Are Transnational Subsidies Regulated by EU and WTO law?
The General Court has spoken (Case T-480/20 and Case T-540/20)
Luca Nº150 · JULY 15, 2023
Rubini 1
On 1 March 2023 the General Court passed its decisions in two important cases (Case T-480/20 Hengshi Egypt Fiberglass Fabrics (2) and Case T-540/20 Jushi Egypt for Fiberglass Industry. (3) ese decisions,takenbytheFirstChamber,initsExtendedComposition,constitutethejudicialreviewoftwoRegulationsadoptedbytheEuropean Commission which imposed countervailing duties on the imports of certain glass bre fabrics originating from Egypt. e signi cance of the cases lies in the fact that the General Court con rmed the EU Commission’s interpretation whereby EU countervailing duty laws, represented by Regulation 2016/2037 (also known as ‘basic antisubsidy regulation’), (4) can also cover so-called transnational subsidies,i.e ,thosesubsidieswherethe nancialcontributiondoesnotcomedirectlyfromthecountryofexportbutfromadifferentcountry.