ITC Service Mission
The EUI Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Service provides the enabling ICT infrastructure and services to facilitate and support the academic and administrative processes of the EUI. The ICT Service supports the Institute’s learning, teaching, research and administrative activities. It seeks to facilitate the creation, presDirector of Service: ervation and discovery of knowledge and to David Scott promote ways of generating, curating, and engaging with information and data. It aims to enable knowledge exchange in a global digital environment, to enable local / decentralised applications to be integrated in our information architecture, and to provide digital access and expertise. The ICT Service provides the technical infrastructure to facilitate all data and voice communications over a secure and robust network that links all academic and administrative staff and enables collaboration with external agencies, universities, research institutes, the European Commission, government bodies, etc.
Funding constraints continued to create challenges in maintaining existing service levels. In support of the Institute’s Strategic Plan we addressed specifically the integration of the Institute’s key business processes, procedures and data. We involved all administrative services, with the chief aim of achieving procedural efficiency, effectiveness and simplicity. In addition, we improved the relevancy and timeliness of management reporting, and, above all, we sought to make our administrative processes more user-focused and user-friendly. In 2019, we focused on the operation of the Brightspace learning management system, and a new event registration and publication system. In the area of cyber security, we invested in additional measures to increase our effectiveness in meeting the ever-increasing sophistication and proliferation of security threats.