11 minute read
A digital collage of locally owned NFTs by Annie Burke
Out of the Metaverse and into Reality
NFTxCincinnati hosts the city’s rst immersive NFT art exhibit to educate and debut digital art in public space
Cincinnati is getting its rst NFT (non-fungible token) digital art exhibit this month.
NFTxCincinnati — a group of digital artists, collectors and NFT enthusiasts — is hosting UNFIT on Feb. 25 and 26 at Sample Space at e Banks with a mission to educate, create an inviting space for the public to learn about this tech-heavy concept and provide the tools and knowledge to participate. And, of course, collectors and artists will showcase their art.
But, how? Digital art and the trendy phenomenon of owning and trading it isn’t easily grasped by those who haven’t bought into the virtual communities, possibly because it all exists and thrives in virtual reality (or the metaverse) and comes with its own vocabulary, currencies, marketplace and culture. Consequently, most people literally can’t put their nger on it.
“A non-fungible token truly is a way of proving ownership for unique digital items, and the history of this ownership is all recorded on the blockchain,” says UNFIT co-curator Noah Beiting. “ ere are several blockchain technologies that exist, but buying and selling NFTs is all done with cryptocurrencies. ere’s also a variety of those that exist, but the most popular one for the NFT space is Ethereum.” ere’s also an air of exclusivity, considering the spotlight shines mostly on million-dollar sales. Arguably what initiated NFTs’ mainstream status was the $69 million sale of “Everydays: e First 5000 Days,” a collage by digital artist Mike Winkelmann, popularly known as Beeple. at was nearly a year ago and since then, mainstream companies like Taco Bell, the NFL and Coca-Cola have made their own NFTs.
Now the global trend is catching on locally, a sign of longevity and an opportunity NFTxCincinnati seized to introduce it to our city, says Beiting.
Sample Space is a 7,000-square-foot “white box kind of experience,” Beiting says. It’s an event venue that hosts popups, weddings and galleries. e exhibit will cover wallspace with more than 20 televisions and digital screens from 47 to 65 inches. Each screen is capable of displaying multiple images, so every artist or owner can rotate as much or little of their collection desired. QR codes will accompany each screen, providing artist and work details, pricing and what platform to buy or bid from.
“We’re really trying to preach inclusivity here. We want everybody to feel welcome with some of the topics we’re sharing,” Beiting says. “We’re de nitely trying to promote and stand up local artists in the space. I think the other piece is that, you know, obviously the goal and some of the underlying tones around NFTs and cryptocurrency is the whole message of decentralization, which is kind of excluding a central or authoritative party. So with that, I think it’s up to people who are personally very vested in the space to kind of grab education by the reins.”
Annie Burke, UNFIT co-curator and featured digital artist, says there will be some tactile installments as well, including a real-life mural of a digital work (the artist and speci c piece were not disclosed). She says for her, the metaverse is an extension of where we are now, and the mutual and necessary trust in all things crypto certi es that NFT communities and discords are full of like-minded people. With a background in architecture and design, Burke’s work is usually a mashup of something culturally or visually signi cant.
“When you put two things together, you get the best of both,” she says. “I typically take a photograph of something that is real and I spatially
reimagine it or draw something into the space.”
She couldn’t say exactly how many works she’ll put on rotation for the exhibit but con rmed one of her notable pieces, “Ice Cream Paint Job,” will appear. e piece presents a Chicago skyline where clouds morph into drips of ice cream, seeping down the cityscape in an array of blue and pink hues that represent the tonal aura of a sunset.
“We are lucky that we have the space,” Burke says. “ e biggest obstacle was displaying. Do we have enough screens? How fast are the things on the screens going to move? Are the words going to be on the screen or next to the screen? at, and if people want to actively participate, are they educated? Because you have to have a digital wallet, a Coinbase, a MetaMask, whatever, in order to get involved. And we don’t want anyone to feel like, ‘Oh I don’t have one so I’m behind.’” e NFTxCincinnati team created a glossary for terms like MetaMask, blockchain and Web 3.0, just a few examples of metaverse jargon one must adopt and understand to participate. According to UNFIT’s website, MetaMask is a software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. Blockchain is an encrypted, decentralized, public ledger of transactions (public proof of ownership). Clearly, the vernacular is co-dependent but scannables around the gallery will provide de nitions on demand.
Still confused? UNFIT will o er hours of panel discussions and help desks led by industry professionals like Andrew VanSickle and Nick Fontova, with topics exploring NFT 101, buying and selling, managing collections, how to set up a digital wallet and more. VanSickle is a local Pop artist who has been collecting physical art for 35 years, and he began collecting NFTs in July. Fontova has been collecting NFTs since May; he will touch on sharing and interacting globally. Together, their discussion, “Giving Up Physical,” concerns buying, selling and displaying NFTs and the “art community” in general.
Panels and discussion will be held from 12:15-6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25. Buying or bidding should be easier after hearing from the experts. Both Burke and Beiting say that prices are at the discretion of the artist, but there will be approachable options.
Before NFTs, digital artists were burdened with verifying credit, authenticating work and collecting royalties. In its mission to amplify local artists, UNFIT a ords these new, virtual practices to locals like omas Osorio, who is hoping for a breakthrough moment of grand success. Once a digital piece is minted (becomes a part of the blockchain), it is unalterable and the artist can sell it at any price and continue to bene t from sales after initial purchases.
Osorio hasn’t found the virtual market for his work yet, as he is fairly new to the NFT game, he says, but he likens it to the traditional world of art in which you cultivate a community of support and begin making sales there.
Osorio has been creating digital art since 2013, but his foundation is drawing and painting. Sometimes he scans hand-painted works and alters them digitally, and other times he downloads images and toys with lighting, glitch lters or colors. e result is a manifestation of his idea of the subjectivity of reality and the sometimes abstract, collage-like, outcome is retained in a signature style.
“I feel like digital art in many ways is the future,” Osorio says. “ e possibilities of technology and computer-generated imagery, we can do so much with it. So it’s here to stay, and I feel like as with any kind of medium through history — some people didn’t like Rock & Roll when it rst started or Pop Art or Abstract Expressionism — you can name so many things that people didn’t like at rst that ended up having such an in uence on everything in a good way. I feel like that’s just culture in general. People will initially be withdrawn from it because they don’t like change but there’s a lot of positives of digital art.”
As for the future of NFTxCincinnati, Burke and Beiting concur that a successful exhibit means the majority of people will leave without questions, anticipating the next event. And yes, in case you were wondering, there are Bored Apes (a popular NFT collection with 10,000 unique collectables) owned locally, and they will be on display. e UNFIT website says work by Damien Hirst, Dalek, Ian Murray and Shepard Fairy will also be on view.
UNFIT runs Feb. 25 and 26 at Sample Space (140 Marian Spencer Way, The Banks, Downtown). More info: un t-art.com.

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CULTURE Target Picks Up Skincare Line Created by Cincinnati Entrepreneur
When Cincinnatian Sylvia Brownlee was laid o from her corporate job in the cosmetic industry in 2015, she didn’t know what her next move was.
As an esthetician and skincare expert with decades of experience, she knew she was passionate about helping clients feel comfortable in their skin, but she wasn’t sure what would come next in her career.
“Getting laid o actually kind of forced me into entrepreneurship,” she tells CityBeat. “I had to ask hard questions. What do I love the most? Where do I want to focus? I realized I wanted to focus on acne and hyperpigmentation.”
Almost immediately, Brownlee founded her Silverton-based company, Skin by Brownlee & Co., a skincare clinic that specializes in the prevention and treatment of acne and hyperpigmentation.
Now, seven years later, some of her most popular products are o ered through Target via target.com.
Starting Jan. 23, target.com began stocking four of Brownlee’s products: the Cryotherapy Ball Facial Roller, the Blemish Chaser, the HydraBalance Moisturizer and the Balancing Face Cleanser.
When the major retail chain reached out to Brownlee on Instagram last March about selling some of her products, she thought the message was spam and ignored it. But the message included an email, so she decided to give it a shot and contact them anyway.
Now, people across the country can order her products online. All of Brownlee’s products that Target stocks sell for under $26, and Brownlee says the most popular product is the Cryotherapy Ball. e cold facial roller can help stimulate nerves to exercise facial tissue, tighten skin and reduce pore size and pu ness.
“It helps to reduce skin in ammation, and my clients rave about it,” she says. “It’s great for using under the eyes or over the eyelids.”
She also sells additional products on her website, including serums, scrubs and masks. Brownlee works with a chemist to create each product herself, using natural ingredients that are “good for the skin and body,” she says.
Friends and family gathered recently at a party in Over-the-Rhine to celebrate the Target launch, but they say Brownlee’s success isn’t a surprise to anyone.
Her sister, Courtnee Barnes, says Brownlee works hard and cares deeply about each client she works with.
“It was always her dream to own a skincare line,” Barnes says. “ is is a long time coming. She’s so knowledgeable about skincare, and she really gives each client individualized care and boosts their con dence.”
In addition to the target.com line, Brownlee o ers services to her clients at her business location at 7337 Montgomery Road.
Whether in person or online, Brownlee begins by assessing the many di erent aspects of a client’s lifestyle and diet, making recommendations to get them clear from the inside-out as quickly as possible, according to her website. Services include detox facials for acne, a brightening treatment facial, a rejuvenation facial and a custom-glow facial.
She also o ers an “Away With Acne” program, which takes a personalized, guided approach toward helping clients achieve clearer, more radiant-looking skin.
“Clearing acne is about a lifestyle change,” Brownlee says. “I take a holistic approach. It’s about using the right skincare routine, but also it’s about being consistent.”
Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, a ecting up to 50 million Americans annually, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Approximately 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24 experience at least minor acne.
Brownlee’s basic advice for starting a new skincare routine? “Everyone should have four things in their skincare regimen: a good cleanser, a moisturizer, sunscreen and a toner. If you start there, you can always add to that.”
As a Black female entrepreneur, Brownlee has spent the past seven years building her business by herself. She says that at times, she doubted that she could develop a thriving business. But with support from her friends and family, she now has a waitlist for clients and is reaching thousands with her Target line.
“My advice to women who are branching into entrepreneurship is to just stay focused,” she says. “Nothing happens overnight. I’ve worked every day to keep getting better and to keep growing the brand. You have to have a di erent mindset to stay motivated. You have to have an amazing work ethic. Even when you don’t feel like doing something, you still have to do it. Because in the end, it’s your name on your brand.”
Skin by Brownlee & Co. is located at 7337 Montgomery Road. Learn more and shop at target.com or skinbybrownleeandco.com.

Skin by Brownlee & Co. founder Sylvia Brownlee

Skin by Brownlee & Co. products