2 minute read
Eumundi Voice, Issue 101, 5 September 2024
Magpies FC brings new energy to Eumundi
On a classic warm Eumundi evening late in August, a group of locals gathered on the hill at the Eumundi Sports Complex watching the magpies playing in the bright sunshine. The
difference on this particular occasion is that our well-known magpies of the feathered kind, share their field of play with some very different birds! These new birds, also known as Magpies, have their feet solidly on the ground but move across the field just as swiftly as their feathered friends.
This gathering of birds of a different feather was to celebrate the inaugural outdoor season for the Eumundi Magpies FC and their acquiring a new home at the Eumundi Showgrounds and Sports Complex.
Club Coach Fern Navarrete and Club President Cherie Minniecon welcomed players, families, friends, and sponsors who attended the awards presentation at the Magpie’s new club house. All the players were awarded trophies for their participation. Several players were also recognised for their exceptional contributions on and off the field. Team managers and volunteers were thanked for their involvement, as were parents for their tremendous support.
All sponsors were recognised including the Qld Country Women’s Association Eumundi branch, that funded the trophies handed out during the presentation. Branch Vice-President Stephanie Ryder encouraged the young Magpies as they look forward to their club growing next season. The celebration continued with a special tribute video put together by club treasurer Rob Astill, which was followed with some great food, drinks, music and lots of cake.
If you know of anyone that might be interested in learning, improving and growing their soccer skills, visit eumundimagpies.org.au. Stephanie Ryder