Crafty carper november 2014 uk

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No.207 November 2014

November 2014 | Issue 207 | £4.10 PLUS FEATURES FROM


Martin Bowler


Dave Lane Mitch Smith Steve Spurgeon Julian Cundiff

Lee Collings reveals the secrets of his success

Ellis Brazier

On sale 22nd October – 18th November 2014

Get Crafty... GET CATCHING!


Be different and create your own carp-attracting super baits

ALSO INSIDE: 001_Cover_CC207.indd 1


Stick and bag mixes that are irresistible


How to find your own piece of untapped fishing heaven


CC Moores Logotype Pantone 432 + Pantone 215




Equinox is the most instant big fish bait I have ever used. During testing and since its release it has transformed my angling, helping me catch numerous big fish from various pressured day ticket waters in all four seasons. Kev Hewitt

53lb 4oz #Equinox

LEE BURDEN 44lb #Equinox

IAN FISHER 45lb #Equinox

DAN STACEY 52lb #Equinox



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Crafty Carper /// Issue 207 /// November 2014 /// On the cover: Lee Collings with his awesome 40lb+ common from St Johns. Read all about his session on page 67.


Editorial James Turner

Editor James looks at what’s in store



when everything just falls into place

Starbaits D-Tec Alarms before they hit the shelves of your

and the fish actually want to play ball?

local tackle shop. We strongly advise you to head to page

Well, Lee Collings has recently, over

83 if you’re in the market for some top-quality alarms.

When It All Comes Right Lee Collings

Have you ever had one of those sessions

In Focus – Starbaits

We’ve managed to get an exclusive first look at the new

for you in this issue of Crafty Carper, as well as his thoughts for the month.


The Knowledge Dave Lane

Laney heads back to Burghfield for one of his favourite times of the year. There’s still a fish he wants from there, and with a full moon and

on Linear Fisheries’ St. Johns.

the equinox close behind it, how does he fare?


The Good Old Stick and Bag Paul Hatton

With a few mixes up his sleeve, which are ideal for use in mesh bags and sticks, we head to Baden Hall with Paul to see how he gets on with his little mixes.


Learning From Mistakes Martin Bowler

It’s not very often that Martin changes his approach to rigs, but after watching fish get away with it, he takes a few pointers from a friend’s rig, and soon the results speak for themselves.


Crafty Catch Column Sponsored by

Sticky Baits This is the place to get your catch pictures published, so send them in to us, and you’re in with the chance of a great prize from those top guys at Sticky Baits.


Carp Couture Competition If you like to look good on the

bank then you’ll already know that the Carp Couture gear is the one. We’ve got just shy of £400 worth of clobber to give away to one lucky reader.


The Great Crafty Debate This month’s panel of experts in

the debate give their take on their own baiting style as the winter approaches, and how they adapt to suit the change in weather. Turn to page 48 to find out more.


Crafty Carper Under-21s Brandon Butler tells the story

of an unbelievable session on Yateley Tri-Lakes, and our 2014 British Young Carp Angling champion, Michael Bamber, checks in with his monthly blog.


Carp Food Here you’ll find the latest and

greatest products of carp cuisine on the shelves of a tackle shop near you, as well



for a long time, so this month Mitch

for, there’s nothing better than having a place to

gets his DIY head on and guides you

yourself, and when there’s a good stock of cracking-

through a few different alternatives

looking fish, you have to be thankful. Roy is just that,

Moore which seems to have taken the

to try over the coming months.

especially when the bobbins start bouncing.

angling world by storm, with catch reports

Paste Baits Revealed Mitch Smith

Paste baits have been overlooked

The Private Pit Roy Allen

When that feeling of solace is what you’re looking

as the editor’s choice of the month.


Carp Food Special – CC Moore

We take a closer look at the bait from CC

galore flying around social media.


Crafty Carper

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of experts. If you get your question

sessions, you may feel that the

at SONIK, and this month they’ve

answered you’ll receive a cracking

odds are stacked against you,

given us some to offer as prizes to our

prize delivered straight to your door.

but Rich doesn’t let this faze him.

readers. What a giveaway this is!

The Question Is This month’s carping

conundrums are answered by our panel

With Time Ticking Rich Seeds

When you are restricted to short

He’s managed to reap the rewards


Carpers’ Kit We take a look at some of the

best products on the market, and give you the low-down on what’s hot and what’s not. Plus the Crafty Team give you their essential items this month.


In Focus – 30Plus

With the weather turning as we approach winter, we’ve had a proper

with little time at his disposal.


SONIK Competition Last month we took a

look at the new reels from the guys


Shallow Success Steve Spurgeon


Fox Competition With the arrival of the new

Steve takes on a lake for the very first time, and is faced with the challenge

Fox Warrior S50 rods, we’ve managed

of a very shallow water. How do

to secure some as prizes for our lucky

you approach a lake that’s shallow

readers. It’s well worth heading to

throughout? Find out on page 115.

page 94 to find out more and enter.




The TicketMaster This month we’ve got

Keep up to date with what’s

been going on, and you can also get in touch

four day ticket fisheries across the

with us and see who won the Facebook

guys at 30Plus. It will definitely

country, with free fishing offers for

catch competition in conjunction with Fox

keep you warm, without a doubt.

every reader to take advantage of.

International, as well as a prize from NGT.

look at the new clothing from the


In Focus – Rig-It Tackle

Sticky-sharp hooks are a must,


Hot Holiday Venue – Olivemead Lake

If you’re looking at taking a break


The Fox and Crafty Facebook Catch

Competition Hall Of Fame

and one company specialises in

in beautiful surroundings, whilst

With six previous winners in the hall of

hand-sharpening hooks to order.

enjoying some quality angling for big

fame, this is where you’ll find out which

We caught up with the man behind

fish, without venturing out of the UK,

one of our six monthly winners gets to

Rig-It Tackle to find out more

then this is one to seriously consider.

fish with a Fox consultant. What a prize!

about the service it offers.


BCAC 2014 Final Uncovered

The 2014 British Carp Angling

Diary of an Everyday Carp Angler

Julian Cundiff

Championship final was held at

Our monthly diarist is here as normal,

RK Leisure’s famous Wraysbury

and as ever he’s been catching them.

1, so it was always going to be

We really don’t know where Jules

one to savour. Find out what

gets his energy from, but he’s always

happened on page 104.

just one step away from getting


Subscribe Fed up of going to the

newsagents? Let us deliver Crafty straight to your door, and this month



the rods out, wherever he goes.


Mega Deals If you’re up for a bargain

Visit our website to find your local stockist

then you’ll definitely want to head

we’re offering a variety of options

over to page 130 to check out our

from NGT to take advantage of to

Mega Deals for some of the best offers

bring you a great deal. Get in!

from the country’s leading retailers.

Crafty Carper 004-005_Conts_CC207.indd 2




Contents /// November 2014

t us Visi o see e top n t onli nge of al in a r m our ity ter hooks l qua , PVA, er rk kle tac nd ma . a ts floa 5

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10/10/2014 10:55

Editorial /// James Turner

Published by Angling Publications Limited, Regent House, 101 Broadfield Road, Sheffield S8 0XH T: 0114 258 0812 E: Editorial Editor James Turner E: Editorial Manager Steve Broad E: Subeditors Lynda Glover & Tim Paisley Jnr. Additional Material Dan Wildbore & Rob Hughes Advertising, Sales & Marketing Advertising Director Philippa Dean E:



was wondering when the low

most of the baited area; I had a feeling

get the rods out. Paul Hatton looks

pressure would eventually come

they were just starting to get on it.

at stick and bag mixes, Mitch Smith

in, and saw that it was scheduled to

The evening temperatures are finally

creates some awesome paste baits,

plummet while fishing Olivemead over

starting to drop as the daylight hours

and Dave Lane sets out his stall for

the last month, but unfortunately the

shorten, and from what I’ve seen from

his favourite time of the year. Rich

Design & Layout Production Manager Andy Gascoigne E:

low pressure never arrived – although

the catch reports and been hearing

Seeds looks at the problems we face

a monstrous thunderstorm did and it

from other anglers, it seems that

when time on the bank is against us,

Design Assistants Clare Froggatt & Tim Hurst

was the first time I’d actually felt the

more and more fish are coming out

while Roy Allen visits the Private Pit

ground shake from thunder. It was

during the hours of darkness. Now

and Steve Spurgeon takes on shallow

at that point that I actually hoped

is the time when quick overnighters

waters. You can always count on

the alarm wouldn’t scream out with

really can pay dividends, so take

Julian’s diary to be rammed, and Lee

a belter. It seemed to wake the fish

advantage and get out there and do

Collings seems to have everything

though, because the couple of days

it. There’s nothing more satisfying

falling into place on a recent session,

which followed saw me land two

than putting your net out to dry at

which results in a 40lb+ common!

20s and a 30. Small traps positioned

work the next day – it’s like flying

discreetly seemed to be the order of

the flag that says: ‘Yes, I caught!’

Advertising Manager Richard Newman E: Marketing Director Jemima Musson E:

Distribution Seymour Distribution Print Polestar Publisher Tim Paisley Crafty Carper 207 November 2014 Not to be reproduced in any form without the permission of the publisher, Angling Publications Ltd., 2014. Crafty Carper Supports

the day, so it was perfect for my style

This month sees another packed

I’ll let you crack on with reading this issue of Crafty, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy putting it together.

of fishing because I’ve never been

issue. Martin Bowler is back in the

I wish you luck for

one to use loads and loads of bait.

pages of Crafty, and when Martin

the month ahead, and

I did try baiting a spot heavily but

writes you know it’s going to be

hopefully your next

it didn’t receive any action until the

good and get you in the mood to

fish will be a whacker!

final evening of our stay, so hopefully whoever fished it after us made the


This month we’ve mostly been…

James Editor @CraftyCarperMag

Broady Editorial Manager

Nigel Carpworld Editorial



Richard Advertising Manager @CraftyCarperMag

I spent a week down in Wiltshire, and

I’ve just been on my final trip of the year to

It’s been a weird month for me, fishing-wise.

This month has been a little slow on

enjoyed my time off with Kirsty and Jake

France, and it proved to be rock-hard, with my

I’ve had a few extra days off work to make

the fishing front, and trying to find

while also getting the rods out. We had

fishing partner and me only banking a single

up a couple of longer sessions and was

enough time to squeeze in a session

a cracking time and Kirsty managed to

fish each in a whole week. With this in mind,

expecting some excellent results in the lovely

has proved easier said than done. This

up her personal best, so it was definitely

and the fact that many of you will be booking

Indian summer weather, but no such luck. I

has meant that only a few fish have

well worth the trip. The tranquility of

your holidays around this time, I thought I’d

managed a tatty 15lb mirror on another trip,

graced the bottom of the net. Outside

staying by the lakeside was great to wake

give you a little bit of advice. Firstly, pick a

but the last month has been (another)

of fishing, I emptied the contents of

up to each morning. Jake enjoyed having

venue which suits your needs, and be honest

disappointment. I took the quiet time to have

my wallet in Blackpool, but had a great

the run of the land and made the most

with yourself about what you’d like to catch.

a play around with my new camera, and I

time, and spent a few nice days away

of it, with family walks around the lake

Secondly, make sure you go with a good

managed to get some beautiful sunrise shots,

with some relatives I haven’t seen for

every day. I think he was in training for

friend, because if the fishing is hard work

along with some weird and wonderful night

a while. I’ve got a week off soon, so

a spot of stalking come the spring! Lol.

you need someone to keep your spirits up!

shots. Not fish, but good fun all the same.

loads of work to do in the meantime. 007_Editorial_CC207.indd 1

Crafty Carper

7 13/10/2014 13:35

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13/10/2014 14:36

Tweet us on Delkim Ltd, P.O. Box 270, Bedford, England MK43 7DZ Tel: +44 (0) 1234 721116 Follow us on

Designed and Manufactured in England.

At the forefront of bite indication technology for over 30 years and still light years ahead.

Don’t be seen with anything else

Not the latest greatest - Simply the best

Knowledge The

Dave Lane


Dave Lane

Age Younger

than Chilly! Hometown

Bury St. Edmunds Occupation

Angling journalist UK personal best

55lb Favourite venue

Any large unknown pits Did you know...

It took Dave just 3 months to catch his target of the Burghfield Common.

This month Laney heads back to Burghfield; it’s the magical time of the year which he loves. With many anglers struggling for bites, Dave thinks outside the box, and you know what happens when he gets his head on it.


his year we had a full moon in

big target fish around this time. Just

the first week of September

what it is I don’t really know. Maybe

and the autumnal equinox

it’s the shorter daylight hours, maybe

you had I not been proved at least

day before the

on the 23rd of the month, and both

it’s the cooler water, or maybe it’s just

partly right. After all, I’m in charge of

full moon, I set up stall at Burghfield for

have the potential to produce some

coincidence, although I don’t really

the keyboard and I can have a selective

a 3-night session. This was so I could

major results. However, in my mind,

believe that coincidence can be quite

memory at times! Seriously though, I

fish right throughout the full moon

the middle of September has always

so predictable. No, I am not repeating

hate making predictions, but time and

period, and I really tried my hardest

been the real winner. For years I

myself, nor have I accidentally

again, September proves to be a highly

to get amongst the fish. They hadn’t

looked forward to this period, and I

submitted last month’s article again. I

predictable month, and my first three

been showing very well for

have caught many personal bests and

just wanted to revisit my predictions

sessions fell straight into place. On the

weeks, so sightings were hard

and see how they panned out. Obviously, I wouldn’t be reminding

7th of the month, the

Crafty Carper 009-012_TheKnowledge_CC207.indd 1


09/10/2014 15:00

The Knowledge Dave Lane

to come by, and I had to rely on prior knowledge of decent areas and a fair bit of mobility. I had to know when to admit defeat and move swims. I started in the main body of water, always a good place to try at this time of year, but after a blank night, where the light levels were massively high, I packed and moved to the opposite end of the lake. Both swims had a fantastic view of the water, and due to the huge glowing orb in the sky, I could stay up at night and watch for any signs of rolling fish. By the end of the second night I was no closer to an answer and the bobbins had stayed steadfastly motionless, apart from one solitary tench at midnight. With only one night remaining, I decided to return to the main body of water and fish different areas. I didn’t really fancy any of the smaller back bays, as without any sightings to go on, I thought I would be increasing the gamble and reducing my chances of a fish. By the end of the 3 days I was still fishless and clueless, so I decided to put the last few hours to good use with a marker rod. The lake was covered in floating weed, and a lot of the swims had been ignored for ages because of the bottom weed which had closed off all the known feeding spots. The more I thought about the problem, however, the more I had to question where all this floating weed had actually come from. After all, if there are 10 or 15 acres of drifting weed on 96 acres of water, then surely somewhere must be missing a weedbed or two. The obvious place to start looking was in the speedboat channel, where the extra disturbance would help uproot the weed. Even without the TOP Sunset over the weedbeds, and

it was fast approaching bite time. RIGHT The full moon would soon be

rising but there wasn’t a fish in sight. BELOW A plan came together with a midnight linear.

“I felt confident that they would be using the cover in the day and feeding on the clearings at night”

help of boats, it is often worth checking

although no carp had actually shown

the heaviest area of canopy weed

themselves, I felt confident that they

because the reduction of light to the

would be using the cover in the day

growing weed often loosens its hold

and feeding on the clearings at night.

on the bottom. I have found this on

I deposited all my remaining bait

smaller lakes in the past, where an

and set off home with a new plan.

ignored and heavily covered swim

My next trip started on Monday

actually has a very fishable bottom

15th September, bang in the middle

below the canopy, and I have caught

of the month and my favourite time

many decent carp by exploiting this

to be carp fishing. There is nothing

before anybody else has realised.

quite as influential in improving your

There is a point of land which sticks


chances as free bait; I am not talking

out at Burghfield and forms a narrow

about cost to the angler here, I mean

channel directly in between the two

free to the fish without the added

swims I had just fished; it’s a bottleneck

danger of lines in the water. Prebaited

where the boats pass through, and

swims fill me with so much confidence,

an area which naturally collects a lot

and while I am sitting at home, I just

of drifting weed on both sides. It was

imagine all those carp happily tipping

there that I found what I was looking

up and gaining as much confidence in

for – three fishable spots next to,

the area as I have, and what might be

and surrounded by, heavy weed, and

going on. Even on busy lakes which

Crafty Carper

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09/10/2014 15:01

The Knowledge Dave Lane

ABOVE RIGHT The Classic, a 35lb mirror on a 2.30 a.m. recast.

have weeded up, there will be areas

bait and the rigs in position, I sat there

hanging on the end at 5.00 a.m. when

BELOW A lean low-20 and

that nobody fancies; areas where you

at dusk, unsure of what to expect. I

I decided on a recast!

can get something going for a while

felt I had done as much as I could to

without being disturbed. Weed totally

give myself the best chance possible

Burghfield had been a picture of a

changes the whole ‘map’ of a lake,

at this, potentially, great time of year.

mid-40 mirror, a randomly scaled linear,

another sleepless night.

and, to an extent, the behaviour of

I went to bed in shorts, with a set

My main reason for returning to

which I had seen on the lake’s website,

the fish. They can often be tempted

of Crocs positioned next to the

and I really wanted to catch this

to feed a lot closer in than the

bed, as I knew I’d need to go in

fish before my ticket expired.

normal, more recognised, hot spots.

the water if I got a bite.

I knew that the feeding times would

Imagine my delight when

The next thing I knew,

I looked in the net and

be likely to occur throughout the

I was standing in

night, and with a lot of weed about

the margins at

and small spots to hit, I spent the first

midnight, having

few hours practising the casts and

gone on autopilot

wrapping the lines around poles to

when the alarm

mark the exact distances. I even placed

screamed out.

rocks on the bottom in the shallow

That first fish,

margins to indicate exactly where to

a 30lb mirror,

stand in the dark, as the whole swim

confirmed my theory,

involved wading out to cast or land

and I decided to stay awake

fish. With the areas topped up with

for the rest of the night and keep

“I don’t want to sound greedy, but even with this result, I was still a bit miffed that one of the rods hadn’t produced”

saw him staring back at me from the bottom of the mesh. This was a really special capture for me, a huge fish which stretched from one end of the mat to the

other, and tipped the scales around to 44lb. I decided straight

watch on the water. However, as it

away that I needed to fish an extra

turned out, I was far too busy to just

night. Sessions like this don’t come

sit and watch. I ended up spending

along every day, and you need to make

the whole night casting, baiting, and

the most of them when they do.

playing fish. By the time it grew light

I was soaked to the skin; all my

I had landed five carp up to 39lb.

clothes were hanging in the trees and I

I don’t want to sound greedy,

was getting a bit crazy from the lack of

but even with this result, I was still

sleep, but I just knew it would be worth

a bit miffed that one of the rods

it in the end. I wasn’t wrong either, as

hadn’t produced, so I spent the next

I added another three fish to the tally

day trying to find a better spot to

on the extra night, ending up with a

position it on; something in between

massive haul of 11 carp in total – one

the two better areas to try to get all

40, six 30s and four 20s, including

the rods working for me. The next

my target fish. The miracle of mid-

night was also a blinder. I had one

September had struck again. Although

take on the new rod at midnight and

the fish were obviously on the munch,

two on the margin rod. The third one

I do think I improved my results by

hadn’t produced because I had been

keeping active at night,

wiped out by a bream, and I found it

rather than just recasting

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The Knowledge Dave Lane

and going back to bed. I kept trickling bait into the swim in between takes, and recasting rods which I thought should have produced but hadn’t. When you get such a tight window of opportunity with a bite time, it pays to keep making sure you have everything right. One recast can really make all the difference, and to be honest, you would do it a lot more if the 5-hour period fell during daylight hours and not throughout the night. For example, on the last night, I had gone right up until 2.30 a.m. without a touch on the longest of the three rods, and I just felt I should have had something by that time. I retrieved the rig to check and found that the bait had been robbed by either a coot or a crayfish. With the floating weed being so thick, it was clinging to the line, pinning it in place and making the smaller indications very hard to register, hence the bream the previous night. I

ABOVE Back out in the open

water in time for the equinox. BELOW Target achieved – the

big random linear at 44lb. BOTTOM A plump 35lb mirror, one of five in a night.

rebaited, wrapped and clipped the line,

inactive on the surface for weeks.

waded out and cast back on the spot,

The move paid off within a few

using a tall tree as a back marker, and

hours, and by casting at showing fish

set the rod back on the rests. I decided

I had an unnaturally ‘late’ take at 9.00

to stand and watch for a bit because I

in the morning, which produced a

had a good view of the area, and the

nicely-scaled 24lb mirror. The second

moon was still bright enough to reflect

night, Tuesday, was the equinox itself

light off the still surface of the lake.

and the place just came alive. I must

I don’t suppose it was out there

have seen 50 fish over the next 24

more than 3 minutes before the tip

hours, but unfortunately, most of

whipped around and I was in. It was

these were about 300 yards away

definitely a fish I would have missed

from the nearest in-bounds swim.

out on had I been tucked up in bed,

I did manage one more take, which

and it turned out to be one of

was from an old wildie-looking

the ancient old originals, a carp

common of about 15lb or so. There

known as The Classic.

was definitely a shift in the

Unfortunately, I had caught him once before, but you cannot pick and choose which fish picks up your bait. What it did show me though, was that I had been

way the lake responded

“The move paid off within a few hours, and by casting at showing fish I had an unnaturally ‘late’ take at 9.00 in the morning...”

missing out on the previous couple of hours and the carp were obviously

hugely active, and had they been a bit closer, I think they would have been highly catchable as well. So, we now have October ahead,

another great month, but I won’t be making any

out there feeding all the time. I just

predictions at all because I am at a

didn’t have a bait on the end!

bit of a crossroads. I have a winter

The following session coincided

ticket which starts on the third week

with the autumnal equinox, the last

of October, and about three sessions

in the trio of events for the month,

to go until that date. I am not sure

and I was full of confidence as I once

about another return to Burghfield – I

again set up on the little point.

might, but I have had a few repeat

Unfortunately it had been fished


though; the fish were

captures now and I would hate to hook

for 3 nights by two anglers during my

the big common again and take away

absence. It hadn’t produced another

somebody else’s chance for the fish

bite in this time but I still felt as if

of a lifetime. I also know that there

I had to try. Maybe my spots were

are 10 new winter tickets starting on

better; maybe that one blank rod on

the 1st of the month, and the way the

the first night was indicative of what

weed is at the moment, there is hardly

to expect if the baits weren’t bang on

room for the few anglers left fishing

the marks. It wasn’t to be, however. I

there, let alone another 10 new and

also blanked throughout the night, and

keen members. I may just flit about for

at 5.00 a.m. I put plan B into action. I

a few weeks – who knows? Whatever

moved back out into the open water

happens, I will be trying to make the

where I had heard a few fish in the

most of the drop in temperatures, and,

night. This in itself was encouraging

hopefully, the long awaited area of

because the carp had been noticeably

low pressure, if it ever turns up! CC

Crafty Carper

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09/10/2014 15:01





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22/09/2014 13/10/2014 14:52 14:37


Paul Hatton Age 34 Hometown

Altrincham Occupation

Company owner UK personal best

35lb Favourite venue

Redesmere Did you know...

Paul is very partial to chocolatey snacks whilst on the bank, usually the ones belonging to our editor!

THE GOOD OLD BAG AND STICK We’ve all seen features about using PVA, but Paul Hatton has gone one step further. His aim is to get you more bites by letting you in on his most successful mixes which have accounted for plenty of fish over the years.

Crafty Carper 015-018_GoodOldBags_CC207.indd 1

15 09/10/2014 16:15

The Good Old Bag and Stick Paul Hatton


he good old PVA bag – I’m sure that pretty much every carp angler uses PVA on a regular basis. A simple mesh bag can work wonders for your presentation, and it also draws more attention to the

hookbait, which is rather handy. It can be as simple as using some chopped boilie or some pellets, but over the years I’ve experimented with all sorts and believe me, it’s often worth putting a little more thought into what you’re chucking out there. For this feature I’m going to look at a few options for when you want to present a mix in PVA mesh with minimal fuss. I’ll talk hookbait choices too, and, of course, the reliable terminal gear which will ensure that your prize arrives safely in the folds of your landing net.

Stick Mixes There are normally two options when it comes

Mesh Bags

to using PVA mesh; first of all, stick mixes. These

Bag mixes allow you to use larger food items,

are compressed into narrow mesh and threaded

and rather than threading them onto the

down the hooklink to the business end. The hook

hooklink, you can simply nick them on the

is pulled into the end of the stick so that it’s

hook. Bags are much better if there are any

protected from light weed or debris out on the

nuisance species in the lake which can polish

lakebed. When the PVA melts, much of the mix

off a stick mix in a couple of minutes. Again,

settles on top of the hook and part of the hooklink

the possibilities are endless when it comes

so it’s completely hidden from an approaching

to ingredients, and I really could go on all day

wary carp which may have picked up its scent.

about them. However, for this feature on Baden

There is very little chance of a tangle, and a stick

Hall’s Middle Pool, I wanted to keep it dead

mix can be fished at very long distances because

simple. Instead of using lots of ingredients

of its low diameter. So what about the contents?

(which will more than likely put a large dent

You need to make sure there is nothing in the end

in your wallet), I use mixes which come ready-

of the stick which can mask the hookpoint when

prepared for use with PVA, along with a few

it’s pulled into the end of the bag, and it’s best to

bits you probably already have in the kitchen at

avoid ingredients which may end up threaded on

home. Many of us have limited time on the bank,

the hooklink when it’s pulled through. With that

and with Christmas fast approaching, you just

in mind, the possibilities are pretty much endless.

might fancy a quick, easy and affordable edge

There are plenty of good groundbaits in the shops

that will catch you plenty of fish without having

these days, and these can be used as a base, and then you can add things like micro

to concoct all sorts like a mad scientist!

pellets, boilie crumb, tuna, etc. Spices such as garlic, fenugreek and chilli are well worth using because carp absolutely love them, but don’t go over the top with how much you use. You can carefully dampen down a mix with a little water, but the addition of oils derived from salmon, tuna, halibut, hemp and peanut are superb. It’s worth considering water temperature when choosing ingredients; if it’s cold, loads of oil won’t do you any favours. I would go for liquid liver or CSL with a little bit of molasses. It’s best to make the mix the day before you head out to fish, as this allows the liquids to soak in properly. When you take a handful and squeeze it firmly, it should just about hold together; if it binds too much it takes longer to break down.

ABOVE Tying up little

bags is very quick and easy to do.

RIGHT Threading a stick down

the hooklink is a great way of concealing the rig.


Crafty Carper

015-018_GoodOldBags_CC207.indd 2

09/10/2014 16:16

The Good Old Bag and Stick

Paul Hatton

BELOW Grating luncheon meat into any mix is a brilliant edge.

My Favourites The Cloud: First up is The Cloud. It makes a superb spod mix when the carp are up in the water and you’re fishing Zigs, but it’s also a really good stick mix. It’s packed with tried and tested ingredients which carp absolutely love, and many of the additives are completely soluble in cold water. I mix a small amount of water in with this a bit at a time; when it’s slightly damp it goes into a stick nicely without melting the PVA, and when the bag melts out in the lake it releases a white cloud which smells great to passing fish. I attach a semi-buoyant hookbait, white in colour so that the fish hardly notice it in amongst the stick mix on the lakebed. As the water gets colder and colder, this presentation comes into its own, and it’s definitely an edge over a single hookbait which many people cast out during the winter months. BELOW The Cloud mix, originally an awesome sloppy spod mix but use it dry to create a great stick mix.

“...the subtle savoury smell from the added garlic really pulls them in”

Bread: Liquidised bread is a true classic which is often forgotten about when carp fishing, but it’s another ingredient which carp love, and it’s

BELOW Micro Mix; already PVA-friendly, but add some luncheon meat and you’re adding pure fish attraction.

effective in any water temperature. Its yeasty smell attracts lots of species, which can sometimes be a problem, but carp love a high-energy food that carries plenty of vitamins and minerals – it’s underused and well worth a go.

Micro Mix: Another mix which works

it I do so in small quantities, but it

For this feature I’m going to make a

really well in a bag is the Micro Mix,

really is a fish magnet. Did you know

stick/bag mix with it; I’ll also add some

which is a digestible food source that

that it contains betaine? Many of the

corn which has done a few rounds

is excellent at any time of the year.

very best bait-makers won’t roll a

in the blender. This is another true

The special palatants and additives

boilie without including betaine – it’s

classic which catches fish absolutely

used trigger a great feeding response,

one of the best feeding stimulants

anywhere, and it’s no surprise that it’s

and the subtle savoury smell from

around. Meat can also be added to

a pretty tasty food source containing

the added garlic really pulls them in.

the bag mix with the use of a cheese

lots of useful nutrients. If I can get

The mix is PVA-friendly, so it’s fish-

grater. I’m going to use a punch to

this anywhere near a fish, this mix will

catching convenience in a bucket. I’m

cut out a neat cylinder shape, and

definitely be irresistible and soon trip

going old school with the hookbait for

then use a plastic screw to secure

them up. Along with this I’m opting

this one – how about luncheon meat?

it to the Hair. If you try this you’ll

for a piece of maize as the hookbait;

This is yet another classic which is

be surprised at how well it stays

it’s more durable than the sweetcorn

often forgotten about. The meat has

on. How many people use luncheon

I’m using inside the bag and it’s still

a high fat content, and when I use

meat at all these days? Be different.

the right colour. A bag mix couldn’t be any simpler – as long as the mix is only damp and not wet, it’s fine in the PVA. It may be worth mentioning that this mix takes on food colouring pretty well too, so if you fancy something


more visible in coloured water, or just something very different to what others are using, why not experiment with food colouring? The missus may have some in the cupboard for making cakes. Go and steal it and then deny it if she asks – that’s what I do!

ABOVE Bread; with a little added blended corn you’re on to a sure-fire winner.

Using a meat punch, create some cracking hookbaits from luncheon meat.

Crafty Carper 015-018_GoodOldBags_CC207.indd 3

17 09/10/2014 16:17

The Good Old Bag and Stick Paul Hatton

Getting Riggy


So what about the terminal gear? As always, it’s impossible to pick the ideal rig until you have an

Get a blender and create liquidised corn. Carp love it! Just remember to add plenty of salt to make it PVA-friendly.

idea of what you’re fishing over. If the lakebed is clean and firm, I like to fish a fairly short rig of around 6ins; this allows enough movement but it should snare a fish which is sucking and blowing over the top of one of my mixes. If there is any light weed present, I lengthen the rig considerably, and use a light stick mix which will settle on top of it. There is a barbless hooks rule here at Baden, so it’s a beaked point all the way for me because they stay in really well. The trusty Wide Gape Talon Tip with a small kicker, attached to a 25lb Trickster Heavy hooklink, will do nicely. I will fish a lead clip in conjunction with a Camflex Leadfree leader, and the lead

“I’m hoping for quick bites and I’ll keep my eyes peeled with a view to moving onto fish whenever possible”

To Conclude The Middle Pool at Baden is very shallow, and

size will depend on what’s

in front of my chosen swim it was no more

happening out in front of me. I

than 2½ft even at 25 yards, it then dropped

like heavy leads, but if I’m casting

off into a silty channel and this is what I

to showing fish I use maybe an ounce or

fished to. The fish were showing in this area

something just heavy enough to get the distance

now and again, and patches of fizzing could

with minimum disturbance. I’m hoping for quick

be seen hitting the surface whenever the

bites and I’ll keep my eyes peeled with a view to

wind dropped for a few minutes. I caught

moving onto fish whenever possible.

fish on all of the stick/bag mixes which I have talked about in this piece, but I did have to make some slight changes. It quickly became apparent that the Micro Mix with meat was the one they really wanted, but using the meat as a hookbait was doing me no favours on this lake – the bream and roach took a liking to it! I changed the hookbait to a balanced boilie and ended up using this on both rods. I went on to land 15 carp during

ABOVE My trusty Wide Gape Talon

Tips are often the first choice.

ABOVE I love it when a plan

the session. The fish were very responsive

comes together. Two in the net and it was job done.

to changes in the weather because of the depths; spells of sunshine encouraged them into shallower water and repositioning rods at the right time kept the bites coming. Even though one of the three bag mixes reigned supreme on this session, I would still fancy the other two to be better in colder water – I’ll find out during the frosts! I really enjoyed the feature; Baden Hall is a great well-run fishery with a lake suited to anyone who wants to wet a line. I think I’ll be returning pretty soon in search of some of the larger residents! CC

RIGHT This was the

average stamp of the fish, but I’ll be back for the bigger ones!

ABOVE With the bags out on

Baden Hall’s Middle Pool, the action came thick and fast.


Crafty Carper

015-018_GoodOldBags_CC207.indd 4

09/10/2014 16:18

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13/10/2014 14:39 2/13/14 2:32 PM

Carp Season Tim Paisley

Tim Paisley

An Obsession with Carp

Carp Reflections

Carp Tales2

Bivvy Tramps

Paul Selman

The Carp Strikes Back

Rod Hutchinson

Dave Lane




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14/10/2014 09:38

Learning From Mistakes Martin Bowler


Crafty Carper

022-026_Learning_From_Mistakes_CC207.indd 1

10/10/2014 12:04

Learning From Mistakes Martin Bowler


We welcome Martin back to the pages of Crafty, and he tells us about a new bottom bait rig which has been the downfall of many carp over the last few months. Read on to find out how his rig outwitted some seriously tricky carp after he learned from his mistakes.



Martin Bowler age 42 hometown

Chippenham, Wiltshire occupation

Professional angler/journalist UK personal best

45lb 5oz Favourite venue

Anywhere quiet and picturesque.

Crafty Carper 022-026_Learning_From_Mistakes_CC207.indd 2

23 10/10/2014 12:04

Learning From Mistakes Martin Bowler

“What an idiot!” I muttered to myself, standing high above the baited rig, which afforded a grandstand view of a shoal of 20lb+ carp devouring my boilies but avoiding becoming anchored to the hook. Worse still, the rig had been inside a set of lips four times, unsuccessfully finding any flesh and being spat out! I continued to berate myself. “Why did you change/ why did you believe the hype?” You see, even after countless articles telling people to keep it simple, I, too, had been taken in, albeit momentarily. I had read of an angler with amazing carp-catching prowess, so it stood to reason his rig would also be a step up

Six big black shapes circled in the

from what I could tie. Unfortunately,

jade-coloured water before diving

the carp had a different opinion,

down into a cloud of chalk sediment

easily spitting it out, and worse was

created by the waves. The bottom they

to come – on the fifth occasion it did

hit had a little weed but was primarily

find a rather bizarre hold in the roof of

clean and hard. Before every set of lips

the mouth and the alarm eventually

could make contact, one was already

screamed. Now imagine if it hadn’t

leaving, startled by a pin-prick, with it

been clear and I hadn’t had a good

desperately shaking its head trying to

vantage point over the margins. In

rid itself of the metalwork. No matter

all probability I would have still been

which way it went there was no reprieve

using the said rig today, spurred on by

and the carp was soon left with only one

a crumb of success, putting the lack

option – run! Instantly an alarm roared

of action down to a run of bad luck. I

into life and predictably my friend said,

was, therefore, even as the carp hit

“I told you so.” I still wasn’t completely

the landing net, angry with myself for

convinced as, after all, my first attempt

being a fool, although the whole fiasco

had been with something close to

was about to have a silver lining before

useless, so I stuck to my standard coated

I swapped back to my standard setup.

braid Snowman arrangement for the

With there being only a single ‘going’ swim, and because I was on a social trip

rest of the session, although it was obvious by the end that I caught at a

with a good friend, we had decided to double up and share the fish rather than have one of us blank. In between his laughter, a contraption was

far slower rate. There

“No matter which way it went there was no reprieve and the carp was soon left with only one option – run!”

produced from

were some aspects of the rig I didn’t like from observing it in the margins, but there was also much to learn from its prowess in the hooking stakes. Combining

under the brolly which appeared to be a

this mindset with the use of the

Chod setup on steroids, and he gleefully

Chod Rig for 90% of my pop-up

declared it as his ‘crank’ rig – a stiff

fishing, this arrangement certainly

boom section with a rather crude Chod

warranted closer scrutiny when I got

arrangement stuck on the end, alongside

home and into the tackle room.

a standard bottom bait. Although I do

The lead arrangement was a simple

have a love affair with the Chod for

E-S-P safety clip which I was more than

pop-up fishing due to its non-tangle

happy with, as well as a 4oz lead which,

and great presentation properties, I

again, I agreed helped with the bolt

have never liked the look of it when

effect. My friend’s section of tubing,

company, so instead I plumped for this,

from the safety clip with a loop-to-loop

on the deck, even though I had read of

just behind, however, was something I

although as long as it was able to recock

arrangement. So, either when arriving

other anglers’ successes. My puzzled

could do without because I intended to

the rig in the unfortunate situation of

or during the session, leading around

expression didn’t put my friend off,

make the boom section stiffer than the

the hook being spat out, I would be

to decipher the bottom make-up could

and he proceeded to announce that he

20lb Amnesia he was using. Therefore

content. To facilitate this still further, as

easily be done without the rig and/

wouldn’t take a fraction of the time I had

leadcore or tubing could be avoided,

well as the anti-tangle properties, I tied

or the necessity to cut if off. The need

and I should sit back and watch. A lob up

which is always the preference on any

a loop via a Rapala loop knot at one end

for a sleeve was also removed, and the

the margins followed, topped with two

rig unless snags dictate the use of the

of the boom, which in total would span

knot formed was the perfect place for

good handfuls of bait, and within 10

former with its abrasion-resistance. To

6ins. By doubling up the material in this

a piece of tungsten putty to grip onto.

minutes, despite all the disturbance, our

make the boom, I had every intention of

manner, it would help to kick everything

quarry returned, pushed into the shelf

using brown 25lb E-S-P Two Tone, until

out on either the cast or when being

loop affords, and have used it for years

by the combination of a warm wind and

I was sent a prototype material with a

ejected, and also be a very flexible way

in this manner, which then got me

the pungent aroma of S-Core boilies.

similar degree of rigidity by the same

of connecting to the swivel protruding

thinking. Could I do the same at the


I really like the flexibility such a

Crafty Carper

022-026_Learning_From_Mistakes_CC207.indd 3

10/10/2014 12:05

Learning From Mistakes Martin Bowler


Follow these simple steps to create the winning rig.

Using a Rapala loop knot, tie two loops in a 6ins boom section.

For added security, use a lighter to blob the tag end.

The loop nearest the swivel should be twice the size of the loop connected to the Uni-Link Swivel.

Mould a small amount of putty around the knot of the large loop.

Mould a lump of tungsten putty (the size of a swan shot) around the knot of the small loop.

Now simply cut off the ‘D’ and blob the tag end with a lighter.

Thread on a bead, micro ring swivel and shank stop, like this.

Connect the small loop to a UniLink Swivel on a loop-to-loop basis.

Put an arc in the bristle filament material using your finger and thumb.

Thread PVA tape through the ring and nick it on the hook, and you’re ready to go.

other end of the boom, thus making it

extremely beneficial when trying to

doctoring was necessary. This was

that such offerings are avoided in the

easier to replace blunt hooks, and also

prick fish and keep an anchor because

due to the buoyant nature of a bottom

future. Of course, just below the hook

be quicker and more cost-effective?

they furiously shake their heads when

bait and pop-up in combination,

would be a Size 11 Uni-Link Swivel, an

Therefore the same knot was tied at

realising a mistake has been made.

which was what I wanted to use. The

equally large piece of metal but in a

the other end, albeit half the size, to

The Uni-Link Swivel would be

hook sank the Snowman but it was

shape that didn’t arouse suspicion in the

which a Size 11 E-S-P Uni-Link Swivel

forming the Claw/Chod section of

critically-balanced and this meant the

same way as generally its use, in such

could be detached and reattached very

the rig, and in reality, be prepared

two boilies always sat over the eye,

close proximity, would with a Chod and

easily. Again, the small knot formed was

separately from the boom. The original

leaving the rest of the metalwork

therefore always be hidden from the

ideal for attaching putty, but a bigger

intention was to use E-S-P ready-tied

exposed and on show. I’m extremely

carp under a pop-up. The upshot of all

piece than before, the size of an SSG

short Chods for this, being extremely

paranoid about the fish’s capability to

this was to keep the Claw element of

shot. I learned long ago, primarily while

convenient and constructed as good as

learn by association, and if every time

the bristle filament but combine it with

barbel fishing, that a weight close to

anything I could make, but on observing

they get hooked, a bent piece of metal

the stealth afforded by

the hook, even with a bottom bait, is

how the bait was sitting, a spot of

is lying by the bait, it stands to reason

my basic Snowman Rig.

Crafty Carper 022-026_Learning_From_Mistakes_CC207.indd 4

25 10/10/2014 12:06

Learning From Mistakes Martin Bowler

After cutting off the D of line and micro ring, I blobbed the tag end of the loose mono next to the knot. A soft bead was pushed through the hookpoint and down to the knot, followed by a micro ring swivel, and then an E-S-P Shank Stop was positioned on the bend. The two boilies could be attached with bait floss onto the ring swivel and fixed via a couple of overhand knots plus a dab of superglue. Now while the hook (a Size 5 Stiff Rigger) sat flush to the deck, the bait would hover directly over the middle of it, thus keeping it out of view. Then, by rubbing the bristle filament between my fingers, I could create an acute arc which would act as an extension to the hook. This would make it very difficult for the carp to suck it in without being pricked, or when hooked being able to shake free, especially with the putty keeping it in position. The final improvement was to ensure the arc stayed as acute as when I had formed it after impacting on the surface when casting. The solution was simple; a short length of PVA tape passed through the loop of the Uni-Link Swivel, to which the hookpoint was nicked onto. This minor addition also had the benefit of making the rig 100% tangle-proof (so far!), with the end of the rig temporarily fixed in place. By the completion of its construction I was quite proud of myself. I had a real carp rig at last, as opposed to my general basic approach, but it needed fieldtesting because, as the saying goes, ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating!’

“The solution was simple; a short length of PVA tape passed through the loop of the Uni-Link Swivel...” The first trip out, and two spots screamed Chods, which were duly dispatched, but a third consisted of a hole the size of a brolly (excavated by carp) with a solid bottom, perfect for the Claw. I was excited to cast it out, but even more so to catch a couple of 20s within a few hours. The coup de grâce, however, came at dusk, with the lake’s biggest mirror, at just under 37lb, screaming off down the lake after slipping up on the creation! Six weeks later and it’s still sitting on my rods, after being not only successful, but also very user-friendly, with the ability to detach the entire rig or hook section at will. Of course I’m not foolish enough to think it’s the answer to everything, original, or revolutionary, but when using boilies on the bottom I’m confident in using it, and that’s what really counts. However, should you wish to tie it up and try it, do so at your own risk, as I don’t want you calling me an idiot if it doesn’t work for you. CC


Crafty Carper

022-026_Learning_From_Mistakes_CC207.indd 5

10/10/2014 12:06



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Roy Allen Age 30 Hometown

Reading Occupation

Postman UK personal best

51lb Favourite venue

Tippings Lake Syndicate Did you know...

Roy is also a part-time photographer.


prIvate pIt R O Y


Roy Allen may not be known to many readers, but his carp-catching prowess around the Cotswolds is something which shouldn’t be ignored. We find out about his jaunts to what he calls the Private Pit, a very intimate water which holds some true jewels. Crafty Carper 029-032_PrivatePit_CC207.indd 1

29 10/10/2014 14:54

The Private Pit Roy Allen


t’s difficult, as an angler, to come

being caught were off the top using

to terms with the fact that just

mixers or floating trout pellets. The

when you’ve got things working, it

number of takes coming from the

ABOVE A 25lb+ from years gone by, before I got near one of the private lake’s 30s. RIGHT Kettle on and it was looking good for a bite.

can all go horribly wrong. For me that

bottom, using boilies, was minimal, and

moment was in the summer of 2011.

over a period of around 3 weeks it was

I’d been fishing the Carp Society’s

possible to add up the lake’s captures

Farriers Lake in the Cotswold Water

on one hand. Slowly, most anglers

of the Cotswold Water Park. It’s lined

Park, for which I had held a ticket

adopted the method of fishing on the

with tall dark-green conifers and

for the last couple of years. I’d not

top but something still wasn’t quite

surrounded by an 8ft fence, and to

managed to do much fishing at the

right, and eventually the lake was

say it’s private is an understatement.

lake for a while due to diverting my

shut after the Carp Society ran some

attentions to fishing Coate Water Park,

tests which revealed the lake’s low

were special, and although not huge,

and also the birth of my daughter in

oxygen levels. I can remember turning

they mattered because they were

the spring the year before. My time

up in August for my usual 36-hour

the nice-looking carp that I like to

was very much limited for this reason,

session and seeing carp gulping away

catch. The largest fish in the lake was

and I find that once you can’t get to

on the surface. They were struggling

a lovely 37lb+ mirror with one scale

the lake regularly, it becomes easy to

to survive in the environment in

on its side, which rarely visited the

fall out of the system of knowing the

which they were living, which was

bank, and below this ranked anything

fish movements and patterns. During

distressing, so I was pleased when the

up to 10 other 30lb+ carp at the right

the spring I had managed to get amongst some fish on the occasions when I was able to angle, and I caught some lovely fish, including carp to mid-30s. I’d noticed some change in success after switching

lake was shut and aerators were brought in.

“It was the sort of lake where I could go for some peace and tranquility when needed, somewhere to escape to during times when I needed comfort”

This did, however, leave me stumped for

time of year, with a total of around 50 carp living in its mystical water. When I first managed to gain a ticket on the private pit, there was a really bad problem with crayfish.

somewhere to

This was the first lake where I had

fish. Cue the

experienced crayfish problems and

private lake

they were a nightmare, to say the

– deep, low

least. I started off using plastic corn

stocked, and

on the rigs, fished over particle in

really carpy!

the hope that this would prolong the

I’d held a ticket for over 5 years

from my previously

and had ventured

used Snowman Rigs

over there on occasions;

to Short Hinge Rigs, and

The fish which the lake contained

I chose to fish it every now and

baited spot and keep some food on the deck for the carp to home in on, rather than boilies, which no doubt would be munched up in no time by the hungry pests. I will never forget my

found that the hookholds were

then so as not to ruin its appeal. It

first session. I cast out and within just

unbelievably good, being central in

was the sort of lake where I could go

a few hours I got the telltale beeps

the bottom lip, rather than in the

for some peace and tranquility when

which meant that the crays were

carp’s scissors, which was what I’d

needed, somewhere to escape to

already playing with my rigs. When I

been getting with my Snowman Rigs.

during times when I needed comfort,

reeled in, it revealed that they had not

and this was most certainly one of

only turned my coated hooklink into a

it became apparent that something

those times. The lake is situated not

mangled mess, but had also taken the

wasn’t quite right. Nearly all the carp

far from Farriers and sits in the heart

plastic corn from the Hair! I don’t like

As the spring turned to summer,


Crafty Carper

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The Private Pit Roy Allen

“I love the feelING of knowing that you’ve got something good to go on, when the chance of a bite is definitely on the cards”

to be beaten

carp moving along these naturally

by problems

created roads looking for food.

within my angling, so after making some phone calls to knowledgeable

Moving forward in time a little, to September 2011, and I found myself driving through its gates once again.

TOP Another one from years previous, at 24lb. ABOVE The lake – you can see why I loved it there so much. ABOVE LEFT One in the net – get in!

The lake had hardly changed since my last visit nearly a year before. I had a

of the lake off to my left, in an area

rough idea of where the carp would

next to a swim known as The Shed. I

wooden balls for soaking in my chosen

be at this time of year, and so headed

didn’t have a bait positioned near the

flavour; this seemed to be the only

for the far left-hand corner of the lake

sighting, so I quickly wound a rod in to

way of getting around the problem.

where I had previously caught from,

cast near to the fish. It was a difficult

The false takes stopped, my rigs were

after not seeing any signs of fish

side cast from the swim where I was

left with a hookbait on (if that’s what

activity anywhere around the lake. It

fishing, but the first chuck landed

you could call it!), and I was again

was great to be back and experience

bang on and went down with a solid

angling for an entire session. Although

the peaceful surroundings of the

thump on the bottom of the lake. I

I had found a tactic which helped

private lake, well away from the rat

could tell it was deep from the length

me get around the problem, I soon

race I was used to on Farriers – I was

of time that it took for the lead to hit

found myself fishing other venues

the only angler on the lake! I got the

the bottom. For the last few remaining

closer to home. I wasn’t the only one

rods set up and attached some of my

hours of my stay I awaited some

who struggled with the crayfish on

successful Short Hinge Stiff Rigs, and

action, but nothing developed. I was

the private lake though, and soon

cast them out towards some likely-

itching to have a better lead about in

the owner of the lake changed the

looking areas near to where I had

preparation for the following week’s

game completely. The private pit

caught from in the past. I then decided

fishing, so I banged a marker over to

was netted and the vast bulk of the

to get my head down for some sleep

the spot and walked round to The

crays were removed. I could again use

so I could get up at first light and be on

Shed Swim. What I found was that the

boilies, and over the next few years

the lookout for some fish activity. The

carp had shown close to a big bank of

I caught a few of the lake’s prizes,

alarm clock woke me up at 6.00, rather

weed which lay 16-rod lengths directly

but none of the large ones. The lake

than one of my bite alarms. After

in front of the swim next to The Shed.

was deep, being 20ft+ in areas, with

quite some time of looking out at the

The swim itself was fairly tight, but it

clean divides between weedy and

water, I was beginning to lose hope of

allowed me to put two rods out on the

big barren expanses. All my captures

seeing any signs of fish whatsoever,

spot. I put the remainder of the bait

came from fishing tight to the weed

but whilst putting the kettle on, out of

with me out on the spot and intended

walls, which towered up to mid-depth

the corner of my eye, I saw what I was

to return the following

across the pond, and I envisioned the

hoping for. A large carp slid silently out

week, along with a good

friends, I found myself in Hobbycraft, purchasing various-sized

Crafty Carper 029-032_PrivatePit_CC207.indd 3

31 10/10/2014 14:54

The Private Pit Roy Allen

friend of mine as a guest. For this

still looking good, and the breeze

and the time away from the lake

TOP Bang on 30lb.

reason I returned a few days later

was building in pace as the morning

seemed to drag on forever, but 7 days

ABOVE LEFT One of the lake’s

and found some areas in the swim

turned to afternoon. At around 1.00

later we were both sitting beside the

next door, and baited all the spots

p.m. the same rod was away again,

lake with the rods in position. It was

with 5 kilos of 20mm boilies.

and this time the culprit was a mirror

a Friday evening and I had planned to

weighing 30lb exactly. For such a

fish the night and then go off to work

When we arrived at the lake the next week I was really excited.

low-stocked venue it was truly a

I love the feeling of knowing

red-letter session, purely

that you’ve got something good

for the excellent

to go on, when the chance of a

stamp of fish

bite is definitely on the cards.

which we had

At around 7.00 that evening, my


mate Dean had his first one from

between the

the lake, from fishing down his

two of us.

right-hand margin up against an

I knew

biggies at 32lb 10oz. ABOVE My mate Dean having

success on a guest session. He really wanted to go back there.

at 5.00 a.m., leaving the gear with Dean, intending to return later on the Saturday.

“For such a low-stocked venue it was truly a redletter session, purely for the excellent stamp of fish which we had averaged between the two of us”

Dean had a 19lb

time to assist with the netting. There before my very eyes lay one of the best-looking carp I’ve

common in the late seen to date. The hookhold was hours of Friday

perfect and it was clear that I

evening and

wasn’t likely to lose the fish in a

the conditions

hurry. My name was certainly on

were ideal. I

this one! Once on the scales we

went to bed

recorded a weight of 32lb 10oz – I

not long after

was ecstatic! After doing some

overhanging tree. The fish turned

that Dean

out to be one of the lake’s largest

was keen to

residents, weighing 33lb 10oz. We

go back with

were both buzzing at this capture,

me for another

and things were looking good

stab the following

for the rest of the session. The

week, so I cleared it

following morning I had a take on

with the lake’s owner to take

my left-hand rod, which resulted

him as a guest again. I made a repeat

a bite was imminent – and I did

lucky enough to catch a 30lb+ fish

in a lovely jet black common

visit to the lake to bait the same

something I rarely do – I called in sick!

from the private lake, I would drop

weighing 27lb 8oz. This was the

spots a few days later, with another

Within 30 minutes of making the

my ticket and give somebody else

lake’s biggest common and it was

5 kilos of 20mm boilies. The next trip

phone call, my right-hand rod registered the chance to have a go. I had been

a real corker of a carp. Things were

couldn’t come around fast enough,

a slow, constant run, but after bending

given the blessing of landing two

into the fish it almost instantly weeded

of these within a matter of days.

and had the alarm set for 4.00 a.m., but when the

morning bell sounded I got the gut feeling that

me up – it was solid. After all the usual

photos of the fish, it was time to sit back and reflect. I had plans of moving on to a new venue for the coming season, and had always promised myself that if I was ever

We fished the Saturday night

attempts to try to free the fish, I put

together, and polished the session

the rod down and went to fetch Dean.

off with a takeaway to celebrate

He had a small inflatable boat in the

our luck. Sunday morning soon

back of his van and agreed to go out

came around and I knew that it

and free it from the weed. Dean got

was time to say goodbye to the

above the fish and pulled on the line,

private pit for the final time.

removing the carp from the weed.

Farriers was due to reopen soon,

This put me in direct contact with it

and as I locked the gate behind

once again, but the fish made another

me on the way out, I took some

dive into the weed and all went solid

fantastic memories with me. So,

once again. After a bit more pulling

if plan A doesn’t work for you,

on the line from Dean, I soon had the

remember that the alphabet has

fish heading in the right direction and

a lot more letters behind it!

back towards the waiting net. Dean


rowed back as fast as he could (with

Tight lines,

the one oar that he had!) and just had

Roy Allen. CC

Crafty Carper

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10/10/2014 14:55






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10/10/2014 14:45


Catch Column I N



With winter just around the corner, the catch reports keep flying in! Send us your catch shot and the details and we’ll send you some pop-ups, and the monthly winner will receive a Sticky Baits prize package worth over £60!


NOVEMBER WINNER Carpy Catch Shot This 31lb 15oz mirror has won Jamie Gibbs first prize this month. Granted, it is a stunning fish, but the catch picture is just awesome. We love it! Jamie was fishing a new venue on the


Cotswold Water Park, at 30yds’ range, using Bossbaits 18mm CCM. An Amnesia hooklink

Thanks to the awesome team at STICKY, we’ve got prizes to give

and Size 6 Drennan boilie hook was enough

away for every reader whose picture we print within these pages.

to tame the creature.

Yep, you read that right – EVERYONE whose picture gets printed will receive a pot of Sticky’s super-duper The Krill White Ones pop-ups worth £5.95, and the main winner for each month will also receive 5kg of Sticky Baits The Krill Boilies and cap worth £62.98, as used by top anglers including Adam Penning, Sean Leverett, Tom Maker, Dan Wildbore and more. Not bad eh? Turn over for more Crafty readers’ captures

Crafty Carper 035-038_CatchColumn_C207.indd 1

35 13/10/2014 16:41


Catch Column

 Bradley Does It

 North Yorkshire 30

A new personal best of 26lb 8oz was on the cards

Hartlepool-based Martin Brady took to a private

for Greenwich-based Bradley Revett. A Nash Purple

North Yorkshire water to bag this 32lb 2oz

Monster Squid pop-up fooled the dark common

chunk, which took a liking to a white pop-up

and beat his old PB for a common by 17lb!

fished over a kilo of freebies close to an island.

 Double Bubble

 Overnight Success

 Martin’s Bright One

Double pop-up corn was the downfall of this

This 27lb 5oz mirror was the best of a three-

A Mainline Hybrid hookbait fished tight to some

personal best 32lb mirror for Arron Choate of

fish catch on an overnighter for Martin

pads did the trick for Martin Brighton from

Portsmouth. It was one of eight fish caught

Longden. It was taken from a far margin

Essex as he bagged himself a new personal

in 48hrs over a bed of hemp and corn.

using a critically-balanced 18mm Steamie.

best with this 32lb beauty on a day session.

 Minter!

 Digger Lakes PB

 Near The Magical 40!

Rhys Bowden from Somerset bagged this

A new personal best in the shape of this 25lb

Paul Daniels (no, not that one) took a week-

stunning 18lb 6oz mirror on a tweaked pop-

3oz was very welcome for Peter Sharp, who

long trip to Cretelakes in France and bagged

up fished with a pineapple pop-up tight

tackled Digger Lakes with a Sticky White pop-up

this 39lb 8oz common on his second night.

to the weed over a bed of sweetcorn.

topped with pink corn and a bag of pellets.

It isn’t half a stunning common too!





The Maggot Approach Maggots are a brilliant bait to use at this time of year when the going gets tough. Many of the pressured waters see plenty of anglers using them, so gaining an edge will catch you more fish. Marcus Howarth is a huge fan of mixing maggots and casters together. To this he adds plenty of Krill liquid and powder, which is absorbed by the maggots, making them take on their fishy flavour. A small bright pop-up fished over such a mix can be deadly, so give it a try.


Crafty Carper

035-038_CatchColumn_C207.indd 2


Facebook: /stickybaits Twitter: @stickyofficial 13/10/2014 17:48

The Crafty Carper Catch Column

In Association with Sticky •

 Parr Is Above Par On Par!

 Scaly Stunner

 Free-lining Fun

Confusing title we know, but here’s why. Andy

Daniel Homer took a family trip to Tattershall

Kai Sanderson had some fun free-lining next to

Parr took a trip to Par Fishery and bagged this

Lakes Country Park and managed a new

the lily pads on a local Scunthorpe syndicate. It

immaculate 29lb 4oz mirror. A Sticky Krill boilie

personal best with this 13lb 8oz mirror; the

was his first time carp fishing, and he bagged

tipped with a white Krill pop-up came out on top.

Method feeder scoring on this occasion.

this personal best 15lb common in no time.

 Good Start On The Club

 French Carrot

 Dad Beats Best

Sam Beswick’s first session back on his

Nottingham lad Luke Hopper took a trip

On the same French trip as Luke Hopper, his

local club water proved fruitful with this

to Roseau Fishery in Northern France,

dad Michael beat his personal best with this

stunning 13lb 2oz mirror. The Surrey-based

and caught this striking 12lb 2oz koi on a

37lb 1oz common. Ghurkka Spice did the

rod can’t wait to get back for more.

20mm Quest Baits Ghurkka Spice boilie.

business again, over around 20 freebies.

 Like Buses

 Charlie’s Mint Common

 Naked Chod = Naked Carp

Michael Moyes fished for 48hrs and had two

While fishing with his granddad, Michael Moyes,

A Naked Chod fished with a Sticky White Krill

fish within minutes of each other. One was a

who landed the upper-30, young Charlie Allen

pop-up worked a treat for this 12lb leather

24-pounder and then he had this awesome 37lb

managed this 25lb 4oz specimen from MKF

carp for Leigh Rodgers of Bourne, Lincolnshire,

4oz common – and what a chunk it is too!

Swan Lake on the same 48hr session.

who fished to the edge of weed at 60yds.




Crafty Carper

37 13/10/2014 17:49


Catch Column I N



Bag Yourself a Beauty and Win with Crafty Carper and Sticky!

 Jeepers Scheepers

 Just An Afternoon Is Needed

Watford angler Jack Scheepers fished a Cell

Bill Towart took to his local club water

boilie glugged in Tutti Frutti to trip up this 29lb

around the Loughborough area for the

10oz specimen whilst fishing a 24hr session.

afternoon, and managed to slip his net under this lovely 19lb 10oz mirror.

Do you fancy seeing your catch picture in the Crafty Carper Catch Column? If your picture gets published, you’ll receive some of Sticky’s fantastic pop-ups the White Ones, and some Crafty stickers. If you’re selected as the monthly winner, Sticky bait goodies to the value of £60+ will also be yours. Remember, it’s not always the biggest fish that wins. If your catch details and picture stand out from the rest, then your chance of scooping the monthly prize is much higher. All you need to do is send us your catch picture and details of the capture.


 Stumpy Signs In

 Jenny Notches Ladies Lake Record


Ian Palmer checked in with Stumpy, at 66lb 8oz,

Jenny Handley recorded a new ladies lake

from Cretelakes in France. It was his first trip to

record at Le Monument Lake in France, with this

Look for the Submit Catch option on the left-

the complex and he caught it on his first night in

42lb 10oz monster. She also added 6lb to her

hand side, fill in your details and attach your

a new swim, on a balanced 18mm Cell boilie.

previous personal best in the process. Get in!

digital picture – it’s as simple as that.

BY POST Fill in the form below, and send it with a printed catch picture to: Crafty Catch Column, Crafty Carper Magazine, Regent House, 101 Broadfield Road, Sheffield S8 0XH.



Although it’s not the biggest fish caught this month, this one really is something else. Scott Lloyd enjoyed a recent 3-night session on Stoneacres Lake and caught two fish, including this incredible-looking 30lb 8oz mirror. A Krill wafter fished over chopped Krill boilies on a clear patch surrounded by weed was the downfall for this special carp.

Name Age Occupation

Caught on

The Kr ill

Tel Address

Postcode Email address

Weight of carp

Please attach a separate sheet with all the details about your capture, including the venue, length of session, features you were fishing to, and your winning tactics, e.g. rig and bait.


Crafty Carper

035-038_CatchColumn_C207.indd 4

New PB (please tick):

Facebook: /stickybaits Twitter: @stickyofficial 13/10/2014 16:44



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Carp Couture Competition


What is the name of the item of clothing that is a hoody which incorporates a snood? A Sshhhnoody

B Snoody

C Hoosney




Simply text CC7 then a space, followed by your answer to the question above (either A B or C), to 82070. For example, your answer could be CC7 A

0:00 AM

Messages cost £1.50 per message plus standard network charge. Under-18s only with bill payer’s permission. Text details may appear on phone bill. Service provider Digital Select Ltd. Helpline: 0844 448 0165. Competition closes midnight 18/11/2014.




Complete the form below, pop it in an envelope and post it to us at the following address: Carp Couture Competition, CC207, Angling Publications Ltd., Regent House, 101 Broadfield Road, Sheffield S8 0XH You may photocopy this page to avoid spoiling the magazine. Winners will be notified in writing, please allow 28 days for the delivery of your prize (for which a signature will be required), which will come direct from the manufacturer. No cash alternative. Competition closes midnight 18/11/2014.

CARP COUTURE COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Crafty Carper Issue 207, November 2014

WIN Quality Carpy Clobber We’ve got a massive amount of clothing to give away to one lucky reader this month. Nearly £400 worth to be precise, so you’ll be dressed head to toe in high-quality carpy clothing for every future session.


Your answer (please tick one) A



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arp Couture are quickly becoming a household name on the banks of fisheries up and down the land, and anglers associate the brand with high-quality garments which are different to the norm and offer

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HERE’S WHAT YOU WIN: • Bobble Hat – £12.99 • Cheesecutter Flat Cap – £14.99

the fit of each garment. All are 100% cotton and have been handmade. A

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You’ll also like the main pocket on both these items; it’s perfect for those cooler days and nights because the pocket is fur-lined and doesn’t half

or clothing a little larger or smaller than the ones offered on the website, Carp Couture are more than willing to discuss options and possibilities. CC

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Mitch Smith Age 47 Hometown

Southend-on-Sea Occupation

Starbaits marketing and product manager UK personal best

44lb 8oz Favourite venue

Layer Pits Did you know...

Mitch has represented Great Britain in the shot put at European and International level, and was set to compete in the 1986 Commonwealth Games, until a multiple fracture of the spine put an end to his athletics career at just 20 years old.

PASTE BAITS Paste baits are seemingly a thing of the past, so we got Mitch to give them some of the limelight they deserve. They have been the downfall of many a carp in the past, and which carp can resist a high-quality paste bait?

Crafty Carper 043-046_PasteBaits_CC207.indd 1

43 10/10/2014 17:12

Paste Baits revealed Mitch Smith


Matching Boilie Paste ver the years, the use of paste baits has dwindled. With the onset

Because I like to use paste as an extra

of the Method and different ways to use Methods and sticks, many

level of attraction, and also as an anti-

anglers have shied away from a traditional paste bait. Some, like me,

fouling technique around the hook, I

have always gone down the route of using boilie base mix paste as a little

began to look at ways of making my

extra attraction wrapped around the hook, but generally today, paste baits

own. I found it very easy to take a few

are not the vogue. I think that because it’s not the normal five-bait stringer

handfuls of the boilies I was already

or stick mix, etc., the good old paste has become too awkward for anglers to

using and grind them to a fine level,

obtain. Let’s be right, Method mixes and stick mixes are everywhere, but you

and then add an egg to make boilie

won’t see a bucket of paste piled high in the tackle shop – it’s such a shame!

paste which was exactly the same as

It’s the best way to flood an area with attractors that match your feed.

the boilies I was scattering around as hookbaits. After tweaking and playing around with it, it became clear that it was easy to make the paste stand out even more by adding more liquids; because the paste broke down so fast, it left my swim full of attractors and encouraged the carp to look around a bit more, especially in the colder months. Just by mixing boilie crumb with egg and a simple matching glug, I was confident that the carp would search out my hookbait over that of a standard boilie.

All that’s in the paste is the boilies in front of it, and they’ve come straight out of the bag.

Once the mix starts to come together, get your fingers in and knead more boilie crumb into the mix. Look for a consistency like this.

ABOVE Using the Layerz Bloodworm

dip mixed with the Bloodworm Method Mix makes an awesome paste which turns the water blood-red around the hookbait. LEFT Look at the bloodworm that’s in

the dip – where else can you get a paste with this style of enhancer?


Crafty Carper

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10/10/2014 17:12

Paste Baits revealed Mitch Smith

Mix the ground boilie with the eggs and liquids a little at a time, until it starts to firm up.

You can see here that the ball on the left is smoother than the one on the right. This is down to how long you whisk with a fork. I prefer the smoother mix.

BELOW By scalding pellets with boiling water,

all the gluten in the pellet starts to release. After a few minutes this can be worked into a coarse paste, and the more you whisk it with a fork, the smoother it gets.

Trout Pellet Paste As well as boilie paste, there are so many other items you can turn into a hookbait paste. Trout pellets have to be the UK’s number one feed, and


this is due to it being heavily

All pastes don’t need expensive or extraordinary kit to make them; if

used, and ease of use within

you’re making boilie paste, all that’s needed is a method to break down

PVA stockings and solid bags.

the boilies; if it’s pellet paste, you just need a hot kettle. Breaking down

In fairness, it is the easiest to

boilies is a simple procedure, but you must make the crumbed boilie to

convert into a super-

the same consistency, in a relative powdered look – just broken down

malleable paste

chunks will not make a paste. I use either a boilie crusher or an electric

“The pellet is so glutinous that it holds together like a dream”

coffee bean grinder. The latter does the job so well that you can make a super-smooth paste, but obviously you need to do this at home, whereas a crusher means you can make it on the bank.

which will wrap around anything, and the smell it gives off is so carpy, I still believe it to be the best. If it’s

pellet you’re after, you can, if you wish, put them through a hand crusher or through the grinder. This produces a super-smooth powder which can be made into paste with just water. The pellet is so glutinous that it holds together like a dream. In fact, if you are making a boilie paste and it’s not holding too well, add one or two spoonfuls of ground pellet and it will soon roll up into a good paste. Just as a tip, I like ABOVE Any self-respecting carp

BELOW When using a crusher to

and prefer egg as my binder, as

angler should have both of these; a commercial crusher from the angling industry (left) and a high-speed coffee bean grinder (right), great for the job.

grind down boilies, you must keep going. The boilie in this picture is too coarse, but a little longer will make it finer.

I really do think carp like it, and on heavily fished boilie waters they do see a lot of egg. Another super binder, if you’re having a little trouble holding it together, is a product from Sensas called PV1, but go easy with it because use too much and the paste will sit on the lakebed like a

MITCH’S TIP #1 When the mix has to be kneaded by hand, put it in a plastic bag and then you won’t get mucky.

brick for a year. Try to make the paste so it breaks down after a couple of hours, and then all the attraction will leak off and be sitting around the hookbait.

Crafty Carper 043-046_PasteBaits_CC207.indd 3

45 10/10/2014 17:12

Paste Baits revealed Mitch Smith

Alternative Pastes There are loads of great mixes which can double as a paste that you can purchase over the counter

A soft paste like this adds plenty of attraction, and ensures the hookpoint is protected from any lakebed debris.

– Method mixes, stick mixes, and, of course, boilie base mixes. They all make fantastic pastes. I have had excellent success with Starbaits Signal; I use a 50/50 mix, combining Method and stick mixes with an egg and Liquid Liver from the Add It range. I add a spoonful of PV1 and it holds lovely. It leaks off during breakdown in about 1½ hours and protects the hook well in the weed. Another winner from Starbaits is the Layerz Bloodworm; just mixing the Method Mix with the glug creates a remarkable paste that’s full of bloodworm and turns the water red. ABOVE A soft paste like this adds plenty of

In the Starbaits Add It range

attraction, and ensures the hookpoint is protected from any lakebed debris.

there are so many different ingredients you can mix to make paste, and equally, as many liquids to match. If you’re just looking for a simple attractor paste, the easiest to make is equal parts of semolina and soya flour. Add

MITCH’S TIP #2 This is pure liquidised chilli. Mix this with any commercial boilie base mix to create a fiery paste, but remember to wash your hands before touching your body. You have been warned!

RIGHT This mix makes a near-perfect paste for

little bits to float off; it’s Starbaits Hemp Eazi Stick – try mixing this with the Sambal Chilli. BELOW Mixing Marmite with a yeast mix creates a

beautiful paste with so much attraction, but make a little at a time because it soon bubbles up.

Other pastes I’ ve m caught welladae which have re:-

Smooth peanu t butter mixe d with ground pe llet powder. Marmite and Starbaits Tig er Nut Eazi S Tiger Nut Ea tik. zi Stick with a n e g g and some full fat milk po wder and cru m be d Belachan. Liver Eazi Sti ck mix with L iq ui d Liver and pelle t powder. Liquidised swe etcorn with pe llet powder and g round Vitalin. Ground Vitalin with ground O mega Dog food with Probiotic Red Dip.

this to an egg and you get a really nice paste which you can colour and add to with any liquids you feel like. Don’t forget the good old bread paste; carp go absolutely wild for bread, so a bread paste over the hookbait can be just the ticket. If that doesn’t get you all ready for a day with Playdough then nothing will! Don’t miss out – put in the extra effort. CC

(I burst some of these powd ered mixes th the grinder to rough create a smoo ther, finer m ix)

One of the best baits going and

ideal to add to a paste once liquidised – and carp love it!


Crafty Carper

043-046_PasteBaits_CC207.indd 4

10/10/2014 17:13


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10/10/2014 11:04

The Great Crafty Carper Debate.


As winter comes around, how do you adapt your baiting approach for the cold months ahead?

This month’s experts are: Steve Broad is the editor of our sister title Carpworld, and he’s a great person to add to the Crafty debate panel because he’s seen pretty much all you could ever imagine carp-angling-wise – if not done it! Broady loves nothing more than fishing local lakes, but especially fishing over the Channel at Rainbow.


Nick McDonald is the main man behind Ashima and knows how to catch carp. His fishing continues right through the winter months, making him an ideal candidate for this month’s debate topic. Nick can be found angling around some of the stunning venues which the northwest has to offer.

James Conway is a consultant for Bait-Tech and has been carp fishing for over 20 years. He started off in the Lea Valley, and nowadays fishes a little further afield, targeting syndicate waters in the Colne Valley and Bedfordshire. He angles on limited time due to working full-time and having a family.

Iain Macmillan is a carp-catcher of the highest order. He tends to favour a couple of set tactics in which he has extreme confidence, and likes to spend his days on syndicate waters with monster carp or on the banks of some of the busier commercials. Either way, he can’t half catch ’em!

Mitch Smith hails from Essex, and as well as being the UK manager for Starbaits, he also owns a few fisheries in the south. He’s a cracking bloke, and is equally at home using lots of boilies or a variety of particle baits when chasing carp, both in the UK and abroad.

Ellis Brazier can usually be found in the deepest parts of Shropshire, fishing silty meres in the search for big original commons, but he also likes to fish for runs on some of the more commercial waters in the area. He loves particles and he also likes the good old peanut.

Crafty Carper

048-050_Debate_CC207.indd 1

13/10/2014 10:17

The Great Debate

Team Crafty Carper

Steve Broad says: “Through the late autumn and early winter I keep baiting, and probably use more at this time of year than any other. By bait I’m actually referring to boilies, and I like to use very digestible types. I tend to go for ones which I can use all year round so that I don’t have to chop and change. I only start reducing the amount of boilies I feed if the action

Nick McDonald says:

declines drastically. Depending

“Right then, this is a good little question.

on the weather through winter,

I’ve tried a few different tactics, from fishing

it isn’t unusual to get to early

a week’s session to the quick overnighter,

spring before I have to stop

and 90% of the time I use boilies, but one

feeding. My technique is to bait

thing I would say is that I always like to keep

up little and often to keep the

an eye on the weather. If there’s a good

carp eating and active for as

low pressure and rain but it’s not too cold,

long as possible. Interestingly,

then a little trickle of bait on a spot every

on waters that I’m not fishing

so often can pay dividends. One thing I have

regularly, I rely on spod mix to

learned is that as the nights get longer and

attract them, which generally

the days shorter, I always try to find those

comprises finely chopped boilies,

little nooks and crannies where the carp

hemp, small pellets, corn, and

like to hang out. These little spots seem

tuna flakes or sardines in chilli oil.

to work well with a single boilie approach;

This is fed on a little-and-often

I like to prewash my baits for these areas

basis, so I can adapt to how the

too. The areas of the lake which see the

carp are feeding on the day in

sun first seem to work well, and the funny

question. For hookbaits I use

thing is, you can usually set your watch by

either plastic corn or small pop-

the takes, so for me, it’s 100% less bait in

ups with a shot on the Hair.”

the colder months and a well-placed single.”

James Conway says:

any signs of fish should be acted on,

“My baiting approach definitely

which is perfect for the single hi-viz

Iain Macmillan says:

changes once we enter the colder

pop-up approach. Certain colours or

“There’s a myth that you have

months. During the summer, if the

flavours work on different days, but I

to radically change the way you

situation is right, I happily use a lot

don’t think you can go far wrong with

fish and bait through the winter,

of bait. However, once the weather

white, yellow or pink in a fruity, sweet

when, in fact, I’ve found that if

cools and the water temperature

or creamy flavour. The only bait I would

you do ALMOST the same, the

drops, I use much less bait,

happily use in any quantity is maggots.

results can, at times, continue to

sometimes none at all. In the cooler

These really come into their own during

flow. All I tend to do on certain

temperatures, the metabolism of

the colder months, and can often tempt

syndicate waters is slightly reduce

the carp is lower and they become a

a bite when all else fails. Solid bags with

the amount of bait I introduce

lot less active. This means they use

maggots and other small food items,

at the start of a session. Firstly,

less energy and therefore require

such as low-oil carp pellets or crumbed

I am convinced the carp don’t

less food to survive. It also means

birdfood-type boilies, is a great method.

want to eat a large amount, and

that they move around a lot less and

It offers a small attractive parcel of

secondly, because the waters

become more localised to certain

food, which, as with a single pop-up,

are crystal-clear in the winter,

areas of the lake. With this in mind,

can be cast to any signs of carp.”

the birds instantly see the free offerings and cause problems.

warmer months. It’s fair to say that

Let’s be honest here, why change

for 99% of my fishing I use two

your approach for winter? You’re

baits, the classic Monster Tiger

still fishing for the same fish, so

Nut if it’s a nut bait-dominated

presuming they’re not lying up

water, and The Crave if I want to

somewhere, then why the need

use a fishmeal. I have NO issue

to change? It’s the same with the

whatsoever using both these

fishmeal debate; some people

baits during the colder months,

preach that using a fishmeal bait

on exactly the same rigs and hook

in winter is a no-no. I wouldn’t

sizes as I’ve done for the rest

shovel out 10kg of the stuff,

of the year. I believe the reason

but fishmeal baits are far more

that winter fishing can be hard

digestible these days than they

is due to the water temperature

were 20 years ago, so I don’t see

and fish hibernation, not the

the need to not use them – just

fact that our rigs are too bulky,

use in lower volumes than the

and our baits indigestible.”

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49 13/10/2014 10:17

The Great Debate Team Crafty Carper

Mitch Smith says: “If the weather stays warm I keep trickling my usual bait onto my spots – currently it’s Probiotic Red or Spicy Salmon – probably not as much as I do through the autumn, but about half a kilo per spot. As the water temperature drops and the daylight hours become very short, I switch to nice bright overflavoured hookbaits and use my special winter bag mix, either in a solid bag or a mesh stick. I think larger amounts of boilies just sit and rot, whereas a single hookbait can be removed and the contents of the PVA stick will eventually drift away or get eaten by roach. Another big edge I like is to use sweetcorn as a feed, with a plastic corn stack on the Hair. I often add some glug to the corn tin just to give the bait an added kick. I’ve found that if I use a glug like the Probiotic Red One or Signal and add it a few days before, then the sweetcorn behaves better in the PVA. It doesn’t melt as fast, and adding a little salt also helps slow the meltdown. Dust the sweetcorn with a little ground Vitalin, or even a powdered mix such as the Layerz Method Mix. Sweetcorn is a great winter banker.”

Ellis Brazier says:

keeps the fish active. I fully appreciate

“I do most of my carp angling in the

that this method is best practised on

colder months. Getting bitten by

local venues, as travelling to bait up

mosquitoes and midges while sitting by

can be expensive both in time and

a packed lake in the sun has no great

fuel. For me, the winter is a time to

appeal to me at all – give me a cold and quiet venue to bait and

stay close to home. If the venue of choice is a distance away,

fish and I’m in heaven.

which makes baiting a

The colder months are all about regular visits with small amounts of bait, which, for the most part, is a boilie. I try

chore, then I always

“I fully appreciate that this method is best practised on local venues”

to trickle my chosen bait into likely or known winter holding areas at least three to four times a week;

seem to have my best results when angling with maggots and casters. Nature has already established these as a desirable food source in the carp’s mind, so they are

accepted instantly, even in

not many baits, just a handful each

the coldest of weather. Once again,

time. Some anglers think you must be

with these baits, as with any I have

mad walking around a venue with just

used in the cold weather, a little-and-

a few dozen baits, but if you can keep

often approach has undisputedly

this little-and-often approach going for

been the most successful.”

as long as possible in the cold weather, you will reap the rewards, plus you will be constantly in touch with the venue and its inhabitants. Night or day, it doesn’t matter to me, the walk helps keep me active in the cold, and the bait


NEXT MONTH: When choosing a single hookbait, is it all about having visual attraction or is it the smells and flavours which matter for you?. CC

Crafty Carper

048-050_Debate_CC207.indd 3

13/10/2014 10:17









Mainline’s ACTIVE ADE PARTICLE & PELLET SYRUPS & STICK MIX LIQUIDS deliver maximum pulling power to your particles, pellets and groundbait. The thick syrups spread through the water column to promote a frenzied feeding response from all species. Plus, because of the natural attractors, you can’t overdose them. They’re even PVA Friendly. Active Ade Particle & Pellet Syrups are available in New Grange, Activ-8, Active Maple-8, Halibut, Pineapple Juice, Condensed Coconut Milk and Tiger Nut. Stick Mix Liquids are available in The Cell, Clockwork Orange plus NEW BANOFEE & HYBRID. All in 500ml bottles. ad template.indd 1

13/10/2014 14:50


Brandon Butler Age 15 Hometown

Bracknell UK personal best



Brandon Butler Young Brandon Butler is this month’s Under-21s writer, and not only has he got a great story to tell about catching lots of fish, they are also absolute stunners.

29lb 10oz



With all my kit loaded onto the

Trilakes Country Park because I

barrow, I rushed down to the snaggy

have been trying to get amongst

area and headed for the Big-fish

1 The ghostie at 20lb 12oz.

mirror at 17lb 1oz.

3 A lovely upper-double

Swim. The wind was pushing into the

seen there. The weather was spot on,

area and there was no one on the lake

with low pressure and overcast with

at all, so it looked like I had the place

westerly winds, and I knew before I

to myself for the night. I knew this

got there that this would push the

swim and the spots to fish extremely

23lb 8oz – stunning!

carp down to the snags area; they

well; they were clean hard areas of

6 Another mint common.

would be holding up in groups in part

light gravel, with depths ranging from

of the lake called the Big-fish Swim.

4-7ft of water. I decided to set up and

I have had some great results from

take a look around the small channels


2 A proper old Trilakes

the bigger residents which I have

common at 17lb 4oz.

4 Some of the components

of my Hinged Stiff Rig.

5 This dark common went

act like a motorway for carp traffic.

this area of the lake, but as we all

between the mass of dotted islands.

know, the weather plays a big part in

I took about a kilo of ABS Ninja in

presentation, using an 18mm bottom

carp fishing. When I arrived in the car

14mm to loose-feed two spots which

bait with a 14mm pop-up, and I

park, I had about half an hour to get

had produced well for me in the past.

made sure I took the time to get the

into the park because it closes around

When I got back to my swim I hadn’t

hookbait balanced perfectly. The

6.00 p.m. There were several people

seen anything, but that wasn’t to say

hooklink was approximately 7ins long,

leaving the venue, who had been

there weren’t any fish in front of me. I

which was tied using 20lb Trickster

fishing throughout the day, and after

knew they patrolled regularly through

Heavy in Camo-Brown, which sinks

chatting to a couple they told me they

the island channels and I

had only managed to catch a few low-

have had some big hits

doubles, and this was with

from there. Often

them stalking around the main lake.


52 052-055_Under21s_CC207.indd 1

decided on a 48hr-session at

these channels

I decided on a Snowman

like a brick and blends in perfectly with the bottom. On the

“The weather was spot on, with low pressure and overcast with westerly winds, and I knew before I got there that this would push the carp down to the snags area”

business end I chose a Size


Crafty Carper 10/10/2014 17:08

Crafty Carper Under-21s



6 Covert Mugga, as I have

had seen fish feeding hard on this

found this pattern to be

particular area, maybe because of

one of the strongest and

the bloodworm larvae. I opted for

sharpest hooks on the

a Stiff Hinged Rig, with the hinge

market. The rig was very

being only an inch off the bottom,

simple, just how I like my fishing;

using 15lb Trip Wire tied to a boom

the simpler it is, the less that can go

section of 20lb Trick Link and a Size

wrong. I used a 2oz lead Helicopter-

6 Covert Incizor. After several casts

style with a small anti-tangle sleeve

to get it exactly on the spot, I was

just to kick it out and sit

happy with my second trap.

exactly how I wanted. As I cast out my first rod of the session at about 25 yards’ range, I felt it hit the bottom with a thud. I locked the clutch down and was ready – my first trap

As the sun started to

“...the tip bent round as I struck into it and felt the connection of the fish”

had been set. I had made sure that everything

go down, my righthand rod sprang into action. The bobbin hit the underside of the rod and the tip bent round as I struck into it and felt the connection of the fish. After a good battle, I had a

lovely upper-double common

had been set correctly, and the

on the mat. One of the reasons

angle of rod and line was spot on. I

why I love this lake is because

have seen a lot of people fishing in

nearly every carp is a beauty.

these areas and not using the right

Sometimes it’s not all about the

approach or tackle that’s needed.

size, more about the quality.

I decided on a slightly different

I got my rod back out and scattered

approach for my second rod, purely

another 30-50 boilies over the spot,

because I wanted to fish tight to

and watched and waited, but after

the other channel amongst a maze

several hours I hadn’t seen or heard

of islands. One particular area

anything. I was beginning to think I

took my fancy, which was a silt

was in the wrong swim, and I

pocket just off an area of gravel. I

also questioned my approach

Crafty Carper 052-055_Under21s_CC207.indd 2

53 10/10/2014 17:09


and tactics. The night passed without a single bleep, which was worrying

7 & 8 I couldn’t believe how many fish I’d managed to catch on this session!


considering I was fishing tight lines, I watched the sunrise and decided to see the day out. I had another night and felt maybe a move would

swim. It got me thinking that maybe

be good if I hadn’t had anything

they were holding up behind the

throughout the day. I walked up to

islands and had decided to move

my rod on the left-hand buzzer because I was

into open water during the daylight hours. I had fish

going to reel in and check everything was OK, when I noticed a lot of bubbling and fizzing right on the spot I was fishing. As I looked down at my

showing all over my

“ confidence started to grow, and there seemed to be a lot more movement and signs of fish showing in the swim”

rod, the bobbin dropped to the floor and the water exploded! I

spots, so I decided to get more bait out before recasting, as I didn’t want them feeding and moving on. I put about half a kilo on the spot from where I

had taken the mirror and then recast. As I reset

20, and I wasn’t disappointed when

this swim, which included three 20s.

the scales read 20lb 12oz. As soon

By the afternoon it had gone quiet

as I returned her, my remaining rod in

and I noticed the carp start to head

the water let off a single bleep and

out to the open-water area. I made

then went into meltdown – the place

a quick decision to follow the fish

lifted into the fish and after a good

the clutch and locked everything

had come alive! It felt like another

and set up in a swim which covered

fight slid my net under a beautiful

down, my right-hand rod tore off,

good carp, and hit the surface early

them. The night passed quietly,

old mirror carp. I was buzzing

and after pulling into it I knew this

into the fight. I soon had her in the

although I did manage another

because the mirrors are few and

was a bigger fish. It tried its best to

net, and as I lifted it up to take a

common, which tipped the scales at

far between in this lake, and those

get around the back of the channel,

look, I was greeted by the sight of a

23lb. I was over the moon, and still

which are there are prized originals.

but after a lengthy battle I felt I

beautiful dark common, which tipped

had a couple of hours left before I

was starting to get the upper hand.

the scales at 23lb 8oz. I had tallied

had to pack up and get my lift home.

mirror (another upper-double), my

I dropped my net into the water,

two 20s in a matter of minutes,

All the effort had paid off, and I

confidence started to grow, and there

and she raised her head and I slid a

and the day had only just begun!

certainly had a real red-letter day.

seemed to be a lot more movement

lovely-looking ghostie over the net

and signs of fish showing in the

cord. It looked like it might scrape

After weighing the lovely old


I continued with the same tactics and landed 10 carp up to 23lb+ from

Brandon Butler.

Crafty Carper

052-055_Under21s_CC207.indd 3

10/10/2014 17:09

Crafty Carper Under-21s


Michael Bamber Age 16 Hometown

Preston UK personal best



MICHAEL BAMBER’S BLOG With the first proper instalment of his monthly blog, Michael heads back down to Oxlease in the hope of recreating his epic BYCAC win just 6 weeks prior. Does he hit the jackpot once again?


ello Crafty readers, this

lost it, I would have said it was a

month has been fairly busy

big ’un. However, it weighed in at

for me. I’ve started college

21lb 8oz. It wasn’t the target fish

1 This linear was just what I needed, and I was more than happy to get it in the net after a proper scrap. 2 After blanking on Oxlease, slipping the

so I’ve not had as much time as I

I was after, but it turned out to be

would have liked to try to nick a

one of the stunning linears which

couple of sessions in my spare time.

I was eager to catch. The same rig

However, I couldn’t disappoint you

always seems to work for me on this

all, and this is what happened.

water. It was an IQ and Supernatural

next afternoon, a peg down the far

combi-rig, fished with a 15mm boilie

end became free and I didn’t hesitate.

and piece of white plastic corn.

With the wind hacking down that end

After the exciting end to the BYCAC event in August, it was time to head down to a local water with my brother,

A couple of weeks later I decided

net under this local 25lb mirror got my confidence growing again.

and fish crashing all over the place, it

Chris, for a quick 24-hour session;

to get on the bank again, but this

there is always a little rivalry between

time I headed down to Oxlease on

us to see which one of us comes out

Linear Fisheries to try to recreate the

got the rods out and set up, the

on top. He chose to fish in one of the

memories of winning the BYCAC. After

wind drastically changed from a

bays, and I opted to fish near the

talking to anglers and the bailiff on

northeasterly to a southwesterly.

islands, so I could hopefully pick off

Oxlease, it seemed there weren’t a

It was a new wind so the fish were

fish as they patrolled around them. My

lot of fish coming out. The gallons of

bound to follow it. Two new anglers

approach was a boilie application – I

bait going in from the BYCAC seemed

moved into our previous pegs, so Chris

spread boilies between the islands

to have slowed the action down

and I were forced to stay put because

and put two rods on the baited area.

dramatically. Like most commercial

no other pegs were free. Hours passed

I used a throwing stick to scatter

waters at the weekend, it was heaving.

and still nothing – it seemed like a

the boilies, and aimed to leave a

There were two swims on the far

totally new lake to the previous month.

foot or two between each bait.

bank which were free, so we

was a no-brainer, and I opted to move. It was just my luck that after I

Spombing and working the swim didn’t

In essence, I was keeping the

dropped in there. I chose to

carp moving for more boilies.

do exactly the same as I

a shame to leave the lake after not

At 1.30 in the morning I

did in the BYCAC event,

catching, but it was time to move on.

was abruptly awoken by a screaming run which almost took my rod into the water. It was a dogged fight, and if I’d have

which was 5-6 weeks before, but nothing was working. No one seemed to be catching; hours passed and there was no action. The

help at all. Nothing was working. It was

After blanking on Oxlease, it was time to get back on the bank and do a quick day session to get the confidence growing again. The water was only about an acre or perhaps 2, but with carp pushing 30lb and loads


of features to go at, I had to give it a go to see what would happen. An overhanging tree seemed to be heaving with carp, so that was my starting point. I managed to nick out a 25lb mirror a couple of hours before darkness fell, which was a success for me and a lovely end to the day. I hope you all enjoyed reading this month’s blog, and you’ll hear more from me next time. Put in the hard work and you will be rewarded. CC

Crafty Carper 052-055_Under21s_CC207.indd 4

55 10/10/2014 17:10

OUT NOW Every Bit of Blue

The debut book from Frank Warwick “Back in the early days of what has become the prolific carp scene of today, carp waters were few and far between, and ‘every bit of blue’ on the Ordnance Survey maps used to be explored to see if there were carp in that particular bit of blue. It was a time when a rig meant free-lining or ledgering, and baits were as big a mystery as the location of waters containing carp. Frank has lived through, and fished through, all those formative years, and has contributed handsomely to the development and refinement of carp-catching methods and baits. He’s enjoyed more than his share of success, home and abroad, along the way, and in this long overdue first book Frank relives some of the highlights of his 40+ years of carp fishing. It’s been an unmissable journey. for him.”

Frank Warwick



Fifty limited edition leatherbound copies available. To register your interest call: 0114 258 0812 (Option 1) 0114 258 0812 W W W. T H E C A R P S T O R E . C O M

EveryBitOfBlue_A4.indd 1

10/10/2014 11:17


This month I’ve been lucky enough to get an exclusive first look at the new range from the guys at Richworth which is set to hit the shelves very soon. The results so far have been outstanding and the new range is sure to be a winner. You can always trust the guys at Richworth when it comes to quality.


totally different areas of the lake. In a

Richworth Type-R Bait Range

mad 6 hours, Pete Wilson put his name

Expect to pay: under £10 per kilo!

James Anthony also slid the net under




on a 37lb common and Jack Murray caught the Small Plated at 41lb, while a 30, this time a mirror, not to mention the fact that a few doubles were also

richworth are the original boilie

taken by the lads. This is top bombing

boys, and with a new range hitting

by anyone’s standards. To catch them

the tackle shops very soon, I’m

all during one short session on bait

really looking forward to trying

they were testing is incredible, and

these out over the coming months.

excites me and the team here at

Looking at the results during

Crafty even more as we await the

testing, the Type-r bait range is

release of the four different flavours.

set to make a big impact, and if it

Not only are these baits going to

gets anywhere near the success

be catching plenty of fish from far

that has been enjoyed by users of

and wide, they are also going to be

S-Core, then it’s a sure-fire winner.

even more affordable. The guys at

The Type-r also goes by the name

richworth have priced them more

of rapid response, and it

appropriately at under £10 per kilo.

seems to be living up

Although the price has been dropped

to its name; three

in comparison to the original boilie

richworth anglers

ranges, richworth have assured me

used the Type-r

nothing has been compromised with

range on St Johns

regard to the quality of ingredients.

at Linear

The range is set to consist


of four unique high-leakage

in three

flavours, in 14mm and 18mm boilies, 4 and 8mm pellets, a stick-mix/ groundbait, 14mm popups, and rapid response boilie dips.

richworth consultant Jack murray with the small plated at 41lb, pete wilson with a 37lb 2oz common, and James Anthony with a 30lb mirror. All the fish were caught recently during a hectic 6 hours on st John’s whilst testing the bait.

"Richworth have assured me nothing has been compromised with regard to the quality of ingredients"

Crafty Carper 057-060_CarpFood_CC207.indd 1

57 13/10/2014 09:22

Carp Food

Team Crafty Carper








1. Richworth S-Core SweetPlex and Pop-ups

2. Mainline Baits Profile Plus

3. Mistral Baits Strawberry Split Pop-ups

rrp: from £6.75 per 60ml

rrp: £5.99 per pot

rrp: sweet-plex £7.99; pop-ups £5.95 per pot




Profile Plus flavours are highly concentrated and

Just like the actual shelf life boilies available in the

S-Core is without doubt one of the bait

are of the highest quality. Only a little of the

bag, these pots of pop-ups come with both red and

wonders of the angling world, and so you really

flavour is needed in a mix because it is so potent,

white offerings in the brilliantly pungent and sweet-

shouldn’t be without at least a tub of pop-

yet highly soluble in all temperatures. There are

smelling strawberry flavour. If you’re looking for a

ups in your bag all year round. Go one step

14 flavours available, including Clockwork Orange,

fruity hookbait for winter, then look no further.

further and give them a boost with the potent

Juicy Fruit, Condensed Milk, and much more.

Sweet-Plex and you won’t go far wrong.

4. Starbaits Preparation X Giant Corn

5. Solar Chilli Club

6. Rod Hutchinson Fruit Frenzy Legend Spray

rrp: £9.99 per 1ltr jar; £17.99 per 2ltr jar

rrp: £10.99 per 1kg bag

rrp: £9.99 per bottle




This particle comes ready-prepared and is ideal

The original Club Mix was a massive success,

ramp up the attraction of anything you are

for adding to a spod mix, plus a few can be saved

and now with a few tweaks and some added

going to put out there. Give the hookbaits

to use as hookbaits. We all know that carp love

chilli and spice, it has been revamped and

a fruity blast, spray it into a stick and bag

corn and it can be a massive winner in winter, so

tested, with some amazing results to show

mix – some anglers even use it to spray

try fishing a baited area of standard corn with a

for it. Solar have long been making top-quality

their leads and rigs for added attraction. Its

single or even a stack of Giant Corn on the Hair.

bait, but their best has just got better.

massively fruity appeal screams bite!


Crafty Carper

057-060_CarpFood_CC207.indd 2

13/10/2014 09:23

Carp Food

Team Crafty Carper







7. Enterprise Tackle Pastemate

8. RG Baits 365 enhanced Hookers

9. E-S-P eucalyptus Cream Pop-ups

rrp: £1.80 per pack of 10

rrp: £5.45 per pot

rrp: 12mm £4.45; 15mm £4.95 per pot




If you’re looking to fish with a paste bait over

The enhanced Hookers feature the exact same

This is sure to be a winter winner. The first smell

the coming months, you will already know that

attractors as the standard 365 boilies, with

you get reminds you of chest rub, but when it

it can be a pain to present. With the Pastemate

the only difference being an increased level

comes to winter angling, eucalyptus essential

you won’t have that problem. Simply take the

of the liquid blend to give optimum leakage.

oil is a must. These pop-ups have the great

hookpoint through the stem and mould the

The 365 has been designed to perform all year

smell of eucalyptus, which is nicely rounded

paste around the body of the Pastemate. No

round, so get a pot and up your chances.

off with soft creamy undertones – very nice.

10. Sticky Baits The Krill Active Mix

11. Hinders ready Prepared Sweet Tigers

12. Papa’s Pop-ups Zukes

rrp: £4.99 for 900g; £12.50 for 2.5kg

rrp: £5.99

rrp: £6 per tub



online: website currently under development

This is perfect for binding a spod mix, or is more

Tiger nuts are a massive edge on many waters,

These are highly attractive, smell awesome, are

commonly used as a cracking bag or stick mix. The

even just as a single hookbait. With this offering

amazingly well rolled, and are made right here in

active mix is just that – active! Once in the water it

from Hinders, there are enough nuts to last a while,

the UK. These pop-ups actually ooze the attraction

reacts brilliantly, sending off bits of the mix into the

as you can simply add half a dozen to a mesh bag

they are stuffed with, not only by the smell in the

water column. It’s hugely attractive and full of high-

and fish with one on the Hair. They are PVA-friendly

water, but also visually, with a radio-active-looking

quality ingredients, perfect for setting small traps.

and have been boosted with the amazing Betalin.

fluoro green leaking from each bait once submersed.

need to use a Hair at all – it’s very simple.

Crafty Carper 057-060_CarpFood_CC207.indd 3

59 13/10/2014 09:24

Carp Food

Team Crafty Carper

Midwater Attraction As bites become harder to come by, it pays to feed the entire water column and try to fish throughout the layers until you find exactly where the fish are most comfortable in feeding.


So, to create this mix, start by

or spodded over your chosen area

grabbing an empty bottle. Pour in a

at a rate of roughly one Spomb/

good helping of the powder and add

spod every half hour. It’s good to

around a pint of lake water. Then give

point out here that this is a method

the whole lot a good mix-up until all

where you don’t really sit down

the powder has more or less dissolved

much. You must keep the bait going

into a solution. Next, take the Goo and

in constantly, so it will also keep you warm on a chilly yet bright day.

ishing up in the water has

fact, all the colder months, will see no

add a good helping of it until you notice

always been something

exception for carp to be found in the

the colour of the water start to change.

which has kept me thinking,

upper layers on bright sunny days. Over

This signifies that it has mixed properly

and over the years I’ve had many

the last few months I’ve been messing

and is ready for pouring over the pellet

a successful session by swapping

around with some excellent additions

mix. I suppose it’s fair to say you could

All the best,

my bottom baits to fish midwater

for a highly attractive mix, which not

use this for any Zig or Method mix, but


and almost surface-fished baits.

only produces a nice cloud in the upper

I’ve found it works brilliantly with

This method can, and often will,

layers but also leaves feed on the

an assortment of mixed pellets.

turn a somewhat slow day session

bottom. V-Cloud from Velocity Baits

into one to remember, as we often

comes in five flavours and colours. Here

pellets (at this time of year

learn by our mistakes. When float

I’m using the brightly-coloured yellow

you don’t need to go mad)

fishing, we generally start off

Creamz, which has a lovely sweet smell

and place them in a bucket.

over-depth, and throughout the

to it. The powders have been designed

Pour the liquid over the

day adjust accordingly until we find

to create an extensive cloud without

pellets (liberally)

the correct level at which the fish

any actual food content. As well as

until they are all

are feeding. Usually, especially on

this, I’ve been using some of the latest

covered, and

warmer sunny days, carp will be

Goo in the Squid Supreme flavour. It

leave them to

found in the upper layers, so it’s

has a pungent but sweet aroma and

soak until you

obvious that we should be venturing

adds another excellent dimension to

notice the pellets start

higher with our baits in this case.

the mix; its amazing cloud effect only

to soften. The mix is

October through to January, and in

helps to prolong the whole reaction.

now ready to be Spombed

I hope it becomes as effective for you as it has for me.

Take a good few handfuls of

A lovely Zig-caught lump for me.

How To: Give Your Hookbait Added Attraction



Perfect for the job.



Next, add the Goo and shake well.


Add some V-Cloud to an empty bottle…

Add the liquid until the pellet is covered and then leave to soak.


…followed by some lake water.


Spomb out small amounts at regular intervals.

Crafty Carper

057-060_CarpFood_CC207.indd 4

13/10/2014 09:24

In Focus CCMoore

and because

“...Equinox also contains fruit extracts, yeasts and other natural feeding triggers which create the unique spiced fruit aroma”

include milk,


of this the

that people up and down the land

to create an incredibly attractive


have been sharing the same success

food source for all seasons.

as the CC Moore-backed anglers did

Alongside the highly nutritious

pre-release. The results have been

base, Equinox also contains fruit

nothing short of phenomenal!

extracts, yeasts and other natural

CC Moore are equally as

feeding triggers which create the



This month we take a closer look at one of the newest arrivals in the CC Moore bait range, and as expected, it has been catching fish galore since its release. Roll out the Equinox!

anticipation for the release to the general public was huge. Since the

release of Equinox, it seems

fish, vegetable and egg products, as well

as carbohydrates, spices and the eversuccessful Haith’s Robin Red®

impressed, as are the guys who

unique spiced fruit aroma. Once

have been testing it after over 15

you’ve had a sniff you’ll know that

months of product development,

the fish will love it just as much

I don’t think I’ve seen social media

to promote the fact that they have

fieldtesting trials and some fine-

as you; you won’t be able to stop

promotion go crazy until the CC

really been having it away whilst

tuning. It has been tested by over

going back for another sniff!

Moore anglers started using the

putting the bait range to the test. It

100 hand-picked anglers in 20

new Equinox. Every other day there

seems there have been an amazing

countries over three continents –

as well as the usual shelf life and

have been tweets or Facebook posts

number of captures on the bait,

now that’s extensive! Equinox has

fresh frozen boilies, including paste,

been designed to be an instantly

dips, liquid additives, glugged

attractive food source boilie, and it

hookbaits, standard pop-ups, cork

has proven to be effective all year

ball pop-ups and cork dust wafters.

round. As ever with any bait from

There’s plenty to go at, that’s for

the CC Moore stable, it is made from

sure, and it will definitely keep

high-quality ingredients, which

you catching all year round. CC


There’s a full range available

Crafty Carper

061_CF-Special-CCmore_CC207.indd 1

09/10/2014 16:33

Giving you something… To sleep on The Rod Hutchinson brand was established in 1980 with the introduction of the ever-popular Dream Maker carp rods, Cabrio bivvy and Big Kipper bedchair. More than 30 years on, carp fishing has changed dramatically and so has the tackle. Take a look at what the company has to offer carp fishermen in 2014.




ur range of Big Kipper bedchairs have been designed to specifically combine comfort and practicality.When we set out to create the product brief, we felt that, first and foremost, the bedchair had to be comfortable, considering the amount of hours that many anglers spend sleeping on theirs. We identified that one of the major causes of discomfort was the fact that most mattresses tended to sink far too much in the middle, providing very little support for your back as well as making it very difficult to get out of at times, almost forcing you to roll out rather than simply swinging your legs to one side and standing up. We considered a number of solutions to address this problem, but in the end the most effective was to actually remove the elastics from the centre part of the mattress, opting instead to let the padding provide the comfort without allowing the mattress to sink below the frame.To do this, we combined 50mm standard and memory foams into our

mattress to create a perfect combination of comfort while providing enough body to help the cover maintain its shape. We then turned our attentions to the frame. For this we considered that strength was the key factor so we chose to use steel as opposed to the lighter, but far weaker, aluminium options.After all, with the times changing, weight has become far less of an issue, with more fisheries improving access to their swims by car or with the explosion in popularity of the carp barrow; a fact that means that very few people ever carry a bedchair anywhere nowadays! Next to go were the cams.Again bedchair design has changed rapidly over the past few years, with increasing numbers of anglers now actually focusing on their bedchair as somewhere to sleep, which is why comfort is paramount.Therefore, both our Big Kipper lay flat bedchairs are what is considered a lay-flat design, where the rear legs can be extended should you feel

the need to raise the head section slightly. Its four-leg design creates the ultimate in stability and the one-touch leg adjusters make levelling the chair a breeze. Available in two widths, the standard Big Kipper features a 72cm-wide frame with a 82cm mattress, while the Big Kipper XL boasts a whopping 86cm-wide frame with a 94cm mattress. Both are finished with our durable, hard-wearing, matt-green, powder-coated finish. To complete the range of bedchairs we came up with the sleep system.This comprises the Big Kipper XL bedchair along with our Extreme 5 sleeping bag, which zips directly onto the mattress of the bed, allowing the bag to remain attached. Large twin-hinged folding brackets enable the sleeping bag to be left folded inside the chair making it simple to pack up/move, creating the ultimate sleeping combination for all-year-round use.

Big Kipper

Bedchair design has moved on in recent years, with the market trend now being for beds to be much flatter than they were previously.As a result, the new Rod Hutchinson bedchair rangee reflects this.The first in the lineup is the Big Kipper. Measuring 82 centimetres wide by 200 long, it’s an ample size as well as being designed for comfort and ease of use.

RRP: £149.90


p_TC_10_Rod Hutchinson.indd 1 ad template.indd 1


05/09/2014 13/10/2014 13:36 14:54

Rod Hutchinson Advertorial

Sleep System

This kit combines the Rod Hutchinson Extreme 5 sleeping bag with the Big Kipper XL bedchair to create the ultimate sleeping combination year round.The system means that the sleeping bag zips directly to the bedchair mattress and offers comfort and incredible ease of use.

RRP: £399.90

Big Kipper XL

The Big Kipper XL is a larger model of the original, at 94 centimetres wide by 217 long, and is designed to provide the most comfortable sleeping position possible.The extra width makes a big difference and it also features a memory-foam mattress to adjust to the user’s body shape for increased comfort.

RRP: £199.90

Key features of the Big Kipper Bedchairs • Eight-leg design providing high stability and strength • Large twin-hinged folding brackets enable sleeping bag to be left folded inside the chair when packing up • Detachable fleece-covered 50mm foam mattress • Durable and hard-wearing 600-denier polyester outer cover fabric • Hard-wearing textured green powder-coated finish • Elasticated foot and header sections • Fully adjustable legs with swivel mudfeet • Webbing strap and buckle to keep bedchair closed during transit • Elasticated pillow-retaining straps

Rod Hutchinson fishing tackle – coming to a shop near you November 2014 p_TC_10_Rod Hutchinson.indd 2 ad template.indd 1

05/09/2014 13/10/2014 13:36 14:54



ur range of chairs comprises ses two models.The Lounger g is intended as a day chair. With itss higher back and padded lumber support, the seat cover iiss filled with high-density foam covered in a hard-wearing 600-denier denier polyester and peach-skin fabrics. Featuring a rear frame adjuster, djusterr, the back can be reclined to allow you to move the frame into nto on one ne of three positions, allowing you to sit with the rear frame in an n alm almost ost upright position, relax with it in the second setting or take ke a nap n when it’s fully reclined. Leg adjustment couldn’t be simpler pler wit with th our one-touch legadjustment mechanism, while the he legss feature our large, fully adjustable swivel mudfe mudfeet. eet. Supplied with two webbing straps ps to en ensure nsure the chair remains closed while you’re ou’re c carrying it, it’s finished off in the same durable able h hardardwearing, matt-green, powder-coated ated fin finish nish as our bedchairs.The Lounger chair hair represents exceptional value for mone money! ey! The second model in our range ge is our Guest Chair.This was designed ed as a lightweight chair for short-session fishing, n fishin ng, the roving angler and as the perfect rfect ‘occasional’ chair for sitting outside your de yo ur bivvy or for when you have friends ds call round! Incorporating the same hardwearing 600-denier polyester/peacheachskin combination cover, its matt-green, green, powder-coated steel frame provides d des the increased strength required to withstand the constant jumping in and out of a chair while fishing.

Guest Chair Gues G

Lightwe Lightweight and comfortable, this is the pperfect cchair for either short sessions oor as an occasional guest chair when friends fr riends ccome to call at your swim. Its rear-frame angle has been set fifixed xed rea for maximum comfort, while the arms fo or maxi make it easy to get in and out of. m Features K Feat Key Compact low chair • Comp Comfort arm rests • Comfo Padded foam mattress • Padde • Durable Durab and hard-wearing, 600-denier polyester outer cover fabric with polyes peach-skin seat peach Hard-wearing, textured, green, • Hard-w powder-coated finish powde fully adjustable legs with • Four fu swivel mudfeet • Steel fframe for increased strength

RRP: £39.90 R

Lounger Chair

Combining comfort with functionality, the Lounger ger chair features a pair of moulded clips on the rear of the frame, allowing it to be set at three preset angles, removing the need for awkward cams.With arms for added comfort, this chair offers the excellent cellent head and back support required for long periods of sitting. g. Key Features • Three-position adjustable rear frame for sitting, g, relaxing or even sleeping • High back design provides excellent lumbar support • Leg design creates high stability and strengthh • Comfort armrests • High-density padded foam mattress • Durable and hard-wearing, 600-denier polyester ster outer cover fabric with peach-skin seat • Hard-wearing, textured, green, powder-coatedd finish • Steel frame for increased strength • Four fully adjustable legs with swivel mudfeett • Webbing strap and buckle to keep chair closed ed during transit

RRP: £59.90


p_TC_10_Rod Hutchinson.indd 3 ad template.indd 1


05/09/2014 13/10/2014 13:37 14:55

Rod Hutchinson Advertorial



hen we started looking at sleeping bags, it soon became apparent that most, no matter what they claimed, simply weren’t warm enough.Therefore, when the specification was laid down for our Extreme 5 XL, we made sure that it would keep you snug and warm, no matter how harsh the weather, to ensure that the ever-increasing number of anglers who now fish throughout winter can be safe in the knowledge that cold will never be a factor again. The outer shell is produced from fully breathable/waterproof polyester, ensuring you remain warm and dry even if the atmosphere is damp, while the inner contains a silicone-treated, 100 per cent polyester, hollow-fibre filling. Split into two sections, the main bag, or outer, contains 30 per cent and the removable inner boasts the remaining 70 per cent. In addition to being fully removable, the inner is also reversible, allowing the angler to choose between having a fleece-to-fleece or peach-skin-to-peach-skin lining, depending on their preference.The main/outer bag, as it will be used during the warmer months of late spring, summer and early autumn, is lined with peach skin on both h halves to help keep you from sweating and to ensure

that the bag doesn’t cling to you as you move around. Featuring heavy-duty crash zips that ensure you can burst out of the bag in a hurry when the occasion calls for it, they are protected by generous padded baffles to prevent any heat loss through them.The Extreme 5 is fitted with pockets at the top and bottom that fit over the bedchair and secure around the leg frames to hold the sleeping bag firmly in place. A webbing strap with 50mm buckle then secures around the centre of the bedchair for added securing. Designed to fit our Big Kipper XL bedchair, this wider sleeping bag is supplied in a 600-denier carry bag and all the zips feature our ‘Hutchie Green’ stirrup-style zip pullers, making it easier to close the zips when you’re inside the bag. Also available in the Rod Hutchinson range is the double-faced Sleepeaze pillow, which is designed with peach skin on one side, which is ideal for those hot summer nights, and a warm fleece lining on the other to suit the cold winter months.The pillow itself includes a hollow-fill fibre to ensure a comfortable night’s sleep and comes elastic loops that will secure to both the Big Kipper with toggle and e bedchair and the XL version.

Extreme 5 XL Sleeping Bag

Billed as the ultimate in sleeping bags, this is perfect for fishing on those hot and humid nights right through the harshest of winter conditions when temperatures get down as low as minus 10°C.You can be certain that the Extreme 5 will keep you at a comfortable temperature, whatever the season.

RRP: £189.90

All Season Sleeping Bag

As the name suggests, this bag has been designed esigned to cope with the varied weather conditions of spring right through to winter.While not designed to cope with very ery extreme temperatures, it’s more than a match for when en temperatures drop down to freezing.

RRP: £89.90

Climate Cover

This is the perfect solution for those short sessions or summer evenings.The climate cover is totally waterproof so it allows you to fish under the stars without a bivvy, safe in the knowledge that you’ll remain dry from overnight rain or morning dew.

RRP: £69.90


Designed with dual surfaces ess to suit anglers’ preferencess – one side is made from a smooth peach skin, while th thee other is made from fleece.

RRP: £18.90

Rod Hutchinson Part 2 coming soon


05/09/2014 13/10/2014 13:37 14:56

Blavet Valley Lakes Brittany’s premier carp fishing venue for the past 11 years

Stunning 8-acre lake in tranquil pine wood setting. Stocked with both mirrors and commons to over 59lb. Best value self drive holidays including 2 cooked meals a day – family accommodation available-pool and childrens play area. Airport collections – full tackle hire if needed.

Limited spaces available for 2014/15 For full details contact Berny and Gordon Dawson Tel: 0033-297-519-909 ad template.indd 1 BlavetValleyA4_CC200.indd 1

13/10/2014 13:24 14:56 06/03/2014



Lee Collings Age 39 Hometown

Wolverhampton Occupation

Retailer UK personal best

48lb Favourite venue

Elstow Did You Know

Lee once tried to gain sponsorship with McDonalds.


WHEN IT ALL COMES RIGHT With the film cameras rolling, Lee feels the pressure at the start of the session while fishing at St. Johns on the Linear Fisheries complex. Things are looking bleak with catfish on the munch, but in a mad spell it all comes good and his plan pays off.

Crafty Carper 067-070_LeeCollins_CC207.indd 1

67 13/10/2014 11:44

When It All Comes Right Lee Collings


ecently I was asked to do a bit of filming on the Linear Fisheries complex in Oxford

for Phat Fish Clothing. Not one for shying away from the camera, I agreed to do it, even though I knew I would be putting myself under more pressure than normal to catch. The plan was to fish Oxlease; I know

RIGHT All being well, this approach would definitely fool a few fish. BELOW RIGHT What carp could refuse this

offering? I just couldn’t believe they were rooting that hard, and they were managing to mask my rig with the uprooted weed. BOTTOM Topping up the bait was

essential after every fish.

on Zigs or the surface, but in for a penny, in for a pound!

a few of the lads who fished the BYCAC

I set out early to get to St Johns

and they were catching a lot using large

for when the gates opened, but I got

quantities of maggots, anything up

stuck in traffic because there was an accident on the M42, which

to 15 or 20 gallons, and either fishing Zigs or

added another hour to

on the deck. Straight

my journey – not an ideal start to the

away I ordered my bait from Fosters of Birmingham to make sure I could get a load of maggots – 20


gallons to be precise, and 10 gallons of casters. Before anybody says it’s OK for me because I get free bait,

session. After a quick walk around St Johns, it was clear the lake had been fishing slow because of the high pressure, with only a few fish being

caught. However, it seemed the catfish were more active than

I had to pay for all my maggots and

the carp; one of my mates, Chris Lowe,

casters and it cost me a small fortune,

had caught three cats to 41lb, but it

but I’m not the kind of person who

was evident that the fish had moved

does things by halves. Just a couple

from the main area of the lake down into

of days before filming, the venue was

the shallows, which wasn’t surprising

changed to St Johns because Oxlease

because the weather was warming up.

was too busy, but I was happy with

The only swim free in that area of the

the choice of St Johns because I had

lake was on the end of The Social Bank

fished it a few times in the past.

opposite Kempy’s Point. I could see it

The weather forecast for the trip

was fairly weedy with the

wasn’t great, with high pressure

amount that was on the

and temperatures averaging

surface, but there were a

20°C for the duration of

few fish in the area, so that

the trip. It wasn’t ideal

was good enough for me.

when I’d bought a quantity of maggots and casters and

After a quick flick about with the marker, the only clearish area I could find was about 40 yards out and 6ft deep. It looked like a good

wanted to

interception point. If the fish

be fishing on the deck rather than

moved either out of the bay or into the bay they would come across my baited area. So, with the weed in mind, I opted to lengthen my rigs to 15-20ins because there was a fair amount of silkweed on the bottom. I decided to fish a critically-balanced


Crafty Carper

067-070_LeeCollins_CC207.indd 2

13/10/2014 11:46

When It All Comes Right Lee Collings

ABOVE I definitely wasn’t expecting this! I didn’t realise how big it was until I lifted the net – 41lb 9oz of cracking common.

pop-up to sit just on top of the weed.

little surprised when I had a screaming

Rig-wise, it was fairly simple. I used

take out of the blue after only a couple

20lb green Strip Teaze with a Size 4

of hours. The fish led me a merry

Drennan Super Specialist fished on

dance, wiping my other rod out in the

a blowback ring, and I opted to fish a

process, but after a 5-minute battle

white Cell pop-up tipped off with a pink

it came in covered in weed and the

Evolution Tackle Maggot Ball. I know it

whole lot was bundled into the landing

fully expecting another catfish to be

was fairly crude tactics but I wanted to

net. When I cleared the weed I found

attached. However, after a short battle

land everything I hooked, and it’s a setup

a catfish of about 16-18lb sitting in

a carp popped up in the margins and

which has served me well in the past.

the net. Not really what I wanted!

was soon sitting in the folds of my net.

The area I was fishing was quite

The rest of the night was fairly

small, so I opted to fish only two rods

uneventful, other than the

to start with, well, at least for the first

odd liner. I didn’t really

24 hours. Initially I spodded out about 3 gallons of casters and 3 gallons of maggots onto the

into meltdown

after all the disturbance, so I was a

weight had been lifted from my shoulders because I had a


nice surprise when

action occurred. In the past

get on to the bait

I let out a big sigh of relief. It felt like a

fish for the cameras. It

happen, so it was a my alarm went

24hrs for the fish to

cats smashing my spot to bits, I was more than happy with a 27lb 4oz fish for the cameras.

expect anything to

spot, and would top up if any I have known it to take

BOTTOM LEFT After a couple of

at 2.00 a.m., although I wasn’t best pleased to be beaten up

didn’t look massive but was a more than welcome sight, and at 27lb 4oz, it was job done. I could relax a bit now because anything else would be a bonus.

by another catfish

Both rods were redone

of about 20lb. I was starting to worry; I have had

and I topped up the spot with

it before when the catfish move

another 20 Spombs of maggots and

in on a baited area, and they seem

casters. I was feeling the effects of

to push the carp off the spot.

hardly any sleep and soon crawled

I went back to bed and wasn’t too

back into bed. I’m not sure how long

optimistic about catching anything. I

I had been asleep when the bobbin

could hear the odd fish jumping but they seemed a fair distance away from

pulled up tight to the rod. I scrambled out of my bag, expecting the rod to rip off, but the bobbin settled back to

me, so when I

its original position. I put it down to a

was woken up by

liner and went back to bed,

a slow take, I was

but the next thing I knew,

Crafty Carper 067-070_LeeCollins_CC207.indd 3

69 13/10/2014 11:48

When It All Comes Right Lee Collings

the same happened again. I was still trying to work out what was going on, and decided to pick the rod up because I had a feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Immediately, the line was pointing 40 yards to the right of the baited area. The fish must have hooked itself, discharged the lead on the take, and then swam on a semi-tight line into another weedbed. It was holding ground and I was weeded up, so I fumbled into chest waders and waded out to get a better angle on the fish. I eventually managed to get it moving again, but it was kiting down the reeds, and because it was pitch-black I was struggling to see what was going on. There was no moon and I had left my headtorch in the bivvy due to the scramble and confusion. After what seemed an eternity, the fish swirled just 20 yards out and then flat-rodded me. At this point I thought I had hooked another cat because it was a similar fight, so I gave it a bit of extra pressure. There was weed everywhere ABOVE I couldn’t believe how quickly this fella got on the bait. Just an hour after Spombing out I had this 23lb 8oz mirror.

on the line, and I was just trying to keep

fish into the retaining sling and went

thing I was expecting only an hour after

the fish moving. Eventually it surfaced

to get the cameraman and Lewis in the

putting the bait out was a take, and this

quite close in. I could just about make

next swim. The next 10-15 minutes

one resulted in a 23lb 8oz mirror. The

out it was a carp. I fluffed my first

seemed like a blur; I was on cloud nine.

weather had started to get warmer and

netting attempt but it was second time

After all the pictures and video footage

the fish were drifting more into the bay,

lucky. It wasn’t until I was clearing the

had been done, my swim turned into

and I was just hoping that when they

process, so I was very pleased when

weed out of the net that I realised it

the social swim for the next few hours,

came out I could stop one or two of them

it rolled into the net. At 33lb 8oz the

was a decent fish. I didn’t know how

and soon resembled a bomb site.

en route. The lake by now was rammed

session was getting better by the day.

BOTTOM LEFT It just got better

and better, with a 30 to add to the scoreboard, at 33lb 8oz.

After all the commotion had died

and virtually every swim was taken.

By the time I eventually got all three

of the water. I thought the mesh was

down, I eventually managed to get the

A lot of people had seen me baiting

rods sorted and fired another 20 Spombs

caught on the bottom at first, and then

rods redone and back on the spots. The

heavily so there were markers and spods

to the area to keep them going, it was

I realised it might be bigger than I first

spot was definitely getting cleaner.

flying here, there and everywhere.

pitch-black. I could hear the odd fish

thought. As soon as I put the fish on the

There was still weed present but not

No wonder the fish were driven into

showing in the vicinity of my area. I

mat I thought it was a mid- to upper-30,

as bad as it was, and it seemed to

the bay with all the disturbance!

turned in early that night, after hardly

until I put my headtorch on and saw the

be getting slightly bigger too, which

length of it. On the scales it went 41lb

enabled me to get my third rod on it. I

that I had my next take, which was

rudely awoken by an angry 20lb mirror.

9oz – it was The Big Common. I was

put another 6-7 gallons of maggots and

totally out of the blue. It was a proper

The area was topped up again in the

over the moon; it was one of the A team

3 gallons of casters out there to tide me

one-toner, but this fish didn’t want

dark, with another 2 gallons of bait going

fish which I wanted to catch. It was just

over for the day.

to come in. It gave me a proper scrap,

in before I got my head down again.

big it was until I tried to lift the net out

starting to get light, so I slipped the

The last

It wasn’t until it was just going dark

taking out my other two rods in the

sleeping the night before, and was

When I reeled my rods in the next morning, they were all covered in weed, which must have been where the fish were ripping up the baited area. It had settled on top of my rigs, rendering them useless, so I decided to go all out for the last day. I put in all the bait which was left – I was spodding for hours! Putting the maggots and casters out was hard work, especially with the amount I had taken with me. Just on dark, I could see fish jumping over the baited area and I was getting liners galore. All I could think was that at any minute the rod was going to rip off, but I couldn’t buy a bite and blanked for 24 hours. I even recast the rods in the night because I thought something was wrong, and when I reeled them in, they were all covered in weed again, hence why I think I had no action. So, it was a frustrating last 24 hours, even after what I had caught, but I was well happy with my result considering the weather conditions. CC


Crafty Carper

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Extreme hi-modulas carbon blanks that recover fast and transmit both power and feeling through the thinnest diameter blanks on the market. Its easy to sum up a Milspec legend just say “SEXY PERFORMER”. 12foot 2.75lb blank is 10mm diameter and layered carbon to give optimum strength to diameter ratio, they are so good to play fish on. Available in 12ft 2.75lb - 12ft 3.00lb - 13ft 3.50lb and X-50 models (50mm) 13ft 3.00lb - 13ft 3.50lb


SIMPLICITY MARKER / SPOD Put all your energy and technical design into the blank, give it minimal cosmetics, add the best guides for the job and you have simply a rod that is made for the job in hand, no gimmicks, no extra frills just a tool to do a job. Strong hard working rods that are easy to clean and use. The spod will cast them all and the marker will transmit the feel of a pebble. Dare yourself to try one and you will buy one. Available in Spod 12ft 5.00lb - 12ft 5.00lb 50LR and Marker 12ft 3.50lb - 12ft 3.50lb 50LR


Dark legends are a move in another direction. Blanks that can deal with every situation they get presented with, low diameter blanks with lighter wall thickness to make the rod feel lighter and a more agile tool in your hands providing a confident feel of power and serious ability. Dressed in new dark SIC guides and black fittings, giving that all round black special op’s appeal.

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Three ways to get your carp-anglingrelated questions answered: Email: Web: By post: The Question Is…, Angling Publications, 101 Broadfield Road, Sheffield S8 0XH.

Our panel of carp-fishing experts are on hand to answer questions from you, the readers, and you can be sure to pick up some handy tips from the excellent answers given. ASK AND WIN! Every person who has their question published on these pages will receive a prize from some of the top tackle and bait manufacturers in the business. If you would like your question to be answered by our star-studded panel, simply send it to us, and we will forward it to your chosen recipient.


Hi Guys, Am I right in thinking that I can use a Midi Spomb on a normal carp rod, not a spod rod, and if this is correct, would I have to use a shockleader? If so, could you tell me how long the leader would have to be, and could you explain how to join it to the main line. I use Gardner Pro Carp in 12lb b/s. Regards, John.

weighs between 2-3oz (no more than a lead), and my favourite application

you will almost certainly require a

with it is when I want to put a small

shockleader in conjunction with a strong

bed of boilies on the spot at shorter

braided main line to do the job both

distances. By using a quick-link and

safely and efficiently. You obviously

clipping up, I can bait a spot accurately

have confidence in the Gardner Tackle

before replacing it with my rig (via the

lines, so I would suggest that you use

quick-link), and put my main rig on the

the Kinetic Spod Braid in conjunction

same spot, all in a matter of minutes.

with the shockleader material they

Going back to your question, you are absolutely right in saying that a Midi Spomb can be cast using your normal

make, called Sure Shock; a breaking strain of 50lb should be plenty.

ABOVE LEFT This is a brilliant shockleader material. ABOVE Spombs were a massive advancement for angling when they were released. BELOW When fully loaded this still only weighs around 3oz. Perfect for use on a standard rod. BELOW LEFT This 40lb ghostie was taken from a tightly baited spot which wasn’t far out.

Attaching the main line to the leader

carp rods, as can the latest edition to

material is relatively easy. There are

the range, the Mini Spomb. These are

several ways of doing this, but my

excellent for topping up a swim with

personal favourite is to use a knot

simply wind the leader onto the

Hi John, and many thanks for your

bait both quickly and accurately, and

known to me as the Albright Special

reel, making sure that it only goes

question. Baiting accurately whilst

again, at 3oz fully loaded, they won’t

Knot. With a little practice it’s easy to

onto the spool a couple of turns. Cut

carp fishing is very important, and

put any more strain on your normal carp

tie, and it’s a very strong knot which

the leader approximately halfway

over the years this task has been

rods than casting a lead. With this being

won’t let you down. It is tied as follows:-

down the spod rod (somewhere

made easier with the introduction of

the case, I personally can’t see the need

various baiting tools which can be

for any type of shockleader, especially

attached directly to the main rod or

as you are using the Gardner Pro line,

onto a casting tool made specifically

which is very strong and very abrasive.

for the job, such as a heavy-duty

That said, there are limits to how

Once the two materials are joined,

near the spigot will be fine), attach • Fold the leader material back on itself, about 10cm. • Pass the main line down the leader

your chosen baiting tool with either a Grinner or Palomar Knot, and you’ll be ready to rumble.

and then whip it back up seven times.

rod like a spod rod. Spods have been

far you can put bait with these smaller

around for a while now and can be

baiting tools, and if you are in a situation

used with devastating effect, but

where you find yourself needing a bit

I personally feel that the process

more distance, you may have to step up

saliva, gently pull the knot tight,

of baiting up at distance, both

to their bigger brothers. This is when

and once tight, cut off both tag

effectively and accurately, took an

you will definitely need a rod

ends approx. 1cm from the knot.

even bigger step forward with the

and reel built to do the

introduction of the Spomb. Not only

job. Casting further

do they cast extremely well (mostly

with a heavier baiting

due to the aerodynamic design), they

tool puts a lot more

can also carry just about any kind of

strain on the equipment

bait without any spillage on the cast.

you use, and

• Then pass the main line through

I hope my advice helps next

the bend of the leader material.

time you’re out on the bank and

• Finally, wet the whole knot with

need to bait up accurately, and I wish you every success. Rich ‘Fatbloke’ Adams.

There are various baiting tools which can be attached directly to the end of normal carp rods, and all serve a purpose when baiting up over shorter distances. One of my favourites is the small Pocket Rocket Spod from Gardner. When filled with bait and water, it


Crafty Carper

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13/10/2014 11:07

The Question Is

Ask our experts anything, online at

Team Crafty Carper

Answering our readers questions this month are: Rich Adams – Mistral Baits

Ellis Brazier – JRC

John Kneebone – Mainline Baits

Mitch Smith – Starbaits

Haydn Hoskins – Nash

Rich is a regular

Ellis is a Question Is

John has long been a

Haydn loves fishing

Mitch has been

Crafty contributor and

veteran, with many years’

member of the Mainline

pits around the

answering questions

a mainstay of The

experience of hunting carp

Baits team, and he

Colne Valley, and

for you guys for

Question Is. He loves answering

in his beloved Shropshire meres.

certainly knows his stuff. He’s

he has some cracking fish to

years now, and loves nothing

your questions, and because he’s

He’s not one to use the latest fiddly

caught some cracking big fish along

his name. He fishes all year

more than a carpy conundrum

predominantly a boilie angler, any

rig and scores extremely well on his

the way, and loves pitting his wits

round and loves to tinker

from our readers. He’s straight-

questions you may have on boilie

simple, yet very effective approach

against the carp in big lakes, which

with the odd rig here and

talking and doesn’t half know

fishing are ideal for him and will

to his end tackle, and he also has a

many people would class as the

there, so he’s the one to ask

his stuff, so you can be sure to

help you catch more.

wealth of knowledge.

harder venues in the UK.

about anything riggy.

learn a thing or two.


Hi Crafty Team, I have got some pre-tied Chod Rigs from one of the big companies, but can you tell me how to add a stiff boom to make it into a stiff boom Chod Rig? Thanks, Eddy.

the margins on this very famous lake. Pop-ups and Snowman Rigs had been used to great effect that year, and the carp were starting to shy off any bait which seemed to have any buoyancy. I personally witnessed a group of carp feeding over my tightly baited patch, and as each one encountered the Hinged Pop-up Rig, it quickly rejected the bait

Hi Eddy, and thanks for your

and became almost tense, and stopped

question. Your problem is easily

feeding. My answer to this was to simply

solved with a few simple steps,

put a bottom bait on the rig and lower

which I have listed below.

it back onto the same spot. As soon as

The rig you ask about is indeed a

the carp started feeding again I got a

very good one, and can catch out shy

confident pickup, which resulted in a fish

and wary carp with great efficiency.

on the bank. For the rest of that season I

Another situation where it can be

used this rig with bottom baits on a few

of great use is when the normal

different waters and had some excellent

Chod Rigs have done the rounds and

results, so don’t always be blinkered

been overfished a little. In these

and think that a pop-up

circumstances, the Hinged Stiff Rig

is the only way in

can be exceptionally effective at

which to fish this

catching out ultra-wary carp which

style of rig.

have sussed out the mechanics of the standard Chod. By the rigs’ very

The boom itself is very

nature, when you add the boom, be ABOVE Look how the boom kicks the rig away from the leader.

it stiff or slightly supple, you add another dimension of movement that

LEFT An autumn mirror on the Hinged Stiff Rig.

assists greatly in its ability to look more natural and ultimately hook carp.

BOTTOM LEFT The components I favour when creating my booms.

Although this rig is purpose-designed to be fished with a pop-up, I can assure you that it will work equally as well with a Snowman or bottom

Figure of Eight loop knot but these

bait. This fact was proved to me some

crimp; blob the tag end of the boom

years ago when I was watching Birch

material with a lighter after crimping,

Grove fish encounter this very rig in

which is mega-effective. This rig can be fished as you would a Chod, on a easy to make, and with your ready-made

rotary system, or it can be fished on

Chod you should be fishing in no time.

a lead clip. Personally, if I am fishing

For the standard stiff boom, I either use

over hard gravel or clay, I use the

Berkeley’s 30lb Big Game fluorocarbon

lead clip to make it different from

or Trilene 25lb fluorocarbon. Both are

the norm, but if angling over silt, I

stiff enough to push the rig away from

use a rotary system, much as you

the line or leader, yet both are supple

would a normal Chod. Either way,

enough to lie flat on the lakebed and

this rig should give you a new and

follow the contours, plus they are

improved presentation which will

invisible due to being fluorocarbon.

hopefully catch you a few more carp.

My booms vary in length, from around

I hope this has answered

6-10ins, dependent on how I feel the

your question, Eddy, and I wish

rig requires added movement; i.e. longer

you the best of luck next time

rig gives more movement. Korda Crimps

you’re out on the bank.

are utilised to create a loop at either end of the boom so the rig can swivel

All the best,

and adjust naturally. I did used to tie a

Ellis Brazier.

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The Question Is

Team Crafty Carper


Hello, I have started fishing a new private water with a good stock of carp, and there are some really nice fish up to the 31lb mark. I’ve done a few sessions with absolutely no joy whatsoever. When speaking to other anglers, they have not had a great deal of luck there either, and unfortunately there is no night fishing allowed, so you are limited to the daylight hours. The carp are always on the surface, but my attempts at targeting them with floating tactics have proved impossible. I have yet to witness a carp even take a freebie. I’ve tried numerous rigs: Zigs, Method, basic inline rig, pop-up, Chods with several hooklinks and hook sizes, even down to a Size 10 hook with fluorocarbon, and still nothing. It’s the same with baits; I have tried several types of boilies, meat, corn, but the carp just seem so shy and uninterested, and not many people catch. The lake is a gravel bed with a few silty/weedy patches. The water is relatively clear and it has one island and a few beds of lilies too, and the depth is around 4-5ft in most places. I just wondered if you had any tips on how to approach this kind of water. I love a challenge but it’s becoming quite soul-destroying that I haven’t even had a bite, let alone got a fish on the bank! Any advice or help would be great. A very frustrated Shaun.

Hi Shaun,

to forget all you have done or tried

The first thing to do is to stop

and get back to basics. With the

trying so many different tactics

lake being 4-5ft deep, I would be

and ways of approaching this

confident to draw fish down to the

water, because this doesn’t really

bottom even when seen close to the

allow for the fact that on

surface – especially as dawn

any venue there are

breaks and at dusk – so I’d

always times when the fish are simply not interested. Use a winning method on a slow day, but change methods

try to be on the lake as

“ ...the longer it is applied, the more it increases the confidence of the fish to eat it”

for the next session and you may never know you were on the

early and as late as possible. This also means that for the time being at least, you can discount Zigs, etc. and focus on bottom bait tactics to simplify your approach.

Next, choose a high-quality

right track. So, a style of approach

food source boilie such as Cell and

needs some time to be proven

Hybrid, or the High Impact shelf life

wrong, right, or perhaps develop,

range, and stick to it – the longer

receiving a little tweak here and

it is applied, the more it increases

there as you observe and learn.

the confidence of the fish to eat it.

This means starting again; try

Couple this with a straightforward

TOP The confidence these baits provide allows you to focus on other aspects of your approach. ABOVE Keep the food baits going in and they will get on it. BELOW The High Impact range; nutritional food source baits in a shelf life form.

reliable Hair Rig (8ins of a coated braid tied to a Size 6 Wide Gape hook is a good place to start), and you’ve little more to think about other than choosing your spots. Again, there’s no need to overcomplicate things. Simply have a lead about and choose clean presentable areas. To begin with I would suggest fishing a rod on the gravel and another over the silt. Use the same approach to see if there is any preference shown by the carp as to the type of lakebed they are more willing to feed on. If there is, direct your approach to this kind of bottom. Keep to these tactics and I’m sure they will bring you fish, or you will at least get to a point where any changes are obvious rather than those made for the sake of change. Hope this helps, John.


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13/10/2014 11:07

The Question Is

Ask our experts anything, online at


Hi, I have just bought some tungsten putty, so could you please give me some advice on how to use it to give my pop-ups a good presentation in the water? Neil Elbourn.

Team Crafty Carper

of presentations, from bottom baits

coating for tying the Knotless Knot

through to balanced or wafting rigs.

whilst retaining a stiff boom section

I’ll start with a pop-up presentation.

which works for the angler in a couple

There is no need to get too complicated

of ways. Firstly, the stiff boom prevents

when it comes to the rig itself. A

tangles on the cast, and secondly,

simple Hair Rig presentation tied with

should the rig get ejected or even

a Fang X hook and short Hair is very

moved around by nuisance fish, it

effective. The only decision is what

effectively resets itself. Once I have

This is a very good question which

type of hooklink to use; for this I prefer

tied the knot I strip about an inch of

raises the important issue of improving

a coated braid such as the

coating with my fingernail, and bite

rig presentation. In fact, not only will

Combilink Silt in 20lb.

the use of effective tungsten putty

The reason for

give the pop-ups a good presentation

this is because I

in the water, it can also be

can strip part

used to create a variety

of the

away any excess. This is where

“I utilise the philosophy of a slow-sinking hookbait for much of my Chod Rig fishing. This ensures a perfect presentation over pretty much any lake bottom”

TOP Keep it simple. There’s no need to make it any harder for yourself. TOP LEFT Make sure you test the rigs in the margins when tweaking. ABOVE A tackle box essential which can be incorporated into a whole host of rigs. BELOW LEFT One taken on the simple pop-up rig detailed.

joint sitting hard on the bottom. Taking this principle a step further,

the tungsten comes in, and

I utilise the philosophy of a slow-

where you need super-

sinking hookbait for much of my

sticky, ultra-reliable

Chod Rig fishing. This ensures a

putty for the job.

perfect presentation over pretty

The Cling-On range

much any lake bottom. Adding just

ticks these boxes

enough putty to ensure the rig and

and more, including

leader sink means that a supple

superb density, colour

leader will follow the contours,

options and malleability.

which adds versatility to pop-up

I take a pinch and rub the

putty in my hands to activate it, and apply it to the previously

fishing. The same principle can be applied to the Naked Chod. Saving the best till last, a slow-sinking

mentioned rig at the point where the

pop-up means the buoyancy of the

stripped section of the hooklink meets

pop-up is magnified when the carp

the coated section. About an inch below

pricks itself, and as it tries to spit the

the eye of the hook is a good starting

rig out, the buoyancy of the pop-up

point. Once you have attached the

counteracts the density of the putty.

pop-up, place the rig in shallow margins or try it out at home in the sink. The rig

All the best, and stick with it,

should slowly sink, with the weighted


Crafty Carper 072-076_QuestionIs_CC207.indd 4

75 13/10/2014 11:08

The Question Is

Team Crafty Carper


Hi Guys, Bobbins, swingers, springer indicators – are there specific differences between them and when would one type of indicator be better than the others? I use Fox swingers and I am wondering if I would be better in some instances to use something else, but I don’t know what or when to change around or whether I should just stick with my swingers. Dave. Hi Dave, Good question – there are so many types and different ones available I’m surprised it’s not asked more often. Within reason they all do the same thing, which is let you know that a fish has picked up the hookbait and is doing something with it. The

ABOVE My choice of indicators is swingers with clear heads full of isotopes and illuminated LED connected to the power-out socket. RIGHT Try to keep a little bit of weight within the hangers and indication will be better.

one you choose is really a matter of personal opinion and desire; cost

illuminated swingers, where the wire

can play a huge role because a set

plugs into the power-out socket of a

of three complete swingers with

buzzer, the swing arm helps the electric

short, long and spring arms can

wire to last longer. When used as a

set you back a good few quid.

bobbin, the electric wire is being twisted

In my opinion, the swinger is the all-round favourite and best, as it

and pulled and soon breaks down. When fishing at long distance, you

can do everything in one unit and is

need the bobbin, whether it’s a swing

better in adverse weather conditions,

arm or just a hanger, to be heavier,

especially windy days. With a swinger,

because there’s not a lot of sense using

you can use a long arm or a short arm;

a mega-lightweight hanger. When

the long arm increases sensitivity,

150 yards of line is in the water the

and you can remove weight or add

indication will be very poor, especially

weight, depending on the situation.

with dropbacks. I have seen heavy

When the wind and rain blows hard

hangers fly towards the alarm so

it will still sit quite still and not give

fast that the bobbin has

false indication. With most models

broken LEDs on the

you can change the arm for a sprung

buzzer. This doesn’t

version, either in carbon or plastic. I

happen with a

also think that if you’re using alarm

swinger because

“In my opinion, the swinger is the all-round favourite and best, as it can do everything in one unit and is better in adverse weather conditions”

the bobbin

they offer more positive points than

is kept at the

hangers. Incidentally mate, if you

same radius point. Beware though,

as I have also seen a swinger head hit a rod so hard it damaged the carbon top cloth. On the opposite side of the coin, a

use hangers, in particular lightweight versions, please take care with the chains. In the past I have used little Union Jack hangers with chains, and have had strong runs where the line has been moving so erratically on the

swinger offers more resistance when

take that the bobbin has spun over the

fishing very close in and you want

line and sometimes the rod itself. The

everything to be super-slack. I never

line has got caught in the chain and

really fish with a super-slack line

snapped straight away, so not only

like those you see with the hangers

did I lose the fish but also the poor

sitting on the floor, as I feel it offers

fish was trailing about 80m of line

no indication at all, especially if you

because the break occurred at the rod.

use lead clips and not running leads

Please be mindful of what can happen.

and can receive the dropback bites.

I hope this has helped you a little.

So, as you can see, Dave, I’m an advocate of swingers because I feel



Crafty Carper

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with gardner’s

baitrange making GUNS

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13/10/2014 14:58


he Adventures of a Carp Angler is the long awaited book by legendary carper Simon Crow. Covering 40 chapters it details the trials and tribulations of his time chasing carp and working within the angling industry. His quest to target the famous fish of the north are covered, as are his captures of 50s from six different countries, including legendary carp like Black Eye, Arnie, and the finest in all Yorkshire, the Nostell Biggun’. This book is brimming with stories about carping on the circuit and adventure to the unknown, written by one of the world’s most experienced carpers with not one product plug anywhere to be seen. Whether you are new or old to the world of carping, it will entertain and inspire you to get out there and seek the adventures available to the modern day carp angler.

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About the author

Simon Crow has been carp fishing for over 30 years and has worked as an angling consultant most of his life. He has an MSc in fisheries and has caught carp from more than 300 different waters around the world, including 50pounders from six countries and 60s from three. Together with his long-time friend Rob Hughes, he was the winner of the first ever World Carp Cup in 1996. His current PB carp is a 71lb, whilst his UK PB is a 51lb. In March 2014 he was

Simon Crow


Book spec


40 chapters, 500+ full colour images, 450 pages, story based, page size 243x199mm, limited print run, only 60 leathers available, release date set for 21st inducted into the very prestigious Carp Fishing Hall November 2014 (at the Eric’s Angling carp night in of Fame. This is his fifth book about carp fishing, a Yorkshire - venue hobby which he describes asFhis addiction. RO M F TOHREM EP RULBY L TI H S EH EARNSG LO F to be confirmed), A N Dprice £34.99. - G R E A T G I F T I D E I N G P U B L I C AT I O N S S H O P








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Record your captures and venue information in this purpose-designed REALTREE anglers’ logbook. 200 pages for you to accurately record the date, venue, weather conditions, the bait and hooks you used, plus, of course, the species of fish and its weight. We’ve also included some essential information, including conversion tables, moon phases and knot diagrams, so this handy tackle bag-sized logbook doubles as an on-the-bank reference too. Softback with clear protective spiral bound cover for ease of use, it also comes complete with a pen – perfect!

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10/10/2014 11:08

13/10/2014 15:44:20 13/10/2014 16:31

Carpers' Kit CrAfty CArper edItor's CHoICeI

CygNet 20/20 stAge stANds, BANKstICKs ANd 3-rod sNugs RRP: Stage Stands £14.99; Banksticks from £9.50 each; 3-Rod Snugs £12.99 each | Online:

Starbaits Boilie Table  RRP: from £11.99

I've gone and got myself some new metalware over the last month, and can’t rate it highly enough. Not only does it look good, it also more than does the job.

Online: If you’ve ever toyed with making your own baits then you need a good-quality rolling table. But

fishing from the decking of the

have no fear because the guys at Starbaits have

lodge, so I also invested in a set of

got it covered. It's available in boilie sizes from

stage stands, which, to be honest,

10mm right up to 32mm and is very affordable,

I have been waiting for Cygnet to

which makes your bait even cheaper.

release for the original sticks for a while. Well, they are also out now, so if you own a set of the original banksticks, you can now get stage stands for them


too – bonus. The Stage Stands come

2 years now, and as soon as the

base of the stand and

new 20/20 was shown to me by

into the platform

Cygnet brand manager John Walker,

from which you are

I just had to get myself on the new

fishing – job done.

’ve been a long-term user

supplied with a Phillips screw,

of the original Cygnet sticks

and it’s a quick and simple job

and Snugs Buzz Bars for over

to screw it through the

20/20 gear. It’s thicker than the

All in all, if you

original metalware, at 16mm, and

are on the lookout

Diem EVA Stiff Rig & Accessory Bag 

the thumbscrews are now metal

for some new sticks

RRP: £17.99

rather than the original plastic

and bars, which have


versions; they have the Cygnet logo

sleek looks and a matt-black

emblazoned on them, which looks

finish, tidy stainless steel

With this bag, the EVA construction gives

the nuts, may I add. I absolute loved

thumbscrews, and perform

maximum protection to the contents. There is

the original Snugs for keeping my

just as well as they look, then

a rig board included as well as a padded inner

rods super-tight and looking good on

you’re on the right track with

divider, and strong snag-free zips. Featuring a

the bank. I always used the 2-Rod

the new Cygnet 20/20 range.

soft-touch carry handle, it’s well worth adding

version, but this time I opted for the

I absolutely love mine and

one of these to your luggage collection.

3-Rod Snugs because I was getting

definitely wouldn’t change

ready for a few fishing trips where I

them for anything in the

would be using more than my normal

world. I moved from stainless

two rods. I love the bulkier look to

over 2 years ago now due to

the 20/20 gear, and not only does it

the weight, and although it

look a lot sturdier and more robust,

took some time to find the

it also definitely proved to be just

right mix of looks, weight and

that. The thumbscrews seem to hold

strength, the original Cygnets

the inner shaft perfectly tight and in

were the ones for me. And

place, as I have not had any slipping

now, with the bulkier and

of the inner of the sticks whilst using

more robust look of

them. There’s nothing worse than

the 20/20, yet still

G-Force Wide Gape Hooks 

sitting under the brolly and being

with such a light

RRP: £4.25 per pack of 10

startled by a wide range of bleeps

weight, they tick


from the alarms when the stick slips

even more boxes

and the rods drop down about 4ins!

for me. They are well

When you talk about a sharp hook straight out

I was going to be fishing a couple of

worth the money too, as they

of the packet, you definitely get it when you

venues which have stages and also

are very competitively priced

purchase a pack of G-Force hooks. The Wide Gape

taking a trip to Olivemead, where

in comparison to many other

version features a beaked point, and to add to the

I knew I would be quite possibly

ranges of sticks and bars.

sharp attribute, they are also as strong as you like.

Crafty Carper 079-082_CarpersKit_CC207.indd 1

79 13/10/2014 12:06

Carpers’ Kit

Team Crafty Carper

Keep yourself WELL fed Hot Pack Self-Heating Nutritious Meals RRP: £33.95 for six meals Online:

E-S-P Back Rest  If you like travelling really light or just want to keep it simple with

RRP: £2.95 each

regard to bankside cooking, and not carry around the stove and


pans as well as various ingredients, then these are a big must-have. The meal comes supplied in a foil pack which is simply placed into a

Extremely affordable and arguably one of

flameless heater. All you have to do is add a little water and give it

the best on the market, the E-S-P Back Rests

10 minutes to heat up. The food reaches a staggering 70ºC so you

are cracking bits of kit. The rubber head is

can be sure that it will be hot enough when done. There are a variety

flexible yet very strong, and there are two sizes

of meals available, including an all-day breakfast, meatballs and

available. If you’re looking for a top-quality

pasta, vegetable curry, chicken dopiaza, Lancashire hotpot, chicken

back rest then you’ve definitely found one.

casserole, and much more. They are actually really tasty too, and we will definitely be scoffing these on our future quick overnighters.

Nash Chod-Link  RRP: £5.99 per 20m spool Online: Available in both 20 and 25lb breaking strains the Chod-Link is perfect for all Chod, Hinged Rigs and stiff boom sections. It is very tough and has been specifically developed to combine both rigidity and high memory, which enables rigs to be shaped or steamed straight.

Fox Neoprene Rod & Lead Bands 

Gardner Mark-It 

RRP: £4.99

RRP: £2.99 per 8m spool



The Rod & Lead Bands allow you to break down

A must-have item for when it comes to marking

a rod and secure it neatly for transit and storage.

line to enable you to hit the spot time and

Not only do the bands provide a cushioned and

time again. Available in Green or Yellow and

tight binding, the lead can also stay attached

made from 0.8mm latex rubber - perfect for

to your setup because the band prevents it

tying marker knots on the main line.

from knocking and damaging the rod.

Phat Fish Cap  RRP: £11.99 each Online: This is a brand new design from the guys at Phat Fish, available in three colours. The new caps feature a raised embroidered logo to the front and a leather strap and buckle to the rear to adjust the size. The buckle is also detailed with the Phat Fish logo, which is a nice touch.


Crafty Carper

079-082_CarpersKit_CC207.indd 2

13/10/2014 12:07

Carpers’ Kit

Team Crafty Carper

JRC Cocoon Recliner Chair  RRP: £88.99 Online: An ultra-strong, very lightweight chair from the guys at JRC. It features a practical pocket to the side, perfect for storing valuables on day sessions. The backrest is multi-adjustable and the chair is really well padded, while the legs are fully adjustable.

NGT Air-Dry Bag

RRP: Small £9.95; Large £10.95 Online: Everyone needs an air-dry bag in their life, and the guys at NGT not only give you a quality one but it’s also very affordable. It's well made and built to last, with high-quality zips and a little pouch for storing hookbaits. Very well thought out.

Ashima Revenge Snag Leader  RRP: £11.99 per 20m spool

Atomic Tackle Detecta Marker Float 


RRP: £6.50 each Online:

Revenge is a fast-sinking leader material made from a mixture of Dyneema and

The Detecta is a cracking marker float. The body is

Kevlar. It has huge strength with minimum

very flexible and you’ll even notice it flex in flight. It’s

stretch and is also amazingly abrasion-

extremely buoyant and is available in three different

resistant. It is available in Dark Green and

colours: Fluoro Orange, Fluoro Lime and a Black and

Sand colours with a 45lb breaking strain,

White striped version to cover all weather conditions.

and comes supplied on 20m spools.

Slug It To ‘Em Wychwood The Slug RRP: £12.99 Online: These new little bite indicators are as cool as you like. The Slug bobbin aids in bite indication and is fully adaptable to your favoured angling situation, whether it be slack lining, fishing tight lines, or semislack lines. You get a lot for your money in each pack too; each bobbin comes supplied with adjustable weights, chains and a Dacron cord as standard, so you can adapt the bobbins to suit. They are available in Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple and Black, and a spare White body comes supplied as standard.

Crafty Carper 079-082_CarpersKit_CC207.indd 3

81 13/10/2014 12:07

Carpers’ Kit

Team Crafty Carper

The members of Team Crafty give a rundown of all the indispensable items which have seen them through the past month. Coleman

and easier than carrying several gas

Sportster II Stove

canisters. It works just as well in winter

Expect to pay: £55

and you won’t be sitting in the cold

What Nigel says: When we’re

because you’re conscious of spending

talking stoves in the office, I’m

money on gas. There are several

usually ridiculed because I use a

Coleman models around, but recently

petrol stove. Apparently they’re not

the price has been hiked up to a new

the ‘in’ thing – but I love ‘em. OK,

high for some reason. However, I’ve just

they’re a bit of a faff because you

bought a new one from Erics Angling

have to pump ‘em up and they’re

and their price was the cheapest I

a bit smelly, but to me the plus

could find anywhere. Admittedly, they

points far outweigh the negatives.

can be a bit temperamental if you

For one thing, you’ll never run out

use dirty fuel, but that would be your

of fuel because you’ve only got to

own fault. Mine have always been

nip to Tesco and you’ll get enough

very reliable, and with a bit of care, a

very respectable and more than

to last a year for a few quid! A full

petrol stove will last you years. I know

enough for most situations.

tank burns for several hours and a

lots of you won’t agree and just say

The rear-mounted baitrunner

portable fuel bottle holds enough

I’m old school through and through,

facility also has a good range,

for several fill-ups – much less space

but it will always be petrol for me.

and should suit a broad spectrum of different angling situations.


The exterior package is complete

Medium Baitrunner Ci4 XTR-A LC

with Aero Wrap II line lay, which

Expect to pay: £349.99

is excellent, and a powerful

What Broady says: This reel has

5.3:1 gear ratio, which means

been in my hands for just over 6

loads of cranking power.

months, and in that time it has

Internally, this new Shimano is

experienced some real abuse,

packed with goodies, such as six

including two sessions on Rainbow.

S A-RB ball bearings, which are

Thankfully, even though it has shed

built to last a lifetime, plus a roller

the weight, it is still a bombproof

bearing. There are also a host of

workhorse of a reel that can

other features, including Floating

withstand anything you chuck at it.

Shaft II, Super Stopper II, X-Ship

The reel itself is front drag, which

System, two-speed oscillation,

is strong enough to be locked up

and AR-C Line Management. The

solid – an essential on Rainbow,

upshot of all this jargon is that

but also handy if you are doing

the reel feels really positive,

any snag fishing. It actually takes

performs brilliantly, and I can’t

290m of 0.35mm line, which is

recommend it highly enough.



Two-rod Nano Bars and So

Spot On Line Marker

Solid 6ins Bank Sticks

Expect to pay: £3.99

Expect to pay: Bars £19.99;

What James says: When marking

Sticks £15.99 per pair

my lines I’ve always used marker

What Richard says: If you

elastic, but recently I put a bottle

are looking for a compact and

of this stuff in my bag to give it

lightweight setup which is both

a try, and although before using I

strong and cost-effective, you'd

thought it looked like a bottle of

be hard pushed to better this

nail polish, it totally surpassed my

combination. The 6ins sticks offer

expectations. You simply brush the

a very stable, low to the ground

liquid on the line and it is dry in

setup which weighs next to nothing

seconds. Once dry it actually takes

and takes up very little space,

on a rubberised texture, so it can

ideal for mobile anglers. Should a

Nano Bars and So Solid sticks are

easily be peeled off the line when

situation arise where a longer stick

finished with an olive green powder

no longer needed and causes no

is required, simply remove one of

coating and are definitely a little

damage. All four colours are highly-

the points and screw two sticks

different from the norm. Overall a

visible too, with Purple, Green, Blue

together to create an individual

very well thought out product which I

and Red available. It’s definitely

12ins stick – very clever. Both the

will be using for many sessions ahead.

an item which I underestimated.


Crafty Carper

079-082_CarpersKit_CC207.indd 4

13/10/2014 12:08

In Focus Starbaits


conserve the battery life. How many


and gone back to them after a few

times have you put the alarms away weeks to find one of them has run out

We managed to get an exclusive first look at the new Starbaits alarms and receiver, which are set to be at the top of plenty of carp anglers’ Christmas lists in the coming months. They are impressive, to say the least.


of power due to not switching it off? The receiver boasts a great little feature when it comes to registering a bite. The coloured light of the alarm

he guys at Starbaits are releasing

the use of an Allen key (supplied as

lights up on the receiver to notify which

a brand new alarm which, in our

standard), so it can be cleaned if needs

alarm is receiving a take, but here’s the

opinion, is set to become a huge

be – they have a habit of picking up dirt

clever bit – if it’s a dropback, the white

hit; we have been lucky enough to see

and spod mix during spodding. There’s

light in the middle of the receiver also

the final production sample over the last

also a 5mm indicator fitting to the

lights up, as well as the specified alarm

few weeks. There will be two versions

front of the alarm which will take the

light. The receiver has a volume control

available – the standard D-Tec, and the

popular D-Tec indicators, which means

knob and a knob which sets the type

D-Tec E, which will offer full wireless

there’s no need for hockey sticks here.

of indication you wish to receive, which

capabilities and can be used alongside

The on/off switch

a very easy-to-use receiver which is of

can be found at

a practical size. The alarm heads aren’t

the bottom of

hard to use either, and although they

the alarm, and on

come supplied with full instructions,

the rear there is

once you’ve done it it’s simple, and to

a number 2 and 4

be quite honest, it’s self-explanatory. The alarms have a metal back

could be sound

“The receiver boasts a great little feature when it comes to registering a bite”

above the switch.

only, vibrate only, or both sound and vibrate. All in all, for the price this is a lot of product

If you switch it to number 2, you get

for your money. The alarms look good,

plate so are fully waterproof (it

the roller wheel sensitivity set to two

perform extremely well, and are very

also looks the nuts), and this plate

magnets, and then obviously, number

easy to operate. A massive thumbs up

can be removed easily enough to

4 means full sensitivity utilising all

for Starbaits from us here at Crafty, and

replace the batteries. You really

four roller wheel magnets. Now here’s

we’re sure that they’ll be a winner. We

can’t go wrong with a roller

the clever part; if you forget to turn

expect to be seeing lots of these on

wheel alarm; with this offering

the alarms off, yet still place them

the banks in the very near future, so

in the cover (which comes supplied),

make sure you get your order in early

they automatically turn off to help

with your local Starbaits stockist. CC

we liked the fact that the roller wheel can actually be removed with

Crafty Carper 083_InFocusStarbaits_CC207.indd 1

83 10/10/2014 11:18


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waters. Read how Darrell catches some of the UK’s best-known carp, including the incredible Two-Tone from Conningbrook, Yateley Car Park’s Arfur, Heather and pals, and the Fat Lady from St. Ives. Darrell’s determination to succeed, along with his obvious natural gift for catching carp, shines through in this deliberately honest tale.

£30 + £2.95 P&P


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13/10/2014 11:38

In Focus 30 Plus

Kodex S-5000 Clothing Range Online:

With the focus being on a quality winter clothing range, 30Plus have gone above and beyond with the new S-5000 gear. We take a closer look at it this month, so be prepared to be tempted to make a purchase. Kodex S-5000 Salopettes

of fish. Both the pockets are fleece-

RRP: £62.50

lined for added warmth, and all seams

Salopettes have long been an item of

are waterproof-taped. The storm

clothing which gets put in the boot

cuffs are fully adjustable to help

of my car as the temperature begins

retain heat and stop any unwanted

to fall and the wet stuff comes in.

draughts. Available in sizes M-XXL.

When you get to the banks of a lake, you never know if it will be boggy

Kodex S-5000 Hoody

when it’s raining and cold. Salopettes

RRP: £45

not only keep you warm, they also

When it comes to hoodies, how many

ensure you stay dry throughout. The

times do you put one on yet still feel

Kodex S-5000 ones are very light in

a little chilly? Well you won’t with

weight and have been made using

this one because it’s fleece-lined,

easy-move material, so they don’t

and so is perfect for use on those

constrict any movement while on the

chilly mornings or as the temps begin

bank. The shoulder straps are fully

to drop just before dark. It boasts

elasticated, which means they are

the same high quality as the rest

comfortable to wear and fit snugly.

of the new Kodex S-5000 clothing,

The pockets have been fleece-lined

and features elasticated cuffs and

to ensure your hands are kept warm

pull-cord toggles to the hood. It’s

while waiting for a winter chunk to

extremely warm for a hoody, and

take the hookbait, and the product

definitely worth wearing on its own

as a whole has a thermal fleece

in the transition between autumn

lining, so you won’t feel the cold.

and winter. It’s also ideal as an added

The 30Plus team have really thought

warm layer in the middle of winter –

about these; the bottoms of the legs

very nice. Available in sizes M-XXL.

have been made wider for quick foot access when wearing winter boots or the like. We also love the fact that there is a zip on them so you don’t have to pull the salopettes down and mess about when you get the call of nature. Available in sizes M-XXL. Kodex S-5000 Jacket RRP: £79.99 To complement the Salopettes and ensure you are fully togged up for the winter ahead, the S-5000 Jacket is fully lined and extremely warm. It’s also light in weight, so you won’t get too hot and sweaty whilst walking the lake in your toasty-warm winter attire, and it’s easy to move about in. This is an extremely high-quality piece of clothing and a must-have for winter, and we’re really impressed with it. The hood is adjustable and also detachable, and features a peak for protection from the dreaded rain and the bright winter sun, so you won’t have to squint when looking for signs

“It boasts the same high quality as the rest of the new Kodex S-5000 clothing” Crafty Carper 085_InFocus30Plus_CC207.indd 1

85 13/10/2014 15:58






- GR








- GR











W W W. T H E C A R P S T O R E . C O M O R C A L L 0 1 1 4 2 5 8 0 8 1 2 AP_GiftAd_CC207.indd 1

10/10/2014 10:32

In Focus

Rig-It Tackle

longer because there is more metal


to remove when trying to create a slimmer point, although care must be taken not to alter the hook too much. We are just looking to take


Rig-It Tackle’s hand-sharpened hooks are creating a stir. We took time out to chat with Lee, the man behind the sharpening, to find out what all the hype is about.

the original shape and make it finer towards the point. When I first started sharpening hooks, I used a match-angling hook-tier as a vice, but over the years I have done away with

CC: You specialise in hook-

can you give us any

this due to the fact that if I sharpen

sharpening, so can you explain to

examples of this?

a hook in my hand, I can move the

the readers exactly what you do?

Lee: Every hook

file to follow the contours of it, thus

Lee: We offer three different types

commercially made can

keeping to the original shape as much

of our own hooks in the two most

be improved upon and

as possible and not weakening the

popular sizes, 6 and 8, as well as two

made sharper. I would never

hook. I have seen some sharpened

branded hooks in our standard range.

consider casting out a hook

hooks which have been filed so much

We also offer custom hook-sharpening

which hasn’t had some work

that it weakens the hook. We aim to

of any brand and size of hook. We

done with a file. When watching

ensure the strength of the hook is

split them into two pricing bands and

the various underwater filming,

not compromised. Great care is taken

this is based on the cost of the hooks.

it’s obvious that fish are picking up

when sharpening hooks because

We purchase the required hooks then

rigs and blowing them out without

they can easily be made worse by

hand-sharpen each one, using Swiss

giving any indication. Sharpened

shortening the length of the point. I

files in varying grades to achieve

hooks definitely help reduce the

use two grades of file and sometimes

the needle-sharp finish. Each hook is

number of times a fish ejects a

a sharpening stone to hone the hook

examined with a jeweller’s loupe to

hookbait; in the last 5 years of

and make the area filed smooth.

ensure the sharpening is correct. We

using sharpened hooks, my catch

We can also apply, on request, a

strongly believe that every hook on the

rate has increased even though

solution to slow down oxidation

market can be sharpened, and in turn,

my fishing time has decreased.

processes when immersed in water.

made better. Certain brands sharpen

Other examples of this are when

better than others due to the metals

we have supplied hooks to a new

CC: On your website, it states

used, but with experience and by using

customer. The feedback we get

you make rigs to order. Which

the right files, I can get an excellent

is great and extremely positive.

sorts of presentations are

result on all hooks. All our hooks

My own fishing is done on two

you happy to tie, and which

are supplied with a protective tip

northwest syndicates, and over

materials do you use?

to prevent damage of the points.

the last 2 years I have had the best

Lee: We can supply any rig requested,

We aim to have each order sent

seasons in over 10 years for the

and to add to the service we

out within 48 hours, but sometimes

number of fish I’ve caught. Both

incorporate a hand-sharpened hook.

it’s not possible when we have to

these waters could be classed as

During the time I have been carp

order the custom hooks. We have

hard, and if I’m waiting for a bite for

fishing, I have used most of the

gained many repeat customers who

a few sessions, I want to give myself

popular rig presentations, so can

continuously order their hooks from

as many edges as possible. This is

supply any rig which is likely to be

us, and the feedback we have received

where I see our hooks as a massive

needed. We also give customers the

has been tremendous. Many customers

advantage over standard hooks.

chance to select which materials are

who have bought them from other

used within the rig. In the main, and

people say ours are the best they have

CC: Without giving too much

for the standard price, we use our

seen. To date, our hand-sharpened

away, can you explain the hook-

own brand of hand-sharpened hooks,

hooks and custom hook-sharpening is

sharpening process, and how

swivels, etc., but we can supply

the busiest area within our business.

much time and effort goes into it?

any rigs made with any materials

Lee: Each pack of hooks varies, but

available on the market. One of the

CC: Do you believe a sharpened

some can take up to 45 minutes,

most popular rigs we get asked for

hook gets you more bites, and

dependent on the pattern and

is a coated braid combi-link with

size. Larger hooks take

blowback hooking arrangement. Again, these are supplied with our hand-sharpened hooks and have been really popular with our customers; we get a lot of repeat business from these. When the customer places the order with Lisa there are five main things which we like to clarify before we make the rigs, and these are: • Bait attachment • Hook type and size (from our range) • Shrink tube or not – obviously some rigs don’t require it • Hooklink type and length • Swivel attachment • Plus any other specifics which can also be catered for.

Crafty CraftyCarper Carper 087_InFocusRigIt_CC207.indd 1

101 87 10/10/2014 10:46

Untitled-1 1

13/10/2014 09:33

Crystal Waters French carp fishery is situated in the Burgundy region of France. The fishery is a secured 25 acre two island lake set within a stunning and tranquil 35 acre complex just a 4 hour drive from Calais.

We offer 3 packages: Full Inclusive (includes travel, food, fishing) Drive ‘n’ Tucker (you drive we feed you) Drive and survive All trips are accompanied by a bailiff, we use a fully licensed coach company.

Carp over 70lb

Like us Crystal Waters Fishery

Follow us @Crystalcarping


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Tel: 0845 180 1412 Mob: 0791 770 1100 email:

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Contact our booking office for details:

13/10/2014 11:58 13/10/2014 16:27




TICKING Rich Seeds has had a blinding year on the Carp Society’s Farriers Lake, just from fishing 24-hour sessions. Here’s the low-down on what happened and how he managed to achieve such success on shorter sessions.


Rich Seeds Age 30 Hometown

Southampton Occupation

Fishery owner UK personal best

49lb Favourite venue

Horseshoe (back in the day)

Crafty Carper 089-092_With_Time_Ticking_CC207.indd 1

89 13/10/2014 12:22

With Time Ticking Rich Seeds

I have fished Farriers for a few years

whatever reason, the lake fished very

now, and have caught well during

poorly, but nobody could really put their

my time there. I’ve managed over

finger on why that was. Still, I managed

60x 30s from the water, but hadn’t

to catch a fair few fish to over 38lb,

caught my long-term target, which

both on the bottom and the top, so I

was a 40lb common. I don’t think

couldn’t complain. Around August time,

it was much to do with the way I

the lake began to fish again, and with

was fishing it, I think it was mainly

a few coming out at good weights, I

down to a large slice of luck.

knew it was my chance to chase what

I only get 24 hours to fish, and with it being a fairly busy circuit water, it can make it a tricky prospect to get

I had been yearning after for so long. I arrived on the Thursday morning, and as usual the lake was fairly busy.

on the fish. It is a very shallow gravel pit, and with that comes a large amount of weed. This can sometimes scare people, but I enjoy fishing in and around

One end of the lake

“With a few coming out at good weights, I knew it was my chance to chase what I had been yearning after for so long”

it, as long as it isn’t on the surface. I spent last season mainly fishing

is slightly shallower than the other, and a lot weedier too. I decided I would fish at that end because there were only a couple of guys at the shallow end, and there were clear

signs of carp in the weed. I could see a large hole in the weed to my right,

long hooklinks in the weed, and it

and fish were clearly passing through

worked brilliantly for me. This year

it. I cast a bare lead out there and it

though, I wanted to have a go at

was clean, but only the size of a bivvy.

fishing what I would call spots – clean

It was enough to fit my two rods on,

polished areas which the fish have clearly used before to feed on. It often took a little time to locate one,

TOP Everything was falling into place, as this 35lb 14oz common shows.

but when I did I felt happy knowing

RIGHT A strong Size 6 hook fished

that my rig would be presented. The spring was slow and it didn’t fish great in the summer either. For


in conjunction with a 16mm dumbbell worked a treat. BELOW Another mid-30 off a heavily baited area.

Crafty Carper

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With Time Ticking Rich Seeds


Follow these simple steps to create Rich’s spod mix.

ABOVE Small highly attractive bags helped prevent tangles, mask the hook, and give a small pile of attraction around the hookbait. BOTTOM Short rigs were used when fishing on the clear spots.

so I got clipped up and ready to go.

Hemp is a must-have item in the mix, and it gets the carp grubbing around.

Adding plenty of boilies means there’s plenty of food items to munch.

Vor-tex pellets are the next addition to the mixture…

…followed by some Vor-tex Active Mix for added attraction.

Finishing the mix off with Krill Liquid gives yet more attraction to the mix.

This is exactly how it looks, with loads of food items and rammed with attraction.

The fish at Farriers absolutely love boilies, and it’s the reason why many of them are so big. I had been using Vor-tex for a couple of seasons and found it much more effective than anything else I have tried on the lake. The boilie made up the bulk of my spod mix, with some hemp, Vor-tex Active Mix, matching pellets, and some Krill Liquid creating a highly attractive mix with plenty of food items for the fish to go at. I put a whole 5kg bucket out to the spot and fished a couple of Vor-tex 16mm barrels on the Hair. To ensure that the rig was not tangled, and to add a bit of extra smell and attraction to the hookbait, I added a small bag of Vor-tex pellets to the rig. The sun was beaming down and the carp began to arrive en masse. It was a great swim for daytime bites and I knew I would have a chance in the afternoon. I kept an eye on my spot and could just make out a few bubbles coming up. A few minutes passed before a group of coots decided that they wanted to have a go too. They dived one after another, and I sat there angry and frustrated, knowing

Crafty Carper 089-092_With_Time_Ticking_CC207.indd 3

91 13/10/2014 12:23

With Time Ticking Rich Seeds

they had most likely just ruined my

the lake in the slightly deeper water. A

chance of a bite. Then the bobbin

swim from which I had done well in the

pulled up and the birds evacuated,

past was free, so I decided to set up in

squawking and squealing. I could make

there. A few fish were present and the

out a large bow wave off the spot and

conditions couldn’t have been better.

I knew that a carp had been feeding in 4ft of water along with the coots. It weeded me almost straight away,

I found a lovely silt spot in around 5ft of water, so I spodded my bait out and cast my rigs there as quickly as I

but with it being shallow, I jumped in

could. Within a couple of hours I had a

the waders and made my way out to

37lb 10oz common on the bank – result!

the spot. As soon as I got above the

I put another couple of kilos of bait out

fish it pulled free, and after a short

there and recast the rod. I had been

fight a chunky common was in the net.

using much larger leads than normal

It weighed 35lb 14oz, a typical clean-

for the past couple of sessions, and it

looking common from the lake. I did a

certainly seemed to be working. Not

few pictures and slipped her back before getting the rod back out. A few fish were still in the area and it looked promising for another one. As the sun

only was it helping

“I found a lovely silt spot in around 5ft of water, so I spodded my bait out and cast my rigs there as quickly as I could”

disappeared behind

me hook fish, it was dropping off the

when I did, it cracked down with a solid

lead clip as soon as

thud. I clipped everything up and got to

the fish picked up

work spodding out my bucket of bait.

the bait. This was

Everything looked spot on and

ABOVE After over 70x 30s from Farriers, I finally caught what I was after, a 40lb common. BOTTOM Job done and a longterm project completed.

vital if I was going

within a couple of hours I had a bite. I

to have any chance

knew it was a good fish and hoped this

of landing anything.

would indeed be my time. When the

me a hand with the net, as a

It was another

My friend came over to give

fish rolled a rod length out from the

huge common emerged from

the large trees which surround Farriers,

quiet night, but the morning did

net, I was convinced it was the one. It

behind a large weedbed. He did

I received another bite. Once again I

bring a nice 22lb common to

wasn’t, but a cracking mid-30 common

a great job netting it first time,

had to go into the lake to retrieve it.

round off a successful session.

was certainly nothing to complain

and it looked like it was my first

about. I got the rod back out and it was

40lb common. It was, and at 40lb 4oz, I had eventually done it.

It was another 30lb common, 33lb

Unfortunately, I had to miss a couple

10oz to be precise, and a sign that

of weeks after that because of work

only a matter of minutes before it was

what I was doing was right. Nothing

commitments. At this point the lake

off again. A mental afternoon’s fishing

happened that night, but I left for

was fishing really well and I was itching

resulted in 35lb, 28lb, 29lb and 21lb

the past the bigger fish came in

work a happy man, having caught a

to get back. When I did, it was very

commons. The fish were going crazy

after a few days of fishing. Being

couple of cracking fish the day before.

busy, but a few swims I fancied were

and I couldn’t put enough bait in. I

only able to fish 24 hours a week

The following week came quickly,

still vacant. I dropped in a swim from

went through 7 kilos of boilies and was

limited me slightly, but when it

and the weather had completely

where I could fish the middle of the

worried that I would run out of bait. I

happened it made it so much more

changed for the better. Strong winds,

top side of the lake. I had a good lead

then received another bite, and once

satisfying. I also caught a couple

rain and finally a bit of cooler air came

around and eventually stumbled on a

again it felt like a good fish. It had such

more 20s the following morning,

in, perfect conditions for big fish. I

small gravel hole around 85 yards out.

immense strength, tearing through the

which rounded off a fantastic

knew I wanted to be at the other end of

It took a few casts to get it right, but

weedbeds, and I could do little with it.

session on an amazing place. CC


It had been apparent that in

Crafty Carper

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13/10/2014 12:24









make this rod possible. on a more responsive high-modulus blank... It’s our cutting-edge composites that The PRODIGY GT5. The dominating Prodigy action with more power in the tip power, effortlessly... the channel Guides SIC G-Lite™ is as functional as its transmission is electric... The Carbon Armour™ finish is as durable as it is beautiful... Our Hybrid Reel Seat TC to 13’ 3.5lb TC. 2.75lb 12’ from GT5 Y PRODIG New the resist cannot Our Worldwide Extended Warranty means you stop biting your nails. You



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13/10/2014 15:19



Crafty Carper

094-095_Fox_Comp_CC207.indd 1

13/10/2014 16:17


Fox Competition




Which guides are used on the awesome Fox Warrior range of rods? A Slacks

B Tour



This month we’re giving away five sets of the brand new Fox Warrior S50 rods. Find out all about the new member of the Warrior family, and enter the competition right here.



Simply text CC6 then a space, followed by your answer to the question above (either A B or C), to 82070. For example, your answer could be CC6 A

0:00 AM

Messages cost £1.50 per message plus


standard network charge. Under-18s only

he Warrior S range is one of the most

of the Warrior S50, as well as the 50mm butt

popular carp rods on the market in its

ring, for such an attractive price tag. There’s

price range, and is already very much

no wonder the Warrior S rod range has won

a high-flier. It is a true all-round rod, and I

so many awards, and this new offering will

can guarantee that the next time you’re on

surely add to the long list of honours.

the lake there will be someone fishing with

The rod is of a lightweight low-resin

with bill payer’s permission. Text details may appear on phone bill. Service provider Digital Select Ltd. Helpline: 0844 448 0165. Competition closes midnight 18/11/2014.




Complete the form below, pop it in an envelope and post it to us at the following address: Fox Competition, CC207, Angling Publications Ltd., Regent House, 101 Broadfield Road, Sheffield S8 0XH

a set of these. They offer superb value for

carbon construction and features a high-

money and you get a hell of a lot of high-

quality DPS-style 18mm reel seat with

quality product for your hard-earned cash.

reinforced steel collar. It is finished in matt

If, like most of us, you are on a budget and

black with understated cosmetics, so it looks

can’t warrant a new set of rods costing over

the part as well as performing well above

100 quid each, then you need to enter our

expectations. The butt grip is tapered to

competition. The range was already extensive,

ensure it fits in the hand a lot better than

with 12ft versions in 2.75lb and 3lb tests, as

most rods, and it has a straight butt grip.

will come direct from the manufacturer. No cash alternative.

well as a 13ft 3.5lb version, all with 40mm

The line clip has been designed to ensure

Competition closes midnight 18/11/2014.

butt rings. Now another essential has been

it doesn’t damage the line, and the guides

added to the awesome Warrior S name, with a

used are the much-publicised and highly

50mm version of the extremely popular 12ft

acclaimed Fox SLIK guides – very nice.

You may photocopy this page to avoid spoiling the magazine. Winners will be notified in writing, please allow 28 days for the delivery of your prize (for which a signature will be required), which

FOX COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Crafty Carper Issue 207, November 2014

3lb. It’s aptly called the Warrior S50 and you can get your hands on one for just £79.99,

Here’s your chance to become the proud

which means you can buy two of these

owner of a set of two Fox Warrior S50

beauties for less than you might pay for one

rods worth £79.99 each. There will be five

rod which does exactly the same thing. We

winners, which means we’re giving away a

can’t even think of another rod which offers

massive £799.90 worth of rods to our readers,

such a high-quality finish and all the features

thanks to those lovely guys at Fox.


Your answer (please tick one) A



Name Postal address

Postcode Telephone no Mobile Email Daytime delivery address (if different from above)

Postcode Tick here if you do not wish to receive further information  from Angling Publications and affiliated companies.

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95 13/10/2014 16:18


Fish for FREE and catch with the help of Crafty Carper Buy s 24hr get s 24hr


Bailiff’s Tip Use plenty of bait on Wadmill; quite simply, the more you feed, the more you’ll catch!


The lake contains a huge head of carp


To be redeemed at:

Wadmill Lake

Tober Manor, Dorset This voucher entitles the bearer to 24 hours’ free fishing with any 24-hour ticket purchased.

Tickets: Day tickets; 24hr

(Todber Manor, Dorset)

size of 10lb up to a current lake record

tickets; week-long tickets.

Todber Manor Fisheries is set in the

of 27lb. The Wadmill lakebed is made

heart of the Dorset countryside, and is home to some of the fishing in the southwest. lakes, including three specimen carp lakes,

between 4ft and 12ft and plenty of features,

“A brilliant lake with plenty of action throughout the day”

a runs water, and three match/pleasure fishing lakes.

Bailiff signature

The lake we are focusing on for Valid Monday-Thursday only. Offer ends 18/11/14. Offer restricted to one ticket per person.


up of clay, with depths varying

finest carp and coarse On site there are seven

Angler signature


(approx. 1,000 fish), with an average

Prices: Day ticket – £10; 24hrs –

£20; week-long ticket – £100. Main rules: All sensible

rules, with fish care being of

which include islands

paramount importance.

and marginal shelves.

Facilities: Tackle shop on site;

When we asked the

shower and toilet block; path

management at Todber

around the lake; woodchipped

to describe Wadmill, their answer was short and sweet: “A brilliant lake with plenty of

swims; takeaway deliveries. Address: Manor Farm, Todber,

Sturminster Newton, Dorset DT10 1JB.

TicketMaster is Wadmill Lake, a 4-acre

action throughout the day.” As for

Contact: Todber Manor Fisheries,

well-stocked runs water which provides

tactics, heavy baiting and Method

tel. 01258 820384;

plenty of year-round action and

feeders work well, but any tactics will


excitement for anglers of all abilities.

work on this heavily stocked venue.


Crafty Carper

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The TicketMaster Team Crafty Carper

Buy s 24hr get s 24hr



Barston Lakes West Midlands Barston has always had a good reputation for being a runs water, but that implies there are lots of

smaller fish to be had – and that’s not strictly true. A recent

stocking saw two mirrors of 30 and 37lb introduced into the lake, and you can’t really call them small, can you? There are two lakes on the site but the one of most interest to carp anglers is the larger of the two, which is about 25 acres. It’s a gravel pit with an average depth of around 4ft, with one end gradually sloping off to 14ft. There’s an island in the middle and a large aerator/fountain at the southern end. You can drive to many of the swims, which is a bonus, and angling is allowed 24 hours a day, although night fishing is available only to members. Membership only costs £12 a year – that’s a bargain! Anglers also have access to the clubhouse, which is part of the adjacent golf club, and is something you don’t usually see at carp venues – and it’s palatial. There are literally tons of carp in Barston; at a guess there are around 14,000 carp to 30lb in there. It’s the perfect place to go if you want to hear your buzzer sound, and it’s the perfect place for brushing up on your carping skills.

Bailiff’s Tip This is an ideal place to test out rigs and baits. The fish feed well no matter what the weather is like, so plenty of food works wonders.

NEED TO KNOW: Tickets: Day tickets and 24-

hour tickets available. Prices: 1-8hrs – £8.50;

9-16hrs – £12.00; 17-24hrs – £16.00; junior, OAP and evening tickets available. SPECIAL OFFER VOUCHER

To be redeemed at:

Barston Lakes Solihull

This voucher entitles the bearer to 24 hours’ free fishing with any 24-hour ticket purchased.

Night fishing for members only (£12 per year). Main rules: No braided main

lines; no surface fishing; barbless hooks only; bait boats allowed. Facilities: Toilets on site, along

with showers and changing rooms in golf clubhouse; hot and cold

Angler signature

food and drinks available. Address: Barston Lakes,

Marsh House Farm Lane, Barston,

Bailiff signature

Solihull B92 0LB. Contact: Nigel Harrhy – Valid Monday-Thursday only. Offer ends 18/11/14. Offer restricted to one ticket per person.

01675 444890. Website:

Crafty Carper 096-099_TicketMaster_CC207.indd 2

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Buy s 24hr get s 24hr



Fisheries. The total carp stock is

number of the big original carp in Lake

estimated to be 500 plus. The lake

2. It’s a cracking water to wet a line


serves as an ideal leisure water, with

and get your net wet along the way.

Lake 2 was originally part of the main

plenty of action to be had because

lake; however, a channel was put in to

these young carp have, in many cases,

Lake 2, Farlows

separate the then 35-acre pit and create a standalone venue of some 6 acres plus. When the channel was made, many carp were enclosed in the smaller lake, and these

never seen a hook. Again, simple tactics work very well, with boilies and carp

“The lake serves pellet being the going as an ideal leisure method. Be ready for a water, with plenty of sleepless night because action to be had” large hauls of fish are

have been landed up to 36lb. In addition to the original stock, 400 carp weighing

commonplace on Lake 2! This water also holds pike, perch, roach, bream, tench and

NEED TO KNOW: Tickets: Day and 24hr tickets available. Prices: Day – one rod £8; two rods

£12; three rods £15; 24hrs – two rods £20; three rods £25. Main rules: No sacking of fish;

To be redeemed at:

Lake 2, Farlows Buckinghamshire

This voucher entitles the bearer to 24 hours’ free fishing with any 24-hour ticket purchased. Angler signature

barbed or micro-barbed hooks only; no leadcore; no bait boats. Facilities: On-site tackle shop;

Bailiff signature

shower and toilet facilities; café. Address: Farlows Lake, Ford Lane,

between 5lb and 18lb were added to

eels. Keep it simple and you will reap

Iver, Buckinghamshire SL0 9LL.

the lake in 2013, followed by another

the rewards. You never know what

Contact: Tel – 01753 630302.

20 carp weighing 13-17lb from VS

your next run will be, as there are still a




Valid Monday-Thursday only. Offer ends 18/11/14. Offer restricted to one ticket per person.

Crafty Carper

096-099_TicketMaster_CC207.indd 3

13/10/2014 10:38

The TicketMaster Team Crafty Carper


Four Seasons Fisheries Blackpool, Lancashire There are three lakes at Four Seasons

Buy s 24hr get s 24hr

Fisheries, and the name is apt because it’s a good


place to spend a few days during winter because the lakes fish well all year round. There are two carp lakes at the venue, Lodge and Mill. Lodge Lake is around 3 acres and contains carp from 18lb up to 35lb. There are also some grass carp and catfish up to 48lb. With electricity to every swim, it’s a lovely place to spend a winter’s day. The fish have an average size of 24lb, making it an ideal place to get a real bend in your rod. Mill Lake is around 2.5 acres with 17 swims, and is stocked with


around 300 carp. The average size is


16lb going up to 26lb, and there are also some catfish present. There are

NEW 2014 colour brochure by phoning the fishery number below or simply ordering through our regularly updated website. VISIT US ON:

lilies, reedbeds and islands to fish to; 12 anglers can fish at any one time. Like Lodge Lake, there are electricity

hook-up points in each swim, and an on-site café as well as toilets. Both lakes have plenty of features


to fish to, and there are also heavily planted islands, which will certainly


give you something to think about. The café is something a bit different for a fishery, as not only does it do a fantastic breakfast, everything from sandwiches to full home-cooked dinners can be delivered to your swim. Lovely! All in all, Four Seasons is a cracking place to spend a few days, no matter what the weather. NEED TO KNOW: Tickets: 12 hours, 24 hours

and longer are available. Prices: Lodge Lake – £15 for 12

hours; £24 for 24 hours. Mill Lake – £12 for 12 hours; £20 for 24 hours. Main rules: Two-rod limit; 42ins

landing net required; no sacking of fish; barbless or micro-barb hooks only; no nuts and only pellets purchased on site to be used; large unhooking mat required; leads must be able to discharge upon breakage of line; 15lb line to be used on Lodge, 12lb on Mill lake; full


To be redeemed at:

Four Seasons Fisheries Blackpool, Lancashire

This voucher entitles the bearer to 24 hours’ free fishing with any 24-hour ticket purchased.

Angler signature

rules on website. Address: Four Seasons Fisheries,

Staining Road, Blackpool FY3 0AY.

Bailiff signature

– 01253 894357. Website:

Valid Monday-Thursday only. Offer ends 18/11/14. Offer restricted to one ticket per person.

Crafty Carper 096-099_TicketMaster_CC207.indd 4

• Eight day-ticket waters ranging from 9 to 34 acres in size • Five of the day-ticket waters have produced carp to over 40lbs • Heavily stocked with twenties and thirties • Showers and toilets on site with car parking close to all waters • Open for fishing 24 hours – no limit to stay – no silly rules

Contact: Jonathan Mills

Email: fourseasonsfisheries@

Linear has its own DVD featuring both Ian Russell and Iain Macmillan who offer information on the waters along with some valuable advice and tips on how to fish them. The DVD which runs for over one hour is free from selected shops, from Linear’s bailiffs on the bank, at the Linear Open Day or through the post at a small cost to cover postage packing etc. If you wish to order a free DVD through the post please send a cheque or postal order [made out to Linear Fisheries] for £2.00 to cover postage packing and administration to: Pam Pickering, Linear Fisheries Accounts, C/O Smiths Bletchington, Enslow, Kidlington, Oxon, OX5 3AY


99 91 13/10/2014 10:38


fish farm between 11 and 14lb, as

Olivemead Lake

well as 20 Mark Simmonds fish over 20lb. An ongoing fishery management process is in place, and in 2011 all fish under 12lb were removed, followed by all fish under 18lb being removed in 2013. The fish have been monitored closely and been well fed over the

It’s not often we look at holiday venues right here in the UK. Why travel all the way to France when you have this on your doorstep, with a great stamp of fish and cracking facilities to boot? Editor James took a closer look and sampled some of the delights the lake has to offer.

years, and the growth rates being


now around 140 carp present with

seen are something to be desired, showing the quality of the water which these fish call home. There are

livemead Lake was originally

true carp anglers’ paradise, and I’ve got

perfect for stalking your prey, or even

around 100 over the 20lb mark, and

constructed in the late-1960s,

to say he’s done just that. Eighteen

presenting a small trap in what look

so far this year there have been 25

due to blue clay excavations

months of work was undertaken

like very likely fish-holding spots.

different 30lb+ fish which have graced

whilst constructing the nearby M4

to create the 29ft-deep lake, with

motorway. In 2008 Scott Wealthall

undulations and underwater features

lakebed was complete, and along

stands at 46lb 4oz and is one of three

took on the challenge of converting

galore, along with an island and plenty

with 120 of the original carp, Scott

different 40s residing in the Mead.

such a deep hole in the ground to a

of lily-ridden, reed-lined corners; it’s

introduced 71 carp from Lana Springs

With these figures, you can see how

An absolutely pristine 20lb common.


In spring 2009, the work on the

The lodge boasts full Sky TV, a log burner and kitchen.

the banks. The current lake record

Looking out from the main lodge.

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Hot Holiday Venue Team Crafty Carper

the picturesque 3-acre lake warrants

water out in front of the decking, so

Martha’s Pod, which is exactly what it

the time I spent at Olivemead, they

the nickname of The Hippo Sanctuary.

a pod or stage stands are a must. The

sounds like. It’s a carp angler’s dream

obviously weren’t on the munch fully,

lodge offers plenty of comfort, with

and saves putting the bivvy up; you

as only one fish came from my baited

the inclusion of an en suite bathroom

can stay in a pod under a proper roof,

spot, which saw plenty of boilies, a

with laminate flooring, electric radiator,

bucket of hemp, and a good amount

single bed, a double hob, microwave,

of pellet. A slow-sinking hookbait and

If you bivvy up, you will find that the toilet (with loo roll provided) and shower facilities are kept clean, and there is also a tap for

with toilet, sink and shower, a fully-fitted kitchen with

filling water carriers.

oven, hob, microwave,

kettle and small fridge. And it also

a mesh stick of boilie crumb and two

If, on the other hand,

kettle, fridge freezer

commands a fair bit of water! The

pouchfuls of boilies catapulted over

and all cooking

outside features an overhanging roof

the top did the trick, as did setting

utensils and cutlery,

to sit under at night, no matter what

little traps with sticks of crushed boilie

not to mention the

the weather is like, and there are

and a handful of pellets thrown over

32ins TV/DVD with

spotlights, so it’s very relaxing and

the top on the edge of the lily beds.

Sky TV, inclusive

perfect for sitting out on the decking

All the fish caught on my trip were in

while surveying the water. Both in

top condition, though I would advise

For those of you

the pod and the lodge the electric is

having a word with Scott as to the

fishing through the cold

paid for by the way of a coin meter,

whereabouts of any snags in your

which takes both £1 and £2 coins.

swim. I suffered a cut-off in the bay to

“For those of you fishing through the cold winter months, the traditional wood burner is a massive bonus”

you prefer a little extra comfort, then you’ll love what the Mead has to offer in the way of accommodation. You

of movie channels.

can hire the main lodge, which is situated right on the lake, and you can fish from

winter months, the traditional

the decking. It sleeps four people, with

wood burner is a massive bonus, and

a double bed and a room with two

it doesn’t half warm up the lodge.

singles. It commands a large piece of

On the other side of the lake is

The fishing can be chaotic if the carp

the right of the lodge, before finding

are on it, and you may struggle to keep

out from Scott the exact location

up with the baiting demands. During

of a pretty substantial snag. CC


Olivemead Tickets: 48hrs minimum between 1st March and 31st October; weekly booking and whole lake exclusive available. Prices: Main lodge – £100 per night (48hrs minimum); Martha’s Pod – £55 per night (48hrs minimum); bivvied swims – £60 per 48hrs; whole lake exclusive – £1,600 per week. Payment can be made by card over the phone or online. Main Rules: No peanuts or tiger nuts; no leadcore or fixed rigs; no bare line above leads; Safe Zone leaders or similar to be used; only use nets, cradles and slings provided; no fires; all anglers must have a carp-care kit; fish to designated swim (buoy markers are visible); no climbing of trees.

An Olivemead 30-pounder.

Facilities: Showers; toilets; all lodge and pod facilities detailed in the review. Address: Olivemead Lake, Olivemead Lane, Dauntsey, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 4JF. Contact: Tel – 07940 356737; email – olivemeadlake@ Website:

Martha’s Pod.

There’s everything you need in the pod.

Crafty Carper 100-101_HotHoliday_CC207.indd 2

101 13/10/2014 11:09




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This book contains a mixture of old and new methods, a sprinkling of valuable tips and tricks and there is something for everyone. Within these pages, you will find the nuts and bolts of fishing for carp, including many lessons learned along the way as we look back, and BRAND predict what might happen in the future.

Softback £17.99

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Contents include special chapters on Benelux (Holland, Beligum and Luxembourg) – Alijn Danau; Spain – Daniel Calleja: Italy – Sandro di Cesare; Croatia – Kris Kuri; Poland – Przemek Mroczek; Germany, Hungary & Austria by Steve Briggs. Special chapters on F O R M E R LY T H E A N G L I N G P U B L I C AT I O N S S H O P Cassien, Raduta, Rainbow, Les Graviers and Les Teillatts: Carp of the UK by Chris Ball: The French Inland Seas by Andy Chambers: The French 70lb+ venues by Simon Crow.



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F O R M E R LY T H E A N G L I N G P U B L I C AT I O N S S H O P APMailOrder_CC207.indd 1

10/10/2014 10:39





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F O R M E R LY T H E A N G L I N G P U B L I C AT I O N S S H O P APMailOrder_CC207.indd 2

10/10/2014 10:41

The British Carp Angling Championship 2014 Final

Team Crafty

THE BRITISH CARP ANGLING CHAMPIONSHIP 2014 FINAL The eagerly awaited final of the British Carp Angling Championship 2014 saw an exciting battle for the top honour in competition carp fishing, and it was the popular pairing of Neil Rivers and Chris ‘Bones’ Holmes who netted the top slot against a field of hotshots, young guns and old hats of the competition scene. Rob Hughes reports.


ith a move to a new venue,

Sunnymeads Corner, the competitors

at three-rod lengths and slightly left

more competitors taking

were treated to a real part of British

under an overhanging tree, and another

part, and an increased prize

carp-fishing history. Wraysbury has

at 50 yards to a clear sandy spot.

fund on offer, there was a real buzz

moved on and morphed into what will

It was the longer rod fished to a

about the final of the 2014 BCAC at

undoubtedly become a firm favourite

sandy patch which produced the first

RK Leisure’s Wraysbury North Lake.

with many carp anglers in the future.

couple of bites, and with a sprinkling

A swanky party hosted by RK Leisure

The atmosphere was electric.

of bait over the top of Chods and bags,

the night before, with fire pit, music,

First blood went to Neil Rivers and

they managed three bites, landing

1. Rob Hughes was filming for Sky Sports throughout the weekend. 2. First blood went to Holmes and Rivers down in Sunnymeads Corner. 3 . A proper scaly creature for Snowdon and Sainty put them well and truly in contention. 4. It’s a large chunk of water to get around with your gear, so the RK Leisure Kubotas were put to good use.

gourmet food, and a free bar added

partner Chris ‘Bones’ Holmes fishing

two before darkness fell. With the

to the atmosphere. VIPs from the

in Sunnymeads Corner. The pair came

water being so clear and the weed in

angling world far and wide came

out midway from the draw bag, and

evidence all over, and heavy in places,

down to see what all the fuss was

opted for the swim in which they had

the clever money was on fishing spots

about, and everyone left agreeing

practised. It was a brave call which

which would allow good presentation,

that Raphael Khalili and Jamie Gold

surprised some people, as the area is

as well as a chance of getting them in.

of RK Leisure had done the angling

known to produce a fish or two before

world proud with their achievements

drying up completely. It’s in a corner, so

a few fish, and by first light a new

Alexei Bygrave, there were thoughts

at Horton and now Wraysbury as well.

there was less chance of passing traffic,

leader had emerged. Harry Charrington,

that the very talented Charrington

and the open water in the middle of

fishing on his own, as he had all the

could do the double, but his lead didn’t

other than the practice session each

the pond was the favoured area for

way through the tournament, bagged a

last. Arguably the smallest carp in

competitor had been allowed, the draw

many. However, Rivers and Holmes

couple of fish, including one of the older

Wraysbury, a mirror of 6lb 1oz, put

was a tense and silent affair as the

had a few tricks up their sleeves, and

Wraysbury residents, a 32lb common.

Rivers and Holmes back in top slot.

19 pairs lined up to make their choice.

whilst many were aiming for long-range

It was an incredible creature and put

The margin spot was now working

With iconic names like Springates, the

action in the weedy waters of W1,

him into the lead with 46lb 8oz, just

for them, and Holmes’ plan of regularly

Sunken Barge, Giants Footsteps and

these two opted for a very short spot

an ounce ahead of Rivers and Holmes.

spraying 4mm DNA pellets over a

With no information to go on


The hours of darkness produced

5. The RK Leisure team of Raphael Khalili and Jamie Gold did the carpangling world very proud indeed. 6 . Harry Charrington was going for the double, and put on a great display on his own.

Having just won the Erics match with

Crafty Carper

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The British Carp Angling Championship 2014 Final

Team Crafty







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105 13/10/2014 09:32

The British Carp Angling Championship 2014 Final Team Crafty

3mx3m area, and condensing the spot

Saturday night, although expected to

by firing in stocking mesh bags of pellets

be busy, yielded just one fish for Jack

worked a treat. Fishing match-style and

Meyer and Lewis Swift and one for John

spraying a couple of pouchfuls every 20

Fern and Dean Winsbury. As Sunday

minutes or so meant that the spot was

dawned it was Rivers/Holmes who

always fresh, and the carp seemed to

were still at the top of the list, with a

agree. Many would have fished straight

40lb margin over second-placed Sainty/

to the snaggy corner farther left, but

Snowdon. Two bites for the Sticky boys

the lads wanted the fish to move out

– one landed, one lost – closed the gap,

confidently rather than stay in the snags.

but an immediate reply from Holmes

This is exactly what they did, and just

and Rivers, with a 20lb fish, saw them

before the halfway stage, and

increase their lead once again.

while Rob Hughes and the

With just minutes to go,

TV crew were recording

a call came through on

the proceedings for Sky

the radio that Sainty/

Sports, Bones slipped

Snowdon were in

the net under a hefty

again, but it was

Wraysbury creature of

a case of too little

37lb 9oz. It was a new

too late because

personal best for Chris, but more importantly for the running scores, and it put them well at the top. The average fish

the hooter sounded, and Rivers/Holmes had

way through, from a swim which wasn’t expected to produce the winner. They

earlier, gave them a comfortable lead.

had fished a fantastic tactical game,

Elsewhere around the monumental

making the most of the fish in front

lake, it was a case of sporadic action from

of them and not disturbing the swim,

all quarters. All the banks had produced

as could easily have been the case.

In ! Top of the shop!


winning pair with their trophy – a very proud moment.

At the presentation the crowds

put the Sticky Baits team of Adam

gathered, the cameras rolled and clicked,

Snowdon and Phil Sainty into contention

and the results were announced. The

with Urban Baits-backed Gary Hodges

winners’ cheques, totalling £23,000,

and Gary Baldwin, who were locked in

were handed out. Event organiser Simon

a close battle for second and third.

Bennie announced a return to Wraysbury

of fish hooked and lost, and incredibly,

7. Team Carp-Talk won the team event at the 2014 BCAC.

8. Get

done enough to hold on.

the monster, coupled with the 6lb fish

Saturday afternoon saw a number

LEFT INSET Fishing small bags was really doing the trick for the DNA-backed boys.

They had led the race almost all the

are around 12-16lb at the moment, and

fish, and a stunning fully-scaled creature


for next year’s final, with a massive prize of £30,000 up for grabs. CC



Crafty Carper

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7 T H

H O T E L ,



A V E N U E ,


2 0 1 4 L U 4

9 R U



PLUS Come along and enjoy an Evening of Carp, a laid-back informal night of entertainment and all things carpy on Friday 7th November Luton. Our guest speakers at the event at Luton are legendary anglers and all-round good guys Terry Hearn and Frank Warwick. Entry is by pre-booked ticket at the cost of £9.99 per person and you will receive a free gift on arrival at the venue. We have a choice of two gifts for our Luton event, as detailed below:


A pot of Pop-Ups from E-S-P (value £4.95 £5.95) or a copy of Carp Rigs the Mechanics (value £9.99). *We have limited stocks of each product but all entries purchased in advance will be guaranteed either one of the free gifts on arrival. Terry Hearn will be blowing us all away with one of his fabulous slide shows, and as always you will not be disappointed. The event will see the UK launch of Frank Warwick’s debut book Every Bit of Blue – My Life as a Carp Angler, which is long overdue and has something for everyone. The book has a technical aspect combined with the humour, antics and stories that we have come to expect from Frank. He allows us glimpses into his private life and shares

some of his incredible thought processes which have made him the person he is today. The book offers readers thought-provoking information and a lot of ‘laugh out loud’ moments. Signed copies of the book will be available to purchase on the night. There will be a raffle in conjunction with the PAG with some great prizes to be won. Licensed bar on site. Doors open at 6.30 p.m. Doors close at 11.00 p.m. (approximately)


There will be trade stands from Angling Publications, Baitcraft, Next Generation Tackle and The Predation Action Group Evening of Carp (Luton) is being held on the evening of Friday 7th November at The Chiltern Hotel, Waller Avenue, Luton, Bedfordshire LU4 9RU. Tel: +44 (0)1582 575911. Accommodation is available for anyone wanting to stay over and can be arranged directly with the hotel. The event is being organised by Angling Publications Limited, and any questions (excluding accommodation) should be directed to


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13/10/2014 11:53



This great product, designed exclusively by NGT, is a bag which not only houses a large 11-compartment tackle box, but also doubles up as a neat bivvy table! The tackle box has adjustable compartments to store all your terminal items. The separate bivvy table, with one-touch adjustable legs, is housed in a pocket

and can be used with or without the tackle box. A well-padded shoulder strap, padded handle, high-quality zips and mesh front panel for additional storage, make this a smart spacesaving bit of kit and it can be yours absolutely FREE. This makes a monthly magazine subscription an extra-special gift at Christmas!









Size: 40cm x 36.5cm x 6.5cm




108-109_SubsOffer_CC207.indd 1



- GRE 13/10/2014 12:28



With its own carry case, this great cradle from NGT is more than capable of taking big fish but is compact in design and won’t fill the car boot. It features a heavy-duty PVC waterproof fabric with a thick foam lining to protect your catch. This is an item every angler should be using and it can be yours absolutely FREE. This makes a monthly magazine subscription an extra-special gift at Christmas!

Soft 210D PVC waterproof material Padded with PE board and thick sponge Rigid outer, very soft inner mat A detachable foam mat for superb fish protection Two mesh panels on the top Sides with PE board folding system Size: 90 x 55 x 21cm



TO ORDER BY PHONE CALL LINDSEY ON 0114 258 0812 OR ONLINE AT WWW.THECARPSTORE.COM Crafty Carper 108-109_SubsOffer_CC207.indd 2

109 13/10/2014 12:28


FOR 2015/16 0208 302 6866

French Carp Fishing at its Very Best Cretelakes has established itself as a premier carp fishery in France. There are five equally stocked lakes holding literally hundreds of 30 and 40lb+ carp with the biggest residents over the magical 60lb. Add this to the all-inclusive package that includes food and travel to and from the venue in just 3 hours it’s easy to see why Cretelakes is a firm favourite amongst anglers. Check out our website for availability.

+ 50lb

+ 60lb

+ 50lb

+ 50lb

+ 50lb

BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT A range of fresh frozen Mainline baits available for pre-order or at the venue including: • Activ8 • The Cell

10kg £95 10kg £95

Cretelake Specials 5kg £40 10kg £75 (available pre-order or at the venue)

All major credit and debit cards accepted For interactive maps, actual swim views and hot spots go to

CreteLakes_CC207.indd 1

08/10/2014 12:17

2015 Fully-Inclusive Coach Trips

Five beautiful lakes set in 130 acres

At Cretelakes we offer an inclusive package that includes travel by coach to and from the venue, plus a food package including a full English breakfast and evening meal followed by desserts, with full use of all facilities including showers that are open 24 hours a day. Early and late season prices are from as little as £495 so places are selling fast so book early to avoid disappointment, phone Debbie on 020 8302 6866 for full details.Meeting times are 1.00am at Reylon car park Dover where you will be briefed by a Cretelake bailiff prior to boarding the 3.30am ferry.

Lake 5 30 acres

Lake 4 6 ½ acres

2015 Self-Drive Package

Lake 1 9 acres Lake 3 8 acres

£450 per angler per week Price includes a full food package.

Lake 2 6 acres

Only 2½ hours from Calais

+ 50lb

+ 50lb

+ 50lb

+ 50lb

Facilities Located in Fismes, France; the on-site facilities at Cretelakes are excellent with a fully equipped kitchen, a large seating area with Sky TV, a shop stocking those essential items including a large stock of bait, and a shower block housing 3 showers and 3 toilets. The showers are open 24 hours a day and can be used at your own convenience.

+ 60lb

+ 60lb

There are up to 5 bailiffs present with a wealth of knowledge on the lakes and will be on hand to cook the all important meals and look after your daily needs. They are also available to give advice on tactics and help find the best spots in your chosen pegs. A full English breakfast is served at 9am and an evening meal at 5pm, all our meals are homemade and are followed by a dessert. The bait shop is stocked with a variety of bait including boilies from Mainline, and end tackle from Korda. We also have a large walk-in fridge freezer that houses bottled lager, soft drinks, bottled water, confectionery and biscuits.

French registered business siret No. 51144164400016

CreteLakes_CC207.indd 2

08/10/2014 12:18

COMPETITION We’ve got a set of the brand new and highly acclaimed Tournos 10000 reels from SONIK to give away this month. We’re pretty sure that after reading all about them you’ll definitely want a set, so what better way to get your hands on them…


he new Tournos 10000 is the

models received plaudits from far and

to withstand years of continuous use,

to create perfect line lay, and a powerful

largest reel in the SONIK range

wide with regard to the tarty looks of

which helps make this reel a robust

disc drag make the Tournos 10000

and has been aimed at big-fish

the minimalistic reel design, and these

contender if you are considering buying

super-smooth. The rotor lock bail arm

anglers targeting large carp, whether

follow suit very nicely. But it isn’t just

a big pit reel. This model boasts a

means there is no danger of it snapping

that be at home or abroad. SONIK has

good looks that the 10000 can boast;

massive long-cast aluminium spool with

shut mid-cast, whilst the rapid-drag

stuck with the same tried and trusted

it also has the might to back up such

an angled lip. It holds a huge 480yds

system allows you to go from freespool

design whilst utilising the sleek matt-

great looks. The SONIK guys have once

of 12lb line on the deep version, plus

to fully locked up in just over half a turn.

black finish, which is minimalist and

again used the tried and tested internal

there is also a shallow spool supplied as

The chunky machined aluminium handle

deliberately understated. The smaller

mechanics designed for previous models

standard. Internally, a worm-drive helps

provides a secure grip and plenty of


Crafty Carper

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13/10/2014 09:51




SONIK Competition

TWO WAYS TO WIN: FIRST, ANSWER THIS RATHER EASY QUESTION: Which drive on the reel gives perfect line lay? A Worm

B Maggot

C Caterpillar




Simply text CC8 then a space, followed by your answer to the question above (either A B or C), to 82070. For example, your answer could be CC8 A

0:00 AM

Messages cost £1.50 per message plus standard network charge. Under-18s only with bill payer’s permission. Text details may appear on phone bill. Service provider Digital Select Ltd. Helpline: 0844 448 0165. Competition closes midnight 18/11/2014.




Complete the form below, pop it in an envelope and post it to us at the following address: SONIK Competition, CC207, Angling Publications Ltd., Regent House, 101 Broadfield Road, Sheffield S8 0XH You may photocopy this page to avoid spoiling the magazine. Winners will be notified in writing, please allow 28 days for the delivery of your prize (for which a signature will be required), which will come direct from the manufacturer. No cash alternative. Competition closes midnight 18/11/2014.

SONIK COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Crafty Carper Issue 207, November 2014 Your answer (please tick one) A



Name Postal address

FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • •

High-strength carbon composite body/rotor 8+1 stainless steel shielded bearings Instant anti-reverse system Long-cast angled spool lip Dual-strength stainless steel main shaft Worm-drive for perfect line lay Rapid drag system from freespool to locked up Twin spring-loaded line clips Rotor lock with open bail arm Titanium coated bail arm Anti-tangle line drop system Machined aluminium handle

smooth winding power, thanks to the


8+1 stainless shielded bearings. A quick


play with this reel was enough to show us its classy good looks and positive

12lb/330yds – 15lb/280yds – 18lb/230yds 0.32mm/300m – 0.35mm/250m – 0.40mm/210m

which is pretty reasonable, although


there’s currently a three for two offer in place. This makes it even greater value for money, but here at Crafty Carper

Telephone no Mobile Email Daytime delivery address (if different from above)


winner. The reel is priced at £199.99,

feel, which will undoubtedly make it a


12lb/480yds – 15lb/360yds – 18lb/300yds 0.32mm/430m – 0.35mm/330m – 0.40mm/270m

we’ve gone one better. One lucky reader


can become the proud owner of a set of

LINE RETRIEVAL: 96cm (38ins) per turn

three for as little as the cost of a postage

WEIGHT: 760g

Postcode Tick here if you do not wish to receive further information  from Angling Publications and affiliated companies.

stamp, so it’s well worth entering. CC

Crafty Carper 112-113_Sonik_Comp_CC207.indd 2

113 13/10/2014 09:52









Julian Cundiff’s latest book is one from which anglers of all abilities cannot fail to learn, and whether you are new to the game and want a head start, or have been carping for years and it’sDall in F R want O M some T H E extra P U Bmotivation L I S H E R Swhen O F times are hard, AN the 192 pages that make up Carp - Short Session Success.


“A fantastic source of motivation and information for carp anglers of all levels of experience.” Lewis Porter, Fox media editor


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Order your copy now from AP_JULES_CC207.indd 1

10/10/2014 10:58






French Carping has a directory of commercial carp waters in France, compiled by Clive Williams, and based on his Sussex Carping F R OThis M Tbook H E details P U B Lover I S H200 E R Svenues, OF book. with more than 300 lakes, and something for anyone thinking about a fishing holiday in France.




The F R book O M covers T H E everything, P U B L I S Hfrom E R Sbasic O Fdrive-and-survive AND trips for the boys, to lake-exclusive holidays with stunning accommodation, ideal for a full family affair. There are a few handy tips from French fishing guru, Steve Briggs, as well as useful information on driving in France, a list of ferry operators and some common sense rules and regulations. The book is separated into sections, based on driving time from Calais, and each of these sections is split into venues with accommodation and those without, making it very easy to pinpoint the ideal holiday for you.


FRENCH CARPING Clive Williams £15.00 plus £2.95 P&P

Order your copy now from

FrenchCarping_CC207.indd 1

ad template_halfH.indd 1

10/10/2014 11:53

13/10/2014 15:20

SHALLOW SUCCESS A chance invitation to Holbrook Mill saw Steve Spurgeon having to reassess his approach to tempt a carp from this shallow crystalclear venue, where the fish know they are being fished for.


Steve Spurgeon Age 48 Hometown

Leigh-on-Sea Occupation

Account manager UK personal best

47lb 2oz Favourite venue

Private syndicate in Essex Did you know...

Steve is a big lover of dogs and religiously donates to Battersea Dogs Home every month.

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115 13/10/2014 11:47

Shallow Success Steve Spurgeon


ne of the great things about

position my hookbaits as close as I

my job for Fox is that I get to

wanted to the carpy-looking areas.

spend loads of time in tackle

The night flew by, and a stuttering

shops, and as a result I meet and talk

bite at dawn saw me exiting the bag

to loads of anglers. It was on one

post-haste into the late-autumn chill

such visit to Breakaway Tackle that I

which took my breath away. Although

bumped into Rob Nunn, a friend who

I should have guessed by the nature

I hadn’t seen in ages. After an age

of the bite, I was still shocked to

drinking tea and talking all things

find myself connected to a tench

carpy, Rob asked if I fancied a session

and not the dreamed of carp – what

on Holbrook Mill, a water he manages

a gutter. As the sun began to slowly

for the owner, Adam Ripp. Now Adam

make its presence felt in the bottom

has a serious high-pressure job and

of the steep-sided valley, the light

his escape is carp fishing, so he has

revealed the pool in all its glory.

created a very special lake which is

It was stunning. I pondered what

beautiful and yet offers a realistic

to do, and reeled in to take a good

chance of catching a nice carp. I love

look around. I bumped into Rob, who

fishing new waters; there’s definitely

had popped down to see how I was

something magical about turning up to

doing. After retelling my tale of woe,

a place you’ve never seen before and

Rob explained that this was really a

pitting your wits against the carp with

daytime water, and once the full force

no preconceptions, just reacting on your gut instinct. With that in mind, I couldn’t wait to give this special water a go, and couldn’t wait to

“This place had everything – receding lily beds, overhanging trees – the lot, and everywhere looked good for a bite”

of the autumn sun hit the water, the carp would become very visible and, more importantly, catchable. As we walked he pointed out various areas.

take up Adam and Rob’s kind offer.

I was drawn to the bottom end of

As is ever the case, my planned

the lake, which had more features

early finish disappeared in a blizzard

than you could shake a marker float

of brake lights as I battled the late-

at, but the main one was a far bank

afternoon traffic, and it was just

treeline which just screamed carp.

getting dark as I coasted the car to


As I’ve already said, this water

a halt and spotted the access path

really is crystal-clear and is also

to the lake which nestled below me.

shallow, so I had to think carefully

In the gathering gloom the water

about how I was going to effectively

looked awesome, and it was going to

present baits to the far margin

be a race against time to get the rods

without giving away my intentions to

sorted. With time of the essence, I

the increasingly active carp. I settled

followed Rob’s advice and settled in

for a simple lead clip arrangement,

a central swim, and soon had three

with a balanced bait mounted on a

baits positioned the best I could in the

Soft Coretex hooklink. This was to

dark, but I wasn’t really 100% happy.

keep clutter to a minimum in the clear

This place had everything – receding

water, and the setup would allow me

lily beds, overhanging trees – the lot,

to present a bait effectively over the

and everywhere looked good for a

soft silty lakebed. If it had been a hard

bite, but because of the dark I couldn’t

bottom, I would have opted for a 20lb




Crafty Carper

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13/10/2014 11:48

Shallow Success

Steve Spurgeon

1 The last few metres of line will be on the deck, and I’ll still get good indication.


2 Keep it simple. This arrangement was used to combat the soft lakebed. 3 The 30lb version is ideal for leaders, and the 20lb is perfect for hooklinks. 4 A spod would have spooked them in the shallow water, so a catapult and a light scattering of bait was used. 5 If the bottom was gravel, I would use a stiff rig like this. 6 The fish fought hard in the shallows.



Trans Khaki hooklink with the same balanced hookbait, a presentation which I know, thanks to Rob Hughes’ underwater observations, is not only invisible but also super-effective. But it wasn’t the right choice for there, so I opted for the Soft Coretex, safe in the knowledge that even if the lead did plug into the soft silt a little, the hooklink would have enough flexibility to fold over and lie across the lakebed. After a couple of stealthy casts to get the right range to just skim the far bank branches, I clipped up and was ready to go. I added a small PVA bag to each rod, which would also slow the rig a little on impact and help to reduce the fact that it was going into silt. After each cast I quickly dropped the rod and topped up each spot with 10mm Hybrid boilies via catapult; again, this was to keep disturbance to a minimum in the shallow water. There was no room for spodding. I was fishing right across the shallow water, so I’d swapped to

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117 13/10/2014 11:48

Shallow Success Steve Spurgeon

the new Trans Khaki Fluorocarbon reel line, a product which has impressed me – you genuinely can’t see it and it sinks like a brick. It’s worth explaining how I was actually set up and fishing because

7 A PVA bag of pellet and small boilies slows the descent of the rig through the water.


8 A cracking common, looking stunning in the autumn sun.

it was a considered compromise to get the best from what I needed to achieve. The water is shallow all the way across to the trees and the centre of the lake is covered in Canadian Pondweed, but under the canopy it’s as clear as a bell. I needed to ensure that the last few yards of line was on the deck, but I had a tight enough line to get decent bite indication against the trees. With the Trans Khaki main line

warm sunlight. Then, as if by magic, I

this was easy to achieve, because

started to see signs of carp, and not

I was on it in a flash, trying to gain

with a short drop on the indicator

just one or two; everywhere I looked

control of a fish which was way down

the sun, and it was a real joy to watch

the inherent weight of the line

there were telltale signs that they

to my left, thanks to the fact that

my prize swim away in the clear water.

bowed down towards the lake, just

had arrived in numbers. I carefully

they can only run sideways because

I watched for ages before it slowly

resting on the weed, and it was all

stood up, and making sure I was still

of the shallow nature of the lake. It

melted away. Fishing the Mill had

hidden by the marginal

really was taking plenty of line as

been a great experience, and adapting

cover, I watched several

it ploughed on, eventually finding

to the shallow water had been easy

carp cruising along the

sanctuary in a huge bed of dying lilies.

because I had the right tools for the

far margin. I’d just got to

Steady pressure soon told, and I could

job. So, if you ever find yourself in a

get a bite. I was pleased

see the now weakened stems shearing

similar position, take a leaf out of my

to see that the fish were

off as the line scythed through them;

book – be quiet, keep a low profile, use

happy to pass backwards

this fluorocarbon is proper tough old

the right line to hide everything, and

and forwards over my

gear. After a spectacular fight which

keep the rigs simple. Follow all these

line, reinforcing the fact

saw the fish make countless powerful

things and you will achieve shallow success, there’s no doubt about it.

on the bottom by the time it reached the trees. There really is no need to go stupidly slack when using lines like these because they are so heavy they will be on the deck anyway. With everything sorted, I made sure I was sitting

“Then, as if by magic, I started to see signs of carp, and not just one or two”

the treeline at a great rate of knots.

had punched well above its weight. The pictures came out perfect in

well back from the water’s edge,

that it really had bowed down and

runs, dragging line from a protesting

keeping a low profile behind the

couldn’t be seen. I’d just taken a

clutch, I eventually slipped the net

marginal Flag Iris, which kept me

couple of steps to the left-hand side

under an immaculate common which

hidden. As the sun finally climbed

of the swim to get a better angle

paradise, and Rob for remembering

above the trees, it was like someone

to watch the fish when the middle

an old friend. Luckily for me, they’ve

flicking on a light switch, and the

indicator pulled up tight, and the rod

invited me back for a winter trip, so

whole lake was bathed in beautiful

tip bent left as the fish kited down

I’ll let you know how I get on. CC

Finally, I’d like to thank Adam for letting me sample this little bit of



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arper.c o


Julian Cundiff’s top winter tactic in detail



revisits Jones Pit 20 years on







Simon Crow Dave Lane Adam Penning Tim Paisley

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Sponsored by

there are a few new snippets in the inbox part of the mag, but more importantly, we want to use this section to keep in touch with our readers. anything you want to tell us, no matter how big or small, then either write to the address above or contact me by email. i love hearing about your thoughts, not only about the mag but also fishing in general. Each month one lucky reader will win a £20 voucher to be spent at

GET IN TOUCH Email: By post: Crafty Carper, Regent House, 101 Broadfield Road, Sheffield S8 0XH

spooKy story…

lEttE r oF t hE Mo nth


Hi James,


Ian w ins a 6-mo sub n Crafty scription to th Carpe r Mag azine

This is a spooky fishing tale, because every time I pick up Crafty Carper magazine and start to read Julian Cundiff’s article when I’m fishing, I seem to get a run and always land the carp. It doesn’t seem to happen with Carpworld or any other magazine though. It happened last Tuesday; I’d not had a run for about 4hrs so I picked up the magazine and got a run straight away. Spooky or what? I can’t try it this week because it only seems to work once per issue, so I’m waiting for the new Crafty Carper to come out. Ian Johnston. Hi Ian, Thank you for your email, and as it seems that Jules brings you good luck once a month, for the next 6 months you can rest assured that you will be getting a bite every month because you’ve won a 6-month subscription to Crafty. Congratulations fella. All the best, and tight lines, James and the Crafty Team.

sMilE For thE CaMEra lEw Gardner’s Lewis Read recently took up the offer of a week-long trip to Rainbow with Carpworld editor Steve Broad, and upon looking through the pictures on their return, I simply had to have this for Inbox. We’re trying to figure out what kind of face this is that Lewis is pulling, and whether there’s something going on in the picture that we don’t know about. Talk about a face for radio! Well in though Lew, on losing your Rainbow virginity.

FoX and CraFty CarpEr FaCEBooK winnEr #1 Starting this month, the winner of the new capture competition, in conjunction with Fox International on Facebook, is Darren Hilton. He caught one of his target fish, The Major, at 45lb, and it’s a cracking catch picture. Since posting the image on our Facebook page, he’s also added another 40 to his tally, and he’s still only done 7 nights on his new water. Congratulations Darren, and enjoy getting some use out of the £50 worth of Fox Edges gear which is coming your way. Hopefully it will help you bag a few more of your targets on the new lake. You also go into the hall of fame, whereby one of the monthly winners will be announced as the overall winner and get to fish alongside a top Fox consultant in the form of Tom Maker, Mark Pitchers or Ian Chillcott.


Crafty Carper

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Team Crafty Carper

Carpworld is Child’s Play

BCAC Final Chef

There isn’t a month goes by when Broady doesn’t get

sales manager and previous Crafty editor Jerry Bridger cooking up breakfast for his team. It

his mug in this section, and this one is particularly

was accompanied by a can of Stella, which made it the breakfast of kings. Good skills Jel!

Whilst walking the banks of Wraysbury 1 during the BCAC final recently, we came across Trakker

good. Either Broady has a love child or they were separated at birth! The scary little ginger doll thing, called Chucky from the horror films Child’s

Put it Away!

Play, bears a striking resemblance to our man!

Crossdressing Designers

In the process of trying to land a 30 from Olivemead recently, editor James had to strip down to his boxers and take a dip. Fish safety was paramount after becoming snagged and already being cut off

Editor James had some of the Nash Spot On Marker

to the same snag the previous day,

Liquid on his desk to photograph for this issue,

so into the water he went. This

and it seems that our designers Andy (Pete)

was much to the amusement of his

and Tim thought it was a pot of standard nail

family, who were more than happy

varnish. Why they would paint their nails with

to photograph it all, although this is

it is another question all together though!

the tamest of the pictures taken!

East Midlands Carp Study Group Dates Announced

A Definite Date for Your Diary An Evening Of Carp will be held on Friday 7th November at The Chiltern Hotel in Luton. Guest speakers will be

The East Midlands Carp Study Group have

Terry Hearn and Frank Warwick. Entry is by pre-booked

released the dates and speakers for their

tickets at a cost of £9.99 and there’s a free gift on

upcoming events to be held at Underwood

arrival, with the choice of a pot of E-S-P pop-ups or a

Miners Welfare, Alfreton Road, Underwood,

copy of Carp Rigs; The Mechanics. Terry Hearn will be

Nottinghamshire NG16 5GA. Tickets are £7

presenting one of his awesome slide shows, so you won’t

on the door for non-members and the doors

be disappointed, and Frank Warwick will be launching

open at 7.00 p.m.

his debut book Every Bit Of Blue and will be signing

5th December – Gary Bayes

copies galore while there. Doors open at 6.30 p.m.

9th January – Nick Burrage

and it’s set to be a great night. There will also be trade

6th February – Simon Crow

stands present, from Baitcraft, Next Generation Tackle,

6th March – Mark Pitchers

Angling Publications and The Predation Action Group.

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Here are the six monthly winners in all their glory, and one of these is the lucky winner of a session with a top Fox consultant.


ver the last 6 months we’ve been running a catch competition on Facebook, in conjunction with those

lovely guys at Fox. One winner has been selected by our panel each month and has received £50 worth of the fantastic Fox Edges range of terminal tackle. Here are the

James Clifton Mag issue: July Catch Details: A lovely-looking old scaly mirror of 21lb 2oz. It’s actually the third time James has caught this fish from his Kent club water in the last 2 years. What made this one the winner was the fact that it came as part of a six-fish haul and was taken in the first 5 hours of fishing.

James Shores Mag issue: October Catch Details: James tackled the carp in Foxearth Lake and managed to put his name on one of the original commons at 20lb. We’re sure you’ll agree that it’s an absolutely scale-perfect common and worthy of the monthly prize in its autumn colours.

six winners, one of whom will be going on a session with Mark Pitchers, Tom Maker or Ian Chillcott. Now that’s a prize for many anglers to be envious of. The captures have been judged not only on the size of the fish but also on the merit of the capture, as well as the quality of the catch picture. You’ll notice that it’s not the fact that someone has caught a 40 that’s won them the monthly prize, but more so the difficulty of the conditions, lake, or beauty of the fish, and so on and so forth.

Michael Brown Mag issue: August Catch Details: This is by no means the biggest fish in the competition, but it was a massive achievement in our eyes, because as you can see from the picture, Michael lost his arm in a motorbike accident. However, he hasn’t let anything get in the way of his hobby and passion for angling. He actually reels in with his teeth, and has recently added a 30 to his tally.

Stuart ‘Little B’ Broadbank Mag issue: May Catch Details: Using one of our TicketMaster vouchers, Stuart took to the banks of Selby 3 Lakes, (which isn’t the easiest of day ticket waters) for 48hrs and had three fish, with the biggest being this 18lb 2oz mirror. All fish came to a solid bag approach over boilies and hemp.

Oli Aston Mag issue: June Catch Details: Oli tackled a hard northwest mere and submitted this lovely picture of one of his target fish. It’s an extremely moody shot and one which we really liked. With a catch shot as atmospheric as this, the weight of the fish is irrelevant. Stunning!

Martin Nichols Mag issue: September Catch Details: It was a new personal best for Martin, and not only was it the biggest fish that he’d ever caught, it’s also one which we thought was absolutely belting. What made it even more meritorious was the fact that it was taken on his first night spent on a new lake. A 29lb 7oz scaly stunner!



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Diary of an Everyday Carp Angler Julian Cundiff


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Diary of an Everyday Carp Angler Julian Cundiff

The Diary of an Everyday Carp Angler Sadly, the trip to Church Lake was cancelled due to Kevin still filming, but Jules was still on a roll, with carp from numerous waters, a roadshow, and cramming in as much as possible. Wednesday 27th August I had a second visit to a new day ticket water coming up, so I decided to do some more preparatory work, having learnt a little from my last trip. The Scopex Squid bait had done me fine, but a huge head of coarse fish had meant I was losing my hookbaits too easily and needed to harden them up. I simply left a handful of Scopex Squid freezer baits in the laundry cupboard and air-dried them till they were nice and hard. Five days did it perfectly, and a light glaze of the Scopex Squid Food Dip added to the attraction. I’d also been told that the carp in there (certainly the better ones) seemed

A very short Chod Rig did the trick.

fond of strong fishy-smelling baits, so I needed to find one to compare it

some coloured water in front of Point,

I was using a combination of crumbed

with the Scopex Squid. I settled on

but as that was more of a day or

Scopex Squid and added half a tub of

the Nash Bait Crab and Krill Instant

interception swim, I decided to target

Dynamite’s Mixed Particles to pad it

Action, and boy does it stink! The

a slightly deeper water swim towards

out. By 6.00 p.m. the rods were out,

hookbaits were soaked in Booster

the dam end. The rods were set up

the kettle was steaming, and all was

Liquid and I felt a little better prepared

with leadcore leaders for Chod fishing

good with the world. A huge flat spot

for my second trip. On time-limited

because although the weed had died

over the middle rod revealed that carp

sessions, doing as much as you can

down, there was so much dead stuff

were on the spot already, and when

in advance usually pays dividends,

on the bottom that Chods seemed the

I still hadn’t had a take by 9.00 p.m. I

and what I learnt from session one

obvious starting point. I used a Size

was most surprised. I was woken by

would benefit me on session two.

6 Chod Twister and just an

a screaming Siren and a blue

inch and a half of 25lb


Julian Cundiff Age 51 Hometown


Friday 29th August

Chod-Link crimped to

I was booked in for a 2-day session at

the swivel so they

Kevin Nash’s Church Lake, but Kevin

were low, because

still had his filming to complete so sadly

I’m not a fan of

had to postpone it for a short while.

high Chods. The

Never mind, these things happen, so

hookbaits were

rather than sit at home and stew, I

two on Scopex

light over the middle indicator, and after a manic scrap the first

“I was woken by a screaming Siren and a blue light over the middle indicator”

one was netted. At just over 18lb it was a nice start, and with the pictures done,

intended to do a night on one of my

Squid, which were

Legal adviser HMCTS

syndicates once I’d done my morning

made for me by Proper

court. Just like you, my fishing and

Job Pop Ups, and one on

UK personal best

life does not always go to plan, so it’s

a bright white Condensed Milk

a case of pick yourself up and move

pop-up. A little leading about revealed

that was all. I was packed up by 9.00

on. The gear was slightly altered,

that the bottom still had a heavy

a.m. and drove round on my way home.

and by mid Friday afternoon I was

coating of dead weed, so the top bead

I couldn’t resist looking at Point, which

trundling down the M180 towards my

was moved up the leadcore to give it

was chocolate brown – b*****r. I think

Lincolnshire syndicate. Conditions were

18ins of travel. Three spots were found

I made the wrong choice. I should have

warm and overcast, and in all honesty

(LHR under the tree, MR slap bang on a

fished where they were and not where

perfect for it. With no one else present

bloodworm bed, and RHR just short of

I wanted them to be. Three was good

I had the water to myself, although I

the island). Each was foamed, and as

but maybe I could have done better.

needed to be home for 9.00 the next

soon as the foam hit the surface, six

Driving home would give me

morning. A quick walk round revealed

large Spombs of mush was deposited.

time to think about that.


49lb 6oz Favourite venue

Church Lake Did you know...

Julian had an interview with Pantene to become the next face of the shampoo brand – well that’s what we tell everybody!

back out it went. I had two more takes just after midnight, with the best one going 21+, and

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Diary of an Everyday Carp Angler Julian Cundiff





Sunday 31st August

had it pointed towards Scary Point.

Pete runs the water he can go there).

breakfast and loaded the Jeep. I

It was a beautiful day so I decided to

According to Pete, this was the one

Not only were there carp there, there

couldn’t see the other carriageway

dig out the pushbike and go for a ride.

to be in, and he’d had some amazing

were loadsa carp. I’d taken my Slicker

at times so had to take it steady. By

Having equipped it with an odometer, I

catches casting long and left. Sadly,

Pellets round and three handfuls had

the time I got to the water it was

knew how far I had travelled, and after

because I cast left-handed (I’m right-

them going manic. They were literally

starting to clear, and when I dropped

20 miles I was more than happy to

handed but for some reason I lead

feeding just feet away from our boots,

down the slope to the water it was a

stop at the Canal Boat for a coffee and

with my left hand), I couldn’t side-cast

and it was possible to see the bigger

whole different world. With only one

cake. I’d seen carp in my two favourite

as Pete could, and the best I could do

fish too – so near and yet so far. Never

other angler in situ I had plenty to look

canal spots not too far from home, and

was clip the trees to the left, but in

mind, nine wasn’t a bad day, and I did

for swim-wise. Alan had a beautiful

one certainly looked to be pushing

all honesty I was probably 10 yards to

have an invite to try some surface

common just before I arrived, but the

20+. They were sitting in the reeds

the right of where I needed to be. A

fishing round there to see if I could

fog/mist seemed to have really put

and all looked in pristine condition,

flurry of action between dawn and

and the common was almost jet black.

9.00 a.m. had me netting

Hopefully, I will have it to show you in

six carp, but none of

this column. It was time for home and

the bigger fish I

time to do my ALS challenge. With the

knew were there. I

sun beaming down I thought it would

was fishing Scopex

be a lot easier having the ice-cold water

Squid on one rod

poured over me, but the temperature

and Crab and Krill

change made it worse. Well it’s all

on the others.

for a good cause and it’s something

Mesh bags amped

that dozens of you nominated me

up the attraction, but

for. Nice to know I am so popular…

it was clear I just wasn’t

locate and trip up one of the bigger fish. Nice, real nice.

the fish down. I had till 8.00 the next morning, so surely I’d find something. Famous last words! Two hours of

“They were literally feeding just feet away from our boots, and it was possible to see the bigger fish too”

in the right spot. Pete came

Wednesday 3rd

looking revealed nothing other than


some coloured water in Tip Corner.

Work sometimes

Sadly this is a stalking swim, and as

takes over my life

soon as you set up there they tend to

and this week

fade away. I decided to go on Point

was no exception.

because I was sure that the carp in

I was up at 6.00 each day and some nights saw me home

no earlier than 7.00 p.m.

the shallows would pass by me at some stage, and if I could get my bait in quickly I would be able to have the traps set in advance. I set up well

Monday 1st September

down and sideways cast to the spot,

I had the day booked off to recover

and two fish in 20 minutes showed

syndicate to look forward to, so it

in no rush to get the hookbaits out,

from my trip to Church, so I decided to

that he was indeed right. The bulk

was time to get my fishing head on.

but I certainly wanted the feed out

keep it and fish a local day ticket water,

of the fish were, for some reason,

It had been hard work, but with the

asap. After leading around, I found

and see my dad as well. I stayed at his

in front of the area I couldn’t get to.

new Carpworld to enjoy once the rods

three spots which I felt the carp would

on the Sunday night so I was closer

I did manage two off the top and a

were out, I intended to have a chill-out

travel over, and each spot had 10 large

to it than my home, and once again

bonus one on the bottom to make it

and hopefully catch a carp or two.

Spombs of feed on it. This was my

pouring rain was drumming against

nine, but in all honesty I wasn’t on the

the Jeep as I arrived in the car park at

money. I was packed up by 1.00 p.m.,

Friday 5th September

particles, but I also added some 10mm

6.00 a.m. With my tackle slimmed down

and with the gear in the car we had

I awoke to blanket fog outside and

freezer baits to keep them there if I

for a short day session, I’d dug out the

a walk round to the area in question

couldn’t even see the garden, never

got lucky. With the rods clipped up and

lightweight H-Gun Barrow and soon

(it’s out of bounds to anglers, but as

mind the sky. I shovelled down my

the Groundhog assembled, it was time


However, with Friday off I had the

back from the water’s edge and was

usual Scopex Squid crumb and mixed

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Diary of an Everyday Carp Angler Julian Cundiff

8 5

1 The Hinged Stiff Rig tied up and ready. 2 I found the right interception point, and this was the best of four. 3 Nashy’s Instant Action Crab and Krill was perfect for the water. 4 Believe it or not, the ONLY fish I caught that wasn’t a common was the smallest of my month. 5

I couldn’t stop catching commons.

6 Well

done Alan, I told you that you’d catch! 7 Hiding away in Tip, but they didn’t want to know. 8 The biggest carp in the lake led me on a merry old dance on light tackle.




9 Work party duties, and before you ask, it’s not a hairdryer.

to go stalking in Tip Corner. One rod

headed back up into the shallows. With

wanted to know how to become

The rest of the gear was on the barrow

was underarmed to the treeline and a

the NRD rod bent double, I managed

consultants for well-known carp

so it was simply a case of watching and

handful of Scopex Squid Soluballs was

to stop it, and after a 10-minute scrap

companies. It looks easy but it really

waiting and, of course, drinking coffee.

scattered over the hookbait. Risers and

a common just under 20lb was being

isn’t. I tried to explain the realities,

I was amazed to see that the pellets

Slickers were fed onto the surface and

photographed. I was asleep by 10.00 p.m.

but it’s not one-way traffic and you

were ignored in the middle, and it

I sat back to await developments. Carp

but awake at 11.00 because the left-

certainly have to come up with the

wasn’t until they were almost into the

were soon cruising in the area, but not

hand rod was away again. It was another

goods when it comes to writing. As

coarse bank that the first swirls began.

once did they dig down, despite the

terrific scrap, and midway through it the

well as this column, I write for Carp-

Some dying weedbeds were holding

water being no more than 3ft deep.

right-hand rod was away. Luckily it went

Talk, UK Carp, Angler’s Mail, as well as

up the flow of the Risers and the carp

Two or three of the fish were very

right and sulked in a weedbed as I netted

website work for Angler’s Mail and the

were taking them slowly but surely.

recognisable and I kept willing the tip

the first one. Thankfully I had two nets,

Nash site, plus contributions to DVDs,

Another 30 minutes and three more

to whip round, but to no avail. One or

and just before midnight I had self-

conferences and roadshows. It’s

Spomb loads and it was time to cast.

two nudged the surface baits, but after timered a 21lb common and

all year round and not just

I take three rods with me on surface

90 minutes of frustration I gave it best

a 22lb 12oz common. I

and went back to my swim. With the

was hardly back in the

a good year or a bad

Stalker), and with the Bolt Machine

shallow water in front of me, it was

bag when the middle

year, or whether

added the Fox Stalker was ideal. It

important that the lines were flat to

rod was away, which

you feel happy or

would hopefully be a good replacement

the lakebed so they didn’t scare or foul

turned out to be an

low. Believe me,

for my Daiwa Barbel Infinity, so it was

fish on the move. Backleads were out

upper-double mirror.

many try but few

fingers crossed. I over-cast the weed

due to the weed, and I decided to use

The mist had really

keep doing it.

and let the drift take the hookbait

the Fox 19lb Trans Khaki Fluorocarbon

dropped and I couldn’t

main line because it sinks like a stone

see the treeline to cast

when you are having

“The mist had really dropped and I couldn’t see the treeline to cast to”

and was ideal for the lack of water. The to. Never mind, four was

sessions (Sawn Offs, Entitys and a Fox

into position. Within seconds the line Thursday 11th September

shot across the surface and the first one was on. It was a great scrap and

Nashy Diffusion leaders completed the

fine, and I felt that the next

setup, and I set the Weed Safety Bolt

feeding spell would be after I set off

Bead tail rubber as light as possible so

home. I was up at 6.00 a.m. and redid the

but I was done around 4.30 p.m. and

and did the self-takes. I try to vary

the lead would be jettisoned on the

rods, but with nothing fishy showing it

was at one of my local day ticket

my pellet size on top, so I added some

take. The rods were low and back from

was time for home by 8.00. I did see a

waters with just coarse anglers for

6mm ones for variation. For the next

the water’s edge, and I had Planet Rock

cheeky mink swim in front of me looking

company. There was a soft wind

90 minutes, the more I fed, the more

on low and Carpworld to read – life

for prey (ducks and the like), but the carp

blowing from the shallows to the wide

frantic they became, and with the three

was pretty good. Darkness fell around

didn’t pay me another visit. Thirteen fish

end, and I spent around 30 minutes

different sizes of surface pellets, the

8.00 p.m. and all was quiet, but in all

in three trips is good for the water, and I

looking for carp, but to no avail. With

carp weren’t wary at all. The highlight

honesty I wasn’t worried. I expected

went home with a big smile on my face.

the drop in weed the carp seemed to

was the lake’s biggest common (Patch),

have left the margins, so I simply sent

which I’d seen hiding up all winter long

action from 9.00 p.m. to 2.00 a.m. so

I had an early finish at work because of a doctor’s appointment,

a mid-double was soon in the net. I Spombed more Risers and Slickers out

there was no panic. At 9.30 the left-

Tuesday 9th September

six large Spombs of Riser Pellets into

in the snags, but she made

hand rod exploded and one angry carp

I had a lovely letter from two lads who

the middle and let the wind carry them.

a mistake today. Her mouth

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Diary of an Everyday Carp Angler Julian Cundiff

The second-biggest fish in the lake, caught on a flying overnighter.

The rod was bent double and it was time to let battle commence.

Book signing and rig-tying at the Nash Roadshow.

moment. There was no coloured water

them. However, the canopy of trees

to go on, so I simply looked for the best

prevented this and I almost had to cast

place to put baits as far away from the

into them. It didn’t seem to scare them

margins as possible. I thought New

too much, and the Stalker rod was soon

Swim was the one, and 10 minutes

bent double with the first of the hour

of leading around revealed a soft silt

in which I had to fish. A manic scrap but

bed at 50 yards and a similar one to

balanced tackle sorted it out. At one

my left. Three Multi-Rigs were cast

end there was me and a Fox 2.25 TC

out, each fishing a white pop-up just

rod, and on the other a carp attached

off the deck, on a tweaked version of

to me via a Fang Uni Size 10 and 8lb

the one I normally use. Hopefully it is

Zig Flo. After a few heart-stopping

an improvement, but time will tell and

moments, in it went. It was the first

you will read all here first. To my usual

of the night, and when darkness fell

mush I added half a kilo of crumbed

the rod had done the trick a few times

and broken Nash Instant Attraction

more. I’d had less than 90 minutes of

Coconut Crème boilies, NOT because

fishing but it was worth the effort.

of the attractors but because of their colour. I knew the snails loved the

Saturday 20th September

white baits, and not only would the

Most events I visit are over a hundred

white bits attract the snails, they would

miles away, so it was nice to see that

also distract the carp from being wary

Team Nash had picked the Willows

of the pop-up equipped with the Fang

at Methley, West Yorkshire for their

X. Well that was the plan. Darkness fell

roadshow. A murky overcast day was

at 8.00 p.m. and the liners started at

ideal for big fish, and it was a little

9.00, which was good. I had a blistering

frustrating tying up Multi-Rig after

take at 10.00 p.m., and after a mad

Multi-Rig when really I wanted to be

scrap I netted a belting common which

fishing! However, that’s part of my

went 26lb 4oz. Twenty minutes later

life and Simon Crow and I had our bit

another screamed off and this one

to do, and I think it went down well.

went 22lb. The 26-pounder was the

The venue has an incredible stock of

first fish caught since syndicate leader

big fish, and in many ways it reminds

Nick Elliott’s passing, so I decided to

me of the Tilery in the early days.

name it Nick’s Fish in honour of the

Come retirement, I will be spending

work he had put in to create the water;

a serious amount of time on it, that’s

his legacy is so much more than just

for sure. Well done to all concerned, it was a great day and much fun.

looked pristine and it was a lovely way

walkers and boat traffic putting

an album of photographs. I had another

to end a quick hit-and-run session.

them on their guard, but it was nice

common at dawn, and then it was

to see just how well the rod casts.

time to pack away in the mist and the

Sunday 21st September

I can’t wait to flex it in anger.

rain. I couldn’t even see the far bank

We lost mum some time ago, but none

at times, but thankfully the carp had

of us felt able to deal with her ashes

been kind to me. Long may it continue.

at the time. However, with winter

Friday 12th September It was a sad start to the day, because one of my old pals, Nick Elliott,

Sunday 14th September

passed away at the age of 69 after a

I must admit that after yesterday’s

short illness. Nick was an old-school

work party and a 30-mile cycle

Thursday 18th September

to go to Filey and bury them in a

carp angler and had let me join the

ride, I was feeling pretty shattered,

It was another busy week at work, and

special place. Mum loved Filey, and we

Jurassic Park syndicate almost 8

but with the opportunity for an

after yet another 6.00 a.m. rise I was

found the perfect place on the Brigg

years ago. RIP my old friend, and I

overnighter, I wasn’t going to miss

fortunate (?) enough to have a doctor’s

hillside, facing the sun. Mum’s friend

hope a new adventure awaits you.

it, and by 4.00 p.m. I was at my

appointment in Selby at 4.45 p.m., so

and vicar David Woollard performed

syndicate lake in Lincolnshire. With

as soon as it was done I could maybe

the ceremony. He read an extract

Saturday 13th September

just one other angler on (he’d been

sneak an hour or two in somewhere.

from Watership Down (mum loved

In a bizarre coincidence, today was

there for 3 days and had nothing

With the prodding and measuring all

rabbits), which was perfect, and dad,

another Jurassic Park work party to

to report) it wasn’t exactly fishing

done, it was down to Barlow for a

Alison, Roz and I put mum to rest. All

continue the predator fencing, but

its nuts off! A mink had been seen

stalking session. I met Pete in the car

that I am is from her and my dad’s

a sad moment to realise that Nick

working the margins, and I was

park and we had a wander round to

influence, so thank you mum. We

wouldn’t be joining us again. We

convinced that this was

worked hard and the majority of the

putting the carp on guard.

fencing was completed. We are a small

The water is a great

fishing with my Fox Stalker

syndicate, both in size and funds, but

margin one but I was

12ft rod, but looking back, I

we do what we can to protect the fish.

pretty sure that the

may have been better fishing on

One more day would see it finished,

fish were edgy at the

the bottom with the Sawn Off

approaching, we made a decision

the back bay where the water looked

and hopefully I wouldn’t sink the boat

Scope, due to the tight nature

this time. Thanks to Neil, John,

of the swim and the lack of

Pete and Robert for the

love and remember you always. CC

coloured. I’d rigged up for surface

casting room above me.

Coming Next Time  Three guest sessions with anglers who bid in charity auctions to fish with me  A trip to the air museum with dad

help, and, of course, all

Ten minutes of Riser and

 A new bait on test from Nash

the biscuits and cakes I

Slicker pellets had them

 More overnighters and evening sessions as the nights draw in

stole from your pack-ups. It was time for home to see if I could

going, and ideally I would have

stalk one from the canal in the reeds


with the Sawn Off Scope 6ft rod.

and wound

There wasn’t a chance, what with the


the bait to

 The trip to Church Lake  And whatever else I can cram in

Crafty Carper

124-128_Jules_CC207.indd 5

10/10/2014 14:50

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Mega Deals

Team Crafty Carper

You can spend hours trawling through the Web, looking for the best deals on new gear, but let’s face it, you’re going to get bored – so why not let us help you out.


ACE Slick Velocity Tapered Leader Line Velocity Leader Line is the first reel line with built-in shockleaders, finally providing anglers with the ability

great deal

to cast big leads and heavy PVA bags at range without the fear of cracking off! It features a parallel leader at both ends, which allows you to easily reverse the line from one spool to another. This provides you with a fresh leader should you damage the first one or simply wish to reverse the line after a few months. It is available


Pro Logic Firestarter Unhooking Mat The Pro Logic Firestarter Unhooking Mat is a high-quality cradle-style unhooking mat. The wellpadded sides and base with integrated retaining



flaps ensure the highest level of protection for your prized catch, and Shortferry Angling have slashed £20 off the RRP! It’s made from a high-quality, easy-dry, fish-friendly material, with integrated kneeling mat, and comes supplied with its own carrybag. RRP: £69.99 Shortferry Angling price: £49.99 Online:

in 10lb/25lb, 12lb/30lb and 15lb/30lb on 300m spools, and the guys at Johnson Ross have knocked a fiver off the price! RRP: £14.99 Johnson Ross price: £9.99 Online:


Avid Carp Alpine 60ins Oval Brolly The Avid Carp Alpine Brolly offers the ultimate lightweight shelter for serious carp anglers.



It features the exclusive Dura-Stop™ material, which will keep you totally protected from the elements with military-style durability. The super-strong fibreglass ribs aid lightness and reliability, and built-in stability rods negate the need for storm poles and create


a totally free-standing brolly – very clever. With such a reduction

CHUB Neuron T5

in the RRP from Sheltons, these will be flying off the shelf, so

The Neuron T5 is the second alarm in the Neuron

make sure you get in there quickly and get your hands on one.

range and has a host of features, not to mention the

RRP: £169.99

2-year warranty and eight-position adaptive sensitivity

Shelton’s price: £109.99

with direction indication. These alarms are well known for their superior


performance when it comes to battery life, and at less than half price



it would be silly to miss out on such a bargain, even if you just want to keep them as emergency spares in your bag. Thanks Chapmans. RRP: £54.99 Chapmans price: £20.00 Online:


Crafty Carper

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