Pisa Against The Odds Disadvantaged Students

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1;Foreword;5 2;Table of Contents;7 3;Executive Summary;13 4;CHAPTER 1: PISA as a Study of Student Resilience;15 4.1;Introduction;16 4.2;Socio-economic background and academic success;16 4.2.1;Box 1.1 Key features of PISA 2006;17 4.3;Student resilience;18 4.4;The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) as a study of student resilience;18 4.4.1;Figure 1.1 - A map of PISA countries and economies;19 4.5;Structure of the report ;20 5;CHAPTER 2: Defining and Characterising Student Resilience in PISA;23 5.1;Introduction;24 5.2;Defining resilient and disadvantaged low achieving students using PISA;24 5.2.1;Figure 2.1 - Shares of resilient and disadvantaged low achievers among disadvantaged students, by country;26 5.3;Similarities and differences of resilient students across countries;27 5.3.1;Figure 2.2 - PISA index of economic, social and cultural status for system average, resilient anddisadvantaged low achievers;28 5.3.2;Figure 2.3 - Performance in PISA science, system average, resilient and disadvantaged low achievers;28 5.3.3;Figure 2.4 - Percentage of resilient and disadvantaged low achievers above and belowthe basic level of proficiency;29 5.4;Student resilience across science, reading and mathematics ;30 5.4.1;Figure 2.5 - Overlap of resilience in different subject domains;30 5.5;Student resilience among specific demographic groups within countries;30 5.5.1;Figure 2.6 - Percentage of male students among disadvantaged students and resilient students;31 5.5.2;Figure 2.7 - Percentage of native students among disadvantaged students and resilient students;32 5.5.3;Figure 2.8 - Percentage of students who speak the test language at home among disadvantaged students and resilient students;34 5.6;Conclusion;34 6;CHAPTER 3: A Profile of Student Resilience;37 6.1;Introduction;38 6.2;Students attitudes and behaviours and the learning environment at school: Definitions and overview;38 6.2.1;Box 3.1. Interpreting the PISA indices on students approaches to learning;39 6.2.2;Box 3.2. Interpreting the data from schools and their relationship to student performance;40 6.3;The analysis: A brief description of the models presented in this chapter;41 6.4;Student approaches to learning;41 6.4.1;Student motivation to learn science;41;Box 3.3. Interpreting predictive models on the likelihood of being resilient;42;Figure 3.1 - Internal and

external motivation to learn science;43 6.4.2;Student engagement with science activities outside the school;45;Figure 3.2 - Engagement in science-related activities;47 6.4.3;Student confidence in their science ability;48;Figure 3.3 - Student self-confidence in their science ability;49 6.4.4;Student perspectives towards science-related careers;51;Figure 3.4 - Students perspectives towards science related careers;52 6.5;Student engagement in science courses at school and time spent learning;54 6.5.1;Figure 3.5 - Student engagement in science courses at school;55 6.5.2;Figure 3.6 Hours in science regular lessons at school;56 6.6;Learning environment at school;57 6.6.1;Figure 3.7 Schools competition, and management;59 6.6.2;Figure 3.8 - Schools academic selectivity;60 6.6.3;Figure 3.9 - School resources and science promotion activities;62 6.7;Combined effects of student and school factors on student resilience;63 6.7.1;Figure 3.10 - Combined model;64 6.8;Conclusion;67 7;CHAPTER 4: Closing the Gap? Enhancing the Performance of Socio-Economically ;69 7.1;Introduction;70 7.2;Models of student resilience;70 7.3;Student approaches to learning ;71 7.3.1;Figure 4.1a Association between student approaches to learning and performance in science;72 7.3.2;Figure 4.1b Differential effect for disadvantaged students of student approaches to learning;73 7.4;Hours spent and courses taken to learn science;74 7.4.1;Figure 4.2a - Association between students participation in science courses and student performance in sc EAN/ISBN : 9789264090873 Publisher(s): OECD Paris Discussed keywords: Bildungspolitik, Politik Format: ePub/PDF


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