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Reeferfront Times

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Badder to the Bone

Proper’s award-winning Strawberry Champagne live badder makes the case for concentrates


Im a longtime o er smoker, retty much e clusively. ut those damn ter slur er videos on Instagram really have een getting to me. I anted in on the fun and coughs. I m mostly kidding. ut as someone ho has ut alcohol on the ack shelf in favor of the lant, I sometimes miss having a stronger effect more akin to a shot or cocktail. n to of that, a recent revie of ead hange s live sauce carts for this u lication rought the idea ack around of diving into concentrates, so much so I ent out and secured an American made glass da rig.

And no here I am, ready to da . And hat etter ay to dive in than going for some a ard inning medical hash At the recent elee on the ississi i event at the randel, ro er anna is secured the hash cham ionshi elt over ead hange, ivid and eal ith its tra erry ham agne.

It seemed like the logical choice for a foray into the orld of concentrates. I ent to ro er s rest ood location to secure some of the cham ion hash. he tra erry ham agne is sold in half gram uckets for , and I got t o uckets for a total of one gram for . after ta and fees. he hash clocks in ith . ercent ter enes and . ercent total canna inoids, and is an ercent mi of tra erry u les imosa crossed ith tra nana ith ercent unt . I armed my rig ith a ools ter slur er anger, and I as ready to dive straight in. y initial im ression of the tra erry ham agne as that it smelled fantastic. I cracked a jar hen taking hotos, and a very strong aroma of stra erry candy invaded my nostrils and not the eird candies ra ed in a stra erry ra er, either. he initial da as at degrees don t hate me, lo tem oys and had a very creamy stra erry mouthfeel akin to a tra erry i he or tra erry r me aver. he effects settled in my tem le and shoulders and rovided me ith a mild head high ith a medium to medium lus ody high that as uite rela ing. I also had a lingering s eet erry taste in my mouth. hese da s orked ell for me in the daylight hours, and on one occasion made my munchie cravings go through the roof. ne evening efore ed I decided to take a nice da of the tra erry ham agne. I d also just smoked a joint, so I as counting on this eing today s aterloo. After inhale I egan hee ing like an old man at a comedy sho . y eyes atered, and my lungs urned as the ody high took over. I retired to the edroom and oke u after slee ing through the night. hen I arose I definitely as feeling a eed hangover. his as decidedly too much tra erry ham agne. everal smaller sessions utili ed my uffco lus da en, and I ulled tasty clouds off of the lo and medium settings. I kno this mi as a s ecial for a com etition, ut it ould e great to see on ro er s regular concentrate offerings, as ell as having tra erry u les availa le as a o er o tion. ithout having tried the other com etition hash, I can still definitely see hy the tra erry ham agne as voted to dog.

I as a le to touch ase ith ro er anna is att a rier for some additional information a out the inning hash. A native t. ouisan, a rier moved ack home after s ending years in olorado. hat s here he originally encountered the strain. hen e got invited to artici ate in the hash attle, e d een ing or henos of tra erry u les, he says. It ecame retty clear in eek si that e anted to use it ecause of the overtly s eet stra erry nose and its ild ter ene rofile that you aren t seeing in the issouri market. Adding in the unt made sense ith its fruity funk, and e voted internally on utting the tra erry ham agne for ard.

In the future, a rier says that ro er ould like to offer donuts, a re roll joint filled ith hash rosin in the middle. e also ould like to do another com letion centered around solventless hash a rier says ro er doesn t use and never lans to in the future . his as the first hash attle in the state it ould e cool to do the tasting lind, ut e re una le to do that due to state regulations, he says. e have a lot of res ect for the other rands involved. It s a fun ay to uild culture and community here and give atients a uni ue offering.

I finally asked a rier ho I should take a da of the tra erry ham agne. As a lo tem guy, a rier encouraged me to dro my tem do n to ards degrees. aste it to taste it, he chuckled. eciding to take a su degree hit, I set my rig u and let it ri at . here definitely asn t as much of a kick as I had ulling degree da s, ut I did find the stra erry notes to e am lified.

A stu id shit eating grin crossed my face as I e haled. ash is cool. n

Strawberry Champagne has a creamy strawberry mouthfeel. | GRAHAM TOKER

These dabs worked well for me in the daylight hours, and once made my munchie cravings go through the roof.

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