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P.G. Sittenfeld.
P.G. Sittenfeld Found Guilty on Two Federal Corruption Charges, Not Guilty on Four Others P.G. Sittenfeld Found Guilty on Two Federal Corruption Charges, Not Guilty on Four Others Legal experts now say the former Cincinnati City Council member faces anywhere from a few years Legal experts now say the former Cincinnati City Council member faces anywhere from a few years to a dozen years in prison. to a dozen years in prison. BY ALLISON BABKA
The verdict is in.
A jury found former Cincinnati City Council member P.G. Sittenfeld guilty of two federal corruption-related charges on July 8. Sittenfeld’s sentencing has not been set yet, but that likely will happen in several weeks or months.
Previously, Sittenfeld had turned down a plea agreement that could have meant a maximum of two years in prison; legal experts now say he’s facing anywhere from a few years to a dozen years.
Sittenfeld’s federal trial launched June 21 with the start of the jury selection. In 2020, Sittenfeld was arrested on a six-count indictment for a scheme in which Sittenfeld allegedly traded cash for votes relating to the development of the former Convention Place Mall.
On July 8, the jury found Sittenfeld guilty of bribery and attempted extortion but acquitted him on two counts of honest services wire fraud, one count of bribery and one count of attempted extortion by a government o cial. e jury began deliberating on July 6, taking about 12 working hours to reach a decision. ere were nine women and three men on the jury, and they were from several counties throughout southern Ohio. Two jurors were replaced by alternates as the trial progressed.
Prosecutors did not need to show express, direct quid pro quo – Latin for “in exchange for” – for the jury to nd Sittenfeld guilty. Jurors simply needed to see that Sittenfeld had an understanding to work in favor of the undercover FBI agents who posed as investors. Sittenfeld’s attorney argued that the defendant had been merely pro-development.
Sittenfeld’s trial featured video, audio and testimony from FBI agents, former Cincinnati City Council members, current interim city manager John Curp, and former Cincinnati Bengal and real estate developer Chinedum Ndukwe, among others. e two-and-a-half-week trial was held at Potter Stewart U.S. Courthouse downtown. During his testimony, Sittenfeld said that no matter what the jury decided, he would “probably never be in politics again.”
e background behind Sittenfeld’s federal corruption case
FBI agents arrested Sittenfeld at his home in November of 2020 on a sixcount federal indictment for bribery and extortion. Investigators said Sittenfeld had arranged what amounted to campaign donations, though he circumvented election law by directing those payments to a Political Action Committee which he secretly controlled. Sittenfeld promised favorable development deals as he personally accepted 10 checks – for a total of $40,000 – in exchange for votes, investigators said.
Sittenfeld was suspended from Cincinnati City Council in December of that year. To replace him, Hamilton County Probate Judge Ralph “Ted” Winkler appointed Liz Keating, who retained her council seat in last November’s election.
Before the indictment, Sittenfeld
The verdict is in. A jury found former Cincinnati City Council member P.G. had been considered a frontrunner Sittenfeld guilty of two federal corrupin the 2021 Cincinnati mayoral race, tion-related charges on July 8. Sittenwhich former Hamilton County clerk feld’s sentencing has not been set yet, of courts Aftab Pureval ultimately won. but that likely will happen in several Sittenfeld announced his withdrawal weeks or months. from the race on Feb. 18 of that year,
Previously, Sittenfeld had turned the ling deadline for potential down a plea agreement that could candidates. have meant a maximum of two years e charges against Sittenfeld in prison; legal experts now say he’s were part of a larger scandal that has facing anywhere from a few years to a enveloped the city in recent years. e dozen years. carousel of corruption cases began
Sittenfeld’s federal trial launched when council member Tamaya DenJune 21 with the start of the jury selecnard was indicted on federal bribery tion. In 2020, Sittenfeld was arrested charges related to her solicitation of on a six-count indictment for a scheme $15,000 from a local attorney. Dennard in which Sittenfeld allegedly traded resigned in March 2020, pleaded guilty cash for votes relating to the developthat June, and was sentenced to 18 ment of the former Convention Place months in prison. Mall. Council member Je Pastor was
On July 8, the jury found Sittencharged in November 2020 on 10 feld guilty of bribery and attempted federal counts of bribery, extortion, extortion but acquitted him on two money laundering and conspiracy to counts of honest services wire fraud, commit wire fraud. at was the same one count of bribery and one count of month that Sittenfeld was arrested. attempted extortion by a government In 2018, Sittenfeld was part of the “Gang of Five” texting scandal that involved several council members.
o cial. e jury began deliberating on July 6, taking about 12 working hours to reach a decision. ere were nine women and three men on the jury, and they were from several counties throughout southern Ohio. Two jurors were replaced by alternates as the trial progressed.
Prosecutors did not need to show express, direct quid pro quo – Latin for “in exchange for” – for the jury to nd Sittenfeld guilty. Jurors simply needed to see that Sittenfeld had an understanding to work in favor of the undercover FBI agents who posed as investors. Sittenfeld’s attorney argued that the defendant had been merely pro-development.
Sittenfeld’s trial featured video, audio and testimony from FBI agents, former Cincinnati City Council members, current interim city manager John Curp, and former Cincinnati Bengal and real estate developer Chinedum Ndukwe, among others. e two-and-a-half-week trial was held at Potter Stewart U.S. Courthouse downtown. During his testimony, Sittenfeld said that no matter what the jury decided, he would “probably never be in politics again.”
e background behind Sittenfeld’s federal corruption case
FBI agents arrested Sittenfeld at his home in November of 2020 on a sixcount federal indictment for bribery and extortion. Investigators said Sittenfeld had arranged what amounted to campaign donations, though he circumvented election law by directing those payments to a Political Action Committee which he secretly controlled. Sittenfeld promised favorable development deals as he personally accepted 10 checks – for a total of $40,000 – in exchange for votes, investigators said.
Sittenfeld was suspended from Cincinnati City Council in December of that year. To replace him, Hamilton County Probate Judge Ralph “Ted” Winkler appointed Liz Keating, who retained her council seat in last November’s election.
Before the indictment, Sittenfeld had been considered a frontrunner in the 2021 Cincinnati mayoral race, which former Hamilton County clerk of courts Aftab Pureval ultimately won. Sittenfeld announced his withdrawal from the race on Feb. 18 of that year, the ling deadline for potential candidates. e charges against Sittenfeld were part of a larger scandal that has enveloped the city in recent years. e carousel of corruption cases began when council member Tamaya Dennard was indicted on federal bribery charges related to her solicitation of $15,000 from a local attorney. Dennard resigned in March 2020, pleaded guilty that June, and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.
Council member Je Pastor was charged in November 2020 on 10 federal counts of bribery, extortion, money laundering and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. at was the same month that Sittenfeld was arrested.
In 2018, Sittenfeld was part of the “Gang of Five” texting scandal that involved several council members.
Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine gives the State of the State address in March 2022.

PHOTO: SCREENSHOT, THE OHIO CHANNEL Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine gives the State of the State address in March 2022.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Has No Comment on Abortion Ban that Comment on Abortion Ban that Forced Underage Rape Victim to Forced Underage Rape Victim to Travel for Care
A10-year-old rape victim had to leave Ohio for an abortion, but Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine isn’t commenting on the fact that a law he signed made that necessary.
Shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24 and cleared the way for Ohio’s six-week abortion ban to take e ect, the child was on her way to Indiana for an abortion because she couldn’t get one in Ohio, an Indianapolis OB-GYN recently told the Indianapolis Star. e doctor, Caitlin Bernard, told the paper that an Ohio child-abuse doctor had called her, saying the child was six weeks and three days pregnant and needed help. at was three days after DeWine signed a law dictating that no abortions were permitted after six weeks gestation. e law makes no exceptions for victims of rape and incest. e story made national news, but DeWine seemed unprepared on June 6 to discuss whether legislation he championed is forcing children to travel out of state if they don’t want to have their rapists’ babies.
“Yeah, rst of all, I have no more information than you do or anybody does. Reading in the paper, it came as, you know, from a story out of Indiana from a doctor over there,” he said as part of a rambling answer to a question from the Cincinnati Enquirer, according to a transcript.
DeWine went on to say it was “gutwrenching” as a father and grandfather to think about a 10-year-old being raped, and that he hoped the doctors caring for her reported the assault to law enforcement. But he didn’t address the fact that a law he signed put girls
A10-year-old rape victim had to leave Ohio for an abortion, but Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine isn’t like her into such an onerous situation. commenting on the fact that a law he In a follow-up on June 7, DeWine’s signed made that necessary. press secretary Dan Tierney was asked
Shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court whether the governor thinks juvenile overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24 and rape victims who become pregnant cleared the way for Ohio’s six-week should be able to get abortions, or abortion ban to take e ect, the child whether he believes they should be was on her way to Indiana for an abor- forced to carry their pregnancies to tion because she couldn’t get one in term. Tierney didn’t answer directly. Ohio, an Indianapolis OB-GYN recently “You have access to Governor DeWtold the Indianapolis Star. e doctor, ine’s recent comments on these issues, Caitlin Bernard, told the paper that an including that the only information Ohio child-abuse doctor had called her, available on the Indiana matter was saying the child was six weeks and three from Indiana media reports,” Tierney days pregnant and needed help. said in an email. “I do not have further at was three days after DeWine comment for you beyond yesterday’s signed a law dictating that no abortions remarks and the Governor’s numerwere permitted after six weeks gesta- ous and extensive comments since the tion. e law makes no exceptions for Supreme Court decision overturning victims of rape and incest. Roe v. Wade.” e story made national news, but While DeWine and his spokesman DeWine seemed unprepared on June 6 underscored that media reports were all to discuss whether legislation he cham- they knew about the incident involving pioned is forcing children to travel out the Ohio 10-year-old, there have been of state if they don’t want to have their warnings that something like this was rapists’ babies. likely to happen.
“Yeah, rst of all, I have no more Shortly after DeWine signed the information than you do or anybody original six-week ban in 2019, CBS News does. Reading in the paper, it came as, reported on an Ohio 11-year-old who you know, from a story out of Indiana was repeatedly raped by a 26-year-old, from a doctor over there,” he said as impregnating her. If the Ohio law was part of a rambling answer to a question cleared by the Supreme Court, the from the Cincinnati Enquirer, according story said, the girl could be left with few to a transcript. options after six weeks of pregnancy.
DeWine went on to say it was “gut- At six weeks, as many as a third of wrenching” as a father and grandfather women don’t know they’re pregnant, to think about a 10-year-old being and it’s a safe bet that even fewer girls raped, and that he hoped the doctors do. And while statistics on pregnancies caring for her reported the assault to resulting from rape are sparse, it seems law enforcement. But he didn’t address likely that Ohio and other states that the fact that a law he signed put girls don’t allow abortions in cases of rape or incest are going to force more children into the most di cult of situations.
like her into such an onerous situation.
In a follow-up on June 7, DeWine’s press secretary Dan Tierney was asked whether the governor thinks juvenile rape victims who become pregnant should be able to get abortions, or whether he believes they should be forced to carry their pregnancies to term. Tierney didn’t answer directly.
“You have access to Governor DeWine’s recent comments on these issues, including that the only information available on the Indiana matter was from Indiana media reports,” Tierney said in an email. “I do not have further comment for you beyond yesterday’s remarks and the Governor’s numerous and extensive comments since the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.”
While DeWine and his spokesman underscored that media reports were all they knew about the incident involving the Ohio 10-year-old, there have been warnings that something like this was likely to happen.
Shortly after DeWine signed the original six-week ban in 2019, CBS News reported on an Ohio 11-year-old who was repeatedly raped by a 26-year-old, impregnating her. If the Ohio law was cleared by the Supreme Court, the story said, the girl could be left with few options after six weeks of pregnancy.
At six weeks, as many as a third of women don’t know they’re pregnant, and it’s a safe bet that even fewer girls do. And while statistics on pregnancies resulting from rape are sparse, it seems likely that Ohio and other states that don’t allow abortions in cases of rape or incest are going to force more children into the most di cult of situations.
e U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 18 million women experience vaginal rape in their lifetimes and that almost 3 million become pregnant from it.
In 1996, the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology published a paper based on a three-year survey of 4,008 women that sought to determine “the prevalence and incidence of rape and related physical and mental health outcomes.”
“Among 34 cases of rape-related pregnancy, the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from assault by a known, often related perpetrator,” an abstract of the study said. “Only 11.7% of these victims received immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical attention related to the rape.”
It added that almost a third of adolescent rape victims didn’t know they were pregnant for 12 weeks — more than double the point at which their abortions would now be illegal in Ohio.
“A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester; 32.2% opted to keep the infant whereas 50% underwent abortion and 5.9% placed the infant for adoption; an additional 11.8% had spontaneous abortion,” the paper said.
A version of this story was originally published by the Ohio Capital Journal and is republished here with permission.
Cincinnati Reds Minor-League Coach, Players Selected for 2022 All-Star Futures Game
The Cincinnati Reds may have failed to be voted into Major League Baseball’s 2022 All-Star Game, but several Reds-a liated players and coaches in the minor leagues will head to Los Angeles as part of the All-Star Futures Game.
Like the MLB All-Star Game, the All-Star Futures Game will be played at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles as part of All-Star Weekend later this month. e Futures Game is a seven-inning a air – rather than the typical nine – that showcases talent from each MLB team’s farm system in the big-league game’s typical National League vs. American League setup. Career Dodgers catcher and longtime Los Angeles Angels manager Mike Scioscia will manage the NL team, while Jimmy Rollins – who had amassed multiple team records and awards during his many years as a shortstop with the Philadelphia Phillies – will lead the AL team. Both managers have contributed to World Series wins.
Eric Davis, the Cincinnati Reds hall of famer and 1990 World Series winner who now helps to develop players in the minors, will serve as rst-base coach for the NL. Davis had been the Reds’ center elder for multiple seasons and regularly posted 30 homers and 40 stolen bases per year.
Two players from the Reds’ minorleague teams will be on the roster for the National League during the Futures game. Pitcher Andrew Abbot, who plays for the Chattanooga Lookouts in Double-A, has posted seven wins and a 4.09 ERA for 2022 as of press time. He was promoted from the High-A Dayton Dragons earlier this year. Meanwhile, Dragons shortstop Elly De La Cruz has knocked in 18 homers and has stolen 26 bases as of July 8. e switch-hitter nabbed three of those dingers during a double-header on July 7, shortly after he was named to the Futures team.
As of press time, De La Cruz is the No. 2 prospect in the Reds organization, while Abbott is No. 12.
In the big leagues, no Cincinnati Reds position players have been selected to play in the All-Star Game; fans voted their favorite players into each elding position throughout June, and Reds players did not receive enough support to move into the nals.
On July 10, MLB players voted Reds pitcher Luis Castillo into the rotation for the National League. e All-Star Futures Game will be played at 7 p.m. July 16 at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. It’s part of All-Star Week, which also will include the All-Star Game, the All-Star Celebrity Softball Game, an MLB draft, fan fests, public baseball instruction and live music. e Los Angeles Dodgers originally were to host the All-Star Game in 2020, but that game was canceled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
As of July 11, the Cincinnati Reds are 32-54 for the 2022 season, which puts the team in last place in the NL Central and third-from-last in the entire MLB. Earlier this year, baseball experts had said that the Reds were on pace for a 125-loss season, the lowest for any team since 1900.