3 minute read

Eumundi Voice - Issue 97, 11 July 2024

Eumundi Rotary celebrates 10 years of service

A wonderful evening of celebration was held for the Eumundi Rotary annual Changeover Dinner at Sala Thai on 27 June. It was an extra special event with the club celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the club on 30 June 2014.

Eumundi Rotarians, their families, community leaders and members of surrounding Rotary clubs marked the occasion with presentations throughout the evening, outlining the many projects and accomplishments over the past year, whilst looking forward to the year ahead.

Outgoing President Joyce Turnbull spoke of the club’s approach to trial a shared model of leadership with the lead of each service area chairing a month of club meetings throughout the year. This created variety, encouraged leadership development and led to a higher level of connection during meetings and service projects.

Each service lead highlighted their portfolio’s achievements during the evening across the areas of community, youth, international, club, vocation, membership and the club’s major project the Eumundi Voice magazine. The activities and goals of the collaborative Rotarians 4 Mental Health (R4MH) project were also highlighted.

A total of $10,000 was donated to the community over the past 12 months. End-of-year donations included: Eumundi State School – including the Chappy Sam welfare initiatives, Rotary youth training programs, UniSc postgraduate scholarships, National Workware, Katie Rose Cottage Hospice, Kindness Collective, Choose the Tude, North Arm State School, Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC), Ella Ruster – netball sponsorship and Tell Your Daughters.

A special part of the evening was the recognition of Les Godwin – founding member, past president and treasurer – who was presented with the President’s Award for his dedication and service not only to the club, but also the greater community.

Incoming President Olivia Dolan accepted the Chain of Office with the assistance of Wendy Protheroe PDG, before sharing her vision for the year ahead.

In summarising the year’s achievements, Joyce quoted Margaret Mead. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

If you are interested in joining a group of committed individuals who can change the world, please email: secretary.eumundi@ rotary9620.org or visit eumundirotary.org.au.

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