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Eumundi Voice - Issue 100, 22 August 2024


As we celebrate Eumundi Voice’s 100th issue, we would like to reflect on the reasons behind the success of our publication over the past 4 years. Despite the economic challenges facing many of our small businesses, the Eumundi community continues to consistently support us – not just through advertising – but by sharing news, events and stories that highlight our wonderful community.

So, what defines the success of a community publication?

Some may measure success based on financial gain, or perhaps in our case as a not-forprofit organisation, donations made back to the community. Since our inception we have donated $44,000 to a variety of local charities and organisations.

Some may measure our success on how far we extend our readership, or how many magazines our volunteers deliver come rain, hail or shine each fortnight.

Some may measure our success on the number of events shared, and the interesting articles produced. Or the connection and enjoyment that are shared at one of our wonderfully engaging and often eclectic writers’ group meetings. Or maybe it can be measured on the smooth running of a board meeting or a set of balanced books?

In our view the success of Eumundi Voice is defined by all these factors, but most importantly it is also defined by the sense of purpose it gives to our members and volunteers. The production of Eumundi Voice brings together people, stories and events which in turn provide us with a vital ingredient – a vehicle for connecting our community.

Eumundi Voice is an initiative that involves our whole Rotary club and a dedicated group of community volunteers who selflessly give up their time to ensure that together we can continue to provide this valuable service.

With their continued involvement and effort, we hope that Eumundi Voice will continue to evolve and grow, bringing joy and connection to our community for another 100 issues and beyond.

Thank you to all our volunteers and for the community’s ongoing support.

On behalf of the Eumundi Rotary Initiatives Ltd (ERIL) board

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