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RAPE. CASE. An Instagram account wages war on sexual assault at CWRU

By Sam Allard


“This was not one of their ‘official’ parties, so all bets were off. It started innocent enough. I was a freshman hanging out with cool fraternity brothers. I started getting drunk and then all of a sudden felt it. I had been roofied. Four of the brothers took me away from the party, and I didn’t realize what was happening.

“Once we got back to a private room, that’s when it happened. Something snapped in them. One of them smacked me on the face and told me if I did what they asked I wouldn’t get hurt. They ripped my pants off and started doing lines of coke on my butt, and then they all took me at once. They forced me to take all of them at once…”

So begins a July 21st post on Instagram, written and submitted for publication by an anonymous undergraduate student at Case Western Reserve University. The post is one of hundreds — literally hundreds — that have appeared since July 4th on the @CWRU. survivors account, jolting a summerbreaking student body upright like non-stop cracks of thunder.

The posts describe a vast spectrum of sexual misconduct on the campus of Case, Ohio’s topranked university: from unwanted advances, offensive language, student affairs and a Greek life drunken handsiness and general office on campus, but current and “creepy” behavior at parties; to former students told Scene that nonconsensual activity during these offices fulfill specific roles, consensual sex; to egregious and none of them is to support misogyny within fraternities; to survivors. The system is designed gang rape. In many cases, these not only to protect predominantly posts also describe a profound male assaulters, they say, but to lack of institutional support for shield the university itself from survivors of assault, and university reputational damage. systems of reporting and discipline As the @CWRU.survivors account so ineffectual that they have demonstrates, many students have exacerbated trauma. foregone reporting their assaults

Like at other college campuses entirely to avoid the humiliation and where “drunk hookup culture” is presumed disappointment that lurk pervasive and boundaries are often along the official avenues available crossed, survivors are aware of, to them. “My Title IX experience and often powerless against, the was somehow more traumatic than inequities inherent in bureaucratic the actual incident,” one post read. university structures. Case has a That’s a big reason why the women’s center, a Title IX office, account has exploded the way it an office of equity, an office of has, students told Scene. Many 10 | clevescene.com | August 26-September 1, 2020

of the published submissions are from seniors and recent grads who admit that their posts are the first time they’ve opened up about their experiences. Other submissions, and indeed, comments on published posts, have come from older alums, who are in a position to corroborate the persistence of bad behavior.

The individual posts can be horrifying to read. But more horrifying is the aggregate picture, in which rape culture is omnipresent on campus. The two anonymous administrators of the account told Scene that they were flooded with submissions once they took the account live at 1 p.m. on July 4.

“We’ve been in contact with similar accounts at other universities,” one of the admins told Scene. “And they all basically


said, ‘Holy shit, you have a ton of submissions.’ They couldn’t believe it. They had numbers in the 30s or 40s. We got more than 600 in three weeks. Our bubble is obviously limited, but we’ve seen nothing on a scale like this.”

The total submissions now number close to 750. And as students prepare to return to campus, or log on remotely for a largely virtual fall semester, the @CWRU.survivors shockwaves have crested and evolved. The slew of graphic reports naming specific fraternities have led many to call for the abolition of Greek Life entirely on campus, (provoking unexpected reckonings for many assault survivors who belong to, and value, sororities). Others worry that students have

grown too accustomed to the daily posts, and that well-meaning or revenge-seeking fabulists may begin submitting increasingly inflammatory, decreasingly accurate, stories to garner attention. Others want to center the discussion on the shortcomings of the Title IX process and the new standards imposed by U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, which stack the deck against survivors in yet another way by raising the evidentiary standard in cases of campus assault.

But the dramas and prurient details available for daily consumption on Instagram mean that students — and many administrators, some speculate — have been glued to their devices all summer. A side effect of the pandemic is that students have become more engaged in university affairs than they’ve ever been before.

That’s a mixed blessing, said Marin Exler, outgoing President of CWRU’s undergraduate student government.

“I mean they literally have nothing else to do,” she said. “It obviously can create a massive headache for [student government], especially when the responses from the administration are so vague, but the raised awareness is good. I think people are grappling with issues, especially around Greek Life, in ways that are new and sincere. And I think the stories are an important wake-up call. But I’m sensing a fight on the horizon. I had to deal with Covid during my tenure, but I feel worse for the new president. He’s dealing with even more of a mess.”


more explicit as it progresses, relaying shocking details of the student’s alleged rape at the hands of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity brothers. All previous posts on the @CWRU. survivors account, including more than 30 on its opening day, had opened with a black screen and the lone text, “Trigger Warning: Sexual misconduct / assault.” But the July 21st ZBT post began with an off-white screen: “TW: Gang Rape,” it read, and included an additional warning: “Please be advised this next story is extremely distressing to read.”

Three similarly tagged posts have appeared since then, two of which reported alleged gang rapes in the Zeta Psi fraternity house, which were later discovered to be on the same night. Brothers there had reportedly joked about “going to Paris,” their term for three-way sex derived from the “Eiffel Tower” position, and shared stories of their inspired to launch the account by enlightened. So naturally, the frats “conquests” at a subsequent chapter another recently created account, @ should be too. Students said this meeting. The other post reported an black.at.cwru, which in late June strain of exceptionalism has allowed alleged gang rape at the hands of began anonymously chronicling systemic misbehavior to be swept the Frisbee team. experiences of racism on campus. under the rug.

The account administrators, (Similar accounts at John Carroll “Case prides itself on the image who redact all names from the University, the Cleveland Institute of being different,” one of the submissions they receive via Google of Art, Laurel School and Hathaway admins said. “It’s so focused on its Forms but otherwise post them to Brown were also launched at reputation that it leads to things not the @CWRU.survivors page without around the same time, all in the being dealt with.” edits, say that their goals from the wake of George Floyd’s slaying by On July 29, after nearly a full start have been to raise awareness, police in Minneapolis and racial month of daily posts, the admins provide education and demand justice demonstrations nationwide.) published an open letter on the accountability for sexual assaulters. The Survivors admins reached account addressed to Lou Stark, the

Both admins are anonymous out to the @black.at.cwru creators to university’s VP of Student Affairs, to their peers and remained see if they’d be interested in running and Dr. Angela Clark-Taylor, director anonymous in multiple an additional account but quickly of the university’s women’s center. conversations with Scene, conducted recognized that the time and energy The letter highlighted what it called the “failed” Title IX process and “implore[d]” the university to

At Case, a popular notion held that make a series of reforms. (Title IX is the landmark 1972 federal law

Greek Life was somehow different, (i.e. prohibiting discrimination on the better), than elsewhere, unafflicted by basis of sex in educational programs. It includes, in its broad mandate, frat house stereotypes. The student protecting students from sexual body is supposed to be more inclined harassment and sexual violence.) Most of the letter’s demands toward academic rigor at Case. More were for specific improvements to diverse. More enlightened. So naturally, the reporting and investigation process after incidents of assault. the frats should be too. Students said The letter called for “an easily accessible statement on the CWRU this strain of exceptionalism has allowed website that explicitly states that systemic misbehavior to be swept under all parties involved in a Title IX investigation will be recorded the rug. during their communications with the investigator,” for example, and a “prohibition on graduate students via Zoom. They identified as required to maintain the page and from being Title IX investigators students at CWRU, but beyond its influx of submissions would be in cases where another graduate that, they said that anonymity substantial. They decided to take it student is involved.” The letter noted was important for their own safety on themselves. that these were only small steps in and for the safety of survivors They said they felt the account the right direction. submitting stories. was necessary to publicize elements “A massive cultural change about

“The parallel I would draw is of a culture that were widely known, how the CWRU community views a suicide hotline,” said one of the but seldom discussed openly on consent, accountability, and respect admins. “If you’re calling, and you campus. “During orientation week, for others is integral in combatting know who’s on the other end, it’s a you hear through the grapevine, the prevalence of sexual violence at different atmosphere. We don’t want ‘Don’t talk to ZBT.’ ‘Don’t talk to Case Western Reserve University,” our identities to prevent people Zeta Psi.’ They’re the quote-unquote the letter read. “This issue requires from coming forward. It’s also ‘rapey frats,’” one admin said. “And both external and internal change.” important that we’re not bound by you hear these warnings from Scene made multiple attempts to pressure from the organizations upperclassmen all the time about interview both Lou Stark and Robert that we may belong to.” being cautious, asking where you’re Solomon, the VP for Inclusion,

This has led to moments of going, who you’re going with.” Diversity and Equal Opportunity. discomfort on their end. They They allowed that these warnings Both declined, but provided a joint noted that while it’s their policy to were no doubt similar to experiences statement through the university’s redact names from submissions, on other college campuses but office of media relations. the people who submit their stories said at Case, a popular notion “While we have significantly often do not, and so the admins see held that Greek Life was somehow expanded and strengthened our the names of those who are alleged different, (i.e. better), than elsewhere, education and prevention programs to have committed a wide range unafflicted by frat house stereotypes. in recent years, we also recognize of misconduct. They’ve seen their Multiple students mentioned that ending sexual harassment friends mentioned. this dynamic independently in and violence requires that we

“We have to recognize that this conversations with Scene and continually assess and refine our is a campus-wide culture, and it’s suggested that it might have efforts,” the statement read. embedded in so many organizations something to do with the general As a response to multiple new at Case,” one admin said. “Our elitism of higher-caliber colleges. Instagram accounts, including @ social groups aren’t immune to it The student body is supposed to CWRU.survivors, the VPs said they either.” be more inclined toward academic planned to announce a university

The admins said they were rigor at Case. More diverse. More task force “focused on advancing | clevescene.com | August 26-September 1, 2020 11


a broad culture of respect on campus.” They said it would include subcommittees to examine issues of race, gender, LGBTQ+, mental health, disabilities and sexual misconduct. They also noted a number of new and expanded initiatives that the women’s center was planning to implement, including education on consent and bystander intervention.

“Finally, the university established a policy review committee (including faculty, staff and students) to examine the U.S. Department of Education’s recent changes to Title IX regulations and determine how to update the university’s policies and procedures in a manner that addresses its requirements and also addresses sexual misconduct complaints in ways that help reduce campus incidences.”

The Survivors account admins were not overjoyed with the response. But for now, they told Scene, their focus will continue to be supporting survivors by amplifying their voices and finding ways for them to be better supported at Case.

One of the unique ways they’re building support networks is by “matching” survivors who share abusers. If a survivor feels comfortable, they can share the name of their abuser with the admins via DM. And if two or more survivors share the same name, the admins message the survivors to notify them there’s been a “match” and offer to put them in contact with one another.

“Whether they want to officially report their incident or not, it can be really comforting to know that there are people who went through what you had to go through,” one of the admins said. “Strength in numbers.”

As for the university response, one admin stressed that if the university is serious about improving its systems, it must hold assaulters accountable for their actions.

“We’re not trying to take a stance on Greek Life at Case,” they said. “That’s not our place. But in terms of accountability, Zeta Psi and ZBT need to lose their houses. I think we should disband them indefinitely. The posts show that these are systemic problems with those two houses in particular. I hate to say it, but it’s gotten to the point in those frats where you’re either a rapist or you’re covering up a rapist.”


WAS raped after a night of heavy drinking at a spring bash last year. Like many of the women who shared stories of their assaults on the @CWRU.survivors page, she was a freshman at the time of the incident. Unlike almost all the others, she published her name.

She told Scene she’d been texting with another student, Sarah Moran, and they both decided to share their stories with their names attached. They’d had frustrating experiences with the university in the aftermath of their assaults and felt these were important to highlight.

“I didn’t even report it after it happened,” Cazaudumec Lucas told Scene over Zoom. “But after the summer, at the beginning of sophomore year, I heard that the guy who’d assaulted me had assaulted someone else, and something just clicked. I felt he had definitely done this to other people, and I wanted to report.”

Cazaudumec Lucas was referred to the campus Title IX office by her campus navigator — a counselor who helps students with scheduling and other academic questions — and made an official report.

“You go in, you basically report what happened, and they start an initial inquiry,” she described the process. “One thing Case does right is that they take ‘appropriate interim measures,’ which could mean help with classes or some time off. Then there’s the investigation, where witnesses are questioned, and then there’s a formal or informal hearing.”

For Cazaudemec Lucas, the university-based process took nine months from start to finish, roughly the entire academic year. She told Scene she wasn’t legally allowed to discuss the details of her hearing — other than that it was conducted via Zoom — or its results, but repeatedly stressed in general terms how the system works against survivors.

“These cases hardly ever go to a hearing, first of all,” she said. “It was a miracle that mine did. I truly believe the only reason it did was because I got a lawyer.”

One of the demands in the @ CWRU.survivors July 29th letter to the administration was for “upto-date sexual misconduct reports on the CWRU website.” An annual report of complaints and their resolutions is required, under Title IX, to be compiled and made accessible every year. But for years — and for the duration of Scene’s reporting — the only such report available was from 2015-2016. CWRU Media Relations, when asked where the most recent reports were, told Scene that they would be posted online “shortly.” As of our deadline, no reports are available on the site. Even the 2015-2016 report has inexplicably been taken down.

“We don’t know how many people are being sanctioned for assault, because they don’t publish the statistics,” Cazaudumec Lucas said, “but the only time I’m aware of anyone being sanctioned is when the accused actually admits to an assault. Otherwise it’s he-said she-said.”

Until the DeVos Title IX updates enacted this month, those who filed sexual misconduct complaints had to meet a “preponderance of evidence” standard to win a hearing. That standard connotes a likelihood of guilt higher than fifty-fifty. But the new changes have increased the burden of proof to a more rigorous “clear and convincing evidence” standard. Advocates for sexual assault survivors have argued that survivors are already reluctant to come forward and seldom get justice, even with lower evidentiary standards. The changes will diminish reporting even further, they say.

Cazaudumec Lucas pointed out that any burden of proof is difficult to bear when alcohol is involved, which — at least as reflected in the stories on the @CWRU.survivors account — it often is.

“If you’re blackout drunk, you can’t remember anything,” she said. “So your testimony is automatically unreliable — you know, maybe you actually did consent, they can say. Or on the other hand, you’re victimblamed for putting yourself in that situation.”

The incident described in the July 21st ZBT post not only included alcohol, it also occurred at an “unofficial” frat party. At Case, frats host both “open” parties, in which the first floor is open, and invite-only parties, in which guests are documented via Microsoft Excel. Both are sanctioned by the university, and alcohol can be served to those of age. Additionally, a fratelected “Risk Manager” abstains from drinking for the duration of the party and is meant to observe the proceedings.

“The unofficial role of the risk

An annual report of complaints and their resolutions is required, under Title IX, to be compiled and made accessible every year. But for years, the only such report available was from 2015-2016. CWRU told Scene that they would be posted online “shortly.” As of our deadline, no reports are available on the site. Even the 2015-2016 report has inexplicably been taken down.

manager is to prevent rapists from being rapists,” one of the @CWRU. survivors admins told Scene. “But the whole idea of a member of a frat policing his brothers — given the issues of accountability in fraternity culture already — doesn’t really make sense.”

The unofficial parties are not sanctioned by the university, meaning that reporting an assault would constitute simultaneously reporting one’s attendance at a forbidden event. That’s yet another factor which discourages reporting. The account admins said they expected a similar dynamic to be in play this fall, assuming people are on campus.

“We won’t be allowed to have parties because of Covid, so all the parties will be ‘underground,’” one of the admins said. “Which means people will be even less inclined to report because they know they weren’t supposed to be partying in the first place.”

In a statement, the University said that they were working with Greek Life chapter leaders “to ensure that all students comply with the university’s extensive guidelines regarding COVID-19 transmission risk. The university will enforce its code of conduct regardless of whether students are living on or near campus—and has communicated that message to all students.”


account gathered momentum through July, content from individual posts spawned spinoff protests and petitions. Multiple stories, for example, referenced a table at the Phi Gamma Delta (“Fiji”) frat house, sexual intercourse upon which was evidently considered a

FEATURE fraternities have been accused of misconduct, calls to Abolish Greek Life have swept across campus. And many students in sororities, including survivors of sexual rite of passage for brothers there. assault, have mixed feelings.

“It’s sitting in their library, and “It definitely has me thinking,” it literally never gets washed,” said said Léa Cazaudumec Lucas, who Sarah Moran, a rising junior, in sits on the executive committee of a Zoom call with Scene. “That’s her sorority, Alpha Phi, and whose beside the point, but it’s so gross. boyfriend deactivated from ZBT The door to the room doesn’t even after the July 21st post. “There fully lock. It’s right at the bottom are bad people in every frat and of the staircase, so you can hear in every sorority. But there are everything going on in there, also decent people trying to make and this sometimes happens with improvements from within. I don’t multiple girls in the same night. know. I definitely see how limited And then these stories are shared at we are in what we can do, by our chapter. They laugh about it.” advisors and our internationals. We

A Change.org petition to “Burn answer to higher people.” the 1911 Table” was created later Marin Exler, the outgoing in July. “Not getting rid of the president of student government, table would continue to allow said she believed fraternity brothers the objectification of women and should be kicked out of CWRU suggest that the brave survivors chapters, or even expelled, for their [on the @CWRU.survivors account] behavior, but said she wasn’t sure spoke up for nothing,” the petition about removing frats from campus, read. “Allowing the table to remain “especially those without complaints promotes more acts of sexual on the assault side.” assault and rape.” “Many of these complaints have

The CWRU Fiji chapter did to do with brothers talking about not respond when Scene sought women in a problematic way,” she comment via social media, but said. “That requires a culture shift, they took to Instagram to convey but I think that’s fixable. I guess I’d the seriousness with which they say that hope isn’t completely lost.” were taking allegations of sexual Exler speaks from experience. misconduct. “We will be continuously She is a member of Phi Mu, a re-evaluating our programming, sorority which was targeted and policies and what it means to be a harassed this spring by the Delta man, let alone a Fiji,” the statement Sigma Pi fraternity. Someone read. The account was flooded with created and circulated a “Bingo comments chastising them for a lack Card” in which brothers were of concrete action steps. meant to cross off squares when

“Burn the table,” wrote the they’d seen certain Phi Mu sisters @CWRU.survivors account in exhibiting unflattering traits — response. “Ugly,” “Blimp,” “Cripplingly Low

One commenter, who identified Self-Esteem,” etc. Exler was the only as an alum of the chapter, said Phi Mu listed by name. She was the the statement was “full of fluff, board’s “Free Space.” something I would write in two She told Scene she believed minutes before class.” But he then she was targeted specifically posted an addendum. “I’ve talked to because she’d stood up for a friend the guys,” he wrote. “They have an when the fraternity had spread action plan but they aren’t allowed false rumors about her. “It was a to post it on social media until Phi petty disagreement blown out of Gam HQ approves it. The process is proportion,” she said, and noted a bitch.” again that it likely circulated

Other chapters’ official accounts quickly in group chats and DMs have issued contrite statements because everyone was at home, on with promises to improve and their phones all day long. investigate. “We are appalled by the Exler said that accounts like @ despicable actions of our brothers black.at.cwru and @lgbtqatcwru, past and present,” wrote the ZBT which in many cases documented account. “We recognize the need for microaggressions, were leading to us to examine our brothers and hold internal review that could inspire them to higher standards.” Scene’s changes in language and thinking. campus sources said they would And she hoped some of the posts on remain skeptical of these apologies the Survivors account — like frats until they see actual accountability. discussing “conquests” at chapter

But what that accountability meetings — could be learning should look like remains a topic of moments too. debate. As increasing numbers of “But the stuff with ZBT and Zeta 14 | clevescene.com | August 26-September 1, 2020

Psi?” She said, “I mean that’s crazy.”

Scene asked the Office of Greek Life, through the office of media relations, about its investigative and disciplinary procedures with respect to the allegations against Zeta Psi and ZBT. The University responded that the national chapter of Zeta Psi decided this summer to close its CWRU chapter for a minimum of four years. The national chapter has not yet responded to a request for comment about that decision, and whether or not it was motivated by the reports on the @CWRU.survivors page.

ZBT, for the time being, remains an active fraternity on campus. Its national chapter told Scene in a brief emailed statement that it had been made aware of the allegations in the July 21st post. “Health and safety is our utmost concern at Zeta Beta Tau,” the statement read. “We have placed the chapter on an investigative status. We will continue working with the university moving forward.”

It’s unclear what that status means for returning students, but regardless of the investigation and disciplinary action imposed by the national chapter, there’s no question that the @CWRU.survivors account has raised awareness. Moving from awareness to accountability will be a challenge, said Marin Exler, if these accounts remain anonymous.

“What’s needed are official reports,” said Exler, whose experience liaising with the administration taught her, among other things, that higher ed moves at a snail’s pace. “I really doubt that, from a legal standpoint, the university could follow up on the @ CWRU.surivors stories to conduct investigations.”

She said that while the Title IX process was flawed, filing an incident report with the Greek Life Office has yielded tangible results in the past. Other than Zeta Psi, the only frat currently suspended or disbanded on the Case campus is Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp), which was suspended in 2016 after an investigation spurred by an incident report. A grim joke among assault survivors is that alcohol and “hazing” infractions are much more likely to get a frat punished than rape. SigEp was scheduled to return to campus in 2020, but the university told Scene that the chapter would not be coming back this year after all.

Halle Rose is a member of the class of 2020 and of the Phi Mu sorority. She’ll be returning to Case’s campus in the fall to begin graduate studies in social work. She said that while she’s in support of the Survivors account and its mission, in recent weeks she’s become increasingly concerned.

“I think drawing attention to these issues is great,” she told Scene via Zoom, “but it’s just getting into murky territory when you have anonymous people controlling the narrative, given the seriousness of the allegations.”

Rose said she recognized that the account was not meant to be journalistic, and the admins didn’t necessarily have a responsibility to “show both sides” of every story. But they nevertheless functioned as gatekeepers, and she worried that consumers of the account might not be approaching the posts critically.

“The posts don’t name names, but people are sometimes described in such a way that you know who they are,” she said. “Isolated incidents can be taken out of context. And it’s just, if something’s not true, how are you supposed to respond? If you question a post, it’s gaslighting.”

Despite these concerns, Rose acknowledged the overwhelming positive effects the account has generated, especially at the start — “It’s radical, it’s empowering” — and said she hasn’t seen the dangers she’s worried about yet. She just cautioned that social media tends to reward the most sensational content and worried that, without vigilance, the conversation could veer from achieving constructive ends and toward fanning flames.

Léa Cazaudumec Lucas, for one, said that the @CWRU.survivors account has already achieved something significant by raising enough awareness to capture the attention of the administration and force them into action, even if it’s still largely symbolic.

“Incoming students are starting to message me about this,” she told Scene. “And if there is an effect on enrollment, Case will change. Because Case cares about one thing more than anything else: money. It’s just like in Title IX. They side with the person who gives them more money, or who might cost them more money if they don’t.”

She was asked what she tells incoming Freshman about Case, in light of the recent controversies.

“I tell them that Case is different in some ways, and that I chose the school because of the student body, which really is diverse and full of smart people,” she said. “But it’s also like every other school out there. It’s probably not going to protect you.”

sallard@clevescene.com t @scenesallard

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