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Insights, Analyses & Op-Eds

on the Data Act: between a rock



EU LAW LIVE Nº137 · APRIL 1, 2023

READ hardplace

In this Op-Ed, the author focuses on the business-togovernmentdatasharingaspectoftheproposalandthestruggle between public sector access and industry interests. e author explores the positions of different stakeholders, such astheCzechandSwedishpresidenciesoftheEUCounciland industry organizations, and discusses the implications of the modicationsmadetotheproposalforthefutureofbusinessto-governmentdatasharingintheEU


by Adrián Crespo Velasco

by Walter Bruno


Op-Ed on the case C-375/21, Sdruzhenie’ Za Cemyata – dostap do pravosadle’ and Others, about the coordination of two EU measures against air pollution: the Industrial Emissions DirectiveandtheAmbientAirQualityDirective.

Analysis of the case MS (C-522/21), in which the Court of Justice ruled on the damages for holders of plant variety rights coveredbytheso-called‘agriculturalexemption’.

by Florian Jonniaux

Analysis on the case American Airlines v Commission (C-127/21 P) in which the Court of Justice dismissed the appeal brought by American Airlines Inc by which it asked the Court of Justice to set aside the judgment of the General Court in American Airlines v Commission (T-430/18). In the laer, the General Court dismissed its action for annulment of Commission Decision granting Grandfathering rights to DeltaAirLinesforslotsatLondonHeathrowAirport

by Marta Simoncini

Analysis of the joined cases Tazzei v Commission (T-825/19) and Tazzei v Commission (T-826/19), in which the General Court annulled European Commission’s decisionscontainedinaseriesofleersandemailsconcerningthe Commission Implementing Regulation 2019/661 ensuring the smooth functioning of the electronic registry for quotas forplacinghydrouorocarbonsonthemarket

Cross-border subsidies: WTO versus BRI (Cases T-480/20 Hengshi Egypt and Jushi Egypt and T-540/20 Jushi Egypt)

by Clément Bouvarel and Agnieszka Nosowicz

Op-Ed on the cases Hengshi Egypt Fiberglass Fabrics and Jushi EgyptforFiberglassIndustryvCommission(T-480/20)andJushi Egypt for Fiberglass Industry v Commission (T-540/20), by which the General Court dismissed two actions seeking the annulment of Regulations imposing anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties on imports of glass bre fabrics originatinginChinaandEgypt.

by Catherine Warin

In this Op-Ed the author analyses the judgment in Dual Prod (C-412/21), in which the Court of Justice ruled on a preliminary ruling request by the Satu Mare District Court (Tribunalul Satu Mare) on whether the presumption of innocence and the ne bis in idem principles under Articles 48(1) and 50 of the Charter, read in conjunction with Article 16(1) of Excise Duty Directive 2008/118, preclude the administrative suspensionofanauthorisationasataxwarehouse-keeper.

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Editor-in-Chief: Daniel Sarmiento

In-Depth and Weekend Edition Editor

Sara Iglesias Sánchez

Editorial Board:

Maja Brkan, Marco Lamandini, Adolfo Martín, Jorge Piernas, Ana Ramalho, René Repasi, Anne-Lise Sibony, Araceli Turmo, Isabelle Van Damme, Maria Dolores Utrilla and Maria Weimer

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