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Eumundi Voice Issue 111, 20 February 2025
Eumundi recognised

Eumundi has been officially recognised as one of the best small towns in Australia – an accolade that comes as no surprise to those who live and work here. Escape.com recently published Australia’s hottest 100 small towns worth visiting, and Eumundi came in at number 28 on the list! Eumundi stands out for its iconic markets, thriving live music scene, creative energy and incredible fresh eats.
For more information on why Eumundi is worth a visit: experienceeumundi.com.au.
Eumundi streetscaping works

Stage 1 of Eumundi’s streetscaping works remain on track for completion by March 2025. The area adjacent to Dick Caplick Park and near the Etheridge St/Memorial Dr intersection are the current focus of construction.
Construction of the raised pedestrian crossing and new kerb and footpath works adjacent to the Imperial Hotel is almost complete. The area will include new public seating, wayfinding signage, upgraded footpath and new pram ramps, landscaping, a heritage interpretation 'Bullock Circle', bicycle racks, water fountain and bins, drainage and lighting. As each area is completed, landscaping will follow progressively with over 1,400 new plants, including 26 street trees. Traffic control and detours are in place for safety reasons, with temporary signage to help direct motorists and pedestrians. At times, on-street parking areas will be temporarily unavailable for use for safety reasons. Free temporary parking remains available at the upper carpark area near
the roundabout (approximately 200m walk from the CWA building). Access is from Napier Rd and the carpark is currently being underutilised. If this free parking offered at this site is not used it will be removed at the end of February.
Please continue to support our local businesses during the construction phase. For further information on construction updates visit: t.ly/ R2lMi.
Eumundi Residents’ Assn

The Eumundi Residents Association (ERA) Inc was established last year by a group of enthusiastic locals to keep the 10,600 residents in our area informed about major development applications, changes in council and state planning policies and other issues which affect our liveability, amenity and wellbeing.
President Jutta Guenther said the association’s objectives included writing submissions which reflected the majority voice of Eumundi residents, lobbying all levels of government to improve infrastructure, and to source grant funding for community projects. Jutta is supported by Suzie Campin, Secretary and Lyn Johnston, Treasurer and the inaugural committee.
Issues ERA is currently looking into include: the council’s 20-year Dog Exercise Area Plan and lack of inclusion of Eumundi in its draft plan; sprucing up the Eumundi signage at the Caplick Way/Noosa-Eumundi Rd roundabout; getting footpath upgrades and road crossings included in the SCC Walking Network and Active Transport Network Plan; providing logistical support for the inaugural 2025 Eumundi Writers Festival to be held from 22-24 August this year.
Visit FB ERA and Eumundi Community. Email: secretary@eumundiresidents.org.au.