8 minute read
The Universe in Man contributed by Zubin
The Universe in Man
contributed by Zubin
This year in July, the Summer School of the International Sufi Movement was once again held in the Netherlands. There was the joy of anticipation as people who had not been able to meet for several years came together. The team preparing Murad Hassil in Katwijk created a beautiful atmosphere in the temple, and all the behind the scenes work was completed seamlessly and with a smile. Participants were welcomed to the program, the Ocean of Truth, and given every opportunity to deepen in their understanding of the Sufi Message. There were ordinations of six Siraj/as and three Cherag/as, and there was a feeling of freshness. The following, from a lecture by Pir O Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, was given at the Summer School.
The Universe in Man
If one asks what is the cause of all misery in life, the answer will be: the limitation of life. Misery, pain, or sorrow of any kind come from limitation. It may be poverty or illness or disappointment, but it is all limitation; and this has been found out by all the prophets and teachers of humanity. When Buddha was young he saw that there was great pain in the world, and his first thought was to find out what was behind it; and so it has been with all the great teachers. They all wanted to solve this one question, to find out where is the cause of all misery. The answer is this: if a person who lives in poverty is given all the money they want, are they then quite happy? Or the one who is ill, perhaps they have become well again, but is it enough for them to be well again or do they want more? People are always searching for something; they do not know what. And they think that it is that which they lack in life. But if that which was lacking is given to them, then they want something else. Well, this shows a great mystery in the soul, and that mystery is that the soul has all that it needs, and yet it has lost it. The story of Adam’s exile tells us that it is what one lacks in life that is meant by the exile of man. What remedy did the teachers of humanity find at last? They discovered that in the depths of man was the universe itself, that people were a miniature universe in themselves. When we throw a spiritual light upon this question we find that the entire kingdom, rock, stone, diamond, or ruby, is all to be found in humans. There is one who is just like a rock. There is the heart of another which is like a diamond, and there is the heart which is just like a ruby. The more you study this the more you will realize that everything that is to be found in the mineral kingdom, can also be found in the mind of a human being. You will find the fire of sulphur in one’s mentality, and you will find the resonance of the metal of the gong or bell in the heart of another. You will find the quality of sandalwood in the human character, and you
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will find the value of the pearl in human intelligence. The fruit and flower, whatever there is in the world, all is to be found in human character. And chemically speaking you will even find that in the human body the essence of all things is to be found. Also, when we think of the sun and the moon, and of the stars and planets, we find that even the essence of these is to be found in humans. It is this science which was known to the ancient people as alchemy, of which the word chemistry has derived. But the science of the ancient people was concerned with the understanding or the study of humans, of the human body and mind. All other science came from the science called alchemy. They discovered that all that one searches for outwardly they can find inwardly through the knowledge of this science. Of course, a person might ask if we then find all objects or things that we can get in the world in ourselves. I will say yes; even this is possible, if one has come in touch with one’s self… Human nature is very much inclined towards what is called intoxication. The reason is that this intoxication gives one a certain relaxation and momentary comfort. But to have this comfort and relaxation one depends upon something from outside, and by doing so becomes a slave to something which is outside of themself. I have seen many mystical or spiritual people, who practise this experience, and they call it ecstasy; it is however not a real ecstasy or intoxication although it may seem to have the same effect, for a real intoxication does not take away one’s vitality and it never causes illness. On the contrary it gives greater, the health and greater strength of a mystic who knows and practises this science are in perfect order. The aim of this science is to come to the understanding that the whole universe is to be found in one. It is a science intended to make a person selfsufficient. For whatever one possesses, they may be called rich or considered comfortable, but it is only their possessions; it is not themself. It is the enriching of the self which is the real riches; and it is to develop this power in oneself which is the real, dependable, power. Besides, that which today is called intellectuality is mostly book-learning. One goes on reading for many years, and when their head has become tired they know only what has been written in the books they have read. It is not books that can teach us; it is life that is the greatest teacher; but when the mind is engaged with books then one is not open to read life…. what we need today is learning from life, for if one wants to gain a thorough education it can only be gained by a keen observation of life. The subject which is the most important to study in this whole life is ourselves. What we generally do is to criticize others, speak ill of them, or dislike them; but we always excuse ourselves. The idea is to watch one’s own attitude, one’s own thought and speech and action, and to examine ourselves to see how we react upon all things in our favour and in our disfavour, to see whether we show wisdom and control in our reactions or whether we are without control and thought. Then we
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should also study our body, for then we shall learn that the body is not only a means of experiencing life by eating and drinking and making ourselves comfortable, but that it is the sacred temple of God. Besides, this breath which we breathe from morning till evening, we hardly consider what mystery is behind it. This one object is of such great importance that if one really studied this science one could understand the whole being. But this is the very thing of which everyone seems to be ignorant. People never think about it; they think we breathe and that is all, and they do not know how and why. In point of fact there is something in the breath which connects the body with the soul, and the day when the breath leaves the body this connection is broken. The body remains on the earth, and the soul goes on; and therefore that which links the soul and body together must be of the greatest importance. The one who knows how to breathe and how to communicate with their soul begins to realize that the universe is within themself, and it is through realizing the universe in themself that one comes to real spirituality. Even in the Bible there is a hint about this science, though it is generally not interpreted in this way. I mean where it is said, “Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect”. If there is a possibility for the soul to attain perfection that perfection lies in realizing the universe within one. The secret of this is that you are as small and as narrow as the horizon of your consciousness. And if your consciousness rises above these barriers which make you small you naturally become wide, and you naturally become great. Therefore spiritual perfection is attained by concentration and meditation…. If one only believed in its benefit one would certainly do their best to spare some time for this most valuable thing. No doubt it is not our wish at all to awaken those who are asleep…. But to those who are tossing in their beds, who are trying to get up, we offer our hand, and help them to rise. It is this which we call initiation in the esoteric school of Sufism. Sufism is not something secret; only as not everybody can understand it we do not wish to give it to everybody to ridicule it. It is only entrusted to some serious people who will steadily go on the path of divine wisdom. The Sufi Movement is a society of members from all nations of the world, and the task they have is to serve in the cause of bringing people together, making them meet in wisdom. If we come together it is not because of business of politics or industry, for that is a momentary, not a stable unity. The stable unity lies in the understanding of the truth of life, in which we all can become friends. Two people who understand life well become closer than family, they become greater friends than any other friendship can give. There is nothing that divides them, neither nationality nor race nor any other division. But this task is only intended for those who are seriously inclined towards the understanding of the deeper side of life.
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