StateAid in Times of Crisis
Edited by: Lena Hornkohl and David Pérez de LamoState Aid in Times of Crises
Edited by Lena Hornkohl and David Pérez de Lamo1. State Aid’s Stress Test
Alfonso Lamadrid de Pablo
2. From Persona Non Grata To De Facto EU Resolution Authority: e European Commission and State Aid to Banks during the Financial Crisis
Sven Frisch
3. State Aid Legal Bases and the Temporary Framework During the COVID-19 Crisis
Juan Jorge Piernas López and Michelle Cini
4. Should Member States Respond to Crises with Individual Aid Measures?
Phedon Nicolaides
5.What Kind of Competition Does EU State Aid Law Protect? A Tale of Two Crises
Antonios Bouchagiar
6.Public support during the pandemic: evaluation on the use of State aid control between the Temporary Framework and the Recovery and Resilience Facility
Irene Agnolucci
7. Bend it until it breaks: Flexibility of Temporary Crisis Framework in the context of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Dzhuliia Lypalo
8. Race to the very bo om? – e EU response to Foreign Crisis Subsidies
Lena Hornkohl
9. e ‘Green Deal Industrial Plan’ as an interplay between crisis regulation and existing State aid rules
Christopher Montgomery Vollert
10. Sustainability, climate protection and the State aid practice in times of crisis: a chimera?
Maria Segura