EUI Academic Publications: Autumn 2007 - Summer 2009

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Academic Publications: Autumn 2007 - Summer 2009

European University Institute Via dei Roccettini, 9 I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole - Italy

Š European University Institute, 2009

The European Commission supports the EUI through the European Union budget. This publication reflects the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Academic Publications EUI

Autumn 2007 - Summer 2009

Academic Publications: Autumn 2007 - Summer 2009

Published in November 2009 by the European University Institute The Directory is a non-commercial publication prepared for the purpose of highlighting the academic output of the European University Institute. It is distributed free of charge. All cover-art and abstracts are the property of the copyright holders. Š Cover photograph by Giovanni Breschi


Foreword Introduction

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Books Theses Articles Contributions to Books Working Papers Research Reports Other Series Index of Authors and Editors

7 201 221 267 335 385 401 407

Cadmus and Academic Publications at the EUI



I am proud and pleased to introduce the work of all those who have contributed by their publications to this second directory of the academic publications of the EUI and its members. Its size does not pay full justice to the 191 books, to the 220 doctoral theses, and to the hundreds of articles published in the best national and international journals in the past two years. The EUI is the smallest university in Europe but it has the largest doctoral and postdoctoral programme in the social sciences and humanities. Our doctoral and postdoctoral researchers as well as the professorial staff play a crucial role in European and international networks, research groups and journals. The publications listed in this directory testify to the work and achievements of our academic community. It is not an exercise in self-congratulation, but one additional way to make our publications better known in academic and non-academic milieus. Now more than ever we have no alternative but to improve even further on our past results. Yves MĂŠny


This Directory has been prepared by the EUI Publications Unit and Library staff and lists the academic publications of the EUI and its members between November 2007 and September 2009. The first edition of the Directory covered the two years up to 31 October 2007. Publications in each section are listed in alphabetical order of the surname of the first author. Where an author (or the authors) belong to more than one EUI department, centre or programme, the publication is listed once for each affiliation. Unless otherwise stated individual working papers belong to the EUI series for the section indicated (Economics, Max Weber Programme, etc.). The year of publication and the working paper series number appear immediately after the title. The information presented in the Directory is available online from the EUI Publications Repository, CADMUS, at Every effort has been made to correct incomplete citations. Authors who find their citations incomplete are requested to submit the full details to CADMUS is regularly updated and may be consulted for details of the most recent publications by members of the EUI. When possible, CADMUS contains the fulltext of the publications listed.


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European University Institute books

ALBERTI Adriana, FALA Laila and SAYED Fatma Elzahraa Hassan (eds) Governance in the Middle East, North Africa and the Western Balkans: Challenges and Priorities in Reforming Public Administration in the Mediterranean Region New York, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), 2008

This publication provides an overview of critical governance issues in selected countries. It examines the challenges and priorities of the respective Governments in reforming public administration at the national and local levels, with a special focus on institutional reforms, decentralization, human resource management in the public sector, e-government development, and public service delivery.

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ALSTONÂ Philip and MACDONALDÂ Euan (eds) Human Rights, Intervention and the Use of Force Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, X/2

The imperatives of sovereignty, human rights and national security very often pull in different directions, yet the relations between these three different notions are considerably more subtle than those of simple opposition. Rather, their interaction may at times be contradictory, at others tense, and at others even complementary. This collection presents an analysis of the irreducible dilemmas posed by the foundational challenges of sovereignty, human rights and security, not merely in terms of the formal doctrine of their disciplines, but also of the manner in which they can be configured in order to achieve persuasive legitimacy as to both methods and results. The chapters in this volume represent an attempt to face up to these dilemmas in all of their complexity, and to suggest ways in which they can be confronted productively both in the abstract and in the concrete circumstances of particular cases.

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ALVAREZ LOPEZ Ana Isabel La fabricacion de un imaginario: los embajadores de Luis XIV y España Madrid, Ediciones Catedra, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

En noviembre de 1700 moría en Madrid Carlos II, el último Austria español. El pésimo estado de salud del monarca movilizó a todos los estados europeos en torno al asunto de su sucesión. De esta manera, durante cuarenta años, la diplomacia del emperador Leopoldo I y de Luis XIV se afanó en Madrid para asegurar a sus respectivos candidatos la sucesión al trono español. Se trataba, entre otras cosas, de convencer a los españoles de que su alternativa era la mejor, la más conveniente, la más atractiva. El final es de todos conocido: Felipe de Anjou, nieto del rey de Francia, fue el afortunado, a costa de una larga guerra ruinosa para España. Éste es el contexto en el que la autora enmarca su estudio de la elaboración de las imágenes de España en Francia. El libro muestra cómo la diplomacia de Luis XIV, durante cuarenta años, intentó persuadir a los españoles de que no se opusieran a un rey francés utilizando la imagen que en Francia se tenía de lo español. Durante este proceso, los diplomáticos reelaboraron dicha imagen, la reutilizaron y la difundieron, contribuyendo eficazmente a la construcción del imaginario español, de tan larga y fructífera tradición en la cultura francesa.

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ANAGNOSTOU Dia and TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Anna (eds) Regions, Minorities and European Integration Romanian Journal of Political Science, 7, 1, 2007, Special Issue

The aim of this introductory chapter is to provide an overview of the theoretical framework informing the case studies presented in this issue. In the context of nation and state building, it describes and analyzes the presence of minorities in Europe, their politicisation at the regionallocal level in post war Europe, as well as the role played by EU regional economic processes and human rights policies since the early 1990s. European integration extends to minority-inhabited areas through processes of regional development change, implementation of structural funds, cross border co-operation, and in CESE pre-accession funds. It furthermore affects minorities through human rights norms and minority protection conditions, a regime that has developed over the past fifteen years in conjunction with the Council of Europe (CoE). Our case studies explore how changing opportunities and constraints in the context of EU regional economic processes and human rights norms, alter patterns of local political participation and economic activity of local ethnic minorities and national majorities, their relations with national and ethnic political parties and state administration, as well as minority political mobilisation and cultural demands vis-a-vis the central state. They also examine their influence on how local minorities and majorities view their identification with a national or ethnic community, their rights and obligations as citizens of a state, as well as how they conceptualise ‘Europe.’

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ANDENAS Mads, DIAZ ALABART Silvia, MARKESINIS Sir Basil, MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and PASQUINO Nello (eds), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa: Private Law Beyond the National Systems London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2007

A festschrift for Guido Alpa, what could be better or indeed more fun’, Guido Calabresi writes in the Foreword to this book. He adds, ‘the guests come from all over the world and represent the most interesting, the best, each country has to offer. Truly a fête, truly amicorum! … Guido Alpa knows the place of theory in law, and knows how to apply it to the forensic arts. He does this, however, without ever confusing the role of the scholar and that of the advocate. In Guido Alpa both parts are played elegantly, each learns from the other, but the two are never conflated … We have come because Guido is truly international in outlook and in feeling … Guido stands out because he has always, and almost instinctively, known what it means to have a worldwide view of law. In this he is at one with more than a few of the guests here today, which, in turn, explains their presence.’ Guido Alpa is Professor of Civil Law at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. He has held numerous visiting chairs at universities around the world, honorary degrees, and appointments and honours too many to mention. He is a leading scholar of private and commercial law, but also covers many constitutional and regulatory topics, moving freely across the boundaries that divide the law. He is recognized internationally as a leading comparativist but also as one of the parents of European private law.

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ARZA Camila and KOHLI Martin (eds) Pension Reform in Europe: Politics, Policies and Outcomes London, Routledge, 2008

This new book provides a cross-country comparative analysis of the key issues shaping the latest pension reforms in Europe: political games, welfare models and pathways, population reactions, and observed and expected outcomes. Pension reform has been a top policy priority for European governments in the last decade. Ageing populations, changing labour market patterns and the process of European integration are the ‘irresistible forces’ pushing for reform throughout the region. The Political Economy of Pension Reform evaluates the political forces that make pension reform viable in different national and institutional contexts and the nature of political bargains, actors and cleavages surrounding policy change. The volume also examines the nature and outcomes of pension reform experiences in Europe, searching for a solution to the financial challenge posed by growing pension budgets. By addressing the nature of change, the pathways of reform, and the outcomes of the new pension mix in the region, the authors conclude with an analysis of people’s perceptions and attitudes towards pension policy and their acceptance or otherwise of different reform options. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of international political economy, European politics, and social policy.

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ASKOLA Heli Legal Responses to Trafficking in Women for Sexual Exploitation in the European Union Oxford, Portland, Hart, 2007

The phenomenon of trafficking in women for sexual exploitation, which in the last decade has changed from a marginal ‘non-issue’ to a legitimate concern in many parts of the world, has become familiar through newspaper coverage, and now, finally, legislators and law enforcement agencies have begun to act. In Europe many EU Member States now have at least some sort of anti-trafficking policies (with some of them in the forefront of global anti-trafficking efforts). Moreover, the EU itself has become markedly more active with regard to curbing trafficking in human beings, as part of its migration control and police and judicial cooperation functions. However, even co-ordinated efforts such as those being worked on by the EU tend to produce only short-term ‘cures’ to a problem that is in truth global and structural in nature and which cannot be eradicated through policing and migration control measures alone. Too often there is little debate on broader measures which might be targeted to address the ‘root causes’ of trafficking, such as poverty, under-development, general lack of economic and migration opportunities and, above all, gender inequality. Against this background, this book examines claims that what is needed effectively to prevent and tackle trafficking is a ‘comprehensive’ approach, and at the very least one that is far more wide-ranging and coherent than what exists today, and also analyses the assertion that destination countries, and more specifically Member States of the EU, could and perhaps should, take more action against trafficking through regional co-operation, particularly in the framework of the EU, rather than as individual Member States.

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AUGENHOFER Susanne (ed.) Die Eurpäisierung des Kartell- und Lauterkeitsrechts Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2009

Es sind spannende Zeiten für das Wettbewerbsrecht: Das UWG in Deutschland und Österreich musste an die Richtlinie über unlautere Geschäftspraktiken angepasst werden, im Kartellrecht soll das private enforcemen gefördert werden. Diese Reformen und Tendenzen gehen von Europa aus. Die Autoren untersuchen ihre konkreten Vorgaben sowie die Auswirkungen auf die deutsche und die österreichische Rechtsordnung. Zunächst zeigt ein Beitrag die Entwicklungslinien im europäischen Kartellrecht auf. Anschließend beleuchten drei Beiträge Schadensersatzansprüche im Kartellrecht aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln. Dabei werden die europäischen Vorhaben vorgestellt und untersucht, inwieweit das deutsche und österreichische Recht Schadensersatzklagen im Kartellrecht bereits de lege lata zulassen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Sicht der Praxis sowie auf die Notwendigkeit kollektiver Rechtsdurchsetzungsmechanismen gelegt. Daran anschließend untersuchen Beiträge das Verhältnis des Lauterkeitsrechts zum Kartellrecht sowie die Europäisierung des Lauterkeitsrechts durch die Richtlinie über unlautere Geschäftspraktiken. Deren Umsetzung hat in Deutschland zur UWG-Reform 2008, in Österreich zur UWG-Novelle 2007 geführt. Es wird analysiert, inwieweit dem Gesetzgeber die Einbettung der europäischen Vorgaben in das nationale Recht gelungen ist. Schließlich geht ein weiterer Beitrag der Frage nach, ob ein Gewinnabschöpfungsanspruch im Wettbewerbsrecht eine erfolgsversprechende Variante des private enforcements darstellt.

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AYBEK Can Migrantenjugendliche zwischen Schule und Beruf: Individuelle Übergänge und kommunale Strukturen der Ausbildungsförderung Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009

Migration, Lebenslauf und der Übergang von der Schule in die Ausbildung: theoretische Einleitung und Erklärungsmodell - Fragestellung, Design und Methoden der Untersuchung - Quantitative Analyse des Übergangs von der Schule in die Erstausbildung bei niedrig qualifizierten Jugendlichen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund - Integrations- und Berufsbildungspolitik auf kommunaler EbeneCan M. Aybek untersucht in seiner Studie die gesellschaftspolitisch brisante Frage, welche Mechanismen dazu führen, dass junge Migranten beim Wettbewerb um Ausbildungsplätze gegenüber einheimischen Jugendlichen benachteiligt sind. Die Untersuchung basiert auf Grundlage zweier empirischer Zugänge: zum einen einer Sonderauswertung der BIBB-Übergangsstudie und zum anderen einer auf Dokumentenanalyse und Experteninterviews beruhenden Rekonstruktion der Übergangspolitiken für Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund in den Metropolen München und Frankfurt.

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BARTOLOME RODRIGUEZ Maria Isabel LA INDUSTRIA ELÉCTRICA EN ESPAÑA (1890-1936) Isabel Bartolomé Rodríguez Estudios de Historia Económica N.º 50


La industria eléctrica en España (1890-1936) Madrid, Banco de España, 2007, Estudios de historia económica, no. 50 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2003.)

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BASERÂ Bahar Third Party Mediation in Nagorno Karabakh: Part of the Cure or Part of the Disease? SaarbrĂźcken, VDM Verlag Dr. MĂźller, 2008

The dissolution of the Soviet Union has caused conflicts of many different types in the Caucasus region. Among them, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh turned out to be the most intractable dispute since it had the properties of a modern global conflict in terms of territorial, ethnic and national dimensions, intertwined with a historical burden of ancient grievances. Many major states and regional actors such as Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey and OSCE, initiated third party mediation efforts in order to resolve the conflict and to terminate violence. Today, many critics argue that the mediators were to blame for the delay of a peaceful settlement since they gave first priority to their own interests and stalled the negotiation process. Thus this case is important as it allows testing whether mediators are always beneficial to negotiations.

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BAUBOCK Rainer, PERCHINIG Bernhard and SIEVERS Wiebke (eds) Citizenship Policies in the New Europe. Expanded and Updated Edition Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2009

The two most recent EU enlargements in May 2004 and in January 2007 have greatly increased the diversity of historic experiences and contemporary conceptions of statehood, nation-building and citizenship within the Union. How did newly formed states determine who would become their citizens? How do countries relate to their large emigrant communities, to ethnic kin minorities in neighbouring countries and to minorities in their own territory? And to which extent have their citizenship policies been affected by new immigration and integration into the European Union? Citizenship Policies in the New Europe describes the citizenship laws in each of the twelve new countries as well as in the accession states Croatia and Turkey and analyses their historical background. Citizenship Policies in the New Europe complements two volumes on Acquisition and Loss of Nationality in the fifteen old Member States published in the same series in 2006.

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BEAULACÂ Stephane and SCHABASÂ William A. International Human Rights and Canadian Law. Legal Commitment, Implementation and the Charter Toronto, Thomson Carswell, 2007

This new and entirely revised 3rd edition (originally entitled International Human Rights Law and the Charter of Rights) expands on developments in international human rights law since the publication of the previous edition. Coauthored by Prof. William A. Schabas and Prof. Stephane Beaulac, this seminal work explores international human rights law and its relationship with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It is a valuable teaching tool for students of international and human rights law, foreign relations and policy. The book traces the historical development of human rights law both in Canada and internationally, explores the theoretical basis for the use of international human rights law, reviews the sources of that law, and examines recent case law on human rights decided under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Finally, the book offers commentary on how International human rights law invites progressive judges to use its new and evolving norms to develop additional dimensions to Canadian jurisprudence. It includes an extensive bibliography and a useful list of international human rights and humanitarian law conventions to which Canada is a party as well as a detailed analytical index and detailed Table of Contents.

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BEREZINÂ Mabel Illiberal Politics in Neoliberal Times: Culture, Security and Populism in the New Europe Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, Cambridge Cultural Social Studies

The rise of rightwing populism has brought into question prevailing assumptions in social science about multicultural Europe. In this compelling study of populist politics, Mabel Berezin argues that the emergence of the movement in the 1990s was a historical surprise rather than an expected event. She questions whether rightwing populism would exist in the absence of the Maastricht Treaty and the subsequent intensification of cultural and economic Europeanization. Using an innovative methodology, Berezin analyzes the French National Front in relation to the broader context of Europeanization and globalization. She unpacks the political and cultural processes that evoke the thin commitments characterizing citizen support, and shows that we cannot make sense of rightwing populism without considering the historical legacies and practices, both national and international, within which it arises. This book makes a novel argument about the relationship between democracy and political and social security.

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BERNINIÂ Stefania Family Life and Individual Welfare in Postwar Europe. Britain and Italy Compared Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

Throughout the postwar period, changes in individual behaviour and legal reforms have transformed traditional notions of family life throughout Western Europe. However, interpretations of what constituted a desirable family life varied, together with the type of social intervention adopted towards it. Taking Britain and Italy as comparative cases, the author explores the extent to which dominant notions of family life differed in postwar Britain and Italy and the implications this had on the development of family policy in these two countries.

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BEVIRÂ Mark and TRENTMANNÂ Frank (eds) Governance, Consumers and Citizens: Agency and Resistance in Contemporary Politics Basingstoke/New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

This is the first book to bring together a focus on governance with that on cultures of consumption. It asks about the changing place of the consumer as citizen in recent trends in governance, about the tensions between competing ideas and practices of consumerism, and about the active role of consumers in the construction of governance. The book seeks to expand the debate about consumers and governance and to raise the possibility of new conceptions and policy agendas.

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BLUCHE Lorraine, LIPPHARDT Veronika and PATEL Kiran Klaus (eds) Der Europäer – ein Konstrukt. Wissensbestände, Diskurse, Praktiken Göttingen, Wallstein, 2009

Europa ist eine Erfindung des Europäers. Aber wer erfand den Europäer? Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaftler, Historiker, Soziologen und Ethnologen geben Antworten. Seit wann bevölkert der Homo Europaeus die Vorstellungswelten derer, die sich in Europa beheimatet wähnen? Woraus speisen sich Vorstellungen von und über den Europäer, und wie übersetzen diese sich wiederum in soziales Handeln? In dem Sammelband geht es nicht um die Frage, was am Europäer europäisch ist, sondern darum, wie und wo Vorstellungen vom Europäer entstehen, wie sie zirkulieren, sich verändern, in welchem Verhältnis sie zu anderen Zuschreibungen stehen und welche Folgen dies für die Betroffenen hat.

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BONGIOVANNI Giorgio, SARTOR Giovanni and VALENTINI Chiara (eds) Reasonableness and Law London, Springer, 2009, Law and Philosophy Library, 86

Reasonableness is at the centre of legal debate, both in academic circles and in practice. This unique reference work examines the issues from an interdisciplinary perspective, merging jurisprudence, legal theory, political philosophy and the different branches of law. All aspects relating to reasonableness and law are addressed by the most prominent scholars in the field. In the first volume, the focus is on the legal theory behind the concept of reasonableness and its moral and political implications. This includes important contributions by Robert Alexy, Neil MacCormick and Philip Pettit. In the second volume, reasonableness is examined in the different fields of law like Public, Private and International Law. Here in more detail the practical consequences of reasonableness is assessed, making this work of interest to practioners as well as legal theorists.

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BOYLEÂ Kevin (ed.) New Institutions for Human Rights Protection Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/2

This book presents a multi-faceted approach to one of the most crucial challenges facing Human Rights institutions today - the implementation gap that exists between human rights norms and their enforcement by States. New Institutions for Human Rights Protection examines how the human rights commitments entered into by States might be translated more effectively into protection for individuals in practice and the crucial role that human rights institutions, at both a national and international level, have to play in this endeavour. Focusing on recent developments in respect to institutions such as the UN Human Rights Council and the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), these essays present a thorough account of the objectives and challenges facing the international community today with respect to human rights.

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BRACKE Maud Which Socialism? Whose détente?: West European Communism and the Czechoslovak crisis, 1968 Budapest /New York, Central European University Press, 2007 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2004)

This study analyzes the impact of the Czechoslovak crisis of 1968–1969 on the two major communist parties in the West: the Italian and French ones. Discusses the central strategic and ideological tensions which these parties needed to deal with: domestic belonging versus allegiance to the world communist movement, doctrinal orthodoxy in a context of rapid societal changes, and the question of revolution and reform. These key problems were situated in different contexts: the crisis in the “world communist movement” after 1956 and the Sino-Soviet rift, socio-economic modernization and political radicalization in Western Europe, and the shift from Cold War to early détente on the European continent. The research for this work is based on the study of a large collection of recently released primary sources, particularly, the internal records of various communist parties in Europe.

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BROGGIO Paolo, CANTÙ Francesca, FABRE PierreAntoine and ROMANO Antonella (eds) I gesuiti ai tempi di Claudio Acquaviva: strategie politiche, religiose e culturali tra Cinque e Seicento Brescia, Morcelliana, 2007

Esistono vari motivi che conferiscono al generalato di Claudio Acquaviva un’importanza particolare. Da qualunque punto di vista lo si osservi – sia da quello della storia della Compagnia di Gesù, che dell’educazione, della scienza e dei saperi, dell’espansione missionaria, dell’arte, delle pratiche spirituali o della crescita dell’istituzione – questo generalato può essere letto come un momento di compimento. Il periodo che va dal 1581 al 1615 rappresenta il crocevia di un gran numero di linee convergenti: la realizzazione della Ratio Studiorum che, portata a completamento con il testo del 1599, riconosce e sostiene l’attività degli ormai più di cento collegi che risultano aperti alla fine del secolo. Il moltiplicarsi delle litterae indipetarum, le lettere di domanda d’invio nelle missioni indirizzate al generale, rispecchia l’ampiezza e la complessità dell’impegno missionario (con la costituzione della prima missione in Cina nel 1582 e la fondazione, nel 1610, delle prime reducciones del Paraguay), in un’epoca anteriore alla creazione della Congregazione de Propaganda Fide, quando l’espansione a livello planetario della Compagnia non conosce nessun altro equivalente all’interno della Chiesa cattolica. Se il più che trentennale governo di Acquaviva deve essere considerato – per comune consenso degli studiosi – un punto di svolta irreversibile nella costruzione della moderna identità dell’Ordine ignaziano, attraverso un processo di istituzionalizzazione che era rimasto incompleto nel periodo precedente, allora la necessità di indagare in profondità aspetti diversi e concorrenti connessi con lo sviluppo storico della Compagnia di Gesù diventa cruciale. Eu ro pe a n U n i ve r s i t y I n s ti tu te - 2 9


BULST Neithard, GILCHER-HOLTEY Ingrid and HAUPT Heinz-Gerhard (eds) Gewalt im politischen Raum: Fallanalysen vom Spätmittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert Frankfurt, Campus, 2008

Die Erhöhung der Bierpreise in München löste von 1844 bis 1866 gewalttätige Proteste aus. Was haben diese mit den Aktionen gegen die Startbahn West oder mit den französischen Bauernaufständen des 14. Jahrhunderts gemeinsam? Anhand von Beispielen aus verschiedenen Epochen und Ländern gehen die Autoren des Bandes dem bis heute brisanten Verhältnis von Politik und Gewalt nach.

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CAFAGGIÂ Fabrizio and MICKLITZÂ HansWolfgang (eds) New Frontiers of Consumer Protection: The Interplay Between Private and Public Enforcement Mortsel, Intersentia, 2009

Collective redress has gained momentum in Europe and North America. Legal reforms are driven by different institutional conditions but show a limited degree of convergence. The seventeen contributions from the US, Canada and from the Member States of the European Union (East and West) put the interplay of public enforcement and private collective judicial enforcement into perspective. The parameters of analysis are the constitutional dimension (i.e. three multi-level systems compared US, EC and Canada, vertically: allocation of powers between levels and distinction between regulation and private law and administrative control versus judicial control, horizontally: degree of harmonisation, transborder litigation, choice of law), the institutional dimension (the players, regulatory and judges, private organisation and lawyers) and the substantive dimension (regulation through administrative law versus regulation through tort or contract law, standard setting (strict liability versus negligence), remedies (injunctions and damages)). These three parameters are then broken down into five sections: general comparison, the public/private enforcement divide, remedies concerning the distinction between injunction and damages as well as between class actions and group actions, negotiation and adjudication, transborder litigation and international private law. The final chapter develops prospects to indicate the way ahead.

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CAFAGGIÂ Fabrizio and MUIR-WATTÂ Horatia (eds) Making European Private Law. Governance Design Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2008

The debate concerning the desirability and modes of harmonisation of European Private Law (EPL) has, until now, been mainly concerned with substantive rules. The link between rules and institutions suggests that governance of both the process of harmonisation and its outcome is necessary. This book covers various perspectives on the challenge of designing governance for EPL: the implications of a multilevel system in terms of competences, the interplay between market integration and regulation, the legitimacy of private law making, the importance of self-regulation, the usefulness of conflict of law rules, the role of inter-governmental institutions, and the aftermath of enlargement. In addressing these, the book’s achievements are to successfully link two areas of scholarship that have so far remained separate, EPL and new modes of governance, and to address institutional reforms. The contributions offer different proposals to improve governance: the creation of a European Law institute, the improvement of judicial cooperation among national courts, the use of committees for implementation of EPL. Suggesting practical institutional reforms that can improve the process of Europeanisation of private law, this book will be of great interest to scholars of law, politics, political science, sociology and economics. It will also appeal to policymakers, and members of both European institutions and national institutions dealing with European matters.

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CAFAGGI Fabrizio and MUIR-WATT Horatia (eds) The Regulatory Function of European Private Law Cheltenham/Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009

In twelve topical papers, written by renowned experts in distinct areas of the law, the reader will find out how private law and private international law instruments can serve public policy goals (such as the protection of the environment, product safety or services of general economic interest) and how these instruments interact with regulation in the proper sense. A must for those who want to explore the borderline – if it exists – between public and private law in the EU.’ – Jules Stuyck, Leuven University, Belgium In the context of the current debate on the desirability and process of forming European private law (EPL), this book considers one fundamental question addressing its descriptive and normative dimension: does and should EPL pursue regulatory objectives beyond market integration? The editors argue that because national categories are of little help in grasping the characteristics of a multi-level regulatory system, it is necessary to link three perspectives: private law, regulation and conflict of laws. This book explores this interaction in four distinct fields: product liability, environmental protection, public utilities and e-commerce. The results show that EPL is highly regulatory and that the implications of this change have not been adequately considered by institutions and by scholars. The Regulatory Function of European Private Law will be of great interest to academics of law, as well as to private and public lawyers and European policymakers.

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CAFAGGI Fabrizio and VELLA Francesco (eds), Finanziamento delle PMI: crescere innovando [Padova], CEDAM, 2008

Raccoglie vari contributi sul tema del ‘finanziamento’ come istituto del diritto commerciale legato alla impresa commerciale, soprattutto cercando di individuare gli aspetti innovativi di questo rapporto. Specificamente studia il rapporto ‘banca-impresa’, sia nel senso di dare valore anche ad altre variabili di comportamento delle imprese (es. la policy dell’impresa quanto alle modalità di pagamento) sia nel senso di definire diversamente il valore dell’impresa etc.. Importanza viene data anche al rapporto con i vari assetti proprietari. La trattazione è tecnica, analitica e ricca di spunti innnovativi.

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CALMFORS Lars, CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEVEREUX Michael P., HONKAPOHJA Seppo, SAINT-PAUL Gilles, SINN Hans-Werner, STURM Jan-Egbert and VIVES Xavier The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2007 Munich, CESifo Group, 2008

EEAG’s 2007 Report provides a comprehensive forecast for the European economy for the coming year, with a special section on Eastern European countries. In addition, it addresses several important policy issues, including an in-depth examination of whether the features of the Scandinavian model can be regarded as the fundamental underpinning for the Nordic countries’ excellent economic performance in recent years. Tax competition, in particular the causes for diminishing tax rates in Europe and their implications for public policy, are also analysed in detail, while a further section makes a critical scrutiny of many governments’ penchant for “economic nationalism” and its consequences for efficiency and growth. Lastly, macroeconomic adjustment scenarios for some European countries are explored exhaustively.

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CALMFORS Lars, CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEVEREUX Michael P., SAINT-PAUL Gilles, SINN Hans-Werner, STURM Jan-Egbert and VIVES Xavier The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2008 Munich, CESifo Group, 2008

This edition marks the seventh annual report of the European Economic Advisory Group (EEAG) at CESifo. This year, the report focuses on the chances and challenges of globalisation. After providing a somewhat clouded business forecast for Europe and the world, the report discusses, among other things, the impact of globalisation on the European labour markets, public policies against global warming and the role of industrial policy in globalised goods markets. Non-partisan as the Group is, it can offer fresh and unconventional views for policymakers that are nevertheless all firmly based on sound economic reasoning. The EEAG, which is in toto responsible for this report, consists of a team of seven economists from seven European countries. This year, the Group is again chaired by Lars Calmfors (Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University) and includes Gilles Saint-Paul (University of Toulouse, vice chairman), Giancarlo Corsetti (European University Institute, Florence), Michael Devereux (University of Oxford), Jan-Egbert Sturm (KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich), Xavier Vives (IESE Business School) and myself. The members of the Group as a whole are responsible for all chapters. They all participate on a personal basis and do not represent the views of the organisations they are affiliated with.

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CALVI Giulia and SPINELLI Riccardo (eds) Le donne Medici nel sistema europeo delle corti. XVI-XVIII secolo Firenze, Edizioni Polistampa, 2008

I contributi raccolti in questi Atti del Convegno internazionale, ideato e realizzato da Alessandra Contini Bonacossi e Riccardo Spinelli e tenutosi a Firenze e San Domenico di Fiesole, tra il 6 e l’8 ottobre 2005, delineano la storia completa della dinastia medicea attraverso le sue donne. Questa dimensione collettiva, corale, costruisce una sorta di storia parallela, che disegna in filigrana una controstoria non solo della dinastia, dalle sue origini al tramonto, ma della costruzione stessa dello Stato, sia attraverso il nesso imprescindibile con la famiglia, sia attraverso una riflessione che integra il ciclo di vita delle donne al mutare dei loro ruoli di potere e, dunque, al costituirsi stesso della sfera di governo. La circolazione e lo scambio delle donne nel sistema europeo delle corti inserisce la vicenda della dinastia medicea e la storia stessa di Firenze e del suo Stato nel cuore della storia d’Europa. Le giovani spose che arrivano e partono portano con sé lingue, oggetti, opere d’arte, abiti, cibi, stili di vita, personale, e, innervano, ibridano le culture con cui entrano in contatto. L’intento del convegno, e dunque di questo volume, caratterizzato da un forte taglio multidisciplinare, che unisce i contributi della storia dell’arte, della letteratura, della storia religiosa, sociale e politica, della cultura materiale, della storia delle donne e di genere, ha permesso di leggere tutto un sistema dinastico attraverso le donne della casata Medici fra Firenze e le principali corti europee.

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CAMERONÂ Peter D. Competition in Energy Markets. Law and regulation in the European Union Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007

The new edition of this book gives a comprehensive update and analysis of European law as it affects competition in EU energy markets, especially oil, gas and electricity. This includes all relevant directives, regulations, Treaty provisions (including the energy chapter in the draft EU Constitution), case law and decisions of the ECJ, the CFI and the European Commission competition authorities. Appropriate consideration is also given to the new developments in EU legal relations with Norway, Switzerland and other neighbouring countries. In this edition a special chapter examines the growing impact of environmental rules on the energy sector, especially with respect to renewable energy, nuclear power and the EU emissions trading scheme. A new section on the competition law framework explains and describes in detail the growing impact of competition law instruments such as merger control, state aid and antitrust in this sector. The new edition also explains the greatly enhanced role of the national energy regulatory authorities and the European Competition Network in enforcing law at the European level, as well as the various challenges that may be made to their decisions. The approach adopted in this edition is primarily analytical and practical, treating each problem that has arisen in application of the law and assessing the efficacy of the solution adopted. It examines the tensions that arise in the law as a result of conflicting policy objectives on environmental, internal market and security of supply concerns. The new edition draws on the insights of a high-level advisory panel of senior pracitioners, regulators and academics in the sector.

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CASARINI Nicola La politica cinese nel mondo e in Asia centrale. Implicazioni per l’Occidente Roma, Senato della Repubblica, 2008

La Cina è – e sarà sempre più negli anni a venire – un formidabile competitore dell’Italia e dell’Europa per quanto riguarda l’accesso alle materie prime e alle risorse energetiche in varie regioni del mondo. L’evoluzione politico-militare della SCO indica inoltre che Russia e Cina cercheranno di limitare sempre più la presenza degli occidentali in Asia Centrale. È nell’interesse nazionale dell’Italia (e in quello più ampio dell’Europa) sviluppare una strategia che consenta di mantenere una presenza – ed influenza – europea in Asia centrale e di evitare la formazione di un blocco politico-militare che escluda l’Europa dall’accesso alle risorse dell’area. A tal fine, l’Italia e l’Europa dovrebbero puntare a una maggiore cooperazione con la Cina, facendo leva eventualmente anche sulle tensioni politiche che sussistono tra Mosca e Pechino. Il dialogo UE-Cina sull’Eurasia dovrebbe essere basato su due punti principali: (i) sviluppo delle rotte commerciali Europa-Cina attraverso la vecchia Via della Seta; (ii) creazione di un partnerariato per la sicurezza in Asia centrale.

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CASARINIÂ Nicola Remaking Global Order. The Evolution of Europe-China Relations and Its Implications for East Asia and the United States Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009

Relations between the European Union and China have grown at a sustained pace across the board in recent times, transforming the relationship from one of previous neglect into a matter of global strategic significance. This book offers an examination of the evolution of contemporary EUChina relations in the economic, technological and high politics dimensions, including implications of the high-tech and security-related elements of the relationship (space and satellite navigation cooperation; advanced technology transfers; arms sales, including the proposal to lift the EU arms embargo on China) for the United States and its East Asian allies. The analysis of EU-China relations is placed in the context of evolving dynamics in transatlantic relations on the one hand, and East Asia’s major powers’ changing security perceptions on the other. With this approach, this study intends to provide the reader with a better understanding of the global significance acquired by Sino-European relations, while also raising the question as to whether, and to what extent, the promotion of EU space and defence interests in China has made the EU a novel strategic factor in East Asia. This book contributes to current debates on the emerging global order, including discussions of how European and Chinese policy makers would perceive the post-Cold War international system, evaluate the place and role of their countries in it, and appraise the policies to be adopted to maintain global competitiveness in key strategic industrial sectors and increase political autonomy in an international environment characterised by US primacy.

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CASARINI Nicola and MUSU Costanza (eds) European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System: The Road Towards Convergence Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System provides the reader with an updated assessment of European Foreign Policy 15 years after Maastricht. The contributions analyse the level of policy convergence achieved by EU member states in crucial areas and regions of the world. The book comprises 14 chapters, organised in four sections: (1) The EU in the International System; (2) The EU and the Great Powers; (3) The EU and the Management of Conflicts in the Near Abroad; (4) The EU’s Regional Policies.

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CATIGNANIÂ Sergio Israeli Counter-Insurgency and the Intifadas. Dilemmas of a Conventional Army London, Routledge, 2008

This volume analyzes the conduct of the Israel Defence Forces’ (IDF) counter-insurgency operations during the two major Palestinian uprisings (1987-1993 and 2000-2005) in the Territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It employs primary and secondary resources to produce a comprehensive analysis on whether or not the IDF has been able to adapt its conventional conduct of warfare to the realities of the Israeli-Palestinian low-intensity conflict and achieve any sort of victory over the Palestinian insurgents. Sergio Catignani provides new insights into how conventional armies struggle with contemporary insurgency by looking in particular at the strategic, operational, tactical and ethical dilemmas of the IDF over the last two decades. By examining the way in which the IDF and the Israeli security doctrine were formed and developed over time, he explores the extent to which Israeli security assumptions, civil-military relations, the organizational culture, command and control structure, and conduct of the IDF have affected its adaptation to the contemporary Israeli-Palestinian low-intensity conflict.

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CHABANETÂ Didier and BALMEÂ Richard European Governance and Democracy: Power and Protest in the EU Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2008

Considering the future of European integration, this clear and compelling study explores the interplay between collective action and democracy in the European Union and its member states. Richard Balme and Didier Chabanet analyze the influence of supranational governance on democratization through a wealth of case studies on a broad range of civil society interests, including regional policy, unemployment and poverty, women’s rights, migration policy, and environmental protection. The authors trace the evolving relationship between citizens and European institutions over the past decades, especially as public support for deepening and widening integration has waned. This trend culminated in a deep institutional crisis precipitated by the rejection of the draft constitutional treaty in France and the Netherlands in 2005. At least two truisms were proven wrong during this tumultuous period: that European citizens have little interest in European integration and that citizens have little influence on EU politics. However, this power shift has left citizens with a deep distrust of integration and EU institutions with limited capacities to cope with issues the public considers prioritiesprimarily unemployment and social inequalities. This study will be invaluable for scholars and students in European politics and public policy, globalization and democracy, and comparative social movements.

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CHALLAND Benoit Palestinian Civil Society: Foreign Donors and the Power to Promote and Exclude London/New York, Routledge, 2009, Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Published version of EUI Ph.D thesis, 2005.)

Palestinian Civil Society examines the development of civil society in the Arab Middle East and the impact of western donors, with particular reference to the Palestinian case. Looking at the evolution of Palestinian civil society organizations from sociological, historical, legal, and institutional perspectives, the book sheds light on the involvement of donors in Palestine, and the effect that aid has had on Palestinian civil society at a social, political and ideological level. Drawing on Arabic texts, political theory and a detailed survey of donors and local organizations, this book challenges culturalist views that there cannot be a ‘vibrant civil society’ in the Arab world and examines the issues of depoliticization of civil society, the rise of the Islamist sector, and the gradual defeat of the left in the Occupied Territories. The author looks at how the interaction between donors and NGOs is not only centred on a western model of civil society, but also evolves around institutional mechanisms and disciplinary discourses, affecting the ability of local NGOs to adapt to the institutional requirements set by international donors. Accessible to non-specialists, this book will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology, Middle Eastern studies and development studies.

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CHINCHILLA Perla and ROMANO Antonella (eds) Escrituras de la modernidad. Los jesuitas entre cultura retórica y cultura científica Mexico, Universidad Iberoamericana / Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 2008

Por el lugar histórico de la Compañia de Jesus, a sus miembros les tocó ser una “fabrica” realmente impresionante de una enorme variedad de discursos durante el siglo XVII, los cuales, al mismo tiempo, quedarían incluidos y excluidos en las “escrituras de la modernidad”, o también observarse en un inestable lugar intermedio. Algunos pudieron sobrevivir en el mundo moderno, otros desaparecierón ante el embate de este último, y otros, incluso, por extraños caminos, pusierón las condiciones de posibilidad para la aparición de géneros inéditos a costa de su propia extdincion. Ejemplos de todo ello es lo que encontramos en esdta compilación, en la que se incursiona en esa selva de géneros y subgénereos de catorce modos distintos.

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COBHAM David and DIBEH Ghassan (eds) Monetary Policy and Central Banking in the Middle East and North Africa Abingdon/New York, Routledge, 2008

This edited volume is the product of workshop IV, ‘Monetary Policy and Central Banking in the Middle East and North Africa: Policies, Politics and Prospects’, of the 8th Mediterranean Research Meeting of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 21-25 March 2007

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CONRAD Sebastian Deutsche Kolonialgeschichte Munich, C.H. Beck, 2008

Das deutsche Kolonialreich war nicht groß und währte nur 30 Jahre. Die koloniale Erfahrung hatte jedoch zahlreiche Rückwirkungen auf Deutschland selbst und war dadurch wichtiger, als man lange Zeit meinte. Sebastian Conrad beschreibt in seinem systematischen Überblick, wie die koloniale Ordnung funktionierte, wo sie an ihre Grenzen stieß und wie die einheimischen Gesellschaften auf die Fremdherrschaft reagierten. Gleichzeitig bindet er die Geschichte der Kolonien in den größeren Zusammenhang der Globalisierung ein.

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COTTA Maurizio, DELLA PORTA Donatella and MORLINO Leonardo Scienza Politica Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008

Il volume, qui presentato in una nuova edizione aggiornata, offre una panoramica completa delle tematiche costitutive della scienza politica. I primi capitoli propongono una definizione della disciplina, delineandone l’oggetto, il metodo e le linee evolutive. Sono poi analizzati le grandi architetture della politica, i regimi, la loro successione storica, e ancora i repertori e gli attori della partecipazione politica. Si passa quindi a descrivere le principali istituzioni della democrazia rappresentativa e ad esaminare il versante della implementazione delle politiche pubbliche. Infine, si dà conto della dimensione tipica dello stato nazionale e delle sue interazioni con l’esterno.

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CREMONA Marise (ed.) Developments in EU External Relations Law Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XIX/2

External relations is currently among the most dynamic areas of EU law, its institutional structures profoundly affected by the Lisbon Treaty. This volume gathers leading analysts to assess core recent developments in the field, taking stock of the current law and potential developments in major policy areas. These opening chapters develop a picture of the EU’s active international participation as well as the characteristic structural complexity of its external relations, and against this background the remainder of the book examines key policy areas of EU external action. Lorand Bartels analyses the relationship between trade policy and development; Markus Krajewski discusses trade in services and the link between external and internal policy issues; and Nathalie Tocci assesses the EU’s contribution to conflict resolution, an important focus of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. The complex policy picture that emerges from the different goals, values and instruments across these areas is examined in the book’s final chapter which focuses on the European Neighbourhood Policy, frequently proclaimed as a strategic priority for the EU. Together, the essays present a clear picture of the complex development of EU external relations, of the struggle for coherence in the increasingly active, visible and self-conscious role played by the EU as a participant in the international legal order.

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CREMONA Marise and DE WITTE Bruno (eds) EU Foreign Relations Law, Constitutional Fundamentals Oxford/Portland, Hart, 2008

This book reappraises the constitutional fundamentals of EU foreign relations law. The essays in the book examine and reassess the basic principles of EU foreign relations law that have emerged over 50 years of incremental Treatybased and judicial development and explore the particular character of the EU’s “external constitution”. They have been written against a background of change and debate: the deliberation over the character of the appropriate constitutional framework which has surrounded the drafting of the Constitutional and Reform Treaties, the increasingly crosspillar nature of much EU external action, and renewed interest in the accountability of foreign relations policy and practice to democratic and judicial review within and without the EU. This collection will be of interest not only to EU foreign relations law specialists but also to those concerned with broader constitutional issues within EU law. In exploring the legal context in which the EU seeks to develop an international identity, and to structure and execute policies at the international level, the collection will also interest those working in international relations.

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CRONIN Stephanie (ed.) Subalterns and Social Protest: History from below in the Middle East and North Africa New York, Routledge, 2007

This edited volume is the product of workshop VIII, ‘Subalterns and Social Protest: “Politics From Below” in the Middle East and North Africa’, of the 5th Mediterranean Research Meeting of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 24-28 March 2004

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CUNHA Mario Privacidade e Seguro: a coleta e utilização de dados nos ramos de pessoas e de saúde Rio de Janeiro, Funenseg, 2009

As informações pessoais de consumidores e potenciais consumidores têm enorme relevância para os contratos de seguro. O risco é o elemento essencial da atividade securitária e as informações disponíveis a respeito do bem ou da pessoa objeto do seguro são elementos que permitem aperfeiçoar a análise desse risco, determinando com maior segurança se um risco é segurável ou não e, em sendo, realizar com maior acuidade a “precificação”, estabelecendo distinção de prêmios a serem pagos.

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DE SOUSA Luís (ed.) Ética, Estado e Economia: Atitudes e Práticas dos Europeus Lisbon, ICS Publicações, 2009

A actual crise económica colocou a nu a urgência de repensar a dimensão ética do Mercado e das instituições públicas. A privatização e a desregulamentação da economia, advogadas pela corrente neo-liberal como solução, ainda que parcial, para a redução das estruturas de oportunidade potenciadoras da corrupção, foram mal sucedidas neste propósito, acabando mesmo por gerar efeitos contrários aos desígnios iniciais. Num contexto de rápida transformação das relações entre o Estado e o Mercado, a sociedade civil é, por vezes, entendida como fonte de um determinado capital social positivo, consubstanciado em normas de reciprocidade e em relações sociais sedimentadas na confiança, mas também de um capital social negativo capaz de distorcer o funcionamento da economia e da política. Nesta colectânea, Luís de Sousa e os seus colaboradores abordam estes temas através de uma perspectiva teórica inovadora, apresentando uma análise empírica de dados originais, obtidos através do European Social Survey e de outras importantes bases de dados, respeitantes às atitudes e práticas dos cidadãos europeus face à moralidade económica.

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DE SOUSA Luís, MARMOUR Peter and HINDESS Barry (eds) Governments, NGOs and Anti-Corruption. The New Integrity Warriors Abingdon, Routledge, 2008

The purpose of this book is to understand the rise, future and implications of two important new kinds of “integrity warriors” - official anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) and anti-corruption NGOs – and to locate them in a wider context and history of anti-corruption activity. Key issues of corruption and anti-corruption are discussed in an integrated and innovative way; through a number of country studies including Taiwan and South Korea, South East Europe, Fiji, Russia and the Baltic States. Some of the questions, used to examine the development of new anti-corruption actors, include: - In what context were these born? - How do they operate in pursuing their mission and mandate? - How successful have they been in relation to expected results? - To what extent are governmental and non governmental actors aware of each other and how far do they cooperate towards the common goal of fighting corruption? - What explains the shift in emphasis after the end of the cold war, from national to international action? Governments, NGOs and Anti-Corruption will be of interest to students and scholars of corruption, public policy, political science, developmental studies and law.

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DE SOUSA Luís and TRIÃES João (eds) A Corrupção e os Portugueses - Atitudes, Práticas e Valores Lisbon, Edições Rui Costa Pinto, 2008

Espera-se que este volume possa despertar o interesse de vários públicos. Para os estudantes de Ciências Sociais e académicos que se debruçam sobre estas matérias, o livro poderá relevar-se uma descoberta devido ao seu carácter pioneiro e exaustivo sobre as atitudes, práticas e percepções dos portugueses face à corrupção. Poderá igualmente ter utilidade para os decisores ou os agentes com responsabilidades, directas ou indirectas, no combate à corrupção, na medida em que nenhuma política ou estratégia de acção poderá descuidar o modo como o fenómeno se manifesta e se transforma em sociedade. Por último, esperamos que possa também servir de reflexão para o leitor anónimo, porventura também ele parte desta amostra, ou pelo menos nela representado, sobre o que pensam os portugueses sobre corrupção. Desejamos a todos, uma leitura atenta e curiosa.

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DEAN Martin, GOSCHLER Constantin and THER Philipp (eds) Robbery and Restitution. The Conflict over Jewish Property in Europe New York, Berghahn Books, 2007

The robbery and restitution of Jewish property are two inextricably linked social processes. It is not possible to understand the lawsuits and international agreements on the restoration of Jewish property of the late 1990s without examining what was robbed and by whom. In this volume distinguished historians first outline the mechanisms and scope of the European-wide program of plunder and then assess the effectiveness and historical implications of postwar restitution efforts. Everywhere the solution of legal and material problems was intertwined with changing national myths about the war and conflicting interpretations of justice. Even those countries that pursued extensive restitution programs using rigorous legal means were unable to compensate or fully comprehend the scale of Jewish loss. Especially in Eastern Europe, it was not until the collapse of communism that the concept of restoring some Jewish property rights even became a viable option. Integrating the abundance of new research on the material effects of the Holocaust and its aftermath, this comparative perspective examines the developments in Germany, Poland, Italy, France, Belgium, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

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DELLA PORTAÂ Donatella (ed.) Another Europe: Conceptions and Practices of Democracy in the European Social Forums London/New York, Routledge, 2009

Given the recent focus on the challenges to representative democracy, and the search for new institutions and procedures that can help to channel increasing participation, this book offers empirical insights on alternative conceptions of democracy and the actors that promote them. With a focus on the conceptions and practices of democracy within contemporary social movements in Europe, this volume contributes to the debate on the different dimensions of democracy, especially in its participative and deliberative forms. On the basis of an in-depth analysis of European Social Forums, gathering thousands of social movement organizations and tens of thousands of activists from all Europe, the book explores the transnational dimension of democracy and addresses a relevant, and little analyzed aspect of Europeanization: the Europeanization of social movements. From a methodological point of view, the research innovates by covering a group of individuals traditionally neglected in previous studies: social movement activists. Qualitative and quantitative methods are employed to research individual motivations as well as environmental dynamics. The various chapters combine analysis of the individuals’ attitudes and behavior with that of the organizational characteristics, procedures and practices of democracy. Providing a cross-national comparison on the global justice movement, the theoretical challenges of the new wave of protest and offering rich empirical data on contemporary activism, this book will appeal to students and scholars of comparative politics, sociology, political sociology, social movement studies, as well as transnational relations. Eu ro pe a n U n i ve r s i t y I n s ti tu te - 5 7


DELLA PORTAÂ Donatella (ed.) Democracy in Social Movements Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009

This collection explores how principles and practices of democracy are elaborated and implemented within the global justice movement, both in their internal organization and in experiments of public decision-making. The issue of internal democracy is particularly relevant for a multifaceted and heterogeneous movement which has denounced the democratic deficits of decision-making processes and stressed the need for radical democratic reforms. In addition, and in part as a response to these demands for greater levels of citizen participation, experiments in participatory and deliberative forms of democracy are underway. Taking an empirical perspective, this collection investigates the development of new conceptions and practices of democracy, integrating research into approximately 250 European and transnational social movement organizations.

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DELLA PORTAÂ Donatella (ed.) The Global Justice Movement: Cross-national and Transnational Perspectives Boulder, Paradigm Publishers, 2007

‘You G8, we 6 billion!’ So went the chant at the international parade leading into the 2001 summit in Genoa, Italy. Although scholars and pundits were still stuck in Seattle, the evolving global justice movement rushed ahead with new actors, new strategies, a new look, and more positive effects. This book examines all this and more with case studies drawn from seven different countries and synthesizing chapters on transnational networks and cross-national comparisons. Leading scholars from the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere in Europe take a wellstructured approach to analyzing more than 300 different movement organizations and 5,000 activists as they keep pushing the limits of what can be achieved by bridging old movements with new networks and by bringing politics back to the streets.

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DELLA PORTA Donatella I partiti politici (2nd edition updated and expanded ) Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009

I partiti politici sono considerati attori fondamentali nelle democrazie rappresentative. E tuttavia da tempo l’evoluzione della loro struttura organizzativa e del loro funzionamento desta numerosi interrogativi. Dopo aver mostrato con efficacia come siano mutate storicamente strutture e funzioni dei partiti, l’autrice li sottopone a una sorta di check-up per quanto riguarda una costellazione di problemi: burocratizzazione, rappresentatività rispetto ad appartenenze ideologiche e fratture sociali, competizione nei diversi sistemi di partito, mediatizzazione della politica, governo di partito, costruzione delle identità collettive.

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DELLA PORTAÂ Donatella and CAIANIÂ Manuela, Social Movements and Europeanization Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009

Are social movement organizations euroskeptical? Or do they accept the EU as a new level of governance to place pressure on? Do they provide a critical capital, necessary for the political structuring of the EU? This book includes surveys of activists at international protest events, targeting the European Union (for a total of about 5000 interviews); a discourse analysis of documents and transcripts of debates on European politics and policies conducted during the four European Social Forums held between 2002 and 2006 and involving hundreds of social movements and tens of thousands of activists from all European countries; about 96 interviews with representatives of civil society organizations in seven European countries, and a systematic claims analysis of the daily press in selected years between 1996 and 2003. The empirical research shows the different path of Europeanization taken by social movements and civil society organizations.

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DELLA PORTA Donatella, KRIESI Hanspeter and RUCHT Dieter (eds) Social Movements in a Globalizing world (2nd expanded edition) Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009

The growing interdependence on a global scale constitutes a challenge for both the mobilization of social movements and social movement theory. This volume, now available in paperback, attempts to adjust the perspective of the ‘political process’ approach to a world in which political opportunities, mobilizing structures, framing processes and collective action of social movements are no longer confined to national political contexts. The contributors discuss various implications of a globalizing world on the mobilization for collective action within national contexts (cross-national diffusion of protest, inter-national opportunities and constraints for national mobilization, national social movements engaged in two-level games, as well as new forms of mobilization beyond the nation-state) as well as the creation of transnational mobilizing structures, collective action for supranational issues and the mobilization of social movements in the supranational arena.

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DELLA PORTAÂ Donatella and PIAZZAÂ Gianni Le ragioni del no: Le campagne contro la TAV in Val di Susa e il Ponte sullo Stretto Milano, Feltrinelli, 2008

Quelli contro la costruzione della TAV in Val di Susa e del Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina sono due casi assai significativi delle mobilitazioni contro la realizzazione di grandi infrastrutture che, in tempi recenti, sono diventate ben visibili e molto discusse in Italia e in Europa. Gli abitanti mobilitati in comitati e associazioni, insieme a centri sociali e gruppi ambientalisti, presentano la propria azione come una difesa di beni comuni e principi dal valore universale. Non si limitano semplicemente a dire no, ma elaborano anche proposte alternative basate su un diverso modello di sviluppo, promuovendo forme di partecipazione politica diretta e dal basso. Definiti spesso come localisti, questi gruppi costruiscono al contrario reti nazionali e sovranazionali, utilizzando forme di protesta dirompenti e canali politici istituzionali, diventando essi stessi attori politici con cui i governi locali, nazionali e sovranazionali devono sempre piĂš fare i conti.

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DELLA PORTAÂ Donatella and PIAZZAÂ Gianni Voices of the Valley, Voices of the Straits: How Protest Creates Communities Oxford/New York, Berghahn Books, 2008

Protest campaigns against large-scale public works usually take place within a local context. However, since the 1990s new forms of protest have been emerging. This book analyses two cases from Italy that illustrate this development: the environmentalist protest campaigns against the TAV (the building of a new high-speed railway in Val de Susa, close to the border with France), and the construction of the Bridge on the Messina Straits (between Calabria and Sicily). Such mobilizations emerge from local conflicts but develop as part of a global justice movement, often resulting in the production of new identities. They are promoted through multiple networks of different social and political groups, that share common claims and adopt various forms of protest action. It is during the protest campaigns that a sense of community is created.

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DELORI Mathias, DESCHAUX-BEAUME Delphine and SAURUGGER Sabine (eds) Le choix rationnel en science politique. Débats critiques Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009

Les sciences politiques françaises et, plus largement, continentales sont restées largement imperméables à une dynamique théorique majeure de ces dernières années : la montée en puissance du paradigme du choix rationnel en Grande Bretagne et aux États-Unis. Cet ouvrage regroupe les contributions d’auteurs de divers horizons théoriques qui s’interrogent de manière critique et réfl exive sur les raisons de cette résistance. A-t-on raison de voir dans le choix rationnel le bras armé de l’idéologie néo-libérale dans le monde académique ? Notre faible intérêt pour cette approche découle-t-il d’une fascination « historiquement construite » pour la culture lettrée ? Un usage « instrumental » et parcimonieux de ce paradigme est-il possible?

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DI QUIRICO Roberto L’euro, ma non l’Europa. Integrazione monetaria e integrazione politica Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007

La ricerca da cui scaturisce questo libro è stata avviata nel 2001 presso il Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies a Fiesole e completata presso l’Istituto italiano di scienze umane a Firenze nel 2006.

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DORIS Martin Dispute Avoidance and European Contract Law Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2007.)

Since early 2000 the European institutions have politically prioritised the need for greater coherence and uniformity in European private law. Contract law in particular has remained centre stage. Concerns that the functioning of the Community’s internal market has been hampered by divergence in Member States’ national contract rules, and that both business and consumers are dissuaded from contracting cross border, have prompted a series of landmark Communications, an Action Plan and most recently, full institutional support for the delivery of a decidedly cryptic ‘Common Frame of Reference’, comprised of general principles, model rules and uniform legal terminology. Despite a lack of convincing empirical data in support of the convergence thesis, a diminished business interest has in part allowed the proponents of a comprehensive codification of private law to set the political and academic agenda. Yet this clamour for codification has in many respects overlooked the mechanics of commercial contracting in particular, the importance of contract drafting and the complex negotiations that lead to deals both domestically and cross border. This book therefore engages with two ‘holy grails’ of modern contract scholarship – the appropriate design of EC contract rules and judicial treatment of preliminary, incomplete bargains. In so doing, the study reveals the weakness of existing soft law initiatives and framework codes in capturing the degree of specificity and complexity in the field. Instead, the case is made for a viable methodology of dispute avoidance aimed at re-conceptualising and re-orientating the harmonisation effort.

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DUPUY Pierre-Marie, FRANCIONI Francesco and PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich (eds) Human Rights in International Investment Law and Arbitration Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009

This book offers a systematic analysis of the interaction between international investment law, investment arbitration and human rights, including the role of national and international courts, investor-state arbitral tribunals and alternative jurisdictions, the risks of legal and jurisdictional fragmentation, the human rights dimensions of investment law and arbitration, and the relationships of substantive and procedural principles of justice to international investment law.

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DUPUY Pierre-Marie and VIERUCCI Luisa (eds), NGOs in International Law: Efficiency in Flexibility? Cheltenham/Northampton, E. Elgar, 2008

The increasing role that NGOs play at different levels of legal relevance – from treaty-making to rule implementation, and from support to judges to aid delivery – calls for reconsideration of the international legal status of those organizations. This book shows that the degree of flexibility currently enjoyed by NGOs in fields as varied as human rights, the environment and the European Union development cooperation policy constitutes the best arena for all actors involved, with the consequences that the instances where more strict regulation of NGOs’ participation is desirable are very limited.

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ECKART Gottschalk, RALF Michaels, RÜHL Giesela and VON HEIN Jan Conflict of Laws in a Globalized World Cambridge/New York, Cambridge University Press, 2007

This book is a contribution to the evolving transatlantic dialogue on the conflict of laws as well as a tribute to Professor Arthur von Mehren from the Harvard Law School. It contains ten contributions that discuss the problems conflict of laws is facing in a globalized world. The first five contributions deal with current legal topics in international civil litigation and transatlantic judicial cooperation ranging from the design of judgments conventions in general to the recently adopted Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and from current problems involving negative declaratory actions in international disputes to recent transatlantic developments relating to service of process and collective proceedings. The remaining five contributions focus on choice of law in international and transatlantic relationships. They cover comparative and economic dimensions of party autonomy, reflect on current discussions in the choice of law relating to intellectual property rights, and engage in critical discussions about the applicable law in antitrust law litigation, international arbitration, and actions for punitive damages.

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EHLERMANNÂ Claus-Dieter and ATANASIUÂ Isabela (eds), European Competition Law Annual 2006. Enforcement of Prohibition of Cartels Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2007

This is the eleventh in the series on EU Competition Law and Policy produced by the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute in Florence. The volume reproduces the materials of the roundtable debate which examined the enforcement of the prohibition on cartels. The workshop participants - senior representatives of the Commission and the national competition authorities of some EC Member States, renowned international academics and legal practitioners - discussed the economic and legal issues that arise in this particular area, including: 1) unearthing cartels: the evidence; 2) the institutional framework and 3) tools of enforcement

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EHLERMANN Claus-Dieter and MARQUIS Mel (eds) European Competition Law Annual 2007: A Reformed Approach to Article 82 EC Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2008

This is the twelfth in a series on EU Competition Law and Policy produced by the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute in Florence. The volume reproduces the written contributions and transcripts in connection with a roundtable debate which examined the EU’s enforcement policy as regards the abuse of a dominant position under Article 82 EC. The workshop participants included: senior enforcement officials and policy makers from the European Commission, from the national competition authorities of certain EU Member States and from the US Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission; and renowned international academics, legal practitioners and professional economists. In an intense, intimate environment, this group of experts debated a number of legal and economic issues structured according to three broad lines of discussion: 1) comparisons of the concept of monopolization under Section 2 of the Sherman Act with that of abuse of dominance under Article 82 EC; 2) a reformed approach to exclusionary unilateral conduct; and 3) exploitative unilateral conduct and related remedies.

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ENGELI Isabelle, BALLMER-CAO ThanhHuyen and MULLER Pierre (eds) Les politiques du genre Paris, L’Harmattan, 2008

Les relations entre hommes et femmes ont toujours fait l’objet de régulations politiques. Même dans les réglementations apparemment les plus neutres, les effets de l’action publique diffèrent selon le genre des individus. Cet ouvrage propose une réflexion générale sur les relations entre genre et politiques publiques tout en développant des exemples significatifs : politiques d’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes, politiques de sécurité, politiques éducatives. Une partie importante du livre est consacrée aux politiques de la sphère privée (avortement, procréation médicalement assistée, adoption, mariage homosexuel…).

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FABERON Jean-Yves and ZILLER Jacques Droit des collectivités d’outre-mer Paris, LGDJ, Collection Manuels, 2007

Le droit d’outre-mer a connu, depuis une trentaine d’années, un renouveau remarquable, illustré par une production juridique aussi importante en quantité que par ses innovations. Ce renouveau a été consacré, après la constitutionnalisation en 1998 d’un statut très original pour la Nouvelle-Calédonie, par la révision constitutionnelle de 2003 relative à « l’organisation décentralisée de la République », dont le volet ultramarin est particulièrement intéressant. Parallèlement à l’activité législative et constitutionnelle française, le régime juridique européen des outre-mers s’est également développé, avec le traité d’Amsterdam, entré en vigueur le 1er mai 1999, qui a donné un fondement en droit positif à la catégorie des régions ultrapériphériques. Un renouveau d’intérêt a donc été porté à ce droit qui a continué d’être enseigné dans les universités d’outre-mer et qui progresse également dans les universités métropolitaines, notamment dans le cadre des nombreux enseignements consacrés à la décentralisation. Ce nouveau manuel s’adresse aux étudiants comme aux différents praticiens du droit d’outre-mer, en plus de tous ceux qu’intéresse l’évolution des outre-mers et des institutions administratives et politiques françaises. Sans négliger le cadre historique et social des collectivités d’outre-mer, il donne toute son indispensable place au droit communautaire d’outre-mer, qui complète dans la plupart des domaines le droit « interne » de la République française.

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FAKHOURY MUEHLBACHER Tamirace Democracy and Power-Sharing in Stormy Weather : The Case of Lebanon Wiesbaden, Vs Verlag, 2009

Since the inception of the fragile nation-state in 1943, Lebanon has been faced with the constantly unstable predicament of being torn between Middle Eastern and Western orbits. After examining Lebanon’s pre-war consociational democracy as well as the factors behind its collapse in 1975, Tamirace Fakhoury Mühlbacher analyses the post-war order (1990 - 2006) by shedding light on both interrelated phenomena: communal power-sharing in a turbulent environment and Lebanon’s “hybrid democratisation” between Syrian tutelage and the impulses for more liberalisation against the backdrop of exogenous and endogenous factors. The author analyses in detail Lebanon’s uncertain 2005 system transition, the so-called ‘Beirut Spring’, and its aftermath. In a critical perspective, she highlights fundamental communal and political dynamics that result from the collision of internal and external conflict lines on Lebanese ground, and how the former have impeded balanced powersharing and democratisati16on in the small Arab Republic. This book is essential reading for researchers and students from the social sciences, in particular sociology and political science. From the contents: Review and critique of the literature on consociational democracy - pre-war Lebanon: a dance into the abyss of consociationalism - post-war Lebanon: the lost republic’s peregrinations - post-war Lebanon’s long and perilous road - what about post-war consociationalism - crafting a consociationalism democracy: the limits of the self-negating prophecy.

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FARER Tom Confronting Global Terrorism and American Neo-Conservatism: The Framework of a Liberal Grand Strategy Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVI/2

This book brings together and subjects to critical scrutiny the core controversies connected to the so-called “War on Terror”: When is it legitimate and prudent to use force? Is torture ever justified? Do we need to suspend human rights in order to fight terrorism? Is multi-culturalism the answer to communal conflict? Is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians illegal and immoral, an accelerator of terrorism, or legitimately defensive and largely irrelevant to the terrorism problem? Are terrorists responding to concrete U.S. policies or do they simply hate and wish to destroy Western societies? Liberal intellectuals and political leaders have been slow to articulate a grand strategy informed by liberal values for confronting these issues surrounding global terrorism. The book outlines the framework of a liberal strategy, and exposes the costs of the neo-conservative alternative that has driven US foreign policy since 9/11.

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FARGUES Philippe, EL-MASRY Saeed SADEK Sara and SHABAN Azza Iraqis in Egypt. A Statistical Survey in 2008 New Cairo, The American University in Cairo, Information and Decision Support Centre, 2008

Emigration from Iraq has been occurring since the 1970s. The Iran-Iraq War, Gulf War and the subsequent international sanctions placed on the Iraqi regime have all produced waves of emigration. After US occupation of Iraq, however, and particularly since 2005, the country has witnessed unprecedented levels of out-migration. Since the US led war on Iraq in 2003, massive numbers of Iraqis have been displaced from their homes causing the largest influx of refugees into the region. The situation of Iraqi refugees in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon has received the attention of academics. In comparison, the picture of Iraqis in Egypt has remained obscure. This report sheds light on the situation of Iraqis living in Egypt. It answers questions related to numbers of Iraqis, reasons for choosing Egypt, patterns of flight, and the current situation and social networks of this population.

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FRANCA FILHO Marcilio Toscano O Silêncio Eloqüente - Omissão do Legislador e Responsabilidade do Estado na Comunidade Européia e no Mercosul Coimbra, Almedina, 2008

Introdução: Questões Metodológicas e Justificativas O Direito Comunitário como Sistema Dialético de Comparticipações As Directivas e a interação entre o Direito Comunitário e o Direito Nacional A Responsabilidade do Estado Legislador por Violação do Direito Comunitário O Incumprimento Legislativo do Direito da Integração no MERCOSUL (Contents)

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FRANCESCONI Enrico, SARTOR Giovanni and TISCORNIA Daniela (eds) Legal Knowledge and Information Systems Amsterdam/Berlin/Oxford/Tokyo/Washington, IOS Press, 2008

From its very beginning, legal informatics was mostly limited to the study of legal databases, but very early on, the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques (ITTIG) started being involved with the specific topic of the Jurix conference, namely knowledge-based systems. This book includes programmatic papers with precise accounts of applications and prototypes. In many domains the focus has changed. For instance, research in retrieval has moved from classical boolean systems into the management of documents in the Web. It addresses in particular standards and methods for embedding machine readable information into such documents and search methods that deal with heterogeneous information. Similarly, with regard to legal concepts, the focus has moved from thesauri to ontologies or to techniques for the automatic extraction of concepts from natural language texts. In the domain of legal reasoning merely deductive inferences have been expanded with models of legal argumentation, dialogue and mediation. The conference Logica, informatica e diritto 1981 and Jurix 2008 share the connection between theoretical models and the development of applications and prototypes. However, while in 1981 one could mostly see a juxtaposition of papers in legal theory and papers in computer applications, in 2008 we can see how discussions of issues in legal theory are embedded within contributions to legal informatics. This shows how research in legal informatics is increasingly becoming an autonomous domain of scientific inquiry by creatively incorporating and developing knowledge and methods from the two disciplines from which it originates (legal theory and computer science), while preserving links with them. Eu ro pe a n U n i ve r s i t y I n s ti tu te - 7 9


FRANCIONIÂ Francesco (ed.) Access to Justice as a Human Right Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVI/4

This unique collection of essays provides an overview of the problems at the heart of providing access to justice in international law. It covers diverse subjects including environmental justice, situations of armed conflict, and access to justice for torture victims and terrorist suspects. It examines European state protection of access to justice in comparative perspective. In international law, as in any other legal system, respect and protection of human rights can be guaranteed only by the availability of effective judicial remedies. When a right is violated or damage is caused, access to justice is of fundamental importance for the injured individual and it is an essential component of the rule of law. Yet, access to justice as a human right remains problematic in international law. First, because individual access to international justice remains exceptional and based on specific treaty arrangements, rather than on general principles of international law; second, because even when such right is guaranteed as a matter of treaty obligation, other norms or doctrines of international law may effectively impede its exercise, as in the case of sovereign immunity or non reviewability of UN Security Council measures directly affecting individuals. Further, even access to domestic legal remedies is suffering because of the constraints put by security threats, such as terrorism, on the full protection of freedom and human rights.

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FRANCIONI Francesco, GESTRI Marco, RONZITTI Natalino and SCOVAZZI Tullio (eds) Accesso alla giustizia dell’individuo nel diritto internazionale e dell’Unione Europea Milano, Giuffré editore, 2009, Università di Siena, Dipartimento Diritto Pubblico, Collana di Studi

DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE GENERALE. Il diritto di accesso alla giustizia nel diritto internazionale generale. L’eccezione dello ius cogens alla regola dell’Immunità degli stati dalla giurisdizione è compatibile con la convenzione delle Nazioni Unite del 2005? Accesso alla giustizia e protezione diplomatica. Il diritto della vittima di accedere alla giustizia internazionale penale. DIRITTI UMANI. Access to Justice for Minority Groups. Accesso alla giustizia per i migranti a rischio di violazione dei diritti fondamentali. Accesso alla giustizia ed assistenza consolare. Accesso alla Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo per violazioni compiute dalle forze armate degli stati contraenti all’estero. I National Contact Point dell’OCSE sulle imprese multinazionali: un meccanismo di accesso alla giustizia effettivo per la società civile? Aree coperte dalle linee guida OCSE sulle imprese multinazionali. GIURISDIZIONI NAZIONALI. Access to Justice for Tort Claims against a Sovereign in the Courts of the United States of America. Norme non self-executing in materia di diritti umani e diritto umanitario e violazione del diritto di accesso alla giustizia nella recente prassi statunitense. Access to Justice for Torture Victims. Esecuzione delle sentenze all’estero ed accesso alla giustizia in caso di gravi violazioni dei diritti fondamentali dell’uomo. (Extract from the table of contents.)

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FRANCIONI Francesco and LENZERINI Federico (eds) The 1972 World Heritage Convention. A commentary Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press, 2008

The World Heritage Convention (WHC) is the most comprehensive and widely ratified among UNESCO treaties on the protection of cultural and natural heritage. The Convention establishes a system of identification, presentation, and registration in an international List of cultural properties and natural sites of outstanding universal value. Throughout the years the WHC has progressively attained almost universal recognition by the international community, and even the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia has recently considered sites inscribed in the World Heritage List as “values especially protection by the international community.” Besides, the WHC has been used as a model for other legal instruments dealing with cultural heritage, like the recently adopted (2003) Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

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FRANCIONI Francesco and SCHEININ Martin (eds) Cultural Human Rights Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008

What is the relationship between culture and human rights? Can the idea of cultural rights, which are predicated on the distinctiveness and exclusivity of a community’s beliefs and traditions, be compatible with the concept of human rights, which are universal and ‘inherent’ to all human beings? If we accept such compatibility, what is the actual content of cultural rights? Who are their beneficiaries: individuals, or peoples or groups as collective entities? And what precise obligations do cultural rights pose upon states or other actors in international law, or for the international community as a whole? International instruments on the protection of human rights do not provide self-evident answers to these questions. This book seeks to analyse these dilemmas and to assess the impact that they are having on international law and the development of a coherent category of cultural human rights.

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FUMAGALLI Elena, LO SCHIAVO Luca and DELESTRE Florence Service Quality Regulation in Electricity Distribution and Retail Berlin and New York, Springer, 2007

Service Quality Regulation in Electricity Distribution and Retail provides a guide for regulatory authorities and postgraduate students alike, accompanying readers through the necessary steps for designing and implementing regulatory policy. It builds a bridge between the theoretical aspects of service quality regulation and country-specific applied mechanisms. The book offers examples as provided by regulatory authorities (including some not often available in the English language), and suggests best practices as elaborated by a number of international regulatory organizations. The book is a comprehensive, clear, well-organized description of applied quality regulation in the electricity sector as it is, today. Advanced readers will also appreciate its survey of the most innovative regulatory mechanisms currently being employed (and tested) in European countries, as well as those that have been proposed in the literature.

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GARCIA ESPADA Antonio Marco Polo y la Cruzada: Historia de la literatura de viajes a las Indias en el siglo XIV Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2009

La aparición del libro de Marco Polo está relacionada con un renovado interés por la Cruzada, la posibilidad de establecer contacto con la retaguardia del Islam y la obtención así de la supremacía del Occidente latino sobre otras comunidades imaginadas. Su fama y extraordinaria difusión, sin embargo, se explican por su capacidad de cuestionar los fundamentos de dicha aspiración. Ésta es la paradoja que el presente libro analiza con la ayuda de otros textos contemporáneos de viajes al Lejano Oriente, trayectos que describen un movimiento que circula entre la aquiescencia con formas tradicionales de poder y la resistencia a esas mismas fuerzas. La demanda por parte de las élites europeas de información actualizada y concreta sobre las Indias inauguraba una forma de representación del Oriente que, al convertirlo en objeto pasivo y carente de soberanía sobre sí mismo, contribuyó a la expansión política y espiritual del Occidente. Ésta es la historia de una forma de Orientalismo destinada a perdurar.

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GEARY Michael Joseph An Inconvenient Wait: Ireland’s Quest for Membership of the EEC, 1957-73 Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, 2009

An Inconvenient Wait challenges the traditional view that Ireland’s application for membership of the Community was a response to similar moves by Britain. The author presents a detailed analysis of the domestic and external events that impacted on Dublin’s failed 1961 and 1967 bids for membership. Geary explores, for the first time, the successful 1970-2 enlargement negotiations and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of Ireland’s negotiating team, led by Patrick Hillery. The book provides an important analysis of the May 1972 Irish referendum, examining the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaigns. The Epilogue delves into the controversial Treaty of Lisbon debate after Irish voters decisively rejected the treaty in June 2008. Is this just another crisis to affect the European integration process or is it something bigger? Where did the Irish government go wrong with Lisbon? How can they get it right? The book attempts to offer timely suggestions to practitioners and the general public. This book is an exploration in policy development and formation in a country on the verge of massive economic and political, if not social, change. It traces the changing stance of Ireland’s historically comfortable and preferred position of economic dependence, and how in the blink of an eye this course was altered by wider political imperatives and international developments.

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GERWARTH Robert and HAUPT Heinz-Gerhard (eds) Terrorism in Twentieth-Century Europe. Transnational and comparative perspectives European Review of History / Revue européenne d’histoire, 2007, 14, 3, Special Issue

The history of European terrorism as a transnational phenomenon in the long twentieth century remains a surprisingly understudied field of historical research. Although a number of serious scholarly investigations of European terrorist movements exist, they are either confined to individual national case studies—thus reinforcing the widespread (but misleading) perception that ‘transnational terrorism’ is a historically ‘new’ phenomenon—or they amount to synthetic international overviews, which do not adopt strictly comparative or transnational methodologies. In both cases, accounts written by political scientists numerically far outweigh those written by historians. (from the editors’ Introduction)

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GLACHANT Jean-Michel and LÉVÊQUE François (eds) Electricity Reform in Europe: Towards a Single Energy Market, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2009

The realisation of a European internal market for energy is still a work in progress. Written by leading European scholars and discussed with major energy stakeholders, this book presents a thorough analysis of the motives and methods needed to achieve a single European energy market. The authors discuss the critical issues surrounding an internal European energy market including: market design, competition and market power, sustainable energy versus the market, regulation and harmonisation, benchmarking and indicators, modelling of competition, market prices and energy forecasts. They provide a multi-disciplinary assessment of the ‘best way’ to build the market base of a future European energy policy. Electricity Reform in Europe will be of great interest to decision makers and managers in the energy industry or business sector as they will be able to see the whole European energy policy ‘picture’ beyond their own corporate interests. The book will also appeal to national and European energy administrations, regulatory bodies and policy makers providing a synthesis of all relevant policy issues.

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GODINHO Jorge Alexandre Fernandes Macau Business Law and Legal System Hong Kong, LexisNexis, 2007

This book brings together the law in Macau relating to business activities. The reader will find a wide variety of topics covered, with solid introductions to the conceptual frameworks and concise expositions of their regulation. The book focuses on a number of areas of private law: general theory of civil law, the law of obligations in general and contracts in particular, property law, and commercial law. It also includes a general introduction covering fundamental legal concepts, as understood in Macau in the tradition of civil law legal systems, and provides concise references to most branches of law, including Macau’s constitutional framework. This is the first publication providing an extended account of the matters covered in the 1999 Civil and in the 1999 Commercial Code. It also covers the legal transformations and continuities arising from the resumption of sovereignty by China in 1999. The “localization” of the Macau legal system has eased the language barrier problem for those who master Chinese, but it remains true that most key doctrinal materials are written in Portuguese. This book fulfils the pressing need for written information about the Macau legal system in English, and will be an essential reference for those who do not master any of the official languages of Macau.

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GOETZ Klaus H. MAIR Peter and SMITH Gordon (eds) European Politics: Pasts, Presents, Futures West European Politics, 2008, 31, 1-2, Special 30th anniversary issue

Trajectories of European Politics: An Introduction Change in European Societies since the 1970s Democracy and Changes: How Research Tails Reality Thirty Years of Territorial Politics The European Welfare State: Golden Achievements, Silver Prospects European Union? Changing Values among Western Publics from 1970 to 2006 Political Mobilisation, Political Participation and the Power of the Vote State Feminism and Women’s Movements The Changing Politics of Organised Interests The Challenge to Party Government European Government(s): Executive Politics in Transition? Governance as a Path to Government Regulation, the Regulatory State and European Politics European Political Economy: Labour Out, State Back In, Firm to the Fore Worlds, Families, Regimes: Country Clusters in European and OECD Area Public Policy Historical Institutionalism and West European Politics Capacities: Political Science in Europe

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GOETZ Klaus H. MAIR Peter and SMITH Gordon (eds) European Politics: Pasts, Presents, Futures London, Routledge, 2009

It examines the profound changes in the European political landscape over the last three decades, including the fall of Communism; progressive European integration; territorial restructuring; public sector reforms at European, national, regional and local levels; changes in democratic participation, protest, elections, political communication, political parties and party competition; and challenges to the welfare state. The book also discusses how political science has responded to these changes in terms of its substantive focus, concepts, methods and theories. Many of the 17 contributions included identify important challenges for the future, including those stemming from EU integration, the reduced electoral accountability of politicians, the problematic legitimation of party government and the sharpening of the edges of the state. Contributors include K. A. Anderson, F. C. Castles, C. Crouch, M. Egeberg. M. Ferrera, H. Goetz, L. Hooghe, E. M. Immergut, R. F. Inglehart, M. Keating, H.D. Klingemann H. Kriesi, M. Lodge, J. Lovenduski, P. Mair, G. Marks, Y. Mény, L. Morlino, H. Obinger, V. A. Schmidt, P. C. Schmitter, and G. Smith.

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HAGHIGHIÂ Sanam Salem Energy Security. The external legal relations of the European Union with Major Oiland Gas-Supplying Countries Oxford/ Portland, Hart, 2007 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

This book offers the first comprehensive assessment of the various internal and external measures undertaken by the European Union to guarantee security of oil and gas supply. It sets out and analyzes in a coherent and thorough manner those aspects of EU external policy that are relevant in establishing a framework for guaranteeing energy security for the Union. What makes the book unique is that it is the first of its kind to bridge the gap between EU energy and EU external policy.The book discusses EU policy towards the major oil and gas producing countries of Russia, the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf at the bilateral as well as regional and multilateral level. It brings together not only the dimensions of trade and investment but also other important aspects of external policy, namely development and foreign policy. The author argues that the EU’s energy security cannot be achieved through adopting a purely internal approach to energy issues, but that it is necessary to adopt a holistic approach to external policy, covering efficient economic relations as well as development co-operation and foreign policies towards energy producing countries. The book will be a valuable resource for students of EU law, WTO law or international energy law, as well as scholars and practitioners dealing with energy issues.

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HANCKE Bob, RHODES Martin and THATCHER Mark (eds) Beyond Varieties of Capitalism. Conflict, Contradiction, and Complementarities in the European Economy Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007

Since the early 1990s, Europe’s economies have been facing several new challenges: the 1992 single market programme, the collapse of the Berlin wall and eastward enlargement, and monetary unification. Building on the influential Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) perspective, first elaborated in detail in the book Varieties of Capitalism (OUP, 2001), this book critically analyzes these developments in the European political economy and their effects on the continental European economies. Leading political economists from Europe and the US debate how VoC can help understand the political-economic challenges that Europe is facing today and how understanding these new challenges can in turn enrich and enhance the VoC perspective. Thematically, the contributions to this volume are organised into four thematic sections: how the macro-economics of EMU influenced different European models of capitalism, how the Single Market programme was received in the different institutional regimes in European capitalism, how welfare and labour market reforms are debated and implemented, how European capitalism travelled east after 1989. Preceding this is a spirited defence of the VoC approach by Peter Hall, and an introduction from the volume editors, considering the approach, and proposing extensions and amendments. This book demonstrates that the VoC approach remains, as the editors put it in their introduction, a rich seam to mine, capable of accommodating new developments, and theoretically flexible enough to branch out into new arguments. Book jacket. Eu ro pe a n U n i ve r s i t y I n s ti tu te - 9 3


HARDERS Cilja and LEGRENZI Matteo (eds) Beyond Regionalism? : Regional Cooperation, Regionalism and Regionalization in the Middle East Aldershot/Burlington, Ashgate, 2008

This edited volume is the product of workshop I, ‘Regionalism and Regionalisation in the Middle East: Theoretical and Empirical Issues’ of the 7th Mediterranean Research Meeting of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 22 - 26 March 2006.

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HARRISONÂ James The Human Rights Impact of the World Trade Organisation Oxford/Portland, Hart, 2007

This book examines the impact of international trade rules on the promotion and protection of human rights, and explains why human rights are an important mechanism for assessing the social justice impact of the international trading system. The core of the book is an in depth analysis of the impact of international trade law rules on the protection and promotion of human rights, emphasising the significance of the jurisdictional context in which the human rights issues arise: coercive measures that are taken by one country to protect and promote human rights in another country are distinguished from measures taken by a country to protect and promote the human rights of its own population. The author contends that international trade law rules have utilised certain ad hoc mechanisms to deal with particularly pressing human rights concerns in the trade context, but also argues that these mechanisms do not provide systemic solutions to the inter-linkages between the two legal systems. The author therefore examines mechanisms by which human rights arguments could be more appropriately raised and adjudicated upon in WTO dispute settlement proceedings. He concludes by considering broader systemic issues outside the dispute settlement process that need to be addressed if trade law rules are to successfully protect and promote human rights.

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HAUPT Heinz-Gerhard and TORP Claudius (eds) Die Konsumgesellschaft in Deutschland 1890-1990 : ein Handbuch Frankfurt/Main, Campus, 2009

Seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde der Konsum in Deutschland zum zentralen gesellschaftlichen Phänomen. Er verwandelte die wirtschaftliche Infrastruktur – von der Ernährung bis zur Freizeit – und war ein Mittel sozialer Distinktion und Gegenstand politischer Regulierung. Mit Recht lässt sich daher von einer deutschen Konsumgesellschaft sprechen. Ihre Entstehung und Ausformung werden in diesem Handbuch entlang der Bereiche Wirtschaft, Politik, soziale Lagen und Identitäten sowie Kultur und Wissenschaft erstmals umfassend dargestellt – ein unverzichtbares Grundlagenwerk für Studium, Forschung und Lehre. Mit Artikeln von Hartmut Berghoff, Peter Borscheid, Gunilla Budde, Erica Carter, Belinda Davis, Pascal Eitler, Rainer Gries, Wolfgang König, Kaspar Maase, Ina Merkel, Maren Möhring, Daniela Münkel, Christoph Nonn, Michael Prinz, Roman Rossfeld, Adelheid von Saldern, Axel Schildt, Dominik Schrage, Alexander Schug, Hasso Spode, Jakob Tanner, Ulrike Thoms und Michael Wildt.

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HENDRY David F., MARCELLINO Massimiliano and MIZON Grayham E. (eds) Encompassing Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2008, 70, s1, Special Issue on Encompassing

This Special Issue on Encompassing is a volume in honour of Grayham E. Mizon, to celebrate his major contributions to econometrics, and in particular, to the development of the theory of encompassing and testing non-nested hypotheses. Grayham’s publications on encompassing by himself, and with various co-authors (including most contributors to this Special Issue), have been cited more than 800 times, reflecting its widespread use across a diverse range of empirical and theoretical studies. Grayham has advanced numerous other areas in econometrics, including model selection and progressive research strategies, panel data and time-series analyses, simulation and Monte Carlo methods, forecast evaluation and economic policy analysis, and exogeneity, as well as encompassing. In addition to the formulation and implementation of new estimators and test statistics, he has contributed to the substantive application of new econometric tools, developing empirical models and policy analyses for both developed and transition economies, investigating consumption, employment and output, wage and price inflation, and relative prices. (from the Foreword)

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HERITIERÂ Adrienne Explaining Institutional Change in Europe Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007

How and why do institutions change? Institutions, understood as rules of behaviour constraining and facilitating social interaction, are subject to different forms and processes of change. A change may be designed intentionally on a large scale and then be followed by a period of only incremental adjustments to new conditions. But institutions may also emerge as informal rules, persist for a long time and only be formalized later. Why? The causes, processes and outcomes of institutional change raise a number of conceptual, theoretical and empirical questions. While we know a lot about the creation of institutions, relatively little research has been conducted about their transformation once they have been put into place. Attention has focused on politically salient events of change, such as the Intergovernmental Conferences of Treaty reform. In focussing on such grand events, we overlook inconspicuous changes of European institutional rules that are occurring on a daily basis. Thus, the European Parliament has gradually acquired a right of investing individual Commissioners. This has never been an issue in the negotiations of formal treaty revisions. Or, the decision-making rule(s) under which the European Parliament participates in the legislative process have drastically changed over the last decades starting from a modest consultation ending up with codecision. The book discusses various theories accounting for long-term institutional change and explores them on the basis of five important institutional rules in the European Union. It proposes typical sequences of long-term institutional change and their theorization which hold for other contexts as well, if the number of actors and their goals are clearly defined, and interaction takes place under the “shadow of the future�. 9 8 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

HERRMANN Andrea One Political Economy, One Competitive Strategy? Comparing pharmaceutical firms in Germany, Italy, and the UK Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

This book examines how firms adapt to the pressures of increasing international competition by testing both the arguments on ‘strategy specialization’ proposed in the competitiveness literature in general, and those offered by contributors to the ‘varieties of capitalism’ debate in particular. If different economies are characterized by distinct institutional arrangements — successful firms would be the ones that exploit their comparative advantages and specialize in the competitive strategies facilitated by national institutions. The book begins with an assessment of how many pharmaceutical firms in Germany, Italy, and the UK pursue strategies facilitated by national institutions governing financial markets, antitrust activities, and the labour market. Quantitative analyses reveal that deviant firms, competing through institutionally unsupported strategies, outnumber conforming firms by far. Not only does this finding run counter to the expectations of the competitiveness literature, it brings up a whole new line of inquiry. How can firms compete through strategies that are not supported by national institutions? To address this question, the book combines quantitative analyses with qualitative insights, showing that firms do not necessarily exploit comparative institutional advantages, but that they can successfully circumvent institutional constraints. International markets and individual collaboration on a contractual basis allow firms to compete despite comparative institutional disadvantages. These findings suggest that trade liberalization tends to foster strategy diversification rather than strategy specialization, depending on the inventiveness of entrepreneurs in developing individual approaches toward competing. Eu ro pe a n U n i ve r s i t y I n s ti tu te - 9 9


HOFFMANNÂ Rasmus Socioeconomic Differences in Old Age Mortality New York, Springer, 2008

Social differences in health and mortality constitute a persistent finding in epidemiological, demographic, and sociological research. This topic is increasingly discussed in the political debate and is among the most urgent public health issues. However, it is still unknown if socioeconomic mortality differences increase or decrease with age. This book provides a comprehensive, thoughtful and critical discussion of all aspects involved in the relationship between socioeconomic status, health and mortality. In a wellwritten language, it synthesizes the sociological theory of social inequality and an empirical study of mortality differences that has been performed at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Rostock, Germany). The best available datasets from Denmark and the USA, as two very different countries, are used to analyze the age pattern of social mortality differences, the Danish register data covering the whole Danish population between 1980 and 2002. This study is the most comprehensive analysis of socioeconomic mortality differences in the literature, in terms of data quantity, quality, and the statistical method of event-history modeling. It makes important new theoretical and empirical contributions. With a new method it also addresses the question whether the measurement of social mortality differences in old age so far has been biased by mortality selection due to unobserved heterogeneity. This book signifies an important step forward in theory, empirical data analysis and methodology and an advancement for many disciplines involved in the subject of socioeconomic differences in old age mortality. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Doblhammer, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany. 1 00 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

HORVATH Eniko Mandating Identity: Citizenship, Kinship Laws and Plural Nationality in the European Union Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International, 2007

For over a century it has been the case that a person exists, at least for legal purposes, only after she has been recognized by the state. As a unique element of this acknowledgement, nationality has also been an essential component of individual identity. Now, under pressure from a variety of directions, the nature of the link between state and individual is changing, with as yet unclear implications and long-term effects. In this original and insightful analysis, Eniko Horváth focuses on three processes of legal evolution in Europe that affect the meaning of membership and individual identity: the increasing salience of supranational ‘culture’ and rights; ‘kinship’ legislation privileging non-nationals with linguistic, cultural, and ethnic ties to a given state; and the emergence of plural nationality as an acceptable (and even welcome) phenomenon.

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ILIRJANI Altin, ELBASANI Arolda and PESHKOPIA Ridvan (eds) Albanian Journal of Politics, 2007, Vol. 3, Special Issue The Albanian Journal of Politics (AJP) is a peer reviewed academic publication of the Albanian Political Science Association (ALPSA). The purpose of the Journal is to provide a publication venue and an academic forum for the study of Albanian politics and society. AJP seeks to provide political insight on important problems as it emerges from rigorous, broad-based research and integrative thought. AJP is published by Globic Press on behalf of ALPSA. Volume III (2007) includes contributions from: Levis Zerpa, Stefan Weishaar, Jonida Milaj, Ridvan Peshkopia, Ermal Hasimja, Arben Xhaferi, Dionysia Tamvaki, Matilda Dahl and Elda Papa on subjects such as Albanian elections and political parties, institutional reforms, European Union enlargement process, religion, and rational choice applications in political science research.

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JAMES Harold The Creation and Destruction of Value: the Globalization Cycle Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2009

Harold James examines the vulnerability and fragility of processes of globalization, both historically and in the present. This book applies lessons from past breakdowns of globalization—above all in the Great Depression—to show how financial crises provoke backlashes against global integration: against the mobility of capital or goods, but also against flows of migration. By a parallel examination of the financial panics of 1929 and 1931 as well as that of 2008, he shows how banking and monetary collapses suddenly and radically alter the rules of engagement for every other type of economic activity. Increased calls for state action in countercyclical fiscal policy bring demands for trade protection. In the open economy of the twenty-first century, such calls are only viable in very large states—probably only in the United States and China. By contrast, in smaller countries demand trickles out of the national container, creating jobs in other countries. The international community is thus paralyzed, and international institutions are challenged by conflicts of interest. The book shows the looming psychological and material consequences of an interconnected world for people and the institutions they create.

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KAMMINGA Menno T. and SCHEININ Martin (eds) The Impact of Human Rights Law on General International Law Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009

Traditional international law aims to protect the values and interests of states. The rapidly increasing corpus of international human rights law (including international humanitarian law and international criminal law) increasingly challenges the basic tenets of general international law. In order to become accepted as the law of the world community, general international law needs to better reflect the values and interests of a wider range of actors, including the individual. This volume provides the first comprehensive examination of the impact of international human rights law on general international law. It considers areas including the structure of international obligations, the formation of customary international law, treaty law, immunities, state responsibility and diplomatic protection. The authors trace the extent to which concepts emanating from international human rights law are being incorporated by the guardians of traditional international law: the International Court of Justice and the International Law Commission. The book contains work carried out by the Committee on International Law and Practice of the International Law Association (ILA) over a period of four years, including the Committee’s Final Report on the Impact of International Human Rights Law on General International Law and indepth contributions by Committee members on key areas of international law.

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KASIANOV Georgiy and THER Philipp (eds) A Laboratory of Transnational History. Ukraine and Ukrainian Historiography since 1991 Budapest, Central European University Press, 2009

A first attempt to present an approach to Ukrainian history which goes beyond the standard ‘national narrative’ schemes, predominant in the majority of post-Soviet countries after 1991, in the years of implementing ‘nation-building projects’. An unrivalled collection of essays by the finest scholars in the field from Ukraine, Russia, USA, Germany, Austria and Canada, superbly written to a high academic standard. The various chapters are methodologically innovative and thought-provoking. The biggest Eastern European country has ancient roots but also the birth pangs of a new autonomous state. Its historiography is characterized by animated debates, in which this book takes a definite stance. The history of Ukraine is not written here as a linear, teleological narrative of ethnic Ukrainians but as a multicultural, multidimensional history of a diversity of cultures, religious denominations, languages, ethical norms, and historical experience. It is not presented as causal explanation of ‘what has to have happened’ but rather as conjunctures and contingencies, disruptions, and episodes of ‘lack of history

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KEATINGÂ Michael The Independence of Scotland. Self-government and the Shifting Politics of Union Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009

After three hundred years, the Anglo-Scottish Union is in serious difficulty. This is not because of a profound cultural divide between England and Scotland but because recent decades have seen the rebuilding of Scotland as a political community while the ideology and practices of the old unionism have atrophied. Yet while Britishness is in decline, it has not been replaced by a dominant ideology of Scottish independence. Rather Scots are looking to renegotiate union to find a new place in the Isles, in Europe and in the world. There are few legal, constitutional or political obstacles to Scottish independence, but an independent Scotland would need to forge a new social and economic project as a small nation in the global market-place, and there has been little serious thinking about the implications of this. Short of independence, there is a range of constitutional options for renegotiating the Union to allow more Scottish self-government on the lines that public opinion seems to favour. The limits are posed not by constitutional principles but by the unwillingness of English opinion to abandon their unitary conception of the state. The end of the United Kingdom may be provoked, not by Scottish nationalism but by English unionism.

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KEATING Michael Noul Regionalism în Europa Occidentala, Iasi, Istitutul European, 2008 (Translation of ‘The New Regionalism in Western Europe’, 1998)

Volumul este o lucrare de referinta in domeniul stiintelor politice europene. Autorul prezinta evolutia si diferitele manifestari ale regionalismului european si defineste regiunile ca fiind noi actori pe scena europeana si internationala. Volumul descrie si explica astfel fenomenul teritorial modern de guvernare pe mai multe niveluri, care presupune implicarea actorilor de la nivel european, national, regional si local in procesul decizional. Numeroase concepte sunt astfel definite si exemplificate precum descentralizarea, devolutia, regionalizarea, regionalismul sau guvernarea. Volumul are o valoare adaugata prin prezentarea atit a conceptelor teoretice din domeniu, cit si a unor experiente teritoriale concrete ale diferitelor state europene precum Belgia, Franta, Marea Britanie, Italia si Spania.

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KEATINGÂ Michael and DELLA PORTAÂ Donatella (eds) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a pluralist perspective Cambridge/New York, Cambridge University Press, 2008

A revolutionary new textbook introducing masters and doctoral students to the major research approaches and methodologies in the social sciences. Written by an outstanding set of scholars, and derived from successful course teaching, this volume will empower students to choose their own approach to research, to justify this approach, and to situate it within the discipline. It addresses questions of ontology, epistemology and philosophy of social science, and proceeds to issues of methodology and research design essential for producing a good research proposal. It also introduces researchers to the main issues of debate and contention in the methodology of social sciences, identifying commonalities, historic continuities and genuine differences.

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KESSLER Jürgen and MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang (eds) Kundenschutz auf liberalisierten Märkten: Vergleich der Konzepte, Maßnahmen und Wirkungen in Europa. Energie Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2008, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Europäisches Wirtschafts- und Verbraucherrecht, Bd. 23

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KESSLER Jürgen and MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang (eds) Kundenschutz auf liberalisierten Märkten: Vergleich der Konzepte, Maßnahmen und Wirkungen in Europa. Personenverkehr/Eisenbahn Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2008, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Europäisches Wirtschafts- und Verbraucherrecht, Bd. 24

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KESSLER Jürgen and MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang (eds) Kundenschutz auf liberalisierten Märkten: Vergleich der Konzepte, Maßnahmen und Wirkungen in Europa. Telekommunikation Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2008, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Europäisches Wirtschafts- und Verbraucherrecht, Bd. 25

Die Liberalisierung der „Netzmärkte“ für Energie, Telekommunikation und Schienenverkehr durch die Vorgaben des Gemeinschaftsrechts ist primär auf die Förderung der Konsumentenwohlfahrt gerichtet. Dabei treffen die europäischen Regelungen auf einen divergierenden status quo nationaler Rechtsordnungen. Weitgehend deregulierten Marktordnungen stehen „verkrustete“ Angebotsstrukturen gegenüber. Zur Stärkung der der Marktstellung der Verbraucher ist mehr als eine die Öffnung nationaler Oligopole und die Entflechtung vertikal integrierter Gebietsmonopolisten erforderlich. Hier bedarf es ergänzender Maßnahmen der Informationsgewährleistung und der gegengewichtigen Austarierung des Vertragsrechts. Die im Auftrag des BMVEL erstellte vergleichende Studie untersucht erstmals die Auswirkungen der Marktöffnung auf die Konsumenten.

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KOCH Christian (ed.) EU-GCC Relations and Security Issues: Broadening the Horizon Dubai, Gulf Research Center, 2008

The relationship between the member states of the European Union (EU) and those of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is multifaceted and has over the years taken on a number of different dimensions. With security issues such as those related to terrorism, the US-led invasion of Iraq and its aftermath, and concern over a potential Iranian nuclear program coming to the forefront, ties between the EU and the GCC have taken on a security component that up to this stage remains largely undefined and understudied. The collection of papers included in this volume highlight many of the different salient issues playing a role on the security front and put forward perspectives under which this new dimension in relations can be better understood. This includes an attempt to move from the currently still vague and largely theoretical notions of GCC-EU security cooperation into more policy applicable and relevant approaches that build on past European experiences. EU GCC Relations and Security Issues extends empirical insight into various aspects of the European approach to the region from a security-based perspective, provides a comparative context into which it becomes possible to frame a more solid base for understanding European policy in the region, and through the use of case examples illustrates how the present cooperation can be expanded and improved upon. This edited volume is the product of workshop XI, ‘European Union - Gulf Cooperation Council Relations and Security Issues: Broadening the Horizon’, of the 8th Mediterranean Research Meeting of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 21-25 March 2007.

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KOCKA Jürgen KOHLI Martin and STREECK Wolfgang (eds) Altern: Familie, Zivilgesellschaft, Politik Altern in Deutschland, Bd. 8 Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2009

Das demographische Altern bringt für Familie und Zivilgesellschaft nicht nur Lasten und Herausforderungen, sondern auch neue Möglichkeiten und Chancen. Der vorliegende Band verdeutlicht, welche Probleme die Politik – und der Sozialstaat – in Gesellschaften mit alternder Bevölkerung lösen muss, aber auch lösen kann. Deutsche, englische, amerikanische und italienische Wissenschaftlerinnen, Wissenschaftler und Praktiker zeigen hier neue Befunde und Sichtweisen aus der Geschichtswissenschaft, Politologie, Psychologie, Soziologie und der zivilgesellschaftlichen Praxis auf.

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KOLLBACH Claudia Aufwachsen bei Hof: Aufklärung und fürstliche Erziehung in Hessen und Baden Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, 2009 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

Die Aufklärung war nicht nur ein politisches und philosophisches Projekt, sondern beeinflusste ebenso die Vorstellungen von Familie und Kindererziehung. Auch die Erziehung an den Höfen der deutschen Kleinstaaten wandelte sich im 18. Jahrhundert. Claudia Kollbach schildert anschaulich, wie die jungen Prinzen und Prinzessinnen in Hessen und Baden (unter anderem die spätere Königin Luise, Prinzessin von Mecklenburg- Strelitz) erzogen wurden. Sie zeigt, dass der Hof eine Institution war, die für die neuen Erziehungskonzepte Raum und Anknüpfungspunkte bot, und stellt damit die gängige Polarisierung von Bürgertum und Adel in Frage.

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KOMNINOSÂ Assimakis P. EC Private Antitrust Enforcement: Decentralised application of EC Competition Law by national courts [S.l.], Hart Pub, 2007

This book, written by an academic-cum-practitioner with substantial experience in the field of antitrust enforcement, presents the rise of private enforcement of competition law in Europe, especially in the context of the recent modernisation and decentralisation of EC competition law enforcement. In particular, the study examines the role of courts in the application of the EC competition rules and views that role in the broader system of antitrust enforcement. The author starts from the premise of private enforcement’s independence of public enforcement and after examining the new institutional position of national courts and their relationship with the Court of Justice, the Commission, and public enforcement in general, proceeds to deal with the detailed substantive and procedural law framework of private antitrust actions in Europe. The author describes the current post-decentralisation state of affairs but also refers to the latest proposals to enhance private antitrust enforcement in Europe both at the Community level, where reference is made to the December 2005 Commission Green Paper on Damages Actions and its aftermath, and at the national level, where reference is made to recent and forthcoming relevant initiatives.

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KOPSTEIN Jeffrey and STEINMO Sven (eds) Growing Apart? America and Europe in the 21st Century Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007

This book explores the forces pushing America away from its democratic friends and neighbors. It examines the underlying forces shaping the democratic states of the West. Individual chapters pose questions such as: Why is religion so powerful in America? How will the flow of immigration shape politics across the West? Why is Europe rejecting America’s version of capitalism? How is the media changing in Europe and America? Why are “Conservatives” so different on each side of the Atlantic? And, finally, what do these competing forces portend for the future of the transatlantic relationship?

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KORTHALS Michiel, COFF Christian, BARLING David and NIELSEN Thorkild (eds) Ethical Traceability and Communicating Food Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, 15, 2008

Traceability – the ability to track a product from farm to plate – is now widely used in the food sector for a range of purposes: it allows companies to improve efficiency, facilitates product recall, and helps producers flag the specific characteristics of their goods. But traceability systems are mainly designed and used by the people directly involved in the food chain. The people at the end of the food chain – food consumers – have little say in which attributes are traced, and can rarely access the information stored in traceability systems. This book draws on philosophical discourses (like ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of law) around food ethics and empirical research in three important food chains (UK bread, Danish bacon and Greek olive oil) to argue that ethical traceability systems could be used to communicate food information to consumers, allowing them not only to make food choices consistent with their own values, but also to play a more informed role in the way food is produced and distributed. It will appeal to academics, students and policy makers with an interest in traceability, food ethics and food policy.

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KRAUSE Catarina and SCHEININ Martin (eds) International Protection of Human Rights: A Textbook Turku/Åbo, Åbo Akademi University Institute for Human Rights, 2009

This textbook presents the main universal and regional systems and standards for the international protection of human rights, also taking note of recent changes in procedure together with substantive developments in the field of human rights law. In addition to the United Nations at the universal level, it outlines the existing regional protection systems in Europe, Africa and the Americas as well as bringing for the discussion pertaining to human rights law in Asia and the Arab countries. Moreover, the various means for domestic implementation of human rights law are covered, and attention is drawn to the role of non-governmental organizations in the protection of human rights. This volume is not limited to human rights law in the strict sense, but rather places human rights within a wider context of public international law as well as philosophy. The primary target group for this textbook are Master’s level students in law schools and specialized Master’s programmes in international law or human rights law, but the book may also appeal to more advanced human rights researchers and professors teaching human rights topics.

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KURPAS Sebastian, CRUM Ben, DE SCHOUTHEETE Philippe, KELLER Jacques, DEHOUSSE Franklin, ANDOURA Sami, MISSIROLI Antonio, HAGEMANN Sara and BRIBOSIA Herve The Treaty of Lisbon: Implementing the institutional innovations Bruxelles, CEPS/EGMONT/EPC, 2007

Over the last two years much intellectual energy has been devoted to the analysis of, and the potential solutions to, the constitutional impasse resulting from the failure to ratify the treaty signed in Rome on 18 June 2004. The European Council held in Brussels in June 2007 gave a conclusion to that effort by drafting a mandate which was to be “the exclusive basis and framework” for the work of a forthcoming Intergovernmental Conference drafting a “Reform treaty”. That conclusion was rightly considered to be a great success for the German presidency. The fact is that, over that two year period, much less attention has been given to the practical implementation of new institutional proposals included in the proposed treaty. Even a cursory examination indicates that the implementation of some of these proposals is likely to be uneasy, and in some cases could be a source of future problems or difficulties. This is why three Brussels based think-tanks have thought it useful to join efforts in analysing potential implications of the most significant proposals in the field of institutions. Seven issues have been identified, shared out and debated in working groups, and this publication contains the results of that collective effort. Our aim is to highlight, and if possible, clarify potential problems.

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LAMBERT Nick Jews and Europe in the TwentyFirst Century. ‘Thinking Jewish’ Edgware, Vallentine Mitchell, 2007 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2002.)

The book explores the interplay between minority and mainstream populations, and religious and civic identities in the West, and is based around more than two hundred hours of interviews with prominent Jewish novelists, playwrights, Chief Rabbis, philosophers, sociologists, historians, psychiatrists, economists and parliamentarians in the Netherlands, Britain and Italy.

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LANGBEIN Julia Die Transatlantische Bündnispolitik Deutschlands im Wandel? Eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse der Position Deutschlands während der Irak-Krise 2002/2003 Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag, 2008

Während der Irak-Krise 2002/2003 brach eine politische und wissenschaftliche Diskussion darüber aus, ob sich die Bundesregierung durch die Ablehnung des Irak-Krieges und den Schulterschluss mit Frankreich auf internationaler und europäischer Ebene von ihrer traditionellen Bündnispolitik gegenüber den USA abwendet. Julia Langbein geht dieser Frage nach und analysiert, ob während der IrakKrise ein Wandel der transatlantischen Bündnispolitik stattfand und wie er theoriegeleitet erklärt werden kann. Das Buch zeigt, dass die transatlantische Bündnispolitik Deutschlands während der Irak-Krise eine Transformation vollzog: Sie verlief zwar jenseits des Kontinuitätskorridors . Der außenpolitische Kurs Deutschlands änderte sich aber nicht grundlegend. Bei der Erklärung des Wandels kommt die Autorin zu dem Schluss, dass die Bundesrepublik mit einer schwachen Gegenmachtbildung auf den Wandel der USA zu einem imperialen Hegemon reagierte. Diese Reaktion hatte ihre Ursache weniger in der Zunahme relativer Machtunterschiede, sondern vielmehr in einer wachsenden ideologischen Distanz. Das Buch richtet sich an Politikund Sozialwissenschaftler, Praktiker und die interessierte Öffentlichkeit.

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LAVRANOSÂ Nikolaos Jurisdictional Competition Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2009

Jurisdictional competition is a relatively new but increasingly important phenomenon in European and international law. The ongoing proliferation of various international courts and tribunals results in a multiplication of judgments and arbitral awards, which potentially conflict with each other. Moreover, the ever expanding exclusive jurisdiction of the ECJ into international law issues further exacerbates and complicates the problem by mixing European law principles into international law. The selected cases examined in this book, which cover different areas of international and European law, illustrate the methods applied by various international courts and tribunals to deal with overlapping jurisdictions. Since any formal hierarchy or coordination between the various international courts and tribunals is lacking, it is argued that only soft law methods, such as the application of comity, in particular the Solange-method, appears to be a useful tool to deal with the negative effects associated with jurisdictional competition.

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LEITAO Nicolau Andresen Estado Novo, democracia e Europa : 1947-1986 Lisboa, ICS Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2007 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2004.)

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LEVIS SULLAM Simon L’archivio antiebraico. Il linguaggio dell’antisemitismo moderno Roma, Laterza, 2008

La Shoa è l’apice di una lunga storia di discriminazione e persecuzione che, alla fine del XIX secolo, raggiunge un cruciale punto di svolta: per l’Europa lacerata da crisi e tensioni l’antisemitismo svolge la funzione di perfetta “soluzione politica” di comodo o, se si preferisce, di individuazione di un naturale capro espiatorio. Questo volume analizza la genesi e il funzionamento della retorica antisemita nell’Europa moderna e contemporanea. Levis Sullam descrive il formarsi nel tempo di un “archivio” antiebraico di luoghi discorsivi e concettuali, di miti e di simboli periodicarnente riattivati e interpretati a seconda dei contesti storici, sino al definitivo passaggio con l’avvento di nazismo e fascismo - dal piano ideologico a quello politico di persecuzione e sterminio. L’analisi si concentra particolarmente sugli sviluppi che vanno dall’antigiudaismo religioso alle ideologie antiebraiche nella modernità: da Voltaire a Marx, dall’antisemitismo francese dell’affare Dreyfus al caso internazionale del noto falso dei Protocol dei Savi Anziani di Sion, fino ai tragici esiti della “soluzione finale”. La questione ebraica d’altra parte ancora oggi non può dirsi conclusa e continua a costituire per l’Occidente una efficace metafora di autorappresentazione.

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LINSENMANN Ingo, MEYER Christoph O. and WESSELS Wolfgang (eds) Economic Government of the EU. A Balance Sheet of New Modes of Policy Coordination Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

The creation of Monetary Union marked a major step in the evolution of the European Union. Is the EU now taking the next step of deeper integration towards a fully-fledged economic government? The book seeks to answer this question by studying the evolution, execution and performance of new modes of economic policy co-ordination as potential stepping-stones towards more institutionalized forms of economic governance.

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LUNDBERG Björn, SANDELIN Hugo and SKODO Admir (eds) Världens historia i årtal. Från 1500 till idag Lund, Historiska media, 2008

Det här är en fullmatad översikt över världens historia från 1500 till idag. Boken rymmer 500 år som myllrar av liv. Under perioden händer mycket av det som mest format och färgat vår civilisation: världsomseglingar görs, med kolonialismen ritas världskartan om, naturvetenskapen gör fantastiska framsteg och demokratin växer fram. Världskrig bryter ut och tar slut, atombomber fälls. I kronologisk ordning och med årtalsrubriker som gör det lätt att hitta, beskrivs i korta notiser de händelser som haft betydelse för världens politiska, sociala och kulturella utveckling. Innehållet kompletteras med ett urval illustrativa kartor. Björn Lundberg, Hugo Sandelin och Admir Skodo har sammanställt materialet. De har alla varit verksamma på Historiska institutionen på Lunds universitet. Historiska Media har tidigare gett ut Sveriges historia i årtal, som med samma upplägg som Världens historia i årtal ger oss det viktigaste ur svensk historia.

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MAGNUSSONÂ Lars and STRATHÂ Bo (eds) European Solidarities. Tensions and Contentions of a Concept Brussels/New York, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2007

When Europe was Western Europe and socially rather cohesive, the question of economic integration through free market exchanges for labour, commodities and services was not a major problem. The integration of markets was hardly recognised as a real threat to social cohesion. Europe became EU27 and may become EU30: the economic market integration underpins the social problems because of the much bigger differences in Europe in terms of social standards. Capital looking for cheap labour could of course mitigate the differences over time. Job opportunities in low wage parts of Europe might imply unemployment in the high wage part, but in the long run standard differences will decrease. Hence the theory. However, such a scenario will include difficulties which affect the legitimacy of building a European polity. What are - against the backdrop of these difficulties - the prospects of a European social polity where the growing European inequalities are confronted politically at a European level? This is the key question of this book. The book discusses the tensions between a market Europe and a social Europe, between politics of social dumping and politics of social protectionism, and between Europe as a possibility and as a threat. It examines the tensions and contentions of the concepts of solidarity and social Europe against the backdrop of the perceptions of dramatically growing social differences after the enlargements to EU25 and 27. And it reflects on the prospects of political management of the European economy.

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MANN Dennis-Jonathan Gläubigerschutz durch vertragliche Abreden - financial covenants Munich, Grin Verlag, 2008

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Jura - Zivilrecht - Handels- u. GesellschaftsR, KartellR, WirtschaftsR, einseitig bedruckt, Note: 13 Punkte, Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms-Universität Bonn (Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Handels-, Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht), Veranstaltung: Interdisziplinäres Seminar über die Ökonomische Analyse des Kapitalgesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrechts, 25 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Thematik “financial covenants” umfassend betrachtet; ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf rechtlich-ökonomischen Aspekten. Zunächst gilt es, den Begriff “financial covenants” abzugrenzen und rechtsdogmatisch einzuordnen. Im Folgenden werden dann die Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von financial covenants sowie ihre mögliche und typische Ausgestaltung näher beleuchtet. Etwaige Vorteile gegenüber konventionellen Methoden der Kreditsicherung, aber auch Nachteile oder gar Risiken, werden herausgearbeitet. Die Perspektive des Kreditgebers wird hierbei von der des Kreditnehmers differenziert betrachtet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, das Rechtsinstitut der financial covenants umfassend darzustellen um es zu den herkömmlichen (gesetzlichen) Methoden der Kreditsicherung in Vergleich stellen zu können. Unter Einbeziehung rechtsökonomischer Überlegungen ermöglicht dies im Ergebnis eine Aussage darüber, ob (und gegebenenfalls inwieweit) die Verwendung von financial covenants in Deutschland eine zu empfehlende Option darstellen kann.

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MAUCH Christof and PATEL Kiran Klaus (eds) Wettlauf um die Moderne. Deutschland und die USA 1890 bis heute Munich, Pantheon Verlag, 2008

Am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts nahmen die jungen Nationen Deutschland und die USA eine ganz besondere Stellung ein: Beide strebten nach Weltgeltung – noch war unklar, ob das kommende Jahrhundert ein amerikanisches oder ein deutsches werden würde. Das Buch vergleicht die Entwicklung der USA und Deutschlands von 1890 bis heute und erfasst damit die zentralen Aspekte in Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Kultur, die die beiden Nationen zu dem gemacht haben, was sie heute sind.

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MAZZIOTTIÂ Giuseppe EU Digital Copyright Law and the End-User Berlin, Springer, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2007)

This book is the first comprehensive exploration of the legal framework of EU digital copyright law from the perspective of the ‘end-user’. This multi-faceted actor of the digital environment is a consumer of copyrighted works, a file-sharer of these works on the Internet, and a possible follow-on creator, who builds upon pre-existing digitised materials. All of these activities raise significant issues for national, European and international legal systems. The author critically evaluates the economic and legal consequences of the spectacular rise of user-generated content for existing copyright rules, with reference to human rights law, competition law and other important policies contained in the EC Treaty. He details policy options which would establish a balance between digital copyright law and the preservation of constitutionally-mandated end-user activities like personal use, private copying, educational and research activities and the unprecedented transformative uses enabled by digital technologies. This book is essential reading for lawyers, policymakers and academics interested in copyright law, competition law concerning digital media and information technology, consumer digital rights, Internet governance, freedom of expression and user data protection in digital settings.

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MENY Yves (ed.) La construction d’un parlement : 50 ans d’histoire du Parlement européen 1958-2008 Luxembourg, Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 2009

La parution de cette publication coïncide avec l’année des élections européennes. Il ne s’agit pas ici simplement de rappeler l’évolution des fonctions du Parlement mais de montrer comment le Parlement a affirmé sa légitimité politique, au fil des décennies, et en quoi il représente les valeurs de l’Union européenne.

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MENY Yves Le système politique français (6e édition) Montchrestien, Lextenso éditions, 2008

La Ve République a franchi le cap des cinquante ans. Cette longévité relative témoigne de l’ancrage d’institutions pourtant décriées et critiquées par de multiples voix. C’est qu’en dépit de carences et de défauts souvent éclatants, la Ve République cumule deux qualités : elle combine et mêle des héritages politiques et constitutionnels divers, fruit de deux siècles d’expériences et de tâtonnements ; elle témoigne en outre d’une exceptionnelle flexibilité et capacité d’ajustement aux événements. C’est cette «constitution vivante» dont les mérites et les tares sont analysés de manière synthétique qui est présentée ici en tenant compte des innovations les plus récentes introduites par la révision du 23 juillet 2008.

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MENY Yves and SUREL Yves Politique comparée. Les démocraties : Allemagne, EtatsUnis, France, Grande-Bretagne, Italie Paris, Montchrestien, 2009 (8 ed)

Produit historique de l’évolution sociale, économique et culturelle des pays occidentaux, la démocratie constitue toujours une référence, sinon un idéal, même si de nombreuses analyses la décrivent en crise, imparfaite ou menacée. Fondées sur un équilibre instable et en constante évolution entre des dynamiques populistes, incarnation de la souveraineté déclarée du peuple, et des logiques constitutionnalistes, attachées à la consécration de l’État de droit, les démocraties contemporaines analysées ici (Allemagne, États-Unis, France, Grande-Bretagne, Italie) offrent un tableau tout à la fois plus contrasté et plus riche que certains diagnostics pourraient le laisser croire. Comparer ces systèmes politiques permet de relativiser la connaissance, d’infirmer les idées reçues, de mieux comprendre enfin la vérité d’un système politique à la lumière des solutions, des expérimentations et des évolutions vécues ailleurs. Pour ce faire, cette nouvelle édition s’attache à considérer successivement les transformations des clivages socio-politiques, les logiques de représentation nourries par les systèmes de partis et les groupes d’intérêt, les principaux mécanismes institutionnels d’exercice du pouvoir, ainsi que le rôle croissant d’acteurs souvent tenus pour périphériques que sont les cours constitutionnelles, les administrations et les collectivités locales.

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MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang (ed.) Informationszugang für Verbraucher in Europa und den USA Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2009

Der „mündige Verbraucher“ als politisches Schlagwort hat nun durch das Verbraucherinformationsgesetz eine Stimme erhalten. Dieses Buch soll bei der Entfaltung der Stimme helfen, indem es die Entwicklung des Gesetzes aufzeigt und hilft, bestehende Fragen zu beantworten. Dabei beschränkt sich die Darstellung nicht nur auf Deutschland als Staat, sondern bezieht auch die Entwicklungen und Gesetzgebung der einzelnen Bundesländer mit ein. Schwerpunkte liegen dabei vor allem auf der Untersuchung der Voraussetzungen des Informationsanspruches und der Durchsetzung dieses Anspruches gegenüber den Auskunftspflichtigen. Ferner wird ein Blick über den Tellerrand hinaus nach Großbritannien, Frankreich, Schweden, Schweiz, USA und Europa geworfen.

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MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang, REICH Norbert and ROTT Peter, Understanding EU Consumer Law [Mortsel], Intersentia, 2009

EU consumer law is the core of European private law. In recent years, it has been subject to spectacular decisions by the European Court of Justice, with important consequences for the private law of Member States. Currently, it is under scrutiny by the EC Commission, which has just published a proposal for the revision of important aspects of the EU consumer law acquis. The three authors have worked together to take a broad horizontal approach at the European consumer law acquis, thereby reflecting on the history, the achievements and also the shortcomings of EC law in this important field of law. The change from ‘minimum’ to ‘full’ or ‘targeted harmonisation’ is critically analysed. The book contains an overall description of the position of EU consumer law between internal market law and consumer protection in Chapter 1. The following chapters 2 to 5 deal with advertising and commercial practices law mostly under Directive 2005/29/EC, with Directive 93/13/ EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts, with consumer sales under Directive 1999/44/EC and with the recent Directive 2008/48/EC on credit agreements for consumers. Chapter 6 takes a fresh look at an ‘old acquaintance’, namely Directive 85/374/EEC on product liability, ‘upgraded’ by an annex proposing an EC instrument introducing service liability. The closing chapters 7 and 8 concern cross-border consumer transactions, breaches of consumer law and litigation, and different mechanisms of individual and collective consumer protection to make consumer law effective and efficient.

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MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and ROETHE Thomas (eds), Europaïsches Produktsicherheitsrecht: eine vergleichende Untersuchung von Rechtsrahmen und - praxis in Deutschland und im Ostseeraum Bremen, Edition Temmen, 2007

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MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and ROETHE Thomas (eds), Produktsicherheit und Marktu¨berwachung im Ostseeraum : Rechtsrahmen und Vollzugspraxis Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2008, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Europaïsches Wirtschafts- und Verbraucherrecht, Bd. 26

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MOLHO Anthony Firenze nel Quattrocento (Vol II: Famiglia e Società) Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2008

Il Monte Comune, istituito alla metà del Trecento per gestire il debito pubblico fiorentino, diventò nell’arco di pochi decenni l’organo principale dell’amministrazione fiscale dello stato. Ne faceva parte il Monte delle doti, un’istituzione che garantiva ad ogni famiglia, attraverso un prestito ad interesse, la formazione del capitale necessario per la costituzione delle doti delle figlie nubili. Analizzando la complessità e le contraddizioni nella formazione dello stato fiorentino l’autore dimostra quanto la storia della finanza pubblica appaia strettamente connessa a quella della società, ed in special modo alla storia della famiglia. L’opera delinea uno sguardo d’insieme sulla storia di Firenze nel primo Cinquecento e sul crescente intervento dello Stato nella sfera dei comportamenti sociali e della trasmissione dei patrimoni familiari.

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MOLLER Jorgen Post-communist Regime Change: A Comparative Study London/New York, Routledge, 2009

This book seeks to explain the divergent political pathways of twenty six post-communist states, following the breakdown and eventual collapse of communism in 1989-1991. Considering the trajectories of individual states between 1990 – 2007, this book challenges two central bodies of theory relating to democratization and regime change. Through a sustained analysis of global and post-communist developments within this time period, the author shows that claims of an increasing asymmetry between the ‘electoral’ and ‘liberal’ elements of modern democracy have been greatly exaggerated. The author goes on to contend that in accounting for the geographical dispersion of post-communist regime forms, deeper structural factors should be considered as crucial. The book is divided into the following parts: Part I demonstrates how different conceptualisations of democracy can lead to very different conclusions about the empirical dynamics of democratization. Part II contrasts different explanations of post-communist political change and provides an integrated framework for explaining the political pathways encountered within the former Eastern Bloc. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of post-communist studies, democratization studies, comparative politics and regime change.

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MONTERESCUÂ Daniel and RABINOWITZÂ Dan (eds) Mixed Towns, Trapped Communities. Historical Narratives, Spatial Dynamics, Gender Relations and Cultural Encounters in Palestinian-Israeli Towns Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007

Modern urban spaces are, by definition, mixed. In many ways, their success lies in the richness of their ethnic variety and ongoing exchange of cultural traits and ideas, but this mixture is not necessarily harmonious. Focusing not on capital cities or the holy sites which are so heavily associated with Middle Eastern Urban space, but on Palestinian-Israeli mixed towns, this book theorizes the relationship between modernity, the concept of the nation and the dynamics which engender and characterize the growth of urban spaces. In these mixed towns, Arabs and Jews have been interacting for decades in workplaces, residential areas, commerce, culture and politics. A new generation of Israeli, Palestinian and other scholars come together to question whether these towns are perceived as utopian or dystopian and whether they are best portrayed as divided, polarized, contested or colonial cities. In doing so, they explore how national identity, urban space, gender relations and cultural encounters are represented and produced in ethnically divided spaces.

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MOREAU Marie-Ange (ed.) Les restructurations d’entreprise et les politiques européennes : quelles interactions ? Revue internationale de droit économique, 2008, XXII, 2

(Fr) Les interférences entre les politiques communautaires et les restructurations sont ici analysées en partant de la nécessité de clarifier la définition des restructurations et de mettre l’accent sur leur caractère multidimensionnel. Cette caractéristique de la notion de restructuration explique les interactions qui existent entre des politiques très diverses comme les politiques industrielles, fiscales, de la concurrence, des relations extérieures et les restructurations. Les enjeux, pour l’Union européenne, ainsi que les bras d’action tant institutionnels que substantiels, sont explicités au regard des exigences de cohésion économique et sociale, affirmées dans le traité. L’exigence d’une coordination des politiques européennes ayant un impact direct ou indirect sur les choix faits par les entreprises au sein de l’Union contribue ainsi à un axe tourné vers l’anticipation des restructurations et de leurs conséquences économiques et sociales. (En) This paper analyses the interactions between EC policies and firms restructurings programmes. The starting point of this investigation there is the necessity to clarify the definition of restructurings and emphasize their multidimensional nature. This characteristic of the notion of restructurings explains its existing interactions with policies of a diverse nature (industrial, fiscal, competition, external relations). The challenges for the EU, as well as the leverage tools, both institutional and substantial, are analysed in light of the requirement for economic and social cohesion, called for by the treaty.

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MOREAU Marie-Ange (ed.) Restructurations en Europe Paris, Lamy, 2008, Semaine sociale Lamy, Supplément 1376

La Semaine Sociale Lamy, outil de veille juridique indispensable, s’adresse à tous les acteurs de la vie sociale : juristes d’entreprise, services de ressources humaines, comités d’entreprise, avocats, conseillers prud’homme… Son objectif : vous livrer chaque semaine une analyse précise de l’actualité sociale, avec l’état d’avancement des réformes en cours, les tenants et les aboutissants des lois nouvellement adoptées et les conséquences des dernières décisions de jurisprudence. La revue accueille par ailleurs chaque semaine, un spécialiste de la matière qui approfondit un point de droit au cœur de l’actualité. Elle se fait en outre l’écho de débats contradictoires qu’elle organise avec les acteurs du social. Ce supplément porte sur ‘restructurations en Europe’.

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MOREAU Marie-Ange and BLAS-LOPEZ Maria Esther (eds) Restructuring in the New EU Member States. Social Dialogue, Firms Relocation and Social Treatment of Restructuring Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2008, Work & Society, 63

This book presents a series of extremely stimulating analyses of the process of corporate restructuring in the new Member States of the EU. Particularly noteworthy is the book’s focus on the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) that have joined the EU since 2004, an area which has not been prominent in the research on corporate restructuring conducted in Western Europe in the last twenty years. As with their Asian counterparts, these States have generally been perceived as a threat to employment in Western Europe due to the former’s benefiting from outsourcing away from the latter. By moving east, the book allows for a different perspective on the restructuring process, by placing it in the context of both Europe and the numerous changes affecting the CEECs. The book seeks to understand the impact of European- and national-level policies on the concept of restructuring, the role of the «acquis communautaire», and the place of social and political actors in the process of change in the context of new Member States, where multinational firms have developed mobility and establishment strategies within the context of broader European and global ones. The density of this collection, its wealth in terms of substantive teachings, and its use of a comparative and multidisciplinary approach that links law, political science, sociology and economics make it an essential resource for those wishing to understand restructuring in the European space after the enlargements of 2004 and 2007 and the impact of European policies and the European Social Model.

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MORGERAÂ Elisa Corporate Accountability in International Environmental Law New York, Oxford University Press, 2009 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2007.)

This book examines the highly topical question of the current and future role of international environmental law in directing and controlling the environmental conduct of business enterprises, in particular multinational corporations. It replies to this question through the identification of corporate accountability standards and their implementation by international organizations. The book examines systematically all international sources of corporate accountability standards in the specific area of environmental protection and elaborates on their theoretical and practical implications for international environmental law. The book argues that although international environmental treaties do not bind multinational corporations and other business entities, growing international practice points to the emergence of legal standards that allow adapting and translating inter-State obligations embodied in international environmental law into specific normative benchmarks to determine the legitimacy of the conduct of the private sector against internationally recognized values and rules. The book also focuses on the role of international organizations in selecting international environmental standards and promote their application to business entities, in the absence of State intervention. The book analyses the growing practice of international organizations, which are driving a process of emergence of international standards for corporate environmental accountability. Furthermore, the impact of international organizations’ direct relations with the private sector is also assessed, as it significantly contributes to ensuring that private companies comply with international environmental standards. 1 44 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

MORVARIDI Behrooz (ed.) Social Justice and Development Basingstoke/New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008

This edited volume is the product of workshop V, ‘Displacement and Resettlement in the Middle East: Access to Rights as a Regional Policy Issue’ in the Middle East and North Africa’, of the 5th Mediterranean Research Meeting of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 24-28 March 2004

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MOSCA Lorenzo [et al.] (eds) Partecipazione e Conflitto, 2009, 1, Special issue Lorenzo Mosca, Partecipare comunicando in una società mediatizzata: una introduzione Chiara Sebastiani, La sfera pubblica virtuale nello spazio locale Cristian Vaccari, Internet e partecipazione politica nelle elezioni italiane e francesi Javier Alcalde Villacampa, Igor Sádaba Rodríguez, Nuovi media e azione collettiva nella Spagna contemporanea: gli eventi del marzo 2004 Alice Mattoni, Tra consenso e conflitto. Pratiche mediali nei movimenti italiani contro la precarietà del lavoro Luca Trappolin, Lotte per il riconoscimento e ruolo dei mass-media. I significati del “Gay Pride” Marco Oberti, Dalle disuguaglianze alle discriminazioni: l’impatto della segregazione

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MOUHOT Jean-Francois Les réfugiés acadiens en France (17581785). L’impossible réintégration? Sillery (Québec), Septentrion, 2009 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

Le 10 mai 1785, le Bon Papa, modeste trois-mâts de 280 tonneaux, hissait les voiles à Paimboeuf, près de Nantes, et mettait le cap plein ouest. À son bord se trouvaient trentesix familles que l’armateur du voilier s’était engagé à amener à bon port. Le vaisseau, arrivé à destination après quatrevingts jours de traversée, le 29 juillet 1785, n’était que le premier de sept navires qui transportèrent, à la même époque, près de 1600 Acadiens dans le Mississippi. Cette émigration est considérée par la communauté cajun en Louisiane comme l’un de ses moments fondateurs. Elle reste en revanche largement méconnue du public canadien et européen. Trente ans — presque jour pour jour — avant l’arrivé du Bon Papa à La Nouvelle-Orléans, sept ou huit fois plus d’Acadiens s’apprêtaient à embarquer dans des vaisseaux au départ de la Nouvelle-Écosse, à l’extrémité sud-est du Canada. Entre le 28 et le 31 juillet 1755, en effet, le gouverneur anglais de cette colonie, Charles Lawrence, en prélude à la guerre de Sept Ans, prenait la décision d’expulser tous les habitants d’origine française relevant de son territoire pour les disperser dans les Treize Colonies anglo-américaines. Joseph LeBlanc, alors âgé de vingt-cinq ans, originaire du bassin des Mines, fit partie de ceux qui furent transportés en Virginie, puis de cette colonie en Angleterre. Plusieurs autres proscrits de l’été 1755, ayant suivi des trajectoires parallèles à la sienne, se trouvaient à bord du même navire. Joseph LeBlanc et ses compagnons pensaient-ils aux circonstances de leur premier départ, trente ans auparavant, en s’éloignant des côtes bretonnes ? Pourquoi quittait-il la France ? Eu ro pe a n U n i ve r s i t y I n s ti tu te - 1 4 7


MOURY Catherine and DE SOUSA Luís (eds) Institutional Challenges in Post-Constitutional Europe: Governing Change New York, Routledge, 2009

This book discusses the future of the European Union following the failure of the Constitutional and reform treaties, examining the transformations, dynamics and major issues facing present-day Europe. Discussing key questions relating to the future of the European project, this book brings together leading academics and practitioners, including: Adrienne Héritier, Jan Zielonka, Yves Mény, Maurizio Cotta, Philippe Schmitter, ECJ Advocate General Miguel Maduro and former President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox. These contributors provide provocative and innovative accounts of developments within the European Union, contrasting theoretical reflections with a more professional perspective based on first-hand experience in running European affairs. The contributions focus on three key challenges: enlargement, the end of the permissive consensus and the need for democratization of the European Union, considering questions such as: - What does Europe represent to neighbouring countries and how is it addressing their expectations? - How could a larger Union be governed efficiently? - Are European citizens willing to delegate responsibility to their leaders to tackle European integration? - Is it accurate to accuse the European Union of a “democratic deficit”? Institutional Challenges in Post-Constitutional Europe will be of interest to students and scholars of European politics, especially those with an interest in European integration/ enlargement, constitutionalism, and democratization.

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MURPHY Thérèse (ed.) New Technologies and Human Rights Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVII/2

The first IVF baby was born in the 1970s. Less than 20 years later, we had cloning and GM food, and information and communication technologies had transformed everyday life. In 2000, the human genome was sequenced. More recently, there has been much discussion of the economic and social benefits of nanotechnology, and synthetic biology has also been generating controversy. This important volume is a timely contribution to increasing calls for regulation - or better regulation - of these and other new technologies. Drawing on an international team of legal scholars, it reviews and develops the role of human rights in the regulation of new technologies. Three controversies at the intersection between human rights and new technology are given particular attention. First, how the expansive application of human rights could contribute to the creation of a brave new world of choice, where human dignity is fundamentally compromised; second, how new technologies, and our regulatory responses to them, could be a threat to human rights; and, third, how human rights could be used to create better regulation of these technologies.

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NAURIN Daniel and WALLACE Helen (eds) Unveiling the Council of the European Union: Games Governments Play in Brussels Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008

For a long time our textbook knowledge of what is happening in the Council of the European Union – the major decision forum of the EU – was to a large extent based on limited interview-based evidence. One reason for that was the closed nature of the Council. In a very few years, however, thanks to new transparency rules and increased efforts by scholars, we have seen a whole range of superb qualitative and quantitative data collections as well as more convincing theorizing. EU researchers are better equipped than ever before to analyze the decision-making processes of the Council and to test conventional wisdoms. The effect will be important, not only with respect to our knowledge of the Council itself – and therefore of EU politics in general – but also because this research is advancing general theories about how government interact in international institutions, for which the Council is a particularly fruitful object of study. This book covers the most contentious areas and important debates in the present research, focusing in particular on conflict dimensions, modes of interaction and power and leadership in the Council.

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NYHAN Miriam, Are You Still Below?: The Ford Marina Plant, Cork 1917-1984 Doughcloyne/Wilton/Cork, Collins Pr; 2008, illustrated edition

In 1917 Henry Ford selected Cork for the first Ford factory outside North America. An exciting development for Ireland’s economy, the Cork plant became a central feature of Ireland’s industrial history. In its time, Ford’s Irish experiment saw, and countless changes which impacted on his endeavor. This is the story of the Ford Marina plant, its economic and social impact as well as the ebb and flow of life on the marina as captured in interviews with former employees. Evocative photographs of plant construction, various vehicles in production visiting dignitaries - politicians, churchmen, and businessmen -complement this chronicle. Nyhan offers an intriguing combination of automotive and social history, laced with Celtic charm.

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PADOVANOÂ Fabio and RICCIUTIÂ Roberto (eds), Italian Institutional Reforms: A Public Choice Perspective Norwell, Springer, 2008

Using a public choice perspective, this book explains the evolution and political and economic impact of recent changes to the Italian institutional framework. Because these changes are so numerous and broad, their implementation serves as a case study for other Western governments. Particular attention is paid to the introduction of the EURO, the reform of voting from proportional to majoritarian rule, the impact of corporatism, constraints imposed by the Maastricht Treaty, and the switch from a highly centralized government to a federal organization.

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PASSERINI Luisa, LYON Dawn, CAPUSSOTTI Enrica and LALIOTOU Ioanna (eds) Women Migrants from East to West: Gender, Mobility, and Belonging in Contemporary Europe New York, Berghahn Books, 2007

‘’Women Migrants from East to West’’ documents the contemporary phenomenon of the feminisation of migration through an exploration of the lives of women who have moved from Bulgaria and Hungary to Italy and the Netherlands. The research is based on the oral histories of eighty migrant women and thirty additional interviews with native women in the receiving countries. The research assumes migrants to be active subjects, creating possibilities and taking decisions in their own lives, as well as being subject to legal and political regulation, and the book analyses the new forms of subjectivity that come about through mobility. Part I is a largely conceptual exploration of subjectivity, mobility and gender in Europe. The chapters in Part II focus on love, work, home, communication, and food, themes which emerged from the migrant women’s accounts. In Part III, based on the interviews with native women employers, friends, or in associations relevant to migrant women the chapters analyse their representations of migrants, and the book goes on to explore forms of intersubjectivity between European women of different cultural origins. A major contribution of this book is to consider how the movement of people across Europe is changing the cultural and social landscape with implications for how we think about what Europe means.

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PATEL Kiran Klaus (ed.) Fertile Ground for Europe? The History of European Integration and the Common Agriculture Policy since 1945 Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2009

In der Geschichte der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft stellte die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik die längste Zeit die wichtigste gemeinsame Politik dar. Sie sollte nicht nur die europäischen Landwirte unterstützen und die Versorgung der Konsumenten sichern, sondern sie verstand sich auch als Leuchtturm europäischer Einigung. Trotzdem entwickelte sie sich zugleich zum kontroversesten Projekt der Integration. Die Entstehung und Geschichte dieser Politik im Zeitalter des Kalten Krieges wird hier erstmals quellennah untersucht. Die Beiträge des Bandes analysieren den weiteren Kontext von Agrarintegration seit den 1920er Jahren, die der EU-Agrarpolitik zugrunde liegenden Ideen, die mit ihrer Genese verbundenen Verhandlungen und Konflikte, aber auch ihre ökonomischen Effekte sowie die globalen Verbindungen, in die sie eingebettet war. Neben seinen empirischen Ergebnissen zeigt der Band neue Wege auf, wie die Geschichte der Europäischen Union mit größeren Fragen der Zeitgeschichte verknüpft werden kann.

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PATEL Kiran Klaus, STUHL Frauke and FRANKE Julia (eds) Die Erfindung des Europäers : Begleitbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung Berlin, Kreuzberg Museum, 2009

Einführung in das Projekt „Imagined Europeans“, Kiran Klaus Patel; Einführung in die Ausstellung, Julia Franke, Frauke Stuhl; Von Natur aus Europäer?, Veronika Lipphardt; Der Europäer in Übersee, Mandy Kretzschmar, Veronika Lipphardt; Der „vermessene“ Europäer, Nikola Schmidt, Kilian Steiner; Lebensmittel für den Europäer, Lorraine Bluche, Stephan Gabriel Haufe; Der Europäer in der Black Box, Markus Speidel (Contents)

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PETITHOMME Mathieu Les élites postcoloniales et le pouvoir politique en Afrique subsaharienne : La politique contre le développement Paris, L’Harmattan, 2009

Pourquoi l’Afrique subsaharienne semble-t-elle résister au développement ? Comment rendre compte du fait que se soient consolidés des régimes politiques forts, voire autoritaires, alors même que les États postcoloniaux d’Afrique subsaharienne demeurent si faiblement institutionnalisés ? Quels rôles jouent les élites du politique dans la persistance du sous-développement de leurs propres pays ? Cet ouvrage contribue au débat scientifique sur les causes de la défaillance des États en Afrique subsaharienne. L’auteur considère les principaux phénomènes explicatifs de la prévalence de ce phénomène au sein de systèmes politiques pourtant très différents. La contradiction entre la défaillance des infrastructures étatiques d’une part, et la résilience des régimes politiques d’autre part n’est en fait qu’apparente, dans le sens où l’instrumentalisation du pouvoir peut se convertir en une logique politique à part entière. La souveraineté par la reconnaissance internationale ne pourvoit pas pour autant de légitimité interne aux élites nationales. Tout en considérant le poids historique du colonialisme sur la faible institutionnalisation des États subsahariens et les asymétries du commerce international, l’auteur souligne comment les dilemmes actuels du continent sont aussi intimement liés aux stratégies et aux jeux de pouvoirs des acteurs politiques. Appropriation des richesses nationales, conservatisme idéologique et concentration du pouvoir demeurent des tendances dominant l’action de nombreuses élites postcoloniales, qui font jouer la politique contre le développement.

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PORTELA Clara and RAUBE Kolja Revisiting Coherence in EU Foreign Policy Hamburg Review of Social Sciences, 2008, 3, 1, Special Issue

Introduction: Six Authors in Search of a Notion: (In)Coherences in EU Foreign Policy and its Causes, Clara Portela and Kolja Raube Coherence through Law: What difference does the Treaty of Lisbon make?, Marise Cremona Maastrichts langer Schatten: Das auswärtige Handeln der EU - Verschiebungen im institutionellen Gefüge, Olaf Poeschke Incoherent Securitisation: The EU Member States and the Iraq Crisis, Bernhard Stahl The European Neighbourhood Policy: A Flavour of Coherence in EU’s External Relations?, Elsa Tulmets Human Security and Coherence within the EU: The Case of the 2006 Small Arms Conference, Javier Alcalde and Caroline Bouchard (Contents)

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PRUTSCH Markus J. Fundamentalismus: Das “Projekt der Moderne” und die Politisierung des Religiösen Wien, Passagen, 2008

In einer beeindruckenden tour d’horizon beschäftigt sich Markus J. Prutsch mit den gängigen Deutungen von Moderne und Fundamentalismus, um am Ende jene beiden Phänomene zusammenzuführen und Fundamentalismus als „moderne gegenmoderne Utopie“ zu deuten, die in der Tradition der politischen Totalitarismen des 20. Jahrhunderts steht. Prutsch vertritt die These, dass der heutige Fundamentalismus ein „Kind der Moderne“ ist, ein „zivilisatorisches Phänomen“, das mit der inflationär gebrauchten Säkularisierungsthese nur eingeschränkt erklärt werden kann. Davon ausgehend arbeitet der Autor in kritischer Reflexion der bestehenden Forschung und unter bewusst kulturanthropologischer Perspektive den eminent politisch-ideologischen Charakter religiös-fundamentalistischer Bewegungen heraus. Wesentliche Merkmale dieser Bewegungen ergeben sich in scheinbar paradoxer Weise aus der Bereitstellung jakobinischen beziehungsweise „totalistischen“ Potentials durch die „Großen Revolutionen“ sowie deren totalitäre Nachfolgeregime als Ausdrucksformen radikaler innerweltlicher Gnosis. Fundamentalismus erscheint im Ergebnis letztlich als höchst ambivalentes Phänomen, als „moderner Antimodernismus“, der nach den Politischen Religionen des 20. Jahrhunderts als zweite „totale Auflehnung“ gegen die Zerstörung des „kosmologischen Mythos“ gedeutet werden will.

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PSYCHOGIOPOULOUÂ Evangelia The Integration of Cultural Considerations in EU Law and Policies Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

Pursuant to Article 151(4) EC, when exercising its competences under the various policy areas within its purview, the European Community must heed the cultural repercussions of its activities, so as to refrain from jeopardising the preservation and further enhancement of Member States’ cultural diversity. Evaluating the degree of accommodation, or lack thereof, of cultural considerations in EC law and action, this book offers valuable insight into the plethora of ways in which the European institutions seek to balance cultural with other legitimate EC policy objectives. The study draws upon a series of policy areas that are (or can be) enriched with a cultural dimension and examines concrete judicial and legislative instances attesting to the efforts deployed to deliver coherent, culture-sensitive policies at EC level.

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RANCI Pippo and FORTI Andrea (eds), Gli indicatori di competitività dell’economia italiana nel quadro del processo di Lisbona Bagno a Ripoli, Passigli Editori, 2009

L’Italia perde posizioni nel mondo, l’Italia è all’ottantesimo posto dopo il Botswana. Ogni volta che i giornali pubblicano i risultati delle indagini delle varie organizzazioni internazionali che mettono a confronto le economie dei vari Paesi, si mescolano reazioni diverse: di critica polemica o costruttiva verso l’operato delle istituzioni, di protesta o di scoraggiamento, di perplessità e dubbio. Dei confronti internazionali non possiamo fare a meno. Senza confronti non potremmo verificare la qualità del servizio ferroviario in rapporto alle tariffe, né valutare correttamente il nostro sistema scolastico, né capire se i nostri ospedali sono migliori o peggiori di quelli europei. Ma occorre che i confronti siano condotti con metodologie rigorose, sulla base di dati oggettivi e di indicatori affidabili, senza pregiudizi ideologici e culturali. Alcuni lo sono, altri no.

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RITTERSMA Rengenier C. Egmont da capo - eine mythogenetische Studie Berlin, Waxmann, 2009 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

Was ist ein Mythos? Wie setzt man sich ein ewiges Denkmal? Mythen ähneln gewissermaßen Knödeln: Stehen sie dampfend auf dem Tisch, ist es fast unmöglich, das exakte Verhältnis der Zutaten zu ermitteln, das die Klöße gerade noch geschmeidig und doch nicht mehlig macht. Ebenso rätselhaft ist die Entstehung von Mythen, aber sie finden in ?modernen? Gesellschaften nach wie vor reißenden Absatz. Die vorliegende Studie versucht erstmals, anhand des Nachlebens des enthaupteten Grafen Lamoraal von Egmont (1522-1568), der Frage nachzugehen, warum und wie eine historische Gestalt zu einer mythischen Figur avancieren konnte. Was machte ihn unsterblich? Wie und wieso erreichte der Name Egmont ein durch die Jahrhunderte hindurch vom Mittelmeerraum bis in die DDR nachhallendes Echo? In diesem Buch werden unter Einbeziehung mannigfaltiger historischer und literarischer Quellen die verschiedenen Stationen und Schattierungen des Egmont-Mythos vom Kopf an in ihrem jeweiligen Kontext beleuchtet. Auf diese Weise entwickelt der Autor ein Modell, das an ähnlich mythischen Figuren wie Masaniello, Wilhelm Tell und Jeanne d?Arc erprobt werden kann.

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ROMANO Antonella (ed.) Rome et la science moderne : entre Renaissance et Lumières Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2008

Présentation du développement des sciences dans la Rome du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle. Rome est alors considérée comme capitale de la catholicité et comme centre d’une monarchie pontificale. Propose de nouvelles pistes de réflexions sur les diverses configurations socio-intellectuelles au sein desquelles le travail savant a continué à faire de Rome un centre actif de production de savoirs.

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ROMANO Antonella and VAN DAMME Stéphane (eds), Sciences et villes-mondes, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles dossier thématique de la Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, 2008, 55, 2

Au sommaire notamment : Amsterdam, entrepôt des savoirs (H. Cook) ; Pékin au début de la dynastie Qing : centre de savoirs entre deux mondes (C. Jami) ; Dynamiques urbaines et savantes à Calcutta au XVIIIe siècle (K. Raj) ; Rome, chantier post-tridentin (A. Romano) ; Sciences et savoirs coloniaux à Paris (F. Regourd) ; La grandeur d’Edimbourg au XVIIIe siècle (S. Van Damme).

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ROMEIÂ Valentina The Transformation of Marketing and Business Organisation: 19th Century Europe Saarbruecken, VDM Verlag Dr. MĂźller, 2009 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

The book describes the transformation of marketing functions in Europe during the 19th century through the analysis of a large number of business cases. It describes the change from traditional forms of commercial organisation, such as the merchant system and local distribution networks, into new forms of direct marketing and distribution. In the new firm, the entrepreneur took decisions on both the production and the commercialisation phases of the business and introduced new marketing methods such as branding, and direct promotion. The book highlights the factors that fostered the change by looking at impact of socio-economic conditions in which firms operated, but it also looks at the role of product innovation in encouraging entrepreneurs to explore new marketing frontiers. The process of transformation is described through the main steps that took place at different times across countries and sectors, and it is illustrated in its core patterns.

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ROUVROY Antoinette Human Genes and Neoliberal Governance. A Foucauldian Critique New York, Routledge-Cavendish, 2007 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2005.)

Original and interdisciplinary, this is the first book to explore the relationship between a neoliberal mode of governance and the so-called genetic revolution. Looking at the knowledge-power relations in the postgenomic era and addressing the pressing issues of genetic privacy and discrimination in the context of neoliberal governance, this book demonstrates and explains the mechanisms of mutual production between biotechnology and cultural, political, economic and legal frameworks. In the first part Antoinette Rouvroy explores the social, political and economic conditions and consequences of this new ‘perceptual regime’. In the second she pursues her analysis through a consideration of the impact of ‘geneticization’ on political support of the welfare state and on the operation of private health and life insurances. Genetics and neoliberalism, she argues, are complicit in fostering the belief that social and economic patterns have a fixed nature beyond the reach of democratic deliberation, whilst the characteristics of individuals are unusually plastic, and within the scope of individual choice and responsibility. This book will be of interest to all students of law, sociology and politics.

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RUBIO-MARINÂ Ruth (ed.) The Gender of Reparations: Unsettling Sexual Hierarchies While Redressing Human Rights Violations New York, Cambridge University Press, 2009

Reparations programs seeking to provide for victims of gross and systematic human rights violations are becoming an increasingly frequent feature of transitional and postconflict processes. Given that women represent a very large proportion of the victims of these conflicts and authoritarianism, and that women arguably experience conflicts in a distinct manner, it makes sense to examine whether reparations programs can be designed to redress women more fairly and efficiently and seek to subvert gender hierarchies that often antecede the conflict. Focusing on themes such as reparations for victims of sexual and reproductive violence, reparations for children and other family members, as well as gendered understandings of monetary, symbolic, and collective reparations, The Gender of Reparations gathers information about how past or existing reparations projects dealt with gender issues, identifies best practices to the extent possible, and articulates innovative approaches and guidelines to the integration of a gender perspective in the design and implementation of reparations for victims of human rights violations.

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SAARILAHTI Ilkka 40 vuotta Euroopan unionin budjetointia: yleisen talousarvion kehitys vuosina 1968-2008 Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2009

The budget of the European Union is one of the most important instruments used to achieve the Union’s objectives. This book examines in detail the evolution of the general budget of the European Communities since 1968 by analysing the various changes in its content and structure. Particular attention is paid to examining the successive reforms of the EU’s budget, as well as to analysing changes in EU budgetary practices. Euroopan unionin talousarvio on yksi tärkeimmistä unionin politiikkojen toteuttamisvälineistä. Tässä kirjassa kuvataan asiantuntevasti ja kattavasti EU:n talousarviota ja budjettikäytäntöjä alkaen ensimmäisestä Euroopan talousyhteisön yleisestä talousarviosta vuonna 1968 aina vuoteen 2008 asti. Kun EU näiden 40 vuoden kuluessa kasvoi kuuden perustajavaltion Euroopan yhteisöstä 27 jäsenvaltion Euroopan unioniksi, ovat myös budjetin sisältö, rakenne ja nimikkeistö läpikäyneet monta muutosta. Teoksessa valotetaan tarkasti tätä kehitystä. Siinä myös tarkastellaan lainsäädäntö- ja budjettivallan välisiä ongelmia sekä budjettivallan käyttäjien kiistoja, jotka ääritapauksessa ovat pakottaneet yhteisöt toimimaan joitakin aikoja ilman hyväksyttyä budjettia.

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SAARILAHTI Ilkka Les procédures budgétaires de l’Union européenne de 2004 à 2008 Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2008

This book provides the reader with a clear introduction to the key factors influencing the negotiation of the European Union’s annual budget in 2004-2008. It analyses the various issues at stake and the new solutions that were devised and applied each year. Particular emphasis is placed on how interinstitutional negotiations were conducted. The book also summarises each of the annual budgets in both graphic and tabular form. Cet ouvrage expose les éléments essentiels permettant de comprendre les négociations ayant conduit à l’adoption des budgets de l’Union européenne sur la période 2004-2008. Il examine les principales questions soulevées et les solutions, souvent innovatrices, discutées et retenues. Le déroulement des négociations entre institutions fait l’objet d’une attention particulière. L’ouvrage donne également une image chiffrée et compréhensible des budgets de la période 20042008, sous forme de graphiques et de tableaux.

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SADURSKIÂ Wojciech Equality and Legitimacy Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press, 2008

It is often thought that a legitimate government must treat all citizens not just with a measure of concern but with equal concerns. This book examines the relationship between the idea of legitimacy of law in a democratic system and equality, conceived in a tripartite sense: political, legal, and social. Exploring the constituent elements of the legal philosophy underlying concepts of legitimacy, this book seeks to demonstrate how a conception of democratic legitimacy is necessary for understanding and reconciling equality and political legitimacy by tracing and examining the conceptions of equality in political, legal, and social dimensions. In the sphere of political equality this book argues that the best construction of equality in a democratic system - which resonates with the legitimizing function of majority rule - is that of equality of political opportunity. It is largely procedural, but those procedures represent important substantive values built into a majoritarian system. In the sphere of legal equality it argues that a plausible conception of nondiscrimination can be constructed through a null reflective equilibrium null process, and should reject a thoughtless assumption that the presence of some particular criteria of differentiations necessarily taints a legal classification as discriminatory. Finally, the chapters on social equality explore, in some detail, the currently influential, and presumptively attractive, null luck egalitarianism null: the idea that social equality calls for neutralizing the disparate effects of bad brute luck upon a person’s position in society.

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SADURSKI Wojciech Prawo przed sadem : studium sadownictwa konstytucyjnego w postkomunistycznych panstwach Europy Srodkowej i Wschodniej Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2008 (Polish version of Rights Before Courts.)

Dociekania autora koncentruja sie na zasadniczym dylemacie konstytucjonalizmu i nauk politycznych: w jaki sposób najlepiej zapewnic równowage miedzy konstytucjonalizmem a demokracja? Autor rozpatruje dzialalnosc najmlodszych sadów konstytucyjnych, wylonionych po upadku komunizmu w Europie Srodkowej i Wschodniej, na tle drobiazgowej analizy porównawczej i teoretycznej wspólczesnej kontroli konstytucyjnosci prawa. Kreslac szczególowy portret sadownictwa konstytucyjnego w regionie, autor przekonuje, ze ocena dokonan sadów srodkowo-wschodnio-europejskich nie jest bynajmniej jednoznaczna.

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SADURSKIÂ Wojciech Rights Before Courts. A Study of Constitutional Courts in Postcommunist States of Central and Eastern Europe Dordrecht, Springer, 2008 (2nd ed. of the 2005 hardback publication.)

Challenging the conventional wisdom that constitutional courts are the best device that democratic systems have for the protection of individual rights, Wojciech Sadursdki examines carefully the most recent wave of activist constitutional courts: those that have emerged after the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe. In contrast to most other analysts and scholars he does not take for granted that they are a “force for the good�, but rather subjects them to critical scrutiny against a background of a wide-ranging comparative and theoretical analysis of constitutional judicial review in the modern world. He shows that, in the region of Central and Eastern Europe, their record in protecting constitutional rights has been mixed, and their impact upon the vibrancy of democratic participation and public discourse about controversial issues often negative. Sadurski urges us to reconsider the frequently unthinking enthusiasm for the imposition of judicial limits upon constitutional democracy. In the end, his reflections go to the very heart of the fundamental dilemma of constitutionalism and political theory: how best to find the balance between constitutionalism and democracy? The lively, if imperfect, democracies in Central and Eastern Europe provide a fascinating terrain for raising this question, and testing traditional answers. This innovative, wide-ranging and thought-provoking book will become essential reading for scholars and students alike in the fields of comparative constitutionalism and political theory, particularly for those with an interest in legal and political developments in the postcommunist world.

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SALAS ALMELA Luis Medina Sidonia: El poder del la aristocracia, 1580-1670 Madrid, Marcial Pons, Ediciones de Historia, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

La Casa de Medina Sidonia fue, durante los siglos XVI y XVII, sinónimo de poder e influencia. Tanto como para ser unánimemente considerada la más conspicua representante de la alta nobleza en la Corona de Castilla. Y así lo han reconocido, desde entonces, los historiadores del periodo. Sin embargo, hasta ahora carecíamos de un estudio que nos descubriese cuál era la naturaleza de su poder, que mostrase en qué consistían los fundamentos que hacían tan descollante a esta Casa señorial dentro de la Monarquía Hispánica. Para afrontar esta tarea, este libro se basa, ante todo, en una exhaustiva investigación en el Archivo Ducal de Medina Sidonia el mayor archivo privado de Europa, hasta ahora muy poco utilizado, a lo largo de un lapso temporal que abarca desde la plenitud de la autoridad y el prestigio de los Pérez de Guzmán en los tiempos del duque don Alonso- hasta los días oscuros de la caída en desgracia tras el descubrimiento de la conjura del IX duque. Planteado así, inicialmente, como un recorrido por los diversos componentes y fases de la historia del poder de esta Casa señorial, sus resultados trascienden el caso de estudio concreto para erigirse en modelo alternativo de estudio de las aristocracias europeas de la Alta Edad Moderna.

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SARTOR Giovanni Corso d’informatica giuridica. Volume I. L’informatica giuridica e le tecnologie dell’informazione Torino, G. Giappichelli, 2008, Collana Informatica giuridica

Al termine del corso lo Studente ha una conoscenza dei principi fondamentali dell’informatica e di come questi si applicano in ambito giuridico. Lo Studente ha consapevolezza degli utilizzi delle tecnologie informatiche nell’economia, nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, nella società e in particolare nelle attività legali, ed è in grado di analizzarne criticamente le implicazioni sociali e giuridiche. Lo studente inoltre conosce la disciplina delle tecnologie dell’informazione ed è in grado di analizzare i sistemi informativi e tecnologici alla luce dell’evoluzione normativa nazionale e internazionale . E’ in possesso di nozioni e termini informatici, ha la capacità di acquisire nuove conoscenze nel settore al mutare delle tecnologie e della normativa ed ha la capacità di applicare tecnologie informatiche nelle professioni giuridiche.

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SARTOR Giovanni, CASANOVAS Pompeu, CASELLAS Núria and RUBINO Rossella (eds) Computable Models of the Law. Languages, Dialogues, Games, Ontologies Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2008

Information technology has now pervaded the legal sector, and the very modern concepts of e-law and e-justice show that automation processes are ubiquitous. European policies on transparency and information society, in particular, require the use of technology and its steady improvement. Some of the revised papers presented in this book originate from a workshop held at the European University Institute of Florence, Italy, in December 2006. The workshop was devoted to the discussion of the different ways of understanding and explaining contemporary law, for the purpose of building computable models of it -- especially models enabling the development of computer applications for the legal domain. During the course of the following year, several new contributions, provided by a number of ongoing (or recently finished) European projects on computation and law, were received, discussed and reviewed to complete the survey. This book presents 20 thoroughly refereed revised papers on the hot topics under research in different EU projects: legislative XML, legal ontologies, semantic web, search and metasearch engines, web services, system architecture, dialectic systems, dialogue games, multi-agent systems (MAS), legal argumentation, legal reasoning, e-justice, and online dispute resolution. The papers are organized in topical sections on knowledge representation, ontologies and XML legislative drafting; knowledge representation, legal ontologies and information retrieval; argumentation and legal reasoning; normative and multi-agent systems; and online dispute resolution.

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SAVELLIÂ Aurora Siena. Il popolo e le contrade (XVI-XX secolo) Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

Generalmente considerate per il palio cui danno vita, le contrade di Siena sono qui trattate come esperienza associativa urbana a base territoriale, attraverso lo studio del loro ricco e finora inesplorato patrimonio archivistico. Mentre strutture associative di altre cittĂ scompaiono nel tempo, le contrade senesi non conoscono interruzioni sino ai nostri giorni: una lunga durata interpretata nel volume da molteplici prospettive, lungo un arco cronologico che dal Cinquecento si snoda fino ai nostri giorni.

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SCHEININ Martin Towards a World Court of Human Rights [Online], Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 2009

Research report within the framework of the Swiss Initiative to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. June 2009 The year 2008 marked the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To commemorate this occasion, and in order to make a meaningful contribution to the protection of human rights, the Swiss Government decided to launch “An Agenda for Human Rights”. The initiative aims to explore new ways of giving human rights the weight and place they deserve in the 21st century. It is designed as an evolving and intellectually independent process.

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SCHEININ Martin and GRIMHEDEN Jonas Våra mänskliga rättigheter Lund, Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, in collaboration with Åbo Akademi Institute for Human Rights, 2008

Våra mänskliga rättigheter ger en klar och koncis introduktion till de mänskliga rättigheterna. Boken har Förenta nationernas allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna som utgångspunkt. Den förklarar mänskliga rättighetstänkandets bakgrund och uppkomst samt presenterar de mest centrala rättigheterna. Boken handlar också om hur de mänskliga rättigheterna skyddas internationellt, inom FN och i Europa, och klarlägger de mänskliga rättigheternas ställning iSverige och deras betydelse som en del av vår rättsordning. De många praktiska exemplen och övningarna gör det lättare för läsaren att förstå de mänskliga rättigheterna, deras innehåll och tillämpning. Listorna över litteratur och frivilligorganisationer ger läsaren råd om var man kan få mera information om de mänskliga rättigheterna. Boken rekommenderas som undervisningsmaterial såväl för skolor som inom vuxenutbildningen. Den lämpar sig också för alla som önskar få baskunskap om mänskliga rättigheter. Available as e-book: misc/scheinin-RWI.pdf

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SCOTTÂ Joanne (ed.) Environmental Protection: European Law and Governance Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/3

The volume opens with a broad historical overview of the evolution of EU environmental governance. This discussion characterizes the most recent phase as that of sustainable development, in which the political dynamic is one of destabilisation and the preferred instrument of decisionmaking, the reflexive framework directive. There follows a series of case studies. Ranging from the general to the particular, these cover both the internal and external aspects of EU policy. These include recent key issues in EU environmental law and governance, such as the water framework directive, the new chemicals regime (REACH) and European responses to the challenge of climate change. These case studies engage with key issues in environmental law and governance, including environmental justice, the relationship between trade and environment, and participation in environmental decision-making.

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SEBASTIANI Silvia I limiti del progresso: Razza e genere nell’illuminismo scozzese Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2003.)

Nel contesto dei Lumi europei, l’Illuminismo scozzese elabora una nuova concezione della storia, concepita quale progresso del genere umano. Le diversità - di “razza” e di “genere” - sono iscritte all’interno di questo schema dal valore universale che si incentra sul cammino dei costumi, maniere e sentimenti, così come dei rapporti sociali ed economici. Nel processo storico la donna si emancipa dalla condizione di schiava dell’uomo-padrone, mentre questi a sua volta si affina e diviene “civile”. Una concezione che sollevò problemi, domande come: perché gli americani sono rimasti “selvaggi” e i cinesi hanno interrotto il proprio cammino? Perché solo gli europei, o piuttosto i popoli del nord Europa, hanno percorso tutte le tappe del processo storico dando luogo a società “civili” e “commerciali”? Può la Gran Bretagna sfuggire al triste destino degli imperi del passato evitando la decadenza? C’è un limite oltre il quale il contributo femminile alla civiltà diviene disumanizzazione, privazione di una mascolinità data per necessaria?

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SEDELMEIERÂ Ulrich and YOUNGÂ Alasdair R. (eds), The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2006 Oxford, Blackwell, 2007

The Annual Review, produced in association with JCMS, The Journal of Common Market Studies, covers the key developments in the European Union, its member states, and acceding and/or applicant countries in 2006/2007. It contains key analytical articles on political, economic and legal issues in the EU by leading experts, together with a keynote article on.... The Review is the most up-to-date and authoritative source of information for those engaged in teaching and research on European integration or who are simply interested in the European Union.

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SMITHÂ Stephen Anthony Revolution and the People in Russia and China: A Comparative History Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008

A unique comparative account of the roots of Communist revolution in Russia and China. Steve Smith examines the changing social identities of peasants who settled in St Petersburg from the 1880s to 1917 and in Shanghai from the 1900s to the 1940s. Russia and China, though very different societies, were both dynastic empires with backward agrarian economies that suddenly experienced the impact of capitalist modernity. This book argues that far more happened to these migrants than simply being transformed from peasants into workers. It explores the migrants’ identification with their native homes; how they acquired new understandings of themselves as individuals and new gender and national identities. It asks how these identity transformations fed into the wider political, social and cultural processes that culminated in the revolutionary crises in Russia and China, and how the Communist regimes that emerged viewed these transformations in the working classes they claimed to represent.

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SMITH Stephen Anthony and KNIGHT Alan (eds) The Religion of Fools? Superstition Past and Present Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Supplement to the journal ‘Past and Present’, 2008, 199, 3

S. A. Smith: Introduction Hugh Bowden: Before Superstition and After: Theophrastus and Plutarch on Deisidaimonia Richard Gordon: Superstitio, Superstition and Religious Repression in the Late Roman Republic and Principate T. H. Barrett: Superstition and its Others in Han China Michael D. Bailey: Concern over Superstition in Late Medieval Europe Stephen Bowd: ‘Honeyed Flies’ and ‘Sugared Rats’: Witchcraft, Heresy, and Superstition in the Bresciano, 1454–1535 Alison Rowlands: ‘Superstition’, Magic, and Clerical Polemic in Seventeenth-Century Germany Alexandra Walsham: Recording Superstition in Early Modern Britain: The Origins of Folklore Simon Dixon: Superstition in Imperial Russia Alan Knight: Superstition in Mexico: From Colonial Church to Secular State Basile Ndjio: Mokoagne moni: Sorcery and New Forms of Wealth in Cameroon Lauren Derby: Imperial Secrets: Vampires and Nationhood in Puerto Rico Peter Geschiere: Witchcraft and the State: Cameroon and South Africa: Ambiguities of ‘Reality’ and ‘Superstition’ (Contents)

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SOLERA Cristina Women In and Out of Paid Work: Changes Across Generations in Italy and Britain Portland, Policy Press, 2009 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2005.)

Over the last fifty years women’s employment has increased markedly throughout developed countries. Women of younger generations are much more likely than their mothers and grandmothers to enter the labour market and stay in it after they marry and have children. Are these changes due only to changes in women’s investments and preferences, or also to the opportunities and constraints within which women form their choices? Have women with higher and lower educational and occupational profiles combined family responsibilities with paid work differently? And have their divisions changed? With an innovative approach, this book compares Italy and Great Britain, investigating transformations in women’s transitions in and out of paid work across four subsequent birth cohorts, from the time they leave full-time education up to their 40s. It provides a comprehensive discussion of demographic, economic and sociological theories and contains large amounts of information on changes over time in the two countries, both in women’s work histories and in the economic, institutional and cultural context in which they are embedded. By comparing across both space and time, the book makes it possible to see how different institutional and normative configurations shape women’s life courses, contributing to help or hinder the work-family reconciliation and to reduce or reinforce inequalities. Women in and Out of Paid Work will be valuable reading for students, academics, professionals, policy makers and anyone interested in women’s studies, work-family reconciliation, gender and class inequalities, social policy and sociology. Eu ro pe a n U n i ve r s i t y I n s ti tu te - 1 8 3


SONKAJARVI Hanna Qu’est-ce qu’un étranger ? Frontières et identifications à Strasbourg (1681-1789) Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

À l’encontre de l’idée communément admise qu’il y aurait, d’un côté, les sujets du roi et, de l’autre, les étrangers, l’exemple de Strasbourg - dans les années qui suivent son rattachement à la France - permet de voir qu’il n’en est rien et que de nombreux individus se trouvaient dans des situations beaucoup plus indécises et changeantes selon leurs relations au plan national, local, religieux ou professionnel. Strasbourg est une ville idéale pour étudier ces multiples jeux et enjeux sociaux, car elle était alors tout à la fois multiconfessionnelle, riche de son commerce, animée d’un fort courant migratoire et gouvernée par une mosaïque de pouvoirs où se superposaient, aux traditions et institutions anciennes, des réalités administratives nouvelles introduites par l’annexion française. L’ouvrage met ainsi au jour la complexité de la notion d’étranger et manifeste la multiplicité des statuts et leurs variations selon les contextes et les individus et selon l’issue des confrontations entre le local et le national. Il montre comment les hommes ont su, par-delà les institutions, développer des systèmes de catégorisation formalisés, utiliser les conflits entre les diverses instances, et, en jouant sur les différentes appartenances possibles et sur leurs propres appartenances, gagner de la reconnaissance sociale et des avantages matériels. Ces analyses sont confirmées par des histoires concrètes qui montrent comment les « étrangers » ont réussi, entre ruses et conflits, à négocier leur existence dans une zone de contact entre de multiples acteurs et institutions. Par ces récits, se révèlent alors les dynamiques sociales à l’oeuvre derrière les processus d’inclusion et d’exclusion. 1 84 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

SOOMAN Imbi and DONECKER Stefan The ‘Baltic Frontier’ Revisited: Power structures and cross-cultural interactions in the Baltic Sea Region. Proceedings of the International Symposium in Florence, February 29th and March 1st, 2008 Vienna, University of Vienna, 2009

Cross-cultural interactions in the Baltic Sea Region, at the crossroads between East and West, have seldom been conceptualised as meetings between equals. Stereotypes of ethnic inferiority have been a regular feature of political and discursive processes in this region. In February 2008, an interdisciplinary panel of scholars met in Florence to interpret cross-cultural interactions and structures of power in the Baltic Sea Region from the Middle Ages to the present and to critically re-examine how such encounters are reflected in politics, historiography, cartography, literature and the mass media. The proceedings of the international symposium are documented in this volume.

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STOECKL Kristina Community after Totalitarianism. The Russian Orthodox Intellectual Tradition and the Philosophical Discourse of Political Modernity Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Bern/Bruxelles/New York/ Oxford, Wien Peter Lang, 2008, Series: Erfurter Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des Orthodoxen Christentums, 4 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2007.)

Starting with a definition of political modernity from the perspective of its greatest trial – totalitarianism – this study asks the question how community is conceptualized in the contemporary Western philosophical discourse and in the Russian Orthodox intellectual tradition. Contemporary philosophical and theological approaches in Russia develop alternative perspectives on community and on the human subject. This study analyzes them historically and philosophically and compares them with liberal, postmodern and communitarian philosophies of community in the West.

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STORSKRUBBÂ Eva Civil Procedure and EU Law: A Policy Area Uncovered Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press, 2008 (Published version of EUI thesis, 2006.)

This book examines a burgeoning policy area of the EU the regulation of cross border civil and commercial litigation. The book analyses the EU’s specific legislative measures regulating civil procedure and assesses their impact on litigation, particularly due process rights. The policy is then placed in the broader contexts of European integration and the international codification of civil procedure.

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THER Philipp Národní divadlo v kontextu evropských operních dèjin Praha, Dokoran, 2008

Kniha nemeckého historika nabízí zajímavý pohled na dejiny operní vetve naší prední scény v širším evropském kontextu. Autor v ní zkoumá kulturní kontakty Národního divadla s operními divadly v sousedním Sasku, v Halici a ostatních zemích habsburské monarchie. Podrobne se venuje opernímu souboru a upozornuje na nejduležitejší posuny v repertoáru. Ve svém prístupu kombinuje spolecenskohistorické a kulturnehistorické srovnávací hledisko a z této široké perspektivy se snaží vysvetlit obrovský úspech Národního divadla a ceské opery v Evrope na konci 19. a pocátku 20. století.

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THER Philipp, ANDRIEU Claire and GOSCHLER Constantin (eds) Spoliations et restitutions des biens juifs en Europe : XXe siècle Paris, Éd. Autrement, 2007

Etude comparée sur les mesures de spoliation et de restitution de biens juifs, et de réparation dans quatorze pays européens : Pays-Bas, Roumanie, Suisse, Allemagne, France, Pologne, pays baltes, Italie, Hongrie, etc. Version française de l’édition parue chez Fischer Verlag en 2003.

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TOMUSCHATÂ Christian Human Rights Between Idealism and Realism Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XIII/1 (2nd edition)

Human Rights between Idealism and Realism presents human rights in action, focusing on their effectiveness as legal tools designed to benefit human beings. By combining conceptual analysis with an emphasis on procedures and mechanisms of implementation, this volume provides a multidimensional overview of human rights. After examining briefly the history of human rights, the author analyses the intellectual framework that forms the basis of their legitimacy. In particular, he covers the concept of universality and the widely used model that classifies human rights into clusters of different ‘generations’. The volume then moves on to analyse of the activities of the political institutions of the United Nations, the expert bodies established by the relevant treaties, and the international tribunals specifically entrusted at the regional level with protecting human rights. The author explains how and why ithe classical array of politically inspired informal devices has been enriched by the addition of international criminal procedures and by endeavours to introduce civil suits against alleged individual violators of human rights. Finally, the volume is rounded off by a consideration of the importance of humanitarian law as an instrument for the protection of human life and dignity and an exploration of the future of human rights.

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TRECHSELÂ Alexander H. [et al.] Internet Voting in the March 2007 Parliamentary Elections in Estonia. Report for the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2007

This study presents and analyzes the results of a survey among the electorate of the Estonian parliamentary elections held on 4 March 2007. The primary focus of the analysis lies on the newly introduced possibility of voting via the Internet in these elections. The application of this pioneering voting channel gave the elections an exclusive character and provoked enormous attention in the political as well as in the scientific community. The use of e-voting in the Estonian parliamentary elections is a remarkable world-première: for the first time an electorate could vote over the Internet in elections of a national parliament. Overall, 30.275 voters have used the possibility of e-voting, which corresponds to 5.4 percent of the participating voters. Available at: http:// Report_Evoting_Estonia_for_the_CoE_2007.doc

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TRENTMANNÂ Frank Free Trade Nation. Commerce, Consumption, and Civil Society in Modern Britain Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press, 2008

One of Britain’s defining contributions to the modern world, Free Trade united civil society and commerce and gave birth to consumer power. In this book, Frank Trentmann shows how the doctrine of Free Trade contributed to the growth of a democratic culture in Britain - and how it fell apart. Far from the cold economic doctrine of today, in an earlier battle over globalization Free Trade was a passionately held ideal, central to public life and national identity. Free Trade inspired popular entertainment and advertising, in seaside resorts, shows, and shopping streets. It mobilized an alliance of elites and the people, businessmen and workingclass women, imperialists and internationalists. Free Trade Nation follows the creation of this culture in nineteenthcentury Britain, and its subsequent unravelling in the First World War and the depression of the 1930s, when consumers and internationalists, labour and business now attacked it for sacrificing international stability and domestic welfare at the temple of cheapness. These successful attacks marked the end of a defining chapter in history.The popular culture of Free Trade was never to return. For anyone interested in the current problem of globalization, this book offers a vivid and thought-provoking perspective on the success and failure of Free Trade. For champions of trade liberalization, it is a reminder that culture, ethics and popular communication matter just as much as sound economics. Believers in Fair Trade, by contrast, will be surprised to learn that in the past it was Free Trade, not Fair Trade, that was seen to stand for values such as democracy, justice, and peace.

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TUDORÂ Ioana The Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard in the International Law of Foreign Investment Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008 (Published version of EUI Ph.D. thesis, 2006.)

The treatment of foreign investors and of their investments on the territory of a host State is often subject to a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) signed by the national State of the investors and the host State. These BITs usually contain a clause in which the two States offer fair and equitable treatment (FET) to the foreign investors on their territory. Moreover, this clause has become a norm of customary law, implying that investors may rely on it even outside the context of the BIT. Foreign investors whose rights under this clause have not been respected may bring the State in front of an international tribunal. This book analyses not only the conventional and customary framework se the FET clause but also its scope and all its applications in the existing case law.

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VASHAKMADZE Mindia Die Stationierung fremder Truppen im Völkerrecht und ihre demokratische Kontrolle. Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Georgiens Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2008

Ausgehend von der Frage der Stationierung russischer Truppen in Georgien untersucht Mindia Vashakmadze aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht das Problem der Stationierung fremder Truppen auf dem Gebiet eines Staates. Im deutschsprachigen Raum ist bisher weder das politisch brisante Thema der Stationierung russischer Truppen in Georgien noch die allgemein-völkerrechtliche Frage der Stationierung fremder Truppen monographisch abgehandelt worden. Der besondere Wert der Arbeit besteht darüber hinaus auch darin, dass der Autor die Rolle der nationalen Parlamente bei Erteilung der Zustimmung zur Stationierung fremder Truppen im Hinblick auf ihre völkerrechtliche Bedeutung und aufgrund einer umfassenden Analyse der relevanten Staatenpraxis untersucht. Dabei wird auch die Praxis der internationalen Organisationen im Lichte der seit dem Ende des Kalten Krieges zu verzeichnenden Neugestaltung der zivil-militärischen Beziehungen betrachtet. Ziel der Arbeit ist es u. a. auch, eine überzeugende Antwort auf die Frage geben zu können, inwiefern die von einer Regierung ohne parlamentarische Mitwirkung erteilte Zustimmung zur Stationierung fremder Truppen heute noch dem geltenden Völkerrecht entspricht.

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VERSTICHEL Annelies, DE WITTE Bruno, LEMMENS Paul and ALEN André (eds) The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: A Useful Pan-European Instrument? Antwerp, Intersentia, 2008

This book offers a critical evaluation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (drawn up within the Council of Europe) and gives to-the-point answers on current questions. Can the Framework Convention become a pan-European document, given the nonratification by some states, such as Belgium, France, Greece, and Turkey? Furthermore, what is the added value of the Framework Convention compared to other international minority monitoring mechanisms? This volume brings together a number of leading international experts, along with several authors closely involved with the monitoring of minority protection in Europe. The book will be of interest to a wide audience of academics, practitioners, policy makers, non-governmental organizations, and all those interested in minority rights.

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VINX Lars Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law. Legality and Legitimacy Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007

Hans Kelsen is commonly considered to be among the founding fathers of modern legal philosophy. Despite Kelsen’s prominence as a legal theorist, his political theory has so far been mostly overlooked. This book argues that Kelsen’s legal theory, the Pure Theory of Law, needs to be read in the context of Kelsen’s political theory. It offers the first comprehensive interpretation of the Pure Theory that makes systematic use of Kelsen’s conception of the rule of law, of his theory of democracy, his defense of constitutional review, and his views on international law. Once it is read in the context of Kelsen’s political works, Kelsen’s analysis of legal normativity provides us with a notion of political legitimacy that is distinct from any comprehensive and contestable theory of justice. It shows how members of pluralist societies can reasonably acknowledge the binding nature of law, even where its content does not fully accord with their own substantive views of the requirements of justice, provided it is created in accordance with an ideal of fair arbitration amongst social groups. This result leads to a fundamental re-evaluation of the Pure Theory of Law. The theory is best understood as an attempt to find a middle ground between natural law and legal positivism. Later positivist legal theorists inspired by Kelsen’s work failed to appreciate the political-theoretical context of the Pure Theory and turned to a narrow instrumentalism about the functions of law. The perspective on Kelsen offered in this book aims to reconnect positivist legal thought with normative political theory.

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XAVIER Angela Barreto A invenção de Goa : poder imperial e conversões culturais nos séculos XVI e XVII Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciencias Sociais, 2008

Inteligente, diligente, com rasgos de provocação intelectual, controverso como um bom livro deve ser. Não será a palavra definitiva sobre o tema, mas é, sem dúvida, uma referência incontornável para os anos vindouros.» António Manuel Hespanha «Sólido, rico e estimulante, este é um estudo sobre a fundação imperial/colonial — ou, nas palavras da autora — sobre a invenção da sua primeira e mais importante ‘ capital ‘ indiana e asiática: Goa. Segundo Ângela Barreto Xavier, mais do que uma simples transferência ou implantação das instituições sociais e culturais da metrópole no vasto território da alteridade indiana, essa invenção foi uma empresa arriscada e complexa. O modo como o livro desvenda a filigrana dos padrões de ressonância e negociação entre os vários actores coloniais (governadores, missionários, casados, convertidos, etc.), o que nenhum outro trabalho fez antes, com esta mestria e elegância, constitui uma das suas principais virtudes.

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YUN-CASALILLA Bartolome (ed.) Las Redes del Imperio: Elites sociales en la articulación de la Monarquía Hispánica, 1492-1714 Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2008

Fruto de varios encuentros y seminarios auspiciados por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, este nutrido conjunto de aportaciones al tema de las relaciones entre el “imperio colonial” y la “monarquía compuesta” parte de una reflexión obvia aunque no siempre profundizada por los historiadores del mundo atlántico. Se trata de considerar los vínculos que unen la historia de los distintos imperios con las prácticas de las élites políticas, económicas y culturales de las regiones consideradas, y por lo tanto las “negociaciones” y las “historias conectadas” entre el/los centro(s) político(s) y su periferia. El tema de las redes cobra especial significado en esta perspectiva, y resulta de singular interés en el marco de otra tendencia historiográfica similar en no pocos planteamientos, la “historia atlántica”.

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ZANETTI Cristiano La Cattedrale di Cremona. Genesi, simbologia ed evoluzione di un edificio romanico Cremona, Biblioteca Statale di Cremona, 2008, Annali della Biblioteca Statale e Libreria civica di Cremona, LIX

Proprio per «sciogliere i principali nodi irrisolti» legati alla storia e allo sviluppo strutturale del Duomo cittadino Cristiano Zanetti ha svolto un’indagine approfondita, sfociata nella stesura del libro La Cattedrale di Cremona. Genesi, simbologia ed evoluzione di un edificio romanico. Il ponderoso volume è stato presentato ieri sera nella sala conferenze della biblioteca statale; all’incontro è intervenuto un pubblico numerosissimo. […]. Zanetti ha condotto personalmente una settantina di sopralluoghi (incentrati in special modo attorno ai matronei) corredati da un’accurata documentazione fotografica, successivamente confluita nel libro stesso. […]. Complessa è, infine, la ricostruzione delle ‘vicissitudini’ strutturali, rispetto alle quali Zanetti ha tratto conclusioni significative e altrettanto sorprendenti sull’importanza del laterizio romano di recupero, sui rapporti modulari della costruzione, sul livello originario della cripta e molto altro. (Dal quotidiano La Provincia del 26 settembre 2008 (Riccardo Maruti))

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ZILLER Jacques L’Union européenne - Edition traité de Lisbonne Paris, La Documentation française, 2008

L’Europe est aujourd’hui partout. Mais si elle fait l’objet de débats parfois vifs, son mode de fonctionnement, ses compétences réelles, ou ses incidences concrètes sur la vie quotidienne des États membres ne sont pas toujours bien connues. Les notices Union européenne proposent, sans parti-pris, d’aider à une meilleure connaissance de l’Europe. Éclairant les réalisations, mais aussi les échecs, d’un processus complexe et sans équivalent, elles présentent les enjeux et les perspectives de l’Union européenne à l’heure de l’entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne de 2007. De Rome à Lisbonne, de l’Europe des Communautés à l’Union européenne à vingt-sept, cinquante ans de construction européenne sont passés en revue par les meilleurs spécialistes pour offrir, en 22 notices, une synthèse accessible et complète aux étudiants et candidats aux concours, mais aussi aux enseignants - et, plus largement, à tous ceux qui cherchent à s’informer sur l’Europe.

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Department of Economics tah r et si celse s

AGUR Itai, Behind the Scenes of Globalization: strategic trade policy, firm decisions and worker expectations, 2008


Arespa Castelló Marta,

Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in a Globalized World Economy: Lessons from models with heterogeneous firms, 2009

International Transmission, Firm Entry and Risk Sharing, 2008

The Distribution of Public Expenditure in Europe, 2008

KRAUTHEIM Sebastian,

Ascione Aurora, Three Essays on Exchange Rate Pass-through, 2009

LANGUS Gregor, Essays in Competition Economics, 2008

Ay Judith,

Essays on Communication and Learning, 2009

Three Essays on Household Consumption, 2008 Balteanu Irina,

Three Essays in International Economics, 2009 Barrabes Solanes Clara,

Three Essays on Labor Markets, 2007 Bystrov Victor, Dynamic Factor Models in Estimation and Forecasting, 2008 Coviello Decio,

Three Essays in Applied Economics, 2009 FACCINI Renato, Three Essays in Macro Labor Theory, 2009 GABLER Alain,


MARAVALLE Alessandro, Three Essays on the Oilmacroeconomy Relationship, 2008 MARINIELLO Mario,

Competition and the Role of Public Authorities, 2008


Essays in Applied Macroeconomics, 2007

MEUNIER Laurent, Theoretical and Econometric Analysis of Behaviours toward Environment, 2008 MILDE Christopher, Credit Card Borrowing, Illiquid Assets and Self-Control Problems, 2008

On the Macroeconomics of Firm Entry and Exit, 2007 D e pa r tme nt o f Eco n o mi c s - 2 0 3

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PEREIRA Joana Carolina Lins


POELHEKKE Steven, Urban Growth Across Three Continents: The blessing of human capital and the curse of volability, 2008



Altruism, Education and Inequality in the United States, 2009

Essays on Time-Consistent Fiscal Policy, 2009

Firm Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Performance, 2007


Essays on International Macroenocomics, 2008 RABITSCH Katrin, Three essays in International Macroeconomics, 2008 RENDAHL Pontus,

Essays in Recursive Macroeconomics, 2007

RIVAS Javier, Cooperation in Repeated Games, Bounded Rational Learning and the Adoption of Envolving Technologies, 2008 SERRANO-VELARD Nicolas,

Ownership Structures and Firm Performance, 2009


Three Empirical Essays on Trade Reform in Post Apartheid South Africa, 2009

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Essays on Human Capital Accumulation and Inequality, 2009 International Capital Flows, Technology Spillovers and Local Credit Markets, 2008

WINTER Christoph,

WYCHERLEY Michael, Macroeconomic Growth and Technology Adoption, 2007

Department of History and Civilization tah r et si celse s

ABOUT Ilsen,

La police des identités : histoire comparée d’une administration d’État en France et en Italie, 1880-1914, 2008

AHMAD Ali Nobil,

Gender, Transnationalism and Illegality in Migration: A comparative history in Europe, 2008


Nationalism, Anti-Bolshevism or the Will to Survive Forms of Belarusian Interaction with the German Occupation Authorities, 1941-1944, 2008


Italian Colonialism: Memories and silences: 1930s-1960s, 2007

BAUER Eva Michaela,

Krieg in Innsbruck oder Frieden in Triest: die italienische studentenbewegung in der Habsburgermonarchie und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Beziehungen zwischen: Österreich-Ungarn und Italien, 1901-1915, 2008

BERG Nils Holger Németh,

Military Occupation under the Eyes of the Lord: Studies in Erfurt during the Thirty Years War, 2008


El sindicalismo vertical: control laboral y represtación de intereses en la España franquista: la delegación nacional de sindicatos (1936-1945), 2008

BEURIER Joëlle, Images, violence et masculinités: les presses illustrées française et allemande en Grande Guerre, 2007 BLANCO SÍO-LÓPEZ Cristina, The Illusion of Neutral Time: Myths and perceptions of the process of eastward enlargement of the European Union, 1990-2004, 2008 BOUWERS Eveline Gerdina, Public Pantheons and Exemplary Men: A journey in the European imagination, c. 1790-1840, 2009 BRAAT Eleni, Disarmament, Neutrality and Colonialism: Conflicting priorities in the Netherlands, 1921-1931, 2008 BRISKU Adrian,

Albanian and Georgian Discourses on Europe: From Berlin 1878 to Tbilisi 2008, 2009 CENTENERO DE ARCE Domingo, Una monarquía de lazos débiles?: Veteranos, militares y administradores 1580-1621, 2009

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DE SANTI Chiara,

Strategies of Sovietization in Central Asia, 1924-1930: the Uzbek case, 2008

DESMAZIERES Agnès, Une histoire transculturelle de la réception catholique de la psychanalyse: les congrès catholiques internationaux de psychologie 1919-1959, 2009 DONERT Celia, Citizens of Gypsy Origin: the Roma in the reconstruction of Czechoslovakia, 1948-1989, 2008 FEYS Torsten, A Business Approach to Transatlantic Migration: The introduction of steamshipping on the North Atlantic and its impact on the European Exodus 1840-1914 / Torsten Feys, 2008 GARSTENAUER Rita,

Flucht vom land?: der ausstieg aus der landarbeit in autobiographischer perspektive, 2008 GEARY Michael Joseph, Enlargement and the European Commission: An assessment of the British and Irish applications for membership of the European Economic Community, 1958-73, 2009

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HANNECART Roch, Le Dernier Carré: les charbonniers belges, libres entrepeneurs face à la C.E.C.A., 1950-1959, 2008 HERICORD-GORRE Alix,

Elements pour une histoire de l’administration des colonisés de l’Empire français: le régime de l’indigénat et son fonctionnement despuis sa matrice algérienne (1881-c. 1920), 2008


Legalitá e controllo del potere (12001600): uno studio comparativo sul processo di sindacato: Firenze, Castiglia e Valencia, 2008 / Legalität und herrschaftskontrolle (1200-1600): eine vergleichende studie zum syndikatsprozess: Florenz, Kastilien und Valencia, 2008

IWASA Takuro, West European Academic Images and Stereotypes of Japan since the 1970s, 2007 KAINULAINEN Jaska, Paolo Sarpi between Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes: A case study on the political animal in early modern Europe, 2009 KLINGER William R.,

Negotiating the Nation: Fiume: from autonomism to state making (1848-1924), 2007


Classical Opera under Authoritarian Rule: A comparative study of cultural policy in the USSR, Italy and Germany, 2008

KUNNAS Jan, Fire and Fuels: CO₂ and SO₂ emissions in the Finnish economy, 1800-2005, 2009 LEBOVITCH DAHL José David, Between Intransigence and Nationalism: the image of the Jew in La Civiltà Cattolica, 1850-1903, 2008 LEGERER Anton

Schuld, Sühne und Versöhnung nach den nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen in der BRD, DDR und in Österreich: entstehen und Wirken von Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste und Gedenkdienste, 2007

LUNA GONZALEZ Adriana, From Self-Preservation to Self-Liking in Paolo Mattia Doria: Civil philosophy and natural jurisprudence in the Early Italian Enlightenment, 2009 MARKLUND Carl, Bridging Politics and Science: The concept of social engineering in Sweden and the USA, circa 1890-1950, 2008 MARTEEL Stefaan, ‘Inventing the Belgian Revolution’: Politics and political thought in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands (1814-1830), 2009 MARTÍNEZ D’ALÒS-MONER Andreu,

In the Company of Iyäsus: The Jesuit mission in Ethiopia, 1557-1632, 2008


MCGEEVER Matthew, Monuments in Arcadia: Cultural landscape, textual exchange and artistic transfers c.1760-c.1790, 2009

LINDORFER Bianca Maria,

MOISAND Jeanne, Madrid et Barcelona, capitales culturelles en quête de nouveaux publics : production et consommation comparées du spectacle, v. 1870-v.1910, 2008

Arbeiten für das Reich: die Organization Todt in Frankreich und Italien, 1940-1945, 2009 Cosmopolitan Aristocracy and the Diffusion of Baroque Culture: Cultural transfer from Spain to Austria in the Seventeenth century, 2009


Humour, Spectacle and Every-Day Life: Pictorial comedy in London and Paris, 1830-1850, 2007

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NYHAN Miriam,

Comparing Irish Migrants and County Associations in New York and London: A cross-cultural analysis of migrant experiences and associational behaviour circa 1946-1961, 2008

OLSEN Niklas,

Beyond Utopianism and Relativism: History in the plural in the work of Reinhart Koselleck, 2009

OROZCO DE LA TORRE Olivia, Monetary Thought in Islamic and Christian Scholars (13th-16th century): A comparative perspective on debasement and the rise of the quantity theory of money, 2008 PELLITTERI Paola,

Igea in colonia: biomedicina, istituzioni sanitarie e professioni mediche a Tripoli (1880-1940), 2009 PROTZ Uta,

‘National treasures’ / ‘Trésors Nationaux’: The control of the export of works of art and the construction of ‘National Heritage’ / ‘Patrimoine’ in France and the United Kingdom, 1884-1959, 2009

PUTZ Christa,

Von der ehelichen Pflicht zur erotischen Befriedigung: Heterosexualität und ihre Störungen in der deutschsprachigen Medizin und Psychoanalyse (1880-1930), 2009

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PYPER Jens Fabian,

Meinecke, Croce, and the Individual: The moral foundations of the study of history, 1918-1946, 2008

RAMÍREZ PÉREZ Sigfrido Manuel,

Public Policies, European Integration and Multinational Corporations in the Automobile Sector: The French and Italian cases in a comparative perspective 1945-1973, 2007

RAPPAS Alexis,

The Elusive Polity: Social engineering and the reinvention of politics in colonial Cyprus, 1931-1941, 2008


La croce e la spada: Giulio II: il papa guerriero e la guerra tra cristiani nella comunicazione politica europea (1503-1513), 2008


Beneath Moral Economy: Informal assistance in early 20th century Finland, 2008


La Paternità durante il Fascismo: Modelli e ruoli del pater familias tra stato e società, 2008

SAN JULIÁN ARRUPE F. Javier, The Spread of Economic Thought in the Parliament and the Institutionalisation of Political Economy in Spain, 1868-1900, 2008 SCHNYDER Marco,

Tra nord e sud delle Alpi: per una storia sociale del potere nei baliaggi di Lugano e Mindrisio tra Sei e Settecento, 2008

SESMA LANDRIN Nicolás, La médula del régimen: el instituto de estudios políticos: creación doctrinal, acción legislativa y formación de elites para la dictadura franquista (1939-1997), 2009 SIERHUIS Freya, A Babel Full of Confusion: Politics, literature and the stage during the Arminian controversy, 1610-1630, 2009 SIMON Vera,

Nationalfeiertage in einem transnationalen Europa: Vergleichende Überlegungen zum 3. Oktober und 14. Juli, 2007

SKAARUP Bjørn Okholm,

Anatomy and Anatomists in Early Modern Spain: The anatomical revolution in an Iberian context, 1550-1600, 2009

SØRENSEN Anders Thornvig, Denmark, the Netherlands and European Agricultural Integration, 1945-1960, 2008

SUZUKI Hitoshi,

Digging for European Unity: The role played by the trade unions in the Schuman Plan and the European Coal and Steel Community from a German perspective, 1950-1955, 2007

SZANTO Mickaël, Les tableaux et la place de Paris. Structures et dynamiques d’un marché (1598-1683), 2008 TERRASA LOZANO Antonio,

Patrimonios aristocráticos y fronteras jurídico-políticas en la Monarquía Católica: los pleitos de la Casa de Pastrana en el siglo XVII, 2009


‘A Dangerous Man of the Enlightenment’: J.D. Åkerblad and egiptology and orientalism in times of revolutions, 2009

TOGNARINI Niccolò, The Race for the Arabian Audience: Italian and British propaganda in the Mediterranean in 1930s: a transnational perspective, 2008 TRÜPER Henning, Topography of a Method: François Louis Ganshof and the writing of history, 2008 TURNER VOAKES Lucy, English Liberal Culture and the Italian Question, c. 1850-1918, 2009

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VADENBRING Joanna, Collective Identities, Integration and Resistance during the Scanian War 1676-1679, 2009 VIOLA Antonella,

Italians in India, 1860-1920: Trades, traders, trading networks, 2008

VORDERWÜLBECKE Janou, How the International Women’s Movement Discovered the ‘Troubles’, 1968-1981, 2008 WALIGORSKA Magdalena,

The Contemporary Klezmer Revival in Kraków and Berlin as a Jewish / Non-Jewish Encounter, 2009


Dreamers, Dupes and Dynamiters: Political violence and the transnational flows of Irish nationalism, 1865-1885, 2009


A Fresh Outburst of the Old Terror?: Jewish-born volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, 2008


Une langue en quête d’une nation : le débat sur la langue d’oc au XIXe siècle, 2009

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Department of Law tah r et si celse s

Ph.D. Theses

CAHILL Maria Catherine,


CAUNES Karine, Le principe de primauté du droit de l’Union Européenne : contribution à l’étude de la nature juridique de l’Union Européenne et des rapports de système européens, 2009

ARTIRAN Nazmiye Pinar, Any Law that is Rarely Complied With is a Bad Law: An analysis of GATT article XXIV: selected issues from the EU and NAFTA, 2009



D’ASCOLI Silvia,

The Europeanization of Services of General Economic Interest: Remarks on particular cross-sectoral substantial and organizational features, 2009

Theory of European Bund, 2009

BESSELINK Thieu, Two Faces of Authorithy: The leader’s tragic quest, 2009 BORZSÁK Levente,

A Green Way Out? Or the effects of environmental protection on the public enforcement mechanism, 2008 BOUSSARD Helene,

The Universal Declaration of the Human Genome and Human Rights: UNESCO’s contribution to the development of the universal law of bioethics, 2008

BROWN Rory Stephen,

Fighting Monsters: The AngloAmerican alliance against terror, 2009

Committed Constitutionalism: Europe and the circumstances of good, 2007

Law and Governance in the Institutional Organisation of EU Financial Services: The Lamfalussy procedure and the single supervisor revisited, 2009 Sentencing in International Criminal Law: The approach of the two UN ad hoc tribunals and future perspectives for the International Criminal Court, 2008

DAWSON Mark, New Governance and the Proceduralisation of European Law: The case of the open method of coordination, 2009 DOCZEKALSKA Agnieszka,

All Originals: Fiction and reality of multilingual legal drafting in the European Union and Canada, 2009


The Europeanisation of Remedies and Procedures Through Judge-Made Law: Can a Trojan horse achieve effectiveness? Experiences of the Swedish judiciary, 2009 D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 2 1 1

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FAYOLLE Laurence, Naissance et influence de la notion d’explotation sexuelle enfantine : etude des incriminations et sanctions pertinentes et de la participation de l’enfant victime au cours de la phase préparatoire en droit comparé (Angleterre et Pays de Galles, France et, 2008 GIBBS Alun H., Thinking Constitutionally about the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, 2009 GRAMAXO ROZEIRA Gustavo, A origem da lei: o lugar da iniciativa legislativa no procedimento legislativo parlamentar, 2009

HERNÁNDEZ GUERRERO Vanessa, Tax Incentives under the Initiatives Against Harmful Tax Competition, the EC Treaty Provisions on State Aid and the WTO Agreement on Subsidies, 2007 HOPPE Carsten,

Passing the Buck: State responsibility for the conduct of private military companies, 2009

JERÓNIMO Patrícia, Identidade, cidadania, alteridade Portugal ainda entre a Europa e o Atlântico, 2008 Kjaer Poul F., Between Governing and Governance: On the emergence, function and form of Europe’s post-national constellation, 2008

GRUSZCZYNSKI Lukasz, Regulating Human and Environmental Health Risks under the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures: A critical analysis, 2008



LÖÖF Robin,

Droit international pénal, droit humanitaire et droits de l’homme : vers une convergence des trois domaines normatifs?, 2008

HENDRY Jennifer,

Unitas in diversitate?: On legal cultures and the Europeanisation of law, 2009

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Theory and Practice of EC External Trade Law and Policy, 2007 Defending Liberty and Structural Integrity: A social contractual analysis of criminal justice in the EU, 2008

MAC AMHLAIGH Cormac Seamus, L’État, c’est quoi ? : The concept of the state on trial in the European constitutional polity, 2007

MACHNICKA Agnieszka, Protection of Trademarks with a Reputation in a Comparative Perspective: One aspect of the European integration and a safeguard of the National identities, 2008


MADIEGA Tambiana, Interaction between EC Competition Law and Sector-Specific Regulation in Converging Electronic Communications Markets, 2007

MORARU Milena,


Development-based Differentiation in the European Community’s External Trade Policy: Selected issues under Community and International Trade Law, 2008

MARZO Claire, La dimension sociale de la citoyenneté européenne, 2009 MAZMANYAN Armen,

Enforcement of Articles 81 and 82 EC before National Courts Post-Courage: Enhancing a community policy or shifting a community law paradigm?, 2008 Corporate Social Responsability in the Global Village, 2009


Integrating Human Rights in WTO Law on Cultural and Educational Goods and Services, 2009

MOTA PINTO Alexandre Cardoso,

The Europeanization of Legal Capital: Searching for new ways of protecting creditors in limited liability companies, 2007 NOWAK Bartlomiej,

Finding Optimal Design for Constitutional Courts: The perspective of democratization in post-soviet countries, 2009

Electricity and Gas Market Liberalization in the EU as a Part of the Internal Energy Market Strategy: A cross-country study - and a lesson for Poland, 2009




RALLI Tommi, Justice through Legal Dispute, 2008

Rights of Participation in European Administrative Law: A rightsbased approach to participation in rulemaking, 2009

The Legal Effect of Community Agreements: Lessons from the Court, 2009

Sources et manifestations du principe de participation publique en matière d’environnement, 2007

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RÖDL Florian, Weltbürliches kollisionsrecht: über die form des kollisionsrechts und seine Gestalt im recht der Euroäischen Union, 2007


ROUSSEVA Ekaterina,

Representation and Identity: The right of persons belonging to minorities to effective participation in public affairs: content, justification and limits, 2007

The Application of Article 82 EC to Exclusionary Abuses: Evolution or revolution?, 2008 SAMKALDEN Channa, Believing in Secular States: Freedom of religion and separation of state and religion as legal concepts in Europe, 2008 SCHERR Kathrin Maria, The Principle of State Liability for Judicial Breaches: The case Gerhard Köber v. Austria under European Community law and from a comparative national law perspective, 2008 SKOUTARIS Nikos,

The Cyprus Issue: The four freedoms in a (member) state of siege: the application of the acquis communautaire in the areas not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus, 2009 SOBRINO Irene, Welfare State and Federalism: A constitutional viewpoint: the cases of Germany and Spain within the framework of the European Union, 2007

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Le statut normatif des décisions du juge constitutionnel en droit comparé, 2007


WU Chien-Huei, The WTO Memberships of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Macau, China: Their contribution to judicial settlement of trade disputes, 2009 WURTZBACHER Estelle,

La liberté d’expression sur l’internet : une approche comparée entre la France et les États-Unis, 2007

ZHANG Ping, Women’s Rights Protection and One-child Policy in China, 2009

LL.M. Theses CLARKE Tasneem, Investor responsibilities under international human rights standards: what potential in investment law?, 2008 JOSIPOVIC Ivona,

The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia’s approach to customary law: the case-study of the Mens Rea of imputed command responsibility, 2007


The Free Movement of Works of art within the European Union: Balancing the free movement of works of art with the protection of national treasures, 2008

WUNDER Annett,

The Usage of Solidarity in the Jurisdiction of the ECJ: Symbolism or a European legal concept?, 2008

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Depar tment of Political and Social Sciences theses

BALLI Volker,

DE FRANCO Chiara, War by images: From Kosovo to Afghanistan, 2008

Power and Gestalt of Political Concepts: A study of the emergence, nature and self-understanding of the Europe Union Polity, 2008

DE LA PORTE Caroline,

Explaining EU Decision-Making on Counter-Terrorism, 2008

The European level development and national level influence of the open method of coordination: the cases of employment and social inclusion, 2008

BOGAARDS Matthijs,

DÖRR Nicole,


The Making of Party Systems: Crafting in the new democracies of Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe, 2000

Listen Carefully: Democracy brokers at the European social forums, 2009


BOSCH Reinoud,

The Impact of EU Conditionality upon Democratisation: Comparing electoral competition and civil service reforms in post-communist Albania, 2007

Bringing Nuance into the Globalization Debate: Changes in US, Japanese and German management, with special reference to the impact of international finance, 2008

BRUNE Sophie-Charlotte,


Rethinking Targeted Sanctions, 2009

The Power-Politics of Counterproliferation: The United States and the nuclear nonproliferation regime (1993-2006), 2008

CHAMS EL DINE Chérine, Stratégies de survie de l’autoritarisme : gestion de l’élite gouvernante dans l’Irak de Saddam Hussein, 2007 CITI Manuele,

Patterns of Policy Evolution in the EU: The case of research and technology development policy, 2009

FERNANDES Tiago Luis, Patterns of Associational Life in Western Europe, 1800-2000: a comparative and historical interpretation, 2009 FOLEY Frank,

Similar Threat: Different responses France and th UK facing islamist terrorism, 2008

FUSACCHIA Alessandro,

Selection, appointment and redeployment of senior Commission officials, 2008

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How International Actors Interact: Explaining China’s engagement with the EU, 2002-2007, 2009 GAGATEK Wojciech, Political Parties at the European Level: Their organization and activities: the case of the European People’s Party and the Party of European Socialists, 2008

IBÁÑEZ GARZARÁN Zyab Luis, Access to Non-Vulnerable Part-Time Employment in the Netherlands, Spain and the UK, with Special Reference to the School and Local Government Sectors, 2007 JONKERS Koen,

GRIGOLO Michele,

Scientific Mobility and the Internationalisation of the Chinese Research System: The case of the plant molecular life sciences, 2008


KARAGIANNIS Yannis, Preference Heterogeneity and Equilibrium Institutions: The case of European competition policy, 2007

Human Rights and the City: Antidiscrimination laws and policies in New York and Barcelona, 2008

Jobless Couples in Europe: Comparative studies with longitudinal data, 2007

HATLESKOG ZEINER Hilde, The Uses of Legitimacy: Models of EU legitimacy assessed in light of the European Parliament’s debates on BSE and the Constitutional Treaty, 2008 HEIDBREDER Eva Gabriele,

KIES Raphaël, Promises and Limits of WebDeliberation, 2008 KRZYZANOWSKA Olga, What Drives Entrepreneurs?: A study of business formation by young people in Poland and Ireland, 2009

The Impact of Implementing Eastern Enlargement: Changing the European Commission’s action capacity, 2008


HOLTEN Anne-Louise, Are Industrial Districts Beatiful?: A multi level study of work and industrial relations in Herning-Ikast and Prato, 2008

LEHTONEN Tiia, Small States-Big Negotiations: Decisionmaking rules and small state influence in EU treaty negotiations, 2009

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The Politics of a Policy: Framing European security and defence policy, 2008


PARKS Louisa,

MCCOURT David, The Roles Nations Play: A study of Britain on the international stage, 1962-1999, 2008

PASTER Thomas, Choosing Lesser Evils: The role of business in the development of the German welfare state from the 1880s to the 1990s, 2009

Contested Caricatures: Dynamics of Muslims claims-making during the Muhammad caricatures controversy, 2008

MELONI Gabriella,

Wider Europe: The influence of the EU on neighbouring countries: the case of Russia and Ucraine, 2007

MILAN Stefania,

In the Corridors and in the Streets: A comparative study of the impacts of social movement campaigns in the EU, 2008

PELTONEN Hannes, Justified Non-Intervention?: International responsibility and grave humanitarian crises, 2008

Stealing the Fire: a study of emancipatory practices in the field of communication, 2009

PORTELA Clara, The Efficacy of Sanctions of the European Union: When and why do they work?, 2008

MONFORTE Pierre, Europeanization from Below?: Protest against ‘Fortress Europe’, 2008

RAJKOVIC Nikolas Milan, Explaining the Politics of Compliance Ad Hoc Justice in Serbia and Croatia, 2009

MOUALHI Djaouida, Les immigrantes maghrebines en Espagne et en Italie, 2008

REH Christine, The Politics of Preparation: Delegated decisions, arguing and constitutional choice in Europe, 2007

OBELENĖ Vaida, Discontinuity in Elite Formation: former Komsomol functionaries in the period of Post-communist transition in Lithuania and Belarus, 2009 OLSEN Espen D. H.,

Transnational European Citizenship: Tracing conceptions of citizenship in the European integration process, 2008

REITER Herwig,

Dangerous Transitions in the ‘New West’: youth, work and unemployment in post-Soviet Lithuania, 2008


Ideologia libertaria y movilización clandestina: el anarquismo español durante el franquismo (1939-1975), 2007

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SILVA Federico, Do Transnational Social Movements Matter?: Four cases studies assessing the impact of transnational social movements on the global governance of trade, labour, and finance, 2008

TRISCRITTI Fiorella, Promoting Democracy Abroad: The EU and Latin America, 1995-2005, 2008

SPANJE Joost Van,

UNGUREANU Camil, In Defense of Democratic Rhetoric and Decision: A comparative study of Haberma’s and Derrida’s recent work, 2008

STINGA Laurentiu,

VORISEK Michael, The Reform Generation: 1960s’ Czechoslovak sociology in a comparative perspectives, 2009

Pariah Parties: On the origins and electoral consequences of the ostracism of political parties in established democracies, 2009

Still Elected Dictators?: A study of executive accountability to the legislature in multi-party democracies across time: Italy (1947-2006), Argentina (19822006) and Romania (1992-2007), 2009

SZELEWA Dorota, Ideas, Rules, and Agency: Public bureaucrats and the evolution of family policies in Hungary and Poland, 2009 TALPIN Julien,

Schools of Democracy: How ordinary citizens become competent in participatory budgeting institutions, 2007

TEICHLER Thomas, Blow Up - Explaining European armaments cooperation from 1992 until 2005, 2008 TOMASZEWSKI Wojciech,

Multidimensional Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe: A crossnational perspective, 2009

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The European Union Response to Emergencies: A sociological neoinstitutionalist approach, 2009

WHITE Jonathan,

A Political Bond in Europe, 2007

WILSON Alex, Multi-level Party Politics in Italy and Spain, 2009 WITTROCK Jon, Beyond Burgenland and Kakanien?: Post-national politics in Europe: political justification and critical deliberation, 2008 YPI Lea Leman, Statist Cosmopolitanism, 2008


Department of Economics articles

AGUR Itai, DORRUCCI Ettore and MONGELLI Francesco Paolo

Testing the Links between Institutional Integration and Trade Deepening. Clues from Europe, Open Economies Review, 2007, 18, 5, 599-612 BANERJEE Anindya, MIZEN Paul and RUSSELL Bill

Inflation, Relative Price Variability and the Markup: evidence from the United States and the United Kingdom, Economic Modelling, 2007, 24, 82-100 BERGIN Paul R. and CORSETTI Giancarlo

The extensive margin and monetary policy, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008, 55, 7, 1222-1237 BEYER Andreas, FARMER Roger E. A., HENRY Jérôme and MARCELLINO Massimiliano

Factor Analysis in a Model with Rational Expectations, Econometrics Journal, 2008, 11, 2, 271-286 BISIN Alberto, GOTTARDI Piero and RAMPINI Adriano

CORSETTI Giancarlo

A Modern Reconsideration of the Theory of Optimal Currency Areas, European Economy Economic Papers, 2008, 308, 1-39 CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain

International Risk Sharing and the Transmission of Productivity Shocks, Review of Economic Studies, 2008, 75, 2, 443-473 CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain

High Exchange-Rate Volatility and Low Pass-through, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008, 55, 6, 1113-1128 CORSETTI Giancarlo and MULLER Gernot J.

Twin Deficits, Openness, and the Business Cycle, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2008, 6, 2-3, 404-413 COURTY Pascal and MARSCHKE Gerald

Making Government Accountable: Lessons from a Federal Job Training Program, Public Administration Review, 2007, 67, 5, 905-916

Managerial Hedging and Portfolio Monitoring, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2008, 6, 1, 158–209

COURTY Pascal and PAGLIERO Mario


COVIELLO Decio and BOBBA Matteo

Forecasting Euro Area Variables with German Pre-EMU Data, Journal of Forecasting, 2008, 27, 6, 465-481

Responsive Pricing, Economic Theory, 2008, 34, 235–259

Weak Instruments and Weak Identification, in Estimating the Effects of Education, on Democracy, Economics Letters, 2007, 96, 301-306 D e pa r tme nt o f Eco n o mi c s - 2 2 3



The Refoundation of Symmetric Equilibrium in Schumpeterian Growth Models, Journal of Economic Theory, 136, 1, 2007, 788-797 DELACOTE Philippe

Agricultural Expansion, Forest Products as Safety Nets and Deforestation, Environment and Development Economics, 2007, 12, 2, 235-249 DUYGAN Burcu and BUMP Jesse B.

Can Trade Help Poor People? The Role of Trade, Trade Policy and Market Access in Tanzania, Development Policy Review, 2007, 25, 3, 293-310 GALBIATI Roberto and GAROUPA Nuno

Keeping Stigma Out of Administrative Law: An Explanation of Consistent Beliefs, Supreme Court economic review, 2007, 15 GALLICE Andrea

Some Equivalence Results between Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria and Minimax Regret in 2x2 Games, Economics Bulletin, 2007, 3, 28, 1-8 GOYAL Sanjeev and VEGA‑REDONDO Fernando

Structural holes in social networks, Journal of Economic Theory, 2007, 137, 1, 460-492

2 24 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

GUISO Luigi and SCHIVARDI Fabiano

Spillovers in Industrial Districts, Economic Journal, 2007, 117, 516, 68-93 LANNE Markku and LUETKEPOHL Helmut

Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks via Changes in Volatility, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2008, 40, 6, 1131-1149 LUETKEPOHL Helmut

General-to-Specific or Specific-to-General Modelling? An Opinion on Current Econometric Terminology, Journal of Econometrics, 2007, 136, 1, 319-324 LUETKEPOHL Helmut

Problems Related to Over-identifying Restrictions for Structural Vector Error Correction Models, Economics Letters, 2008, 99, 3, 512-515 LUETKEPOHL Helmut and RODRIGUES Paulo M. M.

Unit Root and Cointegration Testing: Guest Editors’ Introduction, Econometric Theory, 2008, 24, 1, 1-6 MARCELLINO Massimiliano

A Linear Benchmark for Forecasting GDP Growth and Inflation?, Journal of Forecasting, 2008, 27, 4, 305-340

MARCELLINO Massimiliano and ROSSI Barbara

Model Selection for Nested and Overlapping Nonlinear Dynamic and Possibly Mis-specified Models, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2008, 70, s1, 867-893. MOTTA Massimo

Review of Michael Whinston’s ‘Lectures in Antitrust Economics, Competition Policy International, 2007, 3, 1, 312-320 PEREZ-ALONSO Alicia

A Bootstrap Approach to Test the Conditional Symmetry in Time Series Models, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2007, 51, 7, 3484-3504 PURNHAGEN Kai Peter and HAUZENBERGER Klemens

Das Verbot von Cross-Ticketing in den AGB von Flugbeförderungsverträgen und deren verbandsklagerechtliche Kontrolle – Eine ökonomische und rechtliche Analyse, Verbraucher und Recht (VUR), 2009, 4, 131-137

RAVN Morten O., SCHMITT-GROHE Stephanie and URIBE Martin

Pricing to Habits and the Law of One Price, American Economic Review, 2007, 97, 2, 232-238

RAVN Morten O. and SIMONELLI Saverio

Labor Market Dynamics and the Business Cycle: Structural Evidence for the United States, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2007, 109, 4, 743-777 SAURE Philip

Revisiting the Infant Industry Argument, Journal of Development Economics, 2007, 84, 1, 104-117 STÖLTING Sarah, KUESTER Keith and MULLER Gernot J.

Is the New Keynesian Phillips Curve Flat?, Economics Letters, 2009, 103, 39-41 TRENKLER Carsten, SAIKKONEN Pentti and LUETKEPOHL Helmut

Testing for the Cointegrating Rank of a VAR Process with Level Shift and Trend Break, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2008, 29, 2, 331-358 VIVIANO Eliana

Entry Regulations and Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Italian retail trade sector, Labour Economics, 2008, 15, 6, 1200-1222 ZWART Sanne

The mixed blessing of IMF intervention: Signalling versus liquidity support, Journal of Financial Stability, 2007, 3, 2, 149-174

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Department of History and Civilization articles


La constitución de un grupo autonomista cubano durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX, Alcores. Revista de historia contemporánea, 2007, 2 AGUILERA-MANZANO José María

El uso político de la epidemia de cólera morbo en La Habana, Canadian Journal of Latin America and Caribbean Studies, 2007, 64, 202-228 AGUILERA-MANZANO José María

Las corrientes liberales habaneras a través de las publicaciones periódicas de la primera mitad del siglo xix, Cuban Studies, 2007, 38, 125-153 AGUILERA-MANZANO José María

Publicaciones periódicas e imprentas de La Habana entre 1824 y 1845 en los archivos cubanos y españoles, Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 2007, 64, 1 BARANOVA Olga

Nationalism, Anti-Bolshevism or the Will to Survive? Collaboration in Belarus under the Nazi Occupation of 19411944, European Review of History / Revue Européenne d’Histoire, 2008, 15, 2, 113-128, Special Issue: “Collaboration: A Comparative Perspective


Learning from the Germans? History and Memory in German and European Projects of Integration, PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 2007, 4, 2, Special Issue on ‘Contesting Eurovisions’ BLANCO SIO-LOPEZ Cristina

Los Limites del Plan D y los Horizontes del Dialogo Politico con la Ciudadania Europea, Spazio Europa. Rivista universitaria di riflessione politica europea, 2007, 12, 1-5 BLANCO SIO-LOPEZ Cristina

Memorias y Horizontes: El desarrollo de la idea de una Unificación Europea en la Tradición Intelectual del Centro y Este de Europa, Spazio Europa: Rivista universitaria di riflessione politica europea, 2007, 11, 1-4 CALVI Giulia

Kinship and Domestic Service in Early Modern Tuscany. Some case studies, L’Homme, 2007, 18, 1, 33-45 CEJVAN Ervik and SKODO Admir

Om att åter-vända till friheten och döden. Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Lacan, Forum för teoretiska interventioner, 2007, 2, 2-3, 10-33 CONRAD Sebastian

German Colonial History: New Trends and Perspectives, Mondo Contemporaneo. Rivista di Storia, 2007, 3, 105-115

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CONRAD Sebastian

Globalization Effects: Mobility and Nation in Imperial Germany, 1880-1914, Journal of Global History, 2008, 3, 1, 43-66 CHALLAND Benoit

Palestinesi contro. Una storia lunga quarant’anni, LIMES–Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, 2007, 5, 57-77 CHEN Bianca

Digging for Antiquities with Diplomats: Gisbert Cuper (1644-1716) and His Social Capital, Republics of Letters: A Journal for the Study of Knowledge, Politics, and the Arts, 2009, 1, 1 (Online) DESMAZIERES Agnès

Agostino Gemelli e gli intellettuali cattolici francesi nel secondo dopoguerra. La “nouvelle théologie” vista da Milano (1946-1951), Annali di storia moderna e contemporanea, 2007, 13, 159-192 DESMAZIERES Agnès

Henri Ey, «compagnon de route» des congrès catholiques internationaux de psychothérapie et de psychologie clinique (1955-1960), Cahiers Henri Ey, 2008, 20/21, 149-164 DESMAZIERES Agnès

La psychanalyse à l’Index ? Sigmund Freud aux prises avec le Vatican (19211934), Vingtième siècle, 2009, 102, 79-91

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Roland Dalbiez ou la philosophie thomiste à la rencontre de la psychanalyse (1928-1939), Recherches philosophiques, 2007, 3, 57-78 DONERT Celia

‘The Struggle for the Soul of the Gypsy’: Marginality and Mass Mobilization in Stalinist Czechoslovakia, Social History, 33, 2, 123-144 FEDERICO Giovanni

Ma l’agricoltura meridionale era davvero arretrata?, Rivista di Politica Economica, 2007, 97, 317-340 FEDERICO Giovanni

Market Integration and Market Efficiency. The case of 19th century Italy, Explorations in economic history, 2007, 44, 293-316 FEDERICO Giovanni and PAIXAO Ricardo

Market Power on the Colonial Frontier? Evidence from São Paulo 1800-1840, Revista de Historia Económica, 2009; 27, 1, 17-36 FEYS Torsten

Where All Passenger Liners Meet: the port of New York as a nodal point for the transatlantic migrant trade 1885-1895, The International Journal of Maritime History, 2007, XIX, 2



GEKAS Athanasios and KROKIDAS Panos


Zwischen Hofchronik, Amateurliteratur und Reportage: Autobiographisches Schreiben über ländliche Vergangenheit, Sozialwissenschaftliches Journal, 2007, 3, 1, 84 -101 Public Health in Crete under the rule of Mehmed Ali, Egypt/ Monde Arab, 2007, 10, 1 GEKAS Athanasios

‘An Untouchable in the Presence of Brahmins’ Lord Wavell’s Disastrous Relationship with Whitehall During His Time as Viceroy to India, 1943–7, Modern Asian Studies, 2007, 41, 3, 639-663 What place has an emigration past in an immigration present? Ireland and Italy compared, Italian Studies in Southern Africa, 2008, 21, 1&2, 134-157

The South Asia Textiles Industry in a Globalizing World; 8th GEHN Meeting, Pune, India, 18-20 December 2005, Textile History, 2007, 37, 2, 203-204

HAUPT Heinz-Gerhard

GEKAS Athanasios

Fra leire til forbruksvare. Teglsteinens vei til forbruksvare på slutten av 1700-tallet, Heimen, 2007, 3

Thesmoi kai Eksousia stin Poli tis Kerkyras sta mesa tou 19ou aiona [Institutions and Power in Corfu Town in the Mid-nineteenth Century], Istor, 2007, 15, 107-144 GERWARTH Robert and HAUPT HeinzGerhard

Internationalising Historical Research on Terrorist Movements in Twentieth-Century Europe, European Review of History / Revue européenne d’histoire, 2007, 14, 3, 275-281 GIRARD Pascal

Socialistes et communistes, 1944-1948: des relations fondées sur la peur?, Recherche socialiste, 2007, 39-40

Comparative History – a contested method, Historisk Tidskrift, 2007, 127, 4, 697-716 HUTCHISON Ragnhild,


Cold War and Hot Metal: American Strategic Materials Policy, the Marshall Plan and the Loan to the Sunndal Smelter, Cahiers d’histoire de l’aluminium, 2007, 2, 125-144, Special Issue INGULSTAD Mats, CARBONELL Mauve, FROLAND Hans Otto and GRINBERG Ivan

Introduction, Cahiers d’histoire de l’aluminium, 2007, 2, Special Issue

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Métis als „Vielheiten”. Die Ethnogenese kanadischer Mischlinge in Diskursen des 17. bis 20. Jahrhunderts, Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien, 2007, 50, 1, 58-77 KOKKINEN Arto, JALAVA Tapio, HJERPPE Jukka Riitta and HANNIKAINEN Matti

Catching up in Europe: Finland’s Convergence with Sweden and the EU15, Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2007, 55, 2, 153-171 KUNNAS Jan

Potash, Saltpeter and Tar. Production, Exports and Use of Wood in Finland in the 19th Century, Scandinavian Journal of History, 2007, 32, 3, 281-311 KUNNAS Jan and MYLLYNTAUS Timo

Postponed Leap in Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Impacts of Energy Efficiency, Fuel Choices and Industrial Structure on the Finnish Energy Economy, 1800 - 2005, Global Environment, 2009, 3, 154-189 KUNNAS Jan and MYLLYNTAUS Timo

The Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis and Air Pollution in Finland, Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2007, 55, 2, 101-127 LEDESMA José Luis

El 1936 más opaco: las violencias en la zona republicana durante la Guerra Civil y sus narrativas, Historia Social, 2007, 58, 151-168

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Collaboration in Wartime France, 1940–1944, European Review of History, 2008, 15, 2, 157–177 LUNA GONZALEZ Adriana

La recepcion de ideas de Gaetano Filangieri en Jose Maria Luis Mora: un primer acercamiento al contexto constitucional mexicano, Istor. Revista de Historia Internacional, 2007, VIII, 29, 120-149 LUNA GONZALEZ Adriana

Naturaleza humana y “amor propio”: descifrando el lenguaje de la jurisprudencia natural en Cádiz, Revista internacional de filosofía política, 2008, 32, 24-36 LUNA GONZALEZ Adriana

Religión y política: Ciencia de la Legislación de Gaetano Filangieri, Revista Cauces de la Facultad de Derecho, 2007, V, 19-21 NOIRET Serge

Informatica, storia e storiografia: la storia si fa digitale, Memoria e Ricerca, 2008, 28, May-August, 189-201 NOIRET Serge

Publications on Financial History, 2005, Financial History Review, 2007, 14, 2, 229-285


Publications on Financial History, 2006, Financial History Review, 2008, 15, 2, 203-261 NOKKALA Ere Pertti

Debatten mellan J.H.G. von Justi och H.L. von Heß om frihetstidens författning, Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, 2009, 94, 1, 20-55 NOKKALA Ere Pertti

The Machine of State in Germany - The Case of Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi (1717-1771), Contributions to the History of Concepts, 2009, 5, 1, 71-93 PATEL Kiran Klaus and LIPPHARDT Veronika

Neuverzauberung im Gestus der Wissenschaftlichkeit, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2008, 34, 4, 425–454 PRUTSCH Markus J.

Empire oder Imperial Overstretch?‚ Weltmacht USA’ – Anspruch und Realität, Österreichische Militärische Zeitschrift, 2007, 6, 696-700 RAPPAS Alexis

The Elusive Polity: Imagining and Contesting Colonial Authority in Cyprus During the 1930s, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 2008, 26, 2, 363-397 ROMANO Antonella

Clavio: el surgimiento de la disciplina matemática, Artes de Mexico, 2007, 82, 21-28

ROMANO Antonella

Penser les savoirs au large, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, 2008, 55, 2, 7-18 ROMANO Antonella

Rome, un chantier pour les savoirs de la catholicité post-tridentine, Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, 2008, 55, 2, 101-120 ROMANO Antonella and VAN DAMME Stéphane

Penser, structurer et contrôler la mobilité intellectuelle dans la catholicité post-tridentine. Les enseignants jésuites et l’espace méditerranéen, MEFRIM, 2007, 119, 1, 185-206 SCHNYDER Marco

Potere contrattuale, comunicazione e negoziazioni attraverso le Alpi. Sovrani e sudditi nel Corpo elvetico durante l’Antico regime, Histoire des Alpes – Storia delle Alpi – Geschichte der Alpen, 2007, 12 SKODO Admir

Outline of a Theory of the Person for Historical-Biographical Study, The International Journal of the Humanities, 2009, 7, 1, 59-70 SKODO Admir

Post-analytic Philosophy of History, Journal of the Philosophy of History, 2009, 3, 3, 308-333

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SMITH Stephen Anthony

‘Spasenie dushi v Sovetskoi Rossii’ [‘Saving the Soul in Soviet Russia’], Neprikosnovennyi Zapas, 2009, 64, 2 SMITH Stephen Anthony

Bones of Contention: Bolsheviks and the Exposure of Saints’ Relics, 1918-30, Past and Present, 2009, 204, 155-94 SMITH Stephen Anthony

Forum o forume (ili o sostoainii diskussionnogo polia nauki) [Contribution to Forum on Dialogue in the Humanities and Social Sciences], Antropologicheskii Forum, 2009, 10, 124-130 SMITH Stephen Anthony

Gli anni di Mao: storia e politica del presente, Passato e Presente: rivista di storia contemporanea, 76, 2009, 5-26 SMITH Stephen Anthony

Year One in Petrograd, New Left Review, 2008, 52, July-August, 151-160 VAN DER LINDEN Huub

Alberti, Quid Tum?, and the Redemption of Terence in Early Renaissance Humanism, Albertiana, 2008-2009, 11-12, 83-104 WALIGORSKA Magdalena

Der Fiedler als Feigenblatt. Die Politisierung des Klezmers in Polen, Osteuropa, 2008, 58, 8-10, 395-407

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Fiddler as a Fig Leaf: The Politicization of Klezmer in Poland, Osteuropa, 2008, 8-10, 227-238, Special Edition: Impulses for Europe: Tradition and Modernity in Eastern European Jewry WHELEHAN Niall

Skirmishing, The Irish World, and Empire, 1876–86, ÉireIreland, 2007, 42, 1-2, 180-200 YUN-CASALILLA Bartolome

‘Localism’, Global History and Transnational History. A Reflection from the Historian of Early Modern Europe, Historisk Tidskrift, 2007, 127, 4, 659-678 YUN-CASALILLA Bartolome

Immagine è ideologia sociale nell’Europa del Seicento: Lavoro e famiglia in Murillo e Martínez de Mata, Dimensioni e problemi de la Ricerca Storica, 2008, 1, 185-208

Department of Law articles


BELAVUSAU Uladzislau



How the Theory of Dialectical Antitrust Perceives the Role of Competition Authorities, Global Antitrust Review, 2009, 2, 92-100 The Legal Nature of Premium Sports Events: ‘IP or not IP - That is the Question’, The International Sports Law Journal, 2008, 3-4, 54-72 AVBELJ Matej

The Perplexing Novelty of European Integration, University College Dublin Law Review, 2007, Symposium Edition, 65-74 AVBELJ Matej and LETNAR CERNIC Jernej

The Conundrum of the Piran Bay: Slovenia v. Croatia - The Case of Maritime Delimitation, Journal of International Law and Policy, 2007, 5, 1-19 BAEZ SEARA David

De los principios juridicos a las convenciones inclusivas externas: lo que la racionalidad insinua, Cuadernos Electronicos de Filosofia del Derecho, 2007 (Online) BASCHIERA Marinella

Dialogo antagonista tra la Corte di Giustizia delle Comunità Europee e corti nazionali: armonizzazione e responsabilità del fornitore- distributore”, comment on ECJ’s case C-402/03, Nuova Giurisprudenza Civile Commentata, 2007, 1, 80-92

The Case of Laval in the Context of the Post-Enlargement EC Law Development, German Law Journal, 2008, 9, 12, 2279-2308 Flexibility and Enhanced Cooperation in the European Union, Challenge Europe, 2007, 17, 26 BROWN Rory Stephen

Torture, Terrorism, and the Ticking Bomb, Journal of International Law and Policy, 2007, 4, 1, 1-33 CAUNES Karine

Et la fonction exécutive européenne créa l’Administration à son image : retour vers le futur de la comitologie, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, 2007, 43, 2, 297-346 CUNHA Mario

Responsabilidade civil dos médicos, dos hospitais e das seguradoras e operadoras de planos de assistência à saúde por erro médico (Legal responsability of healthcare providers, hospitals, insurance companies and health plans services due to medical error), Revista Jurídica da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, 2007, 23, 1, 83-99

D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 2 3 3



As ações individuais para o fornecimento de medicamentos no âmbito do SUS: caracteristicas dos conflitos e limites para a atuação judicial, Revista de Direito Sanitário, 2009, 10, 1, 13-38 D’ASCOLI Silvia

Sentencing Contempt of Court in International Criminal Justice: An Unforeseen Problem Concerning Sentencing and Penalties, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2007, 5, 3, 735-756


De deconstructie van het Constitutioneel Verdrag, SEW – Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 2007, 55, 7-8, 256-257 DE WITTE Bruno

L’évolution des droits linguistiques (1983-2008), Revista de Llengua i Dret, 2009, 51, 47-61 DE WITTE Bruno

Los derechos europeos de las minorías, Revista española de derecho europeo, 2008, 28, 411-432 FIDALGO DE FREITAS Tiago


The Ambiguity of Social Europe in the Open Method of Coordination, European Law Review, 2009, 34, 1, 55-79

Portuguese Migration Law. A Constitutional and Administrative Overview, European Review of Public Law, 2009, 21, 1, 345-401


FRANCA FILHO Marcilio Toscano

Passive Access to Environmental Information in the EU – An Analysis of Recent Legal Developments, European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 2008, 17, 4, 186-198 DE ABREU FERREIRA Sofia

The Fundamental Right of Access to Environmental Information in the EC: a Critical Analysis of wwf-EPO v. Council, Journal of Environmental Law, 2007, 19, 3, 399-408

2 34 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Westphalia: a Paradigm? A Dialogue between Law, Art and Philosophy of Science, German Law Journal, 2007, 8, 10, 955-975 FRANCIONI Francesco

Au-delà des traités: l’émergence d’un nouveau droit coutumier pour la protection du patrimoine culturel, Revue Générale de Droit International Public, 2007, 1, 19-42

GABOR Barbara

HENDRY Jennifer

GILMORE Gráinne and RIJPMA Jorrit J.

HESELHAUS Sebastian F. and PURNHAGEN Kai Peter

Restructurations et interactions entre politiques sociales et fiscales nationales. Une réponse européenne au dumping social ?, Revue internationale de droit économique, 2008, 22, 2, 247-265 Joined Cases C-317/04 and C-318/04 (Case Note), Common Market Law Review, 2007, 44, 1081-1099

GODICKE Patrick and PURNHAGEN Kai Peter

Academical Revision of BSG Judgment B 9a/9 VJ 2/04 R, Medizinrecht, 2007, 1, 59-64 GRUSZCZYNSKI Lukasz

Risk Management Policies under the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy, 2008, 3, 261-308 GRUSZCZYNSKI Lukasz

The SPS Agreement within the Framework of WTO Law. The Rough Guide to the Agreement’s Applicability, The Icfai University Journal of International Business Law, 2008, 7, 4, 9-32 HENDRY Jennifer

Contemporary Comparative Law: Between Theory and Practice - Review of Esin Örücü & David Nelken’s Comparative Law: A Handbook, German Law Journal, 2008, 9, 12, 1313-1323

Governance, Proceduralisation and Justice: Some Challenges to the Legal Paradigm, Law and Critique : Special Issue on Governance, Civil Society & Social Movements, 2008, 19, 3, 345-361

Vandalismus im Wahlkampf – Zur Rechtmäßigkeit eines Kostenbescheides im Polizeirecht, Studentische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft Heidelberg, 2007, 129-151 HÖS Nikolett

Közösségi jog - tagállami munkajog - az Európai Bíróság Viking és Laval esetekben hozott döntéseinek jelentosége, Európai Jog , 2008, 8, 1, 21-35 HOWELLS Geraint, MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and WILHELMSSON Thomas

Towards a better understanding of unfair commercial practices, International Journal of Land and Management, 2009, 51, 2, 69-90 IGLESIAS RODRIGUEZ Pablo and ARIAS MOREIRA Xose Carlos

El sistema judicial español: una revisión de los principales problemas de la oferta y demanda de tutela judicial, Presupuesto y Gasto Público, 2007, 47, 137-170 KJAER Poul

Systems in Context: On the Outcome of the Habermas/Luhmann-debate, Ancilla Iuris Yearbook, 2006/2007, 1/2, 66–77 D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 2 3 5



The Societal Function of European Integration in the Context of World Society, Soziale Systeme. Zeitschrift für Soziologische Theorie, 2007, 13, 1/2, 367-378 MARZO Claire

Citoyenneté sociale et restructurations, Revue internationale de droit économique, 2008, 22, 2, 267-286 MARZO Claire

Le Parlement européen, vecteur de citoyenneté sociale ?, Les Petites Affiches, 2009, 116, 77-81 MARZO Claire

Restructurations et citoyenneté sociale européenne, Revue internationale de droit économique, 2008, 22, 2, 267-286 MARZO Claire

Vers une citoyenneté sociale européenne, Droit Social, 2007, 2, 218-224


The Ruling Laval un Partneri: clarification and innovation, European Law Reporter, 2008, 1, 2-9 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

VTB v. Sanoma – Vollharmonisierung im Lauterkeitsrecht, Verbraucher und Recht, 2009, 29, 110-115 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and ATAMER Yesim M.

The Implementation of EU Consumer Protection Directives in Turkey, Penn State Law Journal, 2009, 27, 3-4, 551-607 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and CAFAGGI Fabrizio

Collective Enforcement of Consumer Law: a framework for comparative assessment, European Review of Private Law, 2008, 16, 391-425 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and KESSLER Jürgen

MATEJ Avbelj

Questioning EU Constitutionalisms, German Law Journal, 2008, 9, 1, 1-26

Das neue UWG – auf halben Wege nach Europa, Verbraucher und Recht, 2009, 29, 88-95


MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and REICH Norbert

The ECJ Rules Again on the German Law on Posted Workers (AEntG), European Law Reporter, 2007, 11, 413-419

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Der Kommissionsvorschlag v. 8.10.2008 für eine Richtlinie über „Rechte der Verbraucher“, oder: „der Beginn des Endes einer Ära….“, EuZW, 2009, 279-286

MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and REICH Norbert


Unfair Terms in the Draft Common Frame of Reference Comments on the Occasion of the Tartu Conference on Recent Development in European Private Law, Juridica International, 2008, 1, 58-68

Reform of UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Bodies: A Critique of the Concept Paper on the High Commissioner’s Proposal for a Unified Standing Treaty Body, Human Rights Law Review, 2007, 7, 1, 141-172

MOREAU Marie-Ange


Les restructurations d’entreprise et les politiques européennes : quelles interactions ? Introduction, Revue internationale de droit économique, 2008, XXII, 2, 127-141 MOREAU Marie-Ange

Négociation collective transnationale : réflexions à partir des accords-cadres internationaux du groupe ArcelorMittal, Droit social, 2009, 1, 93-102 MULLER Wim

Bewijs verkregen als gevolg van bedreiging met foltering: is een ‚giftige vrucht‘ wel altijd een verboden vrucht? Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens 30 juni 2008, Gäfgen t. Duitsland (appl. no. 22978/05), NJCM bulletin : Nederlands tijdschrift voor de mensenrechten, 2009, 34, 1, 22-41 O’BRIEN Claire

Entrenching Social Citizenship: the case for social and economic rights, Renewal, 2008, 16, 1, 45-57

Human Rights, International Economic Law and ‘Constitutional Justice’, European Journal of International Law, 2008, 19, 4, 769-798 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

Human Rights, International Economic Law and ‘Constitutional Justice’: A Rejoinder, European Journal of International Law, 2008, 19, 5, 955-960 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich,

International ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitutional Justice in International Investment Law and Arbitration, Indiana Journal of International Law, 2009, 16, 513-534 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

Judging Judges: From ‘Principal-Agent Theory’ to ‘Constitutional Justice’ in Multilevel Judicial Governance of Economic Cooperation among Citizens, Journal of International Economic Law, 2008, 11, 827-884

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Multilevel Judicial Governance as Guardian of the Constitutional Unity of International Economic Law, Loyola International and Comparative Law Review, 2008/2009, 30, 101-152 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

Multilevel Judicial Governance of International Trade Requires a Common Conception of Rule of Law and Justice, Journal of International Economic Law, 2007, 10, 3, 529-552 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

Why Rational Choice Theory Requires a Multilevel Constitutional Approach to International Economic Law - A response to the case against reforming the WTO enforcement mechanism, University of Illinois Law Review , 2008, 1, 359-382 PETROV Roman

Exporting the Acquis Communautaire into the Legal Systems of Third Countries, European Foreign Affairs Review, 2008, 13, 1, 33-52 PONCIBÒ Cristina

Il consumatore medio, Contratto e impresa / Europa, 2007, 12, 2, 734-757 PONCIBÒ Cristina

Private Certification Schemes as Consumer Protection: Viable Supplement to European Regulation?, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2007, 31, 6, 656-661 2 38 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


The Average Consumer, the Unfair Commercial Practice Directive and the Cognitive Revolution, Journal of Consumer Policy, 2007, 30, 1, 21-38 PURNHAGEN Kai Peter

Die Auswirkungen des Bologna-Prozesses auf qualifizierte Nachfolgeklauseln im Gesellschaftsrecht – Zur Vergleichbarkeit von Bachelor- und Masterabschlüssen mit den traditionellen deutschen Hochschulabschlüssen vor dem Hintergrund eines gemeinsamen europäischen Wirtschaftsraumes, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 2008, 19, 6, 175-176 PURNHAGEN Kai Peter

Grundlagen der Rechtsphänomenologie, Jura, 2009, 31, 661-669 PURNHAGEN Kai Peter

The Challenge of Globalization in Pharmaceutical Law: Is an International Drug Approval System Modeled after the European System Worth Considering?, Food and Drug Law Journal, 2008, 63, 3, 623-645 PURNHAGEN Kai Peter and HAUZENBERGER Klemens

Das Verbot von Cross-Ticketing in den AGB von Flugbeförderungsverträgen und deren verbandsklagerechtliche Kontrolle – Eine ökonomische und rechtliche Analyse, Verbraucher und Recht (VUR), 2009, 4, 131-137

REICH Norbert and MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang


Crónica de una muerte anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a ‘Directive on Consumer Rights, Common Market Law Review, 2009, 46, 471-519

Solange, Constitutional Courts in Central Europe-Democracy- European Union, European Law Journal, 2008, 14, 1, 1-35

RIJPMA Jorrit J.

Death Penalty, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, (Online edition)

Case C-77/05, United Kingdom v. Council, Judgement of the Grand Chamber of 18 December 2007, not yet reported, and Case C-137/05, United Kingdom v. Council, Judgement of the Grand Chamber of 18 December 2007, not yet reported, Common Market Law Review, 2008, 45, 3, 835-852 ROGOWSKI Marcin

Agresywne Praktyki Handlowe oraz ich Implementacja do Prawa Polskiego, Monitor Prawniczy, 2008, 2, 79-88 SADURSKI Wojciech



Security, Right to, International Protection, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, (Online edition) SCHERR Kathrin

Public Liability for Administrative Acts under French Law, European Public Law, 2008, 14, 2

Juridical Coups d’etat – All Over The Place. Comment on “The Juridical Coup d’etat and the Problem of Authority” by Alec Stone Sweet, German Law Journal, 2007, 8, 10, 935-940



The Application of the acquis communautaire in the Areas Not under the Effective Control of the Republic of Cyprus: The Green Line Regulation, Common Market Law Review, 2008, 45, 3, 727-755

Legitimacy, Political Equality, and Majority Rule, Ratio Juris, 2008, 21, 1, 39-65 SADURSKI Wojciech

Protection of Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of Constitutional Courts and of Accession to the EU, Sravnitelnoe Konstitutsionnoe Obozrenie, 2007, 58, 1, 90-101

Private Legal Transplants in Negotiated Deals, European Company and Financial Law Review, 2007, 4, 1, 79-125 SKOUTARIS Nikos

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Damages for Schneider Electric: Setting the Standards for Community’s Non-Contractual Liability, European Law Reporter, 2008, 5, 158-161 ECJ’s Ruling in Beef Industry Case: Competition Law Must Be Observed at All Times, European Law Reporter, 2008, 12, 402-406 SVETLICINII Alexandr

Piercing the Corporate Veil: Imposition of Fines on Associations of Undertakings for Violation of EC Competition Law, European Law Reporter, 2009, 3, 92-97 Telecommunications Mergers under the EC Competition Law and US Antitrust Law: Substantive Assessment and Procedural Cooperation, Cambridge Student Law Review, 2008, 4, 1, 22-39

Efficiency Defence in the Merger Control Regimes of EC and Republic of Serbia: A Comparative Perspective, Legal Life. Journal for Legal Theory and Practice of the Jurists Association of Serbia, 2007, 14, VI, 241-256

VADI Valentina


VADI Valentina


VADI Valentina


VADI Valentina

Enforcement of Competition Law in the Republic of Moldova: One Year On, European Competition Law Review, 2008, 29, 9, 532-539 Exploring the Role of Legal Presumptions under the ‘Convincing Evidence’ Standard in EC Merger Control, ICC Global Antitrust Review, 2008, 1, 117-134 New Rules for Commercial Arbitration in the Republic of Moldova: A Step Forward?, European Business Law Review, 2009, 20, 5, 767-777

2 40 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Access to Essential Medicines and International Investment Law: The Road Ahead, Journal of World Investment and Trade, 2007, 8, 4, 505-532 Cultural Heritage & International Investment Law: A Stormy Relationship, International Journal of Cultural Property, 2008, 15, 1, 1-23 Intangible Heritage: Traditional Medicine and Knowledge Governance, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2007, 10, 2, 682-691 Investing In Culture: Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Investment Law, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 2009, 42, 3, 1-52

VADI Valentina

Mapping Uncharted Waters: Intellectual Property Disputes With Public Health Elements in Investor-State Arbitration, Transnational Dispute Management, 2009, 6, 2 (Online) VADI Valentina

Sapere Aude! Access to Knowledge as a Human Right and a Key Instrument to Development, International journal of communications law and policy (IJCLP), 2008, 12, 345-368

ZILLER Jacques

Droit à une bonne administration, Juris-Classeur Libertés, 2007, 1040 ZILLER Jacques

Il trattato modificativo del 2007 : sostanza salvata e forma cambiata del trattato costituzionale del 2004, Quaderni costituzionali - Rivista italiana di diritto costituzionale, 2007, 4, 875-891

VADI Valentina

The Multilateral Trade Regime: Which Way Forward? A Look at the Warwick Report, Global Trade and Customs Journal, 2008, 3, 6, 203-215 VADI Valentina

Towards Arbitral Path Coherence & Judicial Borrowing: Persuasive Precedent in Investment Arbitration, Transnational Dispute Management, 2008, 5, 3 VAN VOOREN Bart

EU-EC External Competences after the Small Arms Judgment, European Foreign Affairs Review, 2009, 14, 1, 7-24 VAN VOOREN Bart

The Small Arms Judgment in an Age of Constitutional Turmoil, European Foreign Affairs Review, 2009 14, 2, 231-248

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Depar tment of Political and Social Sciences articles


ANDRETTA Massimiliano and MOSCA Lorenzo

Marcel Mauss — Durkheimien oder Eigenständiger KLASSIKER der Französischen Soziologie?, Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 2007, 2, 231-251

I sentieri della partecipazione. Colloquio con Alessandro Pizzorno, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 2008, 1, 0, 175-188


BAJOMI Ivan and BRUSZT Laszlo

Effects of Divorce on Children’s Educational Attainment in a Mediterranean and Catholic Society, European Societies, 2009, 11, 1, 137-159

Rejtett valasztovonalak nyomaban/ In the search of invisible cleavages, Iskolakultura, 2007, 17, 2, 93-108 BARDI Luciano and MAIR Peter

ALBERTINI Marco KOHLI Martin and VOGEL Claudia

Intergenerational Transfers of Time and Money in European Families: Common Patterns — Different Regimes?, Journal of European Social Policy, 2007, 17, 4, 319-334 ALTERI Luca, ANDRETTA Massimiliano, MOSCA Lorenzo [et al.]

Introduzione. La sfida di Partecipazione e Conflitto”, Partecipazione e Conflitto, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 2008, 1, 0, 5-14 ALVAREZ Michael R., HALL Thad E. and TRECHSEL Alexander H.

Internet Voting in Comparative Perspective: The Case of Estonia, PS: Political Science & Politics, 2009, 42, 3, 497-505

The Parameters of Party Systems, Party Politics, 2008, 14, 2, 147-166 BASER Bahar

Home Thoughts from Abroad: The Variable Impacts of Diasporas on Peace-Building with Feargal Cochrane and Ashok Swain, Studies in conflict and terrorism, 2009, 32, 8, 681–704 BASER Bahar

Third Party Mediation in NagornoKarabakh, Journal of Central Asian & Caucasian Studies, 2008, 3, 5, 86-114 BASER Bahar and SWAIN Ashok

ANDRETTA Massimiliano and DÖRR Nicole

Diaspora Design Versus Homeland Realities: Case Study of Armenian Diaspora, Caucasian Review of International Affairs, 2009, 3, 1, 45-62

Imagining Europe: Internal and External Non-State Actors at the European Crossroads, European Foreign Affairs Review, 2007, 12, 3, 385–400

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Global Justice, Freedom of Movement and Democratic Citizenship, European Journal of Sociology/Archives européennes de sociologie, 2009, 50, 1, 1-31


Small Parties: From Party Pledges to Government Policy, West European Politics, 30, 1, 2007, 121-147 BRUSZT Laszlo


Stakeholder Citizenship and Transnational Political Participation. A Normative Evaluation of External Voting, Fordham Law Review, 2007, 75, 5, 2393-2447

Multi-level Governance—the Eastern Versions: Emerging Patterns of Regional Developmental Governance in the New Member States, Regional and Federal Studies, 2008, 18, 5, 607-627




BRUSZT Laszlo and VEDRES Balazs


BÜGER Christian and GADINGER Frank

BERGSTROM Carl-Fredrik, FARRELL Henry and HERITIER Adrienne

BÜGER Christian and GADINGER Frank

The Global Odysseys of Liberal Multiculturalism, Ethnicities, 2008, 8, 2, 251-254 The Rights of Others and the Boundaries of Democracy, European Journal of Political Theory, 2007, 6, 4, 98-405 What Went Wrong with Liberal Multiculturalism, Ethnicities, 2008, 8, 2, 271-276

Legislate or Delegate? Bargaining over Implementation and Legislative Authority in the EU, West European Politics, 2007, 30, 2, 338-366

2 44 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Wielopoziomowy system rzadzenia - Przyklady wschodnie, Zarzadzanie Publiczne, 2008, 1, 5-25 The Politics of Civic Combinations, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit, 2008, 19, 2, 140-160 Praktisch Gedacht! Praxistheoretischer Konstruktivismus in den Internationalen Beziehungen, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 2008, 15, 2, 273-302 Reassembling and Dissecting: International Relations Practice from a Science Studies Perspective, International Studies Perspectives, 2007, 8, 1, 90-110

BÜGER Christian and VILLUMSEN Trine,


BUKODI Erzsebet



DELLA PORTA Donatella and MOSCA Lorenzo

Beyond the Gap: Relevance, Fields of Practice and the Securitizing Consequences of (Democratic Peace) Research, Journal of International Relations and Development, 2007, 10, 4, 417-448 Social Stratification and Cultural Consumption in Hungary, Book readership, Poetics, 2007, 35, 112-131

Sorgimiento de Movimientos Europeos? Sociedad civil y Union Europea, Agora: Revista de ciencias sociales, 2008, 17, 2, 9-36

Review Symposium: The theory and practice of multicultural theorizing, Ethnicities, 2008, 8, 2, 261-265 CHWASZCZA Christine

Beyond Cosmopolitanism: towards a nonideal account of transnational justice, Ethics and Global Politics, 2008, 1, 3, 115-138 DAVITER Falk

Policy Framing in the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy, 2007, 14, 4, 654-666 DELLA PORTA Donatella

Protest on Unemployement: Forms and Opportunities, Mobilization: The International Quarterly Review in Social Movements, Protest, and Contentious Politics, 2008, 13, 3, 277-296

In Movimento: ‘contamination’ in action and the Italian Global Justice Movement, Global Networks: A journal of transnational affairs, 2007, 7, 1, 1-28 DRONKERS Jaap

Declining Homogamy of AustrianGerman Nobility in the 20th Century? A Comparison with the Dutch Nobility, Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 2008, 33, 2, 262-284 DRONKERS Jaap and HÄRKÖNEN Juho

Grandi opere e protesta: sindome Nimby o riappropriazione della politica? (Intervista a cura di Cesare Panizza), Quaderno di Storia Contemporanea, 2008, 44, 89-104

The intergenerational Transmission of Divorce in Cross-national Perspective: Results from the Fertility and Family Survey, Populations Studies, 2008, 62, 3, 273-288

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Educational Performance of Native and Immigrant Children from Various Countries of Origin, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2008, 31, 8, 1404-1425 DRONKERS Jaap and ROBERT Peter

Differences in Scholastic Achievement of Public, Private GovernmentDependent, and Private Independent Schools: A Cross-National Analysis, Educational Policy, 2008, 22, 541-577 DRONKERS Jaap and ROBERT Peter

School Choice in the Light of the Effectiveness Differences of Various Types of Public and Private Schools in 19 OECD Countries, Journal of School Choice, 2008, 2, 3, 260-301 ELBASANI Arolda

Mixed Member Electoral Systems in Transition Contexts: How Has the System Worked in Albania?, CEU Political Science Journal, 2008, 3, 1, 72-92 FARRELL Henry and HERITIER Adrienne

Codecision and Institutional Change, West European Politics, 2007, 30, 2, 285-300 FARRELL Henry and HERITIER Adrienne

Introduction: Contested Competences in the European Union, West European Politics, 2007, 30, 2, 227-243

2 46 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Authoritarian Regimes and ProDemocracy Semi-Oppositions: The End of the Portuguese Dictatorship (1968-1974) in Comparative Perspective, Democratization, 2007, 14, 4, 686-705 FLEISCHMANN Fenella and DRONKERS Jaap

De Sociaaleconomische Integratie van Immigranten in de EU. Een analyse van de effecten van bestemmings- en herkomstlanden op de eerste en tweede generatie.” [The socio-economic integration of immigrants in the EU. An analysis of the effects of countries of destination- and origin on first and second generation], Sociologie, 2008, 4, 37, 2 GLENCROSS Andrew

A Plausible Analogy? The European Union and the USA: Learning by Comparison, European Political Science, 2007, 6, 4, 352-360 GLENCROSS Andrew

Altiero Spinelli and the Idea of the US Constitution as a Model for Europe: The Promises and Pitfalls of an Analogy, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2009, 47, 2, 287-307



GOETZ Klaus H. MAIR Peter and SMITH Gordon

The Sustainability of Pension Reforms in Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe, South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs 2008, 11, 2, 185-197

Consensus to Contestation: Reconfiguring Democratic Representation in the EU in the Light of NineteenthCentury US Democratization, Democratization, 2008, 15, 1, 123-141

Trajectories of European Politics: An Introduction, West European Politics, 2008, 31, 1-2, 1-13



Mutual Recognition: Comparing Policy Areas, Journal of European Public Policy, 2007, 14, 5, 800-813


Faccionalismo e integración vertical en contextos multinivel. El caso del Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV), Papers: Revista de Sociologia, 2009, 92, 97-117

HERITIER Adrienne and ECKERT Sandra


Politicka Ekonomija Mirovinskih Reformi u Hrvatskoj 1991-2006, Financijska teorija i praksa, 2007, 31, 2, 89-150 GUARDIANCICH Igor

Southeast European Pension Systems and Three Types of Reform Unsustainability, Südosteuropa, 2008, 56, 4, 480-502 GUARDIANCICH Igor

The Political Economy of Pension Reforms in Croatia: 1991-2006, Financial Theory and Practice, 2007, 31, 2, 95-151

The New Pension Orthodoxy in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe: Lessons for Prospective Reformers, Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 2009, 1, 5-31

New Modes of Governance in the Shadow of Hierarchy: Self-regulation by Industry in Europe, Journal of Public Policy, 2008, 28, 1, 113-138 HERITIER Adrienne and LEHMKUHL Dirk

Introduction. The Shadow of Hierarchy and New Modes of Governance, Journal of Public Policy, 2008, 28, 1, 1-17 HINTZ Arne and MILAN Stefania

At the Margins of Internet Governance: grassroots tech groups and communication policy, International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 2009, 5, 1, 23-38

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HINTZ Arne and MILAN Stefania

Azione Collettiva e Governance della Comunicazione Globale: la sfida della partecipazione nei processi decisionali transnazionali, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 2009, 2, 111-134 HOYO Henio

Cuando las ideas se vuelven creencias útiles: el nacionalismo como instrumento politico [When Ideas Become Useful Beliefs: Nationalism as a Political Instrument], Foro Internacional, 2009, 49, 2, 370-402 JURIS Jeffrey S. CARUSO Giuseppe and MOSCA Lorenzo

Freeing Software and Opening Space: Social Forums and the Cultural Politics of Technology, Sociology beyond borders, 2008, 3, 96-117 KEATING Michael

A Quarter Century of the Europe of the Regions, Regional and Federal Studies, 2008, 18, 5, 629-635 KEATING Michael

Identifying the Nation, Ethnopolitics, 2007, 6, 4, 607-611 KEATING Michael

Putting European Political Science Back Together Again, European Political Science Review, 2009, 1, 2, 297-316

2 48 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Rescaling Europe, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 2009, 10, 1, 34-50 KEATING Michael

Scottish Independence, Scottish Affairs, 2009, 69, 95-112 KEATING Michael

Spatial Rescaling, Devolution and the Future of Social Welfare, Social Policy Review, 2009, 21, 269-84 KEATING Michael

Thirty Years of Territorial Politics, West European Politics, 2008, 31, 1-2, 60-81 KEATING Michael, CAIRNEY Paul and HEPBURN Eve

Territorial Policy Communities and Devolution in the UK, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2008, 1–16 KOHLI Martin

Altersgruppen und Generationen: Konfliktlinien und Integrationspotenziale., Journal für Generationengerechtigkeit 2008, 8, 3, 34-38 KOHLI Martin

Familienpolitik als Lebenslauf- und Generationenpolitik, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 2007, 36, 5, 396-400 KOHLI Martin

Generationengerechtigkeit, Trajekte, 2007, 14, 36-40

People’s Entrepreneurial Pursuits in Poland and Ireland, Polish Sociological Review, 2008, 164, 4, 417-435

KOHLI Martin

Il mondo che abbiamo dimenticato: una rassegna storica del corso di vita, La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 2007, 11-40


KOHLI Martin

The Institutionalization of the Life Course: Looking back to look ahead, Research in Human Development, 2007, 4, 253-271 KORTHALS Michiel

Ethics and Politics of Food; toward a deliberative perspective, Journal of Social Philosophy, 2008, 39, 3, 445-463


FTA+ statt Mitgliedschaft? Über ukrainische Interessenlagen und europäische Handlungsspielräume, Ukraine-Analysen, 2008, 44, 7-11


Looking Back from Somewhere: Reflections of what remains ”critical” in Critical, Review of International Studies, 2007, 33, Supplement S1, 25-45 KRATOCHWIL Friedrich


Of Communities, Gangs, Historicity and the Problem of Santa Claus: Replies to my Critics, Journal of International Relations and Development, 2007, 10, 1, 57-78 KRATOCHWIL Friedrich

Of False Promises and Good Bets: a plea for a pragmatic approach to theory building (the Tartu lecture), Journal of International Relations and Development, 2007, 10, 1, 1-15 KRZYZANOWSKA Olga

Etnische Diversiteit, Sociaal Vertrouwen in de Buurt en Contact van Allochtonen en Autochtonen met Buren. [Ethnic diversity, social trust in the neighbourhood and contact of migrants and natives with neighbours], Migrantenstudies, 2008, 24, 224-249

Do School Segregation and School Resources Explain Region-of-Origin Differences in the Mathematics Achievement of Immigrant Students?, Educational Research and Evaluation, 2007, 13, 5, 435-462 LEVELS Mark, DRONKERS Jaap and KRAAYKAMP Gerbert

Immigrant Children’s Educational Achievement in Western Countries: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects on Mathematical Performance, American Sociological Review, 73, 5, 835-853

Patterns of Self-Employment: An Empirical Comparison of Young D ep a r t m ent o f Po l i ti c a l a n d S o c i a l S c i e n ce s - 2 4 9


LITWIN Howard, VOGEL Claudia, KÜNEMUND Harald and KOHLI Martin

The Balance of Intergenerational Exchange: Correlates of net transfers in Germany and Israel, European Journal of Ageing, 2008, 5, 2, 91-102 LOPEZ-SANTANA Mariely

La ‘Internalización’ de la Estrategia Europea de Empleo en España?, Revista Española de Derecho Europeo, 2007, 21, 57-87 MAIR Peter

Electoral Volatility and the Dutch Party System: A Comparative Perspective, Acta Politica, 2008, 43, 2-3, 235-253 MAIR Peter

Governare il Vuoto? Lo svuotamento della democrazia occidentale, Quale Stato, 2007, 3-4, 281-316 MAIR Peter

Political Opposition and the European Union, Government and Opposition, 2007, 42, 1, 1-17

MAIR Peter,

¿Gobernar el Vacío?, New Left Review (español), 2007, 42, 22-48 MAVRODI Georgia

The Impact of the ECHR and the European Court of Human Rights on the Rights of Third Country Nationals in Greece, Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law, 2008, 22, 1, 45-62 MILAN Stefania

Communication for Development in Practice: a four-step path to implement community media needs in development projects, Development in Practice, 2009, 19, 4-5, 598-609 MILAN Stefania

What Makes you Happy? Insights into feelings and muses of community radio practitioners, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 2008, 5, 1, 25-43 MOLLER Jorgen

The Challenge to Party Government, West European Politics, 2008, 31, 1-2, 211-234

The Gap between Electoral and Liberal Democracy Revisited. Some Conceptual and Empirical Clarifications, Acta Politica, 2007, 42, 4, 380-400

MAIR Peter


MAIR Peter

The Way We Work Now, European Political Science, 2009, 8, 2, 143-150

2 50 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Wherefore the Liberal State?, East European Politics & Societies, 2007, 21, 2, 294-315

MORILLAS Juan Rafael

PEACE Timothy

Assets, Earnings Mobility and the Black/White Gap, Social Science Research, 2007, 36, 2, 808-833

L’impact de la « participation musulmane » sur le mouvement altermondialiste en Grande-Bretagne et en France, Cultures & Conflits, 2008, 70, 109-128

MOSCA Lorenzo

Partecipare Comunicando in una Società Mediatizzata: una introduzione, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 2009, 1, 7-18

PEACE Timothy

Un antisemitisme nouveau? The Debate about a ‘New Antisemitism’ in France, Patterns of Prejudice, 2009, 43, 2, 103-121

MOSCA Lorenzo and CALENDA Davide

The Political Use of the Internet: Some insights from two surveys of Italian students, Information, Communication & Society, 10, 1, 29-47


L’Emergence et la consolidation des partis écologistes au sein de systèmes partisans institués: Une comparaison entre la Grande-Bretagne et l’Allemagne, Écologie et Politique, 2009, 38, 1-13

ORTE Andreu and WILSON Alex

Multi-level Coalitions and Statute Reform in Spain, Regional & Federal Studies, 2009, 19, 3, 415-436


La despolitización de la política Europea y el dilema del déficit democrático, Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, 2009, 27, 24-41


From Hierarchy to Networks: Transatlantic Governance of Homeland Security, Journal of Global Change and Governance, 2007, 1, 1, 1-22 PAWLAK Patryk


The External Dimension of Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Hijacker or Hostage of Cross-pillarisation?, Journal of European Integration, 2009, 31, 1, 25-44

Sanktionen der EU. Wirksamkeit durch Stigmatisierung?, SWPAktuell, 2007, 63, 1-8 PORTELA Clara

Six Authors in Search of a Notion: (In)Coherence in EU Foreign Policy and its Causes, Hamburg Review of Social Sciences, 2008, 3, 1 (Online)

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RADL Jonas

Individuelle Determinanten des Renteneintrittsalters – Eine empirische Analyse von Übergängen in den Ruhestand, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 2007, 36, 43–64 RADL Jonas

Individuelle Determinanten des Renteneintrittsalters, Wirtschaft und Statistik, 2007, 5, 511–520 RASMUSSEN Anne

Challenging the Commission’s Right of Initiative? Conditions for institutional change and stability, West European Politics, 2007, 30, 2, 244-264 ROSSI Federico Matías

Youth Political Participation: Is This the End of Generational Cleavage?, International Sociology, 2009, 24, 4, 467-497 SOBCZAK Anna

Wplyw Procesu Europeizacji na Wspolprace Miedzy Instytucjami Lokalnymi w Miastach Europejskich. Analiza Porownawcza Krakowa i Glasgow / The Impact of the Europeanization Process on the Cooperation Between Local Institutions in European Cities. The comparative analysis of Krakow and Glasgow, Zarzadzanie Publiczne, 2008, 2, 45–66

2 52 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

SPIESER Catherine

Les Fonds Structurels Européens : quels outils pour faire face aux restructurations ? Expériences et réalisations passées, Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, 2008, 22, 2 STEINMO Sven, VÅRHEIM Andreas and IDE Eisaku

Do Libraries Matter? On the Creation of Social Capital, Journal of Documentation, 2008, 64, 6, 877-892 STOECKL Kristina

A New Anthropology: Sergej S. Khoružij’s search for an alternative to the Cartesian subject in Ocerki sinergijnoj antropologii, Studies in East European Thought, 2007, 59, 3, 237-245 STOECKL Kristina

The Lesson of the Revolution in Russian Émigré Theology and Contemporary Orthodox thought, Religion, State, and Society, 2007, 35, 4, 285-300 TATHAM Michael Robert

Conceptualisation, Operationalisation, Cumulation? Exploring the Federalism variable in European politics research, Il Politico, 2008, 73, 3, 61-96 TATHAM Michael Robert

Going Solo: Direct Regional Representation in the European Union, Regional and Federal Studies, 2008, 18, 5, 493-515

TATHAM Michael Robert

La dernière nation sans Etat du royaume? L’épineuse question de la dévolution au pays de la Rose, Babel, 2008, 17, 45-92 TRECHSEL Alexander H.

Inclusiveness of Old and New Forms of Citizens’ Electoral Participation, Representation, 2007, 43, 2, 111-121

Is There a European Way of War? Role Conceptions, Organizational Frames and the Utility of Force, Armed Forces and Society, 2009, 35, 4, 628-645

Regions, Minorities and European Integration. A Case Study on the Muslims in Thrace, Romanian Journal of Political Science, 2007, 6, 1, 101-126



One Electorate or Many? Differences in Party Preference Formation Between New and Established European Democracies, Electoral Studies, 2008, 27, 4, 589-600



Welfare Provision beyond National Boundaries: The Politics of Migration and Elderly Care in Italy, Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 2008, 3, 87-113

Penser les guerres nouvelles : la doctrine militaire en questions, Pouvoirs. Revue française d’études constitutionnelles et politiques, 2008, 125, 81-92 VENNESSON Pascal, BREUER Fabian, DE FRANCO Chiara and SCHROEDER Ursula


The Endogenous Economy: ‘Real’ Economic Conditions, Subjective Economic Evaluations and Government Support, Acta Politica, 2007, 42, 1, 1-22


Coalition Formation and Party Systems in the Italian Regions, Regional and Federal Studies, 2009, 19, 1, 57-72 WILSON Alex

The Italian Election of April 2008: A Political Earthquake?, West European Politics, 2009, 32, 1, 215-225 WILSON Alex and KEATING Michael

Renegotiating the State of Autonomies: Statute Reform and Multi-level Politics in Spain, West European Politics, 2009, 32, 3, 536-558 YPI Lea Leman

Political Membership in the Contractarian Defense of Cosmopolitanism, The Review of Politics, 2008, 70, 3, 442-472

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YPI Lea Leman

Sovereignty, Cosmopolitanism and the Ethics of European Foreign Policy, European Journal of Political Theory, 2008, 7, 349-364 YPI Lea Leman

Statist Cosmopolitanism, Journal of Political Philosophy, 2008, 16, 1, 48-71 ZUTAVERN Jan

What Role for the Numbers in Text Analysis? Resuming Franzosi’s Journey from Words to Numbers, Concepts & Methods. Newsletter of the IPSA Committee on Concepts and Methods, 2007, 3, 1, 8-11

2 54 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies articles


CAMINATI Mauro, INNOCENTI Alessandro and RICCIUTI Roberto

European Integration, Regional Change and Minority Mobilisation: An Introduction, Romanian Journal of Political Science, 2007, 6, 1, 6-24

Drift and Equilibrium Selection with Human and Computer Players, Economics Bulletin, 2008, 3, 19, 1-7 CASARINI Nicola

Europa e Cina nello spazio, Aspenia, 2008, 13, 4, 207-212

AVERY Graham

Uses of Time in the EU’s Enlargement Process, Journal of European Public Policy, 2009, 16, 2, 256-269


Fifty Years of European Integration: An interpretative framework, EU Studies in Japan, 2008, 28, 1-26

Europe-China Relations and the New Significance of Central and Eastern European Countries, International Issues & Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs, 2007, XVI, 3, 3-17

BERGIN Paul R. and CORSETTI Giancarlo


BERGSTROM Carl-Fredrik FARRELL Henry and HERITIER Adrienne



The Extensive Margin and Monetary Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008, 55, 7, 1222-1237

The International Politics of the Chinese Arms Embargo Issue, The International Spectator, 2007, 42, 3, 371-389

Legislate or Delegate? Bargaining over Implementation and Legislative Authority in the EU, West European Politics, 2007, 30, 2, 338-366 BRIGHI Elisabetta

Europe, the US and the ‘Policy of the Pendulum’: The Importance of Foreign Policy Paradigms in the Foreign Policy of Italy (1989-2005), Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 2007, 9, 2, 99-115

What Role for the European Union in Asia? An Analysis of the EU’s Asia Strategy and the Growing Significance of EU-China Relations, Current Politics and Economics of Asia, Special Issue on the European Union and Asia, 2008, 17, 1, 59-82 CASSARINO Jean-Pierre

Conditions of Modern Return Migrants - Editorial Introduction, International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 2008, 10, 2, 95-105

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Informalising Readmission Agreements in the EU Neighbourhood, The International Spectator, 2007, 42, 2, 179-196 CASSARINO Jean-Pierre

CORSETTI Giancarlo, MARTIN Philippe and PESENTI Paolo

Productivity, Terms of Trade and the ‘Home Market Effect’, Journal of International Economics, 2007, 73, 1, 99-127

The ‘New Approach’ to the Readmission of Illegal Persons: Operability versus Transparency, This Century’s Review, 2007, 01

Twin Deficits, Openness, and the Business Cycle, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2008, 6, 2-3, 404-413

CASSARINO Jean-Pierre and GUARNIERI Antonella


CORSETTI Giancarlo


Quando la decisione individuale di tornare nel proprio paese fa la differenza, NeoDemos: Popolazione, società e politiche, September 2007 A Modern Reconsideration of the Theory of Optimal Currency Areas, European Economy Economic Papers, 2008, 308, 1-39 CORSETTI Giancarlo DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain

International Risk Sharing and the Transmission of Productivity Shocks, Review of Economic Studies, 2008, 75, 2, 443-473

CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain

High Exchange-Rate Volatility and Low Pass-Through, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008, 55, 6, 1113-1128

2 56 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

CORSETTI Giancarlo and MULLER Gernot J.

The Refoundation of Symmetric Equilibrium in Schumpeterian Growth Models, Journal of Economic Theory, 136, 1, 2007, 788-797 Undermining the Principle of Concentration? European Union Regional Policy and the Socio-economic Disadvantage of European Regions, Regional Studies, 2009, 43, 1, 111-133 CRESCENZI Riccardo and RODRÍGUEZ‑POSE Andrés

Infrastructure Endowment and Investment as Determinants of Regional Growth in the European Union, European Investment Bank Papers, 2008, 13, 2, 62-101


FARRELL Henry and HERITIER Adrienne

The Territorial Dynamics of Innovation: a Europe–United States comparative analysis, Journal of Economic Geography, 2007, 7, 6, 673-709 DA CONCEICAO-HELDT Eugénia

Assessing the Impact of Issue Linkage in the Common Fisheries Policy, International Negotiation, 2008, 13, 2, 285-300 DEL SARTO Raffaella

Wording and Meaning(s): EU-Israeli Political Cooperation According to the ENP Action Plan, Mediterranean Politics, 2007, 12, 1, 59-75

FARRELL Henry and HERITIER Adrienne

Introduction: Contested Competences, the European Union, 2007, 30, 2, 227-243 GEVA Dorith

Capifamiglia o coscritti? Origini di genere della coscrizione militare negli Stati Uniti durante la prima Guerra mondiale, Contemporanea: rivista di storia dell’800 e del ’900, 2009, 1, 29-52 GIORDANI Paolo and ZAMPARELLI Luca

The Importance of Industrial Policy in Quality-Ladder Growth Models, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2008, 8, 1, 1379-1379

DIMITROVA Antoaneta and TOSHKOV Dimiter

The Dynamics of Domestic Coordination of EU Policy in the New and Candidate Member-States, West European Politics, 2007, 30, 5, 961-987 ELBASANI Arolda

EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans: Strategies of Borrowing and Inventing, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 2008 10, 3, 293-307 FARGUES Philippe

Codecision and Institutional Change, West European Politics, 2007, 30, 2, 285-300

GLACHANT Jean-Michel and HALLACK Michelle

Take-or-Pay Contract Robustness: A three step story told by the Brazil-Bolivia gas case?, Energy Policy, 2009, 37, 2, 651-657 GLACHANT Jean-Michel, RIOUS Vincent, DESSANTE Philippe and PEREZ Yannick

Work, Refuge, Transit: An Emerging Pattern of Irregular Immigration South and East of the Mediterranean, International Migration Review, 2009, 43, 3, 544–577

L’insuffisance des signaux de localisation pour la coordination entre la production et le transport d’électricité dans les systèmes électriques libéralisés, Revue économique, 2009, 60, 3, 819-830

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Droits de l’homme et tyrannie: de l’importance de la distinction entre esprit critique et esprit de critique, Recueil Dalloz, 2009, 238-243 HENNETTE-VAUCHEZ Stéphanie

Words Count. How Interest in Stem Cells made the Embryo Available. A Look at the French Law on Bioethics, Medical Law Review, 2009, 17, 1, 52-75 HERITIER Adrienne and ECKERT Sandra

New Modes of Governance in the Shadow of Hierarchy: Self-regulation by Industry in Europe, Journal of Public Policy, 2008, 28, 1, 113-138

JANSEN Jos, JEON Doh-Shin and MENICUCCI Domenico

The Organization of Regulated Production: Complementarities, Correlation and Collusion, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2008, 26, 1, 327-353 MATTIL Peter and MÖSLEIN Florian

The Language of the Prospectus: Europeanisation and investor protection, Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, 2008, 23, 1, 27-30 MENY Yves

An ‘Institutional’ Triangle with only Two Poles?, Challenge Europe, 2007, 16, 18-25

HERITIER Adrienne and ECKERT Sandra

MENY Yves and MORAVSCIK Andrew



Self-Regulation by Associations. Collective Action Problems in European Environmental Regulation, Business and Politics, 2009, 11, 1 (Online) Introduction. The Shadow of Hierarchy and New Modes of Governance, Journal of Public Policy, 2008, 28, 1, 1-17 HOFMANN Stephanie C.

Overlapping Institutions in the Realm of International Security: The Case of NATO and ESDP, Perspectives on Politics, 2009, 7, 1, 45-52

2 58 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Discutono di democrazia europea, Il mulino: Rivista bimestrale di cultura politica, 2009, 3, 457-466

Islamic Ruling in a “Jewish and Democratic” State: Cooptation through Islamization of the Shari`a Field, Mishpat Umimshal, Law and Government, 2008, 11, 2, 435-473 MONTERESCU Daniel and RABINOWITZ Dan

Reconfiguring the ‘Mixed Town’: Urban Transformations of EthnoNational Relations in Palestine/ Israel, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 2008, 40, 2, 195-226




PATEL Kiran Klaus and LIPPHARDT Veronika

Das Europäische Recht unternehmerischer Strukturmaßnahmen, Juristische Arbeitsblätter (JA), 2007, 39, 12, 833-839 Inhaltskontrolle aktienrechtlicher Entsenderechte: Europäische Anforderungen und Ausgestaltung im deutschen Aktienrecht, Die Aktiengesellschaft (AG), 2007, 21, 770-777 MÖSLEIN Florian

Unternehmensumwandlungen und Wahlfreiheit im Europäischen Gesellschaftsrecht, HumboldtForum Recht, 15/2007 La langue du prospectus d’émission et la protection des investisseurs, Revue de droit bancaire et financier, 2007, 4, 43-50 Italy: Saving a National Airline - Alitalia’s Restructuring Plan and Compliance With EC Law [Case Alitalia v. Commission (T-301/01)], Public Law, 2009, 405-406 PALADINI Luca

Italy: Validity of VAT Amnesty [Cases Commission v. Italy (C-132/06) and Commission v. Italy (C-174/07)], Public Law, 2009, 406-407

Neuverzauberung im Gestus der Wissenschaftlichkeit, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2008, 34, 4, 425–454 RANCI Pippo

How Regulatory Risks May Affect Security of Electricity Supply, European Review of Energy Markets, 2007, 2, 2, 131-146 RASMUSSEN Terje

MÖSLEIN Florian and MATTIL Peter


Le missioni di pace dell’Unione europea e il rispetto dei diritti dell’uomo, Storicamente, 2008, 4

Techno-Politics, Internet Governance and some Challenges Facing the Internet, Oxford Internet Institute, Research Report, October, 2007, 15 RICCIUTI Roberto

Bringing Macroeconomics into the Lab, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2008, 30, 1, 216-237 SMITH-DOERR Laurel

Decoupling Policy and Practice: How Life Scientists Respond to Ethics Education, Minerva, 2008, 46, 1, 1-16 TORP Cornelius

Fifteen Years of European Review of History, European Review of History/Revue Européenne d’Histoire, 2008, 15, 14-16

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Sustainable Social Spending in a Greying Economy with Stagnant Public Services: Baumol’s cost disease revisited, FinanzArchiv, 2007, 63, 4, 519-547 VAUCHEZ Antoine

The Force of a Weak Field. Law and Lawyers in the Government of Europe, International Political Sociology, 2008, 2, 2, 128-144 VAUCHEZ Antoine

Un argument de poids: Le chiffre dans le gouvernement de la justice, Revue française d’administration publique, 2008, 125, 111-125 VENNESSON Pascal

Penser les guerres nouvelles : la doctrine militaire en questions, Pouvoirs. Revue française d’études constitutionnelles et politiques, 2008, 125, 81-92 VENNESSON Pascal, BREUER Fabian, DE FRANCO Chiara and SCHROEDER Ursula

Is There a European Way of War? Role Conceptions, Organizational Frames and the Utility of Force, Armed Forces and Society, 2009, 35, 4, 628-645

2 60 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

M a x We b e r Pro g ra m m e articles


Marcel Mauss — Durkheimien oder eigenständiger Klassiker der französischen Soziologie?, Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 2007, 2, 231-251


Bartolomeo Eustachi, il compasso e la cartografia del corpo umano, Quaderni storici, 2009, 130, 1, 93-124 ANDRETTA Elisa


El uso político de la epidemia de cólera morbo en La Habana, Canadian Journal of Latin America and Caribbean Studies, 2007, 64, 202-228

La « censure » du Lunarium de Cesare Santi. Conflits de juridiction et affrontements médicaux, Mélanges de l’Ecole Française de Rome, 2008, 120, 2, 407-423



La constitución de un grupo autonomista cubano durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX, Alcores. Revista de historia contemporánea, 2007, 2 AGUILERA-MANZANO José María

Las corrientes liberales habaneras a través de las publicaciones periódicas de la primera mitad del siglo XIX, Cuban Studies, 2007, 38, 125-153 AGUILERA-MANZANO José María

Publicaciones periódicas e imprentas de La Habana entre 1824 y 1845 en los archivos cubanos y españoles, Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 2007, 64, 1 ANDREEV Evgueni M., HOFFMANN Rasmus, CARLSON Elwood D., SHKOLNIKOV Vladimir M. and KHARKOVA Tatiana L.

Concentration of Working-Age Male Mortality among Manual Workers in Urban Latvia and Russia, 1970-1989, European Societies, 11, 1, 2009, 161-185

Learning from the Germans? History and Memory in German and European Projects of Integration, PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 2007, 4, 2, Special Issue on ‘Contesting Eurovisions’ BEKIROS Stelios D.

A Robust Algorithm for Parameter Estimation in Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models, Economics Letters, 2009, 103, 1, 36-38 BERMAN Nicolas and BERTHOU Antoine

Financial Market Imperfections and the Impact of Exchange Rate Movements on Exports, Review of International Economics, 2009, 17, 1, 103-120 BÜTIKOFER Sarah, ENGELI Isabelle and BALLMER-CAO Thanh-Huyen

L’impact du mode de scrutin sur l’élection des femmes à l’Assemblée fédérale, Swiss Review of Political Science, 2008, 14, 4, 631-661

M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 2 6 1


BUKODI Erzsebet

Social Stratification and Cultural Consumption in Hungary, Book readership, Poetics, 2007, 35, 112-131 DELLA PORTA Donatella and MOSCA Lorenzo

In movimento: ‘contamination’ in action and the Italian Global Justice Movement, Global Networks: A journal of transnational affairs, 2007, 7, 1, 1-28 DELORI Mathias

Les pères fondateurs de l’OFAJ croyaientils en leurs mythes ?, Allemagne d’aujourd’hui, 2009, 187, 47-61 DOBLHAMMER Gabriele and HOFFMANN Rasmus

Gender Differences in Trajectories of Health Limitations and Subsequent Mortality. A study based on the German Socio-Economic Panel 19952001 with a mortality follow up 20022005, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 2009, June (Online) DOBLHAMMER Gabriele, HOFFMANN Rasmus, MUTH Elena and WESTPHAL Anne Kruse

A Systematic Literature Review of Studies Analyzing the Effects of Sex, Age, Education, Marital Status, Obesity and Smoking on Health Transitions, Demographic Research, 2009, 20, 5, 37-64

2 62 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

ENGELI Isabelle

La problématisation de la procréation médicalement assistée en France et en Suisse. Les aléas de la mobilisation féministe, Revue Française de Science Politique, 2009, 59, 2, 203-219 ENGELI Isabelle

The Challenges of Abortion and ART Policies in Europe, Comparative European Politics, 2009, 7, 1, 56-74 FIGUEROA Marcello

La expedición de la naturaleza americana: sobre unos gustos metropolitanos y algunas recolecciones coloniales, Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas, 2008, 45, 297-324 GALBIATI Roberto and GAROUPA Nuno

Keeping Stigma Out of Administrative Law: An Explanation of Consistent Beliefs, Supreme Court Economic Review, 2007, 15 (Online) GEKAS Athanasios

The South Asia Textiles Industry in a Globalizing World; 8th GEHN Meeting, Pune, India, 18-20 December 2005, Textile History, 2007, 37, 2, 203-204 GEKAS Athanasios

Thesmoi kai Eksousia stin Poli tis Kerkyras sta mesa tou 19ou aiona [Institutions and Power in Corfu Town in the Mid-nineteenth Century], Istor, 2007, 15, 107-144

GEKAS Athanasios and KROKIDAS Panos



JURIS Jeffrey S., CARUSO Giuseppe and MOSCA Lorenzo

Public Health in Crete under the Rule of Mehmed Ali, Egypt/ Monde Arab, 2007, 4, 3, 35-54

Le dinamiche di coalizione nella politica pensionista dell’Europa continentale, Rivista italiana di politiche pubbliche, 2009, 3, 53-86 HAEUSERMAN Silja and BONOLI Giuliano

Arm oder reich? – erst bei Krankheit bedeutungslos, Demografische Forschung aus erster Hand, 2008, 5, 3, 1-4

Freeing Software and Opening Space: Social Forums and the Cultural Politics of Technology, Sociology Beyond Borders, 2008, 3, 96-117

Who Wants What from the Welfare State? Socio-Structural Cleavages in Distributional Politics: Evidence from Swiss Referendum Votes, European Societies, 2009, 11, 2, 211-232


HERWARTZ Helmut and XU Fang

The Epilogue in the MOX Plant Dispute: An end without Findings, European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 2009, 4, 180-184

A New Approach to Bootstrap Inference in Functional Coefficient Models, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2009, 53, 6, 2155-2167 HERWARTZ Helmut and XU Fang

Panel Data Model Comparison for Empirical Saving-Investment Relations, Applied Economics Letters, 2009, 16, 8, 803–807 HERWARTZ Helmut and XU Fang

Reviewing the Sustainability/Stationarity of Current Account Imbalances with Tests for Bounded Integration, The Manchester School, 2008, 76, 3, 267-278

Joined Cases C-402/05 and 415/05 (Kadi) and (Al Barakaat), Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 2009, 36, 157-183 LAVRANOS Nikolaos


The Solange-Method as a Tool for Regulating Competing Jurisdictions Among International Courts and Tribunals, Loyola Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review, 2008, 30, 3, 275-334 LAVRANOS Nikolaos and VIELLIARD Nicolas

Competing Jurisdictions between MERCOSUR and WTO, The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2008, 7, 2, 205-234 M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 2 6 3



Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights: Analyzing the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, Miskolc Journal of International Law, 2009, 6, 1, 24-34 LIXINSKI Lucas

Limitando la libertad de asamblea con base en daños a terceros. El balance de libertades económicas y derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea y en el MERCOSUR, Revista de Derecho Privado y Comunitario, 2008, 3, 811-832 LOPEZ-SANTANA Mariely

¿La ‘Internalización’ de la Estrategia Europea de Empleo en España?, Revista Española de Derecho Europeo, 2007, 21, 57-87 MORILLAS Juan Rafael

Assets, Earnings Mobility and the Black/White Gap, Social Science Research, 2007, 36, 2, 808-833 MOSCA Lorenzo

MayDay Parade. Movilizaciones juveniles contra la precariedad laboral, Revista de Estudios de Juventud, 2007, 75, 75-97 MOSCA Lorenzo and CALENDA Davide

The Political use of the Internet: Some insights from two Surveys of Italian Students, Information, Communication & Society, 10, 1, 29-47 2 64 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

MURO Diego

The Politics of War Memory, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2009, 32, 4, 1-20, 659-678 OLMOS GIUPPONI Maria Belen, BIANCONI Ginestra and MARSILI Matteo

Assessing the Relevance of Node Features for Network Structure, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009, 106, 28, 11433-11438 OLMOS GIUPPONI Maria Belen, BIANCONI Ginestra, GALLA Tobias and MARSILI Matteo

Effects of Tobin Taxes in Minority Game markets, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009, 70, 231-240 PEREZ-ALONSO Alicia

A Bootstrap Approach to test the Conditional Symmetry in Time Series Models, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2007, 51, 7, 3484-3504 PETROV Roman

Exporting the Acquis Communautaire into the Legal Systems of Third Countries, European Foreign Affairs Review, 2008, 13, 1, 33-52 PONCIBÒ Cristina

Il consumatore medio, Contratto e impresa / Europa, 2007, 12, 2, 734-757 PONCIBÒ Cristina

Private Certification Schemes as Consumer Protection: Viable Supplement to European

Regulation?, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2007, 31, 6, 656-661 PONCIBÒ Cristina and INCARDONA R.

The Average Consumer, the Unfair Commercial Practice Directive and the Cognitive Revolution, Journal of Consumer Policy, 2007, 30, 1, 21-38 QUIRICO Ottavio

La théorie de la négligence dans le Statut de la Cour pénale internationale, Revue générale de droit international public, 2009, 113, 2, 333-364 RASMUSSEN Anne

Challenging the Commission’s Right of Initiative? Conditions for institutional change and stability, West European Politics, 2007, 30, 2, 244-264 RONZONI Miriam

The Global Order: A Case of Background Injustice? A PracticeDependent Account, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 2009, 37, 3, 229–256

SAURE Philip

Revisiting the Infant Industry Argument, Journal of Development Economics, 2007, 84, 1, 104-117 SERIU Naoko

Formation des opinions militaires face aux autorités dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle, Les Cahiers d’Histoire Culturelle, 2008, 19, 63-71 SLEPCEVIC Reinhard

The Judicial Enforcement of EU Law through National Courts: possibilities and limits, Journal of European Public Policy, 2009, 16, 3, 378-394 VALENTINI Chiara, BONGIOVANNI Giorgio ROTOLO Antonino and ROVERSI Corrado

The Structure of Social Practices and the Connection between Law and Morality, Ratio Juris, 2009, 22, 1, 1-23

VASHAKMADZE Mindia and AUST Helmut


What Makes a Basic Structure Just?, Res Publica, 2008, 14, 3, 203-218

Parliamentary Consent to the Use of German Armed Forces Abroad: The 2008 Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court in the AWACS/Turkey Case, German Law Journal, 2008, 9, 12, 2223-2236



On the Meta-ethical Status of Constructivism: Reflections on G. A. Cohen’s ‘Facts and Principles’, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, 2008, 7, 4, 403-422

The Mixed Blessing of IMF Intervention: Signalling versus liquidity support, Journal of Financial Stability, 2007, 3, 2, 149-174

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Contributions to Books

Department of Economics ao c r tnitcrliebsu t i o n s t o b o o k s


Simple Contributions of Game Theory to the Analysis of Consumer Boycotts in Ariel DINAR, José ALBIAC and Joaquín SÁNCHEZ-SORIANO (eds), Game Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and the Environment, 2008, 266-277 LANGUS Gregor and MOTTA Massimo

On the Effect of EU Cartel Investigations and Fines on the Infringing Firms’ Market Value in Claus-Dieter EHLERMANN and Isabela ATANASIU (eds), European Competition Law Annual 2006. Enforcement of Prohibition of Cartels, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2007, 363-376 MOTTA Massimo

Economic Foundations of Merger Control in Abel MATUTES and Teresa MOREIRA (eds), Competition Law and Economics: Advances in Competition Policy and Antitrust Enforcement, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2007, 269-296

D e pa r tme nt o f Eco n o mi c s - 2 6 9

Department of History and Civilization ao c r tnitcrliebsu t i o n s t o b o o k s


Histoire d’un vagabond, les vies de Rodolfo Kreinitz. La police d’identification dans l’Italie des années 1910 in Wolfgang KAISER and Claudia MOATTI (eds), Gens de passage en Méditerranée de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne. Procédures de contrôle et d’identification, Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, 2007, 481-512 ABOUT Ilsen

Identifier les étrangers. Genèses d’une police bureaucratique de l’immigration dans la France de l’entre-deux-guerres in Gérard NOIRIEL (ed.), L’identification des personnes. Genèse d’un travail d’État, Paris, Belin, 2007,125-160 ABOUT Ilsen

La police scientifique en quête de modèles. Institutions et controverses en France et en Italie (1900-1930) in Jean-Claude FARCY, Dominique KALIFA and Jean-Noël LUC (eds), L’enquête judiciaire en Europe au XIXe siècle. Ateurs, imaginaires, pratiques, Paris, Créaphis, 2007, 257-269 ALEKSOV Bojan

Adamant and Treacherous: Serbian Historians on Religious Conversions in Dennis WASHBURN and A. Kevin REINHART (eds), Converting Cultures. Religion, Ideology and Transformations of Modernity, Leiden, Brill, 2007, 81-111


Habsburg ‘Colonial Experiment’ in Bosnia and Hercegovina revisited in Stefan TROEBST and Ulf BRUNNBAUER (eds), Schnittstellen: Gesellschaft, Nation, Konflikt und Erinnerung in Südosteuropa. Festschrift für Holm Sundhaussen zum 65. Geburtstag, München, Oldenbourg, 2007, Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, Bd. 133, 201-216 ALEKSOV Bojan

The ‘Union’ as a Seed of Dissension between Serbs and Croats in Hans-Christian MANER and Norbert SPANNENBERGER (eds), Konfessionelle Identität und Nationsbildung. Die griechisch-katholischen Kirchen in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007, Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa, 211-223 ANDRETTA Elisa

Dedicare libri di medicina. Medici e potenti nella Roma del XVI secolo in Antonella ROMANO (ed.), Rome et la science moderne : entre Renaissance et Lumières, Rome, École française de Rome, 2008, 207-255 APELLANIZ RUIZ DE GALARRETA Francisco Javier

Crise financière et rapports internationaux: La faillite des corporations européennes dans le Sultanat mamelouk (1450-1517)

D ep a r t m ent o f H i s to r y a n d Ci v i l i z ati o n - 2 7 1

ao c r tnitcrliebsu t i o n s t o b o o k s

in Simonetta CAVACIOCCHI (ed.), Relazioni economiche tra Europa e mondo islamico. Secoli XIII-XVIII, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2007, 623-641 BARANOVA Olga

Collaboration by the Soviet Citizens with the Nazi Occupation Authorities during the Great Patriotic War: How the Issue was Represented and Treated in Soviet, Western and Post-Soviet Russian and Belarusian Historiography in Withold BONNER and Arja ROSENHOLM (eds), Re-Calling the Past – (Re)constructing the Past. Collective and Individual Memory of World War II in Russia and Germany. (Aleksanteri Series 2/2008), Helsinki, Aleksanteri Institute, 2008, 267-277 BEATTIE Andrew

Orte des Terrors oder der “stalinistischen Entnazifizierung”? in Peter BARKER, Marc-Dietrich OHSE and Dennis TATE (eds), Views from Abroad: Die DDR aus britischer Perspektive, Bielefeld, WBV, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, 2007, 67-78 BEAULIEU Yannick

Il Biennio Rosso torinese : i consigli di fabbrica nelle carte processuali della Corte d’Assise in Luigi FALOSSI and Fabrizio LORETO (eds),I due bienni rossi del Novecento : 1919-22 e 1968-69. Studi e interpretazioni a confronto, Roma, Ediesse, 2007 2 72 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

BERNINI Stefania

Una Conciliazione Impossibile? Famiglia e Lavoro nell’Inghilterra del Secondo Dopoguerra in L. BASSO, S. CECCONI and E. NEVE, Donne, Famiglia, Lavoro, Welfare, Cleup, 2007 BLANCO SIO-LOPEZ Cristina

La dimensione tedesca dell’allargamento ad Est: Interazioni tra la politica domestica della Germania, l’integrazione europea e la definizione di Europa (1990-2004) in F. DI SARCINA, L. GRAZI and L. SCICHILONE (eds), Europa vicina e lontana. Idee e percorsi dell’integrazione europea, Firenze, CET, 2008, 215-224 BLANCO SIO-LOPEZ Cristina

La réaction du Parlement à l’impasse constitutionnelle (2005-2008) in Yves MENY (ed.), La Construction d’un Parlement: 50 Ans d’Histoire du Parlement Européen 1958-2008, Luxembourg, Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 2009, 128-136 BLANCO SIO-LOPEZ Cristina

Le Parlement, avocat d’une Constitution européenne (1979-1990) in Yves MENY (ed.), La Construction d’un Parlement: 50 Ans d’Histoire du Parlement Européen 1958-2008, Luxembourg, Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 2009, 115-120


Le rôle du Parlement dans l’élaboration d’une Constitution in Yves MENY (ed.), La Construction d’un Parlement: 50 Ans d’Histoire du Parlement Européen 1958-2008, Luxembourg, Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 2009, 120-128 BLANCO SIO-LOPEZ Cristina

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Constitution – Rethinking the Crisis, Montreal, Thémis, 2007, 383-398 BERMAN Nathaniel

Intervention in a ‘Divided World’: Axes of Legitimacy in Philip ALSTON and Euan MACDONALD (eds), Human Rights, Intervention, and the Use of Force, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, X/2, 215-242 BERNAZ Nadia

Reforming the UN Human Rights Protection Procedures: A Legal Perspective on the Establishment of the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism in Kevin BOYLE (ed.), New Institutions for Human Rights Protection, 2009, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/2 BHUTA Nehal

States of Exception: Regulating Targeted Killing in a “Global Civil War” in Philip ALSTON and Euan MACDONALD (eds), Human Rights, Intervention, and the Use of Force, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, X/2, 243-274 BIGNAMI Francesca

Constitutional Patriotism and the Right to Privacy: A Comparison of the European 2 86 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights in Thérèse MURPHY (ed.), New Technologies and Human Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVII/2, 128-160 BILDER Richard B.

The Implications of Kosovo for International Human Rights Law in Philip ALSTON and Euan MACDONALD (eds), Human Rights, Intervention, and the Use of Force, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, X/2, 139-178 BOISSON DE CHAZOURNES Laurence

New Technologies, the Precautionary Principle and Public Participation in Thérèse MURPHY (ed.), New Technologies and Human Rights, New Technologies and Human Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVII/2, 161-194 BOUSSARD Hélène

Individual Human Rights in Genetic Research: Blurring the Line between Collective and Individual Interests in Thérèse MURPHY (ed.), New Technologies and Human Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVII/2, 246-272


Introduction in Kevin BOYLE (ed.), New Institutions for Human Rights Protection, 2009, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/2, 1-9 BOYLE Kevin

The United Nations Human Rights Council: Origins, Antecedents, and Prospects in Kevin BOYLE (ed.), New Institutions for Human Rights Protection, 2009, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/2 BRIBOSIA Hervé

De la simplification des traités au traité constitutionnel in Giuliano AMATO, Hervé BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007 BRIBOSIA Hervé

L’Union économique et monétaire in Giuliano AMATO, Hervé BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007 BRIBOSIA Hervé

Les coopérations renforcées in Giuliano AMATO, Hervé BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse

et destinée de la Constitution européenne, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007 BRIBOSIA Hervé

Les nouvelles formes de flexibilité en matière de défense in Giuliano AMATO, Herve BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007 BRIBOSIA Hervé

Subsidiarité et répartition des compétences entre l’Union et ses Etats membres in Giuliano AMATO, Hervé BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007 BROWNSWORD Roger

Human Dignity, Ethical Pluralism, and the Regulation of Modern Biotechnologies in Thérèse MURPHY (ed.), New Technologies and Human Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVII/2, 19-83 CAFAGGI Fabrizio and MICKLITZ HansWolfgang

Conclusion in Fabrizio CAFAGGI and Hans-Wolfgang MICKLITZ (eds), New Frontiers of Consumer Protection–the Interplay between Private and Public Enforcement, Mortsel, Intersentia, 2009, 401-446

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CAFAGGI Fabrizio and MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

Introduction in Fabrizio CAFAGGI and Hans-Wolfgang MICKLITZ (eds), New Frontiers of Consumer Protection – the Interplay between Private and Public Enforcement, Mortsel, Intersentia, 2009, 1-46 CASANOVAS Pompeu, CASELLAS Núria, RUBINO Rossella and SARTOR Giovanni

Computable Models of the Law and ICT: State of the Art and Trends in European Research in Pompeu CASANOVAS, Giovanni SARTOR, Núria CASELLAS and Rossella RUBINO (eds), Computable Models of the Law. Languages, Dialogues, Games, Ontologies, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2008, 1-20 CORTEN Olivier

Human Rights and Collective Security: Is There an Emerging Right of Humanitarian Intervention? in Philip ALSTON and Euan MACDONALD (eds), Human Rights, Intervention, and the Use of Force, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, X/2, 87-138 CREMONA Marise

Introduction in Marise CREMONA (ed.), Developments in EU External Relations Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, 2 88 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XIX/2, 1-9 CREMONA Marise

The European Neighbourhood Policy: More than a Partnership? in Marise CREMONA (ed.), Developments in EU External Relations Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XIX/2, 244-300 CUNHA Mario

A manipulação genética e o contrato de seguro in Gustavo TEPEDINO and Luiz Edson FACHIN (eds), Diálogos sobre Direito Civil, Volume II, Rio de Janeiro, Renovar, 2007 DE SCHUTTER Olivier

The EU Fundamental Rights Agency: Genesis and Potential in Kevin BOYLE (ed.), New Institutions for Human Rights Protection, 2009, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/2 DE WITTE Bruno

A Legal Paradox of Maastricht: The Creation of the European Union in Stefania BARONCELLI, Carlo SPAGNOLO and Leila Simona TALANI (eds), Back to Maastricht. Obstacles to Constitutional Reform within the EU Treaty (1991-2007), Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, 34-48


Article I-6 – Le droit de l’Union in L. BURGORGUE-LARSEN, A. LEVADE and F. PICOD (eds), Traité établissant une Constitution pour l’Europe. Commentaire article par article, Tome 1, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, 107-116 DE WITTE Bruno

Common Market Freedoms versus Linguistic Requirements in the EU States in Mundialització, lliure circulació I immigració, i l’exigència d’una llengua com a requisite, Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics, 2008, 109-131 DE WITTE Bruno

European Law as an Academic Discipline: Unity and Fragmentation in Mielle BULTERMAN, Leigh HANCHER, Alison McDONNELL and Hanna G. SEVENSTER (eds), Views of European Law from the Mountain. Liber Amicorum Piet Jan Slot, Alphen, Kluwer Law International, 2009, 417-428 DE WITTE Bruno

Executive Accountability under the European Constitution and the Lisbon Treaty: Nihil Novi sub Sole? in Luc VERHEY, Philipp KIIVER and Sandor LOEFFEN (eds), Political Accountability and European Integration, Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2009, 137-151


I diritti europei delle minoranze in Marta CARTABIA (ed.), I diritti in azione. Universalità e pluralismo dei diritti fondamentali nelle Corti europee, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, 391-414 DE WITTE Bruno

Legal Instruments and Decision-Making in P.J.G. KAPTEYN and Pieter VERLOREN VAN THEMAAT, Introduction to the Law of the European Union, 4th English Edition, The Hague, Kluwer, 2008, 273-348 DE WITTE Bruno

Legal Instruments and Law-Making in the Lisbon Treaty’, in Stefan GRILLER and Jacques ZILLER (eds), The Lisbon Treaty – EU Constitutionalism without a Constitutional Treaty?, Wien, Springer, 2008, 79-108 DE WITTE Bruno

Les frontières du marché: la place des valeurs non marchandes dans la législation sur le marché intérieur in Astrid EPINEY, Marcel HAAG and Andreas HEINEMANN (eds), Die Herausforderung von Grenzen. Festschrift fur Roland Bieber, Baden Baden, Nomos, 2007, 754-767 DE WITTE Bruno

Saving the Constitution? The Escape Routes and Their Legal Feasibility, (Introduction to the II Part: Destinée de la Constitution européenne) D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 2 8 9

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in Giuliano AMATO, Hervé BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne / Genesis and Destiny of the European Constitution, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, 929-938 DE WITTE Bruno

The Emergence of a European System of Public International Law: the EU and its Member States as Strange Subjects in J. WOUTERS, P.A. NOLLKAEMPER and E. DE WET (eds), The Europeanisation of International Law, The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2008, 39-54 DE WITTE Bruno

The Protection of Linguistic Diversity through Provisions of the EU Charter other than Article 22 in X. ARZOZ (ed.), Respecting Linguistic Diversity in the European Union, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2008, 175-190 DE WITTE Bruno

The Question of the Treaty Architecture: 1957-2007 in Andrea OTT and Ellen VOS (eds), Fifty Years of European Integration – Foundations and Perspectives, The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2009, 9-20 DE WITTE Bruno

The Rules of Change in the European Union – The Lost Balance between Rigidity and Flexibility 2 90 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

in Catherine MOURY and Luís DE SOUSA (eds), Institutional Challenges in Post-Constitutional Europe – Governing Change, Abingdon, Routledge, 2009, 33-42 DE WITTE Bruno

The Value of Cultural Diversity in European Union Law in Hildegard SCHNEIDER and Peter VAN DEN BOSSCHE (eds), Protection of Cultural Diversity from a European and International Perspective, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2008, 219-247,Maastricht Series in Human Rights, DE WITTE Bruno

Too Much Constitutional Law in the European Union’s Foreign Relations? in Marise CREMONA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), EU Foreign Relations Law – Constitutional Fundamentals, Oxford/Portland (Or.), Hart, 2008, 3-15 DE WITTE Bruno and HORVATH Eniko

The Many Faces of Minority Policy in the European Union in Kristin HENRARD and Robert DUNBAR (eds), Synergies in Minority Protection: European and International Law Perspectives, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 365-384 DE WITTE Bruno and MANCINI Susanna

Language Rights as Cultural Rights: A European Perspective in Francesco FRANCIONI and Martin SCHEININ (eds), Cultural

Human Rights, Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008, 247-284 DUPUY Pierre-Marie

Formation of Customary International Law and General Principles in Daniel BODANSKY, Jutta BRUNNÉE and Ellen HEY (eds), The Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, 449-466 DUPUY Pierre-Marie

State Responsibility for Violations of Basic Principles of Bioethics in Francesco FRANCIONI (ed.), Biotechnologies and International Human Rights, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, 2007, 33-42, Studies in International Law, 13 FRANCIONI Francesco

Des bien culturel au patrimoine culturel: l’evolution dynamique d’un concept et de son extension in L’action normative a l’UNESCO, Elaboration de régles internationales sur l’éducation, la science et la culture: essais à l’occasion du 60è anniversaire de l’UNESCO, Vol 1, Paris, Editions UNESCO, Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff, 2007, 231-249 FRANCIONI Francesco

Four Ways of Enforcing the International Responsibility for Human Rights Violations by Multinational Corporations in Marie-Ange MOREAU and

Francesco FRANCIONI (eds), La dimension pluridisciplinaire de la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, Aix-en-Provence, Presses Universitaires D’Aix-Marseille-PUAM, 2007 FRANCIONI Francesco

Genetic Resources, Biotechnology and Human Rights: The International Legal Framework in Francesco FRANCIONI (ed.), Biotechnologies and International Human Rights, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, 2007, 3-32, Studies in International Law, 13 FRANCIONI Francesco

Promouvoir une paix fondée sur la solidarité intellectuelle et morale. Introduction in L‘action normative à l‘UNESCO, Elaboration de régles internationales sur l‘éducation, la science et la culture: essais à l‘occasion du 60è anniversaire de l‘UNESCO, Vol 1, Paris, Editions UNESCO, Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff, 2007, 109-113 GRUSZCZYNSKI Lukasz

SPS Measures Adopted in Case of Insufficiency of Scientific Evidence. Where Do We Stand after EC – Biotech Products Case? in Julien CHAISSE and Tiziano BALMELLI (eds), Essays on the Future of the World Trade Organization, Vol. II: The WTO Judicial System: Contributions and Challanges, Genève/ D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 2 9 1

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Bruxelles/Lugano, EDIS - Editions interuniversitaires suisses, 2008, 91-140 HILLION Christophe

Tous pour un, un pour tous! Coherence in the External Relations of the European Union in Marise CREMONA (ed.), Developments in EU External Relations Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XIX/2, 10-36 HOFFMEISTER Frank

The Contribution of EU Practice to International Law in Marise CREMONA (ed.), Developments in EU External Relations Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XIX/2, 37-127 HOLDER Jane

Building Spatial Europe: An Environmental Justice Perspective in Joanne SCOTT (ed.), Environmental Protection: European Law and Governance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/3, 92-126 HÖS Nikolett

The Impact of European Law on Regulating the Labour Law Dimension of Corporate Restructurings in Central and Eastern Europe in Marie-Ange MOREAU and Maria 2 92 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Esther BLAS LÓPEZ (eds), Restructuring in the New EU Member States, PeterLang, Bruxelles, 2009, 103-131 JOERGES Christian

Europarecht als ein Kollisionsrecht neuen Typs: Wie eine europäische unitas in pluraliitate verfasst werden kann in Martin FÜHR, Rainer WAHL and Peter VON WILMOWSKY (eds), Umweltrecht und Umweltwissenschaft. Festschrift für Eckard Rehbinder, Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag 2007, 719-747 JOERGES Christian

Reconceptualizing the Supremacy of European Law: A Plea for a Supranational Conflict of Laws in Beate KOHLER KOCH and Berthold RUTTBERGER (eds), Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union, Lanham (Md), Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, 311-327 KJAER Poul

Three Forms of Governance and Three Forms of Power in Erik ODDVAR ERIKSEN, Christian JOERGES and Florian RÖDL (eds), Law, Democracy and Solidarity in a Post-national Union: the Unsettled Political Order of Europe, London, Routledge, 2008, 23-43 KRAJEWSKI Markus

Of Modes and Sectors: External Relations, Internal Debates and the Special Case of

(Trade in) Services in Marise CREMONA (ed.), Developments in EU External Relations Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XIX/2, 172-215

Rights in the European Union and MERCOSUR in András SAJÓ (ed.), Free to Protest: Constituent Power and Street Demonstration, Utrecht, Eleven Publishing, 2008, 127-146

LEE Maria


Law and Governance of Water Protection Policy in Joanne SCOTT (ed.), Environmental Protection: European Law and Governance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/3, 27-55 LEFEVERE Jürgen

A Climate of Change: An Analysis of Progress in EU and International Climate Change Policy in Joanne SCOTT (ed.), Environmental Protection: European Law and Governance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/3, 171-212 LIMA MARQUES Claudia and LIXINSKI Lucas

Artigo 12 in Leonardo Nemer Caldeira BRANT (ed.), Comentário à Carta das Nações Unidas, Belo Horizonte, CEDIN, 2008, 257-272 LIXINSKI Lucas

Limiting Freedom of Assembly Based on Harms to Third Parties: The Balancing of Economic Freedoms and Fundamental

Sovereignty, Human Rights, Security: Armed Intervention and the Foundational Problems of International Law in Philip ALSTON and Euan MACDONALD (eds), Human Rights, Intervention, and the Use of Force, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, X/2, 1-32 MANTON E and KNOLL Bernhard,.

Monitoring within the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in G. ALFREDSSON, B. RAMCHARAN and et al., International Human Rights Monitoring Mechanisms, Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff, 2007, 2nd ed. MAZZIOTTI Giuseppe

DRM E abuso di posizione dominante: il caso itunes in Roberto CASO (ed.), DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT, Problemi teorici e prospettive applicative, Quaderni del dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche dell’Università di Trento, 2008, 70, 239-250, Special issue

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Participation and Participation Rights in EU Law and Governance in Herwig HOFMANN and Alexander TÜRK (eds), The Legal Challenges In Eu Administrative Law. Towards an Integrated Administration, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2009, 257-287 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

Collective Private Enforcement – the Key Questions in Willem VAN BOOM and Marco LOOS (eds), Collective Enforcement of Consumer Law, Securing Compliance in Europe through Private Group Action and Public Authority Intervention, Groningen, European Law Publishing, 2007, 13-33 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

Kommentierung der §§ 13, 14 BGB in Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch, Band 1, Allgemeiner Teil, 5, München, Beck, 2007, 399-492 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

Kommentierung der §§ 312 b-d, f BGB mit M. Schirmbacher, 4-6 TMG in Spindler/Schuster, Recht der elektronischen Medien, Kommentar, München, Beck, 2008, 135193, 199-202, 1421-1450

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MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

Review of Academic Approaches on the European Contract Law Codification Project in Mads ANDENAS, Silvia DIAZ ALABART, S. B. MARKESINIS, HansWolfgang MICKLITZ and Nello PASQUINO (eds), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa: Private Law Beyond the National Systems, London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law , 2007, 699-728 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

Some Considerations on Cassis de Dijon and the Control of Unfair Contract Terms in Consumer Contracts in Katharina BOELE-WOELKI and F. W. GROSHEIDE (eds), The future of European Contract Law, Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International, 2007, 387-410 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

The Relationship between National and European Consumer Policy – Challenges and Perspectives in Yearbook of Consumer Law 2008, Ashgate 2007, 35-66 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

The Targeted Full Harmonisation Approach: Looking behind the Curtain in Geraint HOWELLS and Reiner SCHULZE (eds), Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law, Muhich, Sellier European Law Pub, 2009, 47-86

MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and ATAMER Yesim M.

MOREAU Marie-Ange

MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang and ROGOWSKI Marcin

MOREAU Marie-Ange

Stand der EU-Verbraucherschutzrichtlinien in der Türkei in Yeim M ATAMER and Klaus J HOPT (eds), Kompatibilität des türkischen und europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2009, 157-224

Länderbericht Polen in Hans-Wolfgang MICKLITZ and Thomas ROETHE (eds), Produktsicherheit und Marktüberwachung im Ostseeraum: Rechtsrahmen und Vollzugspraxis, BadenBaden, Nomos, 2008, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Europaïsches Wirtschaftsund Verbraucherrecht, Bd. 26, 171-183 MILUTINOVIC Veljko

Private Enforcement in Giuliano AMATO and Claus-Dieter EHLERMANN (eds), EC Competition law. A critical Assessment, Oxford/ Portland, Hart Publishing, 2007, 725-757 MONTINI Massimiliano

EC External Relations on Environmental Law in Joanne SCOTT (ed.), Environmental Protection: European Law and Governance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/3, 127-170

European Solidarity and Labour Law. Some Thoughts Stemming from the Question of Restructuring in Europe in Lars MAGNUSSON and Bo STRATH (eds), European Solidarities, Tensions and Contentions of a Concept, Brussels, P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2007, 105-120 L’anticipation des restructurations dans l’Union européenne, un véritable défi in Marie-Ange MOREAU (ed.), Restructurations en Europe, Paris, Lamy, 2008 MOREAU Marie-Ange

Le rôle du comité d’entreprise européen au cours des restructurations, expériences et prospectives in Marie-Ange MOREAU (ed.), Restructurations en Europe, Paris, Lamy, 2008, 33-45 MOREAU Marie-Ange

Les restructurations dans l’Union européenne: évolutions récentes (20052006) in C. DEGRYSE and P. POCHET (eds), Bilan social de l’Union européenne, Bruxelles, ETUI, 2007, 51-67 MOREAU Marie-Ange

Les transformations des normes du travail et des relations de travail face à la mondialisation de l’économie: comment construire de nouvelles réponses ? D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 2 9 5

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in Anne-Marie DILLENS (ed.), Mondialisation: utopie, fatalité, alternatives ? Publications des Facultés Saint Louis, 2008, 159-183 MOREAU Marie-Ange

Observations sur la place du droit du travail dans une approche pluridisciplinare de la responsabilité sociale in Marie-Ange MOREAU and Francesco FRANCIONI (eds), La dimension pluridisciplinaire de la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, Aix-enProvence, Presses Universitaires D’AixMarseille-PUAM, 2007, 219-236 MOREAU Marie-Ange

Toward a new Approach of Corporate Restructurings: Consequence for Social Actors in Mia RÖNNMAR (ed.), EU Industrial Relations v. National Industrial Relations: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer, 2008, 119-134 MOREAU Marie-Ange and BLAS-LOPEZ Maria Esther

Lights and Shadows of Restructurings in the New Member states in Marie-Ange MOREAU and Maria Esther BLAS LOPEZ (eds), Restructuring in the New member states, Peter Lang, 2008, 17-28 MORGERA Elisa

CRS for the International Protection of the 2 96 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Environment: The Impact of UN Policies and Emerging Problems in Marie-Ange MOREAU and Francesco FRANFIONI (eds), La dimension pluridisciplinaire de la resposabilité sociale de l’entreprise, Aixen-Provence, Presses Universitaires D’Aix-Marseille-PUAM, 2007 MOTOC Iulia Voina

The International Law of Genetic Discrimination: The Power of ‘Never Again’ in Thérèse MURPHY (ed.), New Technologies and Human Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVII/2, 222-245 MURPHY Thérèse

Repetition, Revolution, and Resonance: An Introduction to New Technologies and Human Rights in Thérèse MURPHY (ed.), New Technologies and Human Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVII/2, 1-18 MURPHY Thérèse

The Texture of Reproductive Choice: Law, Ethnography and Reproductive Technologies in Thérèse MURPHY (ed.), New Technologies and Human Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVII/2, 195-221


Defamation and Political Speech in H. FENWICK and G. PHILLIPSON, Media Freedom under the Human Rights Act, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

Biotechnology, Human Rights and International Economic Law in Francesco FRANCIONI (ed.), Biotechnologies and International Human Rights, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, 2007, 229-274, Studies in International Law, 13 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

Constitutionalism and the Regulation of International Markets: How to Define the ‘Development Objectives’ of the World Trading System? in Linda YUEH (ed.), The Law and Economics of Globalization, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009, 49-92 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

Human Rights, Constitutionalism and ‘Public Reason’ in Investor-State Arbitration in Christina BINDER, Ursula KRIEBAUM, August REINISCH and Stephan WITTICH (eds), International Investment Law for the 21st Century. Essays in Honour of C.Schreuer, 2009, 877-893 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

In Search for Justice: International Trade Law and Human Rights

in Andreas FISCHER-LESCANO, HansPeter GASSER, Thilo MARAUHN and Natalino RONZITTI (eds), Frieden in Freiheit; Peace in liberty; Paix en liberté - Festschrift für Michael Bothe zum 70. Geburtstag, Baden-Baden/ Zürich, Nomos/Dike, 2008, 647-654 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

International Integration Law and Multilevel Constitutionalism in A. EPINEY, M. HAAG and A. HEINEMANN (eds), Liber Amicorum in Honour of Roland Bieber, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2007, 429-437 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

Multilevel Constitutionalism and Judicial Protection of Freedom and Justice in the International Economic Law of the EC in Anthony ARNULL, Piet EECKHOUT and Takis TRIDIMAS (eds), Continuity and Change in EU Law: Essays in Honour of Sir Francis Jacobs, Oxford, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2008, 338-353 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

State Sovereignty, Popular Sovereignty and Individual Sovereignty: From Constitutional Nationalism to Multilevel Constitutionalism in International Economic Law? in Wenhua SHAN, Penelope SIMONS and Dalvinder SINGH (eds) Redefining Sovereignty in International Economic Law (Studies in International Trade Law), Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2008, 27-60 D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 2 9 7

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The Contribution of Free and Fair Trade to Constitutional Liberty and Justice in Frank TRENTMANN (ed.), Is Free Trade Fair Trade? New perspectives on the World Trading System, London, The Smith Institute, 2008, 60-71 WTO Dispute Settlement Practice 19952005: Lessons from the Past and Future Challenges in Yasuhei TANIGUCHI, Alan YANOVICH and Jan BOHANES (eds), The WTO in the Twenty-First Century: Dispute Settlement, Negotiations and Regionalism in Asia, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 38-97 PRAKKEN Henry and SARTOR Giovanni

More on Presumptions and Burdens of Proof in Enrico FRANCESCONI, Giovanni SARTOR and Daniela TISCORNIA (eds), Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington, IOS Press, 2008, 176-185 PURNHAGEN Kai Peter

Rechtslage zur Verbraucherinformation in den Vereinigten in Hans-Wolfgang MICKLITZ (ed.), Informationszugang für Verbraucher in Europa und den USA, BadenBaden, Nomos, 2009, 405-449

2 98 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Rechtslage zur Verbraucherinformation in Großbritannien und Nordirland in Hans-Wolfgang MICKLITZ (ed.), Informationszugang für Verbraucher in Europa und den USA, BadenBaden, Nomos, 2009, 249-297

Entwicklung in der EU in Hans-Wolfgang MICKLITZ (ed.), Informationszugang für Verbraucher in Europa und den USA, BadenBaden, Nomos, 2009, 451-547 RIJPMA Jorrit J.

Ukraine and the European Union External Border(s) - A Legal Perspective in Katarzyna KOSIOR and Agata JURKOWSKA (eds), Beyond the Borders - Ukraine and the European Neighbourhood Policy, Rzeszow, University of IT and Management, 2007, 108-135 ROBERTS Anthea

Legality Verses Legitimacy: Can Uses of Force be Illegal but Justified? in Philip ALSTON and Euan MACDONALD (eds), Human Rights, Intervention, and the Use of Force, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, X/2, 179-214 RODLEY Nigel

The United Nations Human Rights

Council, Its Special Procedures, and Its Relationship with the Treaty Bodies: Complementarity or Competition? in Kevin BOYLE (ed.), New Institutions for Human Rights Protection, 2009, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/2 ROGOWSKI Marcin

RUBINO Rossella and SARTOR Giovanni

Source Norms and Self-regulated Institutions in Pompeu CASANOVAS, Giovanni SARTOR, Núria CASELLAS and Rossella RUBINO (eds), Computable Models of the Law. Languages, Dialogues, Games, Ontologies, Berlin and Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2008, 263-274

Trudnosci zwiazane z przeprowadzeniem dowodu w procesach lekarskich in Joanna HABERKO, Rafal D. KOCYLOWSKI and Bartosz PAWELCZYK (eds), Lege Artis: Problemy Prawa Medycznego: praca zbiorowa, Poznan, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza. Wydzial Prawa i Administracji, 2008, 86-91

RÜHL Giesela

RORIVE Isabelle


A Comparative and European Examination of National Institutions in the Field of Racism and Discrimination in Kevin BOYLE (ed.), New Institutions for Human Rights Protection, 2009, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/2 ROUSSEVA Ekaterina

Objective Justification and Article 82 EC in the Era of Modernisation in Giuliano AMATO and Claus-Dieter EHLERMANN (eds), EC Competition law: A critical Assessment, Oxford/ Portland, Hart Publishing, 2007

Rechtswahlfreiheit im europäischen Kollisionsrecht in Dietmar BAETGE, Michael VON HINDEN and Jan VON HEIN, Die richtige Ordnung. Festschrift für Jan Kropholler zum 70. Geburtstag, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2008 Human Rights and State Sovereignty: Have the Boundaries been Significantly Redrawn? in Philip ALSTON and Euan MACDONALD (eds), Human Rights, Intervention, and the Use of Force, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, X/2, 33-86 SADURSKI Wojciech

Legitimidad del derecho, democracia y valores sustantivos in Alfonso DE JULIOS-CAMPUZANO (ed.), Ciudadanía y derecho en la era del globalizacion, Madrid, Dykinson, 2007, 19-50 D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 2 9 9

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Porzadek konstytucyjny in Lena KOLARSKA-BOBINSKA, Jacek KUCHARCZYK and Jaroslaw ZBIERANEK (eds), Demokracja w Polsce 2005-2007, Warszawa, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, 2007, 13-71 SADURSKI Wojciech

Ramy pojeciowe rozwazan na temat przekonan moralnych piastun¿w wladzy publicznej in Miroslaw WYRZYKOWSKI and Adam BODNAR (eds), Przekonania moralne wladzy publicznej a wolnosc jednostki, Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2007, 11-16

SARTOR Giovanni

L’informatica giuridica nella società dell’informazione in Nicola Palazzolo (ed.), L’informatica giuridica oggi, Naples, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2007, 35-50 SCHEININ Martin

Impact on the Law of Treaties in Menno T. KAMMINGA and Martin SCHEININ (eds), The Impact of Human Rights Law on General International Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, 23-36 SCHEININ Martin

A Teleological Approach to Legal Dialogues in George PAVLAKOS (ed.), Law, Rights and Discourse. Themes from the Legal Philosophy of Robert Alexy, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2007, 249-274

The United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Article 27 and Other Provisions in Kristin HENRARD and Robert DUNBAR (eds), Synergies in Minority Protection: European and International Law Perspectives, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 23-45

SARTOR Giovanni


SARTOR Giovanni

Concepts in Law and in Knowledge Representation: Inferential Links vs Conceptual Hierarchies in Gianmaria AJANI, Giovanni SARTOR and Daniela TISCORNIA (eds), Proceedings of the Conference Approaching the Multilanguage Complexity of European Law: Methodologies in Comparison, Florence, European Press Academic Publishing, 2007, 41-76 3 00 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Competition Law and Public Policy: Reconsidering an Uneasy Relationship – the Example of Article 81 in Josef DREXL, Laurence IDOT and Joël MONÉGER (eds), Economic Theory and Competition Law, Edward Elgar, 2009, 134-150 SCHWEITZER Heike

Controlling the Unilateral Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights

in Inge GOVAERE and Hanns ULLRICH (eds), Intellectual Property, Market Power and the Public Interest, Brussels/ New York, Peter Lang, 2008, 58-95 SCHWEITZER Heike

Due Diligence und der Markt für Unternehmensbeteiligungen. Das unternehmerische Ermessen des Vorstands einer Ziel-AG zwischen Gesellschaftsinteresse und Neutralitätsgebot in Harald BAUM, Andreas M. FLECKNER, Alexander HELLGARDT and Markus ROTH (eds), Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsrechts. Deutsches, europäisches und internationales Handels-, Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2008, 263-289 SCHWEITZER Heike

European Standard-Setting Policy and the Role of Competition Law in Carl BAUDENBACHER (ed.), Current Developments in European and International Competition Law. 15th St. Gallen International Competition Law Forum (ICF) 2008, Basel , 2009, 29-76 SCHWEITZER Heike

The History, Interpretation and Underlying Principles of Sec. 2 Sherman Act and Art. 82 EC in Dieter EHLERMANN and Mal MARQUIS (eds), European Competition Law Annual 2007: A reformed approach to Article 82 EC, Oxford, Hart, 2008, 119-164


Zurechnung von Wissen beim Unternehmenskauf in Thomas EGER, Claus OTT, Jochen BIGUS and Georg VON WANGENHEIM (eds), Internationalisierung des Rechts und seine ökonomische Analyse, Festschrift für Hans-Bernd Schäfer zum 65. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden, Gabler, 2008, 559-573 SCHWEITZER Heike and MESTMAECKER Ernst-Joachim

Art. 31 and Art. 86 EGV, Commentary in Immenga/Mestmaecker, Wettbewerbsrecht EG/Teil 1, 4. Auflage 2007, 612-834 SCOTT Joanne

REACH: Combining Harmonization and Dynamism in the Regulation of Chemicals in Joanne SCOTT (ed.), Environmental Protection: European Law and Governance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/3, 56-91 SOMSEN Han

Regulating Human Genetics in a NeoEugenic Era in Thérèse MURPHY (ed.), New Technologies and Human Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVII/2, 84-127

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Competitiveness and Competition: International Merger Control from the Business Prospective in Vinko KANDŽIJA and Andrej KUMAR (eds), 50 Years of European Union, Rijeka, University of Rijeka, 2008, 448-457 SVETLICINII Alexandr

Enforcement of Contracts in the Republic of Moldova: The Impact of a Slow Transition in Stefan MESSMANN and Tibor TAJTI (eds), Case Law of Central & Eastern Europe: Enforcement of Contracts, Europäischer Universitätsverlag, 2009, 418-531 SVETLICINII Alexandr

Problems with Collateral Law in the Republic of Moldova: Educating the Economic Agents about the Concept of Collateral in Stefan MESSMANN and Tibor TAJTI (eds), Case Law of Central and Eastern Europe: Leasing, Piercing the Corporate Veil and the Liability of Managers & Controlling Shareholders, Privatization, Takeovers and the Problems with Collateral Laws, Bochum, European University Press, 2007, 506-523 TOCCI Nathalie

Comparing the EU’s Role in Neighbourhood Conflicts in Marise CREMONA (ed.), Developments in EU External Relations Law, Oxford, 3 02 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Oxford University Press, 2008, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XIX/2, 216-243 VADI Valentina

The Challenge of Reconciling Underwater Cultural Heritage And Foreign Direct Investment: A Case Study in Italian Yearbook of International Law, [Leiden], Brill Publishers, 2008, XVII (2007), 143-158 VON HOMEYER Ingmar

The Evolution of EU Environmental Governance in Joanne SCOTT (ed.), Environmental Protection: European Law and Governance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, XVIII/3, 1-26 ZILLER Jacques

Conclusions in Anneli ALBI and Jacques ZILLER, The European Constitution and National Constitutions: Ratification and Beyond, Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International, 2007, 287-295 ZILLER Jacques

French Reactions to the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe: from Constitutional Welcome to Popular Rejection in Anneli ALBI and Jacques ZILLER (eds), The European Constitution and National Constitutions: Ratification

and Beyond, Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer, 2007, 103-112 ZILLER Jacques

Le principe de subsidiarité in Jean-Bernard AUBY and Jacqueline DUTHEIL DE LA ROCHERE (eds), Droit administratif européen, Bruxelles, Bruyant, 2007, 377-391 ZILLER Jacques

Les concepts d’administration directe, d’administration indirecte et de coadministration et les fondements du droit administratif européen in Jean-Bernard AUBY and Jacqueline DUTHEIL DE LA ROCHERE (eds), Droit administratif européen, Bruxelles, Bruyant, 2007, 235-243 ZILLER Jacques

Les droits administratifs nationaux: caractéristiques générales in Jean-Bernard AUBY and Jacqueline DUTHEIL DE LA ROCHERE (eds), Droit administratif européen, Bruxelles, Bruyant, 2007, 539-558

ZILLER Jacques

Ricerca e innovazione in Mario P. CHITI and G. GRECO (eds), Trattato di diritto amministrativo europeo, Milano, Giuffré, 2007, 2 ed., 1067-1113 ZILLER Jacques

Une Constitution courte et obscure ou claire et détaillée? Perspectives pour la simplification des traités et la rationalisation de l’ordre juridique de l’Union in Giuliano AMATO, Hervé BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne / Genesis and Destiny of the European Constitution, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, 137-185 ZILLER Jacques and GALETTA D.U.,

Il regime linguistico della comunità in Mario P. CHITI and G. GRECO (eds), Trattato di diritto amministrativo europeo, Milano, Giuffré, 2007, 2 ed.

ZILLER Jacques

Political Accountability in France in Luc VERHEY, Hansko, BROEKSTEEG and ilse Van den DRIESCHE (eds), Political Accountability in Europe: Which Way Forward?, Groningen, Europa Publishing, 2008, 83-98

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Depar tment of Political and Social Sciences ao c r tnitcrliebsu t i o n s t o b o o k s


Zur Soziologie des Spendens. Empirische Befunde und theoretische Ansätze in W. Rainer WALZ, Ludwig AUER and Thomas HIPPEL (eds), Spendenund Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht in Europa. Rechtsvergleichende, rechtsdogmatische, ökonometrische und soziologische Untersuchungen, 2007 ADLOFF Frank, SCHWERTMANN Philipp SPRENGEL Rainer and GRAF STRACHWITZ Rupert

Dreierlei Europa: Über Politische Gemeinschaft und Bürgerschaft in der Union in Anton PELINKA and Fritz PLASSER (eds), Europäisch Denken und Lehren. Festschrift für Heinrich Neisser, Innsbruck, Innsbruck University Press, 2007, 23-30

Governance in the Middle East, North Africa and the Western Balkans: Challenges and Priorities in Reforming Public Administration in the Mediterranean Region in New York, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2008 ARZA Camila and KOHLI Martin

Introduction: The political Economy of Pension Reform in Camila ARZA and Martin KOHLI (eds), Pension Reform in Europe: Politics, Policies and Outcomes, London, Routledge, 2008, 1-21

Conclusions and Policy Options in Michiel KORTHALS, Christian COFF, David BARLING and Thorkild NIELSEN (eds), Ethical Traceability and Communicating Food, Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2008, 15, 293-301 BAUBOCK Rainer

Germany in Helmut K. ANHEIER and Siobhan DALY (eds), The Politics of Foundations: A Comparative Analysis, London, Routledge, 2007, 172-185 ALBERTI Adriana, FALA Laila and SAYED Fatma El-zahraa Hassan

BARLING David, COFF Christian and KORTHALS Michiel


Migration in Stefan GOSEPATH, Wilfried HINSCH and Beate ROSSLER (eds), Handbuch der Politischen Philosophie und Sozialphilosophie, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2008, 818-823 BAUBOCK Rainer

Normative political theory and empirical research in Michael KEATING and Donatella DELLA PORTA (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 40-60

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Political Boundaries in a Multilevel Democracy in Seyla BENHABIB and Ian SHAPIRO (eds), Identities, Affiliations and Allegiances, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 85-109 Stakeholder Citizenship and Democratic Participation in Migration Contexts in John-Erik FOSSUM, Johanne POIRIER and Paul MAGNETTE (eds.), The Ties that Bind : Accommodating Complex Diversity in Canada and the European Union, Bruxelles/New York, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2009, Canadian Stuties 14, 105-128 BAUBOCK Rainer

The Trade-Off between Transnational Citizenship and Political Autonomy in Thomas FAIST and Peter KIVISTO (eds), Dual Citizenship in Global Perspective, Basingstoke New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 69-91 BEEKMAN Volkert, COFF Christian, KORTHALS Michiel and SCHIPPER Liesbeth

Communicating Ethical Traceability in Michiel KORTHALS, Christian COFF, David BARLING and Thorkild NIELSEN (eds), Ethical Traceability and Communicating Food, Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2008, 15, 277-291

3 06 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Ethnographic Methods in Donatella DELLA PORTA and Michael KEATING (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 296-315 The Estonian e-Voting Experience and the Wider Context in S. Jaya KRISHNA and Naveen KUMAR (eds), E-Voting. Perspectives and Experiences , Andhra Pradesh, Icfai University Press, 2008, 168-180 CALDERARO Andrea

The Digital Divide. Framing and Mapping the Phenomenon in Enrico FERRO, Yogesh Kumar DWIVEDI, Jose Ramòn GIL-GARCIA and Michael WILLIAMS (eds), Overcoming Digital Divides: Constructing an Equitable and Competitive Information Society, Hershey, IGI Global, 2009, Chapter II CALENDA Davide and MOSCA Lorenzo

Youth online: Researching the Political Use of the Internet in the Italian Context in Brian LOADER (ed.), Young Citizens in the Digital Age: Political Engagement, Young People and New Media, New York/London, Routledge, 2007, 82-96 CHWASZCZA Christine

Game Theory in Michael KEATING and Donatella

DELLA PORTA (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 139-161

in Tore BJORGO and John HORGAN (eds), Leaving Terrorism Behind. Individual and Collective Disengagement, London, Routledge, 2009, 49-65



Sozialstaatlichkeit und demokratische Legitimation in Europa in Helmut KOENIG, Emanuel RICHTER and Sabine SCHIELKE (eds), Gerechtigkeit in Europa. Transnationale Dimensionen einer normativen Grundfrage, Bielefeldt, Transcript Verlag, 2008, 119-134 DELLA PORTA Donatella

Corruzione in Renato MANNHEIMER and Paolo NATALE (eds), Sinistra senza sinistra : Idee plurali per uscire dall’angolo, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2008, 185-192

La democrazia dei movimenti in Duccio ZOLA (ed.), Dopo la politica. Democrazia, società civile e crisi dei partiti, Roma, Edizioni dell’asino, 2008, 121-144 Leaving Underground Organizations: a Sociological Analysis of the Italian Case

Violenza politica e nuova sinistra in Fabio DE NARDIS (ed.), La società in movimento, Roma, Editori riuniti, 2007, 159-188

Comparing Methods and Approaches. Some Concluding Remarks in Michael KEATING and Donatella DELLA PORTA (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 316-322

Gewalt in Dieter FUCHS and Edeltraud ROLLE (eds), Lexicon Politik. Hundert Grundbegriffe, Stuttgart, Philipp Reclam, 2007, 90-93



DELLA PORTA Donatella and KEATING Michael



Making the New Polis: The Practice of Deliberative Democracy in Social Forums in JOHNSTON Hank (ed.), Culture Social Movements and Protest, Farnham, Ashgate, 2009, 181-208

DELLA PORTA Donatella and KEATING Michael

How Many Approaches in the Social Sciences?: An epistemological introduction in Michael KEATING and Donatella DELLA PORTA (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 19-39

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DELLA PORTA Donatella and KEATING Michael

Introduction in Michael KEATING and Donatella DELLA PORTA (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 1-16 DRONKERS Jaap

Class in Akira IRIYE and Pierre-Yves SAUNIER (eds), The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 DRONKERS Jaap

Hebben immigranten een lagere beroepsstatus door te weinig onderwijs of door het slecht functioneren van arbeidsmarkten? [Do immigrants have lower occupational status because of a lack of education or the malfunctioning of the labour markets?] in E. de Gier and F. Huijgen (eds), Het arbeidsbestel binnenstebuiten, Apeldoorn/ Antwerpen, Spinhuis, 2007, 51-70 DRONKERS Jaap,

Education as the Backbone of Inequality - European Education Policy: Constrains and Possibilities in F. BECKER, K. DUFFEK and T. MÖRSCHEL (eds), Social Democracy and Education. The European Experience, Berlin, Friederich Ebert

3 08 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Stiftung/Karl Renner Institut/Wiardi Beckman Stichting, 2008, 50-135 DRONKERS Jaap and NEED A.

Het voortbestaan van religieuze scholen. [The survival of religious schools] in Meerten ter BORG, Erik BORGMAN, Marjo BUITELAAR, Yme KUIPER and Rob PLUM (eds), Handboek Religie in Nederland, Zoetermeer, Meinema, 2008, 380-387 DRONKERS Jaap and SCHIJF H.

Elites in G. RITZER (ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Malden (MA), Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2007, 1362-1364 FRANKLIN Mark

Effects of Space and Time on Turnout in European Parliament Elections in Wouter VAN DER BRUG and Cees VAN DER EIJK (eds), European Elections and Domestic Politics: Lessons from the Past and Scenarios for the Future, Notre Dame (Indiana)., University of Notre Dame Press, 2007 FRANKLIN Mark

Turning out or Turning off?: How the European Parliament Elections of 2004 shed light on turnout dynamics in Michael MARSH, Slava MIKHAYLOV and Hermann SCHMITT (eds), The European Electorate after Eastern Enlargement, 2007


Voter Participation in the United Status Versus Other Democracies in Mofgan E. FELCHNER (ed.), Voting in America, Volume 1 (How America votes. Law, process, and voter participation), Westport (Conn.), Praeger, 2008, 161-172 FRANKLIN Mark, VAN DER BRUG Wouter and VAN DER EIJK Cees

EU support and Party Choice in Wouter VAN DER BRUG and Cees VAN DER EIJK (eds), European Elections and Domestic Politics: Lessons from the Past and Scenarios for the Future, Notre Dame, (Indiana)., University of Notre Dame Press, 2007


Are the Effects of Different Family forms on Children’s Educational Performance related to the Demographic Characteristics and Family Policies of Modern Societies? in Hester MOERBEEK, Anke NIEHOF and Johan VAN OPHEM (eds), Changing Families and their Lifestyles, Wageningen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007, 27-50 HANRETTY Chris


Fem måder at styre en public service institution-på in Martin B CARSTENSEN, Svith FLEMMING and Mouritsen PER (eds), DR og TV2 - i folkets tjeneste?, Aarhus, Forlaget Ajour, 2007, 149-172

European Elections, Domestic Politics and European Integration in Wouter VAN DER BRUG and Cees VAN DER EIJK (eds), European Elections and Domestic Politics: Lessons from the Past and Scenarios for the Future, Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame Press, 2007




The Sleeping Giant: Potential for Political Mobilization of Disaffection in Europe in Wouter VAN DER BRUG and Cees VAN DER EIJK (eds), European Elections and Domestic Politics: Lessons from the Past and Scenarios for the Future, Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame Press, 2007

Causal Explanation in Donatella DELLA PORTA and Michael KEATING (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 61-72 Mutual Recognition Comparing Policy Areas in Susanne K. SCHMIDT (ed.), Mutual Recognition as a New Mode of Governance, Abingdon, Routledge, 2007, 134-147 KATZ Richard and MAIR Peter

La supremacía del partido en las

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instituciones públicas: el cambio organizativo de los partidos en las democracias contemporáneas in José Ramón MONTERO, Richard GUNTER and Juan J. LINZ (eds), Partidos Políticos: Viejos Conceptos y Nuevos Retos, Madrid, Trotta, 2007, 101-125 KATZ Richard and MAIR Peter

La transformation des modèles d’organisation et de démocratie dan les parties. L’émergence du parti-cartel in Yohann AUCANTE and Alexandre DEZE (eds), Les systèmes de partis dans les démocraties occidentales : Le modèle du parti-cartel en question, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2008, 35-64 KEATING Michael

Beyond Independence – Creating a Development Coalition in Rob BROWN (ed.), Nation in a State. Independent Perspectives on Scottish Independence, Dunfermline, Ten Book Press, 2007, 131-152 KEATING Michael

Culture and Social Science in Michael KEATING and Donatella DELLA PORTA (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 99-117 KEATING Michael

Devolution and Public Policy Making in Paul CARMICHAEL, Colin 3 10 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

KNOX and Robert OSBORNE (eds), Devolution and Constitutional Cange in Northern Ireland, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2007 KEATING Michael

Rival Nationalisms in a Plurinational State: Spain, Catalonia and the Basque Country in Sujit CHOUDHRY (ed.), Constitutional Design for Divided Societies. Integration or Accommodation?, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008 KEATING Michael

Social Citizenship, Devolution and Policy Divergence in Scott GREER (ed.), Citizenship Rights in the United Kingdom, Bristol, Policy Press, 2009, 97-116 KEATING Michael and CAIRNEY Paul

The New Scottish Statute Book: The Scottish Parliament’s Legislative Record since 1999 in Charlie JEFFERY and James MITCHELL (eds), The Scottish Parliament 1999-2009. The First Decade, Edinburgh, Luath, 2009, 37-42 KERSTING Norbert, SCHMITTER Philippe C. and TRECHSEL Alexander H.

Die Zukunft der Demokratie in Norbert KERSTING (ed.), Moderne politische Partizipation. Zwischen Legitimation und Innovation. Eine Einführung, Wiesbaden, VS-Verlag, 2007, 63-93

KERSTING Norbert, SCHMITTER Philippe C. and TRECHSEL Alexander H.

Die Zukunft der Demokratie in Norbert KERSTING (ed.), Politische Beteiligung: Einführung in dialogorientierte Instrumente politischer und gesellschaftlicher Partizipation, Wiesbaden, VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss, 2008, 40-62

KOHLI Martin

The World We Forgot: A Historical Review of the Life Course in Walter R. HEINZ, Johannes HUININK and Ansgar WEYMANN (eds), The Life Course Reader: Individuals and Societies across Time, Frankfurt, Campus-Verlag, 2009, 64-90

KOHLI Martin

Familiale Generationenbeziehungen im Wohlfahrtsstaat in Jürgen KOCKA, Martin KOHLI and Wolfgang STREECK (eds), Altern: Familie, Zivilgesellschaft, Politik (Altern in Deutschland, Bd. 8), Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2009, 93-115 KOHLI Martin

KOHLI Martin

Generational Change in G. RITZER (ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. 4, Malden (MA) Blackwell, 2007, 1900-1906 KOHLI Martin

Generational Equity: Concepts and Attitudes in Camila ARZA and Martin KOHLI (eds), Pension Reform in Europe: Politics, Policies and Outcomes, London, Routledge, 2008, 196-214 KOHLI Martin

Private and Public Transfers between Generations: Linking the Family and the

State (Reprinted) in Stephan LEIBFRIED and Steffen MAU (eds), Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction. Vol. III: Legitimation, Achievement and Integration. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2008 (Reprint of II/142)

Ungleichheit, Konflikt und Integration: Anmerkungen zur Bedeutung des Generationenkonzepts in der Soziologie in Harald KÜNEMUND and Marc SZYDLIK (eds), Generationen: Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009, 229-236 KOHLI Martin

Von der Gesellschaftsgeschichte zur Familie: Was leistet das Konzept der Generationen? in F. LETTKE and A. LANGE (eds), Generationen und Familien: Analysen – Konzepte – gesellschaftliche Spannungsfelder, Frankfurt/M, Suhrkamp, 2007, 47-68

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KOHLI Martin and ALBERTINI Marco

The Family as a Source of Support for Adult Children’s Own Family Projects: European Varieties in Chiara SARACENO (ed.), Families, Ageing and Social Policy: Generational Solidarity in European Welfare States, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2008, 38-58 KOHLI Martin and KÜNEMUND Harald

Verschärfen oder verringern Erbschaften die soziale Ungleichheit? in Sylke NISSEN and Georg VOBRUBA (eds), Die Ökonomie der Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Heiner Ganßmann, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009, 95-107 KOHLI Martin, KÜNEMUND Harald and LÜDICKE Jörg

What Transfers from Parents Contribute to the Economic Well-being of Adult Children in Herbert OBINGER and Elmar RIEGER (eds), Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit in entwickelten Demokratien: Herausforderungen, Reformen und Perspektiven, Frankfurt, Campus-Verlag, 2009, 493-516 KOHLI Martin, KÜNEMUND Harald and VOGEL Claudia

Shrinking Families? Marital Status, Childlessness, and Intergenerational Relationships in Axel BÖRSCH-SUPAN et al. 3 12 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

(eds), Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (2004-2007): Starting the longitudinal dimension, Mannheim, MEA, 2008, 164-171 KOHLI Martin, KÜNEMUND Harald and VOGEL Claudia

Staying or Moving? Housing and Residential Mobility in Axel BÖRSCH-SUPAN et al. (eds), Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (2004-2007): Starting the Longitudinal Dimension, Mannheim, MEA, 2008, 108-113 KORTHALS Michiel

Ethical Traceability and Ethical Room for Manoeuvre in Michiel KORTHALS, Christian COFF, David BARLING and Thorkild NIELSEN (eds), Ethical Traceability and Communicating Food, Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Dordrecht, Springer Nether lands, 2008, 15, 251-265 KORTHALS Michiel, COFF Christian and BARLING David

Ethical Traceability and Informed Food Choice in Michiel KORTHALS, Christian COFF, David BARLING and Thorkild NIELSEN (eds), Ethical Traceability and Communicating Food, Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2008, 15, 1-18


Narrative Strategies in Food Advertising in Michiel KORTHALS, Christian COFF, David BARLING and Thorkild NIELSEN (eds), Ethical Traceability and Communicating Food, Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Dordrecht, Springer Nether lands, 2008, 15, 63-78 KRATOCHWIL Friedrich

Constructivism What It Is (Not) and How It Matters in Michael KEATING and Donatella DELLA PORTA (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a pluralist perspective, Cambridge (UK)/New York, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 80-99 KRATOCHWIL Friedrich

Global Governance and the Emergence of a ‘World Society’ in Nathalie KARAGIANNIS and Peter WAGNER (eds), Varieties of WorldMaking Beyond Globalization, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2007, 266-285 KRATOCHWIL Friedrich

Legal Theory and International Law in David ARMSTRONG (ed.), Routledge Handbook of International Law, London, Routledge, 2009, 55-67 KRATOCHWIL Friedrich

Looking Back from Somewhere in Nicholas RENGGER and Ben

THIRKELL-WHITE (eds), Critical International Relations Theory after 25 Years, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 25-45 KRATOCHWIL Friedrich

Sociological Approaches to International Relations in Christian REUS-SMIT and Duncan SNIDAL (eds), The Oxford Handbook of International Relations, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, 444-461 LANGBEIN Julia

The Transnationalization of Change in Economic Institutions: The Case of Industrial Standards Regulations in Ukraine in Laszlo BRUSZT and Ronald HOLZHACKER (eds), The Transnationalization of Economies, States, and Civil Societies, New York, Springer, 2009, 107-133 MAIR Peter

Concepts and Concept Formation in Donatella DELLA PORTA and Michael KEATING (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 177-97 MAIR Peter

‘Democracies’ in Daniele CARAMANI,(ed.), Comparative Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, 108-132

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MAIR Peter

Governare il vuoto? L’esautorazione della democrazia occidentale in New Left Review 2006-2007, Milano, Baldini Castaldo Dalai, 2008, 7-44

Partier og Partisystemer i Forandring: Festskrift til Lars Bille, Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2008, 33-56 MANN Dennis-Jonathan

Popular Democracy and the European Union Polity in Deirdre CURTIN and Anchrit WILLE (eds), Meaning and Practice of Accountability in the EU MultiLevel Context, Mannheim, Connex, 2008, Report Series 7, 19-62

Ein Gebilde sui generis? Die Debatte um das Wesen der Europäischen Union im Spiegel der „Nature of the Union“Kontroverse in den USA in Frank DECKER and Marcus HÖRETH (eds), Die Verfassung Europas. Perspektiven des Integrationsprojekts in Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009, 319-343

MAIR Peter


MAIR Peter and KATZ Richard S.


MAIR Peter

The British Party System: A Comparative Perspective in Matthew FLINDERS (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of British Politics. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, 283-301

Changing Models of Party Organisation and Party Democracy: The Emergence of the Cartel Party in Michael SADWARD (ed.), Democracy: Critical Concepts in Political Science, Vol IV, Abingdon, Routledge, 2007, 222-45 MAIR Peter and KATZ Richard S.

Tesen om kartelpartier og den implikationer in Karina KOSIARA-PEDERSEN and Peter KURRILD-KLITGAARD (eds), 3 14 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Constitutional and Governmental Policies towards Basque Nationalist Extremism in M. KOENIG and P. DE GUCHTENEIRE (eds), Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies, Aldershot, Ashgate/UNESCO, 2007 Government Restructuring and Resources Reallocation in the Face of EthnoNationalist Insurgency in the Basque Country (1975-2004) in M. ÖBERG and K. STROM (eds), Resources, Governance Structures, and Civil War, London, Routledge/ECPR, 2007 MAVRODI Georgia

Thema empirias? Piges, foreis ke diadikasies diamorfosis metanasteftikis politikis stin Ellada (1990-2005)/[A matter of experience? Sources, institutions

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MOSCA Lorenzo and DELLA PORTA Donatella



MILAN Stefania


Les origines du Mouvement italien pour une Justice Globale in Erik AGRIKOLYANSKI, Olivier FILLEULE and Isabelle SOMMIER (eds), Genealogie du mouvement alter-mondialiste dans l’Europe, Paris, Karthala, 165-186

Ulysses Turning European: The Different Faces of ‘Europeanization’ of Greek Immigration Policy in Thomas FAIST and Andreas ETTE (eds), Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration. Between Autonomy and the European Union, London, Palgrave, 2007, 157-178 Community Media Activists in Transnational Policy Arenas: Strategies and Lessons learnt in Kevin HOWLEY (ed.), Understanding Community Media, London, Sage, 2007, 308-317 MOSCA Lorenzo

Movimenti, partiti e istituzioni: una relazione che cambia? in R. SEGATORI and G. BARBIERI (eds), Mutamenti della politica nell’Italia contemporanea II. Governance, democrazia deliberativa e partecipazione politica, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2008, 241-263

Éléments d’analyse empiriques sur l’européanisation des partis politiques français et la stabilisation du système partisan in Deutsch-Französisches Institut (ed.), Frankreich Jahrbuch 2008: Frankreich in Europa, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009, 6-31 Party Funding in Ukraine in Daniel SMILOV and Jurij TOPLAK (eds), Political Finance and Corruption in Eastern Europe. The Transition Period, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007 REITER Herbert

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REITER Herbert, ANDRETTA Massimiliano, DELLA PORTA Donatella and MOSCA Lorenzo

The Global Justice Movement in Italy in Donatella DELLA PORTA (ed.), The Global Justice Movement, Boulder, Paradigm Publishers, 2007, 52-78 REITER Herwig

Non-solidarity and Unemployment in the ‘New West’ in Nathalie KARAGIANNIS (ed.), European Solidarity, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2007, 164-185 RÖCKE Anja

Le tirage au sort à travers l’histoire : une démocratie du hasard ? in Yves SINTOMER (ed.), La peur de la démocratie. Jurys citoyens, tirage au sort et contrôle populaire, Paris, La Découverte, 2007

Voces Locales. Movilización y activismo en clave transnacional, Buenos Aires, UNRISD-Prometeo, 2008, 231-260 ROSSI Federico Matías

Movimientos Sociales in Luis AZNAR and Miguel DE LUCA (eds), Política. Cuestiones y Problemas, Buenos Aires, Emecé, 2007, 265-304 ROSSI Federico Matías and DELLA PORTA Donatella

Social Movements, Trade Unions and Advocacy Networks in Christian W. HAERPFER, Patrick BERBHAGEN, Ronald F. INGLEHART and Christian Welzel (eds), Democratization, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, 172-195 RUTAZIBWA Olivia

Jurys citoyens, sondages délibératifs et conférences de consensus in Yves SINTOMER (ed.), La peur de la démocratie. Jurys citoyens, tirage au sort et contrôle populaire, Paris, La Découverte, 2007

De Europese Unie en Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen in het Zuiden: Een Internationaal Voorbeeld in Ethisch Beleid? in Philip NAUWELAERTS and Annick SCHRAMME (eds), Responsabilisering van bedrijven in conflictregio’s en landen met een zwakke overheid, Roeselare, Roularta Books, 2008

ROSSI Federico Matías

SPIESER Catherine


La transnacionalización Norte-Sur de los conflictos y sus actores: la experiencia de la red ATTAC en la Argentina in Alejandro GRIMSON and Sebastián PEREYRA (eds), Conflictos Globales, 3 16 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Managing Mass Dismissals and High Unemployment. Employment Policies and Unemployment Compensation in Poland after 1989 in Marie-Ange MOREAU and María

Esther BLAS LÓPEZ (eds), Restructuring in the New EU Member States. Social Dialogue, Firms Relocation and Social Treatment of Restructuring, Brussels, Peter Lang, 2008, 189-220 STEINMO Sven

Changes in the Modern State and Tax Policy: Globalization, Aging and Reliance on Government in Naohiko JINNO and Takehiko IKEGAMI (eds), The Fiscal Sociology of Taxation, Tokyo, Zeimu Keiri Kyokai Publishing Co., 2009, 167-180 STEINMO Sven

Historical Institutionalism in Donatella DELLA PORTA and Michael KEATING (eds), Approaches in the Social Sciences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 113-138 STEINMO Sven

What Should the State Do? A Political Economy of Ideas and Institutions in John CAMPBELL and Peter NAARGARD, Institutions and Politics, Copenhagen, DJOF Press, 2008, 195-226 STEINMO Sven and IDE Eisaku

TRECHSEL Alexander H.

Popular Votes in Ulrich KLOTI, Peter KNOEPFEL, Hanspeter KRIESI and et al. (eds), Handbook of Swiss Politics (2nd ed.), Zürich, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2007, 435-461 VAN DER EIJK Cees, FRANKLIN Mark and MARSH Michael

What Voters Teach us about Europe-Wide Elections. What Europe-Wide Elections Teach us about Voters in Kai ARZHEIMER and Jocelyn EVANS (eds), Electoral Behaviour, London, SAGE, 2008, 82-101 VENNESSON Pascal

Armée in Joël ANDRIANTSIMBAZOVIN, Hélène GAUDIN, Jean-Pierre MARGUÉNAUD, Stéphane RIALS and Frédéric SUDRE (eds), Dictionnaire des Droits de l’Homme, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2008, 61-65 VENNESSON Pascal

The End of the Strong State? in Isaac MARTIN, Ajay MEHROTRA and Monica PRASAD (eds), The Thunder of History: Taxation in Comparative and Historical Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 119-137

Case Study and Process Tracing: Theories and Practices in Donatella DELLA PORTA and Michael KEATING (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 223-239 VENNESSON Pascal

S’adapter aux normes internationales

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: les militaires face à la norme «interventionniste» in Yves SCHEMEIL and WolfDieter EBERWEIN (eds), Normer le monde, Paris, L’Harmattan-Logiques politiques, 2009, 337-368 VICHERAT Daniela

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Ideology that Mattered: The Debates on Historical Materialism and Sociology in the USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, 1948–1968 in Lukáš BABKA and Petr ROUBAL (eds), Prague Perspectives II: A New Generation of Czech East European Studies, Prague, National Library of the Czech Republic – Slavonic Library, 2007, 121–156 WETZLING Thorsten Manuel

European Intelligence Cooperation and Accountability in Sverker GUSTAVSSON, Christer KARLSSON and Thomas PERSSON (eds), The illusion of accountability in the European Union, London, Routledge, 2009, 96-111

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Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies ao c r tnitcrliebsu t i o n s t o b o o k s


European integration in Wouter VAN DER BRUG and Cees VAN DER EIJK (eds), European Elections and Domestic Politics. Lessons from the Past and Scenarios for the Future, Notre Dame (Indiana), University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, 26-261

ARZA Camila


Breaching the Infernal Cycle? Turkey, the European Union and religion in Aziz AL-AZMEH and Effie FOKAS (eds), Islam in Europe. Diversity, Identity and Influence, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 183-207 Changing European Welfare: The New Distributional Principles of Pension Policy in Camila ARZA, and Martin KOHLI, Pension Reform in Europe: Politics, Policies and Outcomes, London, Routledge, 2007 AUGENHOFER Susanne

Externalities, Regulation and Taxation in Electricity Generation in IEE and SEP (eds), The European Electricity Market: Challenge of the Unification, Proceedings of the 4th EEM Conference, 2007

Private Enforcement: Anforderungen an die österreichische und deutsche Rechtsordnung in Susanne AUGENHOFER (ed), Die Eurpäisierung des Kartellund Lauterkeitsrechts, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2009, 39-61




Political Elites in R.J. DALTON and H.D. KLINGEMANN (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Political Behaviour, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, 818-832

The Socio-Economic Model of the European Union: Stuck with the Status Quo in Giuliano AMATO, Herve BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne / Genesis and Destiny of the European Constitution, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, 1105-1128 BARTOLINI Stefano, VAN DER BRUG Wouter, VAN DER EIJK Cees and SCHMIT Hermann

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The Challenge of Integrating East and West in the EU in A. AGH and A. FERENCZ (eds), Overcoming the EU Crisis, Budapest,’ Together for Europe’ Foundation, 2007 BLUCHE Lorraine and PATEL Kiran Klaus

Der Europäer als Bauer. Das Motiv des bäuerlichen Familienbetriebs in Lorraine BLUCHE, Veronika LIPPHARDT and Kiran Klaus PATEL

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(eds), Der Europäer – ein Konstrukt. Wissensbestände, Diskurse, Praktiken, Göttingen, Wallstein, 2009, 135-157 CASARINI Nicola

EU-China Cooperation in Science and Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in Peter LUDLOW (ed.), The EU and China, Ponte de Lima, European Strategy Forum, 2007, 50-71 CASARINI Nicola

The Making of the EU’s Strategy Towards Asia in Nicola CASARINI and Costanza MUSU (eds), European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System: The Road Towards Convergence, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 209-225 CASSARINO Jean-Pierre

Algunas claves para comprender y explicar el regreso desde Europa a los paises del Zagreb in Carla FIBLA GARCIA-SALA and Nicolas CASTELLANO FLORES (eds), Mi nombre es nadie: El viaje mas antiguo del mundo, Barcelona, Icaria Editorial, 2008, 25-31 CASSARINO Jean-Pierre

Entender los vínculos entre migración de retorno y desarrollo in La dimensión exterior de las políticas de inmigración en la Unión Europea. V Seminario Inmigración y Europa, CIDOB Foundation, Barcelona, 2008, 63-87 3 20 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


The Co-operation on Readmission and Enforced Return in the African-European Context in Marie TRÉMOLIÈRES (ed.), Regional Challenges of West African Migration: African and European perspectives, Paris, OECD, 2009, 49-72 CREMONA Marise

The Union’s External Action: Constitutional Perspectives in Giuliano AMATO, Herve BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne / Genesis and Destiny of the European Constitution, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, 1173-1217 DA CONCEICAO-HELDT Eugénia

France: the Importance of the Electoral Cycle in Ellen M. IMMERGUT, Karen ANDERSON and Isabelle SCHULZE (eds), The Handbook of West European Pension Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, 150-199 DE WITTE Bruno

Saving the Constitution? The Escape Routes and Their Legal Feasibility, (Introduction to the II Part: Destinée de la Constitution européenne) in Giuliano AMATO, Herve BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne / Genesis and Destiny

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FARGUES Philippe


EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans. Extensive Conditionalities Coupled with Weak Incentives? in Leszek JESIEN (ed.), European Union Policies in the Making, Kraków, Tischner European University, 2008, 83-100 Emerging Demographic Patterns across the Mediterranean and their Implications for Migration through 2030 in Bertelsmann Stiftung & Migration Policy Institute (eds), Talent, Competitiveness and Migration, The Transatlantic Council on Migration, Gütersloh, Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2009, 129-162 GLACHANT Jean-Michel and PEREZ Yannick

The Achievement of Electricity Competitive Reforms: a Governance Structure Problem? in Claude MENARD and Michel GHERTMAN (eds), Regulation, Deregulation, Reregulation, Institutional Perspectives, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 2009, Chapter 9 HARRIS Elisa D.

Dual Use Biotechnology Research: The Case for Protective Oversight in Brian RAPPERT and Caitriona MCLEISH (eds), A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences

Bioéthique et Constitution in Bertrand MATHIEU and Association française de droit constitutionnel (eds), Cinquantième anniversaire de la Constitution française, Paris, Dalloz, 2008, 505-517 Causal Explanation in Donatella DELLA PORTA and Michael KEATING (eds), Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: a Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 61-72 HERITIER Adrienne

Mutual Recognition Comparing Policy Areas in Susanne K. SCHMIDT (ed.), Mutual Recognition as a New Mode of Governance, Abingdon, Routledge, 2007, 134-147 KANTNER Cathleen

Europäische Medienöffentlichkeit: Folgenlose Debatten? in Sigrid KOCH-BAUMGARTEN and Lutz MEZ (eds), Medien und Policy. Neue Machtkonstellationen in ausgewählten Politikfeldern, Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 209-224 LINSENMANN Ingo

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Structures? Coordination of Coordination Processes through the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines in Ingo LINSENMANN, Christoph O. MEYER and Wolfgang WESSELS (eds), Economic Government of the EU. A Balance Sheet of New Modes of Policy Coordination, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 141-162 LINSENMANN Ingo, MEYER Christoph O. and WESSELS Wolfgang

An Economic Government for Europe in the Making? The Evolution of Policy Coordination in Turbulent Times in Ingo LINSENMANN, Christoph O. MEYER and Wolfgang WESSELS (eds), Economic Government of the EU. A Balance Sheet of New Modes of Policy Coordination, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 1-10

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Evolution Towards a European Economic Government? Research Design and Theoretical Expectations in Ingo LINSENMANN, Christoph O. MEYER and Wolfgang WESSELS (eds), Economic Government of the EU. A Balance Sheet of New Modes of Policy Coordination, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 11-36

LINSENMANN Ingo, MEYER Christoph O. and WESSELS Wolfgang

The Limitations of European Economic 3 22 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Governance: Loose Policy Coordination and the Commitment-Implementation Gap in Ingo LINSENMANN, Christoph O. MEYER and Wolfgang WESSELS (eds), Economic Government of the EU. A Balance Sheet of New Modes of Policy Coordination, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 211-233 LOFSTEDT Ragnar, TORRITI Jacopo and BOUDER Frederic

Key Lessons and Recommendations in Frank FRICK and Tobias ERNST (eds), International Regulatory Reform Monitor 2008, Gütersloh, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2008, 135-147 MARQUIS Mel

Introduction, Summary, Remarks in Claus-Dieter EHLERMANN and Mel MARQUIS (eds), European Competition Law Annual 2007: A Reformed Approach to Article 82 EC, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2008, 25-127 MAUCH Christof and PATEL Kiran Klaus

Umwelt: Naturschutz und Raubbau in Christof MAUCH and Kiran Klaus PATEL (eds), Wettlauf um die Moderne. Die USA und Deutschland 1890 bis heute, Munich, Pantheon-Verlag, 2008, 97-123 MAUCH Christof and PATEL Kiran Klaus

Wettlauf um die Moderne: Konkurrenz und Konvergenz in Christof MAUCH and Kiran Klaus PATEL (eds), Wettlauf um die Moderne.

Die USA und Deutschland 1890 bis heute, Munich, Pantheon-Verlag, 2008, 9-26

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MÖSLEIN Florian and GRUNDMANN Stefan


Europa : ¿En qué dirección? in Josep BORRELL FONTELLES (ed.), Europa en la Encrucijada, [Almería], Cajamar, Caja Rural Sociedad cooperativa de crédito, 2007, 65-77

Contract Governance - Skizze einer Forschungsperspektive in Karl RIESENHUBER (ed.), Perspektiven des Europäischen Schuldvertragsrechts, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2008, 1-41 Masculinity as a Relational Mode: Palestinian Gender Ideologies and Working-Class Categorical Boundaries in an Ethnically Mixed Town in Sandy SUFIAN and Mark LEVINE (eds), Reapproaching Borders: New Perspectives on the Study of Israel/Palestine, Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield, 177-198

Europäisierung in Mathias HABERSACK and Walter BAYER (eds), Aktienrecht im Wandel , 2nd vol.: Grundsatzfragen des Aktienrechts in Gesetzgebung, Wissenschaft und Rechtsprechung Rückblick, aktueller Stand, Ausblick, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2007, 31-112

MUSU Costanza


Inhaltskontrolle und Inhaltsregeln im Schuldvertragsrecht in Karl RIESENHUBER and Yuko NISHITANI (eds), Wandlung oder Erosion der Privatautonomie, Berlin, 2007, 233-252

The EU and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process in Nicola CASARINI and Costanza MUSU (eds), European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System: The Road Towards Convergence, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 112-127


PATEL Kiran Klaus

Judikative Europäisierung-Der Beitrag der Gerichte zur Harmonisierung des Privatund Wirtschaftsrechts in Marc LIEBSCHER (ed.), Harmonisierung des Wirtschaftsrechts in Deutschland, Österreich und Polen. Jahrbuch des Wirtschaftsrechts in Deutschland, Österreich und

„All of this Helps us in Planning“. Der New Deal und die nationalsozialistische Sozialpolitik in Martin AUST and Daniel SCHÖNPFLUG (eds), Vom Gegner lernen. Negative Fremdwahrnehmung und Kulturtransfer im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2007, 234-252

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PATEL Kiran Klaus

Die Ratifizierungskrise des EUVerfassungsvertrags in historischer Perspektive in Imke STURM-MARTIN and Jan HECKER-STAMPEHL (eds), Europa im Blick : westeuropäische Perspektiven im 20. Jahrhundert: Festschrift für Clemens A. Wurm, Hamburg, Kovac, 2007, 181-191 PATEL Kiran Klaus

Europeanisation à contre-coeur. Germany and Agricultural Integration, 1945 to 1975 in Kiran Klaus PATEL (ed.), Fertile Ground for Europe? The History of European Integration and the Common Agricultural Policy since 1945, Baden-Baden, 2009, 139-160 PATEL Kiran Klaus

In Search for a Transnational Historicization. National Socialism and its Place in History in Konrad H. JARAUSCH and Thomas LINDENBERGER (eds), Conflicted Memories. Europeanizing Contemporary Histories, New York, Berghahn Books, 2007, 96-116 PATEL Kiran Klaus

Paradefall der Integration? Die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EWG und die Agrarintegration nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Christian HENRICH-FRANKE, Cornelius NEUTSCH and Guido THIEMEYER (eds), Internationalismus 3 24 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

und Europäische Integration im Vergleich: Fallstudien zu Währungen, Landwirtschaft, Verkehrs- und Nachrichtenwesen, BadenBaden, Nomos Verl.-Ges., 2007, 203-219 PATEL Kiran Klaus

The History of European Integration and the Common Agricultural Policy: An Introduction in Kiran Klaus PATEL (ed.), Fertile Ground for Europe? The History of European Integration and the Common Agricultural Policy since 1945, Baden-Baden, 2009, 7-23 PATEL Kiran Klaus

The Welfare State in Akira IRIYE and Pierre-Yves SAUNIER (eds), The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History, London, Palgrave, 2009, 1099-1102 PATEL Kiran Klaus

Veto Player No. 1? Germany and the EEC’s Common Agricultural Policy, 1950s to 1970s in Michael GEHLER (ed.), From Common Market to European Union Building. 50 years of the Rome Treaties, 1957-2007, Cologne, Böhlau Verlag, 2009, 349-370 PATEL Kiran Klaus and LIPPHARDT Veronika

Einleitung in Lorraine BLUCHE, Veronika LIPPHARDT and Kiran Klaus PATEL (eds.), Der Europäer – ein Konstrukt. Wissensbestände, Diskurse, Praktiken, Göttingen, Wallstein, 2009, 7-32



Biotechnology, Human Rights and International Economic Law in Francesco FRANCIONI (ed.), Biotechnologies and International Human Rights, , Oxford and Portland, Hart Publishing, 2007, Studies in International Law, 13, 229-274

La promozione della concorrenza nel campo dell’energia: profili economici in Eugenio BRUTI LIBERATI and Filippo DONATI (eds), Il nuovo diritto dell’energia tra regolazione e concorrenza, G. Giappichelli, Torino, 2007, 93-104 SCHULZ-FORBERG Hagen


WTO Dispute Settlement Practice 19952005: Lessons from the Past and Future Challenges in Yasuhei TANIGUCHI, Alan YANOVICH and Jan BOHANES (eds), The WTO in the Twenty-First Century: Dispute Settlement, Negotiations and Regionalism in Asia, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 38-97 PONZANO Paolo

Les institutions de l’Union in Giuliano AMATO, Herve BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne / Genesis and Destiny of the European Constitution, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, 439-483 POPESCU Marina and TÓKA Gábor

Districting in Eastern Europe: Regulations and Practices in Bernard GROFMAN and Lisa HANDLEY(eds), Redistricting in Comparative Perspective, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, 251-264

The EU and the European Public Sphere. A Historical Reflection on a Current Issue in Hans-Ake PERSSON and Bo STRATH, Reflections on Europe. Defining a Political Order in Time and Space, Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2007, Multiple Europes, 37 SCHWEITZER Heike

Competition Law and Public Policy: Reconsidering an Uneasy Relationship – the Example of Article 81 in Josef DREXL, Laurence IDOT and Joël MONÉGER (eds), Economic Theory and Competition Law, Edward Elgar, 2009, 134-150 SCHWEITZER Heike

Controlling the Unilateral Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights in Inge GOVAERE and Hanns ULLRICH (eds), Intellectual Property, Market Power and the Public Interest, Brussels and New York, Peter Lang, 2008, 58-95 SCHWEITZER Heike

Due Diligence und der Markt für Unternehmensbeteiligungen. Das unternehmerische Ermessen

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des Vorstands einer Ziel-AG zwischen Gesellschaftsinteresse und Neutralitätsgebot in Harald BAUM, Andreas M. FLECKNER, Alexander HELLGARDT and Markus ROTH (eds), Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsrechts. Deutsches, europäisches und internationales Handels-, Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2008, 263-289 SCHWEITZER Heike

Hans-Bernd Schäfer zum 65. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden, Gabler, 2008, 559-573 SEDELMEIER Ulrich

The European Neighbourhood Policy: A Comment on Theory and Policy in Katja WEBER, Michael SMITH and Michael BAUN (eds), Governing Europe’s Neighbourhood: Partners or Periphery?, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2007, 195-208

European Standard-Setting Policy and the Role of Competition Law in Carl BAUDENBACHER (ed.), Current Developments in European and International Competition Law. 15th St. Gallen International Competition Law Forum (ICF) 2008, Basel, 2009, 29-76



Editorial: 2006 A Quiet Year? in Ulrich SEDELMEIER and Alasdair R. YOUNG (eds), The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2006, Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, 1-5

The History, Interpretation and Underlying Principles of Sec. 2 Sherman Act and Art. 82 EC in Dieter EHLERMANN and Mal MARQUIS (eds), European Competition Law Annual 2007: A Reformed Approach to Article 82 EC, Oxford, Hart, 2008, 119-164 SCHWEITZER Heike

Zurechnung von Wissen beim Unternehmenskauf in Thomas EGER, Claus OTT, Jochen BIGUS and Georg VON WANGENHEIM (eds), Internationalisierung des Rechts und seine ökonomische Analyse, Festschrift für 3 26 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Candidate Countries and Conditionality in Paolo GRAZIANO and Maarten P. VINK (eds), Europeanization: New Research Agendas, Basingstoke/New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 88-101

SEDELMEIER Ulrich and YOUNG Alasdair R.


Reforming National Regulatory Institutions: the EU and Cross-National Variety in European Network Industries in Bob HANCKE´, Martin RHODES and Mark THATCHER (eds), Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, Contradiction, and Complementarities in the European economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, 147-172


Introduction: Beyond Varieties of Capitalism in Bob HANCKE, Martin RHODES and Mark THATCHER (eds), Beyond Varieties of Capitalism : Conflict, Contradiction, and Complementarities in the European economy, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, 3-38 TOCCI Nathalie

Congruence without Strategy: Explaining EU Policies towards the Cyprus Conflict in Nicola CASARINI and Costanza MUSU (eds), European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System: The Road Towards Convergence, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 128-143

Bemerkungen aus historischer Perspektive in Stefan NACKE, René UNKELBACH and Tobias WERRON (eds), Weltereignisse. Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag, 2008, 41-59 TORRITI Jacopo

Italy in Frank FRICK and Tobias ERNST (eds), International Regulatory Reform Monitor 2008, Gütersloh, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2008, 46-60 TORRITI Jacopo

The Netherlands in Frank FRICK and Tobias ERNST (eds), International Regulatory Reform Monitor 2008, Gütersloh, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2008, 61-86

TOCCI Nathalie


TÓKA Gábor


Greece, Turkey and Cyprus in Colin HAY and Anand MENON (eds), European Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, 117-129 Expressive vs. Instrumental Motivation of Turnout, Partisanship and Political Learning in Hans-Dieter KLINGEMANN (ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, 269-288 TORP Cornelius

Weltgesellschaft und Weltereignis.

The Standard Cost Model. When Better Regulation Fights against Red-Tape in Stephen WEATHERILL (ed.), Better Regulation, Oxford, Hart, 2007 United Kingdom in Frank FRICK and Tobias ERNST (eds), International Regulatory Reform Monitor 2008, Gütersloh, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2008, 87-110 TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Anna

Greek Nationalism in the New European Context in I. PAWEL KAROLEWSKI and A.

R o b er t S c h u m a n Ce ntre fo r Ad va n ce d Stu d i e s - 3 2 7

ao c r tnitcrliebsu t i o n s t o b o o k s

Marcin SUSZYCKI (eds), Nationalism in Contemporary Europe, London/ New York, Continuum, 151-167 TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Anna and GROPAS Ruby

Concluding Remarks in Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU and Ruby GROPAS (eds), European Immigration. A Sourcebook, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007 TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Anna and GROPAS Ruby

Greece in Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU and Ruby GROPAS (eds), European Immigration. A Sourcebook, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007 TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Anna, GROPAS Ruby and VOGEL D.

Introduction in Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU and Ruby GROPAS (eds), European Immigration. A Sourcebook, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 1-19 TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Anna and KOSIC Ankica

Italy in Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU and Ruby GROPAS (eds), European Immigration. A Sourcebook, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 1-19 TWOMEY Paul and NEUHOFF Karsten

Will the Market Choose the Right Technologies? in Michale GRUBB, Tooraj JAMASB 3 28 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

and Michael G. POLLITT (eds), Delivering a Low Carbon Electricity System: Technologies, Economics and Policy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 259-277 VAN DER PLOEG Frederick and VEUGELERS Reinhilde

Higher Education Reform and the Renewed Lisbon Strategy: Role of Member States and the European Commission in G. GELAUFF, I. GRILO and A. LEJOUR (eds), Subsidiarity and Economic Reform in Europe, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2007, 65-96 VAUCHEZ Antoine

How to Become a Transnational Elite: Lawyers’ Politics at the Genesis of the European Communities (1950-1970) in Hanne PATERSEN et al. (eds), Paradoxes of European Legal Integration, Ashgate, 2008, 129-148 VENNESSON Pascal

Armée in Joël ANDRIANTSIMBAZOVIN, Hélène GAUDIN, Jean-Pierre MARGUÉNAUD, Stéphane RIALS and Frédéric SUDRE (eds), Dictionnaire des Droits de l’Homme, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2008, 61-65 VENNESSON Pascal

Case Study and Process Tracing: Theories and Practices in Donatella DELLA PORTA and Michael Keating (eds), Approaches and

Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 223-239

the European Constitution, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, 1245-1268


Il regime linguistico della comunità in Mario P. CHITI and G. GRECO (eds), Trattato di diritto amministrativo europeo, Milano, Giuffré, 2007, 2 ed

Europe’s Grand Strategy: The Search for a Postmodern Realism in Nicola CASARINI and Costanza MUSU (eds), European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System: The Road Towards Convergence, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 12-26



S’adapter aux normes internationales : les militaires face à la norme «interventionniste» in Yves SCHEMEIL and WolfDieter EBERWEIN (eds), Normer le monde, Paris, L’Harmattan-Logiques politiques, 2009, 337-368 VERHOEVEN Claudia

The Making of Russian Revolutionary Terrorism in Isaac LAND (ed.), Enemies of Humanity: The Nineteenth-Century War on Terrorism, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 99-116 WALKER Neil

After finalité? The Future of the European Constitution Idea in Giuliano AMATO, Herve BRIBOSIA and Bruno DE WITTE (eds), Genèse et destinée de la Constitution européenne / Genesis and Destiny of R o b er t S c h u m a n Ce ntre fo r Ad va n ce d Stu d i e s - 3 2 9

M a x We b e r Pro g ra m m e ao c r tnitcrliebsu t i o n s t o b o o k s


Zur Soziologie des Spendens. Empirische Befunde und theoretische Ansätze in W. Rainer WALZ, Ludwig v. AUER and Thomas v. HIPPEL (eds), Spenden- und Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht in Europa. Rechtsvergleichende, rechtsdogmatische, ökonometrische und soziologische Untersuchungen, 2007 ADLOFF Frank, SCHWERTMANN Philipp SPRENGEL Rainer and GRAF STRACHWITZ Rupert

Germany in Helmut K. ANHEIER and Siobhan DALY (eds), The Politics of Foundations: A Comparative Analysis, London, Routledge, 2007, 172-185 AYBEK Can

Jugendliche aus Zuwandererfamilien im Übergang von der Schule in den Beruf – Perspektiven der Lebenslauf- und Integrationsforschung in Uwe HUNGER, Can AYBEK, Andreas ETTE and Ines MICHALOWSKI (eds), Migrationspolitik und Integrationsprozesse in Europa: Vergemeinschaftung oder nationalstaatliche Lösungswege?, Wiesbaden, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008, 67-189 AYBEK Can

München: Integrationspolitik nach dem Neuen Steuerungsmodell in Frank GESEMANN and Roth ROLAND (eds), Lokale Integrationspolitik in der

Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Migration und Integration als Herausforderung von Kommunen. Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2009, 335-350 AYBEK Can and STRAßBURGER Gaby

Politik des friedlichen Zusammenlebens« ein Integrationsansatz mit Modellcharakter in Frankfurt, Main in Frank GESEMANN and Roth ROLAND (eds), Lokale Integrationspolitik in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Migration und Integration als Herausforderung von Kommunen. Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2009, 351-365 BEAULAC Stephane

How Far beyond Pax Westfalica in S. HAACK and N. NEUWAHL (eds), Unresolved Issues of the European Constitution – Rethinking the Crisis, Montreal, Thémis, 2007, 383-398 BERNINI Stefania

Una Conciliazione Impossibile? Famiglia e Lavoro nell’Inghilterra del Secondo Dopoguerra in L. BASSO, S. CECCONI and E. NEVE, Donne, Famiglia, Lavoro, Welfare, Cleup, 2007 BONI Guido

Informazione e consultazione dei lavoratori in M.GRANDI and G.PERA, Commentario breve alle leggi sul lavoro, Padova, Cedam, 2007 M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 3 3 1

ao c r tnitcrliebsu t i o n s t o b o o k s


Il cantiere del Tesoro Messicano tra Roma e l’Europa. Pratiche di comunicazione e strategie editoriali nell’orizzonte dell’Accademia dei Lincei (1610-1630) in Sabina BREVAGLIERI (ed.), Sul Tesoro Messicano & su alcuni disegni del Museo Cartaceo di Cassiano dal Pozzo, Rome, Edizioni dell’Elefante, 2007, 1-68 CALENDA Davide and MOSCA Lorenzo

Youth Online: Researching the Political use of the Internet in the Italian Context in Brian LOADER (ed.), Young Citizens in the Digital Age: Political Engagement, Young People and New Media, London, Routledge, 2007, 82-96 DERMAN Joshua

Philosophy Beyond the Bounds of Reason: The Influence of Max Weber on the Development of Karl Jaspers’s Existenzphilosophie, 1909-1932 in David CHALCRAFT et al.(eds), Max Weber Matters: Interweaving Past and Present, Farnham, Ashgate, 2008, 55–71 HOFFMANN Rasmus

Entstehungsgründe sozialer Ungleichheiten in Gesundheit und Altersmortalität in BAUER Ullrich, , Uwe H BITTLINGMAYER and Matthias RICHTER (eds), Health Inequalities : Determinanten und Mechanismen gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit, Wiesbaden : VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss, 2008, 403-429

3 32 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Družbena odgovornost podjetij v tranzicijskih demokracijah (Corporate social responsibility in transitional democracies) in Mateja JANCAR (ed.), Kapital, tranzicija, demokracija, Ljubljana, Inštitut dr. Jože Pucnik, 2009, 103-129 LETNAR CERNIC Jernej

Fundamental Human Rights Obligations of Corporations in Anita HRAST (ed.), Collected Papers of the 4th IRDO International Conference, Social Responsibility and current challenges 2009, IRDO Institute for development of social responsibility, 2009. 59-70 LEVIS SULLAM Simon

The Moses of Italian Unity: Mazzini and Nationalism as Political Religion in A. BAYLY and E. F. BIAGINI (eds), Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 18301920, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, 107–124 LEVIS SULLAM Simon

Their True Tongue: History, Memory, Language and the Jews of Italy in David N. MYERS [et al.] (eds), Acculturation and its Discontents: the Jews of Italy from Early Modern to Modern Times, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2008, 183-202

MOSCA Lorenzo

Dalle piazze alla rete: movimenti sociali e nuove tecnologie della comunicazione in Fabio DE NARDIS (ed.), La società in movimento. I movimenti sociali nell’epoca del conflitto generalizzato, Roma, Editori Riuniti, 2007, 189-218 MOSCA Lorenzo and DELLA PORTA Donatella

Les origines du Mouvement italien pour une Justice Globale in Erik AGRIKOLYANSKI, Olivier FILLEULE and Isabelle SOMMIER (eds), Genealogie du mouvement alter-mondialiste dans l’Europe, Paris, Karthala, 2007, 165-186 PANSINI Valeria

Suddivisione napoleonica del territorio e risposte locali in B.A. RAVIOLA, Cartografia del Monferrato, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2007, 256-270 REITER Herbert, ANDRETTA Massimiliano, DELLA PORTA Donatella and MOSCA Lorenzo

The Global Justice Movement in Italy in Donatella DELLA PORTA (ed.), The Global Justice Movement, Boulder, Paradigm Publishers, 2007, 52-78 RÜHL Giesela

Rechtswahlfreiheit im europäischen Kollisionsrecht in Dietmar BAETGE, Michael VON HINDEN and Jan VON HEIN (eds), Die richtige Ordnung. Festschrift für

Jan Kropholler zum 70. Geburtstag, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2008 SERIU Naoko

Valeur et pratiques de la propreté dans l’armée au XVIIIe (France) in Hélène CUSSAC (ed.), Le corps au croisement de la littérature et de la science, Québec, Presses Universitaires de Laval, 2009, 201-209 SKÅLEVÅG Svein Atle

At belyse en sjael lige ind i Mysteriet. Den unge Knut Hamsun i en vitenshistorisk kontekst in Hilde BONDEVIK and Anne KVEIM (eds), Tegn på sykdom. Om litteraer medisin og medisinsk litteratur, Oslo, Spartacus Forlag, 2007 SLEPCEVIC Reinhard

Throughput- und Output-Legitimität gerichtlicher Rechtsdurchsetzung im Kontext der Europäischen Union in Ingo TAKE (ed.), Legitimes Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaats. BadenBaden, Nomos, 2009, 173-189 SOEN Violet

Más allá de la leyenda negra? Léon van der Essen y la historiografía reciente en torno al castigo de las ciudades rebeldes en los Países Bajos (siglos XIV a XVI) in Essen LÉON VAN DER (ed.), El Ejército Español en Flandes 15671584, Yuste, Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste, 2008, 45-72 M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 3 3 3

ao c r tnitcrliebsu t i o n s t o b o o k s


Reciprocity, Balancing and Proportionality: Rawls and Habermas on Moral and Political Reasonableness in Giorgio BONGIOVANNI, Giovanni SARTOR and Chiara VALENTINI (Eds), Reasonableness And Law: Legal And Constitutional Theory/private, Public And International Law, London, Springer, 2009. WALECKI Marcin and PROTSYK Oleh

Party Funding in Ukraine in Daniel SMILOV and Jurij TOPLAK (eds), Political Finance and Corruption in Eastern Europe. The Transition Period, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007

3 34 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Working Papers

Department of Economics a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


The US Trade Deficit, the Decline of the WTO and the Rise of Regionalism, 2007/17 AKACHI Yoko and CANNING David

Mortality and Morbidity Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Adult Height, 2008/41, EUI MWP ALLEN Franklin CARLETTI Elena and GALE Douglas

Interbank Market Liquidity and Central Bank Intervention, 2009/09 ALLEN Franklin CARLETTI Elena and MARQUEZ Robert

Credit Market Competition and Capital Regulation, 2009/08

ALLEN Franklin CARLETTI Elena and MARQUEZ Robert

Stakeholder Capitalism, Corporate Governance and Firm Value, 2009/10 AREZKI Rabah and VAN DER PLOEG Frederick

Can the Natural Resource Curse Be Turned into a Blessing? The Role of Trade Policies and Institutions, 2007/35 ASCIONE Aurora

Non-Price Competition and Exchange Rate Pass-Through, 2007/54 ASPACHS-BRACONS Oriol, CLOTS-FIGUERAS Irma and MASELLA Paolo

The Effect of Language at School

on Identity and Political Outlooks, 2008/36, EUI MWP BANDIERA Oriana, GUISO Luigi, PRAT Andrea and SADUN Raffaella

Matching Firms, Managers and Incentives, 2009/14 BANERJEE Anindya and MARCELLINO Massimiliano

Factor-Augmented Error Correction Models, 2008/15 BANERJEE Anindya, MARCELLINO Massimiliano and MASTEN Igor

Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables Using Diffusion Indexes in Short Samples with Structural Change, 2008/17


Forecasting Levels of log Variables in Vector Autoregressions, 2009/24 BARTHA Eszter and WOLSZCZAK‑DERLACZ Joanna

Why do People Choose to be Silent? Simulating Electoral Behaviour, 2008/26, EUI MWP BENEDETTI FASIL Cristiana

Product and Process Innovation in a Growth Model of Firm Selection, 2009/30 BERMAN Nicolas

Financial Crises and International Trade: The Long Way to Recovery, 2009/23

D e pa r tme nt o f Eco n o mi c s - 3 3 7

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

BETTSMA Roel M.W.J. and VAN DER PLOEG Frederick

Partisan Public Investment and Debt: The Case for Fiscal Restrictions, 2007/37 BICAKOVA Alena

Does the Good Matter? Evidence on Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection from Consumer Credit Market, 2007/02 BOERNER Lars and VOLCKART Oliver

Currency Unions, Optimal Currency Areas and the Integration of Financial Markets: Central Europe from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Centuries, 2008/42, EUI MWP

and the Distribution of Wages in Europe, IZA Discussion Paper, 2007/3102 BUTLER Jeffrey, GIULIANO Paola and GUISO Luigi

The Right Amount of Trust, 2009/33 CABRALES Antonio and GOTTARDI Piero

Markets for Information: Of Inefficient Firewalls and Efficient Monopolies, 2009/11 CARRIERO Andrea, KAPETANIOS George and MARCELLINO Massimiliano

Forecasting Exchange Rates with a Large Bayesian VAR, 2008/33

BROER Tobias

CARRIERO Andrea, KAPETANIOS George and MARCELLINO Massimiliano

BROU Daniel and RUTA Michele

CORSETTI Giancarlo

BRUNELLO Giorgio, FORT Margherita and WEBER Guglielmo

CORSETTI Giancarlo

The Home Bias of the Poor: Terms of Trade Effects and Portfolios across the Wealth Distribution, 2008/28 Rent Seeking, Market Structure and Growth, 2007/03

For One More Year with You: Changes in Compulsory Schooling, Education and the Distribution of Wages in Europe, 2008/01, EUI MWP

BRUNELLO Giorgio, FORT Margherita and WEBER Guglielmo

For One More Year with You: Changes in Compulsory Schooling, Education 3 38 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Forecasting Large Datasets with Bayesian Reduced Rank Multivariate Models, 2009/31

A Modern Reconsideration of the Theory of Optimal Currency Areas, 2008/12 New Open Economy Macroeconomics, 2007/27, EUI RSCAS CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain

Optimal Monetary Policy and the Sources of Local-Currency Price Stability, 2007/26, Pierre Werner Chair Programme on Monetary Union, EUI RSCAS

CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain

Optimal Monetary Policy and the Sources of Local-Currency Price Stability, 2007/13544, NBER Working Paper CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain


Unpriced Quality Number, 2009/16 COURTY Pascal, KIM Do Han and MARSCHKE Gerald

Curbing Cream-Skimming: Evidence on Enrolment Incentives, 2009/03

The International Dimension of Productivity and Demand Shocks in the US Economy, 2008/DP7003, CEPR

COURTY Pascal and PAGLIERO Mario

CORSETTI Giancarlo, MARTIN Philippe and PESENTI Paolo

COURTY Pascal and PAGLIERO Mario

Varieties and the Transfer Problem: The Extensive Margin of Current Account Adjustment, 2007/6660, CEPR Discussion Paper Series

CORSETTI Giancarlo, MARTIN Philippe and PESENTI Paolo

Varieties and the Transfer Problem: The Extensive Margin of Current Account Adjustment, 2008/13795, NBER Working Paper Series

CORSETTI Giancarlo, MARTIN Philippe and PESENTI Paolo

Do Consumers Care about How Prices Are Set?, 2008/03

Does Responsive Pricing Smooth Demand Shocks?, 2008/01

COURTY Pascal and PAGLIERO Mario

Frictional Matching: Evidence from Law School Admission, 2009/25

COURTY Pascal and PAGLIERO Mario

Price Discrimination in the Concert Industry, 2009/05

COURTY Pascal and PAGLIERO Mario

Price Variation Antagonism and Firm Pricing Policies, 2008/02

Varieties and the Transfer Problem: The Extensive Margin of Current Account Adjustment, 2008/01, Pierre Werner Chair Programme on Monetary Union, EUI RSCAS

COURTY Pascal and PAGLIERO Mario

CORSETTI Giancarlo and MULLER Gernot J.

Does Publicity Affect Competition? Evidence from Discontinuities in Public Procurement Auctions, 2008/04

Twin Deficits, Openness and the Business Cycle, 2007/20

The Impact of Price Discrimination on Revenue: Evidence from the Concert Industry, 2009/04


D e pa r tme nt o f Eco n o mi c s - 3 3 9

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


The Time-Inconsistency of Alternative Energy Policy, 2007/32 DE LA CROIX David and LICANDRO Omar

The Child is Father of the Man:’ Implications for the Demographic Transition, 2007/05

DEMERTZIS Maria, MARCELLINO Massimiliano and VIEGI Nicola

A Measure for Credibility: Tracking US Monetary Developments, 2008/38 DEMETRESCU Matei

Fractional Integration and Cointegration Testing Using the Sample Mean, 2008/06, EUI MWP DEMETRESCU Matei, LUETKEPOHL Helmut and SAIKKONEN Pentti

Testing for the Cointegrating Rank of a Vector Autoregressive Process with Uncertain Deterministic Trend Term, 2008/24


Nominal Debt as a Burden on Monetary Policy, 2007/40, EUI MWP DIAZ‑GIMENEZ Javier, GIOVANNETTI Giorgia, MARIMON Ramon and TELES Pedro

Nominal Debt as a Burden on Monetary Policy, 2007/53

3 40 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Technology Adoption, Turbulence and the Dynamics of Unemployment, 2008/10 EHRHARDT Gorge, MARSILI Matteo and VEGA‑REDONDO Fernando

Networks Emerging in a Volatile World, 2008/08

ELUL Ronel and GOTTARDI Piero,

Bankruptcy: Is It Enough to Forgive or Must We Also Forget?, 2008/41 FACCINI Renato

Reassessing Labor Market Reforms: Temporary Contracts as a Screening Device, 2008/27 FACCINI Renato

Unemployment and Within-Group Wage Inequality: Can Information Explain the Trade-Off?, 2007/14 FACCINI Renato and ORTIGUEIRA Salvador

Labor-Market Volatility in the Search-andMatching Model: The Role of InvestmentSpecific Technology Shocks, 2008/39 FERI Francesco, MELÉNDEZ‑JIMÉNEZ Miguel A. PONTI Giovanni and VEGA‑REDONDO Fernando

Error Cascades in Observational Learning: An Experiment on the Chinos Game, 2008/14 FORT Margherita

Just A Matter of Time: Empirical Evidence

of the Causal Effect of Education on Fertility in Italy, 2007/22, EUI MWP FOSCO Constanza, MARSILI Matteo and VEGA‑REDONDO Fernando

Peer Effects and Peer Avoidance: Epidemic Diffusion in Coevolving Networks, 2008/19 FRALE Cecilia, MARCELLINO Massimiliano, MAZZI Gian Luigi and PROIETTI Tommaso

A Monthly Indicator of the Euro Area GDP, 2008/32

FRALE Cecilia, MARCELLINO Massimiliano, MAZZI Gian Luigi and PROIETTI Tommaso

Survey Data as Coincident or Leading Indicators, 2009/19 GABLER Alain

Sector-specific Markup Fluctuations and the Business Cycle, 2007/25 GABLER Alain and LICANDRO Omar

Endogenous Growth through Selection and Imitation, 2007/26

GALBIATI Roberto and VERTOVA Pietro

Behavioural Effects of Obligations, 2007/01, EUI MWP

GALEOTTI Andrea, GOYAL Sanjeev, JACKSON Matthew O. VEGA‑REDONDO Fernando and YARIV Leeat

Network Games, 2008/07 GALLICE Andrea

Best Responding to What? A Behavioural

Approach to One Shot Play in 2x2 Games, 2007/1365, Discussion Papers in Economics, University of Munich, Department of Economics GALLICE Andrea

Education, Dynamic Signaling and Social Distance, 2007/1364, Discussion Papers in Economics, University of Munich, Department of Economics GIORDANI Paolo, SCHLAG Karl H. and ZWART Sanne

Decision Makers Facing Uncertainty: Theory versus Evidence, 2007/27, EUI MWP


Social Security and Risk Sharing, 2009/12 GOTTARDI Piero, MARC Jean and GHIRARDATO Paolo

Flexible Contracts, 2009/34 GRUSS Bertrand and MERTENS Karel

Regime Switching Interest Rates and Fluctuations in Emerging Markets, 2009/22 GRUSS Bertrand and SGHERRI Silvia

The Volatility Costs of Procyclical Lending Standards: An Assessment Using a DSGE Model, 2009/07 GUISO Luigi

A Test of Narrow Framing and Its Origin, 2009/02 D e pa r tme nt o f Eco n o mi c s - 3 4 1

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

GUISO Luigi and JAPPELLI Tullio

Financial Literacy and Portfolio Diversification, 2008/31 GUISO Luigi and JAPPELLI Tullio

Information Acquisition and Portfolio Performance, 2007/45 GUISO Luigi, JAPPELLI Tullio and PADULA Mario

Pension Risk, Retirement Saving and Insurance, 2009/18 GUISO Luigi and MINNETTI Raul

The Structure of Multiple Credit Relationships: Evidence from US Firm, 2007/46 GUISO Luigi and PAIELLA Monica

Risk Aversion, Wealth, and Background Risk, 2007/47 GUISO Luigi and SCHIVARDI Fabiano

What Determines Entrepreneurial Clusters?, 2007/48 GUISO Luigi, SAPIENZA Paola and ZINGALES Luigi

Cultural Biases in Economic Exchange?, 2007/42


Labor Adjustment: Disentangling Firing and Mobility Costs, 2007/44 3 42 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Long Term Persistence, 2008/30


Moral and Social Constraints to Strategic Default on Mortgages, 2009/27 GUISO Luigi, SAPIENZA Paola and ZINGALES Luigi

Social Capital as Good Culture, 2007/57 GUISO Luigi, SAPIENZA Paola and ZINGALES Luigi

The Cost of Banking Regulation, 2007/43 HALLIN Marc and LIŠKA Roman

Dynamic Factors in the Presence of Block Structure, 2008/22 HERACLEOUS Maria S.

Sample Kurtosis, GARCH-t and the Degrees of Freedom Issue, 2007/32, EUI MWP HERACLEOUS Maria S.

Sample Kurtosis, GARCH-t and the Degrees of Freedom Issue, 2007/60 HINTERMAIER Thomas and KOENIGER Winfried

Incomplete Markets and the Evolution of the US. Consumer Wealth Distribution, 2008/27, EUI MWP

IANNI Antonella

Learning Strict Nash Equilibria through Reinforcement, 2007/21 IMPULLITI Giammario

KEEN Michael and LOCKWOOD Ben

The Value Added Tax: Its Causes and Consequences, 2007/09

International Competition and U.S. R&D Subsidies: A Quantitative Welfare Analysis, 2008/11




International Competition and U.S. R&D Subsidies: A Quantitative Welfare Analysis, 2008/14, EUI MWP IMPULLITI Giammario

International Schumpeterian competition and optimal R&D subsidies, 2007/19, EUI MWP

Economics and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2008/37 Export-Supporting FDI, 2007/24 KRAUTHEIM Sebastian

Gravity and Information:Heterogeneous Firms, Exporter Networks and the ‘Distance Puzzle’, 2007/51 KRAUTHEIM Sebastian and SCHMIDT‑EISENLOHR Tim


Heterogeneous Firms, `Profit Shifting‘ FDI and International Tax Competition, 2009/15

JORDÀ Oscar and MARCELLINO Massimiliano


International Schumpeterian Competition and Optimal R&D Subsidies, 2007/55

Path Forecast Evaluation, 2008/34 KARLINGER Liliane and MOTTA Massimo

Exclusionary Pricing and Rebates When Scale Matters, 2007/30 KASCHA Christian

A Comparison of Estimation Methods for Vector Autoregressive MovingAverage Models, 2007/12

Matching Theory and Data: Bayesian Vector Autoregression and Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models, 2009/27, EUI MWP KRIWOLUZKY Alexander

Matching Theory and Data: Bayesian Vector Autoregression and Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models, 2009/29

D e pa r tme nt o f Eco n o mi c s - 3 4 3

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

KUZIN Vladimir, MARCELLINO Massimiliano and SCHUMACHER Christian


KUZIN Vladimir, MARCELLINO Massimiliano and SCHUMACHER Christian


MIDAS vs. Mixed-frequency VAR: Nowcasting GDP in the Euro Area, 2009/32

Pooling versus Model Selection for Nowcasting with Many Predictors: An Application to German GDP, 2009/13 LANNE Markku and LUETKEPOHL Helmut

International Consumption Insurance and Within-Country Risk Reallocation, 2008/03, EUI MWP Voting, Lobbying, and the Decentralization Theorem, 2007/06 LOMBARDI Marco J. and VEREDAS David

Indirect Estimation of Elliptical Stable Distributions, 2008/05, EUI MWP

A Statistical Comparison of Alternative Identification Schemes for Monetary Policy Shocks, 2008/23


LANNE Markku and LUETKEPOHL Helmut


Stock Prices and Economic Fluctuations: A Markov Switching Structural Vector Autoregressive Analysis, 2008/29 LANNE Markku, LUETKEPOHL Helmut and MACIEJOWSKA Katarzyna

Structural Vector Autoregressions with Markov Switching, 2009/06 LANNE Markku and SAIKKONEN Pentti

Modeling Expectations with Noncausal Autoregressions, 2008/20 LICANDRO Omar and NAVAS-RUIZ Antonio

Trade Liberalization, Competition and Growth, 2007/19 3 44 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Econometric Analysis with Vector Autoregressive Models, 2007/11 Forecasting Aggregated Time Series Variables: A Survey, 2009/17 LUETKEPOHL Helmut and XU Fang

The Role of Log Transformation in Forecasting Economic Variables, 2009/06, EUI MWP MARCELLINO Massimiliano and SCHUMACHER Christian

Factor-MIDAS for Now- and Forecasting with Ragged-Edge Data: A Model Comparison for German GDP, 2008/16 MARIMON Ramon and QUADRINI Vincenzo

Competition, Human Capital and Income Inequality with Limited Commitment, 2008/19, EUI MWP

MARIMON Ramon and QUADRINI Vincenzo

Competition, Human Capital and Income Inequality with Limited Commitment, 2008/21

MASTEN Igor, BANERJEE Anindya and MARCELLINO Massimiliano

Forecasting with Factor-augmented Error Correction Models, 2009/32, EUI RSCAS MEITZ Mika and SAIKKONEN Pentti

Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear AR-GARCH Models, 2008/25 MERTENS Karel

The Role of Expectations in Sudden Stops, 2007/16 MERTENS Karel and RAVN Morten O.


Specification tests for the distribution of errors in nonparametric regression: a martingale approach, 2007/34, EUI MWP MURAVYEV Alexander

Dual Class Stock in Russia: What Explains the Price Differential between Common and Preferred Shares?, 2007/680, DIW Berlin Discussion Paper MURAVYEV Alexander

Firm Size, Wages and Unobserved Skills: Evidence from Dual Job Holdings in the UK, 2007/681, DIW Berlin Discussion Paper MURAVYEV Alexander, SCHAFER D. and TAVAVERA O.

The Aggregate Effects of Anticipated and Unanticipated U.S. Tax Policy Shocks: Theory and Empirical Evidence, 2008/05

Entrepreneurs’ Gender and Financial Constraints: Evidence from International Data, 2007/706, DIW Berlin Discussion Paper


NAVAS-RUIZ Antonio and SALA Davide




PIN Paolo

Intergenerational Transfers of Time and Public Long-term Care with an Aging Population, 2008/36 Population Aging and Economic Growth: The Effect of Health Expenditure, 2008/35 The Bargaining Family Revisited: A Comment, 2007/28

Technology Adoption and the Selection Effect of Trade, 2007/58

Markov-Perfect Optimal Fiscal Policy: The Case of Unbalanced Budgets, 2007/41 Eight Degrees of Separation, 2008/44, EUI MWP D e pa r tme nt o f Eco n o mi c s - 3 4 5

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


Urban Growth, Uninsured Risk and the Rural Origins of Aggregate Volatility, 2008/26 PONCE Carlos J.

More Secrecy... More Knowledge Disclosure? On Disclosure Outside of Patents, 2008/02, EUI MWP RAVN Morten O., SCHMITT-GROHE Stephanie and URIBE Martin

Explaining the Effects of Government Spending Shocks on Consumption and the Real Exchange Rate, 2007/23

RAVN Morten O., SCHMITT-GROHE Stephanie and URIBE Martin

Incomplete Cost Pass-Through Under Deep Habits, 2008/06

RAVN Morten O., SCHMITT‑GROHE Stephanie, URIBE Martin and UUSKULA Lenno

Deep Habits and the Dynamic Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks, 2008/40 RAVN Morten O. and SIMONELLI Saverio

Labor Market Dynamics and the Business Cycle: Structural Evidence for the United States, 2007/13 REBEYROL Vincent

Trade Liberalization, Offshoring and Firm Heterogeneity, 2009/26

3 46 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Asset Based Unemployment Insurance, 2007/15 RIVAS Javier

Friendship Selection, 2007/08 RIVAS Javier

Learning within a Markovian Environment, 2008/13 SAIDI Aurélien

Can Stabilization Policies Be Efficient?, 2009/01 SALA Davide

RTAs Formation and Trade Policy, 2007/59 SAURE Philip

Productivity Growth, Bounded Marginal Utility, and Patterns of Trade, 2007/25, EUI MWP SAURE Philip

Productivity Growth, Bounded Marginal Utility, and Patterns of Trade, 2007/56 SCHLAG Karl H.

Distribution-Free Learning, 2007/01 SCHLAG Karl H.

How to Attain Minimax Risk with Applications to DistributionFree Nonparametric Estimation and Testing, 2007/04


Inventors and Impostors: An Economic Analysis of Patent Examination, 2009/28 SCHWERDT Guido

Labor Turnover before Plant Closure: ‘Leaving the sinking ship’ vs. ‘Captain throwing ballast overboard’, 2007/22 SHENDY Riham

Do Unions Matter? Trade Reform and Manufacturing Wages in South Africa, 2007/50 SHENDY Riham

SWANK Otto H. and VISSER Bauke

Is Transparency to No Avail? Committee Decision-Making, Pre-Meeting, and Credible Deals, 2008/18 THAL Jeanine

On the Signaling and Feedback Effects of Umbrella Branding, 2007/13, EUI MWP TRABANDT Mathias

Optimal Pre-Announced Tax Reform Revisited, 2007/52

Efficiency Gains from Trade Reform: Foreign Technology or Import Competition? Evidence from South Africa’s Manufacturing Sector, 2007/18


SPADY Richard

Prudent Budgetary Policy Political Economy of Precautionary Taxation, 2007/39

Semiparametric Methods for the Measurement of Latent Attitudes and the Estimation of Their Behavioural Consequences, 2007/29 STÖLTING Sarah

International Trade and Growth: The Impact of Selection and Imitation, 2009/21 STÖLTING Sarah, KUESTER Keith and MULLER Gernot J.

Is the New Keynesian Phillips Curve Flat?, 2007/809, ECB Working Paper SWANK Otto H. and VISSER Bauke

Decision Making and Learning in a Globalizing World, 2009/20

Genuine Savings and the Voracity Effect, 2007/38



Prudent Monetary Policy and Cautious Prediction of the Output Gap, 2007/40 VAN DER PLOEG Frederick

Sustainable Social Spending and Stagnant Public Services: Baumol’s Cost Disease Revisited, 2007/34 VAN DER PLOEG Frederick and POELHEKKE Steven

Volatility, Financial Development and the Natural Resource Curse, 2007/36

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a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

VAN DER PLOEG Frederick and VEUGELERS Reinhilde

Higher Education Reform and the Renewed Lisbon Strategy: Role of Member States and the European Commission, 2007/33 VAN DER WEELE Joel

The Signalling Power of Sanctions in Collective Action Problems, 2007/10 VEGA‑REDONDO Fernando

Network Organizations, 2008/09 VIGNOLO Thierry

Imitation and Selective Matching In Reputational Games, 2007/31 WINTER Christoph

Accounting for the Changing Role of Family Income in Determining College Entry, 2007/49 WOLSZCZAK-DERLACZ Joanna

Does One Currency Mean One Price?, 2008/21, EUI MWP ZOABI Hosny

Talent Utilization, a Source of Bias in Measuring TFP, 2007/27 ZOABI Hosny

Talent Utilization, a Source of Bias in Measuring TFP, 2007/18, EUI MWP ZWART Sanne

Fixing the Quorum: Representation versus Abstention, 2007/07 3 48 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Department of History and Civilization a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


Havana’s Botanical Garden in the Construction of Cuban National Identity, 2007/17


Literature in the Construction of ‘Cuban Identity’, 1823-1845, 2007/05 AGUILERA-MANZANO José María

The Informal Communication Network built by Domingo del Monte from Havana between 1824 and 1845, 2007/16 ALEKSOV Bojan

Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj and the Serbian Identity between Poetry and History, 2007/08

BERNINI Stefania

The Edges of the Family: Family Life, Political Concerns and the Treatment of Children in PostWar Italy and Britain, 2007/38 CALVI Giulia (ed.)

Women Rulers in Europe: Agency, Practice and the Representation of Political Powers (XII-XVIII), 2008/02 COHEN Deborah

Conceptual Modalities of Social Classifications in Eighteenth-century France: Reasoning on a Natural Order or Observing Individuals, 2007/07 FAVA Valentina


Bengasi Revisited: A CD-ROM, 2008/03

COMECON Integration and the Automobile Industry: the Czechoslovak Case, 2008/18


FAVA Valentina



Why do People Choose to be Silent? Simulating Electoral Behaviour, 2008/26

The First European Grain Invasion: a study in the integration of the European market 1750-1870, 2008/01


GEKAS Athanasios

Transforming Memories: Workers’ Recollection of the Socialist Regimes in East Germany and Hungary, 2008/16

Innocent Victims of Red KZs? West German Representations of Soviet Internment 1945-55, 2007/39

Motor Vehicles vs. Dollars: Selling Socialist Cars in Neutral Markets. Some Evidence from the ŠKODA Auto Case., 2007/36

A Global History of Ottoman Cotton Textiles, 1600-1850, 2007/30

D ep a r t m ent o f H i s to r y a n d Ci v i l i z ati o n - 3 4 9

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

GEKAS Athanasios




Compradors to Cosmopolitans? The Historiographical Fortunes of Merchants in Eastern Mediterranean Ports, 2008/29 The House that Market Socialism Built: Reform, Consumption and Inequality in Socialist Yugoslavia, 2008/33 MENCHINI Carmen

Funeral Oratory at the Medici Court: the Representation of the First Grand Dukes, 2008/20 PANSINI Valeria

Cartography and Production of Space: a Challenge for the Historian, 2007/33 PATEL Kiran Klaus

Transnations among “Transnations”? The Debate on Transnational History in the US and Germany, 2008/159 , Harvard University Center for European Studies Working Paper Series

3 50 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Interpreting Murder Medically: A Medico-Legal Case from an Early 20th Century European Periphery, 2007/21 Colonial Mapping and Local Knowledge in the Venetian Empire, 1684-1715, 2008/15 VELIZHEV Mikhail

Inventing Russian History: ‘Reflections on Russia’ – an unearthed essay by Yakov Ivanovic Bulgakov (1743-1809), 2008/37

Department of Law a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

ALMENDRAL Violeta Ruiz

La tributación del no residente comunitario: entre la Armonización fiscal y el Derecho tributario internacional, 2008/25 AUGENSTEIN Daniel

A European Culture of Religious Tolerance, 2008/04 AVBELJ Matej and KOMÁREK Jan (eds)

Four Visions of Constitutional Pluralism, 2008/21 BEAULAC Stephane

An Inquiry into the International Rule of Law, 2007/14 BEAULAC Stephane

Westphalia, Dualism and Contextual Interpretation: How to Better Engage International Law in Domestic Judicial Decisions, 2007/03 BOBEK Michal

Quantity or Quality? Re-Assessing the Role of Supreme Jurisdictions in Central Europe, 2007/36 BOBEK Michal

The Binding Force of Babel. The Enforcement of EC Law Unpublished in the Languages of the New Member States, 2007/06 BONI Guido

Corporate Restructuring and Employment

Protection: Towards a New Territorial Social Dialogue?, 2007/09, EUI MWP CAFAGGI Fabrizio

Contractual Networks and the Small Business Act: Towards European Principles?, 2008/15 CAFAGGI Fabrizio

Private Regulation in European Private Law, 2009/31, Private Regulation Series CAFAGGI Fabrizio

Product Safety, Private Standard Setting and Information Networks, 2008/17 CAFAGGI Fabrizio

Which Governance for European Private Law?, 2007/26 CAFAGGI Fabrizio and IAMICELI Paola

New Frontiers in the Legal Structure and Legislation of Social Enterprises in Europe: A Comparative Analysis, 2008/16 CAFAGGI Fabrizio and MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

Administrative and Judicial Collective Enforcement of Consumer Law in the US and the European Community, 2007/22 CAFAGGI Fabrizio and MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

Administrative and Judicial Enforcement in Consumer Protection: The Way Forward, 2008/29

D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 3 5 1

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


DUPUY Pierre-Marie

CREMONA Marise and MELONI Gabriella (eds)

DUPUY Pierre-Marie and TRAISBACH Knut



EU External Action in the JHA Domain: a Legal Perspective, 2008/24

The European Neighbourhood Policy: A Framework for Modernisation?, 2007/21

Welfare Integration through EU Law: The Overall Picture in the Light of the Lisbon Treaty, 2008/34 D’ASCOLI Silvia and SCHERR Kathrin

The Rule of Prior Exhaustion of Local Remedies in the International Law Doctrine and its Application in the Specific Context of Human Rights Protection, 2007/02 DAWSON Mark

New Governance and the Transformation of European Law: The Case of the Open Method Coordination for Social Inclusion, 2008, 2, Harvard European Law Working Papers DE WITTE Bruno

Setting the Scene: How did Services get to Bolkestein and Why?, 2007/20 DELGADO CASTELEIRO Andrés and SPERNBAUER Martina (ed.)

Security Aspects in EU External Policies, 2009/01

3 52 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Crime sans châtiment ou mission accomplie?, 2007/09 Taking International Law Seriously. On the German Approach to International Law, 2007/34 Making Sense of Judicial Lawmaking: a Theory of Theories of Adjudication, 2008/09 EUI Social and Labour Law Working Group

The Fundamentalisation of Social Rights, 2009/05 FRANCIONI Francesco

Au-delà des traités: l’émergence d’un nouveau droit coutumier pour la protection du patrimoine culturel, 2008/05 GARBEN Sacha

The Bologna Process From a European Law Perspective, 2008/12 GERMANN Christophe

The “Rougemarine Dilemma”: how much Trust does a State Deserve when it Subsidises Cultural Goods and Services?, 2008/22 HARTZEN A.-C., HÖS Nikolett, LECOMTE F., MARZO Claire, MESTRE Bruno, OLBRICH H. and FULLER S.

The Right of the Employee to Refuse

to be Transferred. A comparative and theoretical analysis, 2008/20 HENDRY Jennifer

Legal Integration in the EU: the unitas in diversitate Conundrum and the Importance of Considering Culture, 2009/05, Tilburg Institute of Comparative & Transnational Law


To Strike or not to Strike: Assessing the Legality of a Potential Strike against Iran’s Nuclear Facilities, 2008/30 IBÁÑEZ COLOMO Pablo

Ofcom’s Proposal to Regulate Access to Premium Television Content: Some Thoughts, 2009/03


JOERGES Christian


JOERGES Christian

A Human Dignitas? The Contemporary Principle of Human Dignity as a Mere Reappraisal of an Ancient Legal Concept, 2008/18 When Ambivalent Principles Prevail. Leads for Explaining Western Legal Orders’ Infatuation with the Human Dignity Principle, 2007/37

Conflict of Laws as Constitutional Form: Reflections on International Trade Law and the Biotech Panel Report, 2007/03, RECON Online Working Paper Democracy and European Integration: A Legacy of Tensions, a Re-conceptualisation and Recent True Conflicts?, 2007/25 JOERGES Christian


Words Count. How Interest in Stem Cells has made the Embryo Available: A Look at the French Law of Bioethics, 2008/19

Integration durch Entrechtlichung? Ein Zwischenruf, gen-07, Diskussionspapier des Zentrums für Europäische Rechtspolitik (ZERP)

HERRMANN Christoph

JOERGES Christian

HÖS Nikolett

JOERGES Christian, BRAAMS Beate and EVERSON Michelle

Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements as a Challenge to the Multilateral Trading System, 2008/09 The Principle of Proportionality in the Viking and Laval Cases: An Appropriate Standard of Judicial Review?, 2009/06

Integration through De-legislation? An Irritated Heckler, 2007/03, European Governance Papers (EUROGOV)

Die Europaeische Wende zu Neuen Formen des Regierens (New Modes of Governance)- Rechtsprobleme

D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 3 5 3

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

eines politischen Konzepts, 55, TranState Working Papers KJAER Poul

MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

The Visible Hand of European Regulatory Private Law, 2008/14

Rationality within REACH? On Functional Differentiation as the Structural Foundation of Legitimacy in European Chemicals Regulation, 2007/18

MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang

KUO Ming-Sung

Race Judicata. Rien ne va plus for Race and Ethnicity in France and Europe?, 2008/23

A Farewell to Constitutional Authorship? A Critique of the Presentist Turn in the Legitimacy of Constitutional Democracy, 2008/28 LOADER Ian and WALKER Neil

Locating the Public Interest in Transnational Policing, 2007/17 LYONS Carole

A Door into the Dark; Doing Justice to History in the Courts of the European Union, 2008/11 MAIANI Francesco

Legal Europeanization as Legal Transformation: Some Insights from Swiss “Outer Europe”, 2008/32

Universal Services: Nucleus for a Social European Private Law, 2009/12 MÖSCHEL Mathias

MOREAU Marie-Ange

European Solidarity and Labour Law: Some Thoughts Stemming from the Question of Restructuring in Europe, 2007/33 MOREAU Marie-Ange

Les restructurations dans l’Union européenne: récentes évolutions (2005-2006), 2008/07 MOREAU Marie-Ange and BLAS-LOPEZ Maria Esther

Trade Unions in the EU Facing Global Companies: Legal Obstacles and Innovations, 2007/27


MOREAU Marie-Ange and PARIS Jean-Jacques

MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang


Good Administration in EU Law and the European Code of Good Administrative Behaviour, 2009/09 Regulatory Strategies on Services Contracts in EC Law, 2008/06 3 54 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Le rôle du Comité d’Entreprise Européen au cours des restructurations: les leçons du projet AgirE, 2008/02 Constitutionalism and the Regulation of International Markets: How to Define

the ‘Development Objectives’ of the World Trading System?, 2007/23 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich

PRAKKEN Henry and SARTOR Giovanni

Formalising Arguments about the Burden of Persuasion, 2007/14

Judging Judges: Do Judges Meet their Constitutional Obligation to Settle Disputes in Conformity with ‘Principles of Justice and International Law’?, 2008/01

PRAKKEN Henry and SARTOR Giovanni


A Formal Prescriptive Approach to General Principles of (International) Law, 2007/19

Why Rational Choice Theory Requires a Multilevel Constitutional Approach to International Economic Law The Case for Reforming the WTO’s Enforcement Mechanism, 2007/19, University of St. Gallen Law School Law and Economics Working Paper PETROV Roman

Legal Basis and Scope of the New EUUkraine Enhanced Agreement. Is there any Room for further Speculation?, 2008/17

More on Presumptions and Burdens of Proof, 2008/30 QUIRICO Ottavio

REICH Norbert

Rights without Duties? Reflections on the State of Liability Law in the Multilevel Governance System of the Community: Is There a Need for a More Coherent Approach in European Private Law?, 2009/10 RIJPMA Jorrit J. and CREMONA Marise


The Extra-Territorialisation of EU Migration Policies and the Rule of Law, 2007/01

PONCIBÒ Cristina

RIVERET Régis, ROTOLO Antonino, SARTOR Giovanni, PRAKKEN Henry and ROTH Bram

PRAKKEN Henry, RIVERET Régis, ROTOLO Antonino and SARTOR Giovanni

RUBINO Rossella and SARTOR Giovanni

The External Dimension of the Acquis Communautaire, 2007/02 The Challenges of EC Consumer Law, 2007/24

Heuristics in Argumentation: A GameTheoretical Investigation, 2008/31

Success Chances in Argument Games: A Probabilistic Approach to Legal Disputes, 2007/29

Source Norms and Self-Regulated Institutions, 2007/35

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a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


“Reasonableness” and Value Pluralism in Law and Politics, 2008/13 SADURSKI Wojciech

SARTOR Giovanni

A Sufficientist Approach to Reasonableness in Legal DecisionMaking and Judicial Review, 2009/07

Arbitrariness of Social and Natural Differences: Luck, Lottery, and Equality, 2007/12

SARTOR Giovanni


Legal Concepts: An Inferential Approach, 2008/03

Partnering with Strasbourg: Constitutionalization of the European Court of Human Rights, the Accession of Central and East European States to the Council of Europe, and the Idea of Pilot Judgments, 2008/33

Defeasibility in Legal Reasoning, 2009/02 SARTOR Giovanni

SARTOR Giovanni

Legal Validity: An Inferential Analysis, 2007/24 SARTOR Giovanni


Rights and Moral Reasoning: An Unstated Assumption, 2007/38

Legality Policies and Theories of Legality: From “Bananas” to Radbruch’s Formula, 2008/27


SARTOR Giovanni


SARTOR Giovanni


SARTOR Giovanni, RUDNIANSKI Michel, ROTOLO Antonino, RIVERET Régis and MAYOR Eunate

Two Concepts of Social Equality: What Luck Has Got To Do With It?, 2007/04 Welfare, Resources, and LuckEgalitarianism, 2007/05 Politics and Constitutional Courts: A Judge’s Personal Perspective, 2008/10 SAFJAN Marek, GORYWODA Lukasz and JANCZUK Agnieszka

Taking Collective Interest of Consumers Seriously: A View from Poland, 2008/26 3 56 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Sistemi basati sulla conoscenza giuridica e servizi pubblici, 2008/32 The Nature of Legal Concepts: Inferential Nodes or Ontological Categories?, 2007/08

Why Lawyers Are Nice (or Nasty). A Game-Theoretical Argumentation Exercise, 2009/08

SCHEININ Martin [et. al.]

Law and Security: Facing the Dilemmas, 2009/11 SCHUTZE Robert

On ‘Middle Ground’. The European Community and Public International Law, 2007/13 SCHWEITZER Heike


Le droit international des droits de l’homme et la République Islamique d’Iran: respect des obligations internationales par un gouvernement islamique, 2008/08 VINX Lars

Authority, Arbitration and the Claims of the Law, 2007/15

Commitment Decisions under Art. 9 of Regulation 1/2003: The Developing EC Practice and Case Law, 2008/22




Competition Law and Public Policy: Reconsidering an Uneasy Relationship. The Example of Art. 81, 2007/30 SCHWEITZER Heike

Controlling the Unilateral Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights: A Multitude of Approaches but No Way Ahead? The Transatlantic Search for a New Approach, 2007/31 SCHWEITZER Heike

Parallels and Differences in the Attitudes towards Single-Firm Conduct: What are the Reasons? The History, Interpretation and Underlying Principles of Sec. 2 Sherman Act and Art. 82 EC, 2007/32 TREMBLAY Luc B.

Le fondement normatif du principe de proportionnalité en théorie constitutionnelle, 2009/04

The Concept of State Aid in Liberalised Sectors, 2008/28 After finalité? The Future of the European Constitutional Idea, 2007/16 WALKER Neil

Denizenship and the Deterritorialization in the EU, 2008/08 WALKER Neil

The Reframing of Law’s Imperial Frame: An Analysis of Jim Tully’s Theory of Post-Colonial Empire, 2007/15 WALKER Neil and DE BURCA Grainne

Reconceiving Law and New Governance, 2007/10

Working Group on Environmental Law

Sustainable Development and International Law: The Way Forward, 2007/28

D e pa r tme nt o f L aw - 3 5 7

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

ZALUSKI Wojciech

Evolutionary View of Human Nature and the Goals of Law, 2008/07 ZALUSKI Wojciech

Models of the Origins of Law. An Attempt at Appraisal from the Perspective of Evolutionary Theory, 2008/12


Individual Liability of Private Military Personnel under International Criminal Law, 2009/04, PRIV-WAR Project MACLEOD Sorcha and WHITE Nigel D.

EU Operations and Private Military Contractors: Issues of Corporate and Institutional Responsibility, 2009/07, PRIV-WAR Project RYNGAERT Cedric

Academy of European Law (AEL) BAKKER Christine

Litigating Abuses Committed by Private Military Companies, 2009/05, PRIV-WAR Project

Obligations of States to Prosecute Employees of Private Military and Security Companies for Serious Human Rights Violations, 2009/01, PRIV-WAR Project




‘We Can’t Spy … If We Can’t Buy!’: The Privatization of Intelligence and the Limits of Outsourcing ‘Inherently Governmental Functions’, 2009/02, PRIV-WAR Project FRANCIONI Francesco and VRDOLJAK Ana Filipa (eds)

The Illicit Traffic of Cultural Objects in the Mediterranean, 2009/09, Cultural Heritage Project HOPPE Carsten

Passing the Buck: State Responsibility for Private Military Companies, 2009/03, PRIV-WAR Project 3 58 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Status of PMSC Personnel in the Laws of War: The Question of Direct Participation in Hostilities, 2009/06, PRIV-WAR Project Human Rights Violations by Private Persons and Entities: The CaseLaw of International Human Rights Courts and Monitoring Bodies, 2009/, PRIV-WAR Project

Depar tment of Political and Social Sciences a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


What Makes for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy? The Case of the Childless Elderly in Germany and the U.S., 2007/20 ALBERTI Adriana and SAYED Fatma El-zahraa Hassan

Challenges and Priorities in Reforming Governance and Public Administration in the Middle East, North Africa and Western Balkans, DPADM discussion Paper, August 2007 ANGELI Oliviero

Taking rights territorially. On territorial rights and the right to exclude, 2008/09 ARRETCHE Marta

Federalism and Place-Equality Policies: A Case Study of Policy Design and Outputs, 2009/02 AYDIN Umut

Globalization and the Politics of Subsidies, 2008/11 BALSIGER Jörg

Regional Sustainable Development in the European Alps, 2008/23 BERENSON Marc P.

Does Political Culture Matter? Deciphering the Whys of Ukrainian Tax Compliance, 2008/38 BOLLEYER Nicole and WEEKS Liam

The Puzzle of Non-Party Actors in

Party Democracy: Independents in Ireland, 2007/12 BRUSZT Laszlo

Multi-Level Governance – The Eastern Versions Emerging Patterns of Regional Developmental Governance in the New Member States, 2007/13 BRUSZT Laszlo and MCDERMOTT Gerald A.

Transnational Integration Regimes as Development Programs, 2008/67, Center for European Studies Central and Eastern Europe Working Paper Series BUKODI Erzsebet

Social Stratification and Cultural Participation in Hungary: A Post-communist Pattern of Consumption?, 2007/06 CALLAGHAN Helen

Insiders, Outsiders and the Politics of Corporate Governance. How Ownership Structure Shapes Party Positions in Britain, Germany and France, 2008/13 CALLAGHAN Helen

Transnational Employer Lobbying when one Size does not fit all: AngloGerman Wrangles under the UNICE Umbrella, 1970-2003, 2007/04 CATIGNANI Sergio

The Israel Defense Forces and the AlAqsa Intifada: When Tactical Virtuosity Meets Strategic Disappointment, 2008/04 D ep a r t m ent o f Po l i ti c a l a n d S o c i a l S c i e n ce s - 3 5 9

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

CITI Manuele and RHODES Martin

Market Policies of EU-countries on the Socio-Economic Integration of First and Second Generation Immigrants from Different Countries of Origin, 2007/19, European Forum Series



New Modes of Governance in the EU: Common Objectives versus National Preferences, N-07-01, EUROGOV (European Governance Papers) The Ins and Outs of Dualisation: A Literature Review, 2009/02, RECWOWE Working Paper

On Acting and Knowing, 2007/35 GLENCROSS Andrew


The City without Qualities. Political Theories of Globalization in European Cities, 2007/04

Post-Nationalism and the Problem of Supranational Political Representation: Legitimising the EU without the Nation-State, 2008/01

DE LANGE Marloes and DRONKERS Jaap


Hoe Gelijkwaardig Blijft Het Eindexamen Tussen Scholen In Nederland? Discrepanties Tussen De Cijfers Voor Het Schoolonderzoek En Het Centraal Examen In Het Voortgezet Onderwijs Tussen1998 En 2005, 2007/03 ELBASANI Arolda

The Stabilisation and Association Process in the Balkans: Overloaded Agenda and Weak Incentives?, 2008/03 EROLA Jani, HÄRKÖNEN Juho and DRONKERS Jaap

Parental Divorce and Offspring Marriage in Finland: later, but with whom?, 2008/04 FLEISCHMANN Fenella and DRONKERS Jaap

The Effects of Social and Labour 3 60 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

How Not to Implement: Hungarian Pension Reforms in an Institutionalist Perspective, TIGER Working Paper, 2008/110 GUARDIANCICH Igor

Institutional Degeneration of Multipillar Pension Systems The Case of Croatia, 2007/10 GUARDIANCICH Igor

Institutional Survival and Return: Examples from the New Pension Orthodoxy, 2009/08, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels HANRETTY Chris

Party Mergers and Vote Shifts in Italy, 2008/06

among adult family generations, 2007/77, Research Group on Aging and the Life Course, Research Report


The Divorce Cycle in Cross-National Perspective: Results from the Fertility and Family Surveys, 200804, CIQLE Working Papers


Non-Domination and the State: A Response to the Subaltern Critique, 2008/40

HERITIER Adrienne and ECKERT Sandra

New Modes of Governance in the Shadow of Hierarchy: Self-Regulation by Industry in Europe, 2007/20

LEE MUDGE Stephanie

Neoliberalism’s Three Faces, 2008/34

HERITIER Adrienne and ECKERT Sandra

Self-Regulation by Associations: Collective Action Problems in European Environmental Regulation, 2008/26, Florence School of Regulation


Educational Achievement of Immigrants in Western Countries: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects on Mathematical Performance, 2007/05


On the Discrepancies between Macro and Micro Level Identification of Competitive Strategies, 2007/11


Claims-making of Danish Muslims during the Muhammad Caricatures Controversy: A Challenge to the Principles of the Secular Public Sphere?, 2008/05

HIEDA Takeshi

The Political Economy of Welfare Recalibration: What Determines the State’s Responses to the Emergence of New Social Risks?, 2009/03 KOHLI Martin and ALBERTINI Marco


The generational contract in the family: Explaining regime differences in financial transfers from parents to children in Europe, 2007/24, DemoSoc Working Paper KOHLI Martin, ALBERTINI Marco and KÜNEMUND Harald

Family linkages: Transfers and support

How Nationalism Evolves: Explaining the Establishment of New Varieties of Nationalism within the National Movements of Québec and Catalonia, 2008/11 LOPEZ-SANTANA Mariely

Soft Europeanisation? How the Soft Pressure from Above Affects the Bottom (Differently): The Belgian, Spanish and Swedish Experiences, 2007/10

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a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

MAHIEU Stephanie

Putting Direct Perpetrators on Trial: the Ovcara Massacre Trial in Belgrade, 2007/11 MAIR Peter

MOSCA Lorenzo

A Double-Faced Medium? The challenges and opportunities of the Internet for social movements, 2007/23

Representative versus Responsible Government, 2009/08, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

PETROVA Margarita H.

MAIR Peter




The Challenge to Party Government, 2007/09 The Historical Turn and International Relations ‘Beyond Objectivism and Relativism’, 2007/06 MEYER-SAHLING Jan-Hinrik

Varieties of Legacies: A Critical Review of Public Administration Reform in East Central Europe, 2008/39 MIKLOS Andras

The Role of Institutions in Cosmopolitan Justice, 2007/12 MOLLER Jorgen

The Post-communist Tripartition, 19962004. Contrasting Actor-centred and Structural Explanations of Political Change in the Post-Communist Setting, 2007/08 MORILLAS Juan Rafael

Escaping Low-Wage Jobs: Wealth, Low Wages, and the Black-White Entrapment Gap, 2007/37 3 62 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Small States and New Norms of Warfare, 2007/28 Party Government in the EU: On the Road to Presidentialization?, 2008/10 Early Conclusion in the Co-decision legislative procedure, 2007/31 RASMUSSEN Anne

Rule Application in EU and US Conciliation Committees, 2008/43 REITER Herwig

Unemployment and Solidarity in PostCommunism - Negotiating Meanings between the West and the Past, 2007/02 RUIZ-RUFINO Rubén

Measuring Proportionality. A Systematic Approach to World Electoral Systems in Parliamentary Elections between 1946-2000, 2008/10 RUIZ-RUFINO Rubén

Satisfaction with Democracy in PostCommunist Multi-Ethnic Countries. The Effect of Political Institutions, 2008/24


Supranational Regulation and Contested Accountability: The Case of GMO Risk Regulation in the European Union, 2008/07 SKOVGAARD Jakob

Towards a European Norm? The framing of the Hungarian Minorities in Romania and Slovakia by the Council of Europe, the EU and the OCSE, 2007/07 STINGA Laurentiu

Political Accountability as a Radial Concept, 2008/08 THOMASSEN Jacques and BACK Hanna

European Citizenship and Identity after Enlargement, 2008/02 VENNESSON Pascal

European Worldviews: Ideas and the European Union in World Politics, 2007/07 WALECKI Marcin

The Europeanization of Political Parties: Influencing the Regulations on Political Finance, 2007/29 WILSON Alex

Party Competition in the Spanish Regions, 2009/01

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Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

ABBOTT Roderick


ALBALATE Daniel and BEL Germà


A Socio-Economic History of the International Banana Trade, 1870-1930, 2009/22

Taking ‘Constitutionalism’ and ‘Legitimacy’ Seriously, Discussion paper 2008/01, European Governance papers

What Shapes Local Public Transportation in Europe? Economics, Mobility, Institutions, and Geography, 2009/34, Florence School of Regulation BAKOS Péter, BENCZÚR Péter and BENEDEK Dora

The Elasticity of Taxable Income: Estimates and Flat Tax Predictions using the Hungarian Tax Changes in 2005, 2008/32 BANKS Karen

The Application of the Fundamental Freedoms to Member State Tax Measures: Guarding against Protectionism or Secondguessing National Policy Choices?, 2007/31 BAQUERO CRUZ Julio

The Legacy of the Maastricht-Urteil and the Pluralist Movement, 2007/13

Some Business Cycle Consequences of Trade Agreements: The Case of the North American Free Trade Agreement, 2007/03 BEL Germà

From Public to Private: Privatization in 1920’s Fascist Italy, 2009/46 BEL Germà and FAGEDA Xavier

Privatization, Regulation and Airport Pricing: An Empirical Analysis for Europe, 2009/27, Florence School of Regulation BERGANTINO Angela S., BILLETTE DE VILLEMEUR Etienne and VINELLA Annalisa

Partial Regulation in Vertically Differentiated Industries, 2007/502, IDEI Working Paper





Using Rights to Re-invent Secularism in France and Turkey, 2008/20, Mediterranean Programme Series Effective Multilateralism and the EU as a Military Power: The Worldview of Javier Solana, 2007/08

Water Misallocation and Environmental Externalities in Electricity Generation, 2008/27, Florence School of Regulation New Media and Political Change: The Case of the Two Palestinian Intifadas, 2009/21, Mediterranean Programme Series

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a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


Electricity Generation Capacity Tenders in the Security of Supply Interest: It’s All Wrong, but It’s All Right, 2007/06, Florence School of Regulation BLUMI Isa

Unique Authoritarianism: Shifting Fortunes and the Malleability of the Salih Regime in Yemen, 1990-Present, 2009/10, Mediterranean Programme Series BRACKE Sarah and FADIL Nadia

Islam and Secular Modernity under Western Eyes:A Genealogy of a Constitutive Relationship, 2008/05, Mediterranean Programme Series CAFAGGI Fabrizio

Private Regulation in European Private Law, 2009/31, Private Regulation Series CARAPICO Sheila

International Elections Experts, Monitors, and Representations in the Arab World, 2008/24, Mediterranean Programme Series CASINI Lorenzo

Beyond Occidentalism: Europe and the Self in Present-day Arabic Narrative Discourse, 2008/30, Mediterranean Programme Series COHEN Antonin

Scarlet Robes, Dark Suits: The Social Recruitment of the European Court of Justice, 2008/35

3 66 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

COHEN Antonin and VAUCHEZ Antoine

Back to the ‘Future of Europe’: A Political Sociology of EU Constitutional Saga, 2008/33


The Not-So-Lonely Rider in the NonDusty Desert: ‘Marlboro Country’, the new middle class, and the geography of economic liberalism in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, 2008/16, Mediterranean Programme Series CORSETTI Giancarlo

New Open Economy Macroeconomics, 2007/27 CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain

Optimal Monetary Policy and the Sources of Local-Currency Price Stability, No. 13544, NBER Working Paper CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain

Optimal Monetary Policy and the Sources of Local-Currency Price Stability, 2007/26, Pierre Werner Chair Programme on Monetary Union CORSETTI Giancarlo, DEDOLA Luca and LEDUC Sylvain

The International Dimension of Productivity and Demand Shocks in the US Economy, 2008, DP7003, CEPR

CORSETTI Giancarlo, MARTIN Philippe and PESENTI Paolo

Varieties and the Transfer Problem: The Extensive Margin of Current Account Adjustment, 13795, NBER Working Paper Series

Varieties and the Transfer Problem: The Extensive Margin of Current Account Adjustment, 2008/01, Pierre Werner Chair Programme on Monetary Union

CORSETTI Giancarlo and MULLER Gernot J.

COUTTO Tatiana

International Cooperation and Environmental Security: The Worldview of Joseph Borg, 2007/12 DA CONCEICAO-HELDT Eugénia

Delegation of Power and Agency Losses in EU Trade Politics, 2009/18 DAWSON Mark

Soft Law and the Rule of Law in the European Union: Revision or Redundancy?, 2009/24 DE LEEUW Magdalena E.

An Empirical Study into the Norms of Good Administration as Operated by the European Ombudsman in the Field of Tenders, 2009/20

Anti-Corruption Agencies: Between Empowerment and Irrelevance, 2009/08, EUI RSCAS DE SOUSA Luís

CORSETTI Giancarlo, MARTIN Philippe and PESENTI Paolo

Twin Deficits, Openness and the Business Cycle, 2007/20


Does Performance Matter to Institutional Survival? The method and politics of performance measurement for AntiCorruption Agencies, 2009/09 DE WITTE Bruno

European Union Law: A Unified Academic Discipline?, 2008/3 DIAZ-RAINEY Ivan and TZAVARA Dionisia

Reconciling WTP to Actual Adoption of Green Energy Tariffs: A diffusion model of an induced environmental market, 2009/33 DIMITROVA Antoaneta

Institutionalization of Imported Rules in the European Union’s New Member States: Bringing Politics Back in the Research Agenda, 2007/37 ECKERT Julia

Creating Hindusthan: Religion and Violence in Hindu-nationalist Mobilisation, 2008/15, European Forum 2007-08 EILSTRUP-SANGIOVANNI Mette

Varieties of Cooperation: Government Networks in International Security, 2007/24, Transatlantic Programme Series

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a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


The EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme: A Proto-Type Global System?, 2009/02, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme FAKHOURY MUEHLBACHER Tamirace

Lebanon’s Versatile Nationalism, 2008/13, Mediterranean Programme Series FERJANI Riadh

Religion et télévision dans le monde arabe: vers une approche communicationnelle., 2008/22, Mediterranean Programme Series FIORINO Nadia and RICCIUTI Roberto

Interest Groups, Government Spending and Italian Industrial Growth (1876-1913), 2008/08


The Effects of Social and Labour Market Policies of EU-countries on the Socio-Economic Integration of First and Second Generation Immigrants from Different Countries of Origin, 2007/19, European Forum Series FOLEY Frank

Between Force and Legitimacy: The Worldview of Robert Cooper, 2007/09 GALANI-MOUTAFI Vasiliki

The processing and consumption of a natural monopoly resource: Cultural dimensions of the commodification of Chios’ mastiha, 2007/34 3 68 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Where have all the Lawyers gone? Structure and transformations of the top European Commission officials’ legal training, 2008/38 GISOLO Enrico

The Degree of Legal Independence of the Mediterranean Central Banks: International Comparison and Macroeconomic Implications, 2007/30, Pierre Werner Chair Programme on Monetary Union GLACHANT Jean-Michel

Regulating Networks in the New Economy, 2009/05, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme GLACHANT Jean-Michel and DE HAUTECLOCQUE Adrien

Long-term Energy Supply Contracts in European Competition Policy: Fuzzy not Crazy, 2009/06, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme GLENCROSS Andrew

Altiero Spinelli and the Idea of the US Constitution as a Model for Europe: The Promises and Pitfalls of an Analogy, 2008/02 GODMER Laurent and MARREL Guillaume

La construction de l’expertise institutionnelle au Parlement européen Capital juridique et ressources politiques

des députés de la Commission des Affaires constitutionnelles, 2009/25

HERITIER Adrienne and ECKERT Sandra

GORENFLO René Daniel

Seizing Layers within a Multi-layered Structure: How the EU Deals with Security and Where the GCC Could Fit In, 2008/03, Mediterranean Programme Series GREEN Richard and VASILAKOS Nicholas

Market Behaviour with Large Amounts of Intermittent Generation, 2009/19, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme GUÈVREMONT Véronique

Industries culturelles et négociations internationales: portrait d’une dynamique multidimensionnelle.L’exemple des pays de la zone euro-méditerranéenne., 2007/33, Mediterranean Programme Series GUMUSCU Sebnem

Self-Regulation by Associations: Collective Action Problems in European Environmental Regulation, 2008/26, Florence School of Regulation HERRMANN Christoph W

Much Ado about Pluto? The ‘Unity of the Legal Order of the European Union’ Revisited, 2007/05 HERRMANN Christoph W

Play Money? Contemporary Perspectives on Monetary Sovereignty, 2007/28 HOLZHACKER Ronald

The Europeanization and Transnationalization of Civil Society Organizations Striving for Equality: Goals and Strategies of Gay and Lesbian Groups in Italy and the Netherlands, 2007/36

Economic Liberalization, Devout Bourgeoisie, and Change in Political Islam: Comparing Turkey and Egypt, 2008/19, Mediterranean Programme Series



JOFFÉ George

HERITIER Adrienne and ECKERT Sandra


Divided in Diversity: National Legal Scholarship(s) and the European Convention of Human Rights, 2008/39 New Modes of Governance in the Shadow of Hierarchy: Self-Regulation by Industry in Europe, 2007/20

Implementing Value-Added Models of School Assessment, 2008/06, European Forum 2006-07 Building a Safe, Just and Tolerant Society: British Attitudes towards Asylum and Migration, 2008/11 Challenges for Creating a Comprehensive National Electricity Policy, 2009/01, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme

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a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


LAHUSEN Christian


LEFRANC Arnaud, OJIMA Fumiaki and YOSHIDA Takashi

Military Class and Perpetual State Control in Turkey, 2008/12, Mediterranean Programme Series Economic Theories and the Science of Inter-Branch Relations, 2007/04 KARAGIANNIS Yannis

Foundational Economic Theories for Political-Scientific InterBranch Studies, 2007/16 KAROVA Rozeta

Energy Community for South East Europe: Rationale Behind and Implementation to Date, 2009/12, Florence School of Regulation

Law and Lawyers in Brussels’ World of Commercial Consultants, 2008/36

The Intergenerational Transmission of Income and Education: A Comparison of Japan and France, 2008/25, European Forum Series LENNER Katharina

Beyond the Republic of Fear: Symbolic Domination in Bacthist Iraq, 2007/32, Mediterranean Programme Series LÉVÊQUE François [et. al ]


Academic Opinion of Economic Scholars on Champsaur Commission’s Paper, 2009/38, Loyola De Palacio Programme on Energy Policy

KROTZ Ulrich

LÉVÊQUE François, GLACHANT JeanMichel, SAGUAN Marcelo and DE MUIZON Gildas,

American-Style Adversarial Legalism and the European Union, 2008/37 The (Beginning of the) End of the Political Unity of the West? Four Scenarios of North Atlantic Futures, 2008/31, Transatlantic Programme Series LAFLEUR Jean-Michel

L’extension des droits politiques aux citoyens vivant à l’extérieur du territoire national à l’ère de la migration transnationale, 2009/28

3 70 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

How to Rationalize the debate about ‘EU Energy Third Package’? Revisiting criteria to compare electricity transmission organizations, 2009/15, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme LIEBERT Ulrike and TRENZ Hans-Jörg

Mass Media and Contested Meanings: EU Constitutional Politics after Popular Rejection, 2008/28


Transnational Activism among Danish Muslims during the Muhammad Caricatures Controversy: A Negative and Reversed Boomerang Effect, 2008/18, Mediterranean Programme Series LINDNER Ulrike

Transnational Movements Between Colonial Empires: Migrant workers from the British Cape Colony in the German diamond town Lüderitzbucht, 2009/40 MALIK Maleiha

Muslim Legal Norms and the Integration of European Muslims, 2009/29, Musmine MARIANI Fabio

The Political Economy of Immigrants’ Naturalization, 2007/02 MASTEN Igor, BANERJEE Anindya and MARCELLINO Massimiliano

Forecasting with Factor-augmented Error Correction Models, 2009/32 MCCOURT David

The Very British Worldview of Chris Patten, External Relations Commissioner 1999-2004, 2008/29, Transatlantic Programme MCRAE Shaun D. and WOLAK Frank A.

How Do Firms Exercise Unilateral Market Power? Evidence from a Bid-Based Wholesale Electricity

Market, 2009/36, Loyola De Palacio Programme on Energy Policy MEADE Richard and O’CONNOR Seini

Comparison of Long-Term Contracts and Vertical Integration in Decentralised Electricity Markets, 2009/16, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme MÖSLEIN Florian

Legal Innovation in European Contract Law: Within and Beyond the (Draft) Common Frame of Reference, 2009/07 NASRA Skander, LESAGE Dries, ORBIE Jan and VAN DE GRAAF Thijs

The EU in the G8 System: Assessing EU Member States’ Involvement, 2009/45 NAURIN Daniel

Network Capital and Cooperation Patterns in the Working Groups of the Council of the EU, 2007/14 NEWBERY David

Predicting Market Power in Wholesale Electricity Markets, 2009/03, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme NEWBERY David

What are the Issues in M&A arising from Electricity Market Restructuring?, 2007/01, Florence School of Regulation OBERHUBER Florian

Legitimating the European Union: R o b er t S c h u m a n Ce ntre fo r Ad va n ce d Stu d i e s - 3 7 1

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

The Contested Meanings of an EU Constitution, 2007/25 OJIMA Fumiaki and VON BELOW Susanne

Family Background, School System and Academic Achievement in Germany and in Japan, 2009/26 PATEL Kiran Klaus

Transnations among “Transnations”? The Debate on Transnational History in the US and Germany, 2008/159, Harvard University Center for European Studies Working Paper Series PÉROUSE Jean-François

Mülk Allah’indir [Ce bien est la propriété de Dieu]: stratégies de légitimation de la propriété foncière aux marges d’Istanbul, 2008/21, Mediterranean Programme Series PIEBALGS Andris

How the European Union is preparing the “Third Industrial Revolution” with an innovative energy policy, 2009/11, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme PORTELA Clara

Community Policies with a Security Agenda: The Worldview of Benita Ferrero-Waldner, 2007/10 RAHIMI Babak

The Discourse of Democracy in Shi‘i Islamic Jurisprudence: The Two Cases of Montazeri and Sistani, 2008/09, Mediterranean Programme Series 3 72 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Long Term Effects of Fiscal Policy on the Size and the Distribution of the Pie in the UK, 2007/39 RIEDLER Florian

Hagop Mintzuri and the Cosmopolitan Memory of Istanbul, 2009/13, Mediterranean Programme Series RIOUS Vincent

The Design of the Internal Energy Market in Relation to Energy Supply Security and Climate Change, 2009/37, Loyola De Palacio Programme on Energy Policy RIOUS Vincent, DESSANTE Philippe and PEREZ Yannick

Is Combination of Nodal Pricing and Average Participation Tariff the Best Solution to Coordinate the Location of Power Plants with Lumpy Transmission Investments?, 2009/14, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme ROBERT Peter

The Influence of Educational Segregation on Educational Achievement, 2007/29, European Forum 2006/2007 ROQUES Fabien, HIROUX Céline and SAGUAN Marcelo

Optimal Wind Power Deployment in Europe - a Portfolio Approach, 2009/17, Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme

RUTA Michele




Monetary Politics in a Monetary Union: A Note on Common Agency with Rational Expectations, 2007/21

Public v. Private Enforcement in the Electronic Communications Sector, 2009/30

The Disputed Role of a Traditional Intellectual Group: The case of Arab women teachers in Israel, 2008/23, Mediterranean Programme Series

Regulatory Agencies, the State and Markets: A Franco-British Comparison, 2007/17, Florence School of Regulation TOKIC Mate Nikola

SALERNO Francesco Maria

The Competition Law-ization of Enforcement: The Way Forward for Making the Energy Market Work?, 2008/07, Florence School of Regulation SENIOR NELLO Susan

Winners and Losers from World Agricultural Trade Liberalisation, 2007/18 STASTNY Michael and ZAGLER Martin

Empirical Evidence on Growth and Volatility, 2007/22


Does the Impact Assessment on the ‘Third Package’ provide the correct economic forecast for the liberalisation of the EU energy markets?, 2008/14, Florence School of Regulation TRISCRITTI Fiorella


The Limits and Merits of Internationalism. Experts, the State and the International Community in Poland in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, 2009/41 STOFT Steven

Diaspora Politics and Transnational Terrorism: An Historical Case Study, 2009/42

Flexible Global Carbon Pricing: A Backward-Compatible Upgrade for the Kyoto Protocol, 2009/35, Loyola De Palacio Programme on Energy Policy

Free Trade and New Economic Powers: The Worldview of Peter Mandelson, 2007/11 TSAROUHAS Dimitris and BOLUKBASI H. Tolga

Exogenous Pressures and Social Policy: Greece and Turkey in Comparative Perspective, 2007/38, Mediterranean Programme Series TZAVARA Dionisia

Can the Threat of Costly Litigation be Incentive Enough for Companies to Engage in CSR?, 2009/23

R o b er t S c h u m a n Ce ntre fo r Ad va n ce d Stu d i e s - 3 7 3

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

TZAVARA Dionisia

CSR as a Signal to Inform Collective Action, 2009/43 VAN NISPEN Frans and POSSETH Johan

Performance Informed Budgeting in Europe: The Ends Justify the Means, Don’t They?, 2009/39 VAUCHEZ Antoine

Embedded Law. Political Sociology of the European Community of Law: Elements of a Renewed Research Agenda, 2007/23 VAUCHEZ Antoine

‘Integration-through-Law.’ Contribution to a Socio-history of EU Political Commonsense, 2008/10 VENNESSON Pascal

European Worldviews: Ideas and the European Union in World Politics, 2007/07 VLOEBERGHS Ward

The Genesis of a Mosque: Negotiating Sacred Space in Downtown Beirut, 2008/17, Mediterranean Programme Series VON DER FEHR Nils-Henrik M and HANSEN Petter Vegard

Electricity Retailing in Norway, 2009/04 WEBER Henning

Monetary Policy and Mismeasured Inflation, 2009/44, Pierre Werner Chair Programme on Monetary Union

3 74 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Agglomerative Magnets and Informal Regulatory Networks: Electricity Market Design Convergence in the USA and Continental Europe, 2007/15, Florence School of Regulation YANIK Lerna K.

‘Those Crazy Turks’ that Got Caught in the ‘Metal Storm’: Nationalism in Turkey’s Best Seller Lists, 2008/04, Mediterranean Programme Series YARDIMCI Sibel

Festivalising Difference: Privatisation of Culture and Symbolic Exclusion in Istanbul, 2007/35, Mediterranean Programme Series

M a x We b e r Pro g ra m m e a rotri c w k ilne g s papers


What Makes for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy? The Case of the Childless Elderly in Germany and the U.S., 2007/20 ADLOFF Frank and BORUTTA Manuel (eds)

Max Weber in the 21st Century: Transdisciplinarity within the Social Sciences, 2008/35


Havana’s Botanical Garden in the Construction of Cuban National Identity, 2007/17


The Effect of Language at School on Identity and Political Outlooks, 2008/36 AYDIN Umut

Globalization and the Politics of Subsidies, 2008/11 BALSIGER Jörg

Regional Sustainable Development in the European Alps, 2008/23 BARBATO Mariano and KRATOCHWIL Friedrich


Literature in the Construction of ‘Cuban Identity’, 1823-1845, 2007/05

Habermas’s Notion of a PostSecular Society. A Perspective from International Relations, 2007/25





The Informal Communication Network built by Domingo del Monte from Havana between 1824 and 1845, 2007/16 Mortality and Morbidity Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Adult Height, 2008/41

Transforming Memories: Workers’ Recollection of the Socialist Regimes in East Germany and Hungary, 2008/16

Why do People Choose to be Silent? Simulating Electoral Behaviour, 2008/26




BEAULAC Stephane

Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj and the Serbian Identity between Poetry and History, 2007/08 Juan Valverde, or Building a “Spanish Anatomy” in 16th Century Rome, 2009/20

Innocent Victims of Red KZs? West German Representations of Soviet Internment 1945-55, 2007/39 An Inquiry into the International Rule of Law, 2007/14 M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 3 7 5

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

BEAULAC Stephane

Westphalia, Dualism and Contextual Interpretation: How to Better Engage International Law in Domestic Judicial Decisions, 2007/03 BEKIROS Stelios D. and GEORGOUTSOS Dimitris A.

Correlation Breakdown and Extreme Dependence in Emerging Equity Markets, 2009/18 BERENSON Marc P.

Does Political Culture Matter? Deciphering the Whys of Ukrainian Tax Compliance, 2008/38

BONI Guido

Corporate Restructuring and Employment Protection: Towards a New Territorial Social Dialogue?, 2007/09 BORNSCHIER Simon

Cleavage Politics in Old and New Democracies: A Review of the Literature and Avenues for Future Research, 2009/07 BRUNELLO Giorgio, FORT Margherita and WEBER Guglielmo

For One More Year with You: Changes in Compulsory Schooling, Education and the Distribution of Wages in Europe, 2008/01 BUKODI Erzsebet

BERMAN Nicolas

Financial Crises and International Trade: The Long Way to Recovery, 2009/04

Social Stratification and Cultural Participation in Hungary: A Post-communist Pattern of Consumption?, 2007/06

BERMAN Nicolas and HÉRICOURT Jérôme


BERNINI Stefania


Financial Factors and the Margins of Trade: Evidence from crosscountry firm-level data, 8050, Working Paper University Paris 1

The Edges of the Family: Family Life, Political Concerns and the Treatment of Children in Post-War Italy and Britain, 2007/38 BOERNER Lars and VOLCKART Oliver

Currency Unions, Optimal Currency Areas and the Integration of Financial Markets: Central Europe from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Centuries, 2008/42 3 76 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Insiders, Outsiders and the Politics of Corporate Governance. How Ownership Structure Shapes Party Positions in Britain, Germany and France, 2008/13 Transnational Employer Lobbying when one Size does not fit all: AngloGerman Wrangles under the UNICE Umbrella, 1970-2003, 2007/04 CATIGNANI Sergio

The Israel Defense Forces and the AlAqsa Intifada: When Tactical Virtuosity Meets Strategic Disappointment, 2008/04


The European Competition Network: Structure, Management and Initial Experiences of Policy Enforcement, 2009/05 CICHOPEK Anna

After Liberation: the Journey Home of Jewish Survivors in Poland and Slovakia, 1944-46, 2009/09 COHEN Deborah

Conceptual Modalities of Social Classifications in Eighteenth-century France: Reasoning on a Natural Order or Observing Individuals, 2007/07 DEMETRESCU Matei

Fractional Integration and Cointegration Testing Using the Sample Mean, 2008/06 DIAZ-GIMENEZ Javier, GIOVANNETTI Giorgia, MARIMON Ramon and TELES Pedro

Nominal Debt as a Burden on Monetary Policy, 2007/40 DYEVRE Arthur

Making Sense of Judicial Lawmaking: a Theory of Theories of Adjudication, 2008/09 FAVA Valentina

COMECON Integration and the Automobile Industry: the Czechoslovak Case, 2008/18 FAVA Valentina

Motor Vehicles vs. Dollars: selling socialist

cars in neutral markets. Some evidence from the ŠKODA Auto case, 2007/36 FORT Margherita

Just A Matter of Time: Empirical Evidence of the Causal Effect of Education on Fertility in Italy, 2007/22 FORT Margherita, BRUNELLO Giorgio and WEBER Guglielmo

For One More Year with You: Changes in Compulsory Schooling, Education and the Distribution of Wages in Europe, 3102, IZA Discussion Paper FRIEDRICHS Jörg and KRATOCHWIL Friedrich

On Acting and Knowing, 2007/35 GALBIATI Roberto and VERTOVA Pietro

Behavioural Effects of Obligations, 2007/01 GEKAS Athanasios

A Global History of Ottoman Cotton Textiles, 1600-1850, 2007/30 GEKAS Athanasios

Compradors to Cosmopolitans? The Historiographical Fortunes of Merchants in Eastern Mediterranean Ports, 2008/29 GERMANN Christophe

The “Rougemarine Dilemma”: how much Trust does a State Deserve when it Subsidises Cultural Goods and Services?, 2008/22 M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 3 7 7

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

GIORDANI Paolo, SCHLAG Karl H. and ZWART Sanne


Decision Makers Facing Uncertainty: Theory versus Evidence, 2007/27

To Strike or not to Strike: Assessing the Legality of a Potential Strike against Iran’s Nuclear Facilities, 2008/30

GRASSI Simona CHING-TO Albert Ma.


Optimal Public Rationing: Price Response and Cost Effectiveness, 2009/30 GUNGOR Gaye

The Institutionalization of the European Parliament, 2009/26 HAEUSERMAN Silja and SCHWANDER Hanna

International Competition and U.S. R&D Subsidies: A Quantitative Welfare Analysis, 2008/14 IMPULLITI Giammario

International Schumpeterian competition and optimal R&D subsidies, 2007/19

Identifying Outsiders Across Countries: Similarities and Differences in the Patterns of Dualisation, 09set, Recwowe Working Paper

JONES Heather



Sample Kurtosis, GARCH-t and the Degrees of Freedom Issue, 2007/32 HINTERMAIER Thomas and KOENIGER Winfried

Incomplete Markets and the Evolution of the US. Consumer Wealth Distribution, 2008/27 HOFFMANN Rasmus

Are Socioeconomic Differences in Mortality Greater in a more Equal Society?, 2009/16 HOFFMANN Rasmus

What Makes Social Mortality Differences Decline in Old Age?, 2009/17 3 78 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Algeciras Revisited: European Crisis and Conference Diplomacy, 16 January - 7 April 1906, 2009/01 Matching Theory and Data: Bayesian Vector Autoregression and Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models, 2009/27 KRIWOLUZKY Alexander and STOLTENBERG Christian A.

Nested Models and Model Uncertainty, 2009/31 KUO Ming-Sung

A Farewell to Constitutional Authorship? A Critique of the Presentist Turn in the Legitimacy of Constitutional Democracy, 2008/28


Non-domination and the State: A Response to the Subaltern Critique, 2008/40 LAVRANOS Nikolaos

On the Need to Regulate Competing Jurisdictions between International Courts and Tribunals, 2009/14 LE NORMAND Brigitte


Soft Europeanisation? How the Soft Pressure from Above Affects the Bottom (Differently): The Belgian, Spanish and Swedish Experiences, 2007/10 LUETKEPOHL Helmut and XU Fang

The Role of log Transformation in Forecasting Economic Variables, 2009/06

The House that Market Socialism Built: Reform, Consumption and Inequality in Socialist Yugoslavia, 2008/33

MAHIEU Stephanie

LEE MUDGE Stephanie

MAIANI Francesco

Neoliberalism’s Three Faces, 2008/34 LETNAR CERNIC Jernej

Responding to Crimes against Humanity committed in Slovenia after the Second World War, 2009/01, Law Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia LLUCH Jaime

National Identity and Political Identity: Resolving the Stateless Nationalists’ Dilemma, 2009/02 LO PRETE Anna

International Consumption Insurance and Within-Country Risk Reallocation, 2008/03 LOMBARDI Marco J. and VEREDAS David

Indirect Estimation of Elliptical Stable Distributions, 2008/05

Putting Direct Perpetrators on Trial: the Ovcara Massacre Trial in Belgrade, 2007/11 Legal Europeanization as Legal Transformation: Some Insights from Swiss “Outer Europe”, 2008/32 MAIANI Francesco, PETROV Roman and MOULIAROVA Ekaterina (eds)

European Integration Without EU Membership: Models, Experiences, Perspectives, 2009/10

MARIMON Ramon and QUADRINI Vincenzo

Competition, Human Capital and Income Inequality with Limited Commitment, 2008/19

MARIMON Ramon and QUADRINI Vincenzo

Competition, Human Capital and Income Inequality with Limited Commitment, 2008/21 MENCHINI Carmen

Funeral Oratory at the Medici M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 3 7 9

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

Court: the Representation of the First Grand Dukes, 2008/20 MEYER-SAHLING Jan-Hinrik

/ The Rights of Undocumented Migrants in the Light of Recent International Practice in Europe and America, 2009/03

Varieties of Legacies: A Critical Review of Public Administration Reform in East Central Europe, 2008/39



PEINE Alexander



The Public-Private Wage Differential in the West Bank and Gaza: Before and During the Second Intifada, 2009/13 The Role of Institutions in Cosmopolitan Justice, 2007/12 MORA Juan and PEREZ-ALONSO Alicia

Specification Tests for the Distribution of Errors in Nonparametric Regression: a Martingale approach, 2007/34 MORILLAS Juan Rafael

Cartography and Production of Space: a Challenge for the Historian, 2007/33 The Sources of Use-Information: A Review of Relevant Literature and an Exploration into Innovation and Aging, 2007/26 Borderlines in the Borderlands: Defining difference through history, “race”, and citizenship in Fascist Italy, 2009/09 PETROV Roman

Legal Basis and Scope of the New EUUkraine Enhanced Agreement. Is there any room for further speculation?, 2008/17

Escaping Low-Wage Jobs: Wealth, Low Wages, and the Black-White Entrapment Gap, 2007/37


MOSCA Lorenzo

PETROVA Margarita H.

A Double-Faced Medium? The challenges and opportunities of the Internet for social movements, 2007/23 OLMOS GIUPPONI Maria Belen

Los derechos de los extranjeros en situación irregular: reflexiones a la luz de la práctica de los sistemas de protección derechos humanos en el ámbito europeo y americano 3 80 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

The External Dimension of the Acquis Communautaire, 2007/02 Small States and New Norms of Warfare, 2007/28 PIN Paolo

Eight Degrees of Separation, 2008/44 PONCE Carlos J.

More Secrecy, More Knowledge Disclosure? On Disclosure Outside of Patents, 2008/02

PONCIBÒ Cristina,

The Challenges of EC Consumer Law, 2007/24 QUIRICO Ottavio

A Purely Formal Theory of Law – The Deontic Network, 2009/11 QUIRICO Ottavio

National Regulatory Models for PMSCs and Implications for Future International Regulation, 2009/25 RASMUSSEN Anne

Early Conclusion in the Co-decision Legislative Procedure, 2007/31 RASMUSSEN Anne

Rule Application in EU and US Conciliation Committees, 2008/43 REBEYROL Vincent

Trade Liberalization, Offshoring and Firm Heterogeneity, 2009/21 RONZONI Miriam

The Global Order as a Potential Case of Background Injustice, 2009/23 RUIZ-RUFINO Rubén

Measuring Proportionality. A Systematic Approach to World Electoral Systems in Parliamentary Elections between 1946-2000, 2008/10 RUIZ-RUFINO Rubén

Satisfaction with Democracy in Post-

Communist Multi-Ethnic Countries. The Effect of Political Institutions, 2008/24 SAND Edith

Taxation and Capital Market Liberalization: A Political-Economy Model, 2009/22 SAND Edith and RAZIN Assaf

Migration-Regime Liberalization and Social Security: Political-Economy Effect, w15013, NBER Working Paper SAURE Philip

Productivity Growth, Bounded Marginal Utility, and Patterns of Trade, 2007/25 SCHLAG Karl H.

Distribution-Free Learning, 2007/01 SCHLAG Karl H.

How to Attain Minimax Risk with Applications to Distribution-Free Nonparametric Estimation and Testing, 2007/04 SCHUETT Florian

Inventors and Impostors: an Economic Analysis of Patent Examination, 2009/15 SKÅLEVÅG Svein Atle

Interpreting Murder Medically A Medico-Legal Case from an Early 20th Century European Periphery, 2007/21 SLEPCEVIC Reinhard

On the Strategic Use of the Preliminary Reference System: Plausible Assumptions v. Empirical Reality, 2009/24 M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 3 8 1

a rotri c w k ilne g s papers

SOEN Violet

Collaborators and Parvenus? Fate and Fortune of Loyal Noblemen during the Dutch Revolt, 2009/28


Authority, Arbitration and the Claims of the Law, 2007/15 VUSHKO Iryna


Colonial Mapping and Local Knowledge in the Venetian Empire, 1684-1715, 2008/15

‘Korenizatsiia’ and its Discontents: Ukraine and the Soviet Nationality Policies during the 1920s: A Review Essay, 2009/12

THAL Jeanine


On the Signaling and Feedback Effects of Umbrella Branding, 2007/13 TILMANS Karin

The Concept of the Citizen in the EarlyModern Netherlands, 1400 – 1700, 2008/31 TRAUSCHWEIZER Ingo

Nuclear Weapons and Limited War: The U.S. Army in the 1950s, 2009/19 TRAUSCHWEIZER Ingo

Toward a Military History for the Cold War: a Bibliographic Essay, 2009/29 VAN ENGELAND Anicée

Le droit international des droits de l’homme et la République Islamique d’Iran: respect des obligations internationales par un gouvernement islamique, 2008/08 VELIZHEV Mikhail

Inventing Russian History: ‘Reflections on Russia’ – an unearthed essay by Yakov Ivanovic Bulgakov (1743-1809), 2008/37

The Europeanization of Political Parties: Influencing the Regulations on Political Finance, 2007/29 WOLSZCZAK-DERLACZ Joanna

Does One Currency Mean One Price?, 2008/21 ZALUSKI Wojciech

Evolutionary View of Human Nature and the Goals of Law, 2008/07 ZALUSKI Wojciech

Models of the Origins of Law. An Attempt at Appraisal from the Perspective of Evolutionary Theory, 2008/12 ZOABI Hosny

Talent Utilization, a Source of Bias in Measuring TFP, 2007/18 ZOABI Hosny

Talent Utilization, a Source of Bias in Measuring TFP, 2007/27 EUI ECO ZWART Sanne

Fixing the Quorum: Representation versus Abstention, 2007/07 3 82 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 3 8 3

Research Reports

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies a erstei calrecsh r e p o r t s r

Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM)


Irregular Migration in Jordan, 1995-2007, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/71 AROURI Fathi A.

Non-Jordanians Working in Jordan, 2007/05 CARIM Reports


Unemployment in Jordan, 2007/03

FARGUES Philippe (ed.),

Migrations Méditerranéennes: Rapport 2008 - 2009 / Mediterranean Migration: 2008-2009 Report, 2009


CARIM Background Papers


Iraqi Refugees in Egypt: Legal Aspects, Legal Module, 2009/23 Irregular Migration – The Case of Egypt, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/58

FARGUES Philippe,

Irregularity as Normality among Immigrants South and East of the Mediterranean, Background Paper, CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, Irregular Migration Series, 2009/02


La dimension politique de la migration circulaire en Tunisie. Les points de vue des acteurs sociaux et politiques, Circular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/17

VENTURINI Alessandra,

Irregular Migration: Incentives and Institutional and Social Enforcement, Background Paper, CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, Irregular Migration Series, 2009/03


La dimension politique de la migration irrégulière en Tunisie, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/53

CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes


Circular Migration in Jordan, 1995-2006, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/35

La migration de transit en Tunisie: état des lieux et impacts et avancement de la recherche sur la question, Political and Social Module, 2009/16

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a erstei calrecsh r e p o r t s r


Les compétences tunisiennes à l’étranger, Political and Social Module, 2009/15 BEL HADJ ZEKRI Abderazak

Migration et société civile en Tunisie, Political and Social Module, 2009/14 BELGUENDOUZ Abdelkrim

Le Maroc et la migration irrégulière: Une analyse sociopolitique, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2009/07 BEN CHEÏKH Farah and CHEKIR Hafidha

La migration circulaire dans le contexte juridique tunisien, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/25 BENSAÂD Ali

L’« irrégularité » de l’immigration en Mauritanie: une appréhension nouvelle, conséquence d’enjeux migratoires externes, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/76 BENSAÂD Ali

Mauritanie: L’inhibition des « effets retour « de circulations migratoires diverses et intenses, Circular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/15 BERTAN TOKUZLU Lami

Migration Law in Turkey, 2007/01 CARIM

Synthèse par le Président de séance de la Rencontre sur la migration circulaire entre 3 88 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

décideurs politiques et experts / Chairman’s Summary of the Circular Migration Meeting between Policy Makers and Experts, Circular Migration Series, 2008/28 CASSARINO Jean-Pierre

Patterns of Circular Migration in the EuroMediterranean Area: Implications for Policy-Making, Circular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/29 CHEÏKH Farah Ben and CHEKIR Hafidha

La migration irrégulière dans le contexte juridique tunisien, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/64 CHOLEWINSKI Ryszard and TOUZENIS Kristina

Irregular Migration into and through Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries: Legal Perspectives, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2009/01 COHEN Yinon

Circular Migration in Israell: Demographic and Economic Aspects, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/11 COHEN Yinon

Demographic Aspects of Irregular Immigrants in Israel, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/62 CREMONA Marise

Circular Migration: A Legal

Perspective, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/30


DE BEL-AIR Françoise

Circular Migration to and from Jordan: An Issue of High Politics, Circular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/20 DE BEL-AIR Françoise

Irregular Migration to Jordan: SocioPolitical Stakes, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/78


Migration irrégulière et migration illégale. L’exemple des migrants subsahariens au Maroc, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/49 ELMADMAD Khadija,

Migration circulaire et droit des migrants. Le cas du Maroc, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/26

DIAB Nasri Antoine

Migration et accès à la propriété immobilière au Liban. Aspects légaux, Legal Module, 2008/05


Circular Migration: Economic Aspects, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/31

EL YESSA Abderrahman

Le cadre législatif et institutionnel des migrations internationales en Mauritanie, Legal Module, 2009/09

FARGUES Philippe

EL YESSA Abderrahman

Le droit à l’épreuve de la migration irrégulière en Mauritanie, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/48 EL YESSA Abderrahman

L’encadrement juridique des migrations en Mauritanie est-il favorable à la migration circulaire ?, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/27 ELMADMAD Khadija

Le Maroc et la Convention sur la protection des droits de tous les travailleurs migrants et des membres de leur famille, Legal Module, 2009/11

Le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies au Maroc, Legal Module, 2009/29

Circular Migration: Is it relevant for the South and East of the Mediterranean?, 2008/40 FOURATI Habib

Consultation de la jeunesse et désir d’émigration chez les jeunes en Tunisie 1996-2005, 2008/47 FOURATI Habib

De la migration irrégulière des Tunisiens à la migration irrégulière des étrangers à travers la Tunisie: Une tentative d’estimation, Irregular

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a erstei calrecsh r e p o r t s r

Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/74 FOURATI Habib

Les Migrations de retour en Tunisie: indices de migration circulaire, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/12 FOURATI Habib

Les transferts des tunisiens a l’étranger et leurs impacts sur le niveau de vie des ménages directement bénéficiaires 1995–2005, 2009/27 GALLINA Andrea

Enhancing Workers’ Remittances for Development in the Mediterranean Partner Countries, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/01 HAMMOUDA Nacer-Eddine

La migration irrégulière vers et à travers l’Algérie, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/75 HAMMOUDA Nacer-Eddine


Modes of Entrepreneurship of the Palestinian Refugees in the Palestinian Territory. Camps versus Cities of the West Bank, Political and Social Module, 2008/45 HANAFI Sari

Palestinian Refugee Camps: Disciplinary Space and Territory of Exception, 2008/44 IÇDUYGU Ahmet

Circular Migration and Turkey: An Overview of the Past and Present Some Demo-Economic Implications, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/10 IÇDUYGU Ahmet

Rethinking Irregular Migration in Turkey: Some Demo-Economic Reflections, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/72 JOUNI Hassan

Les immigrés illégaux au Liban. Approche juridique, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/55

Le désir de migration chez les jeunes algériens. Analyse microéconométrique., Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/42

JOUNI Hassan

HAMMOUDA Nacer-Eddine

Migration circulaire au Liban, Legal Module, 2009/30

Migration circulaire: cas de l’Algérie, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/41 3 90 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Les Réfugies Irakiens au Liban, Legal Module, 2009/21 JOUNI Hassan


La migration circulaire au Liban: perspective démo-économique, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/06 KASPARIAN Choghig

Les migrations irrégulières au départ, vers et à travers le Liban, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/54

Migration circulaire des Syriens: Etat et perspectives, Circular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/16

KAYA Ibrahim

Legal Aspects of Irregular Migration in Turkey, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/73


La gestion de la migration en Syrie: une perspective globale, Political and Social Module, 2009/13

KAYA Ibrahim

The Iraqi Refugee Crisis and Turkey: a Legal Outlook, Legal Module, 2009/20


La migration irrégulière en Syrie. Les réfugiés irakiens comme cas d’étude, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/66


Aspects juridiques de la migration circulaire en Algérie. Changements et perspectives, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/22

Les Kurdes en Syrie ou les Kurdes syriens ?, Political and Social Module, 2009/12 Les travailleurs syriens au Liban: Entre récupération politique et exploitation, Political and Social Module, 2008/03


Circular Migration and Turkey: A Legal Perspective, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/37

Domestiques étrangères en Syrie: un problème économique ou humain?, 2007/02


L’immigration des Chrétiens de Syrie, Political and Social Module, 2008/02

KAYA Ibrahim





La loi 08-11 sur la condition des étrangers: mutation des règles juridiques algériennes et leur impact sur la migration irrégulière, Legal Module, 2009/06

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a erstei calrecsh r e p o r t s r





La protection juridique de la migration en Algérie, Legal Module, 2008/04 L’émigration au féminin: tendances récentes au Maroc, 2009/26 KHACHANI Mohamed

La Migration Circulaire: cas du Maroc, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/07 KHACHANI Mohamed

La migration clandestine au Maroc, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/50 KHACHANI Mohamed

Les migrants mineurs marocains non accompagnés, 2009/32 KHALIL Asem

Family Unification of Residents in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Legal Module, 2009/19

The Vicious Cycle of Palestinian Workers in Israeli Settlements, Legal Module, 2009/17 Informal “circular migration” into Turkey: The bureaucratic and political context, Circular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/21 KIRISCI Kemal

Managing Irregular Migration in Turkey: a political-bureaucratic Perspective, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/61 KIWAN Fadia

La migration dans les agendas politiques libanais, Political and Social Module, 2008/43 KIWAN Fadia

La perception de la migration circulaire au Liban, Circular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/14 KIWAN Fadia


Irregular Migration into and through the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/79

Les dimensions sociopolitiques de la migration irrégulière au Liban (2008), Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/51



The Circulation of Palestinian Refugees and Migrants, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/33

3 92 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

« Harga » ou la forme actuelle de l’émigration irrégulière des Algériens, Political and Social Module, 2009/18


La dimension socio-politique de la migration circulaire en Algérie, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/13 LABDELAOUI Hocine

La dimension sociopolitique de la question « Migration et développement » en Algérie, Political and Social Module, 2009/24 LABDELAOUI Hocine

Les dimensions sociopolitiques de la politique algérienne de lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/67


L’application par l’Algérie de la Convention des Nations Unies du 18 décembre 1990 pour la protection des droits de tous les travailleurs migrants et des membres de leur famille, Legal Module, 2009/10 MEBROUKINE Ali

L’attitude des autorités algériennes devant le phénomène de la migration irrégulière, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2009/08 MGHARI Mohamed

La Migration circulaire: Quelques éléments d’approche au Maroc, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/38


Les étrangers en Algérie: vers la constitution de communautés d’immigrés, Political and Social Module, 2009/04 LUBBAD Ismail

MGHARI Mohamed

L’immigration subsaharienne au Maroc, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/77

Irregular Migration, Palestinian Case: Demographic and socioeconomic perspectives, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/70



La migration irrégulière en Mauritanie, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/52

Eléments de migration en Mauritanie, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/08 MOHAMED SALEH Sidna Ndah

Palestinian Migration: Any Circularity? Demographic and Economic Perspectives, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/36


Circular Migration in Israel. Law’s Role in Circularity and the Ambiguities of

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a erstei calrecsh r e p o r t s r

the CM Strategy, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/32 MUNDLAK Guy

PERRIN Delphine

La circulation des personnes au Maghreb, Legal Module, 2008/46

Irregular Migration in Israel– A Legal Perspective, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/59

PERRIN Delphine


ROMAN Howaida


ROMAN Howaida

Irregular Migration in Egypt, Irregular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/57 Temporary and Circular Migration: The Egyptian Case, Circular Migration Series, Demographic and Economic Module, 2008/09 OLWAN Mohamed Y.

La gestion des frontières en Libye, Legal Module, 2009/31 Irregular Migration of Egyptians, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/68 Italian-Egyptian Model in Managing the Emigration from Egypt to Italy. Dimensions and Prospects, Circular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/18

Circular and Permanent Migration: A Jordanian Perspective, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/34


OLWAN Mohamed Y.


OLWAN Mohamed Y.


Iraqi Refugees in Jordan: Legal Perspective, Legal Module, 2009/22 Irregular Migration in Jordan– A Policy of no Policy, 2008/60 PERRIN Delphine

Aspects juridiques de la migration circulaire dans l’espace EuroMéditerranéen. Le cas de la Libye, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/23 3 94 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Intentions, Causes and Consequences of Moroccan Migration, 2007/04 The General Profile of the Migrant in Morocco, 2007/06 La migration circulaire: cas de la Syrie, Circular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/24


La migration irrégulière en droit syrien, Irregular Migration Series, Legal Module, 2008/56


CARIM Proceedings

SAMY Shahira

CARIM - Proceedings on Irregular Migration, Irregular Migration Series, 2009/01

Les réfugiés irakiens en Syrie, Legal Module, 2009/25

AWAD Ibrahim CARIM and LE BRAS Hervé

Irregular Migration in the South Eastern Mediterranean: Socio-Political Perspectives, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/69


Proceedings of Two CARIM Meetings on Circular Migration, 2008/01


Irregular Migration in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT): SocioPolitical Perspectives, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/65

VENTURINI Alessandra

Circular Migration as an Employment Strategy for Mediterranean Countries, 2008/39


Le Conseil de la communauté marocaine à l’étranger. Une nouvelle institution en débat, 2009/01 BELGUENDOUZ Abdelkrim


Circular Migration in Israel: Socio-Political Aspects, Circular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/19


CARIM Research Reports

Irregular Migration to Israel: The Sociopolitical Perspective, Irregular Migration Series, Political and Social Module, 2008/63

Le nouveau ministère chargé de la Communauté marocaine résidant à l’étranger : quelle stratégie ?, 2009/02 BENSAÂD Ali

Les migrations subsahariennes en Algérie, 2008/01 BONI Guido

The Labour Market in the SEM Countries: a Legal Perspective, 2009/15 COHEN Yinon

Size and Selectivity Patterns among Israeli Born Immigrants in OECD Countries, Demographic and Economic Module, 2009/12 R o b er t S c h u m a n Ce ntre fo r Ad va n ce d Stu d i e s - 3 9 5

a erstei calrecsh r e p o r t s r

DE BEL-AIR Françoise

Iraqis in Jordan since 2003: What Socio-Political Stakes?, 2009/10 DOUKOURE Ounia and OGER Helen

The EC External Migration Policy: The Case of the MENA Countries, 2007/06 EL YESSA Abderrahman

Le retour des réfugiés mauritaniens au Sénégal et au Mali, vingt ans après la crise de 1989, 2009/11 ELMADMAD Khadija

La gestion des frontières au Maroc, 2007/04 HILAL Jamil

Assessing the Impact of Migration on Palestinian Society in the West Bank and Gaza, 2007/02 HOURANI Guita G. and SENSENIG‑DABBOUS Eugene,

Insecurity, Migration and Return: The Case of Lebanon following the Summer 2006 War, 2007/01 IÇDUYGU Ahmet

International Migration System between Turkey and Russia: The Case of ProjectTied Migrant Workers in Moscow, 2009/18 KAYA Ibrahim

Reform in Turkish Asylum Law: adopting the EU acquis?, 2009/16

3 96 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te


Palestinian Nationality and Citizenship: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives, 2007/08 KHALIL Asem

Palestinian Refugees in Arab States: A Rights-Based Approach, 2009/08 KIRISCI Kemal

“Three Way Approach” to Meeting the Challenges of Migrant Incorporation in the European Union: Reflections from a Turkish Perspective, 2008/03 KIRISCI Kemal

Border Management and EUTurkish Relations: Convergence or Deadlock, 2007/03 KIRISCI Kemal

Mirage or Reality: Post-National Turkey and its Implication for Immigration, 2009/14 KIWAN Fadia

La migration de transit au Liban (2008), 2009/05 LABDELAOUI Hocine

La gestion des frontières en Algérie, 2008/02 OLWAN Mohamed Y.

Iraqi Refugees in Neighboring Countries: A New Forced Protracted Displacement in the Region, 2009/13

RAMDAN Haimoud

La Mauritanie et la Convention des Nations Unies sur la protection des droits des travailleurs migrants et des membres de leur famille, 2009/03 ROMAN Howaida

Iraqi Refugees in Egypt: SocioPolitical Aspects, , 2009/06 SAMY Shahira

The Impact of Civil Society on Refugee Politics in Egypt, 2009/07 TABAR Paul

Politics among Arab Migrants in Australia, 2009/09 YACOBI Haim

African Refugees’ Influx in Israel from a Socio-Political Perspective, 2009/04

CARIM Summer School Essays BIEHL Kristen

Migration ‘Securitization’ and its Everyday Implications: an examination of Turkish asylum policy and practice, 2009/01 BORODAK Daniela

Les déterminants de la migration de « retour » en Moldavie, 2009/02 CELOZZI Olivia Carlotta

Prejudice and Stereotypes: an analysis of the factors responsible for hostility towards ethnic minorities in the Netherlands, 2009/03 LIGUORI Lucrezia

Gwinnett, Border Problems. Lebanon, UNIFIL and Italian participation, 2009/04


The Migratory Patterns of Egyptians in Italy and France, 2009/17

R o b er t S c h u m a n Ce ntre fo r Ad va n ce d Stu d i e s - 3 9 7

a erstei calrecsh r e p o r t s r

Florence School of Regulation (FSR) Proceeding Reports

Migration du Retour au Maghreb (MIREM)


General Reports

Legal Forum on Utilities Regulation. Judicial Review, 2008 DUBOIS Ute (ed.)

Affordability of Basic Public Utilities: Regulation and Poverty Policies, 2009 FRISONI Roberta and TORRITI Jacopo

Which European Regulation in Front of Industry Concentration in the Transport Industry?, 2008 FSR

Beyond Kyoto. The initial experience with the EU Emission Trading Scheme and the prospects for a global change strategy after 2012, 2007 HALLACK Michelle and RIOUS Vincent

Tariffs for European Gas: Transmission Networks, 2009 SAGUAN Marcelo

Smart Metering: Summary and Conclusions, 2009


Migrants de retour au Maghreb: Réintégration et enjeux de développement / Return Migrants to the Maghreb: Reintegration and development challenges, General Rapport 2007, 2007 CASSARINO Jean-Pierre

Return Migrants to the Maghreb Countries: Reintegration and Development Challenges, General Rapport 2008, 2008

Analytical Reports BEL HADJ ZEKRI Abderazak

La migration de retour en Tunisie. Etude du cadre législatif, du contexte socioéconomique et des processus de réinsertion des migrants de retour, 2007/04 BENJEMIA Monia

La migration de retour en Tunisie: aspects juridiques, 2008/04 FAN Simon C. and STARK Oded

Losses and Gains to Developing Countries from the Migration of Educated Workers: An Overview of Recent Research, and New Reflections, 2007/02 3 98 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

GUBERT Flore and NORDMAN Christophe J.

Return Migration and Small Enterprise Development in the Maghreb, 2008/02

New Modes of Governance (NEWGOV)

GUBERT Flore and NORDMAN Christophe J.

Who Benefits Most from Migration? An Empirical Analysis Using Data on Return Migrants in the Maghreb, 2008/03

JOFFÉ George

Britain and Algeria: Problems of Return, 2007/03

Reports HERITIER Adrienne (ed.)

NEWGOV - New Modes of Governance Third Annual Activity Report Covering the Period Months 25-36, NEWGOV - New Modes of Governance, 2007


A Comparative Study of Return Migration Policies Targeting the Highly Skilled in Four Major Sending Countries, 2008/05 MAHUTEAU Stéphane and TANI Massimiliano

Return Migration and Working Choices, 2008/01

MUSETTE Mohamed Saib

Migrant de retour en Algérie. Une nouvelle stratégie en perspective?, 2007/01

RSCAS Research Report SAARILAHTI Ilkka,

Euroopan unionin kehitys ja tulevaisuuden epävarmuus / The Development of the European Union and the Uncertainity of the Future / Le développement de l’Union européeenne et l’incertitude du futur, RSCAS Research Report, 2008


Made in France? Chinese Student Return Migration from French Business Schools, 2008/06

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Other Series

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies a rt thiecrl esse r i e s o

Distinguished Lectures

Policy Papers


PONZANO Paolo, ZILLER Jacques and PII Samuele

Power and Performance: The War on Terror between the Sacred and the Profane, 2007/01


Rapid Changes in Inequality: Present, Past, and Theory, 2008/01 ROY Olivier

The Mediterranean and its Metaphors, 2009/02, Mediterranean Programme SARACENO Chiara

Gender and Care: Old Solutions, New Developments?, 2008/02, Ursula Hirschmann Annual Lecture Series on Gender and Europe

Un référendum européen pour la Constitution européenne. Problèmes juridiques et politiques, 2007/01 VASCONCELOS Jorge

Survey of Regulatory and Technological Developments Concerning Smart Metering in the European Union Electricity Market, 2008/01, Florence School of Regulation WILSON Rodney

Islamic Finance in Europe, 2007/02, Muslim Minorites in Europe (MUSMINE)


Sexularism, 2009/01

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M a x We b e r Pro g ra m m e a rt thiecrl esse r i e s o

Lectures Series


LAYARD Richard

Social Science and the Causes of Happiness and Misery, 2008/09

MAIER Charles S.

Theories of European Integration: a Geoculture, 2008/02

Between Surprise and Social Science, 2009/04





Uncool Passion: Nietzsche Meets the Pentecostals, 2008/10

Does Trust have a History?, 2009/01


Fear Reverence Terror. Reading Hobbes Today, 2008/05


Global Warming and Climate Policies, 2008/01 HABER Stephen

Political Institutions and Financial Development: Evidence from New World Economies, 2007/10 HARDIN Russell

Government Without Trust, 2007/03


The European Public Sphere, 2007/09


“Not Excepting the Iroquois Themselves...” Machiavelli, Pufendorf and the Prehistory of International Law, 2007/07

“Bourgeois Towns: How Capitalism Became Virtuous, 1600-1776”, 2008/03 The European Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, and Modern Economic Growth, 2007/06


The Rise of Global Legalism, 2008/04


Self-Government in Our Times, 2008/07 SARGENT Thomas J.

Macroeconomic Policy, Evolution, and Self-Confirming Equilibrium, 2008/08 SCHARPF Fritz W.

Social Science as a Vocation - Are Max Weber’s Warnings Still Valid?, 2007/01 TEUBNER Gunther

Rights of Non-humans? Electronic Agents and Animals as New Actors in Politics and Law, 2007/04

M a x We be r Pro gra mme - 4 0 5

other series


The Spectre of Islamism: A Historian’s Reading, 2007/08 WEINGAST Barry R.

Why are Developing Countries so Resistant to the Rule of Law?, 2009/02

4 06 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Index of Authors and Editors

A ABBOTT Roderick 365 ABOU-RAMADAN Moussa 258 ABOUT Ilsen 204, 271 ADLOFF Frank 243, 261, 305, 331, 359, 375 AGUILERA-MANZANO José María 227, 261, 349, 375 AGUR Itai 203, 223, 337 AHMAD Ali Nobil 205 AKACHI Yoko 337, 375 ALBALATE Daniel 365 ALBERTI Adriana 9, 305, 359 ALBERTINI Marco 243, 312, 361 ALEKSOV Bojan 271, 349, 375 ALEN André 195 ALEXANDER Jeffrey 403 ALFREDSSON Gudmundur 285 ALLEN Franklin 337 ALMENDRAL Violeta Ruiz 351 ALSTON Philip 10, 293 ALTERI Luca 243 ALVAREZ José E. 285 ALVAREZ LOPEZ Ana Isabel 11 ALVAREZ Michael R. 243 AMIRAUX Valerie 319 ANAGNOSTOU Dia 12, 253, 255 ANDENAS Mads 13 ANDERSON Perry 405 ANDOURA Sami 119 ANDREEV Evgueni M. 261 ANDRETTA Elisa 261, 271, 375 ANDRETTA Massimiliano 243, 316, 333 ANDRIEU Claire 189 ANDRIYCHUK Oles 233, 285 ANGELI Oliviero 359 APELLANIZ RUIZ DE GALARRETA Francisco Javier 271 4 08 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

ARAÚJO FONSECA Graça Maria 211 Arespa Castelló Marta 203 AREZKI Rabah 337 ARIAS MOREIRA Xose Carlos 235 AROURI Fathi A. 387 ARRETCHE Marta 359 ARTIRAN Nazmiye Pinar 211 ARZA Camila 14, 305, 319 ASCIONE Aurora 203, 337 ASKOLA Heli 15 ASPACHS-BRACONS Oriol 337, 375 ATAMER Yesim M. 236, 295 ATANASIU Isabela 71 AUGENHOFER Susanne 16, 319 AUGENSTEIN Daniel 351 AUST Helmut 265 AVBELJ Matej 211, 233, 285, 351 AVERY Graham 255 AWAD Ibrahim 395 AYBEK Can 17, 331 AYDIN Umut 359, 375 AY Judith 203 B BACK Hanna 363 BADAWY Tarek 387 BAEZ SEARA David 233 BAJOMI Ivan 243 BAKKER Christine 358 BAKOS Péter 365 BALLI Volker 215 BALLMER-CAO Thanh-Huyen 73, 261 BALME Richard 43 BALSIGER Jörg 359, 375 Balteanu Irina 203 BANDIERA Oriana 337 BANERJEE Anindya 223, 337, 345, 371 BANKS Karen 365

BAQUERO CRUZ Julio 319, 365 BARANOVA Olga 205, 227, 272 BARATIERI Daniela 205, 349 BARBATO Mariano 375 BARDI Luciano 243 BARDSEN Gunnar 337 BARLING David 117, 305, 312 Barrabes Solanes Clara 203 BARRAS Amélie 365 BARROS-GARCÍA Xiana 217, 365 BARTELS Lorand 285 BARTHA Eszter 337, 349, 375 BARTOLINI Stefano 255, 319, 365 BARTOLOME RODRIGUEZ Maria Isabel 18 BASCHIERA Marinella 233 BASER Bahar 19, 243 BAUBOCK Rainer 20, 244, 305, 306 BAUER Eva Michaela 205 BEATTIE Andrew 227, 261, 272, 349, 375 BEAULAC Stephane 21, 285, 331, 351, 375, 376 BEAULIEU Yannick 272 BEEKMAN Volkert 306 BEJAN Maria 365 BEKIROS Stelios D. 261, 376 BELAVUSAU Uladzislau 233 BEL Germà 365 BELGUENDOUZ Abdelkrim 388, 395 BEL HADJ ZEKRI Abderazak 387, 388, 398 BEN CHEÏKH Farah 388 BENCZÚR Péter 365 BENEDEK Dora 365 BENEDETTI FASIL Cristiana 337 BENJEMIA Monia 398 BENSAÂD Ali 388, 395 BERENSON Marc P. 359, 376 BEREZIN Mabel 22 BERGANTINO Angela S. 365

BERGIN Paul R. 223, 255 BERG Nils Holger Németh 205 BERGSTROM Carl-Fredrik 244, 255 BERMAN Nathaniel 286 BERMAN Nicolas 261, 337, 376 BERNAL GARCÍA Francisco 205 BERNAZ Nadia 286 BERNINI Stefania 23, 272, 331, 349, 376 BERTAN TOKUZLU Lami 388 BERTHOU Antoine 261 BESSELINK Thieu 211 BETTSMA Roel M.W.J. 338 BEURIER Joëlle 205 BEVIR Mark 24 BEYER Andreas 223 BHUTA Nehal 286 BIANCONI Ginestra 264 BICAKOVA Alena 338 BIEHL Kristen 397 BIGNAMI Francesca 286 BILDER Richard B. 286 BILLETTE DE VILLEMEUR Etienne 319, 365 BISHARA Amahl 365 BISIN Alberto 223 BJORNEBYE Henrik 366 BLANCO SIO-LOPEZ Cristina 205, 227, 272, 273 BLAS-LOPEZ Maria Esther 143, 296, 354 BLONDEL Jean 319 BLUCHE Lorraine 25, 273, 319 BLUMI Isa 366 BOBBA Matteo 223 BOBEK Michal 351 BOERNER Lars 338, 376 BÖHNLEIN Anja 298 BOGAARDS Matthijs 217 BOISSON DE CHAZOURNES Laurence 286 BOLLEYER Nicole 244, 359 409

BOLUKBASI H. Tolga 373 BONAFÉ MARTÍNEZ Ernesto 398 BONGIOVANNI Giorgio 26, 265, 334 BONI Guido 331, 351, 376, 395 BONOLI Giuliano 263 BORNSCHIER Simon 376 BORODAK Daniela 397 BORUTTA Manuel 375 BORZSÁK Levente 211 BOSCH Reinoud 217 BOUDER Frederic 322 BOUSSARD Hélène 211, 286 BOUWERS Eveline Gerdina 205 BOYLE Kevin 27, 287 BRAAMS Beate 353 BRAAT Eleni 205 BRACKE Maud 28 BRACKE Sarah 366 BRAY Zoe 306 BREUER Fabian 253, 260, 306 BREVAGLIERI Sabina 273, 332 BRIBOSIA Hervé 119, 233, 287 BRIGHI Elisabetta 255 BRISKU Adrian 205 BROER Tobias 338 BROGGIO Paolo 29 BROU Daniel 338 BROWN Rory Stephen 211, 233 BROWNSWORD Roger 287 BRUEGGEMANN Ralf 223 BRUNELLO Giorgio 338, 376, 377 BRUNE Sophie-Charlotte 217 BRUSZT Laszlo 243, 244, 359 BÜGER Christian 244, 245 BÜTIKOFER Sarah 261 BUKODI Erzsebet 245, 262, 359, 376 BULST Neithard 30 4 10 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

BUMP Jesse B. 224 BUTLER Jeffrey 338 BYSTROV Victor 203 C CABRALES Antonio 338 CAFAGGI Fabrizio 31, 32, 33, 34, 236, 287, 288, 351, 366 CAHILL Maria Catherine 211 CAIANI Manuela 61 CAIRNEY Paul 248, 310 CALDERARO Andrea 306 CALENDA Davide 251, 264, 306, 332 CALLAGHAN Helen 359, 376 CALMFORS Lars 35, 36 CALVI Giulia 37, 227, 273, 349 CAMERON Peter D. 38 CAMINATI Mauro 255 CANNING David 337, 375 CANTÙ Francesca 29 CAPUSSOTTI Enrica 153 CARAPICO Sheila 366 CARBONELL Mauve 229 CARLETTI Elena 337 CARLSON Elwood D. 261 CARRIERO Andrea 338 CARUSO Giuseppe 248, 263 CASANOVAS Pompeu 174, 288 CASARINI Nicola 39, 40, 41, 255, 320 CASELLAS Núria 174, 288 CASINI Lorenzo 366 CASSARINO Jean-Pierre 255, 256, 320, 388, 398 CATASTINI Francesco 273 CATIGNANI Sergio 42, 359, 376 CAUNES Karine 211, 233 CEJVAN Ervik 227 CELOZZI Olivia Carlotta 397 CENGIZ Firat 377

CENTENERO DE ARCE Domingo 205 CHABANET Didier 43 CHALLAND Benoit 44, 228, 274 CHAMS EL DINE Chérine 217 CHATZIMANOLI Despina 211 CHAVARRIA MUGICA Fernando 274 CHEÏKH Farah Ben 388 CHEKIR Hafidha 388 CHEN Bianca 228 CHESTERMAN Simon 358 CHINCHILLA Perla 45 CHING-TO Albert Ma 378 CHOLEWINSKI Ryszard 388 CHWASZCZA Christine 245, 306, 307 CICHOPEK Anna 377 CITI Manuele 217, 360 CLARKE Tasneem 215 CLOTS-FIGUERAS Irma 337, 375 COBHAM David 46 COFF Christian 117, 305, 306, 312 COHEN Antonin 366 COHEN Deborah 349, 377 COHEN Yinon 388, 395 COMAROFF Jean 405 CONRAD Sebastian 47, 227, 228, 274, 275 COOPERMAN Hilary 366 CORSETTI Giancarlo 35, 36, 223, 255, 256, 338, 339, 366, 367 CORTEN Olivier 288 COTTA Maurizio 48 COURTY Pascal 223, 339 COUTTO Tatiana 367 COVIELLO Decio 203, 223, 339 COZZI Guido 224, 256 CREMONA Marise 49, 50, 288, 320, 352, 355, 388 CRESCENZI Riccardo 256, 257 CRONIN Stephanie 51

CRUM Ben 119 CUNHA Mario 52, 233, 288 D DA CONCEICAO-HELDT Eugénia 257, 320, 367 DA COSTA LEITE BORGES Danielle 234 DAMJANOVIC Dragana 352 D’ARTIGUES Agnès 340 D’ASCOLI Silvia 211, 234, 352 DAVIDSSON Johan 360 DAVITER Falk 245 DAWSON Mark 211, 234, 352, 367 DE ABREU FERREIRA Sofia 234 DEAN Martin 56 DE BEL-AIR Françoise 389, 396 DE BURCA Grainne 357 DEDOLA Luca 223, 256, 338, 339, 366 DE FRANCO Chiara 217, 253, 260 DE FRANTZ Monika 360 DE HAUTECLOCQUE Adrien 368 DEHOUSSE Franklin 119 DELACOTE Philippe 224, 269 DE LA CROIX David 340 DE LANGE Marloes 360 DE LA PORTE Caroline 217 DE LASSALE Marine 368 DE LEEUW Magdalena E. 367 DELESTRE Florence 84 DELGADO CASTELEIRO Andrés 352 DELLA PORTA Donatella 48, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 108, 245, 262, 307, 308, 315, 316, 333 DELORI Mathias 65, 262 DEL SARTO Raffaella 257 DEMANT Froukje 253 DEMERTZIS Maria 340 DEMETRESCU Matei 340, 377 DE MUIZON Gildas 370 DERMAN Joshua 332 411

DE SANTI Chiara 206, 275 DESCHAUX-BEAUME Delphine 65 DE SCHOUTHEETE Philippe 119 DE SCHUTTER Olivier 288 DESMAZIERES Agnès 206, 228 DE SOUSA Luís 53, 54, 55, 148, 367 DESSANTE Philippe 257, 372 DEVEREUX Michael 35, 36 DE WITTE Bruno 50, 195, 234, 288, 289, 290, 320, 352, 367 DIAB Nasri Antoine 389 DIAZ ALABART Silvia 13 DIAZ-GIMENEZ Javier 340, 377 DIAZ-RAINEY Ivan 367 DIBEH Ghassan 46 DIMITROVA Antoaneta 257, 367 DI QUIRICO Roberto 66 DOBLHAMMER Gabriele 262 DOCZEKALSKA Agnieszka 211 DÖRR Nicole 217, 243 DOMINGUEZ UGÁ Maria Alicia 234 DONECKER Stefan 185, 275, 276 DONERT Celia 206, 228, 276 DORIS Martin 67 DORRUCCI Ettore 223 DOUKOURE Ounia 396 DRONKERS Jaap 243, 245, 246, 249, 308, 309, 360, 361, 368 DUBOIS Ute 398 DUERNECKER Georg 340 DUPUY Pierre-Marie 68, 69, 291, 352 DUYGAN Burcu 224 DYEVRE Arthur 352, 377 E ECKART Gottschalk 70 ECKERT Andreas 275 ECKERT Julia 367 4 12 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

ECKERT Sandra 247, 258, 361, 369 EHLERMANN Claus-Dieter 71, 72 EHRHARDT Gorge 340 EILSTRUP-SANGIOVANNI Mette 367 ELBASANI Arolda 102, 217, 246, 257, 321, 360 ELLERMAN Denny 368 ELMADMAD Khadija 389, 396 EL-MASRY Saeed 77 ELUL Ronel 340 EL YESSA Abderrahman 389, 396 ENGELI Isabelle 73, 261, 262 ENGSTRÖM Johanna 211 ERIKSSON Mikael 217 EROLA Jani 360 ERZAN Refik 389 EVERSON Michelle 353 F FABERON Jean-Yves 74 FABRE Pierre-Antoine 29 FACCINI Renato 203, 340 FADIL Nadia 366 FAGEDA Xavier 365 FAKHOURY MUEHLBACHER Tamirace 75, 368 FALA Laila 9, 305 FAN Simon C. 398 FARER Tom 76 FARGUES Philippe 77, 257, 321, 387, 389 FARMER Roger 223 FARRELL Henry 244, 246, 255, 257 FAVA Valentina 349, 377 FAYOLLE Laurence 212 FEDERICO Giovanni 228, 276, 349 FERI Francesco 340 FERJANI Riadh 368 FERNANDES Tiago Luis 217, 246 FEYS Torsten 206, 228, 276 FIDALGO DE FREITAS Tiago 234

FIGUEROA Marcello 262 FIORINO Nadia 368 FLEISCHMANN Fenella 246, 360, 368 FOLEY Frank 217, 368 FORTI Andrea 160 FORT Margherita 338, 340, 376, 377 FOSCO Constanza 341 FOURATI Habib 389, 390 FRALE Cecilia 341 FRANCA FILHO Marcilio Toscano 78, 234 FRANCESCONI Enrico 79 FRANCIONI Francesco 68, 80, 81, 83, 234, 291, 352, 358 FRANKE Julia 155 FRANKLIN Mark 253, 308, 309, 317 FREVERT Ute 405 FRIEDRICHS Jörg 360, 377 FRISONI Roberta 398 FROLAND Hans Otto 229 FULLER S 352 FUMAGALLI Elena 84 FUSACCHIA Alessandro 217 FUTAGAMI Koichi 345 G GABLER Alain 203, 341 GABOR Barbara 235 GADINGER Frank 244 GAENSSMANTEL Frank 217 GAGATEK Wojciech 218 GALANI-MOUTAFI Vasiliki 368 GALBIATI Roberto 224, 262, 341, 377 GALE Douglas 337 GALEOTTI Andrea 341 GALETTA D.U. 303, 329 GALLA Tobias 264 GALLICE Andrea 224, 341 GALLINA Andrea 390

GARBEN Sacha 352 GARCIA ESPADA Antonio 85 GARIB Geetha 309 GAROUPA Nuno 224, 262 GARSTENAUER Rita 206, 229, 277 GEARY Michael Joseph 86, 206 GEKAS Athanasios 229, 262, 263, 349, 350, 377 GEORGAKAKIS Didier 368 GERMANN Christophe 352, 377 GERWARTH Robert 87, 229 GESTRI Marco 81 GEVA Dorith 257 GHIRARDATO Paolo 341 GIBBS Alun H. 212 GILCHER-HOLTEY Ingrid 30 GILMORE Gráinne 235 GINZBURG Carlo 405 GIORDANI Paolo 224, 256, 257, 341, 378 GIOVANNETTI Giorgia 340, 377 GIRARD Pascal 229 GISOLO Enrico 368 GIULIANO Paola 338 GLACHANT Jean-Michel 88, 257, 321, 368, 370 GLENCROSS Andrew 246, 247, 360, 368 GLYNN Irial 229 GODICKE Patrick 235 GODINHO Jorge Alexandre Fernandes 89 GODMER Laurent 368 GOETZ Klaus H. 90, 91, 247 GOMEZ MARTINEZ Raul 247 GONZÁLEZ ALEGRE Juan 203 GORENFLO René Daniel 369 GORYWODA Lukasz 356 GOSCHLER Constantin 56, 189 GOTTARDI Piero 223, 338, 340, 341 GOYAL Sanjeev 224, 341 GRAF STRACHWITZ Rupert 305, 331 413

GRAMAXO ROZEIRA Gustavo 212 GRASSI Simona 378 GREEN Richard 369 GRENET Mathieu 277 GRIGOLO Michele 218 GRIMHEDEN Jonas 177 GRINBERG Ivan 229 GROPAS Ruby 328 GRUNDMANN Stefan 323 GRUSS Bertrand 341 GRUSZCZYNSKI Lukasz 212, 235, 291 GUARDIANCICH Igor 247, 360 GUARNIERI Antonella 256 GUBERT Flore 399 GUELLALI Amna 212 GUESNERIE Roger 405 GUÈVREMONT Véronique 369 GUISO Luigi 224, 337, 338, 341, 342 GUMUSCU Sebnem 369 GUNGOR Gaye 378 H HABER Stephen 405 HAEUSERMAN Silja 263, 378 HAGEMANN Sara 119 HAGHIGHI Sanam Salem 92 HALLACK Michelle 257, 398 HALLIN Marc 342 HALL Thad E. 243 HAMMOUDA Nacer-Eddine 390 HANAFI Sari 390 HANCKE Bob 93, 327 HANNECART Roch 206 HANNIKAINEN Matti 230 HANRETTY Chris 309, 360 HANSEN Petter Vegard 374 HARDERS Cilja 94 HARDIN Russell 405 4 14 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

HÄRKÖNEN Juho 218, 245, 360, 361 HARRIS Elisa D. 321 HARRISON James 95 HARTZEN A.-C. 352 HATLESKOG ZEINER Hilde 218 HAUPT Heinz-Gerhard 30, 87, 96, 229, 277, 278 HAUZENBERGER Klemens 225, 238 HEIDBREDER Eva Gabriele 218 HENDRY David F. 97 HENDRY Jennifer 212, 235, 353 HENNETTE-VAUCHEZ Stéphanie 258, 321, 353, 369 HENRY Jérôme 223 HEPBURN Eve 248 HERACLEOUS Maria S. 342, 378 HERICORD-GORRE Alix 206 HÉRICOURT Jérôme 376 HERITIER Adrienne 98, 244, 246, 247, 255, 257, 258, 309, 321, 361, 369, 399 HERNÁNDEZ GUERRERO Vanessa 212 HERRMANN Andrea 99, 361 HERRMANN Christoph 353, 369 HERWARTZ Helmut 263 HESELHAUS Sebastian F. 235 HIEDA Takeshi 361 HILAL Jamil 396 HILLION Christophe 292 HINDESS Barry 54 HINTERMAIER Thomas 342, 378 HINTZ Arne 247, 248 HIROUX Céline 372 HJERPPE Jukka Riitta 230 HOFFMANN Rasmus 100, 261, 262, 263, 332, 378 HOFFMEISTER Frank 292 HOFMANN Stephanie C. 258 HOFMEISTER Hannes 353, 378 HOLDER Jane 292 HOLTEN Anne-Louise 218

HOLZHACKER Ronald 369 HONKAPOHJA Seppo 35 HOPPE Carsten 212, 358 HORVATH Eniko 101, 290 HÖS Nikolett 235, 292, 352, 353 HOURANI Guita G. 396 HOWELLS Geraint 235 HOYO Henio 248 HUTCHISON Ragnhild 229 HÜTTNER Katja 298 I IAMICELI Paola 351 IANNI Antonella 343 IBÁÑEZ COLOMO Pablo 353 IBÁÑEZ GARZARÁN Zyab Luis 218 IÇDUYGU Ahmet 390, 396 IDE Eisaku 252, 317 IGLESIAS RODRIGUEZ Pablo 235 ILIRJANI Altin 102 IMPULLITI Giammario 343, 378 INCARDONA R. 238, 265 INGULSTAD Mats 229 INNOCENTI Alessandro 255 ISENMANN Moritz 206 IWASA Takuro 206 J JAKUBOWSKI Maciej 369 JALAVA Tapio 230 JAMES Harold 103 JANCZUK Agnieszka 356 JANSEN Jos 258 JAPPELLI Tullio 342 JEON Doh-Shin 258 JERÓNIMO Patrícia 212 JOERGES Christian 292, 353 JOFFÉ George 369, 399 JONES Heather 378

JONKERS Koen 218, 399 JORDÀ Oscar 343 JOSIPOVIC Ivona 215 JOSKOW Paul L. 369 JOUNI Hassan 390 JURIS Jeffrey S. 248, 263 K KAELBLE Hartmut 405 KAINULAINEN Jaska 206 KAMMINGA Menno T. 104 KANTNER Cathleen 321 KAPETANIOS George 338 KARAGIANNIS Yannis 218, 370 KARAHASAN Devrim 230 KARLINGER Liliane 343 KAROVA Rozeta 370 KASCHA Christian 343 KASIANOV Georgiy 105 KASPARIAN Choghig 391 KATZ Richard 309, 310, 314 KAWAKIBI Salam 391 KAYA Ibrahim 391, 396 KEATING Michael 106, 107, 108, 248, 253, 307, 308, 310 KEEN Michael 343 KELEMEN R. Daniel 370 KELLER Jacques 119 KERDOUN Azzouz 391, 392 KERSTING Norbert 310, 311 KESSLER Jürgen 109, 110, 111, 236 KHACHANI Mohamed 392 KHALIL Asem 392, 396 KHARKOVA Tatiana L. 261 KIES Raphaël 218 KIM Do Han 339 KIRISCI Kemal 392, 396 KITZMUELLER Markus 343 415

KIWAN Fadia 392, 396 KJAER Poul 212, 235, 236, 292, 354 KLINGER William R., 206 KNIGHT Alan 182 KNOLL Bernhard 293 KOCH Christian 112 KOCKA Jürgen 113 KOENIGER Winfried 342, 378 KOHLI Martin 14, 113, 243, 248, 249, 250, 305, 311, 312, 361 KOHLRAUSCH Martin 373 KOKKINEN Arto 230 KOKOSZYCKA Ewa 278 KOLLBACH Claudia 114 KOMÁREK Jan 351 KOMNINOS Assimakis P. 115 KOPSTEIN Jeffrey 116 KORNETIS Konstantinos 278 KORTHALS Michiel 117, 249, 305, 306, 312, 313 KOSIC Ankica 328 KOSKENNIEMI Martti 405 KOTKINA Irina 207 KRAAYKAMP Gerbert 249, 361 KRAJEWSKI Markus 292 KRATOCHWIL Friedrich 249, 313, 360, 375, 377 KRAUSE Catarina 118 KRAUTHEIM Sebastian 203, 343 KRIESI Hanspeter 62 KRIWOLUZKY Alexander 343, 378 KROKIDAS Panos 229, 263 KROTZ Ulrich 370 KRZYZANOWSKA Olga 218, 249 KUBLER Felix 341 KÜNEMUND Harald 250, 312, 361 KUESTER Keith 225, 347 KUNNAS Jan 207, 230, 278 KUO Ming-Sung 354, 378 4 16 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

KUROWSKA Xymena 218 KURPAS Sebastian 119 KUZIN Vladimir 344 L LABDELAOUI Hocine 392, 393, 396 LAFLEUR Jean-Michel 370 LAHUSEN Christian 370 LALIOTOU Ioanna 153 LAMBA Rinku 361, 379 LAMBERT Nick 120 LANCEE Bram 249 LANGBEIN Julia 121, 249, 313 LANGUS Gregor 203, 269 LANNE Markku 224, 344 LAVRANOS Nikolaos 122, 263, 379 LAYARD Richard 405 LEAL-ARCAS Rafael 212 LEBOVITCH DAHL José David 207 LE BRAS Hervé 395 LEDESMA José Luis 230 LEDUC Sylvain 223, 256, 338, 339, 366 LEE Maria 293 LEE MUDGE Stephanie 361, 379 LEFEVERE Jürgen 293 LEFRANC Arnaud 370 LEGERER Anton 207 LEGRENZI Matteo 94 LEHMKUHL Dirk 247, 258 LEHNARDT Chia 358 LEHTONEN Tiia 218 LEITAO Nicolau Andresen 123 LEMMENS Paul 195 LEMMES Fabian 207, 230, 278 LENNER Katharina 370 LE NORMAND Brigitte 350, 379 LENZERINI Federico 82 LE QUEMENT Mark 203

LESAGE Dries 371 LETNAR CERNIC Jernej 233, 264, 332, 379 LEVELS Mark 246, 249, 361 LÉVÊQUE François 88, 370 LEVIS SULLAM Simon 124, 332 LICANDRO Omar 340, 341, 344 LIEBERT Ulrike 370 LIGUORI Lucrezia 397 LIMA MARQUES Claudia 293 LINDEKILDE Lasse 219, 361, 371 LINDNER Ulrike 371 LINDORFER Bianca Maria 207 LINSENMANN Ingo 125, 321, 322 LIPPHARDT Veronika 25, 231, 259, 280, 324 LIŠKA Roman 342 LITWIN Howard 250 LIXINSKI Lucas 264, 293 LLUCH Jaime 361, 379 LOADER Ian 354 LOCKWOOD Ben 343, 344 LÖÖF Robin 212 LOFSTEDT Ragnar 322 LOMBARDI Marco J. 344, 379 LOMBARDO Davide 207 LOPEZ-SANTANA Mariely 250, 264, 361, 379 LO PRETE Anna 344, 379 LO SCHIAVO Luca 84 LUBBAD Ismail 393 LÜDICKE Jörg 312 LUETKEPOHL Helmut 223, 224, 225, 337, 340, 344, 379 LUNA GONZALEZ Adriana 207, 230, 278, 279 LUNDBERG Björn 126 LYON Dawn 153 LYONS Carole 354 M MAC AMHLAIGH Cormac Seamus 212

MACDONALD Euan 10, 293 MACHNICKA Agnieszka 213 MACIEJOWSKA Katarzyna 344 MACLEOD Sorcha 358 MADIEGA Tambiana 213 MAGNUSSON Lars 127 MAHIEU Stephanie 362, 379 MAHUTEAU Stéphane 399 MAIANI Francesco 354, 379 MAIER Charles S. 405 MAIR Peter 90, 91, 243, 247, 250, 309, 310, 313, 314, 362 MALIK Maleiha 371 MANCINI Susanna 290 MANN Dennis-Jonathan 128, 314 MANTON E. 293 MARAVALLE Alessandro 203 MARCELLINO Massimiliano 97, 223, 224, 225, 337, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 371 MARC Jean 341 MARIANI Fabio 371 MARIMON Ramon 340, 344, 345, 377, 379 MARÍN DURÁN Gracia 213 MARINIELLO Mario 203, 339 MARKESINIS Sir Basil 13 MARKLUND Carl 207 MARMOUR Peter 54 MARQUEZ Robert 337 MARQUIS Mel 72, 322 MARREL Guillaume 368 MARSCHKE Gerald 223, 339 MARSH Michael 317 MARSILI Matteo 264, 340, 341 MARTEEL Stefaan 207 MARTÍNEZ D’ALÒS-MONER Andreu 207 MARTINEZ-HERRERA Enric 314 MARTIN GARCIA Teresa 309 417

MARTIN Philippe 256, 339, 367 MARZO Claire 213, 236, 352 MASELLA Paolo 337, 375 MASTEN Igor 337, 345, 371 MATEJ Avbelj 236 MATTIL Peter 258, 259 MAUCH Christof 129, 279, 322 MAVRODI Georgia 250, 314, 315 MAZMANYAN Armen 213 MAZZI Gian Luigi 341 MAZZIOTTI Giuseppe 130, 293 MCCLOSKEY Deirdre 405 MCCOURT David 219, 362, 371 MCDERMOTT Gerald A. 359 MCGEEVER Matthew 207 MCRAE Shaun D. 371 MEADE Richard 371 MEBROUKINE Ali 393 MEITZ Mika 345 MELÉNDEZ-JIMÉNEZ Miguel 340 MELONI Gabriella 219, 352 MENCHINI Carmen 350, 379 MENDES Joana 213, 294, 354 MENDEZ Mario 213 MENICUCCI Domenico 258 MENY Yves 131, 132, 133, 258, 323 MERTENS Karel 203, 341, 345 MESTMAECKER Ernst-Joachim 301 MESTRE Bruno 236, 352 MEUNIER Laurent 203 MEYER Christoph O. 125, 322 MEYER-SAHLING Jan-Hinrik 362, 380 MGHARI Mohamed 393 MIAARI Sami H. 380 MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang 13, 31, 109, 110, 111, 134, 135, 136, 137, 235, 236, 237, 239, 287, 288, 294, 295, 351, 354 4 18 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

MIKLOS Andras 362, 380 MILAN Stefania 219, 247, 248, 250, 315 MILDE Christopher 203 MILUTINOVIC Veljko 213, 295 MINNETTI Raul 342 MISSIROLI Antonio 119 MIZEN Paul 223 MIZON Grayham E. 97 MIZUSHIMA Atsue 345 MOHAMED SALEH Sidna Ndah 393 MOISAND Jeanne 207 MOKYR Joel 405 MOLHO Anthony 138 MOLLER Jorgen 139, 250, 362 MONFORTE Pierre 219 MONGELLI Francesco Paolo 223 MONTERESCU Daniel 140, 258, 323 MONTINI Massimiliano 295 MORA Juan 345, 380 MORARU Milena 213 MORAVSCIK Andrew 258 MOREAU Marie-Ange 141, 142, 143, 237, 295, 296, 354 MORGERA Elisa 144, 296 MORIJN John 213 MORILLAS Juan Rafael 251, 264, 362, 380 MORVARIDI Behrooz 145 MOSCA Lorenzo 146, 243, 245, 248, 251, 262, 263, 264, 306, 315, 316, 332, 333, 362, 380 MÖSCHEL Mathias 354 MÖSLEIN Florian 258, 259, 323, 371 MOTA PINTO Alexandre Cardoso 213 MOTOC Iulia Voina 296 MOTTA Massimo 225, 269, 343 MOUALHI Djaouida 219 MOUHOT Jean-Francois 147 MOULIAROVA Ekaterina 379

MOURLON-DRUOL Emmanuel 279 MOURY Catherine 148 MÜHLHAHN Klaus 275 MUIR-WATT Horatia 32, 33 MULLER Gernot J. 223, 225, 256, 339, 347, 367 MULLER Pierre 73 MULLER-ROMMEL Ferdinand 319 MULLER Wim 237 MUNDLAK Guy 393, 394 MURAVYEV Alexander 345 MURO Diego 264 MURPHY Thérèse 149, 296 MUSETTE Mohamed Saib 399 MUSU Costanza 41, 323 MUTH Elena 262 MYLLYNTAUS Timo 230, 278 N NACZYK Marek 360 NASRA Skander 371 NASSAR Heba 394 NAURIN Daniel 150, 371 NAVAS-RUIZ Antonio 344, 345 NEED A 308 NEUHOFF Karsten 328 NEWBERY David 371 NICOLOSI Guido 313 NIELSEN Thorkild 117 NOIRET Serge 230, 231, 279 NOKKALA Ere Pertti 231, 279 NOLTE Paul 277 NORDMAN Christophe J. 399 NOWAK Bartlomiej 213 NTALACHANIS Angelos 277 NYHAN Miriam 151, 208 O OBELENĖ Vaida 219 OBERHUBER Florian 371

O’BRIEN Claire 237, 297 O’CONNOR Seini 371 O’FLAHERTY M 237 OGER Helen 396 OJIMA Fumiaki 370, 372 OLBRICH H. 352 OLMOS GIUPPONI Maria Belen 264, 380 OLSEN Espen D. H. 219 OLSEN Niklas 208 OLWAN Mohamed Y. 394, 396 ORBIE Jan 371 ORTE Andreu 251 ORTIGUEIRA Salvador 340, 345 P PADOVANO Fabio 152 PADULA Mario 342 PAGLIERO Mario 223, 339 PAIELLA Monica 342 PALADINI Luca 259 PANSINI Valeria 279, 333, 350, 380 PARKS Louisa 219 PASQUINO Nello 13 PASSERINI Luisa 153 PASTER Thomas 219 PASTOR DE FRUTOS Laura 215 PATEL Kiran Klaus 25, 129, 154, 155, 231, 259, 273, 279, 280, 319, 322, 323, 324, 350, 372 PAWLAK Patryk 251 PEACE Timothy 251 PEINE Alexander 380 PELLITTERI Paola 208 PELTONEN Hannes 219 PERCEBOIS Jacques 340 PERCHINIG Bernhard 20 PEREIRA Joana 203, 345 PEREZ-ALONSO Alicia 225, 264, 345, 380 PEREZ-NIEVAS Santiago 247 419

PEREZ Yannick 257, 321, 372 PERGHER Roberta 380 PÉROUSE Jean-François 372 PERRIN Delphine 394 PERSSON Hans-Ake 280 PERSSON Karl Gunnar 276 PESENTI Paolo 256, 339, 367 PESHKOPIA Ridvan 102 PETERSMANN Ernst-Ulrich 68, 237, 238, 297, 298, 325, 354, 355 PETITHOMME Mathieu 156, 251, 315 PETROVA Margarita H. 362, 380 PETROV Roman 238, 264, 355, 379, 380 PHILLIPSON G. 297 PIAZZA Gianni 63, 64 PIEBALGS Andris 372 PIN Paolo 345, 380 POELHEKKE Steven 204, 346, 347 POGUNTKE Thomas 362 PONCE Carlos J. 346, 380 PONCIBÒ Cristina 238, 264, 265, 355, 381 PONTI Giovanni 340 PONZANO Paolo 325, 403 POPESCU Marina 325 PORTELA Clara 157, 219, 251, 372 POSCHKE Markus 204 POSNER Eric A. 405 POSSETH Johan 374 PRADES ILLANES Elvira 204 PRAKKEN Henry 298, 355 PRAT Andrea 337 PROIETTI Tommaso 341 PROTSYK Oleh 315, 334 PROTZ Uta 208 PRUTSCH Markus J. 158, 231 PRZEWORSKI Adam 405 PSYCHOGIOPOULOU Evangelia 159 4 20 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

PURNHAGEN Kai Peter 225, 235, 238, 298 PUTZ Christa 208 PYPER Jens Fabian 208 Q QUADRINI Vincenzo 344, 345, 379 QUILLACQ ALBAJES Patricia 213 QUIRICO Ottavio 265, 355, 381 R RABINOWITZ Dan 140, 258 RABITSCH Katrin 204 RADL Jonas 252 RAHIMI Babak 372 RAJKOVIC Nikolas Milan 219 RALF Michaels 70 RALLI Tommi 213 RAMDAN Haimoud 397 RAMÍREZ PÉREZ Sigfrido Manuel 208 RAMOS Xavier 372 RAMPINI Adriano 223 RANCI Pippo 160, 259, 325 RAPPAS Alexis 208, 231 RASMUSSEN Anne 252, 265, 362, 381 RASMUSSEN Terje 259 RAUBE Kolja 157 RAVN Morten O. 225, 345, 346 RAZIN Assaf 381 REBEYROL Vincent 346, 381 REDONDO ALAMO Angeles 281, 283 REH Christine 219 REICH Norbert 135, 236, 237, 239, 355 REITER Herbert 315, 316, 333 REITER Herwig 219, 316, 362 RENDAHL Pontus 204, 346 RHODES Martin 93, 327, 360 RICCIUTI Roberto 152, 255, 259, 368 RIEDLER Florian 372 RIESENHUBER Karl 323

RIJPMA Jorrit J. 235, 239, 298, 355 RIOUS Vincent 257, 372, 398 RITTERSMA Rengenier C. 161 RIVAS Javier 204, 346 RIVERET Régis 355, 356 ROBERT Peter 246, 372 ROBERTS Anthea 298 ROCA-SAGALES Oriol 372 RODLEY Nigel 298 RÖCKE Anja 316 RÖDL Florian 214 RODRIGUES Paulo M. M. 224 RODRÍGUEZ-POSE Andrés 256, 257 ROETHE Thomas 136, 137 ROGOWSKI Marcin 239, 295, 299 ROGOWSKI Ron 403 ROMAN Howaida 394, 397 ROMANO Antonella 29, 45, 162, 163, 231, 281 ROMANOS FRAILE Eduardo 219 ROMEI Valentina 164 RONZITTI Natalino 81 RONZONI Miriam 265, 381 ROQUES Fabien 372 RORIVE Isabelle 299 ROSPOCHER Massimo 208 ROSSI Barbara 225 ROSSI Federico Matías 252, 316 ROTH Bram 355 ROTOLO Antonino 265, 355, 356 ROTT Peter 135 ROUSSEVA Ekaterina 214, 299 ROUVROY Antoinette 165 ROVERSI Corrado 265 ROY Olivier 403 RUBINO Rossella 174, 288, 299, 355 RUBIO MARIN Ruth 166 RUCHT Dieter 62

RUDNIANSKI Michel 356 RÜHL Giesela 70, 299, 333 RUIZ FABRI Hélène 299 RUIZ-RUFINO Rubén 362, 381 RUSSELL Bill 223 RUTA Michele 338, 373 RUTAZIBWA Olivia 316 RYNGAERT Cedric 358 S SAARILAHTI Ilkka 167, 168, 399 SAARITSA Sakari 208 SABA-SA’DI Sylvia 373 SADEK Sara 77 SADIQI Fatima 394 SADUN Raffaella 337 SADURSKI Wojciech 169, 170, 171, 239, 299, 300, 356 SAFJAN Marek 356 SAGUAN Marcelo 370, 372, 398 SAIDI Aurélien 346 SAIKKONEN Pentti 225, 340, 344, 345 SAINT-PAUL Gilles 35, 36 SALA Davide 345, 346 SALAS ALMELA Luis 172 SALEH Fawaz 394, 395 SALERNO Francesco Maria 373 SALVANTE Martina 208 SAMKALDEN Channa 214 SAMY Shahira 395, 397 SAND Edith 381 SANDELIN Hugo 126 SAN JULIÁN ARRUPE F. Javier 209 SAPIENZA Paola 342 SARACENO Chiara 403 SARGENT Thomas J. 405 SARTOR Giovanni 26, 79, 173, 174, 288, 298, 299, 300, 355, 356 421

SAURE Philip 225, 265, 346, 381 SAURUGGER Sabine 65 SAVELLI Aurora 175 SAYED Fatma El-zahraa Hassan 9, 305, 359 SCHABAS William A. 21 SCHAFER D 345 SCHARPF Fritz W. 405 SCHEININ Martin 83, 104, 118, 176, 177, 239, 300, 357 SCHERR Kathrin 214, 239, 352 SCHIJF H. 308 SCHIMMELFENNIG F. 326 SCHIPPER Liesbeth 306 SCHIVARDI Fabiano 224, 342 SCHLAG Karl H. 341, 346, 378, 381 SCHMIDT-EISENLOHR Tim 343 SCHMIT Hermann 319 SCHMITTER Philippe C. 310, 311 SCHMITT-GROHE Stephanie 225, 346 SCHNYDER Marco 209, 231 SCHROEDER Ursula 253, 260 SCHUETT Florian 347, 381 SCHULZ-FORBERG Hagen 325 SCHUMACHER Christian 344 SCHWANDER Hanna 378 SCHWEITZER Heike 239, 300, 301, 325, 326, 357 SCHWERDT Guido 347 SCHWERTMANN Philipp 305, 331 SCOTT Joanne 178, 301 SCOTT Joan W. 403 SCOVAZZI Tullio 81 SEBASTIANI Silvia 179 SEDELMEIER Ulrich 180, 326 SENIOR NELLO Susan 373 SENSENIG-DABBOUS Eugene 396 SERIU Naoko 265, 333 SERRANO-VELARD Nicolas 204 4 22 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

SESMA LANDRIN Nicolás 209 SGHERRI Silvia 341 SHABAN Azza 77 SHALABI Yasser 395 SHECHTER Relli 366 SHENDY Riham 204, 347 SHEN Wei 399 SHKOLNIKOV Vladimir M. 261 SIERHUIS Freya 209 SIEVERS Wiebke 20 SILVA Federico 220 SIMONELLI Saverio 225, 346 SIMON Vera 209 SINN Hans-Werner 35, 36 SINTOMER Yves 316 SKAARUP Bjørn Okholm 209 SKÅLEVÅG Svein Atle 333, 350, 381 SKODO Admir 126, 227, 231 SKOGSTAD Grace 363 SKOUTARIS Nikos 214, 239 SKOVGAARD Jakob 363 SLEPCEVIC Reinhard 265, 333, 381 SMITH-DOERR Laurel 259 SMITH Gordon 90, 91, 247 SMITH Stephen Anthony 181, 182, 232, 281, 282 SOBCZAK Anna 252 SOBRINO Irene 214 SOEN Violet 333, 382 SØRENSEN Anders Thornvig 209 SOLERA Cristina 183 SOMSEN Han 301 SONKAJARVI Hanna 184 SOOMAN Imbi 185 SOSSAI Mirko 358 SPADY Richard 347 SPANJE Joost Van 220 SPERNBAUER Martina 352

SPIESER Catherine 252, 316 SPINELLI Riccardo 37 SPRENGEL Rainer 305, 331 STARK Oded 398 STASTNY Michael 373 STEFFEN Katrin 373 STEINACHER Roland 276 STEINMO Sven 116, 252, 317 STINGA Laurentiu 220, 363 STOECKL Kristina 186, 252 STÖLTING Sarah 225, 347 STOFT Steven 373 STOLTENBERG Christian A. 378 STORPER Michael 257 STORSKRUBB Eva 187 STOURAITI Anastasia 350, 382 STOYANOVA Milena 373 STRAßBURGER Gaby 331 STRATH Bo 127, 280, 282 STREECK Wolfgang 113 STUHL Frauke 155 STURM Jan-Egbert 35, 36 SUREL Yves 133 SUZUKI Hitoshi 209 SVETLICINII Alexandr 240, 302 SWAIN Ashok 243 SWANK Otto H. 347 SZANTO Mickaël 209 SZELEWA Dorota 220 T TABAR Paul 397 TALPIN Julien 220 TANI Massimiliano 399 TATHAM Michael Robert 252, 253 TAVAVERA O 345 TEICHLER Thomas 220 TELES Pedro 340, 377

TERRASA LOZANO Antonio 209 TEUBNER Gunther 405 THAL Jeanine 347, 382 THATCHER Mark 93, 326, 327, 373 THER Philipp 56, 105, 188, 189 THOMASSEN Jacques 363 THOMASSON Fredrik 209 TILMANS Karin 382 TISCORNIA Daniela 79 TOCCI Nathalie 302, 327 TOGNARINI Niccolò 209 TÓKA Gábor 253, 325, 327 TOKIC Mate Nikola 373 TOMASZEWSKI Wojciech 220 TOMUSCHAT Christian 190 TORP Claudius 96, 278 TORP Cornelius 259, 327 TORRITI Jacopo 322, 327, 373, 398 TOSHKOV Dimiter 257 TOUZENIS Kristina 388 TRABANDT Mathias 347 TRAISBACH Knut 352 TRAUSCHWEIZER Ingo 382 TRECHSEL Alexander H. 191, 243, 253, 310, 311, 317 TREMBLAY Luc B. 357 TRENKLER Carsten 225 TRENTINI Claudia 204 TRENTMANN Frank 24, 192 TRENZ Hans-Jörg 370 TRIÃES João 55 TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Anna 12, 253, 255, 327, 328 TRISCRITTI Fiorella 220, 373 TRÜPER Henning 209 TSALPATOUROS Eva 214 TSAROUHAS Dimitris 373 TUDOR Ioana 193 TURNER VOAKES Lucy 209 423

TWOMEY Paul 328 TZAVARA Dionisia 367, 373, 374 U UNGUREANU Camil 220 URIBE Martin 225, 346 UUSKULA Lenno 346 V VADENBRING Joanna 210 VADI Valentina 240, 241, 302 VALENSI Lucette 406 VALENTINI Chiara 26, 265, 334 VALENTINI Laura 265 VAN DAMME Stéphane 163, 231, 281 VAN DE GRAAF Thijs 371 VAN DER BRUG Wouter 253, 309, 319 VAN DER EIJK Cees 253, 309, 317, 319 VAN DER LINDEN Huub 232, 282 VAN DER PLOEG Frederick 260, 328, 337, 338, 347, 348 VAN DER WEELE Joel 348 VAN ENGELAND Anicée 357, 382 VAN GELDEREN Martin 282 VAN HOOREN Franca 253 VAN NISPEN Frans 374 VAN VOOREN Bart 241 VÅRHEIM Andreas 252 VASCONCELOS Jorge 403 VASHAKMADZE Mindia 194, 265 VASILAKOS Nicholas 369 VAUCHEZ Antoine 260, 328, 366, 374 VEDRES Balazs 244 VEGA-REDONDO Fernando 224, 340, 341, 348 VELIZHEV Mikhail 350, 382 VELLA Francesco 34 VENNESSON Pascal 253, 260, 317, 328, 329, 363, 374 VENTURINI Alessandra 387, 395 VEREDAS David 344, 379 4 24 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

VERHOEVEN Claudia 329 VERSTICHEL Annelies 195, 214 VERTOVA Pietro 341, 377 VEUGELERS Reinhilde 328, 348 VICHERAT Daniela 318 VIEGI Nicola 340 VIELLIARD Nicolas 263 VIERUCCI Luisa 69 VIGNOLO Thierry 340, 348 VILLEGAS SANCHEZ Carolina 204 VILLUMSEN Trine 245 VINELLA Annalisa 319, 365 VINX Lars 196, 357, 382 VIOLA Antonella 210 VISSER Bauke 347 VIVES Xavier 35, 36 VIVIANO Eliana 225 VLOEBERGHS Ward 374 VOGEL Claudia 243, 250, 312 VOLCKART Oliver 338, 376 VON BELOW Susanne 372 VON DANWITZ Thomas 357 VON DER FEHR Nils-Henrik M. 374 VON HEIN Jan 70 VON HOMEYER Ingmar 302 VORDERWÜLBECKE Janou 210 VORISEK Michael 220, 318 VRDOLJAK Ana Filipa 358 VUSHKO Iryna 382 W WALECKI Marcin 315, 334, 363, 382 WALIGORSKA Magdalena 210, 232, 282 WALKER Neil 329, 354, 357 WALLACE Helen 150 WEBER Guglielmo 338, 376, 377 WEBER Henning 374 WEEKS Liam 359

WEINGAST Barry R. 406 WEINMANN Jens 374 WENDLING Cécile 220 WESSELS Wolfgang 125, 322 WESTPHAL Anne Kruse 262 WETZLING Thorsten Manuel 318 WHELEHAN Niall 210, 232 WHITE Jonathan 220 WHITE Nigel D. 358 WILHELMSSON Thomas 235 WILSON Alex 220, 251, 253, 363 WILSON Rodney 403 WINTER Christoph 204, 348 WITTROCK Jon 220 WOLAK Frank A. 371 WOLSZCZAK-DERLACZ Joanna 337, 348, 349, 375, 382 WU Chien-Huei 214 WUNDER Annett 215 WURTZBACHER Estelle 214 WYCHERLEY Michael 204 X XAVIER Angela Barreto 197 XU Fang 263, 344, 379 Y YACOBI Haim 395, 397 YANIK Lerna K. 374 YARDIMCI Sibel 374 YOSHIDA Takashi 370 YOUNG Alasdair R. 180, 326 YPI Lea Leman 220, 253, 254 YUN-CASALILLA Bartolome 198, 232, 281, 283 Z ZAAGSMA Gerben 210 ZAGLER Martin 373 ZALUSKI Wojciech 358, 382 ZAMPARELLI Luca 224, 256, 257

ZANETTI Cristiano 199 ZANTEDESCHI Francesca 210 ZHANG Ping 214 ZIEMELE Ineta 358 ZILLER Jacques 74, 200, 241, 302, 303, 329, 403 ZINGALES Luigi 342 ZOABI Hosny 348, 382 ZOHRY Ayman 397 ZUTAVERN Jan 254 ZWART Sanne 225, 265, 341, 348, 378, 382


Cadmus and Academic Publications at the EUI

Academic Publications at the EUI

Academic publications include:

The EUI is the largest post-graduate social science research institute in Europe with members coming from all over the world. Their research results in a wide variety of academic publications in various genres, languages, media and countries. Trying to keep track of this output is a challenging task and the cooperation of all EUI members in reporting their publications is essential for its success. The results are recorded in a dedicated database called CADMUS and, whenever possible, an electronic version of the full text is made publicly available online. EUI academic publications are the published output of EUI members during their stay at the Institute or as a result of research carried out during that time. Also included are all publications from any academic series sponsored by the EUI such as its various working-papers series and the theses produced by the researchers in the four departments.

• • • • •

The following count as EUI members: • •

Professors in the four departments, the Robert Schuman Centre and the Max Weber Programme All invited fellows (Jean Monnet, Max Weber, Fernand Braudel, European Commission and Marie-Curie Fellows, etc) as well as visiting professors, fellows and students; research associates and research assistants under contract Researchers in the EUI’s four departments

Authored books Edited books Chapters in edited books Articles in learned journals Working papers (and similar series, both at EUI and outside) • EUI theses (Ph.Ds and LL.Ms) Excluded are journalistic pieces, short book reviews and transcripts of conference proceedings. EUI-sponsored academic publications include: • •

EUI PhD and LLM theses All working-papers, policy papers, lectures series and research reports published by the four departments, the Robert Schuman Centre and the Max Weber Programme; Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law The European Journal of Legal Studies

CADMUS: The Institutional Repository of EUI Academic Publications The bibliographical details of EUI academic publications (and, whenever available, the electronic full text) are contained in an open-archive database and repository called Cadmus. (In Greek mythology, Cadmus was the brother of Europa and introduced the Phoenician alphabet to the Greeks). 429

As an open-archive database, the contents of Cadmus are regularly searched and indexed by major internet search engines thereby raising the public profile of the EUI and helping to disseminate global awareness of the results of the research carried out by its members. At the time of writing (October 2009), Cadmus contains over 8,000 item records along with more than 1,600 documents available in full-text An average of 22,250 full-text PDFs of Working Papers, Reports, Articles and Theses are downloaded from every month. The structure of Cadmus Cadmus is based on an open-source software called DSpace which can be adapted to the needs of individual research institutions. At the EUI, it is structured in the following manner: Items, corresponding to individual academic publications, are placed in specialised collections which have been organised into communities. For example, an article by a professor in the Law department is an item in the collection ‘LAW Articles’ which is part of the community ‘Department of Law (LAW)’. The academic publications of the EUI have been divided between eight communities. Six of these communities correspond to the principal academic units of the EUI • Department of Economics (ECO) • Department of Law (LAW) • Department of History and Civilization (HEC) 4 30 - Europea n Universit y I n st it u te

Department of Political and Social Sciences (SPS) • Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) • Max Weber Programme (MWP) The remaining two communities are major EUI-sponsored series • EUI Working Papers • EUI Theses Within these communities can be found collections of different types of academic publications. The two EUI-sponsored series contain collections of EUI theses and working papers respectively whereas the communities based on the EUI’s academic units contain collections of authored books, edited books, journal articles, contributions to books, working papers (and similar series). In addition, the communities based on the four departments contain collections of the theses produced by their researchers. Please note that items and collections can belong to more than one community: for example, the collection of ECO Working Papers belongs to both the Department of Economics (ECO) community and the EUI Working Papers community. Notifying Cadmus of new publications: The details of new academic publications by EUI members are entered into Cadmus on a regular basis. • EUI theses and EUI working papers are entered directly by Library staff and do not require any notification by the author

All other academic publications meant for inclusion in Cadmus should be notified by the author in an email to after they have been published; forthcoming publications are not included Notification should give full bibliographical details of the publication

Adding the full text of publications When possible, Cadmus contains the electronic full text of the publication. This aspect of Cadmus is still at an early stage of development and most of the full-text currently available belongs to the various EUI working-papers series. It is hoped that in the future concessions from publishers will allow the addition of full-text versions of journal articles, contributions to edited books and eventually entire monographs. An increasing number of EUI PhD graduates place a protected PDF version of their theses on Cadmus. No part of a thesis may be copied, reproduced or transmitted without prior permission of the author. Authors wishing to add the full text of their publications to Cadmus should contact

the EUI’s support of the research that led to the publication and does not imply any EUI ownership of the publication. The copyright of any full text made available on Cadmus remains with the original copyright owner(s). Placing full-text on Cadmus can only be carried out with the permission of the copyright owner(s) and of any other parties such as co-authors and publishers who have rights in the publication. In addition, users of Cadmus are obliged to observe the following restrictions: Documents in the EUI Repository may be downloaded only for personal research purposes. Any additional reproduction for other purposes, whether in hard copies or electronically, requires the consent of the author(s), editor(s). If cited or quoted, reference should be made to the full name of the author(s), editor(s), the title, the working paper, or other series, the year and the publisher. More information about copyright, publishers and institutional repositories can be found at

Copyright and ownership Adding the record of a publication to Cadmus or making available a full-text version in no way changes the ownership or copyright of the publication. A bibliographical entry in Cadmus records 431

Academic Publications: Autumn 2007 - Summer 2009

European University Institute Via dei Roccettini, 9 I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole - Italy

Š European University Institute, 2009

The European Commission supports the EUI through the European Union budget. This publication reflects the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Academic Publications EUI

Autumn 2007 - Summer 2009

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