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Hello , I ’ m curio us o n the recreatio nal use guidelines in Detro it. I w ill b e m o ving here and I ’ m curio us o n the law s. — A lexis M.

H i A lex is. T hanks for reaching out, and welcome to M ichigan! W e covered these issues in last year’ s 4/ 20 issue; look up “ M ichigan’ s cannab is laws for dummies: T he dos and don’ ts of dop e” on Google to find the full article. In a nutshell, any adult 21 or older can use and p ossess cannab is. Peop le can travel with up to 2.͡ oz. of cannabis flower or 15 grams of concentrate anywhere ex cep t on a school p rop erty, school b us, or a

correctional institution. For p ersp ective: A p lastic sandwich b ag holds ab out 2 oz. of cannabis flowerǢ concentrate cartridges tend to b e . 5 gram or 1 gram each. A t home, p eop le can p ossess up to 10 oz. of flower as long as anything over 2. 5 oz . is locked up . V iolations are a civil infraction punishable by a ͊100 fine.

B y law, p eop le can grow up to 12 marijuana p lants p er household, and if you grow your own, there’ s no limit to how much marijuana you can p ossess. ou can find a list of stores that sell recreational cannab is on our web site, metrotimes. com. —L ee DeV ito

W e k no w yo u have o p inio ns! R em em b er, yo u can co ntact us at letters@ m etro tim es. co m .

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