Fighting Fire with Fire: the Proposal against SLAPP (Strategic Litigation against Public Participation)
In April 2022, the European Commission proposed a Directive on protecting persons who are facing strategic lawsuits because of their public participation (2). e concept of strategic lawsuits against public participation (or SLAPP) has been established in the United States of America, where the litigation costs can be extremely high even for the winning defendant. In the continental legal system, the losing party pays the bill, but still: reimbursement takes place with a signi cant delay, as lawsuits can drag on for several years Beyond the costs, a lawsuitbringsseveralothersocialandpersonaldisadvantagesthatmaypotentiallyintimidatethedefendantandsuppressdissentinma ersofpublicimportance Anotherspeci cburdeniswhenthelegalactionisinitiatedinanotherState.