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Edited by: Dominik DüsterhausMAY 2023
1. Five Candles for the GDPR – A Symposium
Dominik Düsterhaus
2. Clash of Titans: Arti cial Intelligence and GDPR - A Modern Ba le of Technology and Privacy
Boris Paal
3. International Data Transfers a er Five Years of the GDPR: Postmodern Anxieties
Christopher Kuner
4. What if the new adequacy decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework were to be declared invalid – again? Ways forward and out of the international-data-transfer dilemma
Susanne Dehmel
5. e Troubled Transnational Enforcement of the GDPR
Orla Lynskey
6. Are the nes ne? A tale of disharmony and opacity of GDPR enforcement?
Naomi Lintvedt
7. Do data subjects have a right to detailed disclosure of how an automated decision has been made (‘right to explanation’)?
Katrin Blasek
8. Processing in the context of employment – Will there ever be consistent rules under or beyond Article 88 GDPR?
Emilia Fronczak
9. Striking a Balance: Interpreting the Journalistic Exemption of Article 85 GDPR
Päivi Korpisaari
10. Procedures Ma er – What to Address in GDPR reform and a new GDPR Procedural Regulation
Herwig C.H. Hofmann and Lise e Mustert
11.GDPR’s Right to Compensation and the Österreichische Post Case (C-300/21): Major Breakthrough or Much Ado about Nothing?
Jonas Knetsch
12. EU Data protection law & politics – A Candle that burns at both ends?
Dominik Düsterhaus