Contents 1 Introduction PART A: CONCEPTUALISATION 3 6 10 16 16 17
A.1 Design Futuring A.2 Design Computerization A.3 Composition/Generation A.4 Conclusion A.5 Learning Outcome A.6 Algorithmic Sketch
My name is Eunji Shin, I know it is hard to find out how to pronounce my name but I don’t have any English name. It is hard to pick up one name that I like and now I know how foriegn people pronounce my name so it is okay to do not make another name. But I use random English name when I order coffee. I am from South Korea when I was in Year 9 in High School. I live with my family in Doncaster but I still miss my country and my people in Korea. I have decided to study architecture since it was my dream when I was young, but it doesn’t mean I still like architecture or I am good at drawings or something like that. Studio Air is my third studio in University of Melbourne, before this, I’ve done Designing Environments and Studio Water with the master of Alvaro Siza. Eventhough my major is Architecture, it is not easy to understand what’s good or bad/ right or wrong as there is no answer for designs, nand have a good presentation in front of people in English. I am a bit nervous and scared of doing presentation and get some criticisms like everyone does but, I like Studio Air because we all work as a group. I think this studio requires computerized design skills with creating patterns through Grasshopper which is not close to me, but, it is interesting that connecting square boxes can actually make a design.
Part A. Conceptualisation
A1. Design Futuring
For thinking about ‘Design for Future’, it is necessary to acknowledge about present and find out what things to be fixed to sustain our lives, nature and the earth in broad way. The critical issues that we face is lack of renewable energy use. Since human-being mainly uses fossil fuels that is limited and renewable resources are being used up at rate of 25per cent fastser then they can be renewed [1]. Now, adoption of alternative energy to buildings is encouraged as most of energy use is for maintain comfort such as temperature control or electricity for lighting or electrical goods and so on. It is significant to create constructions with less energy use or with energy generation from natural resource such as sunlight, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal energy or even biomass. However, it is important not only to aggregate energy generation technology and construction, but also to combine with design effectively. Autopoietic system/ autonomous network is considered as a most adaquate architectural system of communications. It contains recursive network of three categories which are artefects, knowledge and process. [2]
Precedent 1
Electric Meadow from Fresh Kills Park Project
Electric Meadow is a one of the projects from LAGI that has a feature of eco-friendly and generating energy, especially from wind. The design of the generator inspired by reed so that harmonise to the surrounding environment. The way of generating energy is from wind which is effective way in the vast (as Fresh Kills Park is three times larger than Central Park) and flat landscape wihtout any obstacles that avoid wind to blow. Furthermore, the design suits to the surrounding environments and inform and question people to think about why is it here and consequently notifying about energy generation or environment sustainability. The main purpose of the Freshkills Park is to providing a public place for delightful activities including horseback riding, mountain biking, hiking, kayaking, and large scale public art. Due to preserving nature that is connected to this eco-friendly project, the park support diverse habitats for wildlife, birds, and plant communities [9].
The brown thin steel rods that are connected to generator at the bottom create envergy from wind and rods are oriented on the site where has prevailing wind at the most. At the top of the rod, there is a small circular steel that effectively helps to catch a breeze. As each rod is anchored in the ground and connected to each rod, it is stable even rods swing like pendulum. Compared to normal wind generator that has a shape of windmill, the appearance of Electric Meadow is fairly simple and safe for a place that has high movement of people.[9]
Technology of Electronic Meadow starts from aggregated rods that is shaped of reeds. Those plenty of rods contain DC wiring that is connected into a root into the ground and all rods are connected as a one circuit known as a ‘string’ for standing stable and create electricity. Then collected electricity goes to a DC Combiner box and the box has a min disconnect switch. To generate power to a usable form, the combiner box inverts DC power to AC. The power from Electric Meadow is used for park lighting, kiosks, or can be used to change a battery bank for stored power [9].
A2. Design Computation
The way people face with architecture has been changing. In Renaissance period, there was a birth of plans, elevations and sections with proper scale and later, people don’t draw their architectural plans with proper scale by hands. The progress of technology made us to use a computer as a complex tool for architectural drawings and now, people simply generate their ideas with rough sketches and then covert it into computer programs. It is a huge and important evolution of design and computers make the process to be easier and create new forms or patterns. Moreover, it is quicker to redraw the plans and as it is accurate, it makes anyone can read and comprehend about constructions that is connected to the communications between architects and clients. Computer programs such as AutoCad, Rhinoceros and Revit digitize existing procedures to draw plans. Even 3D drawings in exact scale and challenges to variety of forms are possible before the actual building is constructed. Algorithm of design process is essential and inevitable ways to create a design definitely and efficiently. Digitalization ways of approaching the final design is unambiguous and simple to follow through inputting codes and certain geometry comes up. It includes form generation from performative design, morphogenesis, tectonic model and materialization then fabricate. However, there are limitations of the computation. Computer is a tool for architectural drawings so it is necessary to learn how to put correct codes to create a proper design what architects want. It is just a tool just like pencils or fine liners to express architects’ thoughts.
Precedent 2
Tower of Power in Taiwan
by NL Architects
Tower of Power is a 300m long high tower that is made of eco-friendly features that generate energy using wind turbine. As it is a tower, it serves potential of providing views of surrounding area. So the design of the whole constuction has symmetrical and contains visually opened using curtain walls that provides variety of views that would make this place as a Landmark of Taiwan city. The functions are including lobby, parking area, museum, office, conference centre and observatory [10]. The vertical axis wind turbines are used. This turbine has lower cut-in speed and can be placed lower than Horizontal axis wind turbines. VAWT can be positioned in closer than normal wind turbines with three or four wings because, typical wind turbines required to consider of shadow effect. Therefore, it creates more energy efficiency with dense configuration [7]. Tower of Power expressed the ideas of an architect through computerised way. To represent a certain type of patterns, in this case, structural net wrapped design with the features of programmatic elements that is called exo-skeleton. The patterns are repeated but the overall design of the building is from the aggregation of the Eiffel Tower and a typical wind turbine. It also reflect the cultural aspects as the design of net pattern is from bamboo weaving or Bamboo scaffolding. Moreover, the flower-like wind turbine what is called ‘the eddy’ associate visually with the net frame of exterior.
Precedent 3
Dynamic Tower in Dubai
Dynamic Tower is the world’s first rotating tower in Dubai. It is also eco-friendly tower as it generate energy to operate the construction that is from wind and sun. It is 80 storey building with the functions as an apartment, restaurants, hotels and office [11]. With 79 wind turbines and solar panels on the roof, the building generate and provides energy to the entire building so that the building can rotate. It takes around 90min for one rotation so that tenants or users of the tower would not feel any health issues and it also gives dynamic views. As it is a prefabricated construction, 30% less time is required compare to standard buildings [11]. The design of the tower is relatively simple but the rotating feature make this building special so there is no need to decorate with any other forms or exterior designs. The building is renowned as ‘The Best Inventions from Times’. It is possible to get recognition and attraction before the building is built. Because the computerization enable to explore many sorts of designs and technology and there is not much differences between computer drawings and real buildings. The development of technology highly influences this project to calculate energy generation systems to create more accurate and satisfied result.
by David Fisher
A3. Composition/ Generation
When architects have a sufficient understanding of algorithmic concepts, when we no longer need to discuss the digital as something different, then computation can become a true method of design for architecture. [5]
Algorithm is a finite set of rules or operations that are unambiguous and simple to follow. It is basically evolved due to the evolution of digital tools and computer programs [6]. As computers have technology from mathematical ground, it is possible to create forms that are made from use of mathematics. Parametric design is a good paradigm that emerged from computer design. Apart from the design that is used for classical or modern designs, parametric design has regular or irregular patterns in 3-D models, that is made from mathematical techniques using computer programs such as Rhino/Grasshopper or Revit[4]. The way of create a design is reasonably simple to follow. There is a simple concept of ‘input and output’. Whatever you type on the program that is called ‘scripting’, Scripting of algorithms is research-based experimental design [4]. As long as it is correct order, the form appears exactly what you put in. One of the well-known design style that is based on algorithmic process is Parametric Design. Parametric design thinking is defined as a new form of the logic of digital design thinking that is recently emerged in last decade. By changing the values of parameters, geometric relationships, a multiplicity of variable instances can be created. It enables the creation and modulation of the differentiation of the elements of a design. We can easily find buildings that adopted parametric design even in Melbourne City, for instance, AAMI Park and RMIT Design Hub.
Precedent 4
Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in South Korea
by Zaha Hadid
The DDP is a cultural hub at the centre of Dongdaemun in Seoul, Korea where is renowned place for 24hr shopping and cafes. The functions of DDP is including Exhibition Halls, Convention Halls, Design Museum, Library, Lab and Archives, Children’s Education Centre, Media Centre, Seminar Rooms and Sky Lounge. So the place is welcoming people in all age for cultural vitality of the city [13]. Zaha Hadid, most famous female architect, won the competition for DDP and selected design is mainly reflect her characteristics that it can be easily found from other projects of her design firm. The overall form of the construction only contains curves but in contrast, cladded sheets are all squares. Exposed concrete is used for ramps outside and bridge that connects trains station and the DDP. However, it doesn’t suit to the surrounding environments, in the middle of tall buildings with crowded people and cars on the street. Silver metal sheets are cladded with variety patterns covered construction that adds complexity on the area, and the silver metal with green roof isn’t beautiful. The function of the DDP is a cultural place for anyone can visit. But exterior has somewhat cold
But, the interior design is somehow different atmosphere due to the use of white colour and natural wood for stairs compare to silver steel covered exterior. The curves, one of the main design features for both exterior and interior express characteristics of Zaha Hadid and even with the same feature, the mood of exterior and interior design is different due to different materials. Overall, exterior design of DDP is not good as it doesn’t suit to surrounding as it suppose to, but I think interiror design provides good place for relax and have a procrastination while enjoying arts.
Precedent 5
Parametric Design “Urban Adopter� in Hong Kong
by Rocker-Lange Architecture
Urban Adopter is a public bench with parametric design which is new style of digital/computational design process[8]. Parametric design is a family of parameters and the design of the formal relations that are connected to each other. As it is use of algorithm, it is basically from mathematical and geometric relations that help to create a certain design. As the diagram on the left-bottom side shows, parametric design requires media skills of generation of modules based on Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) such as Rhino and later, the panels are integrated in parametric modular using such as Grasshopper [4]. Emerging a generation of integrated simulation software for energy and structural calculation is the state-of-art technology. Therefore, the design of the bench seems like aggregation of wood panels but it creates wavy and smooth forms as a whole. It is unusual as typical benches have solid forms and only serves for seating purpose. The curvy form of the bench creates not only extraordinary beauty but also, comfort for human body. It is interesting because it creates uniformity in the regularly placed wood panels but with different shapes that could represent dynamic and unique identity of Hong Kong city.
A.4 Conclusion Part A, conceptualization is learning about theories from reading about design future and computerization. Most of the study is basically from readings and then searching for precedents that relate to what I’ve learned from studio and lecture. To aim the design process what I will do for Part B and C, it is necessary to fully understand where to start and how to develop the ideas about the project, which is designing for architecture that generate energy. Precedents that I searched associated with mainly wind energy generator and other algorithmic design such as parametric design inspired me to how to engage technology into aesthetic. Investigating Grasshopper is another new way of designing which is hard to understand the computer programming process for me. It is interesting to create 3D design through Rhinoceros as I am not good at drawing. Through grasshopper, it enables to develop my design with variety of approaches so easily through typing algorithms. It is possible to randomly create design, fix and save it. It is the most effective way to combine technology into the life of architects or designers.
A.5 Learning Outcomes It is always important to start with foundations to understand whole themes or objects. Therefore, having a time of four weeks of comprehencing the concept of digitalized design in architecture is unevitable and it is enough time to have this opportunity to step up my design knowledge. It might be hard to fully understand the way how computer interpretates scripting or inputs but, once I try and know how to create variety of forms in Rhinoceroes and Grasshopper, now is a time to explore and create a new design with digitalized techniques. Reading gives a general understanding of the concepts what I have to understand and even suggests how to approach into new design process with computer programs. During the first three weeks, I could study about theories and actually try how to use Grasshopper from videos and all I have to do is just follow instructions from Coarse Reader. Through this experience,
A.6 Algorithmic Sketches Voronoi
Voronoi Diagram is one of the algorithms that can be found from nature such as the patterns of giraffes, wings of dragonfly and shall of turtles. I thought Voronoi Diagram is really interesting as I have seen some of the building design that is emerged from Voronoi, for instances, The Beijing National Aquatics Center, also known as the Water Cube in China and Airspace Tokyo in Japan. It is fairly easy to graft Voronoi patterns into any 2D or 3D geometry in Grasshopper and the diagram above shows three dimensional Voronoi diagram. Voronoi pattern seems like irregular polygon forms but it follows mathematical form that is based on Delaunay Triangulation. It starts with seeds/points and finds another new seeds that are midpoints of triangles that is created from original seeds, then the connections of new seeds has polygonal shapes which is Voronoi. It is fairly simple to make using Grasshopper, in comparison to the beauty of the pattern.
The Beijing National Aquatics Center, China, [15] The skeletons of the building frame is generated from Voronoi Diagram.
Airspace Tokyo, Japan, [14] Composition of 2D layers of Voronoi Diagram.
References [1]
Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), pp. 1–16
Schumacher, Patrik (2011). The Autopoiesis of Architecture: A New Framework for Architecture (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 1-28
Kalay, Yehuda E. (2004). Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer- Aided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 5-25
Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge), pp. 1–10
Peters, Brady. (2013) ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, 83, 2, pp. 08-15
Definition of ‘Algorithm’ in Wilson, Robert A. and Frank C. Keil, eds (1999). The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (London: MIT Press), pp. 11, 12
Ferry, Robert & Elizabeth Monoian, ‘A Field Guide to Renewable Energy Technologies’’, Land Art Gen erator Initiative, Copenhagen, 2014. pp 1 - 71
[8] Adopter by Rocker-Lange Architects
Bench Urban
Electric Meadow
[11] dubai-2012-02-11-1.442343 Dynamic Tower [12] [13] [14] [15]