Jack of All Trades is a Master of None: European Media Freedom Act Proposal
In September 2022, the Commission proposed a dra European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) (2) based on Article 114 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Surprisingly, it did not stir as much interest as the widely discussed Digital Services Act (3) nor the Digital Market Act (4), as it seems to have fallen under the radar because of those two acts. In this short contribution, we will show that, despite having a noble cause, the proposed EMFA is an instrument that will not advance the protection of freedom of expression but could create an additional and unnecessary burden on companies. We will also arguethattheCommissionshouldusetheinstrumentsitalreadyhasatitsdisposal,i.e.,theAudiovisualMediaandServices Directive (AVMSD) (5) and the EU Merger Regulation (6), more actively instead. Due to the limited scope of the contribution, we will focus on the example of the obligations of Member States to ensure the assessment of media market concentration cases that may have a signi cant impact on media pluralism and editorial independence. We will not discuss whether Article 114 TFEU is a proper legalbasisforthislegislativepieceorthequestionaboutstateadvertising(7),asthoseissuesmeritseparateanalyses
1.Dr.OlgaBaturaspecialisesintheregulation ofelectroniccommunicationsandteachesattheLeuphanaUniversityandDukeKunshanUniversity. Dr MalgorzataKozakisAssistantProfessorofEuropeanLawatUtrechtUniversitySchoolofLawandCentreforSharedRegulation andEnforcementinEurope –RENFORCE.
2. European Commission, Proposal for aRegulation of the European Parliamentand the Council establishing a common framework for media services in the internalmarketandamendingDirective2010/13/EU,COM(2022)457 nal, 16.09.2022.
3. of the European Parliamentand of the Council of 19 October2022 on a Single Market For Digital Services and amending Direc- Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 tive2000/31/EC,OJL277,27.10.2022.
4. of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September 2022 on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector and Regulation (EU) 2022/1925 amendingDirectives(EU)2019/1937and(EU)2020/1828,OJL265,12.10.2022.
5. of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regula- Directive 2010/13/EU tion or administrative action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services (Codi ed version) OJ L 95, 15.4.2010, p 1–24. Consolidatedversionof18.12.2018,L303/69.
6. of20January2004onthecontrolofconcentrationsbetweenundertakings,OJL24,29.1.2004. CouncilRegulation (EC)No139/2004
7.MałgorzataKozak,‘ emediapluralismprinciple,FinancingofpublicbroadcastersandEUlaw’Forthcoming.
Despite having a noble cause, the proposed EMFA is an instrument that will not advance the protection of freedom of expression but could create an additional and unnecessary burden on companies