3 minute read
Eumundi Voice Issue 112, 6 March 2025
Community News HEALTH
Get a medicines review
Many of us are prescribed medicines by our doctors for everything from minor ailments to serious medical issues. However, all medicines can have side effects and potentially interact with other medicines we are taking or may worsen another medical condition we have.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care reports that over 1.5M Australians suffer an adverse event from medicines each year, resulting in at least 400,000 visits to general practitioners and 140,000 hospital admissions. Visit: t.ly/RcOQA.

Many of the adverse events could be prevented with improved medicines management. Pharmacists provide this through management strategies, identifying potential issues before they develop, and good communication with –and education of – their patients. Doctors can organise for a medicines review
This service is a free service if recommended by your doctor. It is well worth the time and effort to sit down with someone who understands medicines, their effects and what combinations are better than others.
by a credentialed pharmacist who can come to your house and do a comprehensive analysis of all your medications. A report is sent to your doctor with recommendations about your current medicine regime and whether changes to dosage, types or combinations are indicated or required.
This service is a free service if recommended by your doctor. It is well worth the time and effort to sit down with someone who understands medicines, their effects and what combinations are better than others.
Longtime local pharmacist John Woodward has been providing medicines reviews on the Sunshine Coast and Gympie region for many years. He believes that understanding what is important to you about your health can guide which medicines are best suited for you.
“What suits one person may not suit another and there are usually alternatives available if a certain medicine does not suit you,” said John. Along with performing medicines reviews, John and his wife Lisa Pulver have established MedicinesEd – to “help people mind their medicines.” They recognise that many people want to improve their understanding of medicines. Their mission is to empower people with the knowledge and confidence to use medicines safely and effectively for better health outcomes.
They offer face-to-face and online workshops with healthcare organisations and community groups across Qld and NSW. The workshops cover general medicines management issues, as well as specific topics such as mental health or pain. They also work with health professionals to better equip them to teach people about safe and effective medicines use.
The duo has recently launched a MedicinesEd Podcast, where John speaks with people about medicines and how they manage their health issues. To have a listen visit: medicinesed.com.au or for more information on medicines reviews visit: t.ly/UAPd1.