The PNB Banka Cases Some Reflections on the Specificity of the Integration Law in the SSM System
Francesco Martucci
To what extent does the Banking Union mark a deepening of the integration method in the EU? e four judgments in the so-called case PNB Banka give a good illustration of this topic (2) e General Court dismissed the PNB’sactionforannulmentrelatedtofourdecisionsoftheECB.
First of all, it is necessary to recall the facts, which are somewhat complex. PNB Bank is a credit institution governedbyLatvianlawwhichsuppliedawiderangeofbanking, nancialandcapitalmanagementservices Itwasoriginally a less signi cant credit institution placed under the direct prudential supervision of the Latvian Regulator(FCMC) CRwastheapplicant’smajorityshareholder InFebruary2016andAugust2017,theFCMCimposedadditionalprovisionsrelatingtoprudentialrequirementsontheapplicant.Atthesametime,PNBBankanoti ed the FCMC of its intention to directly acquire a qualifying holding in another Latvian credit institution B and to exceed 50% of the capital and voting rights in the la er. On the same day, CR noti ed the FCMC of his intentiontoacquire,indirectlythroughhisshareholdingintheapplicant,aqualifyingholdinginthetargetbank
On 21 December 2018, the FCMC requested the ECB to take over the direct prudential supervision of the applicant. On 10 January 2019, the ECB’s Supervisory Board approved the dra decision to conduct an on-site inspection at the applicant’s premises. As the Governing Council of the ECB raised no objection, the dra decision was deemed adopted on 21 January 2019 which had been contested by PNB Banka before the General Court (Decision1,CaseT-275/19).Byle erof1March2019,theECBnoti edPNBBankathatithaddecidedtoclassify it as a signi cant entity subject to its direct prudential supervision. e applicant lodged an action for annulment against this decision (Decision 2, T-301/19). At the same time, a er the FCMC submi ed to the ECB a proposal for a decision, the ECB noti ed on 21 March 2019 to PNB Banka its decision to oppose the acquisition of qualifying holdings. e applicant brought also an action for annulment against this decision (Decision
2. ,PNBBankavECB(T-275/19,EU:T:2022:781); JudgmentoftheGeneralCourtof 7December2022 judgmentof theGeneralCourtof 7December2022,PNBBankavECB(T-301/19,EU:T:2022:774); judgmentof theGeneralCourtof 7December2022,PNBBankavECB(T-330/19,EU:T:2022:775); judgmentof theGeneralCourtof 7December2022,PNBBankavECB(T-230/20,EU:T:2022:782).
3,T-330/19) Finally,whentheECBconcludedthatPNBwasfailingorlikelytofail,theSingleResolutionBoard had not to adopt a resolution scheme. e FCMC initiated insolvency proceedings. e Riga City Court declared the applicant insolvent pursuant to the Latvian legislation on civil procedure. erefore, on 17 February 2020, on the basis of proposal for a decision submi ed by the FCMC, the ECB withdrew the applicant’s authorisation in accordance with the Latvian legislation on credit institutions. PNB Banka lodged an action against this decisionoftheECB(Decision 4,T-230/20).