUC priorities




Decision and Direction for Democratic and Strategic Planning

Organising Trade Unions and their Leadership

Migration and the rights of workers

EU integration: New Challenges for Trade Unions

Renovation of Trade Unions

Worker Mobility

Trade union and leadership renewal


In-depth Theme

Decent Employment and Work

Coordination of Collective Bargaining

Strengthen the European Social Dialogue

Employment and working conditions

Strategy and priorities Worker mobility


Structural funds

EU funds for Health and Safety

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

Project Management Levels 2 and 3

Project management and financing

Various themes


ENGLISH online 2 levels

Communication Techniques EWC

Communication Techniques for trade unionists

English for European Works Councils

French for trade unionists

English for trade unionists - 3 levels

Languages and communication


Specialisation of Eurotrainers

Pedagogical Workshop on networks

Pedagogical Workshop on Technologies and Resources

Pedagogical Workshop on methodologies

Training of Eurotrainers Level 1 and 2



The ETUI offers pedagogical pathways, allowing training participants to progressively build-up knowledge, skills and attitudes, so they can reach specific medium to long-term training goals. Whilst our various educational activities can be treated as distinct entities, they can also be used as ‘stepping stone’ and be arranged in such a ways that they constitute a pathway towards a training goal.



In-depth Theme

Corporate Social Responsibility

In-depth Theme



In-depth Theme


Economic and Financial Strategies for Multinational Companies New Trade Union Strategies for Multinational Companies

Environmental Sustainability Theme

Improving EWC Performance


Anticipating change: restructuring, mergers, foreclosures, closures...

Expanding EWC Action

Training Policy for the company: Vocational Training, Languages‌

Health and Safety

The Rules of the Game

Strengthening EWC Action

Highly Specialised Themes

Initiative and Innovation

Advanced financial analysis of the company

Creating Expertise

Systems for Industrial Relations and Worker Representation

Communication Techniques for EWC

Pilot courses launched in May 2017

The Rules of the Game



English for EWC


Worker participation System and courses for European Works Councils



Starting EWC


Worker participation

Course programme 2017-2018

Participation costs by country Group I


Group II


Group III


of participation fee

of participation fee

of participation fee




Andorra Austria Belgium Cyprus Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Liechtenstein* Luxembourg Malta Monaco Norway* Portugal San Marino Spain Sweden Switzerland* The Netherlands United Kingdom

Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Slovak Republic Slovenia

Bulgaria FYROM Montenegro Romania Serbia Turkey

*These countries, as non-EU members, must pay the total costs of the activities.


European Trade Union Institute Bd du Roi Albert II, 5 1210 Brussels Belgium +32 (0)2 224 04 70

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