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Insights, Analyses & Op-Eds
by eulawlive
BNP Paribas: A Hesitant Answer to an Open Invitation to Engage with Member States’ Courts on the Contents of Res Judicata in International Private Law
by Araceli Turmo
Op-Ed on the Court of Justice’s judgment in BNP Paribas (C-567/21) concerning the principle of res judicata within thecontextoftheBrusselsIRegulation.
Privacy rights and effective enforcement of competition law: a tumultuous relationship
by Stavros Makri
Op-Ed on the Court of Justice’s ruling in Meta Platforms Ireland v Commission (T-451/20) and Meta Platforms Ireland v Commission (T-452/20) concerning the European Commission’s antitrust investigations, which may affect fundamental rights, and the way the Courts interpret such rights, which canaffectthefateoftheCommission’sinvestigationsand,thereby, contribute but also undermine the effective application ofthelaw.
EU Accession to the Istanbul Convention: new legal paths for the protection ofwomenfromviolenceinEurope
by Sara de Vido
Op-Ed on the ratication of the Istanbul Convention by the EUanditspositionvis-à-vistheadoptionofanadvancedEUdirective whose scope goes even beyond the one of the Conventionitself,especiallywithregardtoICT-facilitatedviolence.
by Joana Gama Gomes
Op-Ed on why the Members of the European Parliament are demanding further regulation in regard to AI, in addition to theproposedAILiabilityDirective.
by Elijah Granet
Analysis of the Court of Justice’s judgment in case IS & KS v YYY, S.A (C-570/21) regarding the clarication of the denition of ‘ consumer ’
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Editor-in-Chief: Daniel Sarmiento
In-Depth and Weekend Edition Editor
Sara Iglesias Sánchez
Editorial Board:
Maja Brkan, Marco Lamandini, Adolfo Martín, Jorge Piernas, Ana Ramalho, René Repasi, Anne-Lise Sibony, Araceli Turmo, Isabelle Van Damme, Maria Dolores Utrilla and Maria Weimer
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