The duty of national courts of applying EU law ex officio: drawing (some) lines in the sand
Enrique Arnaldos Orts & Mariolina Eliantonio1
To what extent shall a national judge apply on its own motion a rule of EU law not invoked by the parties? How should a national judge act in cases where it is constrained by national procedural rules not to apply a rule of EU lawonitsownmotion?
Frequent readers of the case law of the Court of Justice could rapidly assert that these questions have been already addressed in the landmark cases such as Van Schijdnel (2), Peterbroeck (3) or Van der Weerd (4). Connoisseurs may even point out that this is a case-oriented judicial saga, and that, beyond the general standards provided for by the Rewe (5) principles of effectiveness and equivalence, exceptions to the general rules only exist in very speci c elds of EU law, and namely that of consumer protection against unfair contract terms, where considerablydemandingobligationsareimposeduponnationaljudges